massvoraciuseffect · 27 days
How is your weight gain going, Tali, Liara, Jane, and Hannah?
"Uf-foo-foo, not bad~" Tali grinned, stroking her plump thighs. The quarian's ass was already heavy and wide enough that the chair beneath her creaked from the weight with any movement. - "I managed to convince the Turian embassy that in order to better interact with them I need to become more familiar with the peculiarities of their languages and writing, and to appoint a couple dozen of their ambassadors as my assistants in this endeavor. But other than that, they're doing a fine job of plumping my ass~"
(+21 prey turian, 56 kilograms of weight)
"Had to put a bit of a hold on my plans to travel to Illium and gain weight there. - Liara sat on the couch in her apartment and sighed , patting her puffy blue belly that rested on her lap. - An agent in my network on the Citadel had decided to go independent, but she knew too much for me to risk. So I had to eat her, and all her employees, one by one."
(+7 preys asari, + 19 kg weight)
"Not bad!!! - Jane replied with a smile, wiping the under from her forehead with a towel, after her gym session. - "About a dozen asari commandos decided to retire in me, and heck, a whole company of turians! 56 Company from 1117 Regiment, 3rd Legion. Such is the gratitude for my work in the war. Thanks guys for that!
(+11 preys asari, +90 preys turian, + 182 kg weight)
"Had to, after a bit of a trial, completely replace the crews of several Alliance patrol ships near the Citadel, due to corruption. -Hanna shook her head sadly. - Abuse of power, smuggling, and more led them to a 20 year sentence in my belly."
(+ 300 human preys, + 1 ton of weight)
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boysofcharm · 4 years
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massvoraciuseffect · 1 month
If metal isn't too big a deal for predetors then what's the largest thing you have vored, to all muses.
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"Asari," Liara joked. She was an inexperienced predator, and hadn't experimented yet.
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"Ufff....If we're not talking about the total mass, but specifically the thing, I once swallowed a Geth tank." - Tali confessed - "Not the most delicious meal of my life. But hearty."
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"Heh~" Jane grinned. - "While on Tuchanka, I swallowed a krogan tomca on a bet!"
"Frigate. It was old, it was time to be decommissioned, and I was just getting hungry." - Hannah Shepard replied, simply shrugging her shoulder.
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massvoraciuseffect · 1 month
Predators during the Reaper War: Evacuations and Massive Weight Loss.
Not much changes in canon during the Repares' invasion of the Galaxy. Except for the ending - no details, but the Citadel wasn't touched and Crucible just used his space magic and the Reapers won. No Details.
With the preds, two things stood out vividly. The first is the extreme increase in reputation of the predators, who saved many colonies from the Reapers by evacuating them literally in their own bodies. And the massive reformation for the sake of manpower, which caused a huge number of preds to lose weight dramatically.
Because of how quickly the Reapers attacked, normal evacuations were rare, but it was suddenly proven that small colonies were much easier to evacuate by spending a few hours literally devouring its inhabitants. Thus even a fairly large colony could be completely saved in just a couple days (and a dozen ravenous predators). Such evacuations did a lot to raise the reputation of predators throughout the galaxy, especially among humans.
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(Comment by Shepard: The crew of the Normandy also participated in such evacuations. My ship is fast and stealthy, so sometimes we were the only ones who could quickly fly up to some sparsely populated colony or space station, eat everyone, and fly back to the Citadel to reform the poor souls. Several times, we predators in the Normandy evacuated colonies so large that we had to be in a cargo hold the entire flight to the Citadel - we couldn't fit anywhere else).
Another important phenomenon was mass reformation, which caused a huge number of preys to lose weight almost to their original size. The reasons varied - soldiers who decided not to risk their engulfed preys, reforming laborers, etc.
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(Tali's comment: I too had to reform almost all of my preys, almost immediately after I decided to continue helping Shepard again. I couldn't in good conscience go to the very front lines with hundreds of innocent people within me)
At the same time, there was a very small group of predators, which for the duration of the war on the contrary, sharply gained weight. First and foremost, predators who were considered safe havens from the war. For example, Counselor Tevos, Shaira, Hannah Shepard - they all gained tons of weight, and although at the end of the Reapers invasion, they lost a lot of weight after reforming, they were still many times larger and heavier than before the invasion.
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massvoraciuseffect · 2 months
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Jane looked at herself in the mirror, patted her large round belly that showed abs and checked her biceps. "Oh yeah, that's a hell of a lot better! Just as much more weight and I'll be completely back in shape! And then - onward, bigger and better~"
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massvoraciuseffect · 6 months
Sorry if this is a dumb question Shepard and it might be better to ask Liara but you’re the one that has an implant
But why can only females become predators, is it because the vore implants where made for asari bodies or is there something more
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-Nobody really knows. Most people think it's because the vore-implant is based on the Azari race, but that's the public theory. - Jane shrugged.
(Mune's comment - And actually that's my personal preference.)
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massvoraciuseffect · 6 months
So are human predators starting to become more common, inspired by their oh so great specter
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-Yes, in a way. Although it would be more accurate to say that the Alliance has become much more invested in their employees and their vore-implants. - Shepard began to explain. - The fact that I'm a predator is often used by the Alliance Defense Council leadership as an argument for funding vore-implants for promising women in the Army and Navy.
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massvoraciuseffect · 6 months
How does it feel to be the first human specter?
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-A lot of things. Duty. Opportunity. Excitement. Even a little fear. To be the first human Spectre is to be a model for all future Spectres of my people. So this is a great responsibility. - Jane chuckled softly. - It's funny, but I've never done a regular Spectre job, so I'm even more excited now than when I started hunting Saren. It was all about stopping Saren then. And then the whole Reapers thing started.
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massvoraciuseffect · 11 months
You say that but didn't they let you eat them all like last time it was Christmas or your birthday or something Shepherd
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"It was. But then I only ate my friends, and there's still a crew on the Normandy. Now they're all getting really fat, and if I eat them all, my body will be a lot bigger than it was last time," Shepard shrugged.
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massvoraciuseffect · 1 year
Captain Shepherd and her crew of vigilante predators.
Does have a nice ring to it but you would have to rename the Normandy though and probably get a new paint job
"Yeah, bright red and gold," Shepard rolled her eyes. - And we won't have to change the names-you have no idea how many spaceships now bear the name Normandy."
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massvoraciuseffect · 1 year
It is considered to be the top ship for predators in alliance space
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"Oh, I heard about that. And damn proud of it~" replied Shepard.
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massvoraciuseffect · 1 year
True Shepherd and the doctor and liara had made some surprising gains in the last year not that I'm expecting them to be top of the hill by this time next year but they have made steady growth
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"Well, my ship has great people serving on it, so it's no surprise that as predators they've shown themselves to be at their best, too," Jane smiled proudly.
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massvoraciuseffect · 2 years
Who's each crew's particular favourite person to eat, and why?
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- Ugh, what a question you asked…. OK, I'll tell you straight away - everyone likes Liara. She's a young asari maiden and her taste is…mmm, gorgeous! So the most favourite prey here is her. - Jane replied. - Although I like almost all the crew members to taste, Miranda is the most fun to devour. She has a unique taste because of her genetic modifications, and she constantly tries to break free when she is swallowed, remembering to express her displeasure with her passive-aggressive speech.
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- Honestly? Other than Liara, I have no preference among the crew. Influenced by my culture - we don't have a particularly large crew on Normandy, so I try to curb my appetite amongst my crew. Not always, of course, but I usually allow myself to relax and fully satiate myself outside the ship - replied Tali.
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- I'm not going to lie - I've had a weakness for Quarians weighing over a ton and with pronounced hips since I was young. So I occasionally ask Tali'Zor to let me devour her. She usually doesn't mind, especially when I let her eat me in return, or help her in some other way. - Samara answered.
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- The Asari are not only the most numerous race in the galaxy, but also the tastiest, so I prefer swallow Liara and Samara if I can. They both have a very pleasant aftertaste from the zero element in their nervous system, which I really like. - Miranda admits.
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massvoraciuseffect · 2 years
So how is everyone's Halloween and who took liara trick or treating
- You know, I'm not such a young maiden as to trick or treating - Liara replied with a smile.
- It wasn't so bad at all. - Jane shrugged. - There were costume parties, songs, a buffet. Halloween was just like America or Canada in some parts of Citadel. It was a good holiday, fun.
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massvoraciuseffect · 1 year
We see shepherd being pampered and feed by liara and just countless of maidens
Shepard was lying on a matriarch sofa in one of the Azari nightclubs, where young maidens were drinking, dancing and feeding themselves to matrons, matriarchs and predators of other races. Jane looked with a slight laziness in her eyes at her huge belly, which resembled...Tali in size.
- Liara, thank you for such a wonderful and nourishing evening, but what was the point?
- You were the one who said you wanted to get bigger. And now here's the opportunity - the New Year's Eve party for the student Azari!
- Hehehe, looks like their university is going to be severely understaffed this year~
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massvoraciuseffect · 5 days
Shepherd did you ever meet Aria on Omega? What was it like?
"Yes, I met her, even before the war, during my time with Cerberus. - Jane began to tell me. - You know, before that I had already met Counselor Tevos, who is called almost the largest predator in the world. If Aria was smaller than she was then, it was so small that I didn't even notice. I swear, if we'd stayed on Omega a couple more days, she would have eaten the entire SR-2 Normandy just to see what it tasted like. She's ten times smaller now - she had to lose a lot of weight to leave Omega. If I were any criminal organization or even the world in Terminus, I'd be extremely careful - Aria would be more than happy to eat even Reaper just to get back to her original size."
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