#mvas industry
narwatharsh01 · 4 months
Global Mobile Value-Added Services Market Analysis
Mobile Value-Added Services Market Overview
The global mobile value-added services (MVAS) market has experienced significant growth in recent years, driven by the increasing adoption of mobile devices and the rising demand for data-intensive applications. The Global MVAS market size reached a staggering USD 251.9 billion in 2023, and is projected to reach a phenomenal USD 733.83 billion by 2028, growing at a healthy Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 14.30%. Mobile VAS refers to a range of services offered by mobile network operators (MNOs) and content providers to enhance the user experience and generate additional revenue streams beyond basic voice and SMS services. Mobile VAS encompasses a wide range of services, including mobile entertainment (music, videos, games), mobile commerce (m-commerce), mobile banking, location-based services, and enterprise solutions. These services are delivered through various channels, such as SMS, MMS, mobile internet, and mobile applications, providing users with a diverse array of options to meet their evolving needs and preferences.
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Market Segmentation
The mobile VAS market can be segmented based on various factors, including service type, platform, and region:
By Service Type
Short Message Service (SMS): SMS remains a popular VAS, with billions of messages sent every day. It is widely used for content delivery, alerts, and interactive services.
Multimedia Messaging Service (MMS): MMS allows for the sending of multimedia content, such as images and videos, and is expected to see significant growth driven by the increasing adoption of smartphones and the demand for richer content experiences.
Mobile Internet: Mobile internet access is becoming increasingly popular, with users accessing the internet through their mobile devices for browsing, social media, and content streaming.
Mobile Music: Mobile music services, such as streaming and downloads, are expected to see significant growth, driven by the increasing popularity of music streaming platforms and the rise of mobile-first music consumption.
Mobile Gaming: Mobile gaming is becoming increasingly popular, with users accessing games through their mobile devices. The market is driven by the availability of high-quality games, the rise of mobile esports, and the increasing adoption of in-app purchases.
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By Platform
Android: Android is the most popular mobile operating system, with a significant market share. It offers a wide range of VAS apps and services, catering to diverse user preferences and needs.
iOS: iOS is the operating system used by Apple devices, known for its security and user-friendly interface. It has a strong presence in the premium smartphone segment and offers a curated selection of VAS apps and services.
Windows: Windows is another popular mobile operating system, known for its compatibility with Microsoft products and enterprise-focused VAS offerings.
By Region
Asia-Pacific: The Asia-Pacific region is expected to dominate the mobile VAS market, driven by the large population, increasing adoption of mobile devices, and the rapid growth of mobile internet and digital content consumption. Countries like China, India, and Indonesia are key contributors to the regional market growth.
Europe: Europe is another significant region for mobile VAS, with a high penetration of mobile devices and a growing demand for advanced services. The region is characterized by a mature market with a focus on innovation and regulatory compliance.
Americas: The Americas region is also expected to see significant growth, driven by the increasing adoption of mobile devices and data-intensive applications. The United States and Canada are the major contributors to the regional market, while Latin America presents opportunities for growth in emerging markets.
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Market Drivers and Trends
Several factors are driving the growth of the mobile VAS market, including:
Increasing adoption of mobile devices: The increasing adoption of mobile devices, such as smartphones and tablets, is driving the growth of the mobile VAS market. The global smartphone penetration rate is expected to reach 79% by 2025.
Rising demand for data-intensive applications: The rising demand for data-intensive applications, such as video streaming and online gaming, is driving the growth of the mobile VAS market. Global mobile data traffic is expected to grow at a CAGR of 46% from 2022 to 2027.
Advancements in technology: Advancements in technology, such as 5G networks and artificial intelligence, are expected to drive the growth of the mobile VAS market. 5G is expected to enable new use cases and enhance the user experience for mobile VAS.
Increasing competition: The increasing competition among mobile operators is driving the growth of the mobile VAS market, as operators seek to differentiate themselves through the provision of VAS and enhance customer loyalty.
Regulatory changes: Regulatory changes, such as the introduction of new data protection laws and the promotion of digital inclusion, are shaping the mobile VAS market and driving the adoption of responsible and inclusive services.
Key Players and Recent Developments
The mobile VAS market is dominated by several key players, including:
Telkom Indonesia: Telkom Indonesia is a leading mobile operator in Indonesia, offering a wide range of VAS, including mobile entertainment, m-commerce, and enterprise solutions.
Bharti Airtel: Bharti Airtel is a leading mobile operator in India, offering a diverse portfolio of VAS, such as mobile music, mobile games, and mobile payments.
Verizon Communications: Verizon Communications is a leading mobile operator in the United States, offering a range of VAS, including mobile video, mobile security, and mobile workforce solutions.
Vodafone Group: Vodafone Group is a leading mobile operator in Europe, offering a wide range of VAS, such as mobile money, mobile health, and mobile IoT solutions.
These companies are investing heavily in network infrastructure, content partnerships, and new technologies to stay competitive in the rapidly evolving market. For example, Telkom Indonesia has partnered with Netflix to offer exclusive content packages to its subscribers.
The mobile VAS market continues to evolve rapidly, driven by technological advancements, increasing demand for data-intensive applications, and the need for personalized and engaging services. The future of mobile VAS looks promising, with a focus on enhancing user experience, expanding coverage, and leveraging new technologies like 5G and AI to meet the growing demands of consumers and businesses worldwide. As the market matures, key players will need to adapt their strategies to address emerging trends, such as the rise of over-the-top (OTT) services and the increasing importance of data privacy and security.
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idiosys1 · 7 months
10 security tips for MVC applications in 2023
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Model-view-controller or MVC is an architecture for web app development. As one of the most popular architectures of app development frameworks, it ensures multiple advantages to the developers. If you are planning to create an MVC-based web app solution for your business, you must have known about the security features of this architecture from your web development agency. Yes, MVC architecture not only ensures the scalability of applications but also a high level of security. And that’s the reason so many web apps are being developed with this architecture. But, if you are looking for ways to strengthen the security features of your MVC app further, you need to know some useful tips.
To help you in this task, we are sharing our 10 security tips for MVC applications in 2023! Read on till the end and apply these tips easily to ensure high-security measures in your app.
1. SQL Injection: Every business has some confidential data in their app, which needs optimum security measures. SQL Injection is a great threat to security measures as it can steal confidential data through SQL codes. You need to focus on the prevention of SQL injection with parameterized queries, storing encrypted data, inputs validation etc.
2. Version Discloser: Version information can also be dangerous for your business data as it provides hackers with your specific version information. Accordingly, they can attempt to attack your app development version and become successful. Hence, you need to hide the information such as the server, x-powered-by, x-sourcefiles and others.
3. Updated Software: Old, un-updated software can be the reason for a cyber attack. The MVC platforms out there comprise security features that keep on updating. If you also update your MVC platform from time to time, the chances of a cyber attack will be minimized. You can search for the latest security updates at the official sites.
4. Cross-Site Scripting: The authentication information and login credentials of applications are always vulnerable elements that should be protected. Cross-Site Scripting is one of the most dangerous attempts to steal this information. Hence, you need to focus on Cross-Site Scripting prevention through URL encoding, HTML encoding, etc.
5. Strong Authentication: Besides protecting your authentication information, it’s also crucial to ensure a very strong authentication that’s difficult to hack. You need to have a strong password and multi-factor authentication to prevent unauthorized access to your app. You can also plan to hire security expert to ensure strong authentication of your app.
6. Session Management: Another vital security tip for MVA applications is session management. That’s because session-related vulnerabilities are also quite challenging. There are many session management strategies and techniques that you can consider such as secure cookie flags, session expiration, session regeneration etc. to protect access.
7. Cross-Site Request Forgery: It is one of the most common cyber attacks MVC apps are facing these days. When stires process forged data from an untrusted source, it’s known as Cross-Site Request Forgery. Anti-forgery tokens can be really helpful in protecting CSRP and saving your site from the potential danger of data leakage and forgery.
8. XXE (XML External Entity) Attack: XXE attacks are done through malicious XML codes, which can be prevented with the help of DtdProcessing. All you need to do is enable Ignore and Prohibit options in the DtdProcessing property. You can take the help of your web development company to accomplish these tasks as they are the best at it.
9. Role-Based Access Control: Every business has certain roles performed by different professionals, be it in any industry. So, when it comes to giving access to your MVC application, you can provide role-based access. This way, professionals will get relevant information only and all the confidential information will be protected from unauthorized access.
10. Security Testing: Finally, it’s really important to conduct security testing on a regular basis to protect business data on the app from vulnerability. Some techniques like vulnerability scanning and penetration testing can be implied to ensure regular security assessments. It’s crucial to take prompt actions to prevent data leakage and forgery as well.
Since maintaining security should be an ongoing process rather than a one-time action, you need to be really proactive with the above 10 tips. Also, choose a reliable web development consulting agency for a security check of your website or web application. A security expert can implement the best tech stack for better security and high performance on any website or application.
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czheythebard · 1 month
Hi! my name is Czhey. I am in senior high student at the time of writing this. My strand is MVA (Media Visual Arts) from the track ADT (Arts and Design Track).
This strand is a very underestimated track. Especially with Filipino's expectations for practicality over passion. I know this generation and the following has an appreciation in arts, so i hope you dear reader is considering on pursuing this journey.
As I've said the strand is very looked down upon. So much that people don't consider even enrolling in said strand. I can vouch that very small amounts of people pursue this strand because this year in Grade 11 our class is only one section with 31 students.
Most of the people I've heard who enrolls in this strand is trying to avoid Math or science subjects as much as possible. But ADT does in fact have Math in it because its a core subject.
Since its only day one I don't have much information on the actual activities for this class.
Same goes for day 2 it is simply Orientation week. it will most likely end up the same for the rest of the week.
Some notes I can say is that some professors really do prefer hand written stuff, and I find that cool. I don't have to waste much time printing and could pass the essays on the same day.
This next one might vary. Because I asked our Creative Industries teacher for what materials we need so we are starting out with an A4 sketchbook (with no specified GSM or type of paper press) Personally I would go for a 160 GSM cold press paper. and some pencils. (at least 2 or 3 pencils) HB, 4H, 3B, 4B, and 6B.
This of course varies from teacher to teacher. After Orientation week I will be updating the blog with logs weekly to summaries, with exemptions of school events
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schoje · 2 months
Foto: Roberto Zacarias/Secom A Celesc preparou uma série de ações específicas para atender à alta da demanda no setor de energia elétrica por conta da temporada de verão em Santa Catarina, e assim garantir ainda mais confiabilidade ao sistema. A organização da Operação Verão é feita ao longo do ano, e incluiu contratação de equipes de reforço, realocação de pessoal para áreas com mais movimento, além do posicionamento de Subestações móveis, torres de Emergência, novas Subestações e a ampliação da capacidade de outras. A vinda de milhares de turistas para o litoral catarinense, o crescimento abrupto do consumo provocado pelo uso intensivo de eletrodomésticos, refrigeradores, sistemas de climatização, a Celesc estima um crescimento de 9,4% na demanda de Energia no verão de 2024. Com a incidência 35% maior de temporais, ventanias e descargas atmosféricas no verão, criam um cenário sazonal desafiador para a companhia, que trabalha em três grandes frentes: reforço do sistema, manutenção preventiva e ampliação do número de equipes para atendimento de emergências.Especificamente para a temporada 2023-2024, estão sendo contratadas, por meio da Operação Verão, mais 9 equipes com caminhões pesados, dobrando o quantitativo que atua durante o ano nas regiões de Florianópolis, Joinville, Itajaí, Criciúma e Tubarão. Estas equipes diminuirão o tempo de atendimento de ocorrências de maior porte que possam vir a ocorrer. Beneficiando mais de 2 milhões de turistas que passarão em praias como Balneário Camboriú, Bombinhas, Governador Celso Ramos, Norte da Ilha de Santa Catarina, Campeche, Garopaba, São Francisco do Sul, Pinheira, Balneário Arroio do Silva e Praia Brava, além das que ficam nas proximidades. Além disso, a distribuidora também realizará a realocação de equipes leves para as regiões litorâneas, a fim de reforçar a capacidade de atendimento nesses locais. Posicionamento de Transformadores Móveis (Subestações Volantes) em locais próximos a região de grande consumo (Tubarão, Florianópolis e Joinville), além da disponibilização de seis torres modulares para linhas de alta tensão, trazendo um maior dinamismo no restabelecimento da rede em caso de ocorrências na Alta Tensão (Subestações e Linhas). O efetivo de trabalhadores será de mais de 1.200 profissionais entre eletricistas e atendentes comerciais para fazer frente às ocorrências em campo entre os meses de dezembro a março nas regiões do litoral.O presidente da Celesc, Tarcísio Rosa, reforça que o trabalho para garantir a confiabilidade do sistema na alta temporada é realizado durante todo o ano, e recebe o impacto direto dos investimentos que vêm sendo feitos pela companhia. Apenas em 2023, os investimentos da empresa da Rede de Distribuição em obras, melhorias, materiais e equipamentos, além de serviços, ultrapassaram a casa de R$ 650 Milhões. Desse total, estão sendo destinados aproximadamente R$ 414 milhões para a instalação de redes elétricas de média e baixa tensão e R$ 246 milhões para melhorias no sistema elétrico de alta tensão (subestações e linhas de transmissão, com benefícios para o atendimento de todas as regiões do território catarinense). Em 2023 houve uma expansão em 262 MVA da capacidade instalada das Subestações da Celesc, foram energizadas três novas Subestações (Capivari de Baixo, Joinville Boa Vista e Itajaí Salseiros 138kV) e outras três foram ampliadas (Treze Tilias, Papanduva Área Industrial e Joinville Paranaguamirim. Também foi nesse ano que a Celesc ultrapassou a marca de 2.000 religadores trifásicos em operação – são equipamentos telecomandados do Centro de Operação que promovem o remanejamento de cargas possibilitando o retorno de energia de maneira rápida e automática com a implementação de lógicas de recursividade. “A Celesc está preparada para garantir a segurança e a confiabilidade do sistema de energia elétrica para os catarinenses e para os turistas que vierem para o Estado durante a temporada de verão. Isso é reflexo tanto das ações específicas, com
a contratação de equipes e incremento de estrutura, por exemplo, quanto dos investimentos constantes feitos pela empresa, que se refletem numa melhoria da qualidade dos nossos serviços ao longo de todo o ano”, destaca Tarcísio. PrevençãoEm 2023, os recursos para manutenção do sistema elétrico ultrapassam R$ 200 milhões e, deste total, R$ 19 milhões foram destinados à limpeza de faixa, poda e roçada de vegetação, esse é um dos investimentos mais importantes para o Verão, tendo em vista que a vegetação que alcança a rede elétrica em temporais é causa de 35% das ocorrências no sistema. A rede elétrica também foi inspecionada com “termovisores”, equipamentos que permitem, por meio da análise da temperatura local, identificar preventivamente pontos de desgaste (em chaves, emendas e conexões), possibilitando a substituição de itens antes da falha. A inspeção foi realizada em 85% dos troncos de alimentadores que somam mais de 7,5 mil quilômetros de rede. Celesc orienta com dicas de economia para o verão: Ar-condicionado – Além de regular a temperatura adequada em 23º, confortável e que garante o bom funcionamento do motor, dê preferência para modelos Split e Inverter com selo Procel. Eles são mais eficientes e gastam menos energia. Na hora de instalar, escolha a parede do ambiente que tem mais sombra. Vai fazer o aparelho “trabalhar” menos para manter o ambiente em temperatura agradável. Geladeira – Para reduzir o consumo do aparelho, ajuste o termostato de acordo com a época do ano, mantenha a borracha de vedação em bom estado, não deixe a porta aberta por muito tempo, não guarde alimentos quentes e não seque roupa na parte de trás. Outra dica é colocar a geladeira distante dos equipamentos que são fontes de calor, como o fogão e o forno elétrico. Também evite abri-la o tempo todo para diminuir a variação de temperatura e economizar. Ventilador – Ventiladores podem ser bons aliados para aplacar o calor gastando menos que o ar-condicionado. No chão, no teto ou na parede, eles são uma opção mais em conta para refrescar os ambientes. Observe a quantidade de vento que o modelo é capaz de produzir. Na etiqueta é informada a vazão do ventilador e o índice de energia consumida. Se dois modelos consomem a mesma quantidade de energia, opte por aquele de maior quantidade de vento gerado, porque será capaz de ventilar mais que o outro. Modo stand by – O modo “stand by” – ou modo de espera – também consome energia do aparelho eletrônico. Desligá-los enquanto não estão sendo usados faz a diferença no valor da fatura no fim do mês. Uma dica que pode fazer a diferença é programar os aparelhos para desligarem a cada duas horas. Ranking de consumo – Em muitas empresas, o home office veio para ficar e o gasto com energia elétrica nas residências pode aumentar. Uma dica para economizar é saber o consumo de energia de cada aparelho. Por exemplo, uma air fryer de 1500 W ligada por 30 minutos equivale ao consumo de 25 lâmpadas Led de 6W ligadas por 5 horas. Chuveiro elétrico – Hábito como o uso demorado do chuveiro elétrico lidera o consumo de energia na maioria das residências e pode representar um acréscimo de 25% a 35% no valor total da conta de luz. Utilize o aparelho no modo verão e evite banhos demorados, pois, além de economizar luz, economiza água. Além disso, feche a torneira do chuveiro quando não estiver usando ou enquanto estiver se ensaboando. Se possível, opte pelo sistema solar de aquecimento de água para o banho quente. Fonte: Governo SC
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journalpapua · 3 months
PLN Pasok Listrik170 MVA ke Smelter PT Freeport
JAKARTA | PT PLN (Persero) memasok tambahan daya pada PT Freeport Indonesia di Kawasan Ekonomi Khusus (KEK) Java Integrated Industrial and Port Estate (JIIPE) Gresik menjadi sebesar 170 Megavolt Ampere (MVA). PLN juga berupaya mempercepat tambahan pasokan listrik dapat tersedia lebih cepat pada 1 Juni 2024 dari jadwal sebelumnya yakni Desember 2024. Direktur Utama PLN Darmawan Prasodjo…
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midseo · 5 months
Compact Substation, Manufacturers, Exporters, Suppliers, India
Manufacturers, Exporters And Suppliers of Compact Substation, CSS, Industrial Power Distribution Transformer, Mumbai, India.
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narwatharsh01 · 6 months
A Look at Key Players in the Mobile Value-Added Services Market
The mobile phone has transcended its original purpose of voice communication. Today, smartphones are handheld portals to a vast ecosystem of services that extend far beyond basic calls and texts. This realm of additional offerings is known as the Mobile Value-Added Services (MVAS) market, and it's experiencing phenomenal growth.
At the core of the MVAS market are the companies that develop and deliver these services. This landscape is a dynamic mix of established players and innovative startups, all vying to provide users with experiences that enhance their mobile lives. Let's delve into the key segments of this market and explore some of the major companies shaping its future.
Mobile Network Operators (MNOs): The Traditional Powerhouses
MNOs, the familiar names we associate with mobile subscriptions, have been major forces in the MVAS market since its inception. They leverage their existing subscriber base and billing infrastructure to offer a variety of value-added services. These can include:
Messaging Services: SMS, MMS, and even premium messaging for special content or alerts.
Mobile Entertainment: Music and video downloads, ringtones, mobile games.
Location-Based Services: Navigation apps, weather updates, traffic alerts, and even targeted advertising based on user location.
Mobile Financial Services: Mobile banking, mobile wallets, and airtime top-up options.
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To Know more about: Mobile Value-Added Services Industry
MNOs like AT&T, Verizon, Vodafone, and China Mobile are some of the biggest players in this segment. They benefit from a large and established subscriber base, allowing them to offer economies of scale for their MVAS. However, competition from niche players and the rise of app stores are forcing them to innovate and adapt their offerings.
Content and Application Providers: The Innovation Engine
The rise of smartphones and app stores has fueled the emergence of a new breed of MVAS providers – content and application developers. These companies specialize in creating engaging and valuable mobile applications that cater to a wide range of user needs. Some prominent examples include:
Gaming Companies: Developers like King (Candy Crush) and Rovio (Angry Birds) have created billion-dollar businesses through freemium mobile gaming models with in-app purchases.
Entertainment Apps: Streaming services like Netflix and Spotify offer subscription-based access to content on mobile devices.
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Social Media Platforms: Companies like Facebook and Snapchat provide free-to-use communication and social networking features that generate revenue through advertising.
Financial Technology (FinTech) Companies: Startups like PayPal and Venmo are revolutionizing mobile payments and creating new MVAS opportunities in the financial sector.
Content and application providers bring a fresh wave of innovation to the MVAS market. Their focus on user experience and engagement is driving the development of cutting-edge services that cater to evolving user demands.
The Rise of Aggregators and Enablers
A third category of companies is emerging in the MVAS space – aggregators and enablers. These players act as intermediaries between content providers, MNOs, and users. They provide the technological infrastructure and platforms that allow for seamless delivery and monetization of MVAS. Some of the key functions performed by aggregators include:
Payment Processing: Securely handling transactions for in-app purchases, subscriptions, and mobile payments.
Content Delivery Networks (CDNs): Ensuring smooth and efficient delivery of content like music, videos, and games to mobile devices.
Marketing and Analytics: Providing targeted advertising solutions and user behavior insights to MVAS providers.
Companies like InMobi and Comviva are prominent players in this space. By streamlining the process of delivering and monetizing MVAS, they play a crucial role in enabling the growth of the entire ecosystem.
The Future of MVAS: Personalization and Emerging Technologies
As the MVAS Industry continues to evolve, several key trends are shaping its future:
Hyper-Personalization: MVAS providers will leverage user data and artificial intelligence to deliver highly personalized services and content recommendations.
The Rise of 5G: Faster and more reliable internet connectivity through 5G networks will open doors for new and immersive MVAS experiences like augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) applications.
Focus on Security and Privacy: With increasing concerns about data security, MVAS providers will need to prioritize user privacy and implement robust security measures.
The MVAS market is a dynamic and ever-changing landscape. By understanding the key players and trends, we can gain valuable insights into how mobile technology will continue to enhance and enrich our lives in the years to come.
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bizworldinsights · 6 months
Transformer Market Size 
The global transformer market has experienced remarkable growth in recent years, primarily attributed to the emergence of cloud-based technology. The market is estimated to have a value exceeding USD 48.1 billion in 2019, with a projected Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 4.7% during the forecast period from 2019 to 2028. Transformers play a crucial role in transferring electrical energy from one circuit to another through electromagnetic induction. The increasing demand within the industry is driven by capacity expansion initiatives and a higher rate of product replacement.
As of 2018, the market is predominantly consolidated, with the top six players holding a collective market share of over 51%. ABB emerged as the market leader in 2018. These key players are focused on product innovation and fostering long-term partnerships with government entities to ensure adaptability. Additionally, mergers and acquisitions have become integral components of the industry's go-to-market strategy.
A notable trend in the market is the digitization of systems to enhance output efficiency. For instance, in 2018, ABB introduced the world's first digitally integrated power transformer in Germany, signaling a significant step forward in technological advancement. Merger and acquisition activities have been prevalent in recent years, reflecting an aggressive marketing approach aimed at maximizing Return on Investment (ROI). For example, ABB's acquisition of GE Industrial Solutions in 2018 enabled the distribution of dry-type transformers in the U.S.
Transformers are typically manufactured by leading players with production units strategically located in specific regions. They are exported to various global destinations through proprietary distribution networks or third-party suppliers. Each transformer is tailored to meet specific project requirements, resulting in escalating costs over time. Geopolitical agreements and macroeconomic factors are anticipated to further drive demand, particularly in instances of cross-border power system installations.
Global Transformer Market Outlook: Demand Supply Analysis
The demand for transformers is expected to increase steadily due to the growing influx of renewable energy sources and the installation of upgraded equipment. However, the pace of growth may be relatively moderate, as many companies are currently operating at capacities ranging from 75% to 80%, below the industry standard of 85% to 90%. Delays in infrastructure projects have primarily impacted installations, but with the expedited implementation of infra-energy projects, demand is projected to surge, presenting substantial revenue opportunities for industry players.
Global Transformer Market Size and Forecast: By Product Type
Power transformers dominated the global market share in 2018, with over 21 thousand installations. This segment, largely consolidated, experiences robust demand primarily driven by Asia Pacific. Conversely, the distribution transformer segment exhibits a slightly fragmented landscape, with low entry barriers attracting numerous unorganized players competing on pricing.
Global Transformer Market Size and Forecast: By End-use
In 2018, the majority of transformers were installed in residential and commercial settings, followed by the industrial sector. Collectively, these end-uses accounted for 73.3% market share in 2019. The real estate sector has witnessed significant growth post-economic recession, with various governments implementing measures to boost construction activities. Initiatives like smart cities are gaining traction globally, presenting new revenue opportunities for transformer manufacturers.
Global Transformer Market Size and Forecast: By Rating
Transformers with ratings ranging from 61 to 600 MVA accounted for over 48% market share in 2018, primarily used for industrial purposes and integrated with large-scale transmission lines. Urbanization trends across developed economies, coupled with mass migration to urban areas, are driving the penetration of these products.
Global Transformer Market Size and Forecast: By Insulation
Oil-insulated transformers are projected to hold the largest share in 2019, valued for their durability and reliability, especially in large-scale applications ranging from 138 to 765 kV.
Global Transformer Market Size and Forecast: By Mounting
Pad-mounted transformers are expected to account for over 42% market share in 2019, primarily used in outdoor installations and suitable for medium-sized transformers up to 40 kV. Rapid industrialization and urbanization are key factors driving the sales of pad-mounted transformers.
Global Transformer Market Size and Forecast: Regional Analysis
Asia Pacific is anticipated to capture over 37.3% market share in 2019, with substantial revenue growth opportunities. China, India, and Japan collectively dominated the regional market in 2018, accounting for 84% of the share. However, ASEAN countries are also experiencing notable growth, with rising urbanization in Vietnam, Indonesia, and Myanmar contributing to market expansion. China, in particular, is poised to lead transformer installations in Asia Pacific, supported by dedicated plans to enhance grid capacity.
Global Transformer Market Size and Forecast: Competition Landscape
Key players in the transformer market include:
Hyundai Electric
Toshiba Corporation
Daihen Corporation
Schneider Electric
Crompton Greaves
Mitsubishi Electric
Kirloskar Electric
Industry Segmentation
By Type:
Distribution Transformer
Power Transformer
Instrument Transformer
By End-use:
Residential and Commercial
By Rating:
<10 MVA
11-60 MVA
61-600 MVA
600 MVA
By Insulation:
By Mounting:
By Phase:
Single Phase
Three Phase
By Winding:
Auto Transformer
Two Winding
By Installation:
By Cooling:
Oil Immersed
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david843346 · 7 months
Synchronous Generator Market: Global Demand Analysis & Opportunity Outlook 2036
Research Nester’s recent market research analysis on “Synchronous Generator Market: Global Demand Analysis & Opportunity Outlook 2036” delivers a detailed competitors analysis and a detailed overview of the global synchronous generator market in terms of market segmentation by prime mover, power rating, end user and by region.
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Rising Focus on Energy Efficiency, Increasing Marine Industry, and Surging Demand for Electric Vehicles to Promote Global Market Share of Synchronous Generator Market
The global synchronous generator market is estimated to grow majorly on account of the increased population, industrialization, and urbanization. The synchronous generators are commonly utilized for variable-speed wind turbines. In the year 2023, there will be almost 400, 000 wind turbines all over the world. This is projected to garner remarkable growth during the forecasted period. Other than this, the rising electrification of transportation, including electric vehicles offer various market opportunities. These generators are helpful in meeting the rising demand for electric mobility and aid in making the infrastructure important for charging. It has been estimated that in the year 2023, total number of electric cars in the world will be almost 26.1 million. Hence, the rising demand for electric vehicles augments the growth of the global synchronous generator during the forecasted period. Other than this, with the rising emphasis on renewable energy sources, synchronous generators are important for maintaining the stability of the grid and facilitating the amalgamation of renewable energy sources. The rising need for sustainable energy solutions fuels the market opportunities for the global synchronous generator in the forecasted period. There has been a constant need for an uninterrupted power supply that is fueling the demand for the global synchronous generator market.
Some of the major growth factors and challenges that are associated with the growth of the global synchronous generator are:
Growth Drivers:
The Rising Electrification of Electric Vehicle Transportation
The Growing Need for Dependable and Effective Power Production
Hefty upfront expenditures for infrastructures, strict environmental regulations, and the presence of alternatives are some of the major factors anticipated to hamper the global market size of global synchronous generators.
By power rating, the global synchronous generator is segmented into 10 to 20 MVA, 2 to 5 MVA, 20 to 30 MVA, 30 to 50 MVA, and 5 to 10 MVA. Out of these, the 5 to 10 MVA segment is projected to gain a robust market share of almost 27% in the coming years. The segment 5 to 10 MVA are becoming more popular to render a scalable answer to the rising energy demand in developing nations. 
By region, the Europe synchronous generator is to generate the highest revenue by the end of 2036. The rising need for effective power generation solutions is projected to propel the industry in the region. The market is moving toward improved grid stability and renewable energy sources.
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sartajblog · 8 months
Transformer Oil Market Navigating Dynamics and Opportunities in the Global Transformer Oil Market Forecast 2023-2032
Transformer Oil Market: Powering the Future of Electrical Infrastructure
The Transformer Oil Market is poised for robust growth, driven by the increasing demand for electrical power and the global shift towards sustainable energy. Transformer oil, also known as insulating oil, plays a crucial role in maintaining the efficiency and insulation of transformers, ensuring the smooth functioning of electrical systems. In this comprehensive market analysis, we delve into the dynamics, trends, and factors influencing the Transformer Oil Market.
Market Overview
In 2023, the Global Transformer Oil Market is estimated to be valued at USD 2,981.5 Million, with a projected compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 13.2% for the forecast period from 2023 to 2032. Transformer oil, recognized for its stability at high temperatures and superior electrical insulation properties, serves as a key component in transformers. Its dual function of suppressing arcing and dissipating heat is vital for the efficient operation of transformers.
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Functions of Transformer Oil
Transformer oil performs two crucial functions in transformers:
Moreover, transformer oil acts as a protective layer against oxidation of metal surfaces and aids in better cooling and insulation by properly dipping the core and windings of transformers.
Alternatives and Environmental Concerns
To address environmental concerns and economic considerations, alternative transformer oils, including soybean oil, palm kernel oil, and coconut oil, have emerged. These alternatives are readily available in countries like India, Malaysia, and Sri Lanka. Bio-based transformer oils are gaining traction due to their superior fire resistance and non-toxic characteristics, aligning with environmental sustainability.
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Market Dynamics
The Transformer Oil Market is experiencing significant growth, primarily fueled by its extensive use in the power generation sector. The global emphasis on sustainable energy sources and the rise in electricity trade across borders, particularly in Asia, contribute to market expansion. The surge in wind power projects further bolsters the demand for transformer oil, serving as a lubricant and coolant in turbines and transformers.
Challenges and Opportunities
Despite the positive outlook, challenges such as the acceptance of alternative transformer techniques and fluctuations in crude oil prices exist. Strict regulations addressing the negative impacts of minerals and crude oil price variations also impede market growth. However, the expanding distribution of energy, driven by increased electricity consumption in emerging economies like India and China, presents significant growth opportunities.
Research Scope and Analysis
By Type
Mineral-Based Oils
Mineral-based oils dominate the market, holding a maximum share in 2023. These oils find extensive use in various sectors, including circuit breakers, capacitors, and high-compatibility areas. The preference for mineral-based oils in conditioning switchgear, transformers, and boilers is attributed to their efficiency in heat transfer and preservation of transformer interiors.
On the other hand, a shift towards bio-based products is evident in recent times. Bio-based oils, derived from vegetable sources, offer superior performance and environmental friendliness. The rising trend of bio-based products is expected to create new growth avenues, although challenges related to non-biodegradability may impact certain mineral oil products.
Silicon-Based Oils
Bio-Based Oils
By Rating
The market is segmented by rating, with the 100 MVA-500 MVA segment dominating in 2023. These transformers, designed for extensive industrial environments, play a crucial role in power generation, transmission, and distribution. The <100 MVA segment follows, anticipated to exhibit the fastest CAGR by 2032 due to widespread applications in power distribution channels.
By End User
The industrial segment commands the market with the maximum share in 2023. The global rise in industrialization has increased the demand for transformers across sectors like food processing, chemicals, steel, and automotive. Transformers are essential for various electrical machinery operating at different voltage levels, driving the demand for transformer oils to ensure smooth operations.
The residential segment is poised to grow with the maximum CAGR in the coming years. The increasing population and residential developments drive the need for transformers in houses, apartments, and villas, contributing to the demand for transformer oils.
Recent Developments in the Transformer Oil Market (as of February 5, 2024):
Market Growth:
Global Transformer Oil Market Report Segmentation
By Type:
By Rating:
By End-User:
Regional Analysis
Asia Pacific
Asia Pacific dominates the Transformer Oil Market, commanding a significant share of 55.8% in 2023. The region's rising electricity demand in economies such as India, China, Australia, and Japan is a key driver. The focus on capacity building for renewable energy in China and India contributes to the demand for transformer oil in the sub-transmission segment. Local producers in Asia Pacific pose challenges for international entrants seeking market foothold.
North America
In North America, the market is driven by the growth of the industrial and manufacturing industries in Canada and the U.S. Technological advancements and developments in established transformers, coupled with the decline in the crude oil market, are anticipated to propel the market in these nations.
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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
1. What is the expected valuation of the Global Transformer Oil Market in 2023?
2. What functions does transformer oil perform in transformers?
4. What challenges does the Transformer Oil Market face?
5. Which region dominates the Transformer Oil Market in 2023?
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mmc2023 · 8 months
Dukung Hilirisasi Industri, PLN Pasok Listrik 24,5 MVA untuk PT Pelsart Tambang Kencana di Kalsel
Banjarbaru || Transisinews – 29 Januari 2024. PT PLN (Persero) melalui PLN Unit Induk Distribusi Kalimantan Selatan dan Kalimantan Tengah (UID Kalselteng) menandatangani Perjanjian Jual Beli Tenaga Listrik (PJBTL) sebesar 24,5 Mega Volt Ampere (MVA) dengan PT Pelsart Tambang Kencana (PT PTK) Cluster Tarjun di Kotabaru, Kalimantan Selatan (Kalsel). Kolaborasi ini dalam rangka mendukung hilirisasi…
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avikabohra6 · 9 months
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dineshpawar27 · 10 months
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blueweave · 11 months
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India power and distribution transformer market size at USD 1.48 billion in 2022. During the forecast period between 2023 and 2029, BlueWeave expects the India power and distribution transformer market size to grow at a significant CAGR of 8.3% reaching a value of USD 2.38 billion by 2029. Major growth drivers for the India power and distribution transformer market include the growing energy demand, government policies and initiatives promoting renewable energy, infrastructure development, and the need for reliable and efficient power transmission and distribution. The government is actively implementing significant measures to enhance the power transmission and distribution infrastructure. Notably, initiatives like Ujwal DISCOM Assurance Yojana (UDAY) have been launched to facilitate the financial recovery of power distribution firms. Another driving force is the government measures aimed at elevating electrification rates and enhancing the operational efficiency of the country's distribution companies (discoms). India has experienced a notable upswing in power demand, driven by heightened capacity utilization, industrial growth, urbanization, and population increase, currently ranking as the fifth-largest nation globally in terms of installed power capacity. Notably, initiatives such as "Power for All" and ambitious plans to augment capacity by 175 GW by 2022 are expected to significantly elevate the demand for power transmission and distribution equipment. Also, the Indian government has set ambitious goals, envisioning the addition of approximately 1 lakh circuit kilometers of transmission lines and 2.9 lakh MVA of transformation capacity from 2017 to 2022. These efforts aim to fortify the transmission network, consequently driving an increased demand for power transformers. However, high capital investments and aging infrastructure are anticipated to restrain the overall market growth during the period in analysis.
India Power and Distribution Transformer Market – Overview
India power and distribution transformer market refers to the sector of the Indian electrical industry that deals with the manufacturing, distribution, and utilization of power and distribution transformers. These transformers play a critical role in the transmission and distribution of electrical energy from power generation sources (such as power plants or renewable energy facilities) to end users, including residential, commercial, and industrial consumers. The key components are power transformers and distribution transformers. The India power and distribution transformer market includes various stakeholders, such as manufacturers, suppliers, distributors, utilities, and end users, who are involved in the design, production, installation, and maintenance of these transformers. Market dynamics may involve demand, supply, regulations, technological advancements, and economic conditions that impact the production and deployment of power and distribution transformers in India. The market may also encompass various types of transformers, such as oil-immersed transformers, dry-type transformers, and special-purpose transformers, which cater to specific industry needs and environmental considerations. This market plays a crucial role in ensuring a stable and efficient electrical supply across India, supporting economic growth and development in the country.
Sample Request @ https://www.blueweaveconsulting.com/report/india-power-and-distribution-transformer-market/report-sample
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markettrendsus · 11 months
Keeping the Lights On: Maintaining Aging Transformers with Retrofill Oils 2023
The Global Transformer Oil Market is expected to reach a valuation of USD 2,981.5 Million in 2023, and it is projected to experience significant growth at a CAGR of 13.2% for the forecast period (2023-2032).
The global transformer oil market has witnessed steady growth over the past decade, driven by rising energy demand and investments in electricity infrastructure across the world. Transformer oil plays a critical role in insulating and cooling transformers and is an integral component of power transmission and distribution networks.
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Key Market Dynamics
Several factors are shaping the growth trajectory of the global transformer oil market:
Surging Demand for Electricity
Rapid industrialization, urbanization and population growth have led to a surge in electricity consumption globally. Governments across the world are focused on enhancing power infrastructure and expanding electricity access. The development of smart grids and long-distance transmission networks creates strong demand for transformer oil for new transformer installations.
Upgrade of Existing Grid Infrastructure
The aging power T&D infrastructure in developed countries requires upgrading to meet rising electricity demand. Replacement and refurbishment of old transformers to comply with modern efficiency and safety standards is another key demand driver. North America and Europe account for a major share of the replacement demand.
Growth in Renewable Energy
The rising adoption of renewable energy sources such as solar and wind energy requires significant grid expansion and integration. This is catalyzing investment in new substations and transformers, providing impetus to transformer oil consumption.
Product Innovation
Manufacturers are developing transformer oils with superior properties such as higher oxidation stability, improved moisture tolerance, better heat dissipation and fire safety. Specialty fluids such as silicone-based and bio-based oils are gaining traction.Product innovation is focused on sustainability, performance and total cost of ownership.
Stringent Environmental Regulations
Regulations on the use of mineral oils which can have an environmental impact during spillage are prompting users to adopt eco-friendly transformer oils. Customers are increasingly demanding bio-based and fire-resistant vegetable-based oils. This is compelling suppliers to expand their product portfolio.
Price Volatility
Crude oil price fluctuations lead to variability in feedstock costs for manufacturers. This creates uncertainty regarding profit margins. However, increasing the use of alternative raw materials is expected to mitigate this price risk going forward.
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By Type
Mineral-Based Oils
Naphthenic Base Oils
Paraffinic base Oils
Silicon-Based Oils
Bio-Based Oils
By Rating
< 100 MVA
100 MVA – 500 MVA
501 MVA – 800 MVA
> 800 MVA
By End-User
Mineral oil dominates the market currently. However, silicone-based and bio-based oils are rapidly gaining share driven by their superior properties and environmental benefits.
Power transformers account for the largest share. However, distribution transformers are likely to see the fastest growth over the coming years.
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Regional Analysis
Asia Pacific holds the largest share of the global transformer oil market presently. This can be attributed to large-scale investments in the region's power infrastructure to support industrialization and booming electricity demand. China, India, Japan and Australia are key demand hubs. Strong growth is also foreseen in Southeast Asia and Africa as electricity access is expanded.
North America and Europe are mature markets where product innovation and sustainability are the focus for suppliers, driven by stringent eco-norms. The gradual upgrade of legacy networks to meet modern power capacity and efficiency goals continues to generate stable demand.
The Middle East & Africa represent an emerging market where the ongoing development of electricity networks provides opportunities for suppliers. The discovery of large oil & gas reserves in the region may also benefit local manufacturing.
Competitive Landscape
The market is fragmented with the presence of large global suppliers as well as numerous smaller regional players. Suppliers are focused on new product development, mergers & acquisitions, vertical integration, and global expansion to increase their market share and global footprint. Some key manufacturers in the global transformer oil market include:
Nynas AB
Calumet Specialty Products
PetroChina Company
China Petroleum & Chemical Corporation
Cargill Inc.
Shell Plc.
Ergon, Inc.
Engen Petroleum Ltd.
Hydrodec Group Plc.
APAR Industries Limited
Other Key Players
Suppliers emphasize building strategic partnerships with utility companies and grid operators to better understand their evolving requirements and emerging trends. Collaborations with research institutions to develop bio-based and alternative transformer fluids are also seen. Overall, the market is poised to grow at a CAGR of over 13.2% from 2022 to 2032.
Growth Opportunities
Some promising growth opportunities in the global transformer oil market:
Rising investments in renewable energy globally will drive demand for specialty transformer oils optimized for solar and wind infrastructure.
Electric vehicle charging infrastructure build-out provides a new application area for suppliers. Specialty oils with high dielectric strength and fire safety are required.
Product innovation for high-voltage and extra high-voltage transformers provides differentiation opportunity for manufacturers.
Digitization of grid assets and condition monitoring creates scope for value-added services and solutions for suppliers beyond selling transformer oil.
Retrofilling of old transformers with modern fluids improves performance and provides incremental revenue potential.
Emerging economies with low electrification rates still offer untapped potential through electricity network expansion.
Key Challenges
Disposal of used transformer oil requires responsible practices and adds to overhead costs. This can affect procurement decisions for end-users.
Concerns about mineral oil supply security arising from geopolitical factors may lead users to look for alternatives.
High R&D costs for product innovation may hamper smaller players lacking scale and resources.
Raw material price volatility affects the ability to offer stable pricing to customers.
Growing adoption of dry-type transformers can restrain market growth to some extent.
The transformer oil market is poised for steady growth in the long run, backed by rising electricity consumption, investments in new and aging T&D infrastructure, product innovation and stringent environmental regulations. While mineral oils dominate presently, bio-based and specialty fluids will gain share driven by sustainability-conscious policies. Manufacturers are focused on addressing evolving customer needs through R&D and offering value-added solutions. The Asia Pacific region will be the growth engine, while North America and Europe remain stable mature markets. Consolidation is likely to continue as participants seek economies of scale.
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Frequently Asked Questions
Q1. What are the major applications of transformer oil?
Transformer oil is used for insulation, cooling and arc quenching within transformers. It prevents corona discharge and electrical arcing in the transformer windings and core. It also transfers heat away from the coils to the transformer tank exterior. The major applications are in distribution, power and specialty transformers across utilities, commercial buildings and industrial facilities.
Q2. Which region dominates the global transformer oil market currently?
Asia Pacific is the largest and fastest growing market for transformer oils, accounting for over 35% share in 2021. Growing electricity demand, investments in grid infrastructure and rapid urbanization in economies such as China, India, Japan and Southeast Asia are driving regional growth.
Q3. What are the key drivers for the transformer oil market?
The major drivers are rising investments in electricity networks globally, upgradation of aging grid infrastructure in mature economies, expansion of renewable energy, stringent environmental regulations promoting eco-friendly oils, and product innovation by manufacturers.
Q4. What are the different types of transformer oils?
The major product segments are mineral oils, silicone-based oils, bio-based vegetable oils, synthetic esters, and other specialty oils. Mineral oil dominates presently, but the share of bio-based and specialty transformer fluids is increasing steadily.
Q5. Who are the major transformer oil manufacturers?
Some of the key manufacturers are Shell, ExxonMobil, Apar Industries, Nynas, Ergon International, PetroChina, Sinopec, Calumet Specialty Products, San Joaquin Refining and Gulf Oil International. The market is fairly consolidated with a few large global players and many smaller regional suppliers.
Q6. What role does crude oil pricing play in the transformer oil industry?
Crude oil price fluctuations affect the feedstock costs for mineral oil-based transformer oils, which comprise the majority market share currently. This creates uncertainty regarding profit margins for manufacturers. However, the growing use of alternative raw materials for bio-based and synthetic oils is expected to mitigate this pricing pressure going forward.
In summary, the global transformer oil market is projected for steady growth supported by stable long-term demand drivers and increased adoption of specialty product offerings. With a shifting focus towards sustainability and performance, transformer oil manufacturers are gearing up to meet the evolving needs of the power industry.
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midseo · 6 months
Reactor Transformers, Manufacturers, Exporters, Suppliers, India
Manufacturers, Exporters And Suppliers of Reactor Transformers, Air Cored Series Transformer, Shunt Reactor Transformers, Mumbai, India.
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