#my HC is that richard was grahams dad and he was a prick to graham
braddersbangerz · 3 years
“you are, without a doubt, the most annoying person i’ve ever crossed paths with. and don’t even get me started on the sound of your voice.” For dan and graham please
CW: Past ref to childhood abuse from an asshole dad
Ryan strides into the console room, phone in hand, half paying attention to where he's walking and who he is talking to. "Hey, Yaz, have you seen-"
"Oh, piss off, will ya,"
"-Graham-" Ryan finishes. He blinks.
Yaz glances behind herself, locking her eyes with Ryan's baffled ones. "They've been having a go at one another for the last ten minutes."
"Oh," Ryan leans forward, trying to see what could cause this ruckus. "Did Liverpool beat West Ham again?"
"No idea, mate," Yaz murmurs. "Something set them off, not seen them this angry with each other before."
Ryan agrees with her assessment; of course, they have playful teasing, but this seems something a lot more serious.
But without giving either Yaz or Ryan a chance to discover more, they quickly find themselves jumping out of the way of a very irate Graham who turns, ignoring them as he jabs a finger at Dan.
"You are, without a doubt, the most annoying person I've ever crossed paths with," He shouts. "And don't even get me started on the sound of your voice."
Dan raises an eyebrow. "That's rich coming from a Dick Van Dyke, oi oi, hows ya father, cockney."
"At least I can make sounds with my mouth, you-" Graham steps closer. "-you just move it and hope something understandable comes out."
Dan glares at Graham. "Prick," He steps forward as well and shoves the other man back. "It's just like you lot from the south to have this high and mighty air 'bout you; it's no wonder us lot in the north think yous are a bunch of softies, ain't got 'nout going on in that head of yours."
Graham winds back an arm, but soon finds himself dragged back by Ryan. "Oi," He barks. "Pair of you stop it, seriously; how old are you two?"
Yaz nods, her hands wrapped around Dan's arm. "Exactly," He states. "What the hell has caused you two to start hurling insults at one another like you're two cats fighting in the streets?"
"It's him-" They both snap simultaneously. "-he doesn't know when to stop winding me up."
Ryan releases Graham when he's sure the other man isn't going to lunge forward. "Really?" He stares at Graham. "You're what? 60? And this is how you're gonna react to a possible joke gone a bit too far?"
Graham frowns at Ryan. "He said he doesn't know why I complain about my childhood 'cos it seems like I had it all, food, clothes, warm house, when he didn't have that."
"And I was right," Dan replies. "He called me a selfish dickhead after that."
Ryan looks between Graham and Dan, and he sighs. "You didn't tell him, did you?"
"Tell me what?" Dan snaps, some anger bleeding away from him.
"Tell him, Graham," Ryan prompts the older man who currently can't meet anyone eyes. "You're safe here like you were safe with Grace and me when you told us. He should know, and Yaz, they might understand a bit more then."
Graham sighs and slowly looks up, his eyes locking with Dan's. "I might've had all that stuff growing up, but it weren't a happy childhood, lose me mum when I was just a lad, and my dad, well the less said about him, the better 'cos the man was a horrible father after she died." Dan looks pale. "It weren't like he did much, but he never showed me love, always wanted me to be more like him, less soft, when he weren't happy, he'd give me a slap and all that," He shrugs. "He was nicer when he weren't drunk."
"I didn't know," Dan mutters. "I just assumed that you were, god," He pulls a hand down his face. "I am such a dick."
Graham huffs out a sour laugh. "Nah," He stares at the other man. "You ain't; my dad was the dick, only time I could get away with calling him it 'cos his name was Richard," He gives a tight smile. "Anyway, sorry for snapping at yous, I dunno; I guess I just needed to get something off my chest, and you were a trigger for that," He extends a hand towards Dan. "Mates again?"
Dan nods. "Mates."
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