#my ‘studio’ is a spare room where I keep the fiber supplies lol
septembersung · 11 months
Realistic livestock dream list:
3-4 sheep (plus lambs?)
Milk cow and calf
1-2 hogs
2-4 hives of bees
Livestock guardian animal (dog? Llama? Donkey?)
The big question marks are: which breed(s) of sheep (I have a list I’m winnowing down), can we realistically keep rams, and how exactly to divide our pasture setup for intensive grazing. I want at least two sheep for wool, and at least one dairy sheep for making soap and cheese. I would prefer a dog as a guardian but then we have to factor in money for the dog’s care. But if we pick a pasture animal, that’s one more strain on the pasture, which is not as large as we’d like.
Fortunately the bees are husband’s thing, I’m full up with mammalian concerns.
Oh and the chickens. I think we’re sitting at about ~20 right now and the goal is to at least double that.
The plan in 2024 is to buy a tractor, expand and improve the garden, sort out the long term food storage thing (challenges with temps in our house, need more canning supplies,) repair and expand the henhouse, invest in rare or heritage chicken breeds/hardy breeds for our zone, figure out a chicken breeding setup for when we want to keep a breed pure, bees, and infrastructure for the future livestock (mostly fencing, with some thought/prep to feeding apparatus and shelters.)
And my personal goal is to get a sign printed for my studio door with the studio name on it. Because someday I want to sell what I make at craft fairs and farmer markets. I’m not that good yet, but the dream is motivating.
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