#muther grumble
fluffypandabun · 2 months
A perfect cure for Boredom
AN: I know none of you know nothing about the Wondla book series but Ive read the first book and I love it and also I love these two they're my favorite father daughter duo so I had to write something for them. Its not my usual content but its something so I hope you enjoy.
Summary: Eva Nine is bored, this can only lead to disaster of course.
Eva Nine was bored.
She sighed as she braided strands of her dirty blonde hair together, only to tug them apart again and start all over. She laid back on the moss covered ground idly moving her socked feet.
Rovender was a little ways away, tending to the fire that was in the middle of cooking their supper, some animal he had killed and skinned out of Evas sight at her own request.
The blue Cæruleans back was to her as he fiddled with the brim of his hat, fiddling with a tear in the fabric and huffing grumbled curses to himself.
Eva turned herself over onto her stomach, the twelve year old watched the grumpy blue alien from her comfortable spot on the moss. She considered calling out to him, drawing him in to a pointless fun squabble for her own entertainment. Anything to cure the growing sense of boredom gnawing at her insides.
She was ready to call out for him when suddenly another idea struck her, and she grinned flashing teeth. Slowly she made her way into a crouch, before she stood fully.
Carefully she crept her way towards the fire, where her unsuspecting blue friend sat unaware of the quickly approaching threat.
She moved near silently thanks to her socked feet and and the soft moss covered floor, getting closer and closer to her target. With a wide grin she brandished her fingers into claws and pounced.
"Rahhh!" She growled, landing a top the started Cæruleans back and wrapping her arms the best she could around his larger form. Her small nimble fingers were quick to find where his sides where, digging gently into the soft fur covered flesh. Digging in roughly in order to be felt past his thick dark brown coat.
Eva was familiar was tickling; when she was younger Muther used to play with her in a similar way quite often. But Eva had never tickled anyone else before. she had tried on Muther once but it had no effect on the robot. She hoped that she was doing it right.
And clearly she was, based on the way Rovenders body went rigid and he began to let out choked sounds like he was trying not to cough as his body began to shake.
Truth was he had known the human was there behind him, and had decided to humor her just this once.
However he had never expected an outcome like this.
"E-Eva Nine! You-! You stohohop that!" He fought to contain the laughter bubbling up in his chest, forcing a scowl onto his features as he tried to reach behind himself and snatch the giggling child off his back.
"But this is fun!" She grinned, nimble fingers poking and prodding wherever she could reach, she traveled her hands farther up where she knew his rib-cage would be if he were a human like her and it caused him to hunch over slightly with a funny wheezing sound making her giggle.
"It-! It most certainly is n-nohohohot-!"
Eva smiled deviously, wrapping her arms tighter around the blue aliens middle to keep from getting twisted off.
"Come one Rovee! Lighten up a little!"
She stuck out her tongue and tried to worm her fingers under his arms, causing him to jerk violently.
Said human laughed aloud at the way the Cæruleans voice went slightly more higher pitched then usual. However, her laughter was cut short soon after as a large blue hand grabbed onto the collar of her shirt and suddenly yanked her off sending her onto her back on the mossy floor.
Rovender sat above her hand on his chest, coughing and trying to catch his breath. He sent a glare Eva's way, she simply grinned sheepishly at him. Suddenly she let out a shriek when he quickly reached for her, she tried to scramble away but he snatched her ankle and pulled her back towards him; Eva already laughing long before his large fingers began to poke and prod gently at her stomach.
Happy childish laughter bubbled up from her chest and out her mouth and she squirmed back and forth to try and evade the Cæruleans fingers, but he simply seemed to follow her whichever way she squirmed.
Rovender chuckled "Is this still "fun" Eva Nine?"
"Ehehehe! Rovehehe I'm sorhehehy!"
"Hm, forgive me but I have a hard time believing that."
Eva made a grab for his wrists, holding onto it for dear life with both hands as she laughed. "I wahahas just borhohohored!"
Rovender smiled, feeling a playfulness that only Eva could bring out in him building up in his chest. "Oh? Then please, allow me to help with that."
He reached behind him with his free hand and grasped onto one of Evas kicking feet, holding it up he hummed as if he were deeply considering something.
"I do find it odd that your species requires so many toes to be able to walk properly, how many was it that you had again?"
"Ten!" Eva squeaked, trying to tug her foot free of his grasp, Rovender shook his head.
"Ten? Bah! It cannot be that many; I must check for myself."
"Nohohoho!" Eva giggled, only to squeal as Rovender began to gently tweak each of her toes through her socks, counting softly out loud to himself.
"...nine...ten...hm, perhaps you really do have ten of them....let me recount just to be sure."
"Rovehehehe!" Evas belly was beginning to hurt from laughing so hard for the first time in so long, happy tears of mirth prickled at the corners of her eyes and hiccups had begun to mingle within her laughter and she snorted when Rovender tweaked her kneecap gently.
Smiling softly Rovender chortled himself at the noise before he seized his attack, pulling his hands away to cross his arms. Leaving the human child flat on her back breathlessly giggling as she recovered.
The Cærulean raised a brow "Are you still alive Eva Nine?"
He got no response in return, he was getting ready to roll his eyes at the child's dramatics when she suddenly sprang up and threw herself at him.
For a second, much to his embarrassment, he panicked thinking she was about to try and tickle him again and he was quick to clasp his arms down to his side; but instead of any attack she simply threw her arms around him middle with a happy noise.
"That was so much fun!"
She rested her chin on his chest and looked up at him with a big smile, eyes sparkling with playful excitement.
"I haven't gotten to play with someone like that in forever. Thanks Rovee."
Rovender blinked a few times in surprise, looking down at Eva in shock for a moment before he felt a deep fondness began to bloom in his chest, one he had not felt in a long time, and he smiled wrapping his arms around her smaller frame.
"You are welcome Eva Nine....however see that you refrain from attacking me again in such a manner in the future."
He gave the girl a gentle squeeze to her side to get his words across, but she simply giggled squirming away.
"I wont be making any promises."
The Cæruleans sigh was filled with nothing but fondness.
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ask-eris-morn · 7 years
I know where you live.....
And I’m going to mail you some raisins. Because you gotta eat healthy. Health is important. when I was in th hellmouth I couldn’t take care of myself. It fucking sucked.  thats why you need to eat the raisins. You need to have a better life than I did. I just want whats best for you Guardian. I want a life for you that I could not have. I want you to not have to struggle like I did. So guardian. My guardian. please, eat the raisins. I know they’re still in your vault. Asshole. Just trying to give you some love but NOOOooooooo. Well then, fine. Maybe I’ll go join the muther fuckin cabal. Maybe they’ll appreciate me. Raisins mfdakd grumble grumble grumble, cayde, grumble grumble raisins, grumble cayde grumble mfffffffffffffffff f    f         f              fff.
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lisamarie-vee · 8 months
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