#mutuals message me or send me asks or something. no guarantee ill respond to all asks but send em anywyas
lycanthian · 3 months
they need to make a way to interact with mutuals that isnt scary
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doctorguilty · 4 years
Mobile FAQ
Can I comment on your posts, send you asks, tag you in posts, send you DM’s, etc even if we are not mutuals/friends?
Yes absolutely!! You can jump RIGHT into interacting with me no matter how shortly ago you followed me or if you’ve followed me a while but never talked to me! I don’t think that’s weird at all!
How come you didn’t reply to my ask/DM/etc? Are you ignoring me/are you upset at me?
I’m mentally ill, I work 30+ hours a week, I have chronic memory problems, and I get a lot of messages.. so my social energy fluctuates all over the place. I guarantee you I’m not ignoring you. Just give me some time and space. You can gently nudge me to look at something if you think I missed it but please don’t bombard me with messages pleading for me to respond right now immediately, it stresses me out.
Can I ask you questions about your DID, BPD, PTSD, gender, orientation, lifestyle, etc?
Yes you may!! I’m an open book about most stuff like that! If there’s something I’m not comfortable sharing I’ll just say so/not reply so you don’t gotta worry about upsetting me with questions.
Can I ask you questions about [popular tumblr user I interact with]?
If it’s anecdotal fun stuff then yeah but I won’t discuss anything about their personal lives or whatever. It’s not my place.
Can I ask you questions about political discourse, intracommunal LGBT+ discourse, social justice discourse, etc?
I’d prefer if you didn’t and I probably won’t answer them. Discussing this stuff in detail online is immensely stressful and I deal with enough of it offline out in the world. I use tumblr as a form of leisurely socialization, entertainment, and art sharing.
My opinions pretty much boil down to: no n*zis, no transphobes/truscum, no terfs/radfems, no homophobes, no racists, no xenophobes, no p*dos, no Islamophobia, no antisemitism, no fatphobia/body shaming, no ableism
All pretty standard stuff.
Can I join your Awful Hospital server?
Yeah just ask me for an invite link!
What programs do you use for your art?
Paint Tool SAI, Sony Vegas, Piskel, and occasionally Adobe Flash
Can I draw fanart of your OC’s?
YEAH BABY I ’d love that!!! You don’t even gotta ask really just keep it tasteful and classy (SFW and not offensive).
If you wanna draw me something NSFW you can BUT in that case please ask me first! There’s some characters I wouldn’t be comfortable having NSFW content made of.
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