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                                       one year anniversary                                                from.kkimbona
hi, hello this is one of wjsn seven fans -- twitter jokes srry not -- anyways i hope this doesn’t become too long.. but damn it has been a whole year and there is a lot of things i am so thankful for. let’s start when wjsn debuted, i actually didn’t care that much about the girls, like who? and i was somewhat dragged into it but at the same time i wanted to try something new after a whole year, so why not start with a new fresh group? at first-- i remember looking at this girl ( bona ofc ) and i honestly wasn’t fond of her but wow i don’t regret any of my decisions of roleplaying her and standing by this group until now. this girls has been through a lot since debut, they didn’t have the immediate overnight popularity but i have been watching them for over a year and i feel so proud of them. they are so humble, positive, energetic and hard-working group, asdfgh i love my girlies ok. MoMoMo for national anthem, no one can change my mind. 
wow im so thankful for this?? i feel happy today.
i hope after all this time, even if it was for a little short of time, have enjoyed my portrayal of jiyeon even when i knew so little about her and i also hope with this revamp that i am doing can be a better jiyeon than before, a jiyeon that can be bright and cheerful. And hopefully I become more constant with replies and conversations after it. 
first, you guys are essential to my roleplay, for good and for the bad, you guys have been always there with me hearing every little whine and every single complain of my muse but also gave me best laughs and the best moments of my muse that i might have saved/screenshot somewhere. shame not everyone has a tumblr to tag but there is it.. 
*insert here british and tuga squad* we have been through a lot as a group but nothing makes me prouder than we still together for so many years. i am thankful for all of that. 
@inchvate - you know already know this but i will just say it again but you know have been the best rp partner and also a hell of a best friend that i have had for a long while and i will always so thankful for you ( yes im tearing up biich ). i still don’t get when people say they feel intimidated by you -- haha remember when we met? -- winks -- i’m glad that you stick up by my side for so long even when my muses are all so messy. but that is when i need you to slap them back to reality and yes that actually works most of the times and you know one of my favourites moments still is when we laugh at our own misery and mostly our own muses misery. also when we get hyper when we jam to songs and get hella inspired to write, so yes, i love you and let’s have fun together and have a bunch of au’s ideas like always. (∿°○°)∿ ︵ ǝʌol
@shuqas so you know, i haven’t been exactly a good friend or feel like -- you have been always so excellent with me i never know how to repay you back. from all the people -- your muse has seen mine in her most like most vulnerable time and damn that is really important because she barely can’t pull that out around anyone else . thank you for always listening to me and.. her, mostly her -- and there is this thing i would like to thank you .. as you said, you stayed, you stubbornly said you wouldn’t leave and stay and wanted be my friend, well you got me. i love you boo ( looks far way does this sounds cheesy? god ) ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
@changkyvns you are the most selfless person i have ever met and sometimes i really have this huge need to protect you from everything but we all know you are the one who takes care of me all the time and honestly i always go to you whenever i feel bad and when my muses feel bad. sometimes i feel like i can’t do much -- ever since i started focusing on myself, and i’m sorry if i ever made you feel unloved, you know that i love you!! like a whole a lot!! and  i know i can always count with you and everything i say will stay with you and i’m never be judged for whatever i say, so thank you for all, i love my tiny russian princess(^³^)~♪
@wonsikko you stress me. your muses stresses me ( rubs temples ) -- but you have gave me one of the nicest experiences around here, even when not all of them were the happiest for my muse -- i also enjoy those moments ..sometimes haha  -- but that doesn’t makes me not want to roleplay with you anymore, actually it’s the opposite.  but seriously you are one of the persons that made me enjoy my muse and actually see sides of her that i didn’t know about.  so thank you for being so patient with her and my dramatic self ( but whispers we all know my reactions are the best ). And even more thankful for sticking around me and other a bunch of things you might know asdfghjk, do i still feel lucky? yes i doooo. i love you sleepy butt.  (◡‿◡✿)
ah my lovely cosmic girls, everyone should be appreciated here and yes, i’m honestly mentioning everyone i know and have interacted with, you guys made my roleplay enjoyable and for a brief time i felt included in a group, something i didn’t  have experienced before. thank you for all being amazing. 
@meiteor @ihruda @sooco @flwerluda @kmbons @xiaochxng​ i also remember yeonjung.. @dayvng @xuonyis .. @jinsoots​. @sonjuus
this really small section belongs to the ones who i have known for years? like damn, i have always looked from afar and enjoy having you guys around even when i am not that constant with my replies and conversation, but i promise i am trying to change that! 
@pearlens @ybouu @cheongsa @deankh @wnhhsk 
and this one the people who i have seen on dash and like reading their portrayal, even if we never interacted that is just fine as long you are having fun. i’m sorry i couldn’t tag everyone maybe i forgot someone that i like, but nevertheless you guys are all amazing, keep on rp-ing! lots of love. 
@maorei @gimbabs @seungwcn @jiddu @eunvies @jnsomin @reflectiicn @choosu @hyunani @kaikarie @spvtnik @woojion @araous @elkiec @ninqyo @vousmvoyez @resuescitate @jenisu @mvrtille @ieuijin @yyunoh @jvngyuno @mingeu @jihnq @94ljh @jihxvn @seouy @jieqionq @kjwons @ynjeonghxn @seahia @shiiah @yoobn @jinuvo​ @kmseyong​ @baecheou​ @imyovna​ @chuhyun​ @wonshn 
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92skjin · 8 years
RULES. bold the ones that apply to your character!   tag your friends! TAGGED BY. @glitteryheels (Thank you!) TAGGING. @kmyukwn @mvrtille @tvemin @peanj @ofagustd @haleeun @hyejvng @eunnve (tagging people in my activity)
absent-minded | abusive | addict | aggressive | aimless | alcoholic | anxious | arrogant | audacious | bad liar | bigmouth | bigot | blindly obedient | blunt | callous | childish | chronic heroism | clingy | clumsy | cocky | competitive | corrupt | cowardly | cruel | cynical | delinquent | delusional | dependent | depressed | deranged  | disloyal | ditzy | egotistical | envious | erratic | fickle | finicky | flaky | frail | fraudulent | guilt complex | gloomy | gluttonous | gossiper | gruff | gullible | hedonistic | humorless | hypochondriac | hypocritical | idealist | idiotic | ignorant | immature | impatient | incompetent | indecisive | insecure | insensitive | lazy | lewd | liar | lustful | manipulative | masochistic | meddlesome | melodramatic | money-loving | moody | naive | nervous | nosy | ornery | overprotective | overly sensitive | paranoid | passive-aggressive | perfectionist | pessimist | petty | power-hungry | proud | pushover | reckless | reclusive | remorseless | rigorous | sadistic | sarcastic | senile | selfish | self-martyr | shallow | sociopathic | sore loser | spineless | spiteful | spoiled | stubborn | tactless | temperamental | timid | tone-deaf | traitorous | unathletic | ungracious | unlucky | unsophisticated | untrustworthy | vain | withdrawn | workaholic
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oldblogcaleb · 8 years
“If you thought I could ever be into you like that, you thought wrong.”
unrequited love/infidelity starter sentences
Caleb arched an eyebrow. Never did he mention her being into him, never had he thought about it. The girl wasn’t his type, and he definitely didn’t want her to be into him. He shuddered at the thought and shook his head rather quickly. Nope.
—  ❝ Get off your high horse. I’m not into you, and           neither do I want you to be into me. I’d rather         date a fucking guy. ❞
receiver: @mvrtille​ || status: opento be continued.. ?
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maiyu-blog · 8 years
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                                                                                 ❝ white is not a mere absence of color ; it is a shining and affirmative thing, as fierce as red, as definite as black. ❞
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sadaily-blog2 · 8 years
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                                                         ❤   COLOR BOARD FOR ISEUL   ❤                                                                           (   peach   !   ) 
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tagged by: @mvrtille​ tagging: @ybouu​ @inchvate​ @sleepbin98​ @hakveon​ @queenhyxna​ @obaeli​ @jinvory​ @elkiec​
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92skjin · 8 years
❛                     text starters • @mvrtille
█ ▌「 sms 카톡 → Iseul   」:  I DON’T KNOW WHETHER TO BE FLATTERED█ ▌「 sms 카톡 → Iseul   」:   OR TERRIFIED█ ▌「 sms 카톡 → Iseul   」:   THANK YOU?
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imyovna · 8 years
I’m a horrible person
rules: mark the ones you’ve done. use your result as your post title. please, repost and don’t reblog!
tagged by. @sowendie , @mvrtille tagging. @baeyeonsei , @eulvs , @maorei , @dvidkm , @dvizng , @leetacyong
[      ] smoked [ ✔ ] consumed alcohol [ ✔ ] slept in the same bed with someone of the opposite sex [ ✔ ] slept in the same bed with someone of the same sex [ ✔ ] kissed someone of the same sex [ ✔ ] had sex [ ✔ ] had someone in your room other than family [      ] watched porn [      ] bought porn [      ] tried drugs
TOTAL: 6/10
[ ✔ ] taken painkillers [      ] taken someone else’s prescription medicine [      ] lied to your parents [ ✔ ] lied to a friend [ ✔ ] snuck out of the house [      ] done something illegal [ ✔ ] felt hurt [ ✔ ] hurt someone [      ] wished someone to die [      ] seen someone die
TOTAL: 5/10
[ ✔ ] missed curfew [ ✔ ] stayed out all night [ ✔ ] eaten a carton of ice cream by yourself [ ✔ ] been to a therapist [ ✔ ] received a ticket [      ] been to rehab [ ✔ ] dyed your hair [ ✔ ] been in an accident [ ✔ ] been to a club [ ✔ ] been to a bar
TOTAL: 9/10
[ ✔ ] been to a wild party [     ] been to a Mardi Gras parade [ ✔ ] drank more than three alcoholic beverages in a night [      ] had a spring break in Florida [      ] sniffed anything [ ✔ ] wore black nail polish [ ✔ ] wore arm bands [ ✔ ] wore t-shirts with band names [ ✔ ] listened to rap
TOTAL: 6/9
[      ] dressed gothic [ ✔ ] dressed girly [      ] dressed punk [ ✔ ] dressed grunge [      ] stole something [ ✔ ] been too drunk to remember anything [ ✔  ] blacked out [ ✔ ] fainted [       ] had a crush on a neighbour
TOTAL: 5/9
[ ✔ ] had a crush on a friend [ ✔ ] been to a concert [ ✔ ] dry-humped someone; been dry humped [ ✔  ] been called a slut [      ] called someone a slut [      ] installed speakers in a car [ ✔  ] broken a mirror [ ✔ ] showered at someone of the opposites sex’s house [ ✔  ] brushed your teeth with someone else’s toothbrush
TOTAL: 7/9
[      ] considered Ludacris your favorite rapper? [ ✔ ] seen an R-rated movie [ ✔ ] cruised the mall [      ] skipped school [ ✔ ] had surgery [ ✔ ] had an injury [      ] gone to court [      ] walked out of a restaurant without paying/tipping [      ] caught something on fire. [ ✔ ] lied about your age
TOTAL: 5/10
[ ✔  ] owned/rented an apartment/house [      ] broke the law in the police’s presence [      ] ( unknowingly ) made out with someone who had a GF/BF [      ] got in trouble with the police [ ✔ ] talked to a stranger [ ✔  ] hugged a stranger [      ] kissed a stranger [      ] rode in the car with a stranger [      ] been harassed [ ✔ ] been verbally harassed
TOTAL: 4/10
[      ] met face-to-face with someone you met online [ ✔ ] stayed online for 5+ hours straight [      ] talked on the phone for more than 4 hours straight [ ✔ ] watched TV for 5 hours straight [ ✔ ] been to a fair [      ] been called a bad influence [      ] drank and drove [      ] prank-called someone [ ✔ ] laid on a couch with someone of the opposite sex [     ] cheated on a test
TOTAL: 4/10
If you have 00-10 … write [I’m a goody-goody] If you have 11-20 … write [I’m still a goody-goody] If you have 21-30 … write [I’m average] If you have 31-40 … write [I’m a bad kid] If you have 41-50 … write [I’m a very bad influence] If you have 51-60 … write [I’m a horrible person] If you have 61-70 … write [I should be in jail] If you have 71-80 … write [I should be dead] If you have 81-90 … write [I got a ticket to Hell]
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maiyu-blog · 8 years
❛ i used to think that most women in the police were kinda.. hm , meh but wow , you totally made me change my mind with those pretty features you got over there. ❜ flirty mayu strikes again. the words slipped past her lips before a short giggle and a quick playful wink.
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yuromeo-blog · 8 years
Sentence starter for reblogging/liking this post. dawntaesinferno mvrtille luxe-lay “I wouldn’t go there, I hear it’s dangerous.”
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imyovna · 8 years
take the quiz here and post your result. REPOST, don’t reblog.
TAGGED BY: @mvrtille (thank you my love ouo) TAGGING: @tzuchu  , @slayeoff , @sowendie , @spvtnik
the hard-boiled detective
key characteristics: cynical, moralistic, brave, attentive
your view of the world may have been soured by your experiences, but you aren't one to give up easily. your experiences have simply reaffirmed your moral code, and you expect those you interact with to live by it. you have a rough exterior that might make you unpopular. on the inside, however, you deeply care about the people who come to you for help, and will find the strength within yourself to help them in the face of insurmountable odds.
film recommendations: the big sleep, the maltese falcon, devil in a blue dress
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wootaez-blog · 8 years
* special delivery for @mvrtille !
( 🔥 ) ` ( txt mssg: iseul )
* – could you be any less specific * – i honestly don’t understand where you’re going with this- * – please elaborate ,,
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taehvngz · 8 years
' ♡ '
done !!
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