#mutuals: soarin
starlitmeadows · 8 months
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hi!!! wings!!!!! :DD
little fun fact Flight was created back in 2019-2020 just because i thought "man, a flying slugcat with vulture's perks would be so cool"
they went through a lot of changes and redesigns yeaah... i mean this 👇 is the first ever drawing of him
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he was FLUFFY
didn't even have a name at that time
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lam-ila · 1 year
Disney Magic || Mat Barzal
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Summary: A trip to Disney World with Mat and a few of your shared friends results in some mutual confessions.
Word Count: 2,761 (i got carried away with this one)
Warnings: none (please let me know if you find any that i should add)
NHL Masterlist
a/n: here’s my entry for the summer fic exchange 2k23 hosted by the lovely @wyattjohnston! this was written for @tinyhockey! i hope you like it cam! this was so much fun to write!
also, the poutine part of this fic is very much based on when i had to share a bowl of poutine with my cousin when she was 7. it’s a childish thing to do and i thought it would fit our favourite man-child perfectly
this is gender neutral. hope you enjoy this! feedback is appreciated
Every summer, you and a few of your friends went to Florida to go to Disney World. It was one of your favourite places to go to and you liked to bring along as many of your friends as you could, so that they could experience the happiness that is Disney World. Your most recent trip to Disney lined up perfectly with the beginning of Mat’s off-season and luckily, you had been able to convince him to partake in your Disney trip with four of your mutual friends.
Your trip was five days long and planned so that you and your friends would tackle one park a day, with a day off in the middle to hang out at the hotel you were staying at and browse around Disney Springs. On the first day of the trip, you had to spend the entire day in Epcot, your favourite park. Your favourite ride in the park was Soarin’, so that was the first ride you went on. Everyone in your group, besides Mat, had been to Disney World before, so they all knew how great Soarin’ was, but Mat was a little hesitant to go on the ride, thinking it was lame.
“I don’t wanna go on it!” Mat whined, giving you a fake pout. “The line’s so long and the ride is gonna be so slow.” You glared at him in fake annoyance, determined to get him on the ride.
“Mathew,” you scolded him as if you were a parent scolding their five-year-old child. “you are going on that ride. You’re gonna like it.” He opened his mouth to complain more, but you cut him off before he could even begin. “Trust me, you’re going to like it. I thought Soarin’ was lame before I went on it, but I ended up loving it.”
Mat stayed in his spot, acting like a stubborn child. When your other friends realized what was going on, they joined you in convincing Mat to go on the ride, but Mat being the stubborn man-child that he is, you and your friends resulted in physically dragging him into the line.
Once you got to the ride, you and your friends placed your belongings under your seats, cringed at the people who took their shoes off, and sat down together in a row of seats. As your row began to go up into the air, Mat looked down to look how far up your seats would go.
“Don’t look down, it ruins the magic.” You said, leaning over to whisper in his ear. As you turned your gaze back towards the screen in front of you, Mat reached over the armrest between your seats, grabbing your hand in his and squeezing it to acknowledge what you had said.
Throughout the ride, you found yourself glancing over at Mat, enjoying watching him be fascinated by Soarin’. When the ride was over, you let go of Mat’s hand to retrieve your belongings from underneath your seat, missing the feeling of his hand in yours.
"Did you like it?" You asked Mat once you exited the ride.
"It was fine." He quickly answered.
"Don't lie to me." A slight smirk appeared on your face as you watched Mat come to terms with that yes, you were right and yes, he did enjoy the ride.
"Alright, fine. Yes, I liked it."
"I told you so!" You teased as he dramatically rolled his eyes.
After you went on Soarin’ you and your friends decided to do your second favourite thing at Epcot: hopping around from country to country to eat as much as you could. You first took a short walk over to Canada, where you got poutine from Le Cellier Steakhouse. You and your friends weren’t overly hungry, so you all decided to buy three orders of poutine so that two people could share one bowl and you ended up having to share with Mat.
While you were eating, you noticed that you didn’t have many cheese curds in your poutine. At first, you thought your bowl didn’t have as many as you thought it should, but then you realized that Mat had been hoarding them on his side of the bowl.
“Mat, why are you eating all of the cheese curds?” you spewed out without taking any breaths in between your words.
“I like more cheese curds with my poutine!” He defended himself.
“And I like a normal amount of cheese curds in my poutine! Give some back to me!” Mat dramatically pouted for a bit before begrudgingly giving you half of his pile of cheese curds.
You knew the last place you wanted to eat at was La Crêperie de Paris in France. You and your friends always ate dessert crêpes there before heading back to your hotel for the night. After eating the crêpes, you spotted Aurora, your favourite princess. Someone was next to her, but you thought it was a cast member until you were closer to her and realized it was Prince Phillip. He was rarely in Epcot with her and you were beyond excited that you would finally get a picture with both of them in Epcot.
You and your group had a conversation with both Aurora and Phillip before taking a selfie of all of you and then each getting individual pictures taken with them.
You were the last person to get your picture with them and right before you left, Mat spurted out “Wait! I wanna get a picture with you and them!” Aurora, standing next to you, smiled and gestured for him to stand between you and Phillip.
“Is he your prince?” Aurora asked politely. You were too stunned at her statement to speak, while Mat was laughing.
“No.” He answered for you. “Not yet, at least.” He said quieter as he grabbed your hand for the second time that day before one of your friends took a few pictures.
The second day of your Disney trip was spent in Magic Kingdom. You started the day by going to meet Rapunzel and Tiana, your favourite princesses after Aurora. As you and Mat talked to Rapunzel, she spoke about how she liked to paint with Eugene and commented that you and Mat should do the same one day since 'it's just so much fun!' After Aurora's comment from the day before, you couldn't help but think that Rapunzel also thought you two were dating. But alas, you took your picture with her and Mat wanted one with you, just like he had in Epcot.
When you got to Tiana, you told her about the time you tried to make beignets and how they didn't turn out well, so you fed them to Mat because you didn't want to waste food.
She responded with "Don't worry, whenever I mess up my cooking, I give it to Naveen." Okay, maybe you brought that one upon yourself.
After meeting a few more characters, you went on the rides which were your favourite part of Magic Kingdom. You had to force Mat onto Small World since he claimed that he didn't want to go on it to avoid getting the song stuck in his head, but you got him on the ride after he stated that he always found himself having a difficult time saying no to you. You might have also creeped him out a little when you all went on Haunted Mansion as you said every line and sang every word throughout the ride.
Before leaving to go to the hotel, you had to get a bowl of popcorn, which Mat kept eating out of despite saying he didn’t want any popcorn. And of course, it wasn’t a trip to Magic Kingdom without watching a parade. You and your friends sat lined up on the sidewalk as you waved to all the characters that passed by.
In the middle of your Disney trip, your group took a break from the parks and went to Disney Springs. You started your day by sleeping in; you all were exhausted from your two days at the parks and finally got some well-deserved rest. Mat wanted to go in the hotel’s pool after breakfast, but you scolded him and told him that he needed to digest before going in, so you and your group piled into one hotel room and played a few chaotic rounds of uno.
After twenty minutes, Mat and two of your friends left to change into their bathing suits and go into to pool. You and your remaining two friends decided to stay inside and continue playing Uno. About forty minutes later, Mat and your friends who went swimming re-entered the hotel room you were in, playfully threatening to get water on the three of you as they were sopping wet. Your two friends gave up after a minute or so, but Mat was very determined, chasing you around the room before engulfing you in a bear hug, resulting in some of the water that was on him getting onto you.
After you and half of your group got dry and changed, you all played a few more card games that you had brought before eating dinner at the hotel. You are enough food to make sure you were full, but not too much so that you would be able to eat something from Gideon’s Bakehouse in Disney Springs.
You and your friends made your way over to Disney Springs, not really planning on buying anything, but just going to browse around and enjoy the atmosphere. You kept an eye out for any plushes or dolls you wanted since you enjoyed collecting them. When you got to World of Disney, you spotted an Aurora doll that you didn’t have. As you walked around the store, you kept glancing over at it, but you constantly broke your glance whenever you saw the price tag, which was well over what you were willing to spend.
After leaving World of Disney, a few of your friends left to go to the washroom, including Mat, or so you thought. What actually happened was that Mat went back into the store and bought the Aurora doll for you. When he came back, he was holding the box behind his back to hide it from your sight.
“Mathew, what did you buy?” you asked.
“Oh, nothing.” He played it off. “Just something for you.” You rolled your eyes at his statement.
“How many times have I told you that you don’t need to buy me anything?”
“Yeah, I know. But you couldn’t keep your eyes off of this so I had to get it.”
“No, you did not.” You said in disbelief.
“I did and don’t tell me to return it or that it was too expensive because I really want you to have it because you deserve it and you’re a great person and I lo- like how much you get excited about these type of things.” Mat rambled.
Before you could say anything in response to his rambling, one of your friends noticed what happened.
“Awww that’s so cute Mat!” They exclaimed.
“Who knew Mathew was a softie.” Another added.
The fourth day of your trip to Disney was spent entirely in Animal Kingdom. You got to the park early so that you could eat breakfast at Tusker House. The POG juice (passion fruit, orange, and guava juice) served during breakfast was a must-have and you needed to get Mat to like it as much as you did.
The very first thing you did after breakfast was speed-walk your way to Flight of Passage. You loved this ride; it was so immersive and made you feel like you were actually flying on a banshee. Before going on, you explained to Mat how the ride worked and to not look down or to the sides, just as you had when you went on Soarin'. However, just like when you went on Soarin’, you broke your own rule and looked to your right where Mat was sitting and enjoyed watching him gleam with joy as the artificial wind blew through his hair.
The only mistake you made while at Animal Kingdom was bringing Mat to Finding Nemo the Musical. You loved going to watch the show, it was a cute musical and was inside an air-conditioned building, what’s better than that? You realized your mistake when Crush’s song “Go With the Flow” occurred. You looked over to Mat, only to see him dancing to the song and smirking mischievously. Knowing him, he was going to sing that song for the rest of the day and that’s exactly what he did. Every ten minutes or so, Mat would dramatically, and badly, sing the one line of the song he knew: “go with the flooooowwwww”.
You ended your day at Animal Kingdom with… more singing from Mat. You and your friends always see the Festival of the Lion King which resulted in everyone singing “The Lion Sleeps Tonight”. Mat being Mat, sang that the entire way back to the hotel, annoying you and the rest of your group.
The last day of your trip arrived faster than you expected. You got up early, and you planned on getting to the hotel late. You started off the day by waiting in the long, endless line for Rise of the Resistance. You and your friends who you usually go to Disney with were completely fine with the wait. Yes, it was hot and humid, but you all knew how to keep each other entertained in line. Mat, on the other hand, complained about everything: the heat, the humidity, the fact that he wanted to sleep in, the fact that he couldn’t sit down anywhere, but your least favourite complaint from him was that ‘the ride’s not gonna be worth the wait.’ Lo and behold, once Mat got off the ride, he told you that he absolutely loved it and wanted to ride it again. As much as you wanted to, you knew you couldn’t go on the ride again unless you didn’t want to go on all the rides you wanted to go on.
After Ruse of the Resistance, you went on Toy Story Mania. You were paired with Mat since he begged to go with you. Throughout the ride, you kept glancing over to Mat and watched as he blasted targets with his tongue stuck out of your mouth in concentration. You, of course, beat him by a lot resulting in a lot of whining from Mat and a lot of bragging from your end.
You went on more rides, and saved a break for lunch at Woody’s Lunch Box, until the evening, when you went to go watch Fantasmic. It was a must-do for you every time you went to Hollywood Studios and you weren’t planning on skipping that on your most recent trip. Throughout the show, instead of glancing over to Mat, like you did for other rides and attractions, you kept your eyes glued to the show. You cried once Mickey appeared at the top of the mountain, resulting in Mat making sure you were okay and a few teasing comments from the rest of your friends.
“They cry every time Mickey appears on that mountain.” One of your friends told Mat after Fantasmic ended.
“I love how excited you get about every Disney-related,” Mat admitted to you. “I love-” he cut himself off before quietly adding “you.”
“We should give them some space.” Another one of your friends said, before teasingly laughing and guiding everyone else away from you two. “We’ll meet you at the hotel.”
“You love me?” You asked. Mat nodded, humming to reassure you that what he said was true. “I feel the same about you, but I don’t know…”
“You don’t know?” Mat asked, prompting you to continue your thought.
“I don’t know if I want to be in a relationship with you.”
“What do you mean?”
“You’d be my first relationship and all first relationships never end well.”
“That’s not true.”
“Name one first relationship that lasted.” Mat stayed quiet. “Exactly, you can’t think of anyone.”
“I’m not going to hurt you.” Mat softly said. “If that’s what you’re afraid of.”
“Yeah, that’s what I’m afraid of.” You admitted.
“I promise you, I’m not going to hurt you,” Mat stated, looking you in your eyes as a way of telling you that he was serious. “Alright?”
“Alright.” You thought for a few seconds before adding “Can you be my boyfriend?”
“I thought you’d never ask.”
NHL taglist: @readyfreddy @jostystyles @emptyflowerpots @typical-simplelove @2manytabsopen @11livpangburn @matthewkniesys @lifeofpriya @fallinallincurls
join my taglist here
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jaded-but-queer · 1 year
Ships in the rewrite that I’ll use ✨
Fluttershy - Discord (obviously lmao)
Twilight Sparkle - Sunset Shimmer
Rarity - Applejack
Pinkie Pie - Cheese Sandwich
Rainbow Dash - Vapor Trail (I'm debating about this one but the more I think about it the more I like it)
Minor ships in the background will probably include
Chrysalis - Mantis (they'll be much more strained than in DOD/SILOD due to their complicated history with each other)
Flash Sentry - Sunburst (minor but I might have their child be an attendant to Lily Sterling, and I adore the headcanon of Sunburst being the younger brother of Sunset Shimmer)
Soarin - Braeburn (a classic ship that will be very minor and probably only be mentioned a few times by the twins who will probably still be biologically RD and Soarin's; in this rewrite, they'll have mutually broken up not long after the events of BOD)
Bonus! How I might structure Screwy's friends in this rewrite
Apple Blossom as I mentioned in my previous post will be redesigned into Bloomin' Apples and will be the daughter of Sugar Belle and Big Macintosh. She is now a unicorn and isn't on the best of terms with Screwball, and they consider each other to be nuisances (Screwy can't stand Bloomin''s unpleasant and stuck-up attitude while Bloomin' just finds Screwball to be annoying to be around and has a habit of giving them backhanded compliments whenever they see each other); ironically she gets along quite well with Mothball after they first meet and regularly hang out. She and Thunder had an on and off again relationship before she broke it off for good, and things are currently very awkward between them; it doesn't help that their parents are extremely close to each other.
Thunder Dash and Lightning Dash's names have been tweaked to now be Thunder Blast and Lightning Blitz, and as mentioned earlier they'll still be RD and Soarin's kids but their parents haven't been together since they were still infants. Yes, this means Prism won't exist but I honestly didn't care much for her lmao. Lightning is the no-nonsense straight man to Thunder's lovable himbo (Joey Tribbiani is my best comparison for him) and they care very deeply about each other despite their petty spats. Lightning is still very close to Screwball and loves them like a sibling while Thunder won't be as close to Screwy like in the OG but still considers them a close friend.
Cinnamon Stick and Cinnamon Roll will still exist since I adore them but I'll be tweaking Cinnamon Roll's name into Cinnamon Bun just for funsies. Now personally, don't ask why this is just what I thought of while rethinking their characters, I love to portray them as being Hispanic/Latino-based (if I had to be specific I'd say Central American, maybe Nicaraguan or Guatemalan); I've even named their late birth mother Dulce D'Leche. They both have much more noticeable mental scars from their childhood, in case you don't remember their bio mother passed away after the family bakery caught fire and their bio dad abruptly left without explanation (boy will I have a fun time explaining DF's hidden explanation for this in my next post), Cinnamon Bun tries her best to hide it but has times where she can't help but grieve for her mother that she never got to know since she was just a baby, and Cinnamon Stick will be very quiet and reserved with a knack for being sarcastic/rude for no apparent reason whenever he's uncomfortable around others; he's extremely sensitive when it comes to the topic of his birth parents, and Screwy's the only one who's witnessed his tears for his beloved mother and his rage towards his coward of a father for leaving them. Cinnamon Stick will be Screwball's closest friend right after Lily Sterling and I imagine Screwy has a soft spot for Cinnamon Bun and treats her like a baby sister whenever she visits.
Mothball now has a long pretentious name because that's my favorite thing to do: The Crown Prince of the Changeling Empire, Io "Mothball" Insecta von Roachanov III; Mothball is a nickname from childhood that just stuck, it's changeling slang for a "rambunctious/temperamental grub (infant)". He will have extremely low self-esteem as a side effect of his mother's treatment and the isolation he faced growing up, and he'll have the habit of questioning compliments like "... you really think that?/I don't know about that" and tends to doubt his own intelligence. I mentioned in my first post that the changelings are an extremely conservative matriarchy, and this has its effects on him when it comes to social interactions and how he believes he must hold himself as a male of his species. Luckily for him, Screwball is all for breaking rules and social norms and helps him come out of his shell not long after they first meet (they'll be young adults when they officially meet in this rewrite and have had past romantic relationships/immature crushes). His infatuation with Screwball develops fast and I like to use the phrase: He fell first but they (screwy) fell harder. They absolutely adore the hell out of each other once they get their issues sorted out and will drop almost anything if the other needed them.
BTW I might also try and portray Mothball as being on the autism spectrum, something that he himself won't find out until adulthood since I can imagine Chrysalis (with her ancient and overtly conservative ass) doesn't really believe in it being a real thing her own son could have.
Oh and Dinky has been Thanos snapped out of existence because I found her character to be very underwhelming lmao and her role will be replaced by my redesign for Princess Flutterby Lily, Princess Sterling Lily. Sterling will have a lot of history with both Screwball AND Mothball; her role in my rewrite will be based very loosely on the role of Rosaline from Romeo and Juliet, and if I had to describe her personality it would be Angelica Schuyler/Isabela Madrigal. She holds herself to an extremely high standard and is considered by many to be far too selfless, just like her mother, and doesn't quite know what she wants to do with her life outside of being the crown princess of the crystal empire.
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spainkitty · 1 year
Tag Game
Rules: Share 10 facts about yourself and tag 10 other blogs! I want to get to know my mutuals, and the people I follow a little bit :) The facts can be about anything!
@sillyliterature tagged me daaaays ago! Of course I waited until after midnight on a school night, after a 5-day school break, to finally write/post this... /sigh I had fun scrounging for things about me you should know. I hope anyone seeing this gets a giggle.
1. I'm an American living in China, teaching English. I technically teach "Critical Reading and Writing", and a lot of the curriculum I built myself! (I prefer creating teaching materials to teaching and I'll be changing careers soon cuz I so tired)
2. I love cats. Can you tell? My mom has given me a cat-related nickname since birth, SHE loves cats, and so I feel like it's just in the genes now. My metaphorical daughter niece also loves cats, which shows I'm right. I have two cats right now, Birdie & Canela (Canela is the tabby-baby, she has brownish-ginger spots she inherited from her mother, so yes, she is named "cinnamon" on purpose. Birdie is the tortie and the Mama-cat!)
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3. I wrote a book! It's published! I'm supposed to write a sequel. It is... almost half-done? A little more than half-done? It's a YA fantasy called "The Coward's Emblem" 🥰 There are dragons! My bestie drew my dragons for me and they're BEAUTIFUL!!! LOOK BELOW!! SO COOL! (I also have commissioned art of the characters by Sabri on insta and they're BEAUTIFUL, too!! If you wanna know more about my actual for real OCs for my real book, pls lemme know!)
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4. I've eaten so many Hot Cheetos, I've coughed stomach acid. Maybe living in China is good for me, no Hot Cheetos here... hmmmm
5. The only video games I've ever played from beginning to end on my own are: Harvest Moon: Animal Parade, KOTOR, KOTOR II, and Dragon Age(s). I can only play on Easy/Casual because I'm a crap gamer (I've never finished a Pokémon game), but I really love the stories/characters. ☺️
6. Atton x f!Exile fanart has been my lockscreen for months, and Viktuuri art from Yuri! on Ice! has been my phone bg wallpaper even longer. Maybe since 2016...
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7. Rapid Shot Shame-Fame: I meowed through 7th-8th grade. Yes, you read that correctly. I've been a weeaboo. I was in the Hetalia fandom (hence the tumblr name). I was in the SuperWhoLock fandom, too + Teen Wolf, and, my true claim to fame, I went to Dashcon AND I WAS A PANELIST. At THREE panels. No, I was never paid. 🤣
8. I've almost been in a cult twice... maybe three times, but definitely twice. Only the fact I am lazy and didn't live In The Location of the 'Cult' prevented me from actually joining. (Did spend 40 bucks on that book for one of them, though. Ugh. Gimme my 40 bucks back.)
9. I've been to three Disney parks of six. (The Pirates of the Caribbean ride in Shanghai is amazing! Rode it twice! Tron and Soarin' O'er the Horizon are overrated.)
10. I've played DnD since I was 18, and I ALWAYS find a group. In USA, in South Korea, and now in China; I find the nerds and I friend them no matter where I am (yes, I am a nerd, too). My first finished original novel (unpublished) was based on my first ever DnD character: Karik the Master of Many Forms Druid 😀 My current character is Tepin Pallis Cuautli Lozano, a Wild Shaper Druid, the first time I've played a Druid again in almost ten years (3.5e was better, fite me 💪🤜).
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transmascsunburst · 1 year
I am indeed of your Fleetfoot headcanons
Extremely normal about them
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I love her too eheh ill list in no order under the cut
She/her lesbian married to Spitfire <33
They have been friends since childhood (and with Soarin)
Fleetfoot is the most reckless of the 3 and comes up with most of the stunts and tricks for the shows
Because of this she's smaller than the others and gets injured more often
In the teens this was really bad and she had to learn when to take breaks (like Lightning Dust)
I'm imaging a lot of Fleetfoot being tended to by Spitfire in the early days (mutual pining ver)
She also loves pranks and does so much trolling with Rainbow when she joins
She kinda blew off school as a teen too
She is the one to become more friendly with Washouts and others and help them set up a proper rival team (tying into my need for more than the wonderbolts)
fleetfoot: good thing I joined before that dumb written test :>
Spitfire: -_-
Once she starts to take it seriously she's very good at physics
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turnaboutnerd · 3 years
The Ace Attorney fandom is sleeping on the fact that all the characters live right next fucking door to Disneyland in the localization. Hello, weekend gay lawyer trips to the Happiest Place on Earth?
Athena is ultra competitive, so she cleans up at Buzz Lightyear’s Astro Blasters, Toy Story Mania, Avengers Campus Web Slingers, etc. She is also insistent on being a pilot for Star Wars Smugglers Run because she hates failing the mission and trusts only herself to do it right. She usually recruits Simon to be her co-pilot because he is also competitive and does not want to fail (though he is markedly less obnoxious about it).
Klavier is a wuss about thrill rides but goes on all of them anyway, which is really funny when they take photos because he’s always screaming (see: Splash Mountain and Incredicoaster).
Apollo and Phoenix are just there for the food. Their mutual interminable fear of heights makes Soarin’ Over The World a hard sell, but Trucy drags them on it regardless. (Klavier “helps” too: “If I can survive Big Thunder Mountain, which may I remind you has killed a man, you can survive being safely lifted a little bit off the ground, Herr Forehead.”; “It’s not a little bit; it’s 80 feet!”)
Maya is also there for the food (specifically the churros and dole whip) but she is a thrill-seeker and enjoys the roller coasters, unlike Klavier who continually puts himself through hell for some reason. 
Pearl unironically enjoys It’s A Small World. Apollo and Simon sit at the back of the boat to make bitchy comments. Athena and Klavier sit the row ahead and dab to the music.
Trucy loves all the shows. Fantasmic is her favorite because of all the special effects. One day, when she is 18 and her father has no say, she will also implement an absurd amount of pyrotechnics in her acts.
Miles and Franziska have never been, but the moment everyone else finds out, they’re like “WHAT?!?! We’re going this weekend.” And they do. At the end of the weekend, Miles’ favorite attraction is Haunted Mansion; Franziska’s is Storybook Land Canal Boats (Why?? Nobody knows, but it’s really cute that she liked it so much!)
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im just a fan | l.hs
“I stayed up 'til five in the morning Couldn't sleep in case you would reply I'm sorry for the missed calls Loved the nights, and all your secrets Stuck in bed but soarin' through the sky I wish that we would still talk”
“ur just a fan” by suggi
❦ genre: lee heeseung x reader, angst 
❦ warnings: this is sad? (if there are any other warnings that I missed and need to be placed please let me know!)
❦ note: this is written in the reader’s side, Heeseung’s side linked @ bottom 
Looking at your phone, the time marked 5:42 am greeted your sight. With a slight sigh, you couldn’t sleep with what felt like the millions of thoughts running through your mind. As you looked up at the ceiling, a sort of buzz filled your body due to the combination of exhaustion and slight fear. It had been a long time since you last saw your now ex-boyfriend and things didn’t exactly end on the best of terms. Was it 2 months since you broke up now? You were happy for him, you really were. But with his newfound success and busy schedule that came with it, you didn’t fit in anymore. The breakup with Heeseung was a sort of mutual agreement between the two of you and while it was neither of your faults, that didn’t make it hurt any less. A month ago, when your ENHYPEN album gifted to you by Heeseung, came, the reality of your break up truly settled in you,
Looking at the package now sitting on your desk,
“Staring at it isn’t going to open it,” you muttered to yourself with a slight sigh. Knowing who it was from, you didn’t expect for it to actually show up here yet here it was like a bomb waiting to blow up. Heeseung had gifted you both the dusk and dawn versions of border: day one and while it’s been a month since the two of you last talked and Heeseung’s existence wasn’t exactly avoidable when it was all over your social media feeds and on ads. You opened the album, expecting randomized photocards since that was how all albums were. What you saw wasn’t what you were expecting when the two photocards were of Heeseung, both with a message written on the back, dated exactly a day before you broke up.
The Dusk Version:
Dear y/n,
Hey babe, when you see this it means that our album came out (obviously) and this one is yours. The staff let us choose someone to send an album to with photos we specifically picked out and I choose my photos for yours so you don’t forget me >:) As you’re reading this, I’m probably in the practice room with the other guys practicing for the concert that I put 3 tickets at the bottom of the album too. I’m sorry that I couldn’t be here with you but know that I love you.
The Dawn Version.
Your one and only,
P.s. if I am here and you’re reading this just pretend I didn’t write that whole paragraph, please and thank you.
Tears streamed down your face before you even knew it and you knew that you and Heesung didn’t have a chance of getting back together when you were the one who shut him out.
End flashback
A notification banner showed up on your phone to an event that you forgot you even typed into your phone.
“hee’s concert <3” you titled the event. It was later tonight and you set the notification to remind you early in the morning. Deciding that it wouldn’t do any good to waste the concert tickets and you previously decided to go with best friends, they didn’t know that you had any connection to Heeseung and you were going to honor the agreement. They came over, all of you getting dressed up and ready to head to the concert. Once there and in the front right section thanks to the tickets Heeseung got for you just before you broke up. You couldn’t help yourself when you sang along to the songs because you knew all the lyrics as if they were second nature. When the “Let Me In” performance started, things were going ok until Heeseung’s eyes met your own as you heard him sing the very line you were dreading,
“I’ll be your boyfriend,” his voice filled the arena and your heart sank to the bottom of the Pacific Ocean. There was no way he was looking at you, not when there were thousands of people surrounding you.
“I’m just a fan,” you thought to yourself.
|❦ story end, written by riri| |heeseung’s side| |blog master list|
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starlitmeadows · 8 months
oh yes absolutely dm me also hi i feel you i have had a headache for the past week and oops i pulled an allnighter on accident but ill fix my sleep schedule today hopefully
ooo you will to go to sleep early today ooo
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starlitmeadows · 8 months
ENJOY YOUR SLEEP also i think toying with how much it would impact an iterator to compress everything into an organic vessel. i love the horrors
also. looks at you. oc posting. i would love to hear
i woke up with a headache and my ears ringing but it's fine xd
yeah the horrors of one's brain being reduced from an artificial god level to a literal rodent that's what it's all about
it's fun to think about what would happen to an iterator's self-awareness in that case
also i hope you won't mind if i dm you abt these ocs (the art and everything is extremely old and i don't wanna show it off out of the blue)
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starlitmeadows · 8 months
squealing wtf /pos
look can you tell im normal about rw aus and hcs and stuff. character writing is my passion [written in bold comic sans]
I THINK ITS REALLY FUN TO PLAY AROUND WITH INV because there's not Technically a lot of canon regarding it [dating sim isn't canon and as aroace i refuse to acknowledge it tbh] there's so many concepts you can explore, especially as a glitch or something akin to it!!!
i'm so very normal about this idea lmao. i love brainstorming for concepts that are meant to be jokes.... my inv being an iterator turned slugcat was originally a joke but then oops! lore
gotta be honest i never finished Inv's campaign and i never got to the dating sim so to me they always were just a funny guy whom community loves to interpret a lot
but the interpretations are always so different and interesting i think it's very cool
ohh and i like the idea of Inv being formerly an iterator!! i think this concept should be used more bc it kinda makes sense for more rebellious iterators to try escaping their cans via organic vessels
also it just sounds incredibly badass
this reminds me of an oc of mine....maybe i should bring them in the light one day (< really bad at oc posting)
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starlitmeadows · 8 months
also YEAH thats what i was thinking. a failed triple affirmative. unable to live up to its purpose. a false prophecy. genome unstable yet stable enough to still exist without major faults. it's seen as nothing but a mere beast compared to other slugcats. it was meant to give salvation and yet it's tied to the world due to it's framented and then pieced together code, unable to live up to the legacy that was put onto it
also voids its 1am here whoopsies.
wait i see you so often and we're still not mutuals this needs to be fixed immediately *click* now we're good :)
and daymm you come to my house writing straight up poetry about a silly-billy idea i made out of sheer boredom you're amazing man /gen pos
i reeeaally like how tragic Inv's story sounds now just!!! oughhhh!!!!!
but damn we really should be sleeping shouldn't we😔
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