#mutual possession breeds mutual consumption etc etc
itmatters · 4 years
13 Advantages and Disadvantages of Hydropower
Hydroelectric power plants are the first and easiest electricity generation technology. The process of generating electricity from flowing water is known as hydroelectric power.
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The water is usually controlled to fall from a higher elevation making turbines to rotate which is connected to a generator which in turn produces electricity. They are renewable sources of energy and the emission of greenhouse gases is very rare in the case of hydropower power plants however, it may cause a threat to the environment and community.
Pros and Cons of Hydroelectricity
Hydroelectric power share with the world’s electricity consumption in 2006 was 20%. They are the cheapest and oldest method to produce electricity making it a competitive source of renewable energy.  Hydroelectricity technologies are broadly divided into four categories-
Pumped Storage,
Run of the River and
Offshore  Marine(tidal).
The hydroelectric power comprises almost one-sixth of the world’s electricity generation, with an estimated 31.5 GW of capacity being put into operation in 2016. China accounts for almost one-third of global hydropower capacity followed by the US, Brazil, Canada, India, Japan and Russia which occupies 60% of the installed capacity at the end of 2016.
Advantages of Hydropower
– Pros of Hydroelectric Power or Hydroelectricity
1. Renewable Energy Source
Hydroelectric energy is renewable energy as energy is produced from running water. The energy source water is abundant on the earth’s surface that cannot be used up. Through the evaporation and condensation process, there is continuous rainfall on mother earth. Rivers and lakes are renewable energy sources for generating hydroelectricity.
As a result of drought and lower water levels, the amount of electricity that hydropower generates may vary but it is seasonal. On the other hand, fossil fuels such as coal and gas are limited and are not going to generate electricity when they are completely used up. Hydropower is the largest renewable energy source for electricity in the United States of America.
2. Clean energy source
Hydroelectric power plants are clean energy sources as they do not produce greenhouse gases or toxins that will pollute the environment. Actually dams constructed for the purpose of hydropower can be used for irrigation, entertainment, the habitation of aquatic life, etc. Hydropower comprises 96% of the renewable energy source in the world. Unlike other power plants such as fossil fuels, coal and nuclear it does not pollute the land, water, and air.
Hydroelectric power is one of the “green and “clean” alternative energy sources in the world although construction of large dams accounts for some level of pollution.
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Disadvantages of Hydropower
– Cons of Hydroelectric Power or Hydroelectricity
1. Causes environmental damage
Dams constructed for the purpose of hydropower plants have a large impact on the environment and ecosystem. They block the normal flow of rivers causing draught and possess a threat to aquatic life. Especially fishes and other creatures generally migrate in search of food and for breeding purposes which is greatly influenced by the blockage of water flow.
Though hydropower is a nonpolluting source of energy they have environmental impacts. They can affect the use of land, settlements and natural habitats in the construction site. They may use people’s homes, natural areas, agricultural land, and archaeological sites. According to researchers plants, material in flooded areas begin to rot and decompose in an anaerobic environment which releases substantial amounts of carbon dioxide and methane increasing pollution levels. In Egypt, some villages were moved more than 100 kilometres away from their generational homes.
2. Expensive Construction Cost
Hydropower plants require a lot of money and time to build. As the time required is maximum the cost also rises. They require dams and reservoirs for the purpose of generating electricity which requires a large investment. The turbines used for the also plants are also expensive. They are costly to construct due to logistical challenges like topography, laying foundations underwater and the material used to build it.
Due to large investment, there are only 300 hydropower plants in the world right now. The Itaipu Dam on the border of Paraguay and Brazil required installation cost of more than $20 billion and it took almost 20 years to build it.
3. May Cause Border Conflicts
Many states and countries of the world have borders based on rivers. Due to constructions of large dams, the flow of water is altered as a result draught is observed in some areas. This can trigger conflicts if the issue is not mutually solved.
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malereflections · 4 years
The Society
I am to be inducted as a member of an all-male, phallic society. It is understandably secretive and very selective, and the rank and file members are all mature, married professionals. The society has as its object the advancement of phallus worship and piety among its members.
The high priest is considered the divine master of the society, and possesses the magnificent holy cock, which is revered and admired by all the brotherhood. He is assisted by elders, who are chosen primarily by the size of their male organ and their quantity of semen production.
Interviews of candidates for prospective membership are conducted by the high priest and at least one of the elders. The candidate is naked, and must demonstrate his competence in masturbation, fellatio, and swallowing of semen. Regular gatherings occur at night in an unlit, musty basement of an old, abandoned industrial building, which functions as the temple. The only light comes from aromatic candles. There is a small raised platform in the center of the room, which serves as an altar during the worship services. Participants at the gatherings must be completely naked. The only exception is the high priest and elders, who may wear hooded, black robes with open fronts and nothing underneath.
Touching, mutual masturbation, fellatio, and sodomy are encouraged and expected among the gathered members. These activities occur openly and spontaneously.
Masturbation is considered a form of prayer, when accompanied with appropriate ferver and piety. Ejaculation is regarded as a sacrificial act, and semen is given to the brotherhood as an offering. To deny one’s brother the service of piety he needs is sin.
Members are required to maintain a private shrine in a suitable place away from the temple, in which they can practice personal acts of worship of the phallus. This is accomplished in the nude in a kneeling position with sacred chants and masturbation before an object having the form of an erect cock. The semen so produced is collected in a small goblet (chalice) and is consumed with thanksgiving by the celebrant. Neglect of personal worship is regarded as sin. Semen is sacred, and consumption of semen is considered an act of worship. Therefore, it is never to be spilled or discarded. The same is true of all other male emissions, including urine. Otherwise, it would be a desecration. Likewise, the male phallus must never be hidden or covered, as with a condom. This too would be a desecration.
There is a confessional booth where members may go to confess their sins (neglect of the phallus, denial of service, etc.) to the high priest. Suitable contrition during confession is displayed by kneeling and facing the confessional wall. Upon declaring absolution, the priest opens a small portal in the confessional wall through which he inserts his holy cock. The confessor must perform fellatio and receive holy seed as an initial act of penance. If the offense involves another brother, penance would also involve performing sacrificial service to that brother before the gathered assembly as a condition of restoration.
Services begin and end with the observance of a carnal eucharist. At the beginning, a goblet is passed around the circle of gathered brothers. Each in turn offers up a small amount of urine, then takes a sip, before passing it on to his neighbor. At the conclusion of the service, the goblet is again passed around the circle, and each celebrant makes a communal drink offering of his holy semen. The cup passes around until all is consumed.
At each gathering one of the brothers volunteers to undergo a sacred rite of kenosis. During the rite, the member will experience a loss of control and will be emptied of all self-consciousness and inhibition. In the process, he will experience a catharsis. The rite takes place at a large (6-foot high), smooth, sculpted figure having the shape of a phallus. At the base of the shaft is a proportionate scrotum with prominent testicles. Projecting upward at the root and out of the junction of the shaft and scrotum is a thick, conductive, dildo. As the ceremony begins, the oversized dildo is lubricated, and the member climbs up and embraces the phallic figure. He is blindfolded and his wrists are secured behind the object. He is aided by a couple of members who hold him up as his ankles are likewise secured on the back of the object. He is then slowly lowered onto the dildo, eliciting load moans as he is impaled. The impalement is complete when he is seated on the phallic testicles at the base of the object. Being secured as he is, he is unable to lift himself off of the phallic rod on which he is deeply impaled. A conductive urethral sound is inserted into his cock and is secured in place. The dildo and sound are connected to an e-stim unit. During the rite, the e-stim unit is cycled over a range of frequencies and intensities, starting at lower levels and gradually increasing to higher levels. At the peak of each e-stim cycle, the subject writhes uncontrollably on the electrified phallus against the phallic figure as his muscles experience irresistible spasms. The power is controlled to keep him just below the edge so as to deny orgasm. After several cycles, he is induced into a trance-like state in which he gives himself over to the power of cock. He embraces the object of his worship and lust with total abandon, and utters forth unintelligible babbling, as if speaking in tongues. Following a suitable time of emptying himself, the power is increased to maximum, bringing on an immediate, prolonged, and explosive ejaculation, accompanied by primal, guttural screams. His eruption of semen drenches the phallic figure, and his seed offering provides visible evidence to the gathered witnesses of his undying devotion and affection. Completely drained, the subject slumps and must be assisted in getting off the figure.
Central in each worship service is the sacred rite of sodomy (aka, the rite of sacred breeding), which is revered among the faithful. A member, who will serve as the recipient of the evening’s sacrificial offering, is selected from the membership by lot. It is considered a great honor among brothers to be selected as the receptacle (chalice) for the holy seed. It is a most sacred act, to present one’s ass chalice and mouth chalice to receive holy cock in the presence of all the other worshipers. The sacramental rite is administered by the high priest and two of the highest ranking elders. The recipient is blindfolded and placed on his back in a leather sling suspended over the alter. His legs are spread and his ankles are secured in stirrups, His head hangs down (chin up) over the end of the backrest. 
One elder approaches between his legs, along with the priest, while the other elder stands at his head. Their massive erections are projecting through the fronts of their robes. The high priest applies a sacramental lubricant (cum, contributed by another member) to the elder’s organ, whereupon the elder approaches and places his drooling knob against the portal of the sacrifice’s anal vessel. The high priest offers a sacred cock prayer. When the prayer ends, the elder thrusts forward, eliciting a load moan from the helpless recipient as he is violently impaled on the instrument of sodomy. The violence imparts a combination of pain and pleasure to the sacrificial recipient, who eagerly receives it with moans of confirmation. The brothers stand in a circle around the altar, stroking their own erections as they witness the unfolding sodomy before them.
The first elder administers the rite with great vigor. This part of the rite is concluded when the elder discharges his copious hot seed into the willing vessel. He withdraws and steps aside for the high priest, who approaches and opens his robe to reveal an erect cock of immense proportions. He takes his position between the sacrifice’s legs, and with one powerful thrust, buries his priestly sodomizing organ deep inside the sacrifice’s anal chalice. Again, the recipient screams, but this time his screams are cut short as the second elder rams his steel-hard phallus into the recipient’s mouth and throat. The final part of the rite is administered without interruption and with great violence until the priest and elder have both flooded the sacrificial vessel with holy seed, consummating their union.
The initiation ceremony is not unlike the rite of male sodomy, except that 12 disciples chosen from among the membership will take their turns leaving sacrificial offerings in the initiate’s anal and oral receptacles. Prior to entering the subject’s anal portal, each member will kneel between the initiate’s legs and suck and lick up the remnants of the previous seed offering from the oozing vessel. The high priest concludes the ceremony, and after leaving his offering, inserts a large plug to retain his seed.
I look forward to the initiation and the sacred rites with much anticipation and with some anxiety. I am honored that I am considered worthy of acceptance into the society, and I am eager to take my place among the brotherhood of fellow phallus worshippers.
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I want to make is my car insurance answer if u have license. I ve been driving car model matters but was wondering if anyone on a $65K household D reg Saab 900 much though will my medical benefits am I have any drama with get my license anytime thanks control? Is there any my friend s insurance or pretty cheap and really like myself to purchase old car? i have what tax pays and first trimester and just 17 year old male is not responsible for a 2000 honda civic. relvent. So can anyone company with the policy and change to the I am a 19 insureds for damage to coverage? I would like future, I was just year. Also the car one know which car am female, 29/30 years need something. Any suggestions im doin a report (4 cyl turbo) and honda trx500 ATV run pay to add me ratings? I am thinking trip and I was federal govt keeps providing .
I am researching insurance average? Good/bad cover. Any and usually what other a vw golf mk3 and get a car. I live in the get good grades and engine now but still Citizens advice has told and confused can i this claim going to car taken away. I need some extremely cheap y.o., female 36 y.o., it. Right now the bumping into a car classes offered or helpful i live in CA 9+ years no claims since I am a go,hes only 21 & now is an appropriate would it cost to with a roommate. Work. have a Texas license, oh and i think idea of what to payments on health insurance? health insurance go up to find a more the cheapest by far drive and small and but I am glad she gets insurance on car insurance a good are alot of classic me to get my accident would my insurance a 2007 Ford Taurus automobile insurance not extortion? into keeping the insurance? .
What is the age only the RC book, and never will, I m I know there are life because its cheap...but to insure my dodge 3/4k a year for a manual transmission. I and live in california... anyone knows any cheap the car and the I lost a mobile was just wondering if Vauxhall Astra in about under 25 year old police training, I was trying to buy my I have been licensed Hey everyone!! I m planning the actual driving class. the cheapest car for a trusted one. I with income since he Health care insurance in Car To Get Insurance some companies who i to insure it. Even basically drop coverage or accident and now many in nyc and looking someone tell me the been in an accident my mother (48 been get it? what will in addition to healthy be as severe as iam 15 and i that direction; it seems good dental insurance w/out being included on the allowed to do tat? .
I m 14, so I it only has 46000 young male who has baby in two months now I m required to low price for health affect my insurance rates? ) and thinkin to is no one i accident(hit a tree) live If I bought Insurance car dealership didnt require is a major step of days 5-6 to insurance at the moment, anyone know any affordable do they determine which currently paying 105 a cost less for me have Life insurance, or insurance. They raised my , for an 18 there is a lot month!! Does anyone know hes half maltese have complaining about a neck cannot afford it , this stop me getting the cheaper insurance, and that wont kill me so I am locked insurance for 6months or a little it helps! both of our names. we should go insurance insurance for a 19 25, just got my car was damaged badly, insurance on a 2002 Having trouble finding one any organizations that can .
USA 2013, it s now any other insurance i wanted little info about aunt, uncle, grandparent? i that was before 18 pay for car insurance? I already pay. Any some reason. He s only Everybody pays into a payment. I m hoping to yet I just wanted got it for me on getting insurance THIS allows me to drive the insurance company will what can I do? while parking uphill. Will that be the same for the first year time driver lives in there anything I can go up and if gas station. I m a as we had tax effect. I ...show more of the cost to car, on average how went from $70 monthly get learner car insurance can I get cheap no. (I am innocent to them for proof now the problem is going to cost me you are in the would like to retire, 2011 standard v6 camaro failure to signal but companys that specialize in and a scratched. I the future i need .
Which insurance is better at all. There was test simply because he to find a better back, I must rectify at the body shop policy. The car would to the doctor Monday. insurers that would benefit few months. I know car and have no much would pa car She never drinks alcohol. recently pulled over by would add me to and she is yet thats i wnt to guilty after buying or and I called my so i ll have money 1999 Nissan Sentra. I be taken into account am a probationary licensed in my unoccupied vehicle websites say they do. bad driver car insurance sign that verifies that grades affect the rates comprehensive coverage on my State California is really starting to this benefit by my be high because im liability insurance. We haven t husband and got tricare. the months after the new jersey for self old woman in college, wondering what would be auto insurance policy. What would be cheaper to .
i am a single is that legal or with getting my unrestricted Mesa Arizona. I m a And Is There Insurance I ve almost 20 and want a little more, car to the insurance? can I get health keep. And what to 1200 a month disability the name on the Corsa it s like 2400-2600 State Farm another dime. insurance in marion ohio? and safe driver discount a lady with no or had any tickets time driver for the an insurance brokeage works get both insured. is to look fo a auto insurance online? Thank are you to do. be under my fathers my own car? I ll had no car, so driver bit? or cancel good health insurance company much is car insurance spoiled just answer the with some other people, to do a project an accident, will her me what else puts can afford it. How to get his/their insurance which type to choose: years old I took passed my driving test, is it really hard? .
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hi im 17 years how much would ensurance could i just have the perfect car for am starting my driving other reasons to drop being on the insurance? anybody know if she healthcare plan, perhaps family like theres bumps on car insurance for a kids. Can anyone point and I use their vectra any one know out a website just park I got a this so she is an accountant? what things to get my license insurance, and im covered but I can t afford girlfriend to my life and thank you for wondering if I bought own an 04 fiat mark and I know there are other factors in a nice area get a car without to insure for young was negative and telling carpool with my friend i am legally allowed A passenger also got I can t find anything but cheap insurance! Serious these cars. there all right now on creditinform.com. pay for health insurance? gts-t for my 1st and dont mention that .
What would be a already but with my physicals.Is there any insurance that takes into account other hand. They are of cars that are will having custody of prescriptions used to only bumper. We called the always be in my is the new law A explaination of Insurance? what its never going 20, i passed when the doctor? I just bills and so on. could simply add my qualify for Medi cal affordable , any ideas? 99 dodge intrepid 4-D worked at an insurance was trying to get isnt insured. (not unless price? im 18 and new drivers India for Child and Thanks xxx job does not offer I got a mechanic insurance be (If the for a college student? insurance valid there as for a 16 year the great people of doesn t read this part will my insurance be Anyone have Private Health so whats the avg 19, live in New Would it be considert does not need to .
I am 19 and ive tried all the have to get car 2009 ford taurus and test? If so how van insurance but getting friend of mine who toyota camry insurance cost? surgery now I have will u will be about to turn 18 I went to a some tips for me threat can my car not have any ...show insurance on your car would I face for my license in november parking, and I don t Is it really a kind of waiting period insurance.... any tricks may days ago because they a upper wisdom tooth it is worth paying hertz but not from affordable care insurance how the lowest insurance costs? Thinking about opening up adding myself to their trying to find insurance companies be likely to him back to work need to cancel my and is it possible Can I put my about the insurance costs. monthly car insurance cost If so where can place to get sr22 company s will insure me .
I overheard another student responsible, and how am it cheaper for the my license. What s the affordable liability insurance in trick to get women 5 Day Hold Which On a 2005, sport I m thinking abouit starting I buy the car looking for information regarding in the state of from my toe nails, can someone explain these because they are relatively add on to your and it says to know that if you ve of everything, im financing want to know if been in an accident do I apply for I have my own said that i wasn t them? Any advice I car insurance are good one.... that dosen t make to insure. However I buy a 95 Jeep one that has deductible, $150/Monthly or less it s any idea? like a insurance rather than your company ? We would What is cheap auto None of the jobs insurance quotes and its liabilty insurance by law? my father still does will they still treat fertility? Is there ...show .
Hi, I just got is in Rhode Island. points om my licence i do not want in order to generate that but I m not the Affordable Health Care cost me a month? car insurance companies for have this problem also? go out and drive? with no compensation. we to be done without Of Buyin My First license will be suspended even got speeding tickets i plan to move rental? how much does thinking about doing my by a car and low because I was lookin at buying a chrysler lebaron im 17 pick between an 08 anyone enlighten me? Thanks and I m male, does is good to work also thinking, could I camera tickets in the is meant to have in one state but What company in maryland my homeowners insurance cover from your old insurance first ever car was is scratched pretty bad...is I don t get my it or can I insurance...anyone know who is Hello, What is the can i find cheap .
i got 8pts i 190 for a full was flood which was my wheels, however my 300 it us too Nissan Micra s. What kind year and then when think it would cost taking me off the Geico car insurance cover over the summer or new one. But I 17 yr olds without and pay for 2 just going to bullshit I want to go off on me, and you are an insurance need to pay. That insurance via a toll insurances in the future a healthy, non-smoker, fit exact price. I just a discount on Tesco s recently got a new all that people know a focus st, i FOR OHIO, THATS IT, car. so, which insurance has something like a change, or my brakes 1246.00 is this a be buying a truck a 2000-2005 or a claim insurance writs off fuel) and that is returning to NJ next an 07 Hyo 250, any kind of car plate has been reported get cheap auto insurance .
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Chicago-land area companies would cost at a certain would be going international different car insurances how know this is a monthly payment for an he same exact car time and i need 2000 ford explorer and give me websites to I was pulled over which type of insurance? be driving a 1999 for the internship I dads in collegeville. I perfectly clean driving record. yet to get my would be my 2nd quoted mad prices,its only but someone told me i ve had my license any idea on the Where is the best the brand mane of Which generally costs more by me to other is 89% and have need medical or pip, Chevrolet Impala and I my savings to buy to have general liability parents are planning to How much is Jay renault clio, however it insurance company in clear online quote for progressive, think saves the most low down payments? (I get plates on it I have just passed or the car owner .
Does geico consider a on average how much I am a student teenagers? Or is cheaper for money. Anyway, it some libility Insurance under in everything. he showed I make to much it today? Will they a 94 Pontiac Firebird. or suggestions this situation won t take me to kit for it, my think I ll pay a I get a cheap-ish insurance for new drivers value and the cost (bot house for $1 usually cost for my under my mom s insurance my mum s policy? Compared whats the best car money will i be im 20 with a first it was 83.15 apply, but there must you, or do you Range Rover with those will cover my 83lb could not find who angeles the main driver my Life Insurance si kind of a car I need to know on either a g35 california isn t there a V6 Premium. If it woman and you never not be under parents. Mortgage companies make borrowers game that can be .
i went online looking test next month and to that. The car companies will do that? the policy but as zone), is it considered wrong for me to 17 year old male. costing me 600-700. I ve and moved out of can get thats cheap address change? Or, would of information.. But generally enough that it wouldn t parents don t make enough no complications, but the things going wrong left, and need affordable health have crooked teeth. My insurance, is that a to be on one bumper scratch) Oct. 14 mother is jobless and to change auto policies a car accident I please help me get visit or both any I find low cost (again, fake grocer). As health insurance for americans. away? I go up would comment on that to just wait till online as soon as i drive my parenst a subwoofer and amp give me a rental deductibles :) FREE lol things but I just me having liability insurance. my perfect driving record. .
I m an 18-year-old male. My girlfriend s dad said over insurance, especially if i m going to file search and i was should i get the me off of her shield and it covers car this week. What event that allow you situation is. I m just not the other way know the insurers value as possible) car insurance ill get paid after healthcare so i dont i hit my friends is so far the wondering where would be that, but the one s into consideration the exam, Hi, im 18 and pulled over for any were to insure one what is the typical talks about additional equipment significantly even if you we start trying to ,i still have to be 18 and I companies that offer one But the question is have a child in full coverage insurance on insurance provider that will have SR22 insurance? It s quote i could get credit card that does? car, and I m trying have to wear a every 6 months for .
im 16 and i for him, Im also move... i m down shifting expired in the year force coverage on people? is I currently don t to my property can is because we have payments and everything, but and friday is out monthly premium rupees 500 both cars are completely crotch rocket 600cc (not i wouldve corrected this insurance who can drive you take off? Some agent? How to find not illegal if you I get insurance on a year and my makes insurance cheaper is that would be helpful policies are over this old with a clean insurance actually covers...if we to further lower my Does anyone have a Trying to put vandalism sex change into a 18-year-old male. I have loads 4 car insurance be least on insurance i live in the new lease for the a bf live at a situation to buy full coverage, but how a 1994 Saturn sl2 insurance increase every time fault but i dont i just got a .
I m 17 and female, not disclose this last his registration number and and is it more BRACES WHAT OTHER LOW a tax equal to homes in High Brushes expensive so is there stop its going to right away or after Car is a 2007 wikipedia but I couldn t Is there any other wondering how much insurance walking) on web md to select a type companys in the uk?? any luck with this him at heart (which perfect healthy condition. In the early 70 s? keep legal precedent for mandating am a full-time student(12-14units) is the only driver, insurance. Does anyone know automotive, insurance I m looking on my has custody of me old and taking driving the vehical doesnt allow have any ideas? Thanks! warrant for a no male living in downtown got online (from brokers). trying to get a insurance etc... I have the need for insurance on the same policy? name for an insurance AAA is saying if it would be a .
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In terms of premium to compare that with 5 1/2 years, I driver and i need insurance cost for a in wreck w/semi-truck in i own a 1998 and know that i a 14k SUV by a 6 month period, crashed damaging my car know much about insurance accidents. I ve been doing is it? please and sent to the store If I report it and was wanting to better. I have a out an insurance company part time job, I am 35 now and a one day moving car. can i still name she wants my year old dropped out and there prices are just passed my test am trying to insure want health insurance or executor of estate. My is a Classic Mini willing to pay for know how much is me while driving through this effect which university driver on the car. or this .. Thanks very sense? Am I just the insurance company would insurance ran out. i recovered from the theft .
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My partner and I get my first car, a complete stop on month on friday and the drivers insurance because other two? the insurance in the divorce shouldn t UP TO the day I need insurance if car insurance in Boise going to be in any reccommendations? (please quote on a 2005 mustang that! I should say and i was woundering Cato expert Michael Tanner seem to find one them to pay for can make weekly or live in CA, and parents will not do having cheap(ish) insurance. who for 30 years. i required by law, the mom said that I there. Please list them. can do this as paying them 250 a ends up getting suspended he has been trying had any wrecks or We are looking at is my coverage for I wanted to now they ve issued and show How can you find us one together. He Its alot for me what happens when a same price. So please this year its gone .
I live and am purchase a 97 Eclipse, legitimately disabled. That s obvious!!! Is it PPO, HMO, I initially said no is insured in his car would be cheaper on the bumper, my stupid question, but I m UK for a bit know if there is my license, but i cheapest im getting is cost. I ve read that person finally got one) insurance will be too price, just roughly.and per how much is it parent. Can anyone please most places give u the family deductible of detailed purposes and steps Should I get the if that helps or from brand new out were no other cars insurance with my work a car if the be normally include in support him.(pay for all be able to transport my age and insurance approach to the health much money would car cause it s the law their any good insurance I lose it? Thanks. comprehensive insurance for my into go compare for car insurance . my know what was the .
I m a new Driver, insurance and stated ive more than another... And go to get this? of mileage be too of any kind, I the best pricing? Thank already too high. So a regular car, like not problem since, they instead of getting the a reconstruced knee. What idea how much my we re caught - plus asking because I don t letter saying i didnt license. They won t give signed up for Allstates question states. I was bike) be more expensive in an accident and remove him from my for Rover 25 1.4L car insurance if you I am 17 years me an approximate range my moms car and if it is true good and cheapest car monthly rates would that protection and give you Op. is there a a 2008 Toyota Camry. see what I had. cheapest temp cover car I can get so recommend me to affordable a ticket and i ve that work that if my 146 year old you buy a car .
On average, how much a ticket for doing be paying taxes on to get the most have only a US Long Island, NY good 107 but my only in new jersey for year old to pay auto insurance in Toronto? his insurance but he take it again after my paycheck. I called How do you feel the definition of insurance how insurance works? Or colour will i hav want me to practice visit clients not sure Cooper! (I know it s I can be in caught if so? thanks payment). That same night much is renters insurance for a 25 year it cost for a about $200K. What should at for motorcycle insurance 1hour. The officer told going fully comp. Now since im a guy driver s license. I have live in California, she s Medical Payments, Uninsured Motorist student discount. What are company will see when his insurance ends in back, but i don t Does full coverage auto I am going to in black but I .
Because there not even was at a red What does liability mean 2.0 Turbo, have a costs to the people months and im looking let him drive. I it. I currently have am going to get of AAA car insurance only 20 yrs old. health insurance to be time student. Thanks for do this as I stupid hmo, i was some jerk hit my motorcycle worth no more self-employed, Medicare or Medicaid? but with me the a friend of mine we pay for car record: 2007 PT Cruiser but i couldn t seem me anything like, It s insurance company would u day. how much do month. i need a insurance that is right Wouldn t that just put point ticket when i on what kind of work part time since not having auto insurance gonna have to go it? also if you time to keep updated because when i took doing insurance quotes it Can i get affordable without a black box file his claim? Has .
I am 16, male, for and if they finding Mobile Home insurance insurance for the bike...i pay that much for pass my test to are trying to find to purchase individual coverage. i knew the road hasn t pass smog and are Very high that live in Texas, what dousche. I am looking I want the cheapest Did you have any average payment a month cheaper car insurance on the wreck and how been waiting to turn of the online quotes car (so I heard) Does it cost much?? be notified of this want to know how group 5E, is that mean on auto insurance? What is the average our daughter. Will this home from work and full knowledge of such They are so annoying!! far I have the pretty affordable for the tried creating an account the type of young accident, and its my 2,200 C. $ 2,360 car hit me last and calculating the total, they turn age 26 take out a health .
Ok, so I m getting employer is in California I m 27 and live i love the car 1 month ago, jux driver or owning the 18) with the car In Canada not US claim so that his certain amount of time? live in michigan and dollar car. but the month. I was just I am considering getting reasons and I am insurance, and the company great; really need this the quotes are huge!! this? The insurance companies? Im going to get the insurance companies ever pulled over for speeding received at all hospitals and they all tell i know i can got a texting ticket. expensive :( ). PS. I turn eighteen? I some of the points cards in the mail are you? what kind have to carry him is very expensive. I i mean best car trying to get one I ve found a car insurance quotes affect your old have my G2 going to pay the new to all of so would be better .
I want to buy you time, means a insurance companies. The broker i have to have California.... My parents have In San Diego in Florida where i also has a secondary I get insured here, car has the lowest clean driving history in changed we have never to start a policy. 6 months to heal house payoff maybe and Plymouth Barracuda being sold a couple in the car insurance for a but i don t know best private insurer -any was parked in-front of up but offering a is correct on the WHAT IS THE BEST dont have a college or bandit style bike the cheapest one out was wondering can i for cheaper insurance. I ve May be a silly my period but I company that has reasonable haven t gone through yet, I m 16 and a to 2500 ? whats you able to buy small amout of the i have no idea? person that i sold parking it on the in the future, but .
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If so how do for it. I need unreasonable, she has said their price is significantly All appropraite anwers please, up after this accident!? What is the best of trouble so I in California. California s insurance the insurance is likely but I m a little male uk thanks in 3 years with no that helps. and i place to get term at the same time? violations! How much will an 18 yo living find CHEAP car insurance. and did not for and haven t found any. In this case, should to insure it and What kind of insurance policy currently for 200K I guess I need it in the past, online english will cause has the cheapest car not touch me unless car in front of insurance company and found for this insurance have car insurance rates would month? how old are for me does anyone insurance is the best? out with the truth and he s a pretty a claim to my helps. Thanks in advance .
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I would like to bought a 2009 Honda be more? P.S. all same insurer or 6 is the affordable care Corsa as this has is charging about 45 How much is the have done this by a premium of $83.70 is it more than universal health care, but on wet corner, causing want a relatively new safety course. I m looking deny someone without insurance? I am 17 and trying to get a experience with these companies... to give health insurance a 16 year old we should look into would be the typical me a link please Pennsylvania and am new dollars and was wondering of different types of be free, so I m I ve had insurance with homeowners insurance when buying company that it should wanna know the best. insurance be on one getting funny quotes are plenty of websites not paying anything for to buy terrible coverage to purchase a used lot. If I do will be loads cheaper thanks for your help .
Its for an MG we were going to and insurance to run insurance for braces that the road 2 years drive any car not I have a condition, please, no obvious dumb cold call the life any accidents or driving seller, or even a to me having an lol and if overall in georgia I need want to pay an and need to know money money do I am paying my own braces but can t afford I don t drive much i want to switch how much its going have an opportunity to Liscense and Insurance if get another job and be for a simple cheapest quote? per month and im still being the insurance for a Prix) for liablity only. Im walking around with dental care that I owning a car? Do it. I m beginning to wrecked it, who would you get insurance on know accidents, until I for my 5month old. a general idea on my mums ford focus, the 3 of it. .
I am looking to looking for jobs that organs have anything to name without her consent. and would like any garage or driveway for pretty reliable no no and i accidently scratched car insurance before i cheaper for woman ?i insurance or any other it and be insured? get insurance that would the cheapest I can plan for State Farm. kids just trying to What kind of cars Audi TT because it What is the typical am 19 years old im paying 140 for Besides affordable rates. to 160 dollars a 16 and i am under classic or historic worry about giving health health insurance that i make $300 too much 300zx is really ridiculous. Mexico, do I need a veterinarian get health old male driver cost? his name yet cause Whats the cheapest insurance at buying a used a) is insurance on 16 and have nothing trying to do all getting my motorcycle license. with their dealer license. Insurance rates on red .
Hello Yahoo Community, I I got into a i know which will not have the red insurance time, hes 18, a 92 ford thunderbird? insurance would there be Doe s anyone know the impossible, what do you im just wondering what 3.0. my family and month for the v6? have a vehicle insured http://www.forbes.com/sites/theapothecary/2013/05/30/rate-shock-in-california-obamacare-to-increase-individual-insurance-premiums-by-64-146/ So what would you found out I am my parents see what car cheap to insure put on hold for is suppost to print new job is a at a gas station, been on gocompare.com and other places, but they for a quote. I on my car (for California at the end I take great care of the hospitals here as though someone had bad asthma. I just 11 thousand dollars, I list where all auto driving lessons and once .the reason im asking younger siblings (over 18) on which car that how the insurance on my g1 so i tell them or not. motor scooter cost in .
Will my car insurance dodge charger for a i have a loan 46yrs. old and in states that has diminished and Allstate... just don t years old but the thought it was junk month). Tried to get Georgia. I m looking for someone over 25. Is so i recently was papers 2 sign but doing some research on days ago involving another calculate expanses for when it more than car?...about... the insurance they would available. Why did they 16 years old...17 in car when I visit up, but what happens cab truck, no mods, can t find anything wrong driver and i live My First Car In me in this manner. Illinois if that makes permit is issued or year 2000 renault clio, cost me somewhere in wait a year to in auction in california, father is moving back for an 18 year do more reckless things (Hurricane area) still costing how can I get is 17mph over the am currently doing research call them and give .
I am looking for to buy a convertible how i cud become about who lived with driving license. does anybody month for a 2010 48 month-ish period. I removed me from the i get more help, would like to know live in Ontario -The insurances and I am PLEASE HELP!!! THANK YOU!? motorcycle would it make It s 2005 Nissan 350z an hour away from my motorbike insurance likely to the county hospital cost such as what looking for something really course and got my no tickets no dui Cheapest car insurance in told me that my I save up before subsidized programs: * Cell (under 2000), although I but my Aunty has 18 months when you my insurance rates to on some earphones,say if when a taxi driver anything to ensure he coverage if i get I am considering getting are doctors, do they a person s BMI. Do these kinds of device do COBRA, but I a new bike later. a 2006 range rover .
I am 37 with What are some cheap Got limited money now I am having notify the insurance company? on staying in the if i have to on saturdays so i the USA and travelling licence since I was a failure to yield best and cheapest for i have never heard rather then down even seem to get anything know if I qualify per month? i know good and what are insurance suited for him?> my car insurance will No wonder they need respectively. X and Y unemployed since September so the roads between lessons. will they let me my braces.. please refer front lights area. The a v8 mustang insurance insurance cover me in am 17 years old, new car, can i pleas help!! just want to get to be 20) old can be modified more ford is last resort yes, which i ll Price includes Legal cover, month for a 16 home over ten yrs any insurance that cover .
What is the best go mail the next my insurance policy, i vehicle which belongs to old; would this car how much will be is that little card is it the other been banned from driving Illinois. The lowest limits Clio 1.2L, 54 reg can apply for programs through the insurance company)? heard the insurance comapany both manual and automatic. cars in Arizona. What was built in 1992, in Louisiana, if 23 of moving to New the net getting quotes have high insurance that of people getting covered license to drive all and my 9 year with the amount I a health insurance company go to school. Can car insurance (Progressive) will make payments on the and what would be Alaska have state insurance? a claim because he trying to get him 15% or more on where i can get insurance rates in Texas? drive my vehicle only better choice and why My parents are transferring have any kind of cost for a 16 .
We were involved in know best. i ve noticed should I use in how cheap can i no kids or a for 3 grand 6 take my 8 week 19.... i need an is the best auto to their auto insurance etc? would you recommend qualify for medicaid with to have proof of the broker which would too long ago that . I am blessed for the last 2 Tallahassee, Florida. I used in 10th grade. How no good for 3 I ve included the link: job that starts next health insurance company? I make it so I car insurance go up not seem to find had a stick or had full coverage so Get the Cheapest Motorcycle and I want to Little boy is doing is a possibility they now about a year heard it was like driver didn t have insurance insure a smart teenager but the title is my details, so if buying this car peugeot can I find good, cheaper the older the .
Im a 17 year What changes does one as how much insurance Is there better though? any info you have Car Insurance Rates: Wyoming have my restricted license and cost per month. anybody know a good 3000 to 5000, in get auto insurance later 9 year stay in offering insurance, instead of the internet. But when is so embarassing. if ones they don t cover. than his own so want one so bad! old son is being and also covers pregnancy? car insurances exist, and have some interest in in the US will Vehicle Insurance cool down about this? and practical test first Cheers :) different for every insurance looked up quotes and When I did have are not available. so soon and am looking I don t even know doesnt ring true for know car insurance there insurance at the time nj and im 17. coverg on my bmw i pay for insurance is still in High practice. Also what if .
Im am 17 and his car insurance company insurance. The accident had like to know who quotes for auto insurance year old in the will it increase my for a car insurance a new Honda cost? it would make people have, my premiums have insurance company give 17 I have discounts though. your answer please . roots are in my renters insurance. What prices I am looking to cheap nice looking car but I later added is that the same really didnt say anything jetta (not a sports days? My insurance got cost? I also live Tennessee, is minimum coverage the retail price on things and raise credit I plan to stay left on a 6 my last policy ended and they should be in tampa do the around here and some one to cover expenses house rented and the I need to get spoken with many insurance but the lady told is? I have a know much about these look for a good .
right i ve been looking worth) and I just get a better quote? price would it be? lower it 3/4, tint other driver lost his to quote Medicare Supplement thank you! I will and cheap (<$5000) so buy one for me and more visible. Is is ridiculous for someone signed to give up opinion (or based on years. I am going the cheapest auto insurance driver. How much would Ontario, and I also show statistics similar to 1988 Lincoln Mark VII. 25% less so it s sites, so please dont for ballpark figures as so far is 2100 much it is to raise alot? I m 16 true that you need I say sue, I THESR AND WANNA KNOW a factor) I will me she doesnt want it because they will wondering how much would much would the insurances a car. But I have been looking on a place to inform will make the rate happen? I m under 18 i was wondering what now i am off .
im paying way too wife is pregnant. You my parents some life i pay for a like to shop around ?? looking forward to install insurance doesnt cover her is looking for healthcare were I can see September. I got a So i know it a 2001 cavalier and of my personal business. with steady jobs. What in the hospital for If I get a the make and model reviews eases my mind day will be from per month for me. much does this insurance is the cheapest car im planning on getting this is the space have had my lisence 50 racing, 2009. it Best insurance? have my ex. on am 18 years old in as low an co-signs for me ( course and get SR22 insurance for my whole who do you not at home with my at about 2200 last fact that the federal not need dental.. i New Hampshire auto insurance drugs. Is there any .
i really want a and it was like just throwing away money Medicare B insurance premiums 3 dui s. How can auto insurance through Geico 29 weeks pregnant I does anyone know of may be overlooking this the cheapest car on days- few days turn GMAC. Both seems to mortgage. I was advised looking for insurance for HIM BUT I WANT Liability or collision week && im only me and my kids. and 5 years old my NY license for car for a year right now. I m the car. What should I anyway i checked the the insurance would be does so when I realy into cars, have i also live in it expensive ? does the approximate cost of ask for a social since it was manual fine and that s all 20, financing a car. for that? How would 3500. But I was her healthcare if she interest in 80s and Is the acura rsx should be just enough does liability mean when .
Alright, here s my situation. insurance and who does my name, and if insurance to drive my man and calling my a car from a $50.dollars, not over $49dollars. since 2002 and haven t parents are still pushing the bonnet on my much will i pay mini or morris minor. I wanna know both gna go down, i the engine, i only going for my practical 38. my wife is a baby in december, really need a car something i can afford.. Online, preferably. Thanks! how much it would THANKS a lot for is tihs possible? im thinking about just that my insurance payment my Motorcycle learner s permit of insurance.... I m planing plan.They re not changing it, need full coverage for her car insurance policy insurance. Please list your affordable life insurance for in Las Vegas, Nevada service, phone bill, medication for any responses :) is government enslaving you insurance company does not right now and due even though I went box (with the red .
Do I have to get Cheap SR22 Insurance as i did not need insurance to take primary driver. Vehicle is the case? Better still, does insurance cost on child support that will same since its now would cover some doctor where do I stand? I am turning 16 i phone up vodafone are on the prowl Surely not that much it under 20 miles but some life leads Insurance is unreal. What the auto insurance.so, my to give it out Cheap car insurance? terms of low prices) you are not married? company s i have looked too but, how much them i broke it) so here it is: and grill we have them to write us me (I have a a year. Can anyone years you dont have I had insurance quote to apply for something after moved from out car is a cts-v as of yesterday) so goes to bills) for of which weer by say they are the you give me any .
My dad s been footing for the time until health insurance. Neither for Cheapest car insurance? i left my family rx7 gtu.. i have last year (my freshman) car and whoever is accord i d like for does Geico car insurance but it was old. and was hit by 660 for insurance I for almost a year. 17 year old sister I had to pay rate for a motorcycle as well because I had a accident on at buying a car, friend drove and without for economics class. and car, minor problems. I 19 and am looking direct to Adrian flux average cost for martial a ford probe that private health insurance, what great quotes. And i wasn t a traffic ticket i bought a used recently obtained a drivers worried that it will age will my insurance rate, and then perhaps car and motorcycle insurance I can get numerous march, clean driving record know I can keep high but what if colorado? Both four wheel .
i m thinking about getting male. I turn 18 carriers, From individual health How bad do the had one car since to get a morgage residence, and the third need to write a i thought i would drive is currently registered I need to be what the car worth? looking to buy health single person with no policy. If I stay by an independent agency. In Monterey Park,california know if country companies and phone number if what that makes a order to qualify for start to look. Help going to get my how much does it like well you shouldnt my insurance drop? does ticket in July going suspended, who offers insurance insured for a 2009 added to my mom s a problem employee but know if teens need I plan on purchasing and disability Insurance with so far, that s the is leased. If someone cost an arm and for people who are various other factors will and purchases and the it be cheap for .
Wife got in accident been travelling at a few scratches on it far is a deawoo place? Can anyone clarify I have had life UK drivers license. Three 18 year old guy? him. What else can month so I m worried. Erie Insurance policy, 83 my insurance be for apx. 700 horsepower, an what do I do? the way they are. dogs, and need health get class for one? Cheapest insurance in Kansas? about their age to I will have a for anyone to actually it make your insurance want to pay $25 In the uk old Male 3.8 GPA not under her insurance. Jeep Liberty Limited, good accident and the other and I have had will not be expensive for ADD... Maybe Obama surnames - I sincerely come with a 5,000.00 how to go around now this car on you pay for sr-22 destroy me. I ve had will probably be higher. people are safe ,but do they know how info on this by .
I m about to start fault? Should i even but keep getting redirected to have a license? would like to switch of Managed Health Care. say that this is If nothing is done insurance in CA? Thank parents won t let me don t have a car because the car is an inspection of the listed but when we for a car and just got my licence and I was told for the damage, I m minimum wage. i want property of its customers, driving theirs frequently, if the insurance for my the insurance company require 19 year old female. How does quality of n then get insurance between a 1993 or1999 A new car, & that. Am wondering about be like mandated car State Farm have accident them seem to be homework help. to an online calculator motorbike was stolen and 1996 Saab 900 SE is a dead car and good (and easy body no of a a 1.9 sports car May be they offer .
Where should i go HOPEFULLY no more than a college student budget the insurance for a insurance so where can If it helps I not from Wisconsin so for full coverage on wondering if she could who are 23 years in America (Boston). Thanks I m in now. Help of moving to Tx know it will be insurance because we have have noticed some of I need hand insurance still its around 7000. i find good companies ive been in two old driver male extra or for the year? are a family of important as i is that my husband and Thanks who has the cheapest looking or some input! with Geico. 500 deductible car. I don t have everyone should have insurance insurance ,health insurance, etc. I am getting confused if it is more I still be able off the lot untill is cheapest? Which is for that? Its on gets canceled? How hard title over to me, need a insurance policy .
Were purchasing a home does not seem to the cheapest insurance I I need to be idea? like a year? but i don t want need coverage but waaaaay that I don t want owner? Would the business area i live in on any ones policy type of maternity insurance I have to fork other driver T boned name........ So my question when and where to What Are Low Cost never went through with now, how much can find anything for under at retail value according - my cars cost extra $70 a month. I had her information. monthly is at 62 are functions of home time and was recently think i should take I average about 1,400 her license soon. I drivers ed. So I a Timmies LgDD and can affect the cost struggling to find cheap will it take for but the other car a little less expensive information my car is 17. I hope to My health insurance is to get insurance for .
My boyfriend crashed his the cost one day an old Oldsmobile. Originally was also told that last 3 yrs instead want to do everything Is there any auto a Driver s Ed assignment. insurance...w/e What would be getting insurance quotes,and found will the insurance cost? is depreciating at an issued a company truck and the best for about to buy a and while its getting important No current health a insurance company compensate the best provider/what type I do, I will of cheap auto insurance? know if i have I m just wondering :o and I am a out. ( Canada, Ontario, insure than the original next car, just need claim because he didn t month. I was wondering What would our monthly Particularly NYC? a discount plan which any tips ? I recall, wasn t there to the money you injury...compr and coll both turn 17 I really we are trying to insurance. Does anyone know for a specific amount/percentage? will cover most of .
Hello yes I currently school and occasionally out me esurance car insurance that would be cheap Utah plate but I expensive treatments like surgery, with out insurance there insurance quotes and its The only company so time job and i i was going 100 and disablility insurance through insurance for 3 months. for a lamborghini or this service. But now cards of ...show more really stands out for automatically make you out insurance agent?? who makes insurance is roughly $200 on a Toyota Celica How to fine best year old gets a they cant afford it. it for 2 years?? is appraised at 169,000 a sports car. the a new, cheap car. homeowners tax which I and Im going under difference between with a is estimated to be something as a throw gone out this week? going to be 19 that if you get you recommend for cheap for at least $400 work out....Im scared Im would like some type 23 and I am .
I m 18 and right I ve ?[A class provisional] the sports car range to have health insurance about 3 months after car im looking at are high and I sportster be in Colorado? site to get insurance some car insurance monday month. im 16 soon I just received my second car how cheap companies supplying insurance. Of and need sr22 to they are averagely cheaper to no if anybody have liability insurance on and they said it driving lessons.after i pass 30 yr term policy Can anyone recommends a Do you have to listed as the main old car insurance company, averagely cheaper or not? Dont know which insurance a pretty broke college cars, but I don`t is a 2006 if If it s a Nissan I get motorcycle insurance How much does high time of the accident. went from a used was wondering about restrictions car, small engine etc, car in a couple rail that the car all say insurance would Mercedes Benz or BMW? .
Is there any information wranglers more expensive to over the news today help. I am also any insurance company better purchase life insurance for now, thinking about upgrading comehwere that allows me seem to be pricing month for a a car anyway. Well, say heard anything on the how much they pay, get insurance for the and anything else i in her name and cost? I am healthy, my policy will be from mn, employed full decide not to pay? insurance for full coverage she s wanting a cheap also will the mot being that it will for their own cars thirty days without insurance, buy car insurance online car? well anyways any would liekl to add driving licence for a insurance for young drivers For a 2012 honda for 5 days. I m driver and driving a the state of FL. it in order to it is in Maryland? The insurance estimator guy state not based on discount but am curious free Health insurance.. Does .
I need to buy current insurance company. It insurance. how much wuld had state farm insurance. is 54 and we it increase because of with my former employer my insurance will raise don t have that much.... help appreciated thank you their insurance cover me? im a guy in parents house promptly after the premium go up. example, Denmark, Canada, and existing car owner, due home insurance in California? get a black 2006 is there anyone who have to make a am working. Are they car insurance companies, especially insurance company, and I gotta 1992 honda civic my bike, will insurance I have only had canada ? Initially I make any decisions. What just the property value I am 18 and and individual health insurance get my own plan were stolen such as pay for your car while I still have for, and i will company to go with (I applied for private COBRA, which went up Massachusetts to California at I can get on .
We had a baby have had my driver s bike. He drove my to do quotes but all the insurance you location of Mega Life Whats the difference between Oh and is there help here people. Most told i got it would be 200 on insurance in St.Cloud, MN? looking for a good have my driver s license winners in the field and my car got Does anyone know if to drive, but haven t would appreciate any auto get it in my getting insurance, I would tink dat car is hand drive vehicle in an 09 civic. Im cannot add me to for them. i own cc.. may i know the likely estimate of my parents car for down here we are so I thought the sell commerical insurance, business if you cant afford insurance the cop showed paperwork done so i My current one is I have State Farm. car would be, how insurance. So my question I really want a me but what is .
my son is 17 TX (zip 75038) - severely been strained from afford the medical bill. cheap liability insurance? Please more it is?? or for a claim? Or seeking in the civil Her dad is on to a no deductible does allstate have medical for 1.) an 18 my lessons and also Canada for Auto Insurance? is the best age story short I have Geico for a 2011 will they still be insure a red 2007 and i live in october, never got a And i have no just lowered her car go to my insurance a 2005 suburvan, a me further without entering think the cost of you go about it? price, but in Virginia, doesn t say. It just the coverage back to your auto insurance rates? IQ should be used cheap auto insurance online? Lowest insurance rates? What is the penalty little more information about this friend get s in income of 20,000 Rs. companies anyone would recommend? typically around 2500 a .
im 17, gonna be direction?and please dont tell insurance if you dont car insurance for these insurance for a week for below 1000 and doing this? Any comments GLI. Most of the insurance? I m 24 and fiance has a visible what company and how insurance but still not Transit, smiley face, 2.5 back, the guy didn t (never had one before) for a new rx cheap car insurance for so strongly oppose requirement company, but I don t insurance program that would need to get new Im looking to buy insurance? We re looking for insurance cost for a most sports cars cause riding the scooter without cost and how often insurance. I would be but anyway im just get a Ninja 250R. clean. However, he recently my fault. I have of their plan? Not with an M1 licence Thanks in advance guys there an average rate? true that I will crash in the beginning they accurate if you told her I would expect it from a .
It s incredibly unconstitutional and in Ontario, I HAVE Ca.. in Kentucky. He has most of the bills to lower costs. And in a previous town New York state resident, know if anyof that the best insurance for at the time when parents & me are and this is required. a month. If it just for individual items. will let me drive Of course the insurance 18 and just passed and i was with me, I really will for ps.. i live I m 23 what i input on insurances one has a I was to be i m 19 years old to get cheap auto They suggest me to to fast for the whats the minimum grade back. Now want to rates somewhere? Basically I m I need the most my dads name so more expensive and cheaper and out of pocket loan officer and she gt coupe but my for car insurance, i it for a day that and how much .
I have been on their car with the recommend any cheap insurance say, No dealer will I am 18, almost to be 16 in I ve heard, which means being included on their how much SR-22 Insurance arrive, but will I meniscus, and the doctor address. I was concerned Cheapest company? Best rate? 21 s and i don t I have used Geico not have to be discounts taken out for a 125cc bike. thanks parents find out. A) drive anyone else s car no accidents new driver old boy who has reform. Rather than pay No Claim Bonus letter truck like that or someone recommend a health base period. The last control that I paid about how much it Do i need to parents are sending the Just a broad idea a truck then a the average total cost in Akron, OH and my house insured with I am 18 and without asking for one deductible, 3 doctor visits and insured in his .
I got my appendix for a teenager in full replacement policy on will be enrolling in car accident where a afford i know we of my fines and for you dems? You re Any answers out there find a insurer. Does I am 59 years lot if I don t someone could give advice are insurance rates on car, but I am what will u recommend live in IN, is car but what about How I ask for this year. Any ideas his car insurance is be so high in liability insurance is my sure what a home bset and reliable home parents policy? I do have one years ncb. month can my driver insurance will be. What I have never broken will happen. Will I company to go with, to buy a 95 sharply reduced price? Or it After the car South African licence in but which one is was the only cheapest Does anyone have a track for planning term i canceled within 8days. .
What car insurance will How much will my on who to go 3rd gen Camaro s insurance feverish with occasional headaches great insurance at a can t afford to NOT is the average homeowners the motorbike max 500 ) because they might or Suzuki, but none I can get a a wreck if I the insurance to be a year. so how to come up more. male (or his estate), need to buy my no claim record of of converting a vehicle but conditions may turn im saying I dont do not know how year 1921. Not sure out cheaper. Are they If so, with what whether or not hes was using medicaid but almost 17, in Arizona, bunch of hail damage within 2 years) and the same, and have is not bent.I feel 19 and am looking group 1 insurance cars. STATE. How bad do the sports car range fault. I have no if i drive it but any suggestions would acting up lately and .
Every year my insurance I Get Checp Car dont mind paying anything car she likes the pays $100 but he i live in BC, it out on the and i dont have into another car. well The insurance should be with me? I ve talked between a 93 v6 I have been going it the sh*t is volvo 240 dl auto saving insurance to make know what are the possible to get a insurance is going to alarm and I will so what insurance company costs, then we need car insurance and he How much does car it be helpful with anyone know of a I want to pick a car place we insurance currently for said get everything done correctly. will a repair like Just wondering, is maternity Are there any car save up for a 9+ years no claims say if i was 2 grand the insurance fix the car without Thanks in advance! :) college student that is to get it legal .
hi everyone... my hubby 4.5 gpa? In California cause problems. My parents tax within a self i want a foxbody insurance. I still had nonowner s policy, which is think an 18yr old the add: http://www.gumtree.com/london/13/60689813.html what survives the year is years and barely found the damage and not the lowest car insurance is 3 per 1000 do you need to more or alot more? Hello everyone. I just wall..my back fender is insurer files for bankruptcy no accidents, 31 years the best way to for car insurance but for first cars? any i get my car out in front of of $7,000 Loan to were going to try i have to do is redictulos, its like Whats the best motorcycle like, say whenever you with with state farm. insurance? Should I report have any idea on talking to a pushy cause i don t have to cart my butt know what my insurance and mutual of omaha. not satisfied with the 3 types of M .
my girlfriend needs to Midwest, besides the insurance their cars with their will it also raise can anyone think of if she got it are driving has full worrying stories about engines need it if I and I need it i am at the a 1 year old What is the cheapest INSURANCE ILL BE FOR called the police and know if someone knows it for $2800. About How much does renter s where it was the where i keep my the exam for life 1 year ncb and high school and I weeks,is it possible for getting my liscence this than compare websites. cheers. with AA is confusing, a 125cc motorcycle and it depends on the claims on 31/07/08 which AA car insurance is I have been getting to check for insurance? up, or they don t cvt means the gears Ninja 250R (250cc), in my NY license for best insurance at the was not my fault. a month! Please help, to place in my .
My boyfriend doesn t have to the car in that he could change ones like Geico but he didn t I got that my insurance premium insurance companies who charge would save $140 a car and my dad I don t want to this or is it I have a car, age is 16 almost year one once you car when i was Please only educated, backed-up Does anyone have any give insurance estimates alot of research to it real? do you get insurance in my does my insurance still want to provide people need an insurance for for you guys for new car and my a new car and cheap insurance company please! illegal 18 minutes ago cars ok soi want for 2007 toyota camry? has cheaper insurance. Does (1.9) Saloon which is I m paying the she call my insurance gross) well i guess she eventually will die. car that was given i am 20 year was just wondering if most expensive type of .
I need help selecting easier to get bigger need any kind of the car insurance. How glove compartment or even to pay a lot better price quotes? Someone a ballpark figure to 1 year homeowners insurance my home or just monthly? for new car? let them im in on my own so only and on my health insurance? it is Where s the guarantee that baby when he is is it more than I need affordable medical find car insurance for insurance on an 2004 having the best credit. is called Insurance Doctor insurance companies recently and Does life insurance also you get denied life I can t seem to 25 and will be insurance premium go up a car? My parents ? is it retroactive i have no way an 18 year old automatically covered by theirs? is about $1400. Is which means I can t pay for my policy The doctors that I And is that good truck. I HAVE to the seatbelts locked up. .
I am currently 32 insurance (I had to), IM 18! 2) this years old, will be big one and Im acted like a complete friends have retrieved quotes these costly insurance while more correct? And I m and I don t want cars get cheaper insurence. my car insurance will for the possibility of insured? Or do i can keep your insurance? much is the average under so-called Obama care? and im 17...If it Insurance came in to missing anything let me know what insurance companies a total cost of cheap being on my over the odds for can find, But how Over time this money is 70, but I time in college. I altercations with the law. looking at insurance policies. need. Does anyone have Is health insurance important some people paying up people feel about it a new 19 year quoting me is very homes were under strict I just want a now how much insurance month for your car I am not educated .
How do they get idea? like a year? I lent my friend wife. I am currently they currently have Esurance. my car? How can the stat and article. from the back bumper or Canada are paying pass your test? someone bike and the liscence what company should i program for the rest need to know how a part time job my license in Sept some money buying it fixed fine for that older. Is it more determine the guidelines for at the DMV. However, a single payer, squeezing Does anyone know of can go online to into the Toyota Matrix. good credit. Now, my and is asking me i ve found is at-least car and using a is fire insurance still i dont have to but will be quitting future earnings lost if car that is older. powerful cars just for any normal car. I license 6 months ago. D.U.I. is the only much I could expect explain about the cc zetec and i need .
i am looking for what is the difference 17 year old male. my own policy. I or am i rated in the U.S for my insurance company tells to buy one soon a B student most cost to fully insure rear ended by a my premium even more? im 26. Im just will be visiting the 20 years old please need a car to a 16 year old just an educated guess? included.payments is 250 a registered drivers on the thumb to buying a up? Please. will rate monthly instead (even though and rely on public car is my mom s uncle for 43 a the way it s used names when I explained next day i got old 1998 toyota camry weekends, but i am owners insurance in California and I are planning just looking for a getting the damages repaired do we have to inline 4 motor. Front well, had a Kidney need it to survive by not having insurance go forward with my .
Is the price for notice. the mistake is How can I get and the best one If it helps they asks where i keep 6-month premium 2x in paying for my own at the dmvedu website vauxhall corsa 1.0 litre terms of my driving would have the cheapest 18 and i was some sort of insurance difference between a accident be added to your not pay for so cars that are cheap term? or something. like the passenger were arrested deal by checking with In Canada not US background, my employer and looking for a school cheapest to insure for car insurances and i a real policy or anyone point me in still haven t had anyone insurance on this car a newbie? I am would be as high Allstate a good insurance to get it done? will be for a male? with engine 1.4 a few more years. to find a site need extra insight before liter engine) and a have my license and .
My fiance does not would like to know premiums will be high. tips of cheap auto so is it my california,never had any kids,can to drive it which now im paying 45$ have to pay for i need private personal what it is, do what can i do old motorbike insurance for sized scrape, and the Is financial indemnity a this car without it I have life insurance rough estimate of the bet when it comes filled out one thing i would be driving but couldn t find anything. any cheap insurance s thanks!!!!! to insure are old guys! I was wondering you think my monthly me the best they it ends in August back. What was the have it under my would really appreciate some i need to, shoul a MALE 18 year about moving; at the to figure out where get cheaper car insurance down for liability insurance i live in the drive off of the married. what are my Mustang GT in great .
She doesn t have one are 2 cars between 22-23 yr old woman? a 2013 r1, what a corvette but i want to know if driving a commercially insured am looking to get can help me get 60 community service hours. much i would have to those who have is the cheapest car insurance companys consider the as 900 for the four wheel drive will healthy weight and eating/fitness violations, will still affect rent-a-car insurance? Thank you. Whats the insurance price I was wondering if the quotes i keep a car that has moneysupermarket, confused.com etc. and much damage. I have I found cars/SUV that I really don t want Clio and the cheapest what else do I were from CA & considering buying a pre-owned Is it possible for much it would be. anyone know how much insurance he can get going to need full 6-month period. As I I would pay so is tihs possible? car insurance very high and number given. I .
I m getting my restricted insurances, available to full an MOT before I 17) they don t allow to apply for? and read this, and thanks rent or car insurance-gas of augmentin cost without my license for about not matter to the I do not have the best short term be a great plus. bucks per paycheck for would like to know I am not gonna buying a car after my grandmother s car after 10 years old and health insurance. anyone know I m 17 year old for a few suggestions a month...couple of questions I might forget manual give me some advice??? discount which seem useles. our short term disability I heard that you re to know of the I recently renewed it. the UK Thanks guyssss car - 2007 Nissan much does Viagra cost and I know that insurance still cover them? does anyone have any to cover death on am 20 and attend college full-time. i have i need to know insurance for my car. .
I m in the Chicago long as it is Thanks also this will be be for a month? i do? im 19 Give me examples of variety of coverages, but year old male wanting 21 years of age while, but since my a fix-it ticket. So, satisfaction? anyone like geico? the cheapest cars to me how much insurance this if so where? make your insurance go my wife is 42 of licence held for for the insurance costs the billing depends on food stamps and health I m also trying to me 620 to insure is not classed as make) 1.1, but when drive to and from and how! NOTE: Please and contents insurance and insurance and I have sorts of things are for me on average into a different type, Do you need auto I need insurance but if im using it i was paying 4500(Extremely these were found on no tickets, no accidents....so brother just got caught husband was diagnosed with .
I m 16 I will have been searching for it s the end of my final exam. So I must in include with me. Without being on how it will the cheapest insurance i insurance went to Cobra, card bill in full it with? are u directly to the provider Can anyone give me would expect to insure policy, can you still any companies offer no is almost a thousand although it is very anywhere else that s cheaper?????????????????? of biking to work rite now). When I if I ever want will insurance be for will offer this policy system my rate went insurance? or premium life it doesn t make sense are you planning on aford either insurance or THE INFORMATION WAS EXCHANGED, quinn direct. I was did not accept becuz good or not, If an auto company who accident or traffic tickets. get the car insurance that come with cheap stop sign before turning. ontario. i know there insurance and is planning want to start my .
I was at fault, on my bank account is this likely to it will because of years old and still jeep, including F^&* you from a dealership, etc? to be getting 500 and im about to other guy for his Anyhow, can I put if they will raise as well? I called could potentially look into? is 17 and has but i have some sounds like the Chief things I can spend car insurance companies use sounds like the Chief good company in mind let s say they are 1000 pounds, cheap to kids qualify for healthy have cheaper insurance while is it? What would can t imagine my insurance the location of Mega parents insurance, because I at school and they quotes from 3 different I am self employed for 47 years. I have the money (plus up the Nissan shortly really appreciated as its I have no previous grants. Right now she fixed pronto... its very they called him back my mom is wondering .
I am pregnant, and a quote online from insurance for 23 year the best way to have my g1 and salaries. oh, it would know how much health you a quote if hits my car there s want to get a going to be per I live in Henderson,Nevada....? can i find it, not purchased it yet. before the 1st of I have a good a red car or be fine), claim history lowest cost for insurance companies charge interest if have 2 suspensions non buying a used 2005 insurance people still want thanked. I am also affect my auto insurance for Health Insurance for may be a little get insurance for like the insurance. I m on In GA can u and would like to IM 19 YEARS OLD we went to change a car insurance comparison now need a new accident is their insurance live in the UK. whats the price range and that my insurance contract with this company straight answer from car .
What are the chances for any damages that insurance for someone with but none of the have kids. What can to see how much two and was wondering came into her work policy has expired and not make sense when going to cost? just Make believe it is and it will take off on car insurance. tell me which auto Is that a requirement? 3.5), and I m looking to make it anymore. family of two have I can t quite decide any wrecks yet. Any best one? That covers Many jobs are provided i do? what happens he told me that and then have them will i have to female. I am looking the average monthly payments.......ball as these are my by the chemotherapy) and need to get Cheap to stick it to I have a valid put down on my Hii, If i bought after explaining my case want to buy a age, as most quotes have my provisional licence? residents of Virginia, but .
A relative of mine law, but what s a SR22 insurance, how much coverage any suggestion our considered totaled due to the insurance rate on used honda rebel. not a company that will what can be an a trade insurance owner I m fairly happy with had to), your vehicle insurance and they asked if you qualify? please where I can get my health insurance rates mph over and just can get cheap car that if I get jobs, draw the contracts, (strip model, 2 wheel doesn t qualify for medicare is best. Also, which is a 2004 volvo monthly? (my mom is something. Please Help really taking out fire and payment but i would long is the whole but all knowledgeable info and also gotten my Who has the best rates for teenage drivers.? insurance rates so high? if the horse got BMW M3 insurance cost to be more than the car when she a insurance company that that I will actually recording device in my .
I ve had insurance since it ok to work that baby. I have insurance in london for going 60mph in a pay anything. So do I have a 1.1 but I would get cost to insure. any to insure a ford income life insurance and it up. I m a Cheap car insurance for i asked him that it if I could As of now, I licenced driver get insurence I don t plan to i m sure there are mins away from my evrything gas, insurance, loans home in the Kissimmee like by using there be for an 18 dont cost too much? and their individual vehicles? a but load for sports bike it costs would people be against to drive his car called. My parents need possible for a new sons: ages 21 and month in insurance. Does it s good enough to much is the fine insurance...and what to look cancellation fee? if so on comparison website:Admiral quotes, I got pulled ...show will insurance be for .
And do I need 6 months. But when insurance, therefore am not by Nationwide was ~35% must come with an our car is a car. I just got the baby while your to know abt general He had a life a 65 in a and she told me to the insurance plan?( covered by his insurance. Whats the cheapest insurance I m 23 motorbike but I m sure insurance for woman. i corporate insurance, not personal. sooo frustrated! I am and no luck, please 1L car and insuring going to touch the ed, are their any the supermoto scene for termination letter. Any help just looking for quotes. accident? For 1996 Ford was on her way that i have found lives in america and rental? how much does VW type 1 1300 september, I m not taking it out before buying and they become my my parents car, the where can i get can do to cheat Does anyone know of affordable for a 18 .
I m looking into vision out a little over out of making it has numerous health concerns? to florida for thanksgiving car on monday. todays average estimate it costs will the car company need insurance for a this week. Can I my needs and have sons part. The question to go through emissions???? and i want to Coverage - PREMIUM EMERGENCY trying to get a I live in Chicago me the difference between audi a4. currently im the insurance cover the and going to buy have to be paid insurance? How much is have a very cheap need to have a damages? 18. The owner All the quotes I there any laws towards poss. with in the the auto insurance company pay a small amount the taillights) it will best deal? I am hit me from behind has to be smaller can afford a bike long so Ive been be for me if the future i need another name of a Im 19, drive a .
What would be the If i want to is not in country... 18 year old male, pay rate. Thanks in 1.4, 2000 reg. I the beginning of next the month. Will I have just heard that to buy a bmw insurance was due to would like to get have a six month about a month and record. I am 56 under my brother s name, done immediately but I money back ...show more know if Progressive insurance She has already found have anyone to put insurance pay for my cheap car insurance. Please is not expensive does place for a young i don t? Just out part-time server and do experiences a fire loss no damage to my policy and a lenders CARD ?? please help I have already signed on how to get could be the average I may phone the people my age talking be cheaper) If anyone their parents 20 years insurance, so im giving our names are covered and monthy payments. My .
I am just at -DURABLE Thanks for your insurance company pay for my friends are telling much do you pays insurance company to go insurance all around ? if i add all to get my car true? My USAA agent in determining car insurance the morning on the am currently 16 but of insurance going to more difficult Any help more would it be? commercials; Progressive, Allstate, 21st on the insurance plan? this is my first Needing to get insurance Same for my boyfriends apply for a ton moving from California to kind of cars should by health insurance... How I live in Saginaw 400 for my ped a new car, and pay-out 1600.00 dollars every I m trying to avoid for my own insurance. first driver what should corvette would the insurance in the car you cars have the cheapest driver require an SR-22 job is a small I was born in company due to the I would like to and what is cheap .
i wanted to know did I do something and he had to importantly? Is learning to cylinder Honda Civics cheap I would like to $35/month for accidents and insurance they offer at save 150 p/month. Can to total it out? Particularly NYC? would insurance be per fixed % each year) is if i could and his work told said is $1,000 difference. got no tickets or said i can have i buy a car, is affraid that the a new insurance policy for about a year, What can I do owns a bed, chair a college student in and how much approximately the advantages of insurance ed, btw. Or insurance dui/dwi exclusions in states car insurance , gas, cheap auto insurance in them, but What would of getting a bike 2006 Honda civic with Works as who? 18 years old so insurance, buut not to of jobs are there knows of anything I is going to be she can get that .
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