#mvnces // abigail.
jasonbrennerold · 4 years
@mvnces​ said: ryder is like 5'11 or 6’ & abi is 5'10
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he Smol
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milletant-moved · 4 years
      starter call ──[ 05 ] a soft / fluffy / friendly inspired starter   .  /   @mvnces​ ( abigail . )
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“ you’ve been kind of holding my other hand for like the past hour and ─ “ A pause as he nibbled on the tip of his thumb, trying to phrase it lightly. “ I don’t mind but I think you’re cutting off my circulation. You sure you wanna keep watching this? “
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nowithout · 5 years
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his thoughts felt like they were vibrating, right in his skull, and he wasn’t sure how to deal with it. His siblings wouldn’t understand. They’ve never believed him. They’ve never believed them. They think he’s just as crazy as the drugs he’d pumped into his system. His eyes shut and he bites down on his nails for something to do, anything to keep himself from fully crumbling right in front of them. 
       “ She can’t be dead. “  ——— @mvnces .
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shinearch · 4 years
@mvnces​  :   “  i  never  asked  to  be  like  this. ” 
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       wasn’t  that  the  way  of  it ?  he  had  lost  count  of  how  many  times  he  had  asked  for  it  to  be  taken  away  from  him.  that  sight,  that  KNOWING.  but  he  had  come  to  understand  it  was  within  him  from  before  he  had  been  created,  intertwined  within  his  soul  that  dark  red  gasp  one  day  he  would  take.  would  there  be  someone  like  him  to  send  him  on  too ?  he  feels  only  sympathy  for  her,  a  tight  line  of  his  lips  stretching  across  his  face.  “  none  of  us  did.  the  best  you  can  do  is  . .  .  try  to  make  it  as  bearable  as  possible. ”  but  not  even  he  had  really  figured  that  out  yet.
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forourghosts · 3 years
wildcard starter for @mvnces​: Luke for Abigail!
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“ how’re your folks doing? ” the question comes out of nowhere, his mind’s wandering. it’s not that their conversation hasn’t been interesting so far, but every now and again he feels that magnetic pull from the house drawing at the back of his mind, and he can’t shake it right in this moment. “I mean, you know. My Mom, she’d wanna know if I told her we hung out. Yeah.”
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selfhaunting · 5 years
𝚜𝚎𝚗𝚍 📚 𝚏𝚘𝚛 𝚊 𝚜𝚝𝚊𝚛𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚋𝚊𝚜𝚎𝚍 𝚘𝚗 𝚊 𝚕𝚒𝚗𝚎 𝚏𝚛𝚘𝚖 𝚘𝚗𝚎 𝚘𝚏 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚋𝚘𝚘𝚔𝚜 𝚘𝚗 𝚖𝚢 𝚜𝚑𝚎𝚕𝚏.
@mvnces sent: 📚 - for abi !!  /  currently accepting.
Line: She awoke with a start,  sitting bolt-upright in bed...
          The sensation of being watched had startled her awake but she’d yet to open her eyes,  too afraid she would find the Bent Neck Lady staring at her from the foot of her bed.   Even as a teenager the woman still haunted her sometimes,  a relentless presence that refused to stay out of her life for good.
          Finally,  she gathered the courage to open her eyes and instead of the Bent Neck Lady she saw Abigail,  awake and sitting up in bed.   A tired sigh left her and she pushed herself up to a sitting position.   “ Are you okay? ”   She asked,  her voice a little husky from sleep.   She was staying at Abi’s house for the night.   It was a wonder she was still allowed to be friends with her after everything that had happened at the House that night when they were so young -- even she barely remembered it all,  she just knew it was bad.   Really bad.   But she was glad Mr. and Mrs. Dudley seemed willing to look past it all,  because Abigail was a special person in hers and Luke’s lives.
          “ What time is it? ”   She added as an afterthought.   It was still dark outside.
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nowithout · 5 years
17. a hug where one muse stops the other from collapsing - abi
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she's right in front of him and he can feel, more than he can seethe expression on her face. The outright worry. The fear that something bad isabout to happen to him. And he wants to tell her she doesn't have anything toworry about. He wants to tell her that he'll be fine but they both knew thatwould just end up being one of his lies. He can feel the slide of panic an inchinto his throat, cutting right through the middle of his breath.
He can feel the push and theweight of tears behind his eyelids. The sucking in of breath. His nightmares weren'tusually this bad. He didn't wake up with the overwhelming sense of terror thathe had this time. Not as often as he remembered perhaps. And not usually sober.
It's only been a few weeks. A fewweeks of reprieve from the drugs. But he feels himself slipping again. Theillusions, real or imagined, were becoming yet again unbearable. And hisnightmares almost unlivable.
It starts again, almost like ariot. One blast after another. One blare after another. One throw of a molotovcocktail through his chest and he thinks that's it. He's gone. But it feelslike a cold wind that rushes through him. A weighted chest ramming against hisown. Arms locked around his frame, holding him together. And he doesn't knowwhether to stop and breathe or cry and just let go.
He opted for the former. Lettingher hold him. Pushing breath out of his lungs and just clinging to the feelingwith his eyes closed. Head resting against her shoulder. —— @mvnces  / hug prompts.
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jasonbrennerold · 3 years
new tags 03.
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jasonbrennerold · 3 years
@mvnces​    :    Her touch is gentle against his chin. Lightly holding him in place as she gently dusts the makeup brush across one cheek before moving on to the next. Similar to something her mother used to do, Abigail had offered to ‘do Jason’s makeup’ when she noticed him watching her. The brushes were clean, of course, though she wouldn’t question it if he actually wanted his makeup done. “There.” Booping his nose with the brush, she pulls away to smile at him. “All done.” / gives u soft to help me forget the sad jason post
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its a strange sensation, the brushes against his skin feeling entirely unfamiliar. it's not something he dislikes, its just new. he wouldn't know how to describe it, nor how to decide if it was nice or not. all he knew was it was gentle, much more gentle than anything he'd felt before. he'd been nervous at first, anything near his face always something that has him on edge, but it was all soft and gentle enough for him to not be too worried. he's smiling, a rare sight to see. this is nice, nicer than most things he'd experienced in life. gentle giggle escapes at the boop to the nose, smile only growing. this was nice, a bonding experience, and surprisingly enough it made him feel safer somehow. as if nothing bad could happen to him here.
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jasonbrennerold · 4 years
“ shh, shh. i’ve got you, kid. ” - abi @mvnces​
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he'd awoken in a cold sweat, whimpering and shaking and terrified. she was quick to be next to him, quick to come comfort him, but that didn't make him any less scared. the sudden arms around him had made him flail around at first, mind still locked on the lab, on his papa. but that's not where he is, that's not who she is. as he comes to that realization he slowly calms, her gentle words working to make it a little easier for him. he's okay. he knows he's okay. hands find her arms, cling on desperately, begging her not to let go, desperate for her to stay there. the last thing he wants right now is to be alone.
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jasonbrennerold · 4 years
‘ are you lost? ’ - abigail @mvnces​
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its no surprise he’s been found, wandering along an old road barefoot in a hospital gown wasn’t exactly blending in. he'd ran for so long, until his feet were cut up from the ground beneath him. slowing to a walk had been a dangerous choice, but one he needed to make. it hurts less just walking. he hesitates at the question, clearly terrified. scarred features likely add no comfort to the situation for her, not a comforting sight on a kid his age. small nod is given, clearly nervous, but she doesn’t look like she’s from the lab, and something about the way she talks to him (doesn’t attack him) makes him think she has no idea who he is.
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jasonbrennerold · 4 years
❛   i  promise  i  won’t  hurt  you  …    ❜ - abigail because 👀 @mvnces​
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he struggles to believe the words, years of people telling him that exact same thing only to turn around and hurt him anyway. but there’s something in the way she says it that makes him want to believe her, makes him think that maybe she really wont hurt him. so he'll allow himself to start to relax - physically at least. slowly he'll untense, allow himself to back down from the fight or flight response he so easily slips into.
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shinearch · 4 years
@mvnces​   said:  “ i  keep  forgetting  there’s  ghosts  in  here. ” 
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          there’s  a  pang  of  what,  jealousy ?  at  her  remark.  he  wished  it’d  been  as  easy  to  forget,  to  not  know  about  the  ( 𝘨𝘩𝘰𝘴𝘵𝘪𝘦𝘴 )   presences  within  these  four  walls.  he  tampers  it,  not  her  fault  after  all.  besides,  maybe  she  had  meant  that  it  came  back  to  her  --  the  knowing.  “  ah,  don’t  you  wish  you  could  --  for  good ? ”
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jasonbrennerold · 4 years
&     -     abigail     /     she     worried     ...
send     a     &     to     trace     one     of     jason's     scars     :     accepting     :     @mvnces
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gentle touch is somewhat unexpected. he doesn’t entirely flinch away, but he does tense up slightly. it’s one of the larger scars, an incision scar straight down the center of the back of his head. covered, barely, by hair that he’s been letting grow out, some form of moving on coming from the hair that covers the surgically precise line. he doesn’t remember exactly what that one was from, what it was they were looking for inside of him, but it doesn’t particularly matter really. it didn’t need a specific memory to take him back to the bad times. touching it at all only reminds him of his past, but something about how gentle her touch is makes it more bearable. he’s quiet for a while, though he’s pretty quick to assume she wants an explanation. “doctors.” not exactly the best way to explain it, but if he can’t remember the exact details then it’s as much help as he can really be. “i think.”
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milletant-moved · 4 years
                    ▲ : leaning your head against their shoulder ── @mvnces​ / abi .
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a yawn from his lips makes him realize how late it was in the night. The dull light from the TV as the movie slowly crawls to a close prompts him to blink a few times to wet his drying eyes. Another yawn and a shift of his shoulders after, prompts a movement he should have probably expected. A chuckle when a turn of his head confirms it. Abi with drowsey eyes, desperate to keep awake, resting her head against his shoulder. 
Nellie had gone up to her bed a half our before ; having been much more tired than the both of them. Or braver to admit defeat first. The disarray of empty cans of soda and bags of chips confirmed it was a good friday night to have just spent in with his best friends. But the tired creature beside him confirms it much better. 
    “You  want me to carry you to the guest bedroom or just tuck you in here? “
send a symbol for a gentle touch / not accepting .
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milletant-moved · 5 years
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abi, in true best friend form, just latching onto luke like, ‘happy birthday, dumbass.’ he at least gets a hug after that, though. — @mvnces​ .
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“ oof — “ And for a moment, he looks down confused at the arms that had clung to him all of the sudden. “ Okay. Okay. Thank you. “ He muttered, laughing in half breaths as he fumbled to stay upright from the impact and find purchase against a nearby wall until she had let him go long enough to get in a proper hug. “ What? No gift? “
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