akira-zens-babe 4 years
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FINALLY THE DATE IS SET!!!!! 馃ぉ馃槺馃槺馃槺馃挄馃挄馃挄
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otomefoxystar 2 years
Secret Mission
Pairing: Mitsuhide X MC
Genre: Fluff
The weather was cold, and seeing the frost on the trees, made her nostalgic for modern times. Sometimes she forgot that Christmas just didn't exist. "What's wrong little mouse? You've been moping all evening." She turned to see Mitsuhide looking at her. How long had she been looking outside at the snowfall? "You'll think I'm being silly." Mitsuhide came over, looking down at her and wrapping his arms around her waist. "If it's problematic enough for you to be fretting over, then I'm sure it's not silly. Although, you do have a tendency to be quite silly." She rolled her eyes, "Ugh. Forget it. It's not important." He combed his fingers through her hair. "What is it, my love? Tell me." You sighed, looking into his tender eyes. The things those eyes have seen, and yet he looked at her with so much love. She couldn't understand how he could ever be the ruthless torturer he was.
She touched his cheek with her fingertips. "I wish you could see the things I have seen from the future." He nodded in understanding, "You miss your home. Do you wish you had gone back to the future?" She shook her head to reassure Mitsuhide. "My home is here with you. To say I don't miss certain things about the future would be a lie, and I suppose that's something I should expect to happen from time to time. I wish you could see it with your own eyes. This time of year was always my favorite. Seeing as how central heat isn't a thing here, I'm having a hard time enjoying the winter like I used to." A little laugh escaped her, "I love the way you listen to me ramble about the future as if you know what I'm talking about." Mitsuhide's cheeks tinted, and his eyebrows creased. "Stop it." He turned his head away, and she put both her hands on the sides of his head, bringing his face back. "You are one of the smartest people I know, Mitsuhide. I love that you try to understand me, and I love that you let yourself be vulnerable with me." She kissed him on the lips in a sweet kiss. When they pulled apart, Mitsuhide took her hand to lead her to sit by the warm fire.
He took a thick blanket from a chair. "Sit, my dear." As she sat down, Mitsuhide placed himself next to her, wrapping them up in the warmth of the blanket. "This is nice, Mutsuhide." He smiled, then hummed, leaning her head against his shoulder. "Tell me what is on your mind." She took in a deep breath closing her eyes. "It's called Christmas. a holiday most of the world celebrated. There were artificial lights of all colors. Blue, purple, red, green. People decorated their houses and yards with lights and decorations." Hearing the excitement in her voice made his heart sad for what she missed.
"What kind of decorations?" She giggled. " Oh, reindeer, snowmen, Santa Clause, the list goes on and on." Mitsuhide laughed, "I don't know what a snowman is or what this Santa clause is either, but I'm sure it's nice." Sitting up, she smiled. " A snowman, oh, they are so much fun! We could do it here. You make a ball of snow, and roll it in the snow until it becomes a big ball, then you do the same thing, but making it a bit smaller, and one more that's even smaller. You stack them together from smallest to biggest. Then, you get something for the eyes. I used to use buttons, a carrot for the nose, and some smaller buttons for the mouth. Then you get a scarf and hat, and TADA! You have a snowman!" Mitsuhide looks at her, her spark for life so bright.
"Santa Clause is a legend, a story of sorts. There was a man that would bring children presents on Christmas Eve, secretly. Through the years, it got misconstrued people forgot the meaning behind it. In my generation, Santa was like this magical person. Children believe that he is alive and real that he has this toy factory where magical elves make toys all year long. Then, Santa Clause leaves his home in the North Pole on Christmas Eve. He wears a red suit with a red hat and gets in his red sleigh, loaded with Christmas gifts. His flying reindeer taking him to every house in the whole world that bears a child, and he lands on their roof, goes down their chimney, and delivers their gifts." Mitsuhide shakes his head and, with a bit of chuckle, "That's ridiculous." She snickered, "I guess it kind of is, but when you're a child, the magic seems real. It's all anyone can talk about. When you wake up on Christmas Day and see presents under the Christmas tree, it's believable, and they think it is Santa Clause. Of course, it's really just their parents." Mitsuhide gave her a qizzzical look. "Christmas tree?" She grinned, "Oh yes, people would cut down pine trees and bring them in their houses and decorate them with Christmas lights, ornaments, and candy." Mitsuhide smiled endearingly, "People from the future must have a very sheltered upbringing. It makes me happy that you grew up that way."
She looked over to him, gazing at this loving man, leaning into his touch. "What about Christmas? What is it?" She hummed, "It was originally formed as the birthday of a deity, but I won't get into all that. In recent times, it has become more of time spent with family and friends. Giving gifts that show those people how much you care鈥攄rinking hot chocolate with marshmallows and sharing a hot meal. It's the traditional music and snow. Christmas is about love." She intertwined her fingers with his "I like that. I'm glad that you have fond memories of your time."
The next day while _ _ _ was busy with work, Mitsuhide answered the front door of his manor. Sasuke, Nobunaga, Ieyasu, Hideyoshi, Mitsunari, and Masamune stood on the other side, "Shall we get to work?" Mitsuhide stepped aside, allowing them to come in. "Leading them to his study, Sasuke laid out papers with descriptive detail about Christmas and traditions. "Where do we start?" Mitsuhide asked, going into work mode. "I think it'd be wise to split up and assign everyone a task," Mitsunari interjected.
Late that afternoon, Mitsuhide waltzed into the seamstress room, whisking _ _ _ away. "Mitsu- What is going on? What about the mission?" He smiled, "It's been completed. I wanted to see you. It gets dark earlier in the winter, and I wanted to take advantage of the daylight and ride the horses back to the manor." _ _ _ lit up with excitement at the suggestion. The two horses were saddled and ready for their masters as they walked outside, hand in hand.
They made idle small talk about things on her mind and the goings-on at the castle. "One of the young maids kept glaring at me today. I didn't know what was wrong with her, so I asked another girl that she seemed friendly with. It just so happens that she has a crush on the same man that I am in love with." He laughed out loud loudly, "Do you feel threatened, mouse?" He had that sound in his voice when he endlessly teased her. "Not at all." He reached out for her, and as she took his gloved hand, he looked at her. "Never doubt my love for you."
Once they dismounted, their horses were taken away to the stable. She noticed all the footprints and hoofprints in the snow. "Do we have guests?" Mitsuhide nodded his head. "We do" She walked next to him as they went inside, where she was bombarded with the loud laughter and voices of all the warlords, including Sasuke. "What's going on, Mitsuhide?" He merely smiled at her.
"Princess, welcome home," Mitsunari said with a sweet smile. "Thank you," She replied as she looked around. There were no war plans out, only tea and snacks. "Should I be concerned that you're all here when you were supposed to be on some sort of secret mission?" Masamune let out a hearty laugh. "This is the secret mission" She looked around, feeling confused. "Come, my dear." She took his hand, not knowing what to expect, but when everyone came outside with you. Masamune brought a large bowl full of carrots and coins, and candy. The pieces were starting to come together a bit.
"Are we making snowmen?!" Sasuke smiled at your excitement. "I couldn't find any buttons, but I think this will all do quite nicely." Taking Mitsuhide's hand, she motioned for everyone to come over. "All of you have to make one." Ieyasu rolled his eyes. "Even you Ieyasu!" He huffed but complied anyway.
Sasuke and _ _ _ guided everyone into making a snowman. While Mitsuhide eyed his work, she rolled up a snowball chucking it straight at his head, crashing right in the side of his face. Doubled over in laughter, Nobunaga did the same to Hideyoshi, eventually leading into one big snow fight with everyone involved.
While everyone was occupied, _ _ _ laid down in the snow, sliding her arms and legs together then apart. Mitsunari came over watching as she stood up, looking at the imprint she made in the snow. "What is it?" She gave him a big smile, "A snow angel. Try it, Mitsunari." He did, and as he looked at his imprint, he nodded, "that is quite enjoyable." While talking with Mitsunari, a snowball hit her back. She turned around, seeing Mitsuhide smiling at her, she tried gathering more snow to throw back at him, but Masamune had her in his sights. Her only choice was to flee. She hid behind a large tree. Mitsuhide came after her, placing his hands on the tree, capturing her cold lips, and delving his tongue into her mouth, caressing her tongue with his. "If you're going to make out, you could at least get a damn room," Ieyasu stated with a sneer. "Should we go inside to warm up?" _ _ _ asked, and everyone agreed.
As everyone took off their gloves and cloaks, Mitsuhide grabbed her hand. "Before we settle down, I have another surprise for you." Her eyes widened in surprise. "Come" He held out his hand and led her into the next room. Her eyes lit up seeing the tree in the room with little kenpieto tied to the tree and random paper snowflakes on the branches, most likely replacing the ornaments. "It's beautiful!" She turned around, giving Mutsuhide a big tight hug. Hugging her back, he kissed her on her forehead. A serving maid came in with hot sake and tea, sweets, and plenty of food to eat. She was astonished, not knowing how to respond. "Guys," She said with happy tears filling up her eyes, and Mitsuhide smiled, "We wanted to give you Christmas." She looked around at everyone. "Or at least as close to it as we could get," Sasuke said with a smile. She laughed as tears rolled down her cheeks. Hideyoshi put his hand on her shoulder, "You deserve to be happy. Seeing the smile on your face is worth all the work we did."
She looked at each of the men in front of her. "Thank you, all of you. You don't know how much this means to me, how much all of you mean to me. You are my family." She stepped forward, reaching her arms out when they all came together in a joyous group hug. "This wouldn't have happened if it weren't for Mitsuhide. He loves you very much. That much is obvious." Masamune said as they backed away. She looked over at Mitsuhide with a beautiful smile and walked over to him just to be wrapped up in his arms.
"You are a beacon of light in my life of darkness." She looked up at him with adoration in her eyes. He leaned down, giving her a gentle kiss. "I feel bad. I didn't get anything for any of you." Nobunaga stepped forward. "Don't feel bad, fireball. This was all for you. We wanted to do this for all you have given us." She shook her head in disagreement. "I haven't done anything" All the men in the room laughed. "You have given us joy and happiness, a reason to make it home safely. You are family to us as well, at least to me." All the other warlords shook their heads, agreeing with Nobunaga, making your heart melt. "Merry Christmas, everyone!" She said with excitement, "Merry Christmas!" They all repeated in unison. "That's it. Christmas will be our new secret tradition!" Nobunaga stated.
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Yup. *she sits down between Mutsuhide and Ieyasu and adjusts her hold on the baby. She sees Nobunaga and Kuromi and smiles at them* Look at that! We have another baby here. How's the taste of milk after a long time Kuromi?
*Kuromi was drinking everything in delight, purring. Her hold on the bottle was firm*
Mitsuhide: She still have that?
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katriniac 7 years
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You're right, MC, this is a dumb idea. You are absolutely right. So WHY are you still climbing out on the roof in a windstorm?!? I swear, the MC that loves Mutsuhide has a death wish... 馃槖 (Dueling Hearts event in IkeSen, Yukimura vs Mitsuhide)
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huang-ng 7 years
Helicopter Crash into the Sea - Houdini/Nuke from Mutsuhide Suzuki on Vimeo.
Houdini16 - Ocean/Flattank with Destruction Comped by Nuke
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*she laughs at Mutsuhide's words* Yup! He woke up, played, drank milk, again played and slept. And he's alright Hideyoshi. Thank you. *she smiles and sits down on the sofa with the rest of the guys. She occupies the corner seat and strokes Kuromi* So what are you all watching?
Mitsunari: It鈥檚 a comedy series! It feels so realistic.
Yukimura: We found this randomly.
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