#muse; eriopis | if you'll be my boat i'll be your sky
factaerrata · 4 years
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“Eriopis understands a new year has come! So, Eriopis will give out kisses ok...?”
And thus, she pushed forward her Saber (read: older) self to do it. “Good luck, big Eriopis!”
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“...Um...fine? Come and get one, if you’re brave enough.” She was a witch’s daughter, though. Who in their right mind would possibly ask? Also, there was one problem.... “Well, my kisses are magical, but the effects are pretty random, so...come get a kiss if you dare. You could get a boost of mana, become lucky, or get cursed to have fish fall upon your head. A kiss from me is like spinning a cursed roulette. Collect a new year’s kiss at your own risk.”
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