#muse: taeron
tryingtimi · 10 months
The Dragon In The Parking Lot: Snip
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Madness by Muse. Oh, hell yeah, it's a Sasin song. The magical mafia WIP I haven't introduced here yet, lmao. But I've already started a side story for it. What a mess. Anyway, I'll insert that little thing I wrote for the side story with a tiny context.
Context: Taeri and Taeron are the infamous shapeshifter twins of one of the biggest mafia organisation in Naksan. They're the best among the best.
Taeron never seemed to get used to seeing his own face on his sister. 
He watched her stand beside the side of the grocery store, her — the hands that were the exact same as Taeron’s, buried deep in the sleeves of the hoodie she borrowed. She fidgeted with the edge, shoulders slumped, her face turning around every few seconds as if she was in trouble. As if she wanted to hide and disappear. 
Taeron pushed his tongue to the side of his mouth. He rolled back his shoulders instinctively, straightening his back. 
They were waiting here for a while now, and however warm it was in the car, Taeron knew Taeri was probably freezing. Her hand reached into her pocket, and she fished out her phone. 
Taeron’s own dinged at the same time he saw her fingers move.
Where is this bitch?
He could understand her annoyance, and he smiled at the thought of how strange others would have felt seeing the person she was acting as, then realise her true nature. He quickly typed a reply, offering some very brief comfort. 
Taeri was a professional, just like Taeron himself, therefore she never broke character on a mission. And still, after inspecting her phone, she stared at it for a moment longer and turned to Taeron’s direction, looking right at him. Then, she pulled out a cigarette. 
To Taeron’s dismay, he couldn’t stop her. The target did not know them, and so she wouldn’t be able to tell if the person before her was supposed to smoke or not. Yet, Taeron pursed his lips, and not just because his favorite piece of clothing was about to get smelly of tar.
With a sigh, he turned his attention back to his computer. 
The screens were sliced into four, each part showing the security cameras of the grocery store. Taeron barely broke a sweat to hack them, which wasn’t really a surprise. The Huin District wasn’t the most secure part of Naksan, and so why would they bother with a nearly abandoned liquor store on the edge of it. Only the general requirement of keeping the sad thing open was the reason why it had any camera at all. At least, that’s what Taeron’s guess would have been. 
He kept his eyes on the screen, reading through personal informations again, but he never let his peripheral focus lose Taeri beside the store.
After what seemed to be half an hour, the target finally arrived. 
There always was a fine line between what he expected and what the people who hired them actually looked like. The woman’s blazer barely stayed over that plump belly of hers, which reached the opposite effect than looking professional — what Taeron assumed she went for. Of course, it wasn’t his place to say anything; money was money. 
Taeri glanced at her with what he assumed was a wary expression, since the woman seemed to lower her guard just a little. They weren't as far from his car, but even his glasses couldn’t help him make out all the details. 
So, he turned back to the cameras, and zoomed on the one that looked outside; right where the two women met. 
Taeri started to speak, and pushed up Taeron’s glasses on her nose during that, more times than it was comfortable to admit. He was aware of his nervous movements, he needed to be, yet seeing his sister play it out was annoying. No matter how many times he saw it before. 
The cameras did not record sounds, but Taeron had not a single shard of doubt that she could handle the situation. And for how the target slowly relaxed completely, then handed a considerably thick package to Taeri without hesitation, his faith was not in vain. Especially as he saw the target adding something more to the package before handing it over.
Taeri stared at the package for a moment, then with a straight face, she drowned it into her pocket. One more glass adjusting, and she was on her way to the car, right after a very respectful bow. The woman lingered in one place for a second, looking after her. Taeron could make out almost some kind of satisfaction on her face, before she finally walked away. 
Taeri yanked the car door open before she hopped in. 
“What a cunt,” she exclaimed in Taeron’s voice. “She was thirsting over me like a schoolgirl. But, I guess this is just your effect on older women, brother.” 
It was a disturbingly strange thing to see her smirking while still wearing his face. 
“You’re disgusting.” 
“Oh, come on. They love you.”
Taeron gave her a glare from under his lenses. 
“They love you flirting with them while wearing my face.” He pushed his glasses back. “Which, you should stop doing.”
Her smirk deepened, while she fished out the package from her pocket, and ripped it open. 
“And lose the little extra they add to the price? Hell no,” she said before she started counting. Yet, her face slowly distorted, and a faint outline of blue scales ran through her as Taeron’s features were replaced with more mild ones. Her form shrank, shoulders pulling back, sides curving and her hair growing out. In a blink of an eye, she was wearing her own skin again, finally. 
Taeron’s hoodie clung on her like a potato sack.
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galaxyfightxrs · 4 years
@superstcs liked for a starter!
“Sorry to intrude, but your droid looks a little damaged. Do you need repairs done? My workshop isn’t far from here, if you’d like me to take a look and see if I can get it working again.” Taeron generally wasn’t the type to talk to strangers, however, it was a small job, and the young man seemed harmless enough. Though you could never be too careful in this part of the galaxy. Near Bespin, or Coruscant, people tended less towards criminal activity. Despite this, Taeron wasn’t above helping someone in need, though he always tried to keep his withs about him.
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bigdealeightseven-a · 6 years
Side Muse: Taeron Vaith
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A Dornishman, Taeron Vaith is the eldest son of Daeron Vaith, the Lord of the Red Dunes and head of House Vaith. Taeron served as Hand of the King to Aegon II Blackfyre for ten out of Aegon II’s twenty year reign before his death. Taeron has continued to serve as Hand of the King now that Aegon II’s son, Vaelon has taken the Iron Throne. There are very few men who are built to be Hand of the King, and it’s been demonstrated that Taeron is definitely one of those men built for it.
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galaxyfightxrs · 4 years
open starter !
Taeron was up early in his workshop, working diligently on a new cloaking technology for X-Wings. It was an emitter that scrambled the energy readings of the ships and made them seem to be simple background radiation. He liked being up early to get things done before it got busy on the station, as there was a lower chance of someone interrupting his work. As the sun began to rise, his stomach rumbled. “I guess I should grab something to eat,” he mumbled to himself, taking off his gloves and heading to the cantina through empty corridors. He could hear the faint buzzing of generators and droids working in the hangar as he passed by.
When he arrived and sat down at the counter, the cook who always worked the early shift greeted him. Taeron was her only regular at this hour. Squadrons and officers would occasionally be up before heading out, but Taeron made it habitual. He sat, eating some bread and drinking a caff, running through his to-dos for the day, when someone took a seat next to him.
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