#mutual: zen 👾
helo helo... i forgot i have a child.... how are you child.. on the scale of 1-10 how pretentious are your seniorss....
and metaphorical donuts <3 idk what you like.. _-_
(i accidently cliked unfollow instead of the ask botton... thats why teh little follow-unfollow panic)
hihi yes child is very good... no but honestly this is the first time i'm being called child. everyone acts like im 30 and i hate it. i need times where i can be immature so thanks zen <3
tbh the seniors in med school are actually a million times better than my seniors in school. like my first day i had a senior ask me if i wanted their first year notes. honestly they're really helpful and you can approach them for practically everything. i've also had this senior who bought two cups of coffee for some reason and she was like "i dont want this, you can have this" and she just walked away.
tl;dr: my seniors are not pretentious and on a scale of 1-10 they're like a 1 or 2
metaphorical donuts 😭 i literally searched them up and i still did not understand but uhm i like food, percy jackson, coffee, and scrolling through pinterest. idk what else to tell you 😭
no actually i was so confused about the whole follow-unfollow this but all's good <3
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