#my ask box is always open I love being insane about fictional characters 🫶
andro-dino · 10 months
Hi sorry for the ask jumpscare. I've been craving some Nile angst recently and may you could provide some of that Nile angst. (bc I randomly remembered the unrequited love Nile/Kyouya clip a while back. But it doesn't have to be about that.)
oooouhhh Nile angst,,, I haven’t had any angst thoughts in a while.
I think Nile’s interesting bc despite what he goes through, he’s actually very levelheaded and calm about it most of the time. I think he’s a very logical person and able to kinda see a lot of situations two steps ahead already, so he’s able to keep cool (for the most part) in the present. I think there’s a lot you could do with that there. I think the most obvious one is the emotional repression angle, where he’s almost too far ahead to the point where he’s not really letting himself feel in the moment. Like, he’s surprisingly chill about Kyoya’s outburst and split off from the group in fury considering how close they are, and he justifies that knowing that that’s just the kind of person Kyoya is and he wouldn’t expect him to stay tied down to something for long, and yet there’s still something about it that makes his stomach turn. He knows Kyoya’s a free spirit and not necessarily the friendliest person, so this isn’t really that out of character for him, yet part of him still wanted Kyoya to consider him a little more. For how close he thought the two were, they weren’t really getting much time together, and now with this, it only made him feel less secure about their bond. It’s kind of a feeling of his rationalism clashing with his own feelings and attachments, yk?
Another route I actually remembered I have thought a bit about before is how much Nile worries over Kyoya. Nile cares for Kyoya a ton, more than Kyoya probably even realizes, but he also knows that Kyoya has NO sense of self preservation and just wishes he would stop being so goddamn stubborn and reckless all the time. This thought is kinda inspired by wild fang vs gan gan galaxy, where Kyoya is super beat up and in no shape to battle after his battle with Gingka, yet still insists on going out there, despite Nile’s protests. Again, Nile kinda just accepts this as part of Kyoya’s character, but it worries him so much. I can definitely see and argument breaking out about that, and I think it could be interesting if Nile argued in this case that it’s selfish of Kyoya to be so reckless because of how much it disregards everyone else around him. It’s selfish because every time he does it, Nile is worried sick about what might happen to him, and he doesn’t even take the time to think about how his actions are causing that and considering anyone’s feelings besides his own. Like, not to pull out the “Why can’t you take care of yourself, if not for yourself then for me?” right now but like basically that. I’ve thought about this idea more lightheartedly before (I have an old ass doodle somewhere of Nile bandaging Kyoya up while the two yell at each other, ala “THIS IS STUPID IM FINE CHRIST THAT HURTS” “WELL MAYBE IF YOU WERENT GOING AROUND OVEREXERTING YOURSELF AND THROWING YOURSELF INTO TORNADOES, NEITHER OF US WOULD BE IN THIS SITUATION”) but I think it’s a very easy concept to make more angsty if you add more heartache into it.
Nile in general strikes me as the kind of independent but lonely type. In my head at least, he has a kind of duality between being fine on his own, and even preferring it at most points, but so desperately craving human connection and care. I think that’s part of what lets he and Kyoya get along so well in the first place, both are very free spirited and independent, but are able to understand each other and mesh more comfortably because of that. And with that, since there is a degree of yearning and relishing in that connection once he gets it, it’s only all the more confusing and painful once it’s called into question. Him kinda being under the impression that their relationship was something they both enjoyed more than being complete loners most of the time, yet he’s so willing to separate and say he doesn’t need anyone at all. Nile kinda figured they both needed each other a bit, so it’s strange realizing that may have been more one sided than he initially realized.
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tiredfrogclown · 1 month
So, I decided to finally make an intro post:
Hi! My names are Charlie and Raine, and I’m a minor so don’t groom me please.
I’m pagan, I worship mainly Norse deities (specifically Loki and Sigyn at the moment) but would like to explore further in the future.
I’m genderfluid - meaning my gender regularly shifts, I also use the labels trans, non-binary and genderqueer as umbrella terms for my gender.
I use he/they/it/she pronouns so basically any and all.
I’m biromantic - meaning I’m attracted to all genders.
I’m proculsexual - a sexuality on the asexual spectrum (ace spec) meaning I am only sexually attracted to fictional characters and people like celebs.
I’m also dating @tallulahtheegg (Hellooo my gorgeous girlfriend😊🫶🏻)
Some more random stuff about me with no apparent connection to each other;
I have anxiety
I play bass and ukulele
I love clowns, frogs, foxes and axolotls
I like the colours green and black
I like cosplay
I like reading and writing (including but not limited to fan fiction)
I’m in a bunch of fandoms but can’t be bothered to list any of them
Some of my favourite music artists:
Ghost (my current biggest obsession and favourite band)
Charlie Bennett
Mother Mother
Tom Cardy
Jessie Paege
Chapell Roan
Insane Clown Posse (Whoop whoop!)
I’ve tried not to list any artists I like that are too controversial because I just don’t really want to get involved and I’m tired of famous people being dicks.
One of my favourite Ghost songs is Cirice but I have a shit-ton more and my ask-box is always open! *hint hint*
My favourite Papa is Papa Emeritus III but Copia as IV is a close second
DNI: Biggots and p3dos
I post fandom stuff, rants, rambles, occasional tips on some things and random stuff from my brain.
This blog is a safe space and once again, my ask-box is open for questions about gender, sexuality and I love to get questions about any of the fandoms I’m in.
Love yourself, stay hydrated, stay gay
Free Palestine! 🇵🇸
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