#musingsofafool (luocha hcs)
celestial-narwhal · 6 months
Luocha's level of huggability: Do not pass GO, do not collect 200$. He's about as huggable as a rose bush with its thorns on full display. The alluring scent and soft petals may draw you in, but do not be fooled, you will be left with lasting scars.
However, if you manage to endure the thorns, his hugs feel like an assurance of the self. As if you are the center of the world, and that nothing else matters other than you and the feeling of his arms. A hint of possession, and a dash of pure, unbridled devotion.
You are his everything.
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celestial-narwhal · 11 months
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Been thinking of so much unsettling and devious Luocha lately and one thing that's particular stuck in my mind is the fact that as an emanator of the Abundance (at least in my hc), he has an extremely precise and accelerated sense of healing that he can use even on himself.
He does use it on himself often in fact! He uses it to hide blushes, to be able to drink wine and not feel the effects of intoxication, and many other seemingly mundane things to keep up his impassive appearance.
On the other side of the coin, he can use it to escape confinement and will break his own joints and bones to slide out of restraints. All with a rather uncanny sense of ease, even as his body knits itself back together at horrifying speeds.
Abomination may be right when describing him.
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celestial-narwhal · 1 year
On, Kallen.
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If you couldn't tell by my frequent use of Otto references and Otto icons, my Luochas are very much based around Otto Apocalypse. They share the same beginnings and religious trauma, as well as contempt for the divine. Where they differ, is Kallen's role in their stories, and how severely they reacted to the plague that scourged their worlds.
Both my Luochas lack an encounter with the Void Archives and the Honkai, so their plights were less based on a war against all powerful beings, and more against the plague and human greed. He still holds the Apocalypse name, however, his given name is not Otto. Otto is his middle name, however. His given name is something I'll keep close to my chest so very few people will learn of it.
He was born the youngest heir to the Apocalypse family, but was rather sickly. Due to his chronic illness, his family neglected and scorned him, thinking of him as being rejected by God.
This is where my Luochas diverge. Eventually, Thorns verse Luocha would meet Kallen, and she would be the first and only person to ever show him kindness and the beauty of the world.
Prayers verse Luocha, on the other hand, never had a Kallen. He lived his life constantly overlooked until the day he decided to watch his own world burn to a crisp as a symptom of their own hubris.
Thorns verse Luocha grew up with Kallen by his side, knowing his love would never be reciprocated, but was content with that anyhow, because he truly loved her.
Until the day she was executed for treason.
He offered any way out for her, but she refused, and Luocha could only look helplessly on as he respected her decision. Watching as the love of his life was taken by the very institution that justified his neglect.
It was then, that he gave up on his world, and was happy to watch it burn.
Because of this divergence, Prayers Luocha is outwardly nicer, but less genuine in his kindness. He was never taught the beauty of this world by Kallen. Thorns Luocha, is more impassive and aloof, however, he is kinder and has a genuine compassion for the living. That was Kallen's gift to him.
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celestial-narwhal · 1 year
Luocha has always held a contempt for the divine, how people would flock to said beings like sheep and heed every word they spoke as if it were a blessing unto the world. As if all it took for something to be deemed as law was for a creature considered as higher to mumble it into existence. And thus, laws without thought were put into place, laws without reason, justification, or meaning.
Oh, how he loathed it so.
Such things could only lead to injustice, could only lead to chaos when order was the intent. Could only lead to heartache and unyielding prejudice to run rampant in worlds where love was supposed to be above all else.
He saw it on his own homeworld, after all.
He saw it in how his own family could only look at him in disdain for being born ill; a sign of being unfavored by their lord. He saw it in the eyes of his peers, who mocked him for being weak despite being of high birth; noble, blessed blood running through his veins. He saw it in the avoidant eyes of people passing on the street, where the damned suffered and no one bothered to lift a finger to help because they were considered unsightly and wrong.
What kind of lord would deem this just?
A lord he refused to follow.
He watched as his nation tore itself apart, even his own family as they scrabbled to the top of a dying world. Prayers being lost to the wind as figureheads threw curses at the so-called deities they had worshiped so devoutly prior.
"How could they let this happen? How could they let this be?" they cried, shaking their fists at the wind, as if this weren't an inevitability of their own hubris. As if their inaction and gluttony hadn't been the source of their world falling apart.
Even then, the fools continue to blame their higher being for refusing to save them from a grave they had sown themselves. Rejecting their own responsibility in such a downfall.
Luocha could only watch impassively as his home razed itself to the ground.
If everything were to end, then there shall be at least one witness.
So now, he stands, alone. The clothes on his back a reminder of the path he must take.
Some might call him arrogant, egotistical at heart.
He calls himself practical; willing to use even the Aeons themself to reach his promised goal. They would do the same if they deemed it necessary, after all. Why shouldn't he the right as well?
But no one could ever call him complacent, blindly following in the empty words of the divine.
He will carve his own track, with his own will.
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celestial-narwhal · 1 year
Your Muse’s Combat Stats: [★]
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Power:  ★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
Accuracy: ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Speed:  ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Evasion: ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Defense: ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
Teamwork: ★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
Intelligence: ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Creativity: ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ 
Tagged by: @everlastiingiimmortals
Tagging: YOU!!! (if you want <3)
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celestial-narwhal · 1 year
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Luocha has always held himself to a high standard of hygiene and cleanliness. While as a doctor, he is no stranger to getting his hands dirty, he will always make sure to meticulously cleanse himself afterwards if need be. He prefers to avoid a mess if possible, and does not enjoy the feeling of grime, slime, or stick on his skin.
Perhaps this is a product of bearing witness to a grievous plague that wreaked his homeworld. Nothing's to say for certain. Just know there will be a certain hesitation when coming into contact with anything deemed as unclean.
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celestial-narwhal · 1 year
*walks in and sits down with a beer*
SO, I have a question, Mun. You don't have to answer this if it ruins anything but...
Is Luocha like an emanator for yaoshi? Does this mean that this is some Romeo and Juliet thing? But like, they hate each other?
*Cracks open a cold one right next to you and manspreads*
WELL I am so glad you asked, Anon! :] Thank you for your question!
For me personally, #ThornsofTheAbyss Luocha is most definitely an Emanator of the Abundance. His visage is far too uncanny of an resemblance to Yaoshi and his powers mimic theirs way too much for me to think otherwise. That, and when you get the achievement "Coffin Dancer," you can see he is looking out at the Ambrosial Arbor, talking to it. (Putting the rest under a read more cause I blabbed too much :()
I also love the hc that the Rating Pistol in Herta's station cannot rate Emanators, which is why some characters get an error; including Luocha. If Hoyo decides he is not an Emanator, then I simply will not perceive™ because he's my barbie now smh /lh
Despite being an Emanator of Abundance, however, Luocha does not worship Yaoshi. My version of him holds too much contempt for the divine to ever do anything like that, as explained in this hc post. Luckily for him, you do not have to place your faith in an Aeon in order to become an Emanator, as Aha shows with their methods of choosing. I believe Yaoshi and Luocha have a transactional relationship, as blasphemous a thought as that is. They are using each other. On a later date, I'll explain what exactly that transaction is for my muse of him!
So- yes. On the outside, it is sort of a "forbidden" relationship, however, both Willow's Jing Yuan and my Luocha don't really place their faith in their respective Aeons. They really care not for the gazes they've drawn nor their opinions, which is why they are.. well, fucking around and finding out. Both of them are wise enough to know that the Aeons are far too lofty to really care about who either is, well, having a right dalliance with.
As for #PrayerofTheAbyssFlower Luocha... honestly, I don't know! I'll probably play it out by ear as I get more into playing him, but he is genuinely just a harmless guy, despite having the same mannerisms and bad habits as Thorns Luocha. He's just... quirky like that. I'll probably lean more towards yes on being an Emanator too for him, because you can also just be a guy™ but also drawn the gaze of an Aeon. It all depends on whichever situation I find more humorous :D
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celestial-narwhal · 1 year
((This is a good of a time as ever to explain the difference between #PrayeroftheAbyssFlower Luocha and #ThornsoftheAbyss Luocha!
I have two verses for him at the moment. #PrayeroftheAbyssFlower is my affectionate term for his "Just a guy™"verse. This is an au where he is genuinely just a simple merchant who has to deal with the woes of everyone suspecting him of some kind of scheming, even that observant *General* thinks he's up to no good. Is it his face? The way he carries himself? The lilt in his voice? :( He doesn't know! However, he can't say he doesn't find it humorous in some sort of manner, so he definitely plays along. He's got to get some form of entertainment out of his affliction.
On the other side of the coin, #ThornsoftheAbyss will be his more canon compliant verse. The universe in which is is most definitely up to something™, but only time will tell what! For interactions, feel free to specify which of the two you would like to interact with! If you don't, I'll simply tag it as #SimpleMerchant, which is my general tag for Luocha. The side he takes will be up to interpretation then! Happy Trailblazing! ☆Starry))
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celestial-narwhal · 1 year
A Traveling Merchant
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Name: [Redacted] Luocha Species: Human (?) Pronouns: He/Him (AMAB) Occupation: Interastral merchant with the IPC Star Unity Mall Region of Origin: Unknown. Age: Appears 33 Height: 6′0″ (183 cm) Birthday: January 20 HC Tag: MusingsofAFool (Luocha hcs) General Tag: Simplemerchant Verses: [Click here]
Ship Status: Open to Multiship
Pragmatic and resourceful, Luocha is a polite man who keeps his cards close to his chest. Despite the air of nobility he holds, he insists he is but a simple traveling merchant. Whether you wish to believe that, is up to you. He keeps his interactions with anyone polite and courteous, a gentleman at his core. There are few things that bother him, having had many experiences across the universe with many different people. Life is something precious to him, even something as insignificant as a flower can compel his pity, using his medical skills whenever he comes across someone in need.
Luocha is a man of many masks.The one he decides to use, differs from person to person. He’s observant and has a keen eye for detail, which he actively uses to his advantage. Whichever mask benefits him in the moment, will be the one he plays the part of. Very few get to witness his true nature. 
At his core, he is incredibly picky and hold high standards for himself, and the wares he decides to peddle. He holds a disdain for those who hold blind faith in higher powers, falling into complacency for their fate rather than taking hold of it themselves. He keeps true to his oaths, and remembers the past diligently, lest history be allowed to repeat itself once more. There is more that meets the eye for this wanderer, and only time can reveal his hidden truths. Abilities
Healing: He has basic medical training, and can use his gifts grant by the Path of Abundance to heal those in need. His powers seem to work on inorganic beings, as well as organic. How strange.
Intelligence: Seems to know more than he lets on. Has fantastic prose.
Proficiency with a sword: Specifically trained in fencing, his posture is impeccable.
Coffin: [Redacted]
Has a quick-witted silver tongue.
Cross: Uses his cross as a conduit to control Imaginary energy
Just a simple merchant who cherishes flowers in bloom.
Read More: Honkai Star Rail Wiki
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