Rory had a date for the first time in forever and she was spiralling, she wanted to cancel and she wanted to hide and she didn’t know what to wear to hte date. She had called Jonathan up to try and get his help and him to persuade her to go as her sister was away for the week and wasn’t being super helpful at all. She was going crazy but she then heard the door and she sighed as she ran and opened it, “Oh my god you’re finally here. Thank god.” She laughed a little hugging the guy, she had only told him that it was an emergency. “Thank you for coming to my emergency.” 
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bettycooperps · 8 years
❝everyone i’ve loved has either died or left me and i’ll be damned if you name is added to that list.❞
“You cannot just tell me you love me and expect all of this to go away like some Julia Roberts movie!  What, you think I’d just melt and forgive you like that?  You just- God, just go, I have stuff to do!”
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supernaturalxbeings · 8 years
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“You're house is... Really, really big...”
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bettycooperps · 9 years
[Text]:It feels so lonely here.
RORY: You’ve been in London for not even a full /day/, Logan.  Give it some time.  Meet some people.  Meet the Queen, drink some tea, come back with an accent.  Besides the business-y things, of course.  
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bettycooperps · 9 years
✌: Our muses argue over which Christmas movie to watch.
It was Rory’s idea for Logan to spend at least a weekend in Stars Hollow during her Christmas break.  Her mother had thought it was a sweet idea, but mostly so she could keep a close eye on the blond, and even if she herself had seen him mature more thanks to her daughter, Lorelai still would view him a little as the guy who got her kid arrested.
With her long brown hair pulled up into a messy ponytail, piece-y bangs framing her blue eyes, Rory snatched the remote control back from her boyfriend.  “No way, we’re not watching Batman Returns just because it’s set during Christmas!”  Rory objected, glaring a little playfully and flipping through the TV channels.  She loved being home, loved being around her mom, and loved showing Logan around where she grew up, but he always could bring out her competitive nature.  
With a rather exasperated sigh, she finally landed on an almost-over “Santa Claus”, setting the remote control on the coffee table and settling closer to Logan.  “You don’t win this one, I’ve got Paul Anka as a witness.”
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