#my beautiful mindy ☀️
torialefay · 8 months
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☀️ Everyday Idol 🌙 (Chapter 4) ✨
✨ possible bangchan x reader (f), possible jungkook x reader (f)
✨ head on over to my masterlist if you haven’t checked out the previous chapters!
✨wc: ~4.5k
✨ friends to lovers? possible love triangle? future angst and smut??? definitely fluff.
✨ summary: JYP Entertainment launches a new show and y/n somehow gets recruited. Even though she doesn’t particularly care about the outcome of the show, she does particularly care about one of the artists she met: Chris from Stray Kids. Does Chris feel the same or will a potential relationship with one of his friends overcome what y/n feels for him?
✨ author’s notes: pls pls pls let me know if you’d prefer shorter, more frequent chapters like this one, OR longer chapters posted about once per week. i’m heavily debating lol
✨ warnings: cursing from time to time.
Previous Chapter Recap:
As wonderful as the daydream was, Chan suddenly snapped out of it. He froze, standing rigid, then almost tumbling back. There’s no way.
There you stood in front of him. With all the beauty that you were. But you were with someone. A man. Chan squinted to see what he could make out. Jungkook? Fuck, that was definitely Jungkook.
You smiled up at him and clung onto him for a long hug. He gave in, leaning his head down to plant a small kiss on the top of your forehead. With that, you giggled, waved, then ran inside the company building.
With that, Chan felt his heart shatter for the very first time.
Through the building’s glass walls, he watched as you made your way a little further, then stopped to bring your phone out. 10 seconds later, he felt a buzz from his phone.
From: y/n’s instagram
Hey, I’m here :) Should I head on up to you?
He wanted to cry.
Note: More characters are involved in this chapter! Just wanted to lay it out here to refer back to if needed.
Y/n- Changbin’s mentee
Anna- best friend, Felix’s mentee
Kara- Seungmin’s mentee
Sunnie- Han’s mentee
Mindi- Hyunjin’s mentee
Nisha- Lee Know’s mentee
Alyssa- Jeongin’s mentee
Jenna- Chan’s mentee
Y/n’s POV:
You felt like you were floating. You felt like you were unstoppable. You wanted so badly to call Anna and tell her that you had just had the best date of your life. The conversation was so easy with Jungkook. You may not have had much in common, but he was FUNNY. He was charming too- such a gentleman. True, you didn’t know him extremely well yet, but the side he did show you was basically perfect.
The butterflies in your stomach just wouldn’t go away. You needed to step aside though and text Chan, letting him know you were here to see him. You were curious to know what he would say. Okay, curious may not be the right word. You were SHAKING waiting to find out what he would say. But either way, it was fine. You were unstoppable after all.
Hey, I’m here :) Should I head on up to you?
You stepped to the side of the building so that you were away from the middle of the foot traffic entering and exiting the building, waiting for Chan to respond. You didn’t want to show up to his studio unannounced, especially if he was in the middle of something.
Looking down at the bouquet still in your hands, you let your mind wander back to your last few seconds with Jungkook. How he was the perfect height for you to hug him and get your face just above his shoulder. How warm he felt while standing out in the cold. How completely natural it felt with him. How when you pulled away, he had the most endearing look in his eyes and a big smirk on his face. He spoke lowly, almost whispered, “Can I see you again?” lowering his head to land a gentle kiss to your forehead. All you could do was blush and give one quick nod, avoiding his eyes. You giggled and waved, as you took off to head toward the building. You pictured the way he looked while waving back to you, almost sad that he wasn’t going with you. The day could simply not get better.
Unless Chan confessed his love to you of course. In which case, you’re fucked. Because what in the hell were you supposed to do then? You needed the universe to decide for you. Maybe Chan just wanted to talk to you about Berry’s health, if Bella had any similar problems, and what you did for them. Maybe he was curious how all of the mentees were doing and if there was anything he could do to help. Or maybe even to give you some tips before filming began- maybe he cared about you and genuinely wanted you to do well on the show. Any of those were more likely than him to say he had feelings for you. Hell, you barely knew the man.
You stood and twiddled your thumbs. A few minutes had gone by since you sent Chan the message. You were hoping he didn’t forget about you. You couldn’t take putting off all this anxiety for another day or so. You decided to look around and mentally note the small things in the JYPE building you hadn’t noticed before. How the walls were fully glass… Like FULLY glass. The chic silver lamps posted around the floor. The one giant green plant resting by the wall on the other side of the room. Someone was definitely taking good care of it.
From: gnabnahc
Hey, yeah sorry. I figured out the answer to what I was going to ask you about. All good! Sorry to leave you hanging. Have a good day.
You put your phone down and somewhat felt your heart drop down into your stomach. You had been nervous, yes, but it was going to kill you more not to know. ‘Well hell.’ You puffed a breath out and frowned, crossing your hands over your chest. Just looking around now not quite sure what to do. ‘I guess I’ll just go and try to find Anna.’
You turned your attention back to your phone, frowning harder when Chan’s message was still displayed on the screen. You quickly swiped out of it and went to Anna’s ‘favorited’ contact in your phone.
Chris bailed. Where are you?
You stepped back shyly, not sure which way to head. You figured she would be in the cafeteria, probably with Kara and Sunnie. You decided to stand and wait for another second until she responded.
As you stood waiting, you saw an all black figure out of the corner of your eye. There were a million people moving in and out of the building, but this one was basically speed walking through. You noticed their entire head was down, fixated on the floor… Was that Chan?… The fingernails covered in black and white polish gave you the confirmation.
You could tell he was storming toward the elevator. Normally, you wouldn’t be so forward, but the stars were aligning it seemed like. You mirrored his fast pace and headed after him, off to the large elevator.
“Chris, hey! Wait up!” your voice raised slightly from behind him. You could see hesitancy in the way he slowly started to decelerate, almost shuddering in the process. Slowly, slowly, slowly, he turned his body around towards you. His normal smiley and joking exterior seemed to have gone away.
You finally caught up. “Hey!” you said cheerfully. ‘Game plan: Act like you’re not bothered and/or confused as hell.’ You smiled up to lock it in. “How are you?”
He was pale, almost like you’d be able to see every vein in his body if you tried hard enough. The only color on his face was a pink spot on the tip of his nose, probably from being outside in the cold. With his gaze on you, he looked like he’d seen a ghost.
He didn’t speak for a moment, collecting his bearings once he had finally fully turned to face you, beanie low almost covering his eyes. “I’m okay, how are you?” he said with a tone you could only describe as hollow. Distanced. Apathetic.
“I’m doing okay. Was just sad I wasn’t gonna be able to see you today!” you beamed. You were determined to lay it on thick. “But I’m glad you got everything worked out. I hoped everything was okay?”
He looked down to the flowers still resting in your hands, quickly bringing his eyes back up and settling somewhere on your face, but definitely not your eyes. “Yeah, it’s fine,” he strained out behind semi-gritted teeth. “But I’ve gotta get going upstairs. I’ll see you around.”
With that, he turned his body much quicker than before and paced the few yards away to reach the set of elevators, one of which was about to open.
You couldn’t believe he just brushed you off like that. Going to all the trouble to invite you to his studio, his one sacred space, and now the best he wants to do is “see you around?” Asshole. ‘This is the universe, y/n. This is just the universe giving you your answer. You asked for it and you got it. That’s a good thing isn’t it?’ you questioned yourself. ‘Of course it is. I have my answer. I can just focus on Jungkook from now on.’
Realizing you had just been standing in the middle of the floor, you stepped aside and checked your phone.
From: Anna
he bailed? wtf! on the rooftop with our friends, come find me rn please.
Thank God. You didn’t think you could deal with standing here alone for much longer. You started toward the elevator and waited patiently for it to arrive once you mashed the button.
The rooftop sounded like a cool place. And it was. It was basically additional space for people to hang out NOT inside of a practice room or shooting room. A lot of people would take food up there just to eat and chill with friends. It was fully encapsulated though, just like the first floor, with floor to ceiling windows- windows even comprising the entirety of the ceiling. It had a breathtaking view. You had selfishly hoped Anna would be alone. ‘God damn it,’ you thought as you stepped onto the elevator, pressing the uppermost button for the rooftop and then settling into the back corner. ‘If Anna doesn’t keep her big ass voice down, so help me god.’ You pictured having to cover her mouth with your hand to stop her from letting out expressions that could be heard on the other side of the room. That was one thing about your best friend- nothing was ever inconspicuous with her. You DID love that that meant there were no secrets between you two. What you DIDN’T love was that she inadvertently made both of your business everyone else’s business. AND your other friends were with her. So that’s gonna be awkward. As much as you were thankful for Kara and Sunnie’s friendship, they weren’t exactly known for hating drama. It was definitely best to leave them out of this. ‘God I hope they don’t get too curious. What am I supposed to say?’
You brainstormed different ideas, different lines you could pull to get her one-on-one without seeming like something was wrong. You thought and thought and thought until you arrived at your floor.
You narrowed your eyes as you scanned the rooftop for your friends. Long cafeteria-style benches lined the middle. As intently as you looked, you didn’t recognize the tops of any of their heads. ‘But is that? Ah fuck.’ It was the top of Felix’s head. Closer look. ‘Oh goody. Changbin, Seungmin, and Han too.’ Behind their slew of heads, you noticed the shorter frames of Anna, Kara, and Sunnie. ‘Cool. This should be cool,’ you sneered to yourself.
As you walked toward the group, you saw Anna’s head first, briskly turning in your direction. She snapped her head back toward the others, said a few words, let out a quick smile, and then unseemingly got up and walked toward you instead. Once she was out of their field of view, she picked up her pace and motioned for you to move backwards toward the elevator. There was a small foyer between the elevator and the rooftop room, so you decided to back track and wait there.
“Are you crazy?!” Anna scream-whispered once she arrived. “You were gonna bring that big ass bouquet in there and not expect people to ask questions?!” she pushed her hand down to motion to the flowers. “BEAUTIFUL big ass bouquet, oh my gosh,” she got side tracked, taking them in her hands and examining them.
“I’ve had more things on my mind than remembering some flowers in my hands. ALSO you told me it would be our friends up here, not an entire crew!”
“Hey, the guys are our friends too,” she frowned, handing the bouquet back.
“You know what I mean!” You pierced into her eyes. “BUT, holy shit Anna that was the best date I’ve ever been on!!!” you squealed. Your voice had raised at least 3 octaves. Your one free hand started flapping freely as you talked. “He was such a gentleman. He held my hand as I walked up the stairs. He made a reservation at this fancy restaurant for us. He helped me take my coat off AND put it back on. He paid for both of us and left a good tip. And, well obviously, he got me these flowers,” you blushed. “And it was just so easy with him! The conversation just kept flowing. The date was over before I knew it. I mean I am kinda relieved its over just because of nerves, but ugh, it was just- it couldn’t have gone any better.” The smile on your face and sparkle on your eyes told Anna that right away, but she let you ramble on. “OH OH and get this! When I went to leave, he KISSED. MY. FOREHEAD. Deadass his lips touched my forehead. And he asked if he could see me again! I- AHHHH!” You hush-screamed, waving your hands all around. Your eyes had closed tight from how much smiling you’d been doing.
“You said yes I’m presuming?” a smirky grin sprawled across her face, eyes looking into yours like she was teasing.
You rolled your eyes with a shit-faced grin. “Yes bitch, I said yes,” you laughed.
“That’s so amazing,” her eyes turned into puppy dog ones now, pout on her lips. “My little bestie is in loveeeee.”
“Okay, let’s not go that far. But yes, it was really reallllly good.” You couldn’t stop smiling.
“I’m just so happy for you… And like, not to ruin the moment, but what happened with Chris?”
You took a deep breath. ‘Not to ruin the moment my ass.’ You closed your eyes for a few seconds and shrugged your shoulders. You didn’t know much, just that he canceled on you and then left you hanging, yet again in the lobby. ‘Just a hot and cold asshole, I guess.’ Your respect for him had basically gone out the window… Buttt, maybe you were being a tad bit unreasonable. Maybe he just got busy. HONESTLY, you were probably reading too much into it. After all, he’d done nothing to make you think that he was interested in you in anyway. That was all just wishing thinking on your end. ‘And ACTUALLY, I should be thankful for him canceling. Now I can put to rest the stupid thought that he wanted to talk to me about anything more than a simple question he was curious about. There was no picking between them, because Chris was never in the equation to begin with. See, that’s good!’ you thought to youself. Still, you couldn’t deny that your heart ached a tiny bit, lost in the possibility of what could have been. But now you’d never know.
You expressed that to Anna as best as you could.
Chan’s POV:
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Chan could physically feel his heart fall into his ass. He set his phone down on the table and proceeded to punch both fists down on either side of his keyboard. Today, he was supposed to be nervous, yes- but not gutted. Not like how he felt now.
You were supposed to be in his studio with him now. He was supposed to be talking to you about how to do well on the show and how he would help you with anything you needed. How if you ever needed a shoulder to cry on, he would always be there for you. Just like last time. But only for you, he wanted you to know. The others were great. His mentee was great too. But none of them were you. None of them captivated him like you. None of them showed their raw emotions, nor got them out of him, like you None of them so effortlessly filled in the gaps that were missing inside of him like you. It had to be you, it just had to.
‘Way to go Chris. Not only did you ruin your shot by not taking it earlier, but now she probably feels like you blew her off… As if she would ever look at you anyways. She has Jungkook now. What more could she want? He’s way more successful, talented, and handsome than you could ever be… You know what? You can’t even be mad at her for going with him. Damn, you would too if you were her. Why would she want someone like you? Can’t do anything right. Couldn’t even get her here in the first place. You just didn’t deserve it. You don’t deserve her.’
With his head dropped low over his keyboard, fists still resting by the keyboard, he wanted to cry. He really really wanted to cry. But makeup was done, and there would only be a few moments for touch ups with so many people shooting today. So no, he couldn’t cry. But damn if he couldn’t get angry.
In a split second, any ounce of sense he had left his body. He started pounding his fists repeatedly into the table holding his keyboard. Hit after hit after hit. He didn’t care how it hurt, he just needed to let the inner pain out. Maybe by doing that, he could replace it. He bounced up out of his seat, darting hid head to look for anything he could get his hands on. A snarl spread wide across his face. A lone pillow sat on his couch, and he lunged down, throwing jabs into it left and right. In that moment, he was thankful for all the makeup to cover his face which had gone completely red with frustration. “GOD DAMN IT,” he screamed with a final punch to the pillow, now moving on to throw punches down into the couch. He felt his knuckles turn red from rubbing harshly against the fabric. Probably rubbed raw, he could tell. But he still didn’t care. He eyed down an empty plastic bottle on the table, rage still written in his face, and took a swift hold on it, using both hands to twist in opposite directions until it was completely deflated. With as much aggression as he could muster, he threw it to the ground and thrusted his heavy boot-covered foot down on top of it to squash it. Another stomp followed, then one after that, then one after that. He threw his entire heart, body, and soul into it with each violent step. “FUCK,” he screamed out, when he was finally satisfied. His teeth still snarled, he took a deep breath and huffed it out as quickly as he brought it in. He sprang toward the door, forcefully opening it before storming out. He didn’t know where he was going yet. He just knew he couldn’t be in that god damned room for one more second. Not without you.
Y/n’s POV:
You and Anna had made it to the filming rooms on level 10. You made sure to get there a bit early in order to find out which room to go to. There were around 50ish Everyday Idol contestants, not to mention their mentors who were also there to shoot intro materials. It was chaos trying to figure out where to go. You passed by Room #4, locating your name on the sign. Anna, Kara, and Sunnie were also filming in this room. You noted four other names on the sign, so you assumed that all the Stray Kids’ mentees would be here. So naturally, the members would be as well.
‘Fuck my life.’
You each squeezed your way through the crowd to make it past the doorway. You were happy when the first face you saw was Changbin. He was dressed in a fitted black top, dark jeans, black shoes, and a black leather jacket. A single small silver chain finished off the look. It was the first time you’d seen him out of the confines of a practice room, so seeing him all dressed up was a new experience.
They most likely matched your outfits up to give mentors and mentees a similar vibe. You looked down to your own outfit, giving it a final once-over. Tight black pants, a loose black button up that had been styled to hang off your shoulders, chunky boots, and plenty of silver rings, earrings, and bracelets. Your favorite of all was the dainty silver necklace wrapped around your neck with tiny stars and planets dangling off. It was too loose to be considered a choker, but too tight to be a plain necklace. Something about it fitting just right around your neck made you feel some type of new sexy vibe. Well that, plus the muted dark red lip choice was a dead giveaway of what they were going for. The final touchups before walking in had definitely been good to you.
Changbin walked your way, offering a small wave.
“Binnie!” you smiled and hugged him. His thick arms wrapped around you, making you feel safe. “What have you been up to today?”
“We had practice earlier, then a bunch of us ate together. You were invited obviously. Where were you?”
You panicked. The first thing to come to mind is what spilled out. “Oh, you know… just lady problems,” you brought your eye up into a dramatic wink.
“Well that’s something,” he made fun. “I hope you’re okay though?”
‘How sweet.’ “No, I’m totally fine! Just semi-nervous trying to figure out what we’re supposed to be doing today.” You looked around, making a mental note of the others in the room.
“They’ll walk us through it, and we can practice of course! They’ll probably put you in the frame and make you answer a bunch of prompts so other people can get to know you. Where you’re from, likes and dislikes, what you do in the ‘normal’ world, nlah blah blah. Then they’ll probably get some takes of us talking- that part I don’t know much about yet. I do know that you and I will take some photos together at the end. Same for the rest of the members and group photos as well. They will probably want some interaction between only you all. Nothing really to worry about.” He was right, it didn’t sound too bad. Apart from the fact that Chan would be here any minute and even if he didn’t feel it, the awkwardness you would feel is through the roof.
‘Calm and collected, y/n. Calm and collected. Literally what are you worried about? This is gonna be so easy.’
“Obviously I know you, Anna, Kara, and Sunnie, but I can’t quite remember the names of the other girls. I know we all met at drinks the other night, so I feel kinda bad,” he looked down, rubbing the back of his neck.
“Don’t feel bad. I really haven’t seen them since that night either.” You knew two of them fairly okay- Mindi and Nisha. They were super sweet, Hyunjin and Minho’s mentees. The other two, you weren’t quite sure about. Alyssa was Jeongin’s mentee and nothing was necessarily wrong with her, she just kept more to herself and didn’t seem very friendly to the rest of the group. Jenna, who had Chan as a mentor, was the same way. I mean surface level, they were fine, and you could all get along well enough. But do you ever get the feeling that someone just isn’t a “girl’s girl?” It’s like that. They aren’t girl’s girls. That’s probably why they clung onto each other.
And if you were honest, you weren’t quite sure how Jenna felt about you. You tried your best to talk with her, to make a connection in some way. Either she didn’t like you or her personality was comparable to a rock. ‘Either way, that is one dry bitch,’ you thought. You’d never say that out loud though. Ever since the night you’d all met up for drinks, something was off about her. An air of “I think I’m better than you” seemed to wear over her like a veil. You remembered how great the conversation was with Chan that night. The way that he looked at you, and how happy you both got when you kept finding things in common. It was like you had endless things to talk about. Even emotional things. You’d give up a lot to be able to go back to that night and experience it again. Maybe Jenna didn’t like you simply because you connected well with her mentor? ‘More than she did, I’m sure,’ you thought while rolling your eyes.
You walked with Changbin to the other side of the room where some of the Skz members and new cast members were all standing around talking. No Chris in sight though, thank god. They caught you up on everything you missed during lunch. Everyone compared outfits, went through what they’d probably have to talk about, all the usual stuff.
Felix pulled you to the side after a few minutes.
“Those flowers earlier were really pretty!” He teased, with a toothy smile spreading across his face.
‘Huh? Did he see me?’
“Aw, thank you! They were definitely some of the prettiest I’ve seen!” you played along, hoping he wouldn’t push further.
“Get them from anyone special?” he asked, again in the same sing-song tone. His cheeks were now stuck out from his smile, raising his eyebrows high on his face. He was definitely trying to wind you up.
‘Fuck, did he see me with Jungkook? I mean that’s fine I guess, but god please don’t make this weird. It was just a first date. Jesus Christ Felix why are you like this?’
“No,” you answered, trying to sound both playful and nonchalant. “It was just a friend. I’ll tell them you said that though! Thanks Felix.”
“No need, I already told him!” Felix winked down at you, nudging his elbow into your side. What the hell?
“Oh really? I didn’t know you two were close like that.” Literally not once had you seen any sign that they’d spoken to each other, let alone were good enough friends to keep in touch about girls they were taking to lunch.
“With Chan-hyung? We’re about as close as two people can get,” he laughed. “No way. I knew all along. And you’re welcome by the way. I may or may not have encouraged it hehe.” You watched as his eyes sparkled while they smiled. It would have been adorable if you had any clue what he was talking about.
All you could do was stare blankly at him. A confused expression must have been on your face long enough for Felix to notice.
“We are talking about Chan-hyung, right?”
“No… I got the flowers from Jungkook,” you said sheepishly.
You could see Felix’s eyes shoot open, going into panic mode. Fight or flight, I guess.
“Wait, are you talking about? OHHH those flowers! The ones from today. Ohhh okay, nevermind. Sorry, I was thinking about something completely different. Ohh okay, I see, I see now,” he rapidly mumbled out. He looked like he could start sweating at any minute, waiting to get your eye of approval before he switched topics.
‘Okay, so 2 possibilities. #1: Felix needs a lot more sleep. Or #2: Chan was going to give me flowers?!?!’
✨Continue to ➡️ Chapter 5
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