#musekicker prompt call
musekicker · 2 years
I need to finish four words battles for the Halloween event on 4 the words and the dragon event is very soon. So I really want more prompts more then normal.
So just whatever prompts that you all can think of, as many as you want, throw them my way.
Feel free to add in for any fandoms I don't tag for in this post either.
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halloweennut · 2 years
another prompt but from @musekicker
Rise and the siblings just being purposefully somewhat embarrassing siblings the first time one of them brings home a date? Not full out teasing but enough that there is a threat from the turtle that brought home a date that they may or may not mean.
(I legitimately went through all the ocs I have even just barely mentioned or used for this lmao and just ended up making a new one)
Raph’s attempted nonchalance about having a date went over like a lead balloon. It was like the entire subway lair went silent and still as stone the second he said it and he wished he could put the words back into his mouth. 
“Aw crud-” was all he could manage instead before he was pounced on by his siblings and April, sans Donnie who still stood by close. 
“Since when?! And how did you manage to get dates before me?” 
“What’s their name? Are they pretty? Do you have fun nicknames?” 
“When do we meet them? I have a shovel talk prepped for anyone. And I need to make sure to have my bat.” 
“That does explain the abnormal movements on your tracker.”
Raph slid all of them off his arms. “Guys, quit it. This is why Raph keeps some of his personal biz to himself -”
“Raphael, you literally just told us,” Donnie said. “You’re not great at being lowkey at something you know would make us loose it.” 
“Okay fair, just don’t go telling pops or Drax, they’ll literally flip and they’ll want me to bring her home to meet everyone,” Raph rubbed the back of his head. “I want to ease her into everything. No offense, but our family can be intense.”
“Oh my gooood it’s a girlfriend. Raph has a girlfriend,” Leo drawled out. 
“Did you hear what I said? Please chill before dad-"
"Okay but seriously, how. No offense, but you have zero game," Leo continued.
"Then how come Raph is the one scoring dates?" Donnie asked, turning his attention to his phone.
"Thank you Don, and for your information Leo," Raph continued, "Maybe I'm more smooth and suave than you think."
"You made her nickname in your phone doe-eyes, heart heart heart less than sign three. Not exactly smooth and suave," Donnie said. "And you've been dating for 2 months."
"....you hacked my phone."
"I hacked your phone."
"Two months! Raaaaaph," Mikey whined, "You didn't tell us for two months!"
"What did I literally say? You guys would flip!" Raph said exasperated. April pat his shoulder sympathetically.
"Now you know how I felt when I brought Sunita around when we started dating," she said. "And y'all knew her and still acted fools."
"Oh God I can never bring her down here."
“Bring who down here?” the five looked over to see Splinter approaching with Draxum, and Raph knew in an instant that he was done for. Before he could even try to play it off, Mikey piped up. 
“Raph has a girlfriend!” he said. “He calls her doe-eyes and they’ve been going on dates for months!”
“Mikey!” Raph wished he could retract into his shell, waiting for the veritable interrogation and complaining about hiding things from his ‘poor fathers.’ 
Instead, Splinter cooed. “Aww, my baby red is dating! You’re all grown up!”
And just like that, the expected happened. “Who is she, why haven’t you brought her down yet, and why didn’t you tell us?”
Raph pinched his brow and looked at Draxum. “You gonna give me whiplash emotions and questions too?”
“No. But is she mutant, yokai, or human?” Draxum crossed his arms. 
“Do I know her family? Are they noble?”
“Does it matter?”
“I’d rather my sons go into families of equal standing to mine.” 
“Great, my brothers are going to act like themselves, you’re bringing in classism, April is going to menace her with a bat,” Raph said. “And pops-”
“Is insisting you bring her home,” Splinter said. “And my word is law.”
Raph wanted to crawl into a sewer, even more so when she actually agreed. Wakana had been enthusiastic about meeting them, even before the invitation. He only had two concerns: his family and making sure there wasn’t any hazards that would tangle up on her wheelchair. At the very least, the entire lair was accessible. 
Wakana was an umishika, half-deer, half-sea serpent, and when she wasn’t in the water, relied on a wheelchair to navigate on land. It had been a learning curve for him, admittedly, not to bend over backwards to offer his assistance at every turn. But she thought it was endearing and it was quickly corrected by a flash of sharp teeth. Not to mention the wheelchair was yokai-made and yokai-magic infused, so it was more adaptable then it appeared. Save when wheels were stuck on steel and it caused the magic to short-circuit - a.k.a. how they had even met in the first place.  New York City metal and ancient magic didn’t mix well at times.
But he met her and her doe eyes and a mouth of sharp teeth like his because of it, so he wouldn't complain.
"I don't know why you're so worried, angel," Wakana said as he directed her to the lift down to the subway station her called home. "What can they possibly do?"
"You'd be surprised. The only thing that they didn't do to April's girlfriend was show her baby photos, mostly because pops doesn't have any," Raph said. "There are dozens of me."
"Baby you and your baby snaggle tooth?" She said with a grin. "I don't know, the cuteness might make me leave."
"Don't joke, you still have my brothers, April, and Draxum," he replied. Wakana rolled her eyes. "I have no idea what he'd do."
"Eh, old nobility yokai are weird," she said, unlocking her wheels as the elevator came to a stop. "I'm not worried."
“I am!” Raph insisted. “I just...my family can be a little weird and intense and I don’t want that to put you off.”
“Angel. You’re weird and intense. I’m weird and intense. I think I’ll be fine,” Wakana grabbed his hand in her hooves. “Now come on, I want to meet them in person.” 
Raph steeled himself but led her through the lair to the center platform where he knew they would probably all be waiting. And just like that, there they were, lying in wait. At least April wasn’t being forward with a bat, and Splinter was in his good silk robe. But everyone and their mother seemed to be present, and in Casey’s case, literally. “Everyone, this is Wakana. Wakana, this is my family. Okay let’s go-”
“Raphael, at least introduce us properly,” Leo insisted, barely hiding the smirk on his face and in his voice. 
“Wakana, that’s Leo, small one is Mikey, aloof purple is Donnie and-” Raph tried to rush. Before he could finish the list, Splinter and Draxum approached, and Raph caught Wakana’s hoof in his hand. If not for his nerves, to show that this was a serious relationship. 
Wakana bowed at the waist in her chair. “I am honored to meet you both.” 
Splinter warmly shook her hoof. “Likewise. I only wish my son had told us sooner.”
He sharply glanced up at Raph, just for a second. Like Splinter hadn’t kept secrets of his own, sheesh. Regardless, he could feel his brothers snickering behind his back. “Pops-”
“I am inclined to agree,” Draxum said. “But it is nice to meet you as well.”
“Oh! Before I forget,” Wakana exclaimed, reaching into a side bag on her chair. “I didn’t expect to meet you both tonight, so I apologize for not bringing a more suitable gift.” 
She pulled a small, decorated box tied with a simple ribbon and held it out. Splinter took the box and opened it, revealing dark fragrant tea leaves. “Shincha? How did you get your hands on this? This isn’t easy to come buy - nor cheaply.”
“My family owns a large tea farm,” Wakana smiled. “Raphael mentioned that you enjoy good tea - and we just finished the drying process, so its fresh too.”
“You belong to the Uchiumi family?” Draxum asked. Wakana nodded. He looked to Splinter with an unfamiliar look of approval. “Your family is an excellent one.”
“Thank goodness we’ll actually be able to marry him off, and to a good family to boot,” Splinter nodded, closing the tea chest with a click. Raph wheezed, nearly choking on his own breath. “What? I’ve been trying to plan for this for years!”
Raph heard his brothers break out in laughter before turning on them. “If he’s planned for me he’s planned for you three schmucks too! And pops- ain’t it early to just...I dunno, SAY that?”
Splinter shrugged. Wakana looked anywhere but his parents, gently clearing her throat. Before Raph could even say anything else, he felt his brothers creep up behind him.
“Here comes the turtle, all dressed in...myrtle,” Leo sang, draping himself dramatically on Raph’s arm. 
“Myrtle isn’t a color, Leo. It’s an old lady name,” Mikey said. “And obviously he’d wear red, duh.”
“You try thinking of things that rhyme with turtle, Angelo,” Leo hissed. 
“It’s a type of plant, which he could wear, but it would set off his allergies, probably,” Donnie added. “I don’t think it’s a traditional wedding flora anyway.” 
Before they could continue, Raph grabbed all three before turning to Wakana with a grin. “I’ll be right back. Pops, chill on the wedding stuff. Cass, April, do NOT threaten her with a shovel talk. Casey, you’re a delight.”
He dragged them across the room by the scruff, planting the smirking three down in front of him. “Cut. It. Out.”
“Come on, Raph, we all knew this would happen. We’d tease you, dad would start planning your wedding-” Donnie began to list.
“I’m shocked you didn’t consider any of that,” Leo cut in. “Poor planning on your part.”
“I have done little, in my defense,” Mikey added. Raph stared at them all. 
“If you don’t stop encouraging dad OR acting foolish, I will pull what April did to us or worse,” he threatened. “Burpees and mountain climbers at training, everyday, for a month.”
“You wouldn’t dare,” Leo scoffed. “Dad and Dadxum run training anyway.”
“And you don’t think I could have them add them?” Raph asked with a raised brow. The three looked at each other - he could. 
“No fair! You’re the only one who actually does them on the regular!” Mikey protested. Donnie shuddered at the idea of doing them. The eldest smirked. 
“Maybe you should get to practicing then,” he finished. “Now if you excuse me, I’m going to go make sure Cass isn’t threatening Wakana.”
The two were already laughing like old friends with April, Draxum and Shredder stepping back to allow them all to talk. Wakana turned with a grin to Raph. “Angel! There you are. We should get going if we’re going to make it on time.”
“Yep! All set. Just needed a little chat with those mooks,” Raph nodded. He looked at Cass and April, and they gave him a nod. They liked her, and more than likely HAD given her a shovel talk that Wakana returned in spades. “You ready?”
“Where are you going anyway? I can arrange transport,” Draxum said, approaching. 
“A family friend owns a little restaurant on the beach,” Wakana replied. “I thought I’d treat Raph to a really nice dinner. And no worries, I have a portal medallion. We just need to head to Battery Park.”
“I’ll be back in time for patrol,” Raph added. “See y’all later!”
“Good night! It was nice to meet you all,” the umishika said. “We have to meet up soon for sure.” 
Raph rushed the two of them out of there. “Doe-eyes I am...very sorry.”
“Angel, I am not freaked out or worried,” Wakana laughed. “I’m just glad they liked me. Although...”
“Oh shit what?”
“Let’s hold off on meeting my parents and siblings, because they’ll do the exact same thing.”
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Tagged by; @keylime-lies
NIcknames: I don't really have a lot of Nicknames, but some people have called me DC, and for some reason I really like the ring of Momma DC, for whatever reason
Starsign: Gemini
Height: 5'4"
Last Thing I Googled: The Trollhunters Wiki
Fave Music Artist: I've been obsessively listening to three song from the Hunchback of Notre Dame musical. Does that count? No? okay, so I really like Halestorm, Fall Out Boy, Three Days Grace, Linkin Park and a few songs from Breaking Benjamin, Thousand Foot Crutch, and Sick Puppies.
Song Stuck in My Head. Carol of the bells, or Thai Mol Piyas from the musical I mentioned. It also called the Tavern Song.
Last Movie I Watched: Strange Magic.
Last TV Show I Watched: DreamWorks Trollhunters (For the fourth time)
When did you create your blog: Hell if I know. Sometime last year or something
What kind of stuff do I post: It's an ugly mush of politics, signal boost, and fandom related stuff.
Do I have any other blogs: Yeah, an art blog @fandom-sketcher (Mainly my own characters and a few drawing prompts) and a Private blog for keeping track of my OCs mannerisms and other things b/c I get lazy. Thinking about making one just for Trollhunters and writing requests.
Do I get asks regularly: Nah
Why did I choose my URL: It was something a friend of mind said when she was describing my horde of OCs, and it stuck with me.
Gender: Uh???? Female, I guess? I pay no attention to the binary, but I do lean more towards the female side.
Hogwarts house: Gryffindor
Pokémon team: ??? Never played Pokémon.
Average hours of sleep: At least 4, as much as 12. In other words, I have no idea.
Lucky number: I don't know
Favorite Characters: (Transformers Prime) Megatron, Predaking, Miko, and Breakdown (TrollHunters) Angor Rot, Bular, Draal, Nomura (I love her design) Vendel (I relate to him on a personal Level)
How many blankets do you sleep with?: At least one fluffy one, and at least two when I'm feeling cold.
Dream job: Popular author, concept artist, or marine biologist
Following: 40, and about 25 followers.
I nominate the following; @kaijuraptor @musekicker @supbroaudiencefanoffans @allythemusicfreak @crazeecraze and @artaeia
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musekicker · 2 years
Still open for Sing writing prompts but also feeling Helluva Boss fandom writing prompts, more so in the Fusion au.
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musekicker · 2 years
Still looking for Puss in Boots: the Last Wish and Sing writing prompts.
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musekicker · 2 years
It snowy/rainy today, very gross out and I'm not getting out today. So eh, open for writing prompts to do with offering au, anything to do with Duel, or anything with the kid ocs.
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musekicker · 2 years
Haven't written Helluva Boss for awhile. Anyone have any writing prompts for me?
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musekicker · 2 years
Looking for writing prompts for Helluva Boss and Sing. Either gen or the normal pairings I write for.
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musekicker · 2 years
Still very much in monsters vs aliens mood right now, more so writing wise. So still very open for writing prompts.
As many as anyone has. It'll help me get back in the groove for my own wips.
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musekicker · 2 years
Know what, in super robot monkey team hyper force go! drabble writing mood. Throw some writing prompts my way.
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musekicker · 2 years
Because of the dragon event on 4 the words, extra in need of writing prompts still. Just assume that anytime this month, I'd love as many writing prompts as you can think of.
Open to a lot of animated fandoms, including the ones I'm tagging for. If not sure if I'm into a fandom or ship just ask.
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musekicker · 2 years
Randomly in a Buzz Lightyear of Star Command mood and wanting to work with my Nos-4-A2/XR kid oc, Drac-2-La. Or just the pairing of Nos/XR either way.
So open for writing prompts Blosc.
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musekicker · 2 years
Writing prompt call for Helluva Boss, and Dream Light valley. (two very different fandoms I know. )
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musekicker · 2 years
Some covid related worries going on for me and honestly need a distraction.
So same old, same old, writing prompts, oc/au asks, doesn't have to be related to the fandoms I tag either.
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musekicker · 2 years
Another writing prompt call. Very excited about Helluva Boss right now, more so with the news getting a new episode in october. Also open for Super Robot Monkey Team Hyper Force Go! writing prompts too.
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musekicker · 2 years
I am working on a Sing prompt I got recently. I am however going to take on a big for me challenge on 4 the words. In short, I want to do a word battle against 3 creatures that they are 2000 words each. I'm hoping to get 6000 words written within two weeks to defeat these creatures.
So yeah as always ,asking for prompts.
also open for questions about ocs, aus.
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