#muse;; the heaviness that i hold in my heart's been crushing me (vash)
adventures-written · 9 months
;; @breathofcosmos liked this for a starter.
"Here," he offered out the canteen, "We have to stay hydrated while we're wandering through the desert under these beating Suns." Their care had broken down. Whether it was the fault of Meryl or Roberto didn't really matter to him. It was just another hiccup in their journey.
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Another thing to delay the inevitable.
July was going to be bad. He knew it was. Still, he had to try and convince Nai, and if that didn't work, then he'd stop him. Somehow.
This delay let him think about that somehow for a little longer.
"If the map's right, I think we should be getting close to the next town. We can get some help there."
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adventures-written · 1 year
After writing this a couple times, I am realizing both Vash and Knives love forehead touches. With Knives, he will likely only do it with Vash because that’s his brother and he loves his brother. It’s a way of showing a close bond, close affection to someone.
For Vash, he would do it with people he cares about and is close to. Anyone he sees as safe, especially those he wants an intimate relationship with. The forehead touch is very meaningful for him. Not only that, but it’s also Vash’s bond with the Plants. He rests his forehead to the glass and they do too. It’s his way of connecting.
Ahhhhh I really like the forehead touch thing now. It gives me so many feelies....
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adventures-written · 1 year
;; @letsbreakhearts plotted starter for the Coffee shop AU.
Vash was having a bit of a down day. He had been trying to plan a movie night with friends for what felt like weeks now, and it got canceled. Why? Well, a lot of them were in University. Kind of like Nai was, so they all had midterms or papers to write. He completely understood why they were so busy, he was just bummed out. On the upside, his brother would at least be free and home tonight so he had said they could have a movie night. He’d bring home popcorn, as he said.
He decided he needed something to cheer himself up. So instead of wallowing in his own self-pity, he went to the coffee shop nearby. It was a favorite place of his, they made pretty good lattes. Nai never understood why he’d pay so much money for a coffee, always saying they could make it at home, but Vash also liked being around the people. It certainly helped when he was in a down mood. Besides, the staff were all really nice! One of the barista’s even gave him a free donut on one of his down days!
Waiting in line though, he couldn’t seem to hide the look of sadness on his face as he waited, looking down at his phone. Meryl as texting him, already trying to plan for a different day. She really was sweet, though, Nai was also texting him between classes. Trying to plan out what movie they’d watch. He really was lucky to have all of these people that cared about him.
Looking up, he smiled at the person behind the counter, noting that Nicholas was making drinks today. “Good Afternoon,” he greeted, loud enough that hopefully the man would hear too. He put on a grin, hiding any semblance of sadness. “What can we get for you, Vash?” they asked. He was a regular so they knew him by name. “Ahh, probably just the usual, Zazie. Just a latte, Thanks.” “No donuts today?” they smirked, glancing back at Nicholas teasingly. “Ahh..n-no. Not today. I was told not to spoil my appetite...” he laughed, rubbing the back of his neck. “Alright then..to stay?” “Mhmm.” “Right..$3.85.” He figured he could sit down and people watch for a bit, get himself out of the house and all that.
He tapped his card on the machine, hearing the beep of payment being accepted. “Now don’t distract my barista too much, ok?” Zazie grinned teasingly, “He’s a hard working boy who needs to focus~” Vash couldn’t help the small tinge of red that brushed over his cheeks. “Ah..O-Of course...!” he stepped aside, standing near the wait area to wait for his drink.
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adventures-written · 1 year
pocket Vash is the cure for depression
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He's full of love and peace. Nothing else. Don't be afraid of that face.
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adventures-written · 1 year
;; @letsbreakhearts Plotted starter for Yakuza/Mafia AU featuring Vashwood.
He needed a breather, some time alone to just clear his head. Nai had becoming a lot lately, a little over-bearing and protective. He understood why, of course. He was the head of their family, and Vash had been kidnapped before when they were teenagers. With their family rising to power as they had, only increased danger seemed to come with it. Vash had lost his arm back then, something that Nai swore would never happen again. Nothing bad would ever happen to Vash. The consequence of that, however, was that feeling of loneliness, of losing his own brother to the inner workings of what they did behind closed doors.
To be honest, Vash had no idea what Nai did or the work the people around him were made to do. He was left relatively in the dark, Nai insisting that he needn’t involve himself in the trivial affairs of their business. To trust him to keep things running smoothly. But Vash always had a bad feeling about what his brother did. A worry that it was bad, he just couldn’t quite imagine how bad.
Being left to his own devices, Vash wandered himself to a bar in town. Something outside of the family territory. A relatively ok establishment, somewhere he had been before. At least no one really knew his face here, it helped with the whole blending in and trying to relax thing. He ordered a drink, sitting down at the bar and staring at it when it arrived. He was almost inclined to not drink it. His head was not in the right space tonight, his thoughts drifting back to the house and to Nai. “What are you doing, Nai..?” he murmured, pulling his glass closer but not yet taking a drink.
It was about that time when three men walked over to him. All grinning from ear to ear. They surrounded him, one on either side and one behind him. He could smell the alcohol from where he sat, they certainly had their fill. “Hey sweetness,” the one to his right spoke, “Best lookin’ thing we’ve seen all night. You look like you could swing our way, eh?” If only these guys knew they really shouldn’t try to flirt with him. “Heh, ahh..Thanks, but I think I’m good,” he gave the man a half-hearted smile. Clearly the no was not well received however as the guy to his left grabbed his arm just above where his prosthetic was. “Come on, honey. We promise to show you a good time. Even if you’re not gay, it could be a new experience. Not to mention three experienced guys?”
Vash sighed, shaking his head, not really phased by their pandering. “Nah, I’m good. Just here for a drink and some relaxation. Better luck next time.” But they still weren’t leaving. He really didn’t want to fight them off.
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adventures-written · 2 years
"Then guess you gotta get better at dodgin'~!" The brat's grin widens and he squirts the mess at Vash again.
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Oh he’s running. “Hey! Watch where you fire that thing!” It would be interesting to see if Nick could hit a moving target.
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adventures-written · 1 year
Swap!AU - Featuring Vash and Nai
v;; strayed from the path (side; knives millions)
 (Based on some fanart mun saw floating around, this is a Reverse Role AU). Nai dislikes humanity, he does not care one way or the other if humans die. His primary concern is the plants and keeping them safe. He is an independent plant and highly connected to his sisters, so it is hard to pull away from that. He loves Vash dearly, though he is not completely onboard with his idea of saving. He cannot support his cause and therefore chooses to hide. He knows Vash wants him to join him, that together their abilities could make this relatively quick and painless. Hiding from Vash has left Nai to rely on humans, though he largely keeps to himself. He travels mostly to ensure the safety of the plants that are in the care of humans. He will not hesitate to hurt someone if he finds they are hurting the plants, but he is not as unleashed as his main verse. Vash has given Nai the nickname ‘Millions Knives’ and has promoted him as a tyrant, trying to force Nai’s hand in joining him. Even so, with people hunting him, Nai has not allowed himself to submit to this. He has also been dubbed the Edged Hurricane, Knives the Storm, the Humanoid Cyclone.
v;; a shepherd to the end (side; vash)
(Based on some fanart mun saw floating around, this is a Reverse Role AU). Vash loves humanity with his entire being. He feels they need to be saved in all aspects of the word. As the caretaker of plants, as the one who can soothe a lot of the hardships, Vash has taken it upon himself to do just that. To save humanity, what’s left of it. He believes the only way to save humans from their everlasting suffering is to shepherd them into the end. Like an angel of death, he strikes when those least expect. He lives among the humans, at least for a time. He gains their trust, experiences their humanity, and when he feels it is time, he saves them. Slaughtering towns and cities is of no concern of Vash’s. He considers it a blessing and wishes only to save everything. Ultimately, his goal is to work alongside his brother, whom he has nicknamed Knives, to save everything. He believes that in death there will be no more suffering. No more tears, no more war, no more famine or suffering. And in the end, Nai and him can die together. Happy and content with what they have done to save everyone. In saving humanity in this way, they have dubbed him the Crimson Typhoon.
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adventures-written · 1 year
@wolfcross​ "Shut it youuu...!"
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“Wolfwood the Milkmaid, who would have thought...”
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adventures-written · 1 year
;; @ninevoltcolt​ || Continued from here.
The feeling of the strange organism wrapping around his finger was a surprise to Vash. He hadn’t expected it to feel tangible and yet not at the same time. A small smile tugged at his lips as he watched the little organism wiggle around on his finger. “Well you’re new, aren’tcha? You seem harmless. Did you come in off the worms?” He was still not quite sure what this thing was, but it was alive to some degree.
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Glancing around, he noticed more of the little organisms flying around him now. “Friendly little guys, huh?” he laughed softly, “Don’t worry, I’m not going to hurt you. And if you’re keeping the plant company...I’m sure they appreciate it.” He looked back down at the one on his finger, not at all bothered by it. They seemed entirely harmless.
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adventures-written · 1 year
i suppose we're just going to keep doing this? -- my swap Knives to your swap Vash
It Never Goes Anywhere
Vash tilted his head, his eyes squinting slightly as his mouth curls up into a smile. It's eerie and uncomfortable looking to anyone who does not know the Independent. But he's calm, almost pleasant towards his twin. "Keep doing what, exactly~?" he hummed playfully, "Playing the game of cat and mouse? I don't mind it, but I would much prefer if you would just join me already, brother. Imagine what we could do together."
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adventures-written · 1 year
;; @nicholas-wolfwood​ || Continued from here.
Vash pulled his hand back, shaking it immediately. “Ahhh -- sorry! But, you do look kinda cute like that...” he smiled at him, “Is there...something I can do to help?” This clearly wasn’t normal.
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adventures-written · 1 year
;; @pyramultimuse || Continued from here.
The chibi Vash had no idea who this person was but they seemed friendly enough. They were kind enough to give him a cookie and ensure that he wasn’t stepped upon by any passersby. So, being non-the-wiser, Vash had no issue being a pocket friend. At least for the first little while. He would take issue when this reaper decided to do their soul collecting.
“Your pocket is quite comfortable...” He was starting to feel sleepy after his snack.
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adventures-written · 1 year
;; @wolfsmuses || Continued from here.
Vash shook his head, watching as Knives tried to move away. “Nai...” He stepped forward, trying to think of what he could do to fix this! His brother was bleeding quite profusely, and all he was doing was standing there, frozen. 
Damn it!
He willed his body to move forward as his brother collapsed to his knees, coming to kneel beside him. “Nai, you’re not fine!” he growled, “Let me help you!” There were already tears in his eyes, falling hot down his face. His hands were reaching for the cloak, his markings already glowing. “M-Maybe I can heal you! I-I help the Plants, so I could heal you!”
That wasn’t how that worked, but Vash wanted to try. It was all he could do!
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adventures-written · 1 year
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Ice cold WooWoo milk, anyone?
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adventures-written · 1 year
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It’s been decided, based on discord RPs, that my Vash is really terrible at reading romantic cues. And probably sexual ones. They just go over his head because he’s not allowed himself to really dive into those aspects before. Diving into them is dangerous and he doesn’t want to give Nai more people to take from him.
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adventures-written · 1 year
✏️ - Vash
Don't Quote Me
Vash: Are you a masochist or a sadist? Nick, deadpan: I’m a Taurus.
Nick: There. How do I look? Vash: Like a cheap French harlot. Nick: French?!
Vash: Are you busy? Nick: Yes. Vash: Cool, listen to this.
Vash: *eating a cinnamon roll* Nick: Cannibalism. Vash: *confused chewing noises*
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