#my beloved ot7 my home
artofcasmiles · 2 years
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forever we are young 🌟
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sweetlyskz · 9 months
Emerald Gem|| Chapter 1
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Chapter one|Chapter two|Chapter three|Chapter four|Chapter five|Chapter six|
Paring: OT7! x Fem!Reader
Overview: Living away from society has its perks. All natural food from your thoroughly cultivated farm, no nosy neighbors, and peace and security with your animals. But sometimes you did get lonely, having no one to talk to but the cows and pigs. However, when 7 extremely wanted hybrids stumble upon your deserted farm, everything changes.
Genre: Hybrid Au, Strangers to lovers, slow burn
At dawn, the roosters began to crow. They were your personal alarm clock. By the afternoon, you would have the Vegetables plowed and all the pigs fed. Emerald garden, full of color, would be watered. After all the chores were done, you could spend time on your hobbies. Painting, writing, cooking.
You truly kept yourself busy. But it became boring at times, lonely.
Emerald manor, your beloved home, was built for a family. With a large living room, a generous dining room, and too many bedrooms, it could be overwhelming for you. You liked to think about how you could fill this space, getting married, having a family. But you quickly realized that those things don’t come easy. Tired of the loneliness, you thought about adopting a pet. Maybe a dog to help with the farm?
And one day while you're cleaning the chicken coop you spot a fox about to pounce on one of the chickens.
“Hey!” you exclaim. “Get out of here!”
The fox stopped in its tracks and peered over at you, giving an intimidating glare. Then you realized, that wasn’t a fox.
It’s a person.
“Wait!” you attempted to come closer, but with each step forward, the fox went two steps backward. “I’m not going to hurt you. I promise.”
The fox seemed dubious, cautiously stepping towards you. “F-food, please.” His voice was raspy, sore.
You immediately ran to get some food, coming back to the coop with some leftovers. Maybe this will suffice, you thought. You sat him down on the grass patch next to the chicken's den. You watched him devour the meal, as if he hadn’t eaten anything in weeks. Based on his appearance, he probably hadn’t. His fur coat was dirty and torn. You could see his ribs and his belly rumbled with each bite. “Sorry, miss”, he whispered.
You shook your head. “Don’t apologize. You did nothing wrong. I’m Y/n. May I ask your name?”
You could tell he was nervous. Something about your presence made him anxious and fearful. Is he like this with everyone?
“H-Hoseok”, the fox uttered. “But I can’t stay long. My pack is waiting for me.” With a slight struggle, he stumbles back on his two feet. You grab him before he takes off.
“Please wait”, you politely asked. “Let me give you some food to take back to them. Don’t leave yet.”
He paused for a moment, seeming to be pondering over his next steps. “Okay”, he spoke softly. “But don’t be long. They may worry.”
With that, you hurry back into your home, running to the fridge to see what you can scrap up. Hopefully I have enough for all of them, you thought. Maybe you can give them a couple of chickens from the coop.
While carrying plastic wrap covered plates to your garden, you hear a scream coming from the coop. That must be Hoseok. Without haste, you ran to the chicken coops, the food left for the birds. Hovering over Hoseok was what looked like a wolf– well half wolf.
“Back away from him!” You yelled at the top of your lungs, trying to scare off the scary hybrid. He ignored you completely. Suddenly, you gain the courage to step up to it, pushing it off of the fox.
“Are you okay?” You helped him back on his feet, feeling the trembles in his hands. “Did he hurt you?”
“N-no, he would never hurt me”, He stuttered. “You don’t understand.” You looked at him confusingly, then looked at the wolf. He was fuming with anger.
“Y/n, this is my packmate, Joon.”
You’re not sure how feeding one hybrid led to having seven hybrids on your couch, but you have no one to blame but yourself.
“You want us to do what?!”
“Live here?” It was really just a random thought that popped in your head. You didn’t give it any thought. And seeing them dirty and hungry on your couch just made you blurt it out. Hoseok seemed thrilled but his Pack alpha, Joon, wasn't too excited.
“You must be out of your mind”, he laughed. “What do you think we are, pets?”
“No, not at all!” You shook your head. Something in the back of your mind tells you that they’ve been burned before, that they’ve been mistreated. You feel sort of sympathetic. Could they not trust anyone? “You guys don’t even have to stay here long. I just want to treat your wounds and offer some food.”
He still seemed doubtful. “Yeah? And what’s in it for you?”
That's the question he's been dying to ask. What about you? You thought about it for a moment. Wouldn’t any human being want to help out someone in need? The answer to that is no. However, maybe they need some good in their lives.
And you could use the company.
“Well, I kind of live here by myself”, You explain. “My parents moved to the city so I don’t see them often, and I don’t have any other family or friends. If I’m being honest, I really just need someone to converse with. And maybe a little help around the house.”
One of the packmates raised his hand, as if asking permission to speak. “We left the other home we were in. They may still be looking for us. We don’t want to put you in any danger.”
“We can figure all that out later”, you promise him. “Right now, you guys just need to wash up and get a proper rest.”
Hoseok turned to Joon, waiting for his response. “Please, Joon. We’ll be good, I promise.”
He glared at you for a second, trying to sense if this was another trap. Maybe she’s genuine, he thought. “Okay, but we won’t stay for long.” You could hear sighs of relief. Even you let out a puff of air, not realizing you were holding your breath.
“Thank you. Thank you so much for trusting me. I know that’s not easy.” You gave them a tour of Emerald farm, showing them their sleeping quarters and where they can wash up. When evening came around, you prepared a feast. Your hybrid guests gobbled down all they could– except Joon. He didn’t eat, probably from fear of being poisoned. Hopefully, one day he’ll trust me, you thought. But for now, all you can do is show them tender care and affection until they believe it.
When it becomes time for everyone to sleep in their rooms, you're left alone in the living room with our thoughts. Maybe some television will clear your mind. You never really use it. Living on a farm left you with plenty of other things to do, but why not? Turning on the television, you flip through the channels until one catches your attention.
Breaking news! Seven dangerous hybrids escaping from a research facility
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jjungkookislife · 11 months
Quarterly Fic Recs 2023: #2
Hello! I am a little late with my list but between work and my laptop taking so long to even boot up, it’s been hard to do anything. I’ve enjoyed all these fics these past few months and I hope you enjoy them as well. A huge thank you to all the writers for sharing their work 💜
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none :(
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red chopsticks @hobicakess
summary: Now everytime you see chopsticks, you'll think of him.
beloved @bang-tan-bitches
summary: Court was just a game of politics after all. And you intended to win
fear and dumplings ch. 1 @softyoongiionly
summary: You’re in your final semester at University when your Abnormal Psychology professor assigns you a partnered project surrounding your greatest fears. Lucky for you, your partner just so happens to be a cute boy named Min Yoongi. 
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dinners & diatribes @yoongiphoria
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the one with namjoon and the u-haul @eoieopda
summary: in which namjoon is buff, jungkook is late, & you're trapped in an elevator.
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blunt rotation @gimmethatagustd
summary: Supplying your law school classmates with weed on the regular might as well be a full-time job. It’s lucrative, but lately, you’ve seen a dip in profits. Maybe it’s because you keep giving out the Pretty Boy Discount to a certain guy in your ethics class…
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jungkook with chubby girlfriend pt. 2 @ta3bae
calling you cool @kithtaehyung
summary: after your band finishes a coveted club gig, you’re frustrated that your dope ass night ends with you hiding in a bathroom stall. at least, this is what you figured—until someone comes along to change that.
prove it to me @kookslastbutton
summary: “I’m not your baby Jungkook. Remember that.” Those are the words you say right before jumping into a one night stand with Jeon Jungkook, the man who’s constantly annoying you with his college fling stories. You decide maybe just this once you’ll play into his game and prove that he’s no more average than the rest.
because i love you ch. 10 @readyplayerhobi
summary: According to society, Jeon Jungkook should not be with you. He should  be with a younger, hotter and thinner girl instead of wasting his time  on you. It’s a good thing Jungkook doesn’t care what society thinks  then.
only when you’re lonely @jjkeverlast
summary: jungkook has never dated anyone, because of you and you’re soft touches that bring him to orbit. it’s all it’s ever been, just sex between you. although, it brings an unexpected turn when jungkook accidentally blurts you out as his girlfriend to his college friends which results in them expecting you to an upcoming party. what jungkook doesn’t know is that you’re much more than just someone he meets when he’s lonely.
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OT7/ Multple Members
satisfy ch. 5 @suga-kookiemonster
summary: “listen,” taehyung says, eyes wide and eager as he smiles at you. “i figure we can just help each other out. i scratch your back, you scratch mine.” but when you find yourself suddenly in need of a massive favor, exactly how much scratching are you willing to do?
fang f*cker @sailoryooons
summary: Jungkook loves reading his smutty vampire comic and so what if he fashions himself a little bit after the main character. Yoongi finds it wildly offensive. Every day he has to watch Jungkook play at being ominous and spooky - and okay, maybe it’s a little cute. But it’s mostly offensive, and Yoongi would know. He’s a vampire, after all.
before i leave you ch. 51 @hollyhomburg
summary: you’ve never seen Namjoon this angry before, but you can’t say he’s not rightfully upset at You and Hobi. Not every punishment can go according to plan…
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wrong place wrong time @bangtanintotheroom
summary: Why couldn’t the two of you have just waited until you got home?
smile @shuadotcom
summary: Kim Seokjin has been a professional tennis player for years. He has countless tennis trophies in his penthouse in South Korea and has won two grand slams. He’s even in talks to participate in the upcoming Olympics. He’s dated a handful of well-known people with no problem and is confident to the point of irritation to those around him.
the one with seokjin, soju, and all the stars in the sky @eoieopda
summary: Kim Seokjin got really drunk on a members-night-out, so his fiancée has to pick his cute, clingy ass up.
i almost do @yoongiphoria
summary: You wipe the tears that have trickled down your cheek, collected below your nose. “I miss you, Seokjin. Can… can you come find me?”
the dogs of war @ugh-yoongi
moaning on stream @here4kpopfics
summary: You just want to sleep in a little bit longer, but your boyfriend has decided to play a frustratingly difficult game on stream. However, his frustration sounds a lot similar to something else…
my soul @peachypinkygloss
summary: No one said loving a vampire would be easy, especially not one who is tortured by his past and his present. Your love for him is eternal, even though you cannot be with him forever... Or can you?
flurious @miscelunaaa
summary: it’s fine, you’re not mad at your best friend at all! in fact!! you’re so fine that you’re going to work off some steam just to prove how fine you are!!
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glorified memories @shina913
summary: Another late-night phone call with Yoongi.
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all it takes @yoongiofmine
summary: After months of quietly pinning after Jung Hoseok, your friends decide to give you a little push. Sometimes a New Years Eve party and a round of Seven Minutes in Heaven is all it takes.
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none :(
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none :(
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one mo’ gen @bangtanintotheroom
summary: You find your ‘relationship’ with Taehyung escalating sooner than you expected.  
up close and personal ^
summary: Taehyung thought he had seen it all with you, but you prove him wrong.
bear with me ^
summary: You have a special guest today, one of the fuzzy kind.  
wedding bells @hyungieyoongi
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just a little @soft4gguk
imagine @chryblossomjjk
summary: jungkook wants nothing more than to spend your anniversary cuddled up in a fancy hotel bathroom, eating takeout and binge watching tv shows. you, on the other hand, have something more exciting in mind. 
virgin sacrifice @girl8890
summary: Since the day you were born, your parents prepared you for your sacrifice. The whole village knew, and with that everyone stayed away from you. Thinking even just looking at you would make the demon in waiting mad. The demon that has been praying on you since birth, but not for what you expected.
tongue tied @jeonqkooks
summary: “Jeez, you’re acting like I asked to peg you or something.”
when it all falls apart @7deadlysinsfics
summary: what’s there to do when your husband says he thinks he doesn’t love you anymore? you pick up the broken pieces the best you can and try to move on
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OT7/Multiple Members
before i leave you ch. 53 @hollyhomburg
summary: A snippet of the future- a flash forward- in which you and jimin reach an agreement.
like crazy @euphoricfilter
summary: the story of why you loved to dance in the rain.
baby @theharrowing
summary: Jimin, aka Baby, doesn't let just anyone have him for free. What a shame that the man he likes spending time with the most is a cop.
red light - white walls @kookieswan
summary: Seokjin’s been away for a while, and it makes him wonder just how much he’s missed. Yoongi, thankfully, is surprisingly loose lipped.
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busted @kithtaehyung
summary: when things go a bit south at your house party, decisions between you and yoongi have to be made.
OT7/ Multiple Members
sweeter than sweet @gimmesumsuga​
summary: You never would have expected someone like Park Jimin to notice you.  As handsome and beguiling as he is deadly, you’re enthralled from the very moment you meet.  Addicted to his kiss and his bite, Jimin opens up your eyes to a whole new world of love, lust and seduction.
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taevbears · 2 years
Magic Shop - 01
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Your magical journey begins with a fateful encounter and a beloved companion.
⤑ pairing: (eventual) OT7 x female witch!reader ⤑ genre: magic au, slow burn, action/adventure ⤑ rating: 18+ ⤑ word count: 8.3k ⤑ warnings: DUB-CON, implied SA, side character death, systematic oppression, religious themes, violence, brief smut (foreplay and fingering), mention of blood, just a lot of dark themes in general, our reader is a smart cookie but also an idiot when it comes to the boys. ⤑ note: Hello lol. So I'm not exactly new to fanfiction, but I am new to writing BTS fanfiction. Anyway, spooky season is around the corner and this story has been in my head for a while now. This chapter is also heavily inspired but this game called Dragon Age: Origins (though you don't need to play it to read this story). Also big shoutout to @angelicyoongie for the tips and encouragement throughout my writing process ♡
Chapters: 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 | 07 | 08 (final)
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The Devoted teaches that all magic is a source of wicked power, and those who inherit the abilities to manipulate unnatural forces are cursed.
For centuries, word of its immorality has spread throughout the lands. Until, one day, it’s become a universal truth. For magic, like all things twisted and evil, come from the Veil. A hidden realm between the spiritual and mortal worlds. A place of whims and fantasy. Of unspeakable horrors and sins.
To many, the Veil is a mystery.
Some describe it as a place where dreams manifest. A cluster of visions, intermingling together, creating a world of sleep and wake. Images that show one’s true desires and their darkest secrets.
Others say it’s a world for the passing. Where all souls end up once they leave the mortal realm. Lucky ones find a way to be reincarnated to a new life. Most are aimless wanderers, no longer attached to the memories of their previous lives. But there are some unfortunate ones who become restless spirits, gone too soon or burdened with regret. Eventually, the despair and fury overcome them, tainting their souls with a miserable, contagious darkness.
Mages, who are most attuned with their magic in the Veil, are also the most susceptible to corruption. The tainting is subtle at first. Whispered insecurities, fears, regrets, and doubts, chipping away at one’s sense of self. Until it molds and twists into a hatred that fills the hearts of mages and overflows into the mortal realm like a plague.
History speaks of those who have succumbed to the tempting darkness of their own abilities. Those who have sacrificed the blood of innocents for their unholy rituals. Who transformed humans into beasts, and who single-handedly usurped grand cities in their lust for power and greed.
They’re called the Wicked.
Left unchecked, all those born with magic could become tainted by their own power. Even those with the purest of souls.
Thus, it’s declared that all mages are condemned to be locked away in isolated castles and towers. Away from the humans, who deem them as dangers to their society, and heavily guarded by the Wardens of the Devoted, the sentries who have taken an oath to protect humankind and eliminate mages from becoming Wicked.
On a high cliff, overseeing the inky waters of a dark lake and beyond the ominous deep woods is Blackstone Castle. It’s one of the few hidden fortresses where those with an affinity to magic are taken upon the awakening of their abilities. Its tall, looming towers and sturdy, ancient structures are all you’ve ever known. Within its lonely, dreary walls and corridors is what you call home.
Like many cursed children, you’ve awakened your power at a young age. Too young to even remember the faces of your parents before you were cruelly ripped away from them.
Under the care of the Circle of Magi – enchanters who work as caretakers, teachers, and groundskeepers within the castle – and the ever-vigilant gaze of the Blackstone Wardens, you’ve learned to cultivate your art and make it into something incredible. Something beautiful.
Through years of study and practice, your passion and relentless determination has driven you to the top of your class. You’re a promising apprentice, yet to be defeated in a dueling match of incantations and spells. Your hard work has earned you many praises from your mentors, as well as the weary caution from the armored wardens.
After all, in the eyes of the Devoted, you’re an abomination. And your beautiful, remarkable talent is vile. Atrocious. Evil.
Someone like you – a young, feisty apprentice of high regard, who embraces the curse of magic as a blessing – is the perfect, dangerous concoction of becoming Wicked.
There’s only one way the enchanters and the wardens can determine a young mage’s abilities and their resistance to temptation within the Veil. A secret rite of passage that turns an apprentice into a full-fledged mage. A final test that all Blackstone students spend their youth anticipating and preparing for.
The Harrowing.
All mage apprentices must face this inevitable trial, but very few know what it truly entails. Those who’ve done it and succeeded are forbidden to speak about it. And those who’ve failed are never seen or heard of again.
At any given moment, an apprentice will be beckoned for this evaluation, and will have no other choice but to obey its call. And yours could be any day now.
“Mina,” a voice gently calls in the middle of the night. Your eyes flutter open, glancing at the handsome warden standing by the doorway. Light from the hallway shines behind him, almost giving him an angelic appearance. He addresses the girl sleeping in the bunk next to you. “Mina, wake up.”
Your roommate stirs at the sound of her name. “Seokjin?”
“It’s your time.”
In the darkness, you see Mina stiffen and a tense silence passes between them. You all know what those words mean. You watch as she takes a shaky breath and then proceeds to step out of bed. Some of the other girls in your tiny dorm sit up on their bunks to see her go. She returns your stares with an unspoken goodbye.
Your gaze turns to Seokjin just then. The handsome warden smiles sadly, watching as she tries not to tremble before him. Mina pauses by your bed, giving a half-hearted smile, one that carries the weight of the years of friendship between you two, before she leaves the dorm.
It’s the last time you’ll ever see her.
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“She’s the fourth girl that went missing this month,” Hoseok comments, picking up pieces of grilled lamb and putting them on your plate. “Ever since Seokjin was transferred here, girls who do their Harrowing have disappeared more frequently.”
“Are you saying Seokjin has something to do with it?” you question, putting the meat right back on his plate. You refuse to eat more than your share when your best friend hasn’t even touched his food.
“I’m saying it’s suspicious.”
“It is really odd,” you agree, chewing thoughtfully. “But it’s Seokjin. I don’t think he has anything to do with the missing girls.”
Hoseok snorts. “You say that because you have a soft spot for him.”
“I saw him cowering over a moth that flew over his head the other night, Hoseok. I don’t think it’s that much of a reach to believe he’s harmless.”
Over a week has passed since Mina was summoned. No one has seen her around the castle after that night. As her roommate, the two of you would dream and whisper about passing that secret test together.
It’s the next big milestone; a graduation from your apprenticeship. Passing your Harrowing will bring you one step closer to becoming a true mage. Your new status will unlock new books and spells within the libraries. You can become a member of the Circle, whether to educate students, care for the little ones, or upkeep your favorite parts of Blackstone. The wardens will be less strict with you, given that you’d be living proof of your willpower and resistance to temptations. And that mysterious realm, with all its secrets and treasures, will be opened to you for the first time.
More than anything, you were ready for it. Both of you were.
But then, that night happened.
Suddenly, you wake up in the morning and see her empty bunk beside you. The bed is made and the pillow is cold. It hasn’t been touched. Not since she left. The other girls that share the dorm wonder about her, as she was friends with everyone she meets. But no one knows for sure what happened. If she’s still in the castle, why hasn’t she come by to see you all?  Is she just busy with her new tasks and duties? Is something else going on?
While you’re lost in thought, Hoseok adds some meat back on your plate. He knows you’ve been unsettled since your roommate disappeared. You’ve told him as much when she didn’t return the next morning. And while you appreciate his subtle ways of taking care of you, you catch him in the act and return it back to him.
“Hoseok, please.”
“Sorry, I’m just…” he trails off with a heavy sigh, putting the utensils down. “I’m worried. The disappearances. Our own Harrowings. All the changes that come afterwards. Aren’t you scared?”
You are. More than you’re willing to admit.
You and Hoseok have been friends since you were kids. There’s rarely a day when the two of you aren’t seen together. Although you’ve been in Blackstone for as long as you can remember, he’s one of the very few you consider a friend.
Here, beneath the tree you and Hoseok are sitting under, holds so many first memories for you: your first kiss, your first confession, a sacred vow, a proposition. All of it with Hoseok.
But Hoseok doesn’t love you that way.
He told you so himself, catapulting your friendship into a strange limbo between platonic and romantic. One where you’ll seek each other out for comfort and affection, sometimes in ways that are too intimate for just friends. One where you can talk to each other about anything and everything, carrying each other’s secrets, knowing exactly what spots and kinks get him going behind that beautiful, sunny smile. One where Hoseok wouldn’t deny it if someone mistook you as his girlfriend, but in private, when it’s just you and him, he’d ask if the two of you are still friends.
Hoseok doesn’t love you that way because he likes Mina.
But he was afraid of messing up with her. So, he’d come to you. His best friend, a safe zone. Someone he trusted won’t break his heart.
And you let him because there’s one secret that Hoseok doesn’t know about. That maybe, perhaps, there’s a part of you that holds onto the hope of something more.
It’s confusing, this dance that you and Hoseok have shared over the years. Both of you value your friendship so much. But once you pass your Harrowing, you’ll no longer be an apprentice. You’ll be moved out of the dorm and into the enchanters’ corridors. You’ll be assigned new tasks and duties within the castle. Your schedule will be completely different from Hoseok’s. 
You won’t see him as often as you do now. And that’s what terrifies you the most.
“I don’t have a reason to be,” you finally answer with a confident smile. A convincing lie.
He laughs in a way that makes your heart melt. “Wow, my best friend is very brave.”
You try not to let your smile falter and shovel some food in your mouth. The topic of Mina still lingers over your head. Hoseok must be heartbroken, even if he seems more occupied fretting over you. It feels absurd to move on from the fact that she isn’t around anymore, but Mina is one of the many girls who left without a trace.
“Anyway,” Hoseok continues, picking at his food again. “Just promise me you’ll be careful around Seokjin, okay?
“You have nothing to worry about, Hoseok,” you assure him with a small smile. Perhaps you really do have a soft spot for the handsome warden. “I trust him.”
“Yeah, but–”
“Wait, Hoseok,” you interrupt, turning your gaze away from him. “Did you hear that?”
Both of you fall quiet. The courtyard is busy with fellow apprentices on their break from morning lectures. Beyond the chatter, however, is a loud rustling coming from the bushes nearby. His eyes widen as he whispers, “Do you think it’s a bear?”
“A bear–” you sputter, standing to your feet. “No, I don’t think so.”
You carefully walk toward the sound, eyeing the shrubs before you. One of them pinpoints exactly where the source of the noise is coming from.
“What if it’s a tiger?” Hoseok asks urgently, tailing closely after you. His grip around your shoulders is almost painful.
Neither of those animals are revealed as you push the shapely plants with your hand. Instead, hidden in the small opening, is a tiny kitten.
It hisses the moment it sees you two, warning you both to stay away.
“Hey, it’s okay,” you coo softly, trying to calm it down. It looks like a stray. Its black fur is covered with blood, dirt, and grime. It must’ve gotten attacked by another animal nearby.
“Poor little guy,” Hoseok says, peering over your shoulder. “How did you get here?”
The kitten continues to hiss and growl, distrusting eyes glaring up at you.
“It’s hurt,” you point out, noting how one of its front legs is stiff.
“I might have something in my pouch,” Hoseok mutters, looking over at the tree where you both abandoned your things. “Wait here, I’ll go get it.”
As he leaves, you crouch down to get a little closer. The kitten tenses, but isn’t able to go anywhere with its injured limb. It keeps its gaze on you, licking its leg to soothe itself and crying in pain.
The sound breaks your heart.
Before Hoseok could return, you close your eyes and hover your hand over the kitten’s arm. It growls, baring its teeth and trying to swipe at you with its good paw. Immediately, it freezes when a warmth is transferred from you to the kitten. It blinks up at you with surprised, feline eyes.
“Better?” you ask, feeling a bit dizzy. Healing magic is difficult and draining, especially since you’re not a trained healer. By the time Hoseok returns with both of your things, the kitten’s pained mewling stopped and it’s able to move its arm.
Hoseok crouches beside you, carefully feeding it some of the grilled lamb the two of you kept passing each other. A heart-shaped smile appears on his lips when the kitten sniffs at the meat and accepts it.
“I dipped some healing potion in the meat. He’ll be good as new by tomorrow morning,” he explains before playfully scolding, “You should’ve waited before you attempted healing magic. It only took me a minute to get my bag.”
“I had to do something, Hoseok,” you pout, though happy that the kitten was eating from his hand. Break is nearly over when the cloudy skies above quickly darken. “Let’s get you somewhere warm.”
The kitten seems hesitant at first, still seeming wary as its eyes gauge you and Hoseok. It seems settled in its hiding spot under the bushes too, but it changes its mind when the first raindrops fall on its head.
You gather the little thing in your arms, and you and Hoseok head inside before you’re all caught in the rain.
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“Familiars,” the instructor says, just as you and Hoseok enter the lecture room. She has her back toward the class, writing out the term on the chalkboard. “Animals tend to be drawn toward magic, and sometimes, a special bond is formed between these creatures and people like us. For thousands of years, familiars have been known to be a mage’s greatest companion. They’re friends from the Veil, serving to guide and protect you as you develop your magical powers.”
Perched on her desk is the instructor’s familiar: a great, grey owl with a large, round face, a small beak, and beady eyes. It sleeps as the lesson goes on, both familiar and instructor unaware of the two of you quietly sneaking in while the class is in session.
Your new friend is with Hoseok, sleeping peacefully in his arms. You suppose you’re not the first person to bring a stray into the castle. Several other students have acquired their own pets: birds and reptiles perched on shoulders, rodents tucked in pockets, cats and dogs on laps. Small critters who’ve helped ease the loneliness that comes within the castle.
“What’s fascinating is that you don’t choose what your familiar looks like. Whatever creature they are, whatever shape they appear, they’re the ones that choose you,” she continues, looking at her beloved owl. She chuckles as she goes into a tangent. “Why, I had an old roommate who was allergic to hers–”
“What should we name our son?” Hoseok suddenly whispers, gently caressing the kitten’s cheek. You hear it purring under his touch.
You can’t help but smile. “He’s our son now? I didn’t know we were keeping him.”
“Look at his face, though. Wouldn’t the three of us make a cute family?” He shifts in his seat so that you could get a better look at your newly-founded son. With its fur cleaned up and the remedies seeming to help, it’s like a new kitten. Seeing it relaxed and happy in Hoseok’s arms is a stark difference from the scared, injured animal you found only an hour before.
“If he chooses to stay,” you say, reaching over to pet the top of its head and smiling when it leans toward your touch, “then we can name him.”
“The only way a mage can choose a familiar is by striking up a contract within the Veil. But be warned,” the instructor cautions, finally turning her attention to the class, “this is highly advised against. For if these creatures are dedicating their devotion, knowledge, and livelihoods to you, they will want something of equal value in return.”
Your eyes scan the lecture room, lingering toward the desk where he normally sits. A small frown forms on your lips when you see it’s empty again.
Where’s Namjoon?
“These kinds of contracts are considered dark magic, prone to turn you Wicked. Just like the mortal realm, there are good and bad spirits in the Veil. Some familiars, especially those who remember you from previous lives, will approach you with a genuine eagerness to help. Others will see you as a chance to corrupt the world that hurt them, manipulating and possessing you to do unspeakable evils. You’ll never know who or what you’re dealing with in the Veil, and there’s no going back once a contract has been made.”
“Hey, Hoseok.”
“What happened to Namjoon? He wasn’t in any of the lectures this morning either.”
He glances up at the desk where Namjoon sits, causing the kitten to mewl in protest when he stops petting it. “I don’t know.”
Dread sinks in your heart. First Mina, now Namjoon is missing too?
“History speaks of the mages who’ve caused destruction and ruin to humankind, but some historians believe it was their familiars who influenced them into becoming Wicked,” she says, looking back at hers. “After all, why would a mage question the intentions of their greatest companion?”
The owl opens its eyes and hoots. A quiet warning.
The instructor smiles brightly and turns back to the class. “Now then, let’s open our books to where we last left off.”
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If there’s one place you’d know to find Namjoon, it’d be here.
Tall shelves surround you, full of books in a variety of colors and volumes. Within many of their pages tell the history between humans and mages, skewed toward the teachings of the Devoted. Some contain spell books, most that are inaccessible to you as an apprentice. And some are leisure readings, often with a witch as the main villain of the story.
You spend a lot of time here. Probably more than at your own dorm. The quiet ambiance has helped you go through your studies and reviews of your notes and lessons over the years.
He’s always here as well. The library with all its written knowledge at his fingertips is his favorite part of the castle.
“Figured I’d find you here,” you remark once you spot him. He’s sitting at a table with a couple of his friends. They nudge at him when they see you approaching, knowing smiles and amused eyes lighting their faces. You ignore them as you cross your arms and glare at Namjoon. “You weren’t in class.”
“I wasn’t,” he acknowledges, raising an eyebrow before a twitch of a smirk tugs on his lips. “Why? Did you miss me?”
“Of course not,” you scoff, standing your ground as he gets up from his seat. He’s so tall, he practically towers over you. “I just want to know why you didn’t show up.”
It’s not just his physique that makes him so big, but his presence, the way that he can command a room to pay attention to him. Many of your fellow students admire him, even Hoseok. He’s incredibly intelligent too, one of the smartest and most naturally-gifted apprentices his mentors sing praises about. His knowledge on the arcane arts and its history is unmatchable.
And you absolutely loathe it.
You, who has been in Blackstone Castle your whole life, climbed to the top of your class through your own blood, sweat, and tears. Whereas Namjoon, who was transferred to Blackstone at nineteen, came to the top because magic comes easily for him. It could take you hours to master one spell while he gets it on his first try. He aces his exams with his nose stuck in unrelated books and poems, while you spend hours trying to maintain your high scores.
He’s the worst. The most mildly-infuriating, petty walking disaster of a genius you’ve ever come across.
“Sorry, baby. You won’t be seeing me much at the lectures anymore.”
You blink at surprise. “What? Why?”
“Didn’t you hear?” one of his friends pipes up. “Our Namjoon passed his Harrowing this morning. The wardens said that he finished it in under an hour! That’s the fastest anyone has ever completed theirs!”
Your eyes widen. “You did the Harrowing?”
A small, tiny sense of relief blooms in your heart when he nods his head. Your academic rival didn’t go missing. He passed his Harrowing and he’s still here, now working at the library to become a scholar.
“Do you guys mind? I’d like to talk to her for a minute,” Namjoon says to his friends without taking his eyes off you. The two exchange looks with each other and agree to give you some privacy. But you don’t let your guard down, even after they leave.
“What is it, Joon?”
“I heard about Mina,” he starts carefully, his voice sincere. “Are you okay? I know she was your roommate.”
“I’m… a little shaken,” you admit, uncrossing your arms. It feels almost strange being this vulnerable with him, but if Namjoon already did his, then yours and Hoseok’s would be right around the corner. “I don’t know what happened to her. No one tells us anything. Do you know? What happened to her, I mean?”
A look of guilt flashes in his eyes. “I can’t tell you.”
You sigh. “Of course you can’t.”
“Listen, be careful when you go to the Veil,” he warns, eyeing around him as if he’s afraid someone will listen in. There’s hardly anyone else here except the scholars and a handful of students, but you and Namjoon are nowhere near eavesdrop distance from them. “There are dark energies everywhere. Not just in that realm.”
You frown at his warning and think back to what Hoseok said about Seokjin. About all the disappearances that’s been happening lately. About Mina.
“I can handle myself, Namjoon.”
There’s a warmth in his aura, in the deep dimples of his smile, in the way he looks at you then. He squeezes your arm gently. “I know you can. Just promise you’ll come back to me, okay?”
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It isn’t until later that night when you and Seokjin finally talk.
“Who’s this?”
“A new friend,” you explain, waving him over to sit next to you. On your lap is the black kitten, bumping its tiny head against your hand for pets. “Hoseok and I found him this morning, but we haven’t thought of a name yet.”
The kitten looks over at him, curiosity shining in its bright eyes, and mewls. The cute sound makes both you and Seokjin gush. “Sounds like you’re planning to keep him.”
“Only if he wants to stay.” You watch as Seokjin holds out his hand, letting the kitten sniff him, before he gently rubs its head with his fingertips. It purrs under his touch, closing its eyes with content. “I hope he does.”
“Maybe he’ll become your … familiar?” He glances at you, checking if he used the correct word. He’s the only warden you know of who even bothers learning a mage’s terminology.
Like all the other Blackstone Wardens, he’s in uniform. Heavy armor made of material resistant to magic. Hidden within his reach are spell-breaking weapons and poisons meant to hinder your abilities. Things that could temporarily mute or blind you mid-incantation. 
Had it been any other warden, you wouldn’t feel comfortable being this close to them.
From the moment a mage is set to live in their towers, wardens are assigned to guard them, watch them, and “handle” them if they show signs of becoming Wicked. Most, if not all, the wardens are Devoted – members of the ruling religious organization that believe people with your gift are the ban of all things evil.
Thus, many of them, in your humble opinion, are assholes.
You’ve heard the rumors. The open secret of what happens to mouthy, pretty mages and wardens with too much power and too little heart. 
It’s atrociously easy for wardens to call an innocent apprentice Wicked. It’s equally alarming how many self-righteous Devotees take advantage of their position over people like you, coercing victims to do what they want or have them face the deadly consequences of false accusations. You’ve seen with your own eyes how fellow apprentices cry themselves to sleep at night, or become distant and fearful after surviving these awful predators. How some willingly refuse to do their Harrowing if their assailant is present, as this assessment would be when an apprentice is the most vulnerable.
Not Seokjin, though.
He’s … different from the others. He’s safe.
Safe enough that you know you can trust him.
“Jin…” Although your voice is quiet, it’s loud enough for him to hear. Loud enough for him to turn his attention to you. “Can you promise me something?”
He looks up at you. His eyes are so warm and pretty. They practically have stars in them. “What is it?”
“When I do my Harrowing, will you protect me?”
“You know I can’t interfere with your test,” he replies, his voice quiet.
“I know. I meant,” you fidget slightly. “my body. Could you watch over me? Make sure nothing happens to me when I’m in the Veil.”
“Of course.” He extends a pinky toward you. A gesture that makes you smile as you wrap your own pinky around his. He returns your smile and vows, “I’ll always protect you.”
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As the days pass, the concern over Mina has died down. Instead, you hear rumors of another failed Harrowing. Another girl disappearing. But no one has any answers as to why this is happening.
The black kitten stayed with you and Hoseok for a couple more days until it fully healed. Then, without a word, it left too. But not without giving you a small token of appreciation.
That next morning, you found a Dzi bead on your pillow. A small, protective charm meant to bring the wearer good fortune, health, and luck.
Ironically, you had the gift in your hand when Seokjin came to your dorm again. He calls out your name, gently shaking your shoulder and stirring you from your sleep. There’s a sad smile on his handsome face as he tells you, “It’s your time.”
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You must’ve fallen back to sleep.
On the edge of dreaming and waking, you could’ve sworn you heard a strange sound. Your brows furrow in wonder, but your eyes remain close.
You’re exhausted. The lulls of sleep call you like a siren song. Your body feels heavy, your head feels dizzy. All you want to do is lay still on the soft, cozy bed you’re on and let your dreams drift you away.
But something – someone – keeps you on the brink of consciousness. Again, you hear a peculiar sound. Louder this time than before.
When you open your eyes, you’re greeted with a familiar sight. Cold, dark stones cemented into an ominous, impenetrable tower. Cobble-pebbled patterns decorate the high ceilings. Moonlight shines through a single, small window and casts baleful shadows with its serene light.
Blackstone Castle. Or rather, a place that looks like it.
Growing up here, you know every nook and cranny of this place, and yet…
Something feels off.
It’s too spacious. Too quiet.
No snores of creaking beds from the other apprentices. No heavy, armored footsteps from the wardens during their nightly patrols. No stifled giggles or hushed voices from the enchanters as they pass through the corridors.
This isn’t a room you recognize, and this bed is far too comfortable to call your own.
Compared to your stiff bunk in the dorm, this canopy bed feels like a cloud. Soft. Fluffy. The sheets feel like silk against your bare skin. It reminds you of how tired you are to begin with. How heavenly a decent sleep sounds.
But the strange, distant melody keeps you from drifting completely.
And it’s only then that you realize you’re not alone.
There’s a weight over you, heavy and wrapped around you tightly. It keeps you secured to the cloud, trapping you in its hold. Warm breath tickets the back of your neck, and you could feel the rise and fall of a muscular chest against your bare back.
Terror strikes you wide awake.
Here you are, in a room you don’t recognize, sleeping on a stranger’s bed. Naked, and with no recollection of how you even got there.
Heart racing, you slowly flip over to face the stranger. A sharp gasp falls from your lips when you recognize who it is. “Seokjin?!”
The handsome warden grunts in response. Without opening his eyes, and with his voice in a deep, sleepy rumble, he tiredly asks, “What time is it?”
“Jin, what– how did we–” you stumble over your words as you sit up, pulling the sheets over your chest. “I can’t remember–”
Seokjin opens his eyes this time. Deep brown stares back at you. Ones that usually sparkle whenever he turns his gaze toward you. Ones that are full of warmth and stars.
One that makes you realize something is very off about Seokjin.
Instead, the eyes that look at you are cold and hollow, completely void of light. Terrifying, and yet, you can’t look away from them.
You try not to shiver when Seokjin raises his head from the pillow and sits up to face you. The sheets fall off his chest and down to his thin waist unceremoniously. A mischievous smirk dances on his lips as he leans toward you. “Shall I remind you?”
“We shouldn’t,” you whisper, darting your gaze at anything but him and his broad shoulders, his plush lips, his muscular abdomen. You know Seokjin is handsome – hell, he knows it, too – but this isn’t… He wouldn’t…
“Why not?” he asks, nearly pouting. His hand cups your face, thumb gently brushing your cheek. “You trust me, don’t you?”
“Of course I do,” you reply. And it’s the truth. You trust Seokjin more than anyone.
He leans closer. The emptiness in his eyes are replaced with odd glints of gold. Mesmerizing. Hypnotizing.  You barely hear his command. 
“Then give in, little one.”
Your eyes flutter close as he presses soft kisses against your cheek, then along your jaw. The bedsheets no longer feel like fine silk against your fingers, but thin and transparent, even before he pries your hands open and lets the covering fall to your waist. You feel your heart to your throat as his lips travel to your neck, to your collarbone, to your breast. 
It’s like your body has a mind of its own as your nod in consent, easily falling back on the cloud with the handsome warden on top of you.
Drifting. You feel yourself drifting.
A haze muddles your thoughts as Seokjin continues to press kisses against your skin. It feels good. You can feel yourself arching for more, preening to be held and touched. He smirks as he travels lower, dipping to your hips where he tugs off the remaining covers.
The melody in the background stutters, as if someone fumbled with the notes. It’s jarring enough to snap you out of the trance. To realize that Seokjin’s touch is burning as he pins you to the bed. To see that the eyes looking down at you are inhuman.
This isn’t Seokjin.
Seokjin is your warden. Your friend. The man you trust the most. He would never take advantage of you like this.
Snapping out of it, you shove down the building arousal and look around the room. Something is wrong. You have to get out of here. All your things are thrown on the floor, and there’s nothing within reach that you can use to defend yourself. 
You’ll have to improvise.
Shutting your eyes, you try to keep focused. Little whimpers and shaky gasps escape your lips when you feel his mouth work against your core. His tongue and fingers distract you, eliciting waves of desire and pleasure.
The Seokjin look-alike sits up to peer down at you, brown eyes almost golden now as he seems to feed off your energy. Long fingers are still inside you, curling and pumping in and out, distracting him enough for you to strike.
Strength and light flow from your fingertips. Using that energy, you shove the stranger on top of you. The magic burns its bare chest as a demonic scream escapes its lips.
Your heart nearly stops when you hear the sound.
It’s Wicked.
When the imposter recoils, you stumble out of the bed and grab a simple black dress from the floor. There’s a small weight in one of the pockets, and when you reach inside, you recognize the shape of the kitten’s gift – something that won’t help you now. You don’t dare look back or think about how your legs are shaking as you throw your clothes on and run out the door. Your feet are flying without direction, lungs burning and legs aching, until you’re certain you’re far away from it. Until you’re certain it isn’t chasing you down.
So that’s Wicked. You’ve heard the enchanters talk about those doomed beings. Embodied vices of lust, pride, greed, envy, gluttony, sloth, and wrath that taint the mages, letting their powers corrupt them, until they are no longer human.
Your head doesn’t feel as hazy and your body doesn’t feel as lethargic since you’ve exited that room. It was a very close call. That entity with Seokjin’s face… You shudder to think of what could’ve happened if you stayed a minute longer.
Catching your breath, you take a moment to look at your surroundings. The hallways are similar to the castle, but long and winding. It almost makes you feel dizzy looking down at them. Lanterns and doorways mirror each other in endless paths.
You straighten up and reach toward a random door, opening it and stepping inside.
Only to find yourself in a similar hallway.
With a frown, you reach for another door. One on your right this time, instead of directly in front of you.
But it’s the same damn thing. Same endless, dark hallways. Same dimly-lit lanterns. Same identical doorways. No matter how many you go through, you’re stuck in a loop.
Panic crawls beneath your skin when a low growl emits from the hallway.
That Wicked is still after you, and it’s angry.
Who knows if the next door you choose will lead you closer to it. Or if it will have you stuck in a repeating maze until it catches up.
Just when it feels like all hope is lost, you hear it. 
The melody from earlier. It sounds like it’s coming through one of the doors.
With nothing else to lose, you open it and step inside, knowing that the Wicked will get you if you stay where you are. You’re in an identical hallway, but this time, the music comes from a different door. Then, another door. And another door.
You’ve lost count of how many you’ve gone through. Could be dozens. Could be hundreds. But every time, it feels like you’re getting a bit closer and closer to the source.
And then, finally, you open a door and no longer find yourself in a dreary hallway.
Emerald-green walls paint the candle-lit room, causing haunting shadows to dance with the burning glow of the fires. A fence with a tarp cages a black, grand piano. And inside is a man with pale skin that contrasts his black hair.
Of all the things in the room, his aura seems to shine the brightest.
He doesn’t notice you as his fingers continue to play the beautiful instrument, its melody drawing you closer and closer.
You’re practically standing next to the pianist when the song ends and he finally addresses you. “Can I help you with something?”
“I…” you pause, almost forgetting why you’re here. “You play so beautifully.”
His eyes flicker away for a brief moment, taken aback by the sudden compliment. Even more so with how such a simple sentence stirs something he’s forgotten so long ago. He rephrases his question. “What do you want?”
You don’t answer him right away. The two of you stare at each other as the candle wax burns and the shadows around the room continue to sway. Then, you reach into the pocket of your dress and pull out the token the kitten gifted you, resting it on top of your piano. 
His eyes widen when he sees it. Then, he takes it in his hand.
“There’s something after me.”
Dark eyes linger off the charm and onto your face. His gaze is intense but strangely familiar. “He won’t get you in here. This area isn’t in his boundaries.”
“But I can’t stay here, either.”
The pianist raises an eyebrow at you, seeming surprised by your statement. You suppose he had expected you to accept his refuge, but you know you’re losing precious time. You know that you’re in the Veil and this is your Harrowing.
“You’re a smart one,” he says after a moment, almost impressed. To your dismay, he hands back the token and turns back to his piano. A new melody begins. “I won’t keep you here, but I can’t help you. Your protection charm is no use to me here.”
The door you came from opens. Back to where that monster with Seokjin’s face is waiting for you. Back to where you can almost feel the bloodlust from the other side.
“I’m willing to bargain.”
That catches his attention. His hands still, the music stops. The shadows against the wall seem to pause and stare at you, silent witnesses to what’s about to happen. Words from the instructor echo in your head, but it’s too late. The words already left your mouth.
And the pianist, with his dark, intense, feline eyes – tinted with a golden amber reflected from the candlelight – stands before you. “What’s your offer?”
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“Ah, little one. You finally came out of hiding,” the one with Seokjin’s face smiles devilishly as you approach him. “Shall we continue where we left off?”
Thrown to the wolves, you feel terrified. You have nothing but the clothes on your back, a beaded charm, and a half-assed plan. None of your lectures, nothing you’ve ever read or practiced, could have prepared you for this. The monster at the crossroad. The hungry wolf hunting you down like prey.
But you can’t be scared. Not now when the enemy is right in front of you.
“You’re the one responsible for all the missing girls.”
His broad shoulders shake with sadistic laughter. 
“That I am! You impress me, little one. Those stupid girls never even escaped that room. Always falling into their desires, they don’t realize how much time has passed. How cold their physical bodies become while their souls are in my hands. They practically beg me to turn them Wicked, to devour their humanity,” he shamelessly admits, bringing his hands to cup his jawline. “This face of that warden you all desire – he’s made the hunting so much easier. Isn’t that right, friend?”
He’s addressing the pianist now. You turn to him with a frown. “You killed those girls too?”
“I see he hasn’t told you of our arrangement,” the wolf says, staring at his partner. “His music lures in the ones who get away. Baits them right into his little cage where he can trap them for as long as he desires.”
“Sorry,” the pianist finally speaks. “I have a new contract now.”
The wolf’s smile falters. “You’re betraying me? For this human?”
“You killed my friends!” you tell the wolf, drawing his attention back to you. Thinking about Mina. Thinking about all the other apprentices who’ve failed their Harrowings because of them. Those who never became mages, who’ve lost their dreams and their humanity. “I’ll make you pay for what you’ve done!”
“We shall see,” the wolf replies, bearing its large teeth at you. In an inhuman speed, the wolf lunges at you. The pianist pushes you out of the way at the last second as the two demons tumble to the ground.
“Find a weapon!” the pianist yells, crying out in pain when the wolf bites into his shoulder. You scramble to your feet, looking for a wand, a staff, something. The crossroads doesn’t provide you much of anything, and your hand encloses around the charm in your pocket, anxious and stressed.
Until you realize the charm has changed shape.
In a mysterious realm where willpower is the key to survival, you don’t have time to question it as you cast a spell to knock the wolf off the pianist. The Seokjin-lookalike lands roughly on the dirt-pathed ground, but you don’t give it time to recover as two more spells fire from your wand.
“Stupid girl!” the demon roars, moving to attack, its fingers extending into claws. You manage to put up a barrier at the last second, shielding yourself and the pianist. The wolf roars in frustration, running back and body slamming against your shield. To your horror, the transparent spell begins to crack.
“Listen, you have to drop your barrier,” the pianist tells you as the attacks become harder and faster, causing jagged rips along your magic. “Drop it and attack him on my count.”
You look at him like he’s insane. “You were partners with this guy! How will I know you won’t betray me?”
“You don’t,” he says as the wolf continues its relentless attacks. It won’t be long until it shatters completely. “But we made a contract.”
“Okay,” he echoes, nodding his head. Your defense is breaking. One more hit, and you’re done. “One… two…”
On three, just as the wolf is about to give the final blow, you strike. A bright ball of light shoots from your wand, bigger than any spell you’ve cast so far. It sends the wolf back and knocks him out for good.
It’s over.
Out of breath, you collapse on the ground. The wand you use changes back into a charm, and the pianist stands beside you in shock. He holds his arm as blood seeps through his white shirt, but he doesn’t pay any mind to it as he states, “You … You actually did it. You defeated him.”
“Yeah…” you sigh, equally in disbelief. You’ve never had to fire off that many spells at once. You’re exhausted, dead on your feet, but you finally notice the injury on the pianist’s arm. “Wait, let me heal you.”
“You still want to help me? After what I’ve done?”
“We made a contract,” you remind him, holding out hand and letting the warmth spread from you to him. You feel even dizzier, more so than when you helped the kitten. “This is the second time I had to do this for you, you know.”
“You know it’s me, huh?” A small smile appears on the pianist’s mouth. His dark eyes – ones identical to the black kitten – seem to be full of admiration when he looks at you. “You really are a clever girl.”
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The Devoted teaches that all magic is a source of wicked power, and that those born with the abilities to manipulate those unnatural forces are cursed.
But they’re wrong.
History remembers the wicked and their dark rituals, their forbidden magic, and their insatiable vices. They completely erase the wisdom and beauty bestowed upon their world through magic. They forget about the brave mages who fought along historic heroes in their quests, or the wise healers in villages that the Devoted haven’t influenced. They tear away young children from their families, imprison potential spell-casters from the world, shun them for their gift, hunt them down for simply existing.
Over the years, young apprentices would come to the Veil, fresh and unprepared to face the entities that rule this realm. It’s a sadistic rite of passage that the Devoted created to prove a young mage’s worth. Throwing their spirits to the wolves, defenseless and scared, as the Wicked feeds off their energies, eager to corrupt and consume. Leaving the physical forms behind, vulnerable, unconscious, and in the mercy of those sending them to the Veil. 
The pianist has been in this realm for a very long time. He no longer remembers his past, nor does he care about the person he was. All he knows is his piano and the music he creates that fills his lonely eternity with life and magic.
For far too long, he’s seen apprentice after apprentice fail their Harrowing. He’s seen the look of defeat in their eyes once a mage awakens and finds themselves in this world. He’s seen Wicked, like his old partner, toy with these lost souls like predators that play with their meals. He’s grown numb to the horrors and anguish that surrounds him with their defeat.
His partner, the wolf, has become greedy with their arrangement. A deal that they made long ago: should an apprentice escape the wolf’s den and find themselves in the music room, the wolf can’t touch them. Not when they’re still within his boundaries.
Sometimes, they hide too long. Their physical bodies become cold, and their connection to the mortal realm weakens. That’s what happened to your friend, Mina, who sought sanctuary from the wolf, but didn’t leave until it was too late. Her soul is forever trapped like a bird in a cage. And the wolf, constantly on the prowl of those who got away, waits just outside the border with all the patience in the world.
His somber melodies play as souls like hers begin to accept that she’ll never return to her body. They play in triumph as souls like Namjoon, who enters a different part of the Veil, faces his fears and vanquishes his own demon. They play for souls like yours, luring you away from the wolf, bringing you safely to him.
He first met you in a different form, one of a small cat on the brink of death. For just a few days, he sees through its eyes the person you are: brave, kind, and clever. You have a potential he hasn’t seen in another apprentice in years.
The feeling only amplifies when you find him in the Veil and offer the token he had gifted you, placing it on his piano in exchange for his aid against his greedy partner. One that he returns back to you with a spell of transformation, allowing you to change its shape once and for a short time.
You’re incredibly special. That much is clear to him from the moment he met you.
However, he’s starting to suspect you’re more special to him than he thought.
“What do you want?” you ask him in response to his question, holding his gaze. 
It almost sounds naÏve coming from your mouth, but something tells him that you know exactly what you’re getting yourself into.
“You,” he simply says. “You’re what I want.”
“That’s a high demand for one Wicked. Name something else.”
“Who’s to say this is the only Wicked you’ll face? There are many dangers here, but some of the most vile creatures are the humans from your realm.”
It makes his blood boil. Feelings that he hasn’t felt in so long surfacing.
You’re quiet for a moment, then you propose, “Well, if it’s me that you want, then it’s only fair that you become mine too. I don’t want just help for this Wicked. I want you to be my partner.”
The pianist looks at your extended hand and the certainty in your eyes. His large hand practically swallows yours as he shakes it. “I accept.” 
And so, a deal between two souls is made.
When you wake from your Harrowing, you find yourself in the arms of the handsome warden, who took care of you just as he promised he would. You’re engulfed in a hug from your best friend, screaming his congratulations and relieved that you’re safe. A sentiment he shares with your academic rival, who throws you a proud, dimpled smile when your eyes meet his.
No longer an apprentice, there are new changes with your schedule around the castle. But there’s one thing you’re adamant about keeping the same: you and Hoseok, beneath the old tree that’s become a favorite spot for you two.
And it’s in that place where you and the pianist meet again.
“Oh, our son is back!” Hoseok exclaims, smiling brightly at the black kitten. It meows at him, as if saying that he’s home. He reaches over and scratches the top of its head. “I guess it wants to stay with us. Have you thought of a name yet?”
“Yeah.” You give your new familiar a knowing smile, remembering the bright, shining aura he had in the Veil. “Let’s call him Yoongi.”
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Thank you for reading ♡ Comments & reviews are greatly appreciated! To join the tag list, please read [here].
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peachenle · 2 years
enhypen aesthetics
feelings, sounds, and other things i associate with them
ot7 | 0.5k | imagery, fluff
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// HEESEUNG is...
the clumsy shuffle to the kitchen, rubbing sleep from the eyes; the lulling stir of the air-conditioning on a summer day; rays of morning sun sneaking through curtains; nauseating, but amusing, recalls of embarrassing memories; the fog after a hot shower; shy fingers reaching to hold anothers’; slipping further under a puffy duvet for ‘just five more minutes i promise’; fleeting guilt of a midnight snack; pride after seeing one’s name at the top of the leaderboard; the crackling of an open flame;
// JAY is...
the clinking of silverware against porcelain plates; running fingers across new crisp bed sheets; the shade of black, mysterious and absorbing; proudly passing gifts to their recipients, focused eyes awaiting a reaction; the tapping of heeled shoes on wooden floors, echoing through a hallway; confident and an inquisitive quirk of an eyebrow; a gentle wave to a friend across the street; warming coffee; quiet and polite ‘thank you’s to waiters cleaning the table after each course; simple and clean silver jewelry;
// JAKE is...
fits of laughter that make up for an awkward silence; the bubbling foam of a splashing wave, its coolness ushering you in; anticipation of returning home after a long vacation; the frustratingly exciting calm before an incoming jump scare; childish chasing after one another; the awe of learning a new language’s word and scribbling its meaning; sniffing kisses from a beloved pet, and the therapeutic feeling of fur between one’s fingers; the chew of fresh noodles and the bite of its rich broth; eagerness of a first meeting; comforting familiarity of a favorite study spot; excitement of a well needed rest and its accompanying dreams;
scraping and swirling of skates across fresh smooth ice; tender embraces to quiet a fit of shivering; admiration and pride of seeing a close friend on stage; mindless drumming against the steering wheel as the clock ticks on; hilarious groans after a bad joke, and the sheepish smile from its author; creamy, and slightly sweet tiramisu; the gradual warmth of layer after layer before exiting towards the snow; catching oneself in a passing reflection; a good hair day;
// SUNOO is...
ruffled hair from a loved one’s teasing; sarcastic shoulder shoves and chuckles; the furrowed concentration of eyebrows while trying to select the most delicious fruit of the pile, or perhaps the prettiest sunflower; the gasping realization of the answer to a problem; flurries of text messages within a group chat; fresh lemonade; the clasp and intertwine of fingers after a prolonged high-five; yummy gummy vitamins; comfortable silent drives, with only the rush of the wind through the car filling the air;
// JUNGWON is...
squeaking sneakers; the salty breeze of the ocean contrasted by the blinding of the sun; the gnawingly sweet and sour roll of candies across one’s tongue; clapping before a large crowd, commanding all to attention; pretty fingers under too-long sleeves of a hoodie; random facetimes with friends; cold milk over the crunch of cereal; the rumble of an airplane against the long runway; the relief of a good stretch; clarity after wiping eyeglasses clean; hangers scraping inside a wardrobe as you shuffle, looking for the right jacket;
// NI-KI is...
sly glances to siblings during a bout of reprimanding after a silly prank; a marathon of tv shows, and falling asleep on the couch shortly after; swiping and spraying a dance room’s mirrors, the punching smell of the cleaner; exhilarating clicks of a game controller coupled with hours long voice calls; flickering neon lights; carefree, relentless giggling while pointing at something, or maybe someone; sticky sweet bubblegum; the thrill after learning the final 8 count; the tinge of regret right before the drop of a rollercoaster, and the euphoria from its aftermath;
an: my return to the writing scene after ... a while. reblogs and feedback are appreciated, thank you!
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thedeluluverse · 1 year
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Summary: On a two-year anniversary, you and your boyfriend travel to a beautiful new park that just opened. With a color-changing fountain, lampposts resembling Narnia, and aesthetic benches and floral arrangements everywhere, your photographer's heart is bursting with joy! When you pan to the side and see your boyfriend holding a ring and one knee on the ground, you think you're seeing things through the lens. It's a real-life movie moment that will change your future forever!
Pairing:  OT7 x photographer!reader.
Rating: Everyone
Genre:  fluff, established relationship!au, anniversary trip
Word Count: 997
Warnings:  none, just possible tear-inducing fluff
Context: You've just panned over and see your boyfriend smiling up at you in proposal stance, and you're looking at them with shocked wide eyes…
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Y/N- “I… wait, are you pranking me or something for a reaction?” *looking warily at him with teary eyes*
J- "Okay, look, I know I joke around a lot, y/n, but I'm serious. Probably the most I've been in my life. So will you do me the honor of being Mrs. Worldwide Handsome??" 👀👀
Y/N- *giggles* "Of course, my love!"
J- *stands up and slips on the ring, looking into your eyes* “I can’t wait to have my Sun next to me  for the rest of my life.”
Y/N- "Me neither, my Moon." <3
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YOON- “Aish y/n, you look like you saw a ghost. A simple no would’ve sufficed” *starts to get off the ground*
Y/N- *gently lays a hand on his shoulder* "It's nothing like that, you dramatic cat… I just…look, it caught me off guard, ok?"
YOON- *slightly pouts* “Okaayy… so will you-“
Y/N- *squats down and wraps arms around his neck* "I will! Yes! I'll agree in every language if you want. Hehe."
YOON- *helps you to your feet and brushes your hair out of your face* "That's sweet, jagiya, but you're fine. Now let's go get some celebratory cake or soju or anything!! If it is with you, I'm there."
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H- *eyes are wide as they can go staring nervously, awaiting an answer*
Y/N- “Wait… is that where you were the other day? I knew something was off!”
H- “What do you mean?”
Y/N- “You really expected me to believe you would volunteer at the zoo? I wasn't born yesterday, Hoseok" *raises an eyebrow and smirks* "My beloved fiancé suddenly was more than fine spending his spare time at a place with snakes, bugs, and nasty smells bombarding him?"
H- "I'll admit it wasn't the best cover-up but….hold on…you just said, fiancé!" *pops up from the ground and grabs your shoulders in excitement*
Y/N- "Yes, I did, you silly jack in the box!”
H- "Sorry, hope my sudden move didn't startle you. I just am so relieved, honey. Let's go home now; all the adrenaline is crashing."
Y/N- “Same here. Let's go rest up. I can't believe you were worried! I can't thrive without my Sunshine squirrel."
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N- *clears throat* “Y/N, would you make me the happiest tree and put down roots with me?”
Y/N- “I.. are you asking me to mar-“
N- "Aish, yes, I'm asking you to marry me. I just was trying to go poetic with it but made it confusing I'm sorry…." *Stands up and closes ring box looking at the ground sheepishly*
Y/N- *grabs hand* "Hey, look at me. I loved your wording; it was more of a surreal like 'wow, this is happening' moment, love."
N- *sniffs blaming allergies* “I know what you mean, so does that mean…”
Y/N- "Yes, my sweet koala, I'm saying it would be a dream come true to be your wife."
-you both share a tearful embrace while smiling as wide as you are able, imagining what is to come-
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Y/N- “Oh wow, that looks so unique! It's beautiful, Jiminssi!
JM- "I'd hope so; it's custom-made." *blushes*
Y/N- "When did you have time to … wait… is that why you were holed up in your office a couple of weeks ago??"
JM- *rubs back of neck* "Yeah… pulled some strings with Tiffany, and they let me handpick EVERYTHING about the ring. I felt so bad not hanging out with you the other day, but… now you understand why I kept saying it was a crucial meeting."
Y/N- “I definitely do I just…* starts bawling*
JM- *hurriedly stands up and guides you to a bench wiping your tears* "Hey there, what's wrong, baby? If you don't like it, I can return it y/n I promise!"
Y/N- *chuckles* "No, it's perfect! I'm not used to people putting that much effort into something for me or paying that level of attention to what I like, so I just got overwhelmed. In case that wasn't clear, the answer is most certainly yes."
JM- *lip starts to quiver as he affixes the perfectly sized ring onto your finger* “You’ve just made my century my future Mrs. Mochi!”
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T- “Y/N, my angel, my everything, will you marry me? Please?”
Y/N- "I thought you'd never ask; of course I will, my Tae Bear!"
T- *stands up immediately and puts the ring on you* "Do you like it? I had it made special to where garnet is the main stone, and there are mini stones of your birthstone surrounding it since you are my galaxy."
Y/N- "It's beautiful, babe, and so thought I might cry right here."
T- "Aww, hun, you're so precious. I promise to do all I can to protect your heart, mind, and body until my last breath. Let's head home; I'm sure cuddles with our Tan will be perfect!"
*' At Last' by Etta James starts playing*
Y/N- “Did you plan this?”
T- "No, but I'm not complaining, my adorable cub." *cups your face and gives you a deep kiss in relief*
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Y/N- "Is this why you've been extra teary-eyed lately, my sensitive bun?"
JK- *pouts while wiping away a few runaway tears* "Maybe…."
Y/N- "Aww, come here, handsome; of course, I'll be Mrs. Jeon!"
'Until I Found You by Stephen Sanchez starts playing-
JK- *is slightly startled* "Well, this is an even more memorable moment now." *surprises you by picking you up and spinning you around, giggling like a maniac, then placing a quick peck on your nose*
Y/N- “You sure know how to surprise a girl! What next?”
JK- *gently tugs on your hand* "We gotta get home to tell Bam and Army; they'll be so happy! Plus, they've been so curious about you! If that's okay with you, that is…"
Y/N- "That's fine with me, Kookie, but after, can we watch Netflix and eat something together?"
JK- "I love you so much; you know me well. Of course, you can have anything you want, babe."
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gojosnympho · 1 year
OMGGGGG you finally have this on😭😭
anyways... favorite bsides or just songs in general from nct, bts and ateez? as well as your biases?
yesss i finally turned them on 😭😭
my favorite nct bsides: love song, faded in my last song, from home, does whiplash count? 😭, diggity, ok!, miracle, and so many more that if i named them all we’d be here all day 😭
bts bsides: if i ruled the world, attack on bangtan, like, DO YOU THINK IT MAKES SENSE!!!, does jump count?, love is not over, autumn leaves, begin (jk my beloved), lie!!! ofc, pied piper, dimple, dis-ease, anpanman, HOME, dionysus, UGH!, cypher 4, etc etc we gone be here awhile if i keep going
ateez bsides: take me home is my baby no one gets that song the way i get that song, treasure, desire, light, aurora, WIN!!!, the leaders, rocky ofc!, the ring, where do i go, etc
my biases in nct are: johnny, yuta, jungwoo, haechan, ten, and mark
for bts im ot7 i’m sorry i just can’t choose but my first bias for them was jimin! :)
ateez: hongjoong and wooyoung
this was so much omg 😭😭 but thank you for asking i loveee talking about my babies
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minisugakoobies · 2 years
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Yoongi laughing mid-verse during Home because JK won’t stop shaking him 😂😂😂
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petrichorpetals · 2 years
It's missing wayv hours on main
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artofcasmiles · 1 year
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we will wait for you 🥹💖
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7darkshadows · 2 years
january reads.
🌹= favorite
heavy smut
Skirts and Strap-ons
sub!pjm x dom!reader (e2l, ABO, alpha!pjm x omega!reader)
myg x reader(still can't get over gqxvogue yoongi wearing skirt)
Yes, Sir
ceo!jjk x assistant!reader
Fixate Inc.
ceo!ksj x secretary!reader
Classroom Conduct 🌹
prof!knj x TA!reader (professor/secret bf joon, warning: age gap, he likes to be called "doctor" and he's so hot im fucking ded im a sucker for prof kim)
Trigger Happy 🌹
mafia!jjk x undercovercop!reader (warning: yandere behavior, drug usage, GUN PLAY)
king!myg x concubine!reader (PLOT TWIST)
sub!myg x dom!reader x switch!pjm
ksj x reader, jjk x reader
kth x reader (sequel of Pink)
Journey 🌹
OT7 x reader (reverse-harem-porn?, finding the owner of the mysterious dick pic, this is hilarious lmao)
Pub Golf (short series)
jjk x reader (s2l, night out, jk is the sweetest😭)
10 seconds (series) 🌹
yandere!jjk x reader (love ittt, MASTERPIECE, it's yandere themed so warning: toxic relationship, manipulation, gore, STOCKHOLM SYNDROME)
yandere!jjk x married!reader (personal trainer jk! warning: infidelity, toxic relationship, jk is the other guy, the "husband" is yrs older)
Fatal Attraction
virgin!jjk x succubus!reader (Jennifer's Body au! college au! horror)
Oceans: Down the Sea
pirate!jjk x siren!reader
In the car
streetracer!jhs x reader (hoseok is also a mechanic)
Beloved 🌹
emperor!myg x reader (historical au! left me speechless it's so good, warning: yandere behavior, blood, violence, DAECHWITA AGUST D i di3d he's so hot)
The mark of Min Yun-ki
myg x reader (daechwita au! royal au! hybrid au!)
emperor!myg x assassin!reader (royal au)
From the Ashes
myg x reader (another historical/daechwita au lmao im obsessed)
Cygnet and Cinder (trilogy)
prince!pjm x swordmaster!reader (historical au! royalty au!)
rugbyplayer!jjk x cheerleader!reader (college au! fluff!! side yoonmin made it cuterrr)
Important ass-et
ceo!pjm x employee!reader (office romance au)
Gold Rush
basketballplayer!jjk x mathmajor!reader (college au!)
Hustlers (ongoing series)🌹
jjk x reader ft. myg (gang au! my new fav!! oc is a baddie)
Criminal Influence
thief!pjm x journalist!reader (criminal au!)
An abundance of luck and A sprinkle of fate (series) 🌹
ceo!jjk x sexworker!reader (it's actually a spin-off, ANGST, HURT&COMFORT, warning: MENTAL HEALTH ISSUES, unhealthy coping mechanisms, heavy smut - subby!jk&f!dom, mommy kink, anal - jk recieving, a little mxm only in the start, they're just... like really kinky lol, it's REALLY emotional and fluffy at the same time, lots of sensitive topics like sh so make sure to read the warnings!)
jjk x detective reader(established relationship)
To build a home (ongoing series)🌹
ceo!jjk x nanny!reader (single dad au)
Mutual Help 🌹
jjk x reader (fake dating au! fwb! unhealthy relationships lol, slow burn, try to read it on ao3 or wattpad for recent updates)
Ethereal Orbit (ongoing series) 🌹
OT7 x reader (ao3; alien au, love the plot)
Peaches and Cream
ceo!knj x reader x boxer!jjk (marriage au)
6 Months
knj x reader x pjm (ANGST, when part of the triad can’t sustain a stable connection)
Hidden Third Party (ongoing series) 🌹
bf!pjm x reader x neighbor!jjk (on ao3, open relationship, voyeurism)
drabbles/imagines/established relationship
Bewitch - jjk
heavy smut - pwp, pure filth, one way ticket to hell lmao
romance - fluff, romcom, angst, may contain smut but mainly plot focused
poly/multi - reader x multiple members, usually contain mxm(so if ure not into that yk what to do), basically everyone x everyone
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sor-vette · 2 years
"I just think they're neat" fic rec list (p.1)
Breaching the quiet and reaching out to the authors of some of my favourite stories. The talent you all have? Insane. This community? Elite. If you ever feel like the silence is too loud in here, know that I'm screaming louder. You're doing awesome job, writers, I applaud your work :)
An abbreviated moodboard of the emotions I felt while reading through these
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Namjoon x Tell Mama by @pinkcherrybombs
No summary but this is the best smut by far. Am I biased? yes. Still I have enough logic left in my skull to realize a masterclass sensuality when I see one
The Passport by @alpacaparkaseok
You embark on a memorable journey in an attempt to return Kim Namjoon’s passport. What lengths will you go to in order to return his passport on time?
Butter by @alpacaparkaseok
They made ARMY sit through an hour of melting butter. Now we return the favor.
Out of the Woods by @angelicyoongie
Golden Hour by @alpacaparkaseok
In which Yoongi is the boy you’ve friend-zoned for years and you finally realize that he’s all you want.
Memoir of a Fake Girlfriend by @alpacaparkaseok
“I need to ask a favor…” “Nope. No way. I am not pretending to be your girlfriend again.” “Oh, c’mon!”
Desolate by @angelicyoongie
Beloved by @bang-tan-bitches
Court was just a game of politics after all. And you intended to win.
Purgatory by @deepdarkdelights
The Good Part by @introlxv
Min Yoongi knew you liked him just as much as he liked you. so why not skip all the chit-chat and get straight to the good part?
A Heart Loved by @btsrunmylife
I've linked only Yoongi one, but please read the rest of the Comfort Drabble series, it's a *chef's kiss*
Call me Naive by @btsrunmylife
Yoongi’s intentions really weren’t to drive you away. His curiosity merely got the best of him. But now…he’s woven an intricate mess he can’t get out of. And he can’t help but wonder, will this be the thing that finally pushes you over the edge?
Guardian by @letspurpletogether
You have never meddled with hybrid affairs, not until the night you find a stray panther hybrid hiding behind some trash containers. 
The Other Side by @alpacaparkaseok
How to survive a soulmate encounter: first, get into separate rooms. Second, call 911 if there are no soulmate assistant present. Should be fairly easy, right?
Wake Me Up by @introlxv
Hoseok decides to treat himself after a long day of work.
Esse Tuus by @lavienjin
You’ve been plagued by dreams of your boss ever since you started working for him to the point where you’re unable to “play” with anybody else. Frustration and possible lack of sleep has you feeling lethargic, to a point where you find yourself falling asleep at work, but little do you know that someone is behind it all.
Scream for Me by @lunaandhertrashheap
It’s your last Halloween Carnival as a senior in college and as is tradition, you and your friends get drunk and dressed up just to go to the Fun-House Maze. But all week you’ve been receiving unsettling phone calls from an unknown number, commenting on your outfit, your bitchy friends, and your cliche quarterback boyfriend. Determined not to be scared into another night in, you go out with your friends anyway. But when you somehow get separated from the group, that feeling of unease morphs into fear; especially when you discover you’ve walked right into his trap.
If I could lie by @alpacaparkaseok
“I’ll feel much better if you let me walk you home.”
I'll Love You Until You Love Yourself by @jiminiesfavouritecolourisblue
OT7 x reader (poly + not poly)
Oh My Lucifer by @pinkcherrybombs
In hopes of achieving a high mark in your final exam you’re willing to give up anything, including your soul. However when your drunken joke of a ritual suddenly comes true, how do you even begin to explain your logic to the seven demon lords seated in front of you
The Spooked + The Pact by @alpacaparkaseok
You + all 7 members of BTS visiting a haunted house. What could go wrong? So, so much.
How to Sell Sunshine by @alpacaparkaseok
“I’ve always wanted to be the villain.”
Restitution by @cloudteawrites
When an estranged uncle leaves you his massive fortune you wonder if the universe is playing a joke on you. when that fortune comes with seven hybrids, you know for sure that it is.
Abundance by @angelicyoongie
Lovesick by @angelicyoongie
Office CEO's (drabbles) by @jiminiesfavouritecolourisblue
Return of the Empress by @you-are-my-joy
After one fateful night, you find yourself transmigrated into your favorite novel as the Empress that shares the same name as you. As a bookworm, most would think you’d be happy, but how could you be happy when the Empress you’ve become is expected to be killed in three months. The only thing on your mind now is to learn how to survive.
Enchanted to Meet You by @ditttiii
No one ever told you that you had a soulmate or—soulmates for that matter. humans don’t have soulmates but shapeshifters do. what are you supposed to do when the seven members of the worlds biggest boy band turn out to be your soulmates—only for you to realise that they aren’t even human.
Home Calls the Heart by @anonnie-in-wonderland
Twenty-year old L/N Y/N realizes she might be, okay, is a little bit of a social pariah. But there’s not much she can really do about it. Until a dreary winter day, when a determined, persistent dog hybrid named Taehyung shows up and declares that he’s interested in adopting her for himself and the rest of his lonely pack.
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yoongsisbae · 3 years
Bon Voyage: Into the Sea - Chapter 2
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A storm capsized your boat and looks like you were the only survivor. Somehow you made it to shore, but where? Stranded, you suddenly find out you are not alone, and now you’re stuck in the middle of a centuries old conflict between 7 monsters.
BTS fantasy AU. OT7 x reader werewolf!Namjoon x werewolf!Hoseok x werewolf!Jungkook x vampire!Jimin x siren!Yoongi x reader & other members to be revealed later. Angst/fluff/smut.
I can’t believe chapter one hit over 500 notes :’) BV:ITS has become my second most liked story, thank you so so much!!! <3
Warnings: horror, scary monsters, blood, violence, kidnapping, fighting, slapping, a good amount of men overpowering female that I think could be triggering, A LOT OF NAKEDNESS cause I don’t prescribe to the idea that clothes just magically appear when all these hybrids are transforming (poor y/n always be getting a face full of peepee), rough sex, threesome, orgasm denial
Word count: 13.3k
Yoongi was a transactional being. He worked in deals, in sparkling payments to add to his collection. When he met the resident two idiot bloodsuckers loitering around his island he initially planned to kill them, dragging the pair into the farthest depths of his beloved sea, but he hadn’t counted on them already being dead. After many failed attempts at trying to kill each other, he and the pair had somehow become friendly, and then somehow became even more than that. Though now, after everything that transpired between them, he would much rather think of them as business partners.
When Jin and Jimin found him again after years of isolation with the proposition of body for bounty, Yoongi went along with it because what else was there to do now? He could barely remember a time when he left the island. He used to leave all the time, explore the ocean and the world, until humans made the sea almost near impossible to traverse with their high tech fishing gear, thousands of nets and plastic littering the sea, trash and oil that almost killed him on more than one occasion. He grew to hate humans, so if he could get rid of some of them for a price, why wouldn’t he take the opportunity to rid the world of pests?
He remembered catching you, just like he had done with countless other humans, bringing their half lifeless bodies to the island for Jimin and Jin. He knew as long as they weren’t fully dead the pair could use some of that magical blood to heal them, and then well after that... In Yoongi’s mind, their fate had already been sealed the minute they fell into the water, it wasn’t his problem to deal with anymore. Except now. You are very much his problem.
Yoongi remembered watching you from below just as he was now, impressed at how far you swam in the stormy sea. So when you finally succumbed to the unrelenting force of the ocean, he almost wanted to let you drown, it would be a kinder fate. But instead, he did what he had done so many times before, breathed life back into your lungs with a spectral kiss and pulled your body lower, swimming back to what had become his home.
What are you doing here? Yoongi thinks. You’re supposed to be with those leeches. Yoongi frowns, he completed his end of the deal, brought you to the island like so many other unsuspecting humans before you, so if you somehow escaped it's those two idiots’ fault. The merman swims restlessly back and forth on the seafloor. He still better get what is owed to him, he thinks, especially now that your gross human body is dirtying his pool.
The only thing he can do now is drag you back to them and ask for double the payment.
You feel something wrap around your ankle and before you have time to register the sensation you are dragged under water, barely managing to inhale air before your nostrils meet water. You reach for your ankle, expecting maybe seaweed, tentacles, anything but a set of soft fingers slippery to the touch.
You try to pry them off of you, needing to get back to the surface for air, but you’re dragged further and further down. Your mind doesn’t think, only acts out of survival, your body moving on pure instinct alone.
You remembered an arbitrary survival video you only half paid attention to, one about shark attacks. They said you had to stab the shark in the eyes to save your life. Except this is not a shark and you don’t have a knife. You do have a bar of soap though, so you stick that bar of soap right into Yoongi’s eyes.
And it works. Yoongi is so taken aback by the sting he feels in his pupils, his vision blurs and he loosens his grip on your ankle. You take the opportunity to kick as fast as possible to the surface.
The moment you break the water’s surface you gasp for air, lungs burning painfully at how long you had to hold your breath underwater. You scramble for the pool’s edge, arms dragging along the rocks to pull your soaked heavy body out of the water. You heave your torso onto the freezing rock floor. You unwittingly swam deeper into the cave where the sunlight’s heat can’t reach.
Your fingers grip the slippery rocks, trying your best to pull the rest of your body out of the water. You are almost fully on land when you feel wet fingers graze your ankles again, and you kick wildly. Thankfully the water makes you slippery too, and by some miracle you manage to pull your ankle out of your attacker's grasp once more.
You crawl on the cave floor, your body feeling heavier out of the water. You search for an exit only to realize there is none, and that’s when you hear it, a bellowing laugh. The maniacal laughter bounces off the cave walls, and you can’t help but look for its source.
You see him, wet black hair slicked back, skin so light it almost glows in the dark cave, sharp features highlighted by his laughter, and torso naked except for a collection of silver necklaces hanging against his chest. His toned arms easily lifts his body out of water and that’s when you see-
It’s a mermaid! You watch his shimmering tail in awe. The scales are a rainbow of cool toned colors, shimmering in the darkness.
He looks at you, smirking as his tail transforms in less than a second, splitting and reconstructing, scales disappearing and leaving light skin that matches the rest of his body. Your eyes go wide, because well, he’s naked. Then you realize how very naked you are as well.
You scramble backwards, trying to cover yourself as best as you can. Your clothes are back on dry land, where Hoseok is waiting for you. That’s right! Hoseok!
You take a deep breath ready to scream your lungs out, but Yoongi seems to sense your intentions. He clambers towards you quickly, unaccustomed to his legs. The merman hasn’t properly used his legs in years, only for brief instances when he would drop off his victims onto the shoreline to feed his friends.
His large hand covers your mouth, muffling your scream. You managed to bellow out the first syllable of Hoseok’s name and you pray it’s enough. He holds you down, his naked body pressed against yours without any shame, and your face burns as you feel his soft member against your stomach. He reaches for your arms to pin you down and your mouth finds his forearm and you bite down as hard as you can. He yells, yanking you away by the hair, and slaps you across the face in reflex.
You cry under him. Yoongi is shaken by what he just did, what you just did, what you’re doing right now, bawling underneath him like he just violated you.
“I-I don’t have time for this,” he mutters, “I’m taking you back to Jin and Jimin.”
‘Jimin?!’ You stop crying, shocked that the merman knows Jimin. “You...you can’t!”
He yanks you by the leg, ignoring your pleas. “Don’t do this! No!” You reach for anything to stop him from pulling you back into the pool, but the slippery rocks offer no help. Oh! Maybe the rocks can help you after all. You grab a smaller rock in your palm and smash it on the merman's fingers.
It doesn’t make him let go, only causing Yoongi to become even angrier at you, but this time he reigns in his emotions, focusing on his task at hand, yanking you harder, causing your skull to bounce on the rocky floor. You groan, holding the rock in both hands, you rear it over your head and smash it down on his fingers again. It makes him roar, the sound reverberates within the cave, but he doesn’t let go even when his fingers bleed.
You try again, except he moves his fingers too fast for you to rescind your actions and the rock hits your ankle instead, making you scream and fall back. You fall into the pool at his pulls, choking on the water that fills your mouth as you try to scream for help again.
You gasp for breath as you bob in the water. ‘Where did he go?!’ Your arms skim the water’s surface while you look around in every direction for the mysterious merman. And then, as quickly as he left you, he’s back, pushing you into the pool's rocky walls, caging you between rock and his hard muscles.
“Don’t make this difficult, human. I am taking you back to Jimin and Jin, and-” his eyes narrow at you, “What the hell are you doing?”
You're not really paying attention, your arms are trailing down Yoongi’s torso making him involuntary shudder. “If I’m about to die, then I’m going to touch a mermaid tail.”
‘This is the human that escaped two vampires?’ Yoongi thinks. “Touch me and I will rip your arms off your body, human. I will make sure you’re begging to be Jimin’s blood bag after I’m done with you, you’ll wish you never escaped those-”
“Ugh you can breathe underwater, can’t you? Why don’t you just stay there?!” and you place your hands on the merman’s shoulders and put all your weight on him.
Yoongi’s head is dunked underwater and if he could scream obscenities at you, he would, but his mouth is filled with water and his gills breathe instead. His nose grazes the skin of your stomach as your arms push him down lower. He goes stiff, sinking like a rock, frozen because he couldn’t believe a human girl had just dunked him underwater.
He feels your arms lift from his shoulders and watches as you kick your legs away from him. He almost wants to swim deeper into the depths of the pool, forget about the girl who is unwittingly beginning to drive him mad, Yoongi perplexed by your every action. You didn’t act like any of the humans he’s ever dealt with. What is wrong with you?
The waterfall is loud, thundering in the background, but behind it, you start to hear a raucous loud noise that sounds like barking. The howls become louder and closer. You’re about to scream your location when Yoongi wraps his arms around you in a crushing embrace, pulling you under the water again.
No matter how much you kick and wiggle there is no escape. He drags you deeper and deeper, the light of the surface becoming dimmer and dimmer around you. You look up and can barely make the faint outlines of three figures. Your lungs burn, and you struggle not to take a breath.
When you can’t will your body any longer, opening your lips to water, involuntarily taking in non-existent air, Yoongi’s mouth covers yours and you feel air fill your lungs again.
Your eyes try to adjust to the lack of light as you take in the merman’s features, looking into his dark challenging eyes. Your mouth opens wider, pressing into his lips as he stills against you. He pushes one more breath of air into you before he pulls you through the water at a speed you didn’t think was possible.
You break the water’s surface gasping and spluttering for breath. The merman is still tightly bound around you, holding your head only slightly above the water. He looks down at you with an unreadable expression as you struggle to take in air without water spilling into your mouth. The sensation reminds you of the night of the storm, but instead of crashing waves stealing your air, you are in stillwater, and the merman wrapped around you is the immovable force of nature instead.
“P-please,” you gasp, bobbing in the water with the merman, “Please let me g-go.”
“Don’t even think about running away or screaming, human,” he whispers lowly. He lets go of you and you go under water, not ready to swim. You push yourself up again, wading in the water, trying to cover your naked chest to the merman, struggling to stay afloat. Yoongi puts his arms around your hips to make it easier for you. You wrap your arms around your chest again now that half your body is above the water. Even if you are looking down at the merman, you feel powerless as he looks up at you with cold eyes and the tiniest hint of a smirk adorning his lips.
You look around. This is a different cave. This one is massive, and it’s filled with light from an open spot at the top. You can see the sun and the tree canopy. High stone walls surround you.
There is no escape.
In the middle of the large pool of water there is a tiny landmass where beautiful flowers and trees stand, as well as a tiny hut. It reminds you of the place Jungkook, Namjoon and Hoseok live, there is even the same kind of fire pit, the small island looked like a place where people spent time together.
“T-take me over there.”
Yoongi's lips curve into an even deeper smirk. “Are you ordering me around, human?”
You hug yourself tighter, “Mermaid, can you please take me over there?”
He scoffs, but begins to move slowly in the water at your request. He meanders closer to the tiny island’s shore. He takes his time, like he is revealing in your discomfort. You take the opportunity to really look at him. He’s beautiful. His torso is littered with tiny cuts, and there is a large scar across his eyebrow. It looks so out of place on his soft skin, you pull an arm away from you and reach to trace it. “...how?” You say your thoughts out loud.
He watches you silently. He holds his tongue, gills on his neck slowly opening and closing in the water. Usually by now, a human would be quivering in fear at him, but the closer you get to him the more you seem to relax. Yoongi realizes you aren’t scared of him. Idiot human. He will have to change that.
He drops you back into the water, now shallow enough for you to stand. But you go under anyways when his fingers wrap around your hair, pulling your head underwater. He curls his fingers into your hair tighter when he lifts your head up. “You want to know how? From humans like you, your fishing spears and nets and propellers. Always taking from the sea, never asking if you should, and destroying my home in the process.”
You struggle in his hold, you can’t blame him for being angry, you just wish he wasn’t taking it out on you. “I’m sorry.” He lets go of your hair at that, shoving you closer to shore and away from him.
You struggle to make it to shore, sitting in knee deep water, curling yourself into a ball to hide your modesty. You want to cry, like you’ve done so many times before, but this time you don’t. Instead, you are burying your head into your arms, steadying your nerves and recounting everything that just happened. You met a mermaid. Said mermaid also captured you. He is also cute but not very friendly, and he also knows Jimin, who is perhaps your mortal enemy.
You hear Yoongi’s fin splash against the shallow water. You turn your head to the sound, and you watch the way his scales sparkle in the sunlight, his wet skin shining just like the sparkling water of the cave. His dark hair and dark eyes clash against his pale complexion. You can’t help but admire his beauty again, and how beautiful his fin looks.
You run your hand against it, the scales feel slippery and smooth. You only manage to feel the smoothness of his fin for half a second before Yoongi clasps his hand around your wrists and flings you away.
You splash in the water. Wincing, you pull yourself into a ball again to hide yourself from him. “Why would you do that?!”
“Did I say you could touch me, human?”
You bite your lip. Your eyes flickering down to his beautiful tail and you resist the urge to reach out again and test your luck.
He rolls over on his stomach and pushes his torso out of the water and your eyes widen as within seconds his fin is splitting apart into two again, scales turning into smooth skin as he stands. He stalks towards you, his large feet hitting the ground and splashing awkwardly. You sit frozen watching him come closer, his legs are muscular and his...his...
You bring your knees closer to your body and look down at the ground as the equally naked man walks past you, his arm wrapping under your elbow and pulling you to your feet. You yelp as he drags you out of the water, your eyes looking anywhere but his bare human form, as you try your best to use your other hand to cover three different points of your body that you don’t want the merman to see.
Everything inside the hut is covered in a thin layer of dust. It’s blaringly evident that no one has been here in months, perhaps years. You look around, there’s knickknacks everywhere, littering every surface available. Instruments on the walls and in corners. Even atop the tiny bed laid a guitar, sheet music, and more dust. Why did he bring you here when it looks like he hasn’t visited the place in years himself?
Fabric hits your head pulling you away from your thoughts. It is a large billowy white shirt that you hastily pull over your body. It doesn't help that your skin is damp against the already thinning fabric. You didn’t feel anymore covered up, but you’ll take what is offered.
You chance a look at him and let out a sigh of relief to see him in baggy trousers. It looks like the top half of your clothes were meant to be worn with his bottom half.
You decide to break the silence. “Why did you bring me here?”
“So you don’t escape before I can bring you to Jimin and Jin.”
Your stomach drops and you deflate at his words. You were hoping he had somehow changed his mind, and that's why he brought you here. “Why are you helping them? Jimin is a monster.”
Yoongi scoffs. “I am a monster.”
You roll your eyes. He is an asshole, but you don’t think he’s a monster. Not like Jimin. Just thinking about the way Jimin looked at you like he wanted to devour you whole makes your skin crawl. You think now is the best time as any to plead your case. “Please don’t take me to Jimin. He’s going to torture and kill me. My blood will be on your hands just as much as his.”
Yoongi runs a hand through his still wet hair, glaring at you. “Am I supposed to care about your life?”
You grind your teeth, crossing your hands over your chest, “Well, I won’t let you take me.”
“There is no way to escape this cave, you’ll die here.”
“I rather die here than go back with him.”
Yoongi rolls his eyes. You're being overdramatic, he thinks. Jin and Jimin were known to keep pets, he assumed that’s how you were in front of him now. Perhaps he could bargain a-
“Don’t touch that, human!” Yoongi hisses at you.
You jump. Your fingers brushed along the strings of an old guitar, your jolt causing an unpleasant twang to ring in the hut.
“Can you please stop calling me that? We get it, I’m not a cool mermaid like you.”
“Merman,” Yoongi grumbles.
“Well, my name is y/n, please call me that instead of human...what’s your name?”
He doesn’t have a name, at least not a name any human could pronounce, but he suddenly thinks back to the nickname his old friends used to call him, “Yoongi.”
Silence engulfs the hut again. “Do you know how to play, Yoongi?” Your eyes scan over the various guitars in the room. There were even a couple electric guitars that you doubt were ever used in a place like this.
“Yes,” Yoongi says softly.
“Well play something at least, looks like you haven’t had an audience in forever.” ‘Even if I am a captive audience.’
Yoongi scoffs, brushing past you and leaving the hut, but not before grabbing his guitar. You don’t know what to do until you hear strumming outside.
You listen to Yoongi playing his guitar. You don’t question him or bother him, not even when your stomach growls, hungry for food. He hums along to the chords and it’s the most beautiful sound you’ve ever heard, the melody filling your mind and making you calm for the first time since you played under the waterfall. His deep voice is making you relaxed, making you giddy, why were you even upset to begin with?
He plays and sings until moonlight shines through the cave instead. Then Yoongi stands up abruptly. The Melody stops and you suddenly feel cold, unease filling your system again.
“Let’s go. They should be awake now.”
You gape at him. “No! I said I won’t!”
Yoongi sighs. He grabs your wrist, but you won’t go down without fighting. Much to Yoongi’s annoyance, you begin to kick and hit him as he continues to drag you closer to the water.
You know if he gets you there, it’s the end for you. So you do everything you can to avoid it. Screaming at the top of your lungs for Hoseok. You’re not sure why you chose his name above the others, but once you started, you didn’t stop. Yoongi’s hand flies to cover your mouth as you're knocked back.
His body is all muscle, he easily overpowers you, but you don’t give up, wiggling around underneath him, and he’s tempted to control you through other means.
“Stop!” Yoongi warns.
You glare at him behind his palm and the anger in your eyes takes him aback, only for a moment before he is matching your wrath with his own cold threatening stare. He hadn’t had to fight in a long time, or breathe above water, so he inhales and exhales harshly, winded from your resistance. He catches his breath while studying you, “So you know Hoseok?”
He removes his hand from your mouth and you don’t yell, instead whispering at him, “I hate you,” and even though his stomach twists at your words he grunts out a “I don’t care.”
He starts unbuttoning his trousers and you automatically shut your eyes, legs tightening around his torso. Yoongi scoffs, pushing your thigh back down into the sand, “Don’t get the wrong idea, human.” Removing himself from you he throws his pants at you much like he did the shirt, rough and callous.
“Put them on.” You look up at him and your body heats up. You barely pull the pants up your waist when Yoongi grabs your sore ankle, dragging you to the pool.
Not this again! ‘This can’t be happening again.’ you think. You grab onto the ground, nails dragging into the sand and dirt.
Yoongi doesn’t have any more time to waste on you, the human girl who manages to do everything in her power to get under his skin, the human girl who hates him.
The feeling of cold air rushing into your burning lungs as you break the surface of the ocean in Yoongi’s arms is not something you’ll think you’ll ever become used to. Much like the feeling of when he pressed his lips against yours, holding you close to him underwater, or the feeling of when he pulled you at inhuman dizzying speeds, stopping almost imperceptibly when you couldn’t hold your breath any longer to hold you close again, bruising your lips with life-sustaining kisses.
You and Yoongi wade in the cold water, the temperature dropping in the sun’s absence. You see the island far in the distance. The water is dark and the waves are strong. You hold onto Yoongi who seems unfazed by the ocean’s currents. He pulls you close by the hem of the trousers you wear, fingers dipping inside as he unbuttons them. You can’t stop him, afraid you’ll sink to the bottom of the ocean if you let go of his shoulders. He does it slowly and teasingly, you wonder if he’s enjoying dressing and undressing you and if he feels your heart escalate every time he touches your body.
“Okay human, go, swim to your freedom,” the merman says mockingly, and he goes under water dragging the pants off your legs, leaving you all alone, half naked, wading in the ocean.
You know he’s messing with you, but you don’t care, taking the slim chance, you swim as hard as you can to the island. By the time you reach the shore you’re exhausted and you understood Yoongi just a little bit more, the merman was surely cunning, letting you tire yourself out without lifting a finger. Yoongi, fin gone again, finds your elbow, gripping you tightly.
“Jimin! Jin!”
You and Yoongi are both yelling, both struggling against each other, acting wildly. You’re both tripping over sand and waves as you try to free yourself from his grasp, both yelling into the sky.
“Ugh! I hate you!” You shove against his chest, pushing him off balance easily, the merman still unaccustomed to his land legs. And Yoongi’s grip on you has you falling forward onto his hard frame. You dig your fingernails into the bite mark you left on him.
Yoongi is reaching his limit. The searing pain of his bruise makes him yell, “I fucking can’t stand you!” He seethes, his hand fisting into your hair, pulling you away, throwing your body into the wet sand. Your body, not used to the cold ocean like Yoongi, is shivering against him. The white fabric clinging to your chest might as well not even be there, because Yoongi’s sharp eyes can see everything, even the goosebumps that speckle your cold body, and the sight of you threatens to unravel him as much as your never ending belligerent attitude.
Intending to make him feel as much pain as he caused you, you continue to fight with him, grabbing at the chains around his neck, yanking harshly on the silver necklaces, the action only pulling Yoongi closer to you.
A low chuckle stops you both, your grip on each other loosening as you both look in the direction of the sound.
Jimin stands above you and Yoongi, face dark and dangerous, scaring you so much you start shaking under the merman. Yoongi pulls himself up and you as well. You immediately hide behind the merman, flustering Yoongi by your actions.
Jimin stares at the pair of you with a tilt to his head, eyes sparkling at the sight of the agitated merman who usually shows no emotion.
“Thank you for bringing her back to me, Yoongi. We had a little trouble finding her, you see. I guess we’re going to have to find a better location for you to drop off my packages next time.”
Yoongi takes a deep breath. “You have no idea what I’ve been through, I think I deserve double payment for this.”
Jimin purses his lips, hands in his pockets as he tenses, and then he looks over at your shivering body. “Of course, you’re right. It’s a deal.”
Your fingers dig into Yoongi's arm, not wanting to be left alone with Jimin, “Please, Yoongi, please. Don’t do this.” You whisper, begging him.
Jimin addresses Yoongi, ignoring your distress. “Why don’t you just use your mind to control her?” It was a genuine question, the vampire wondering why Yoongi hadn’t done so from the beginning. If Jimin had Yoongi’s gift, oh the fun he could have, he thinks.
It’s not like Yoongi hadn’t thought about it so many times while left alone with you. But he couldn’t bring himself to alter your mind, not when you already acted like you weren’t afraid of him. He couldn’t bring himself to dim the anger in your eyes, remove the intensity of your glares that burned his chest every time you looked at him.
“Too much work,” he mutters.
“Seems like this one is already a lot of work,” Jimin steps closer to you and you step back closer to the ocean, dragging Yoongi with you who reluctantly follows.
“Well,” Jimin looks at Yoongi again, rolling his eyes, “Do it.” Yoongi shifts uncomfortably next to you.
“Hurry,” Jimin is losing his patience with the merman. “I would hate to cause her any more distress after the long day she’s had, don’t you agree?” he laughs as tears brim your eyes, and your hands finally let go of Yoongi. You’ve accepted that he isn’t going to help you. You move away slowly, trying to put distance between both men.
Yoongi’s eyes dart between you and Jimin. He usually deals with Jin during these matters. He hasn’t spoken to Jimin in ages. The merman is starting to realize just how much Jimin has changed. He swallows his worries down.
“Come on brother, we’re running out of time,” Jimin’s sweet melodious voice holds the weight of a looming threat, his anger rising and apparent in each word he lets out. He stalks closer to you.
You do the only thing you can think there's left to do, you take the deepest breath you can and let out a piercing scream at the top of your lungs. The men wince back at your actions. Jimin growls and your face stings with the force that his hand comes across your cheek, causing you to fall backward into the sand.
Jimin is on top of you in an instant, you cover your face with your arms before he can hit you again. Jimin eyes roam over your body, the skin he can see through the wet fabric that he can’t wait to bite down on. His hands rip the collar open of your shirt so he can see more of your neck while you cry out for help. Your cries begin to rattle Yoongi.
Yoongi grabs Jimin’s hands, stopping his assault, “Stop, just let me do it,” he mutters, pulling the vampire away from you. Jimin yanks his hand out from Yoongi’s grip, straightening his clothes.
“Well do it now...for her sake.” Jimin hisses.
Yoongi nods. You begin to sob. This is a horrible nightmare. You wish you never ended up on this island, you wish you had drowned instead. Yoongi bends down and grabs your shoulders gently, pulling your hands away from your crying eyes. He looks at you, his eyes trying to convey that you’ll be okay, that he won’t let Jimin hurt you.
Yoongi whispers in your ear, “Relax.”
You immediately go limp against him. He places an arm under your knees and lifts your pliant body to his chest. Jimin stalks closer, arms outstretched to take you, but Yoongi doesn’t let go, walking backward to the ocean.
“What do you think you’re doing?” Jimin says threateningly.
Before Yoongi can speak, howls break through the sounds of crashing waves.
Three large wolves are barreling down the beach, kicking up sand with their large paws. Aware his time is up, Jimin becomes furious.
“Leave her alone.”
Jimin looks up to the moonlit sky, momentarily dazed, but he shakes himself out of his stupor. He cackles, “Your words haven’t worked on me for years, brother.”
Jimin’s arm reaches for you, and he yells as sharp teeth tear at his skin. The leader of the wolf pack growls against the vampire's dead skin, biting down to the bone. Jimin hits the large brown wolf, sharp nails tearing at his fur as the other two wolves attack his legs.
Jimin is strong enough to fight one wolf easily, but all three?
He throws the wolves off him, but they keep coming back ready to attack again. Jimin’s wounds heal instantly and painfully, his usual perfectly kept hair sticks wildly in all directions, framing his menacing face, his nice clothes are in tatters. All of this, for a human woman, he thinks. He roars with laughter, pulling the wolves off him again.
“Didn’t you learn your lesson the first time?!” Jimin screams. His fist punches the large wolf with every ounce of his inhuman strength. “Now I won’t stop until I have her!” he bellows. The youngest wolf bites down on Jimin's shoulder, and he roars, flinging him into his brothers. With one last glare at the merman and the silent promise that Yoongi will regret hesitating, Jimin runs off into the island’s forest.
With Jimin gone, the pack turns their attention to Yoongi, growling and biting at the air in front of him, but he’s already knee deep in the ocean with you against him.
His initial words have already worn off on you as you struggle on your feet against the currents of the sea.
“Let me go,” you whisper weakly, feeling lightheaded.
“It will be okay, y/n. Stop struggling.”
You groan, the tenseness leaving your body again. Yoongi's arms wrap around your waist, dragging you farther into the ocean. You want to fight back, but your will to escape is gone. You can only look wide eyed at the three monstrous dogs that pace the shore.
Jungkook is itching to save you, snarling at the merman who holds you to him like a shield.
“Transform back and we can talk,” Yoongi says hesitantly. The wolves howl back at him.
The largest of the pack runs into the forest, and out walks Namjoon, tattered shorts slung low on his hips. The two other wolves find their respective sides by him.
“I knew it!” Yoongi shushes you, gripping you tighter to him.
Namjoon smiles wearily, “Yoongi, this is a meeting I never thought I would have. Want to explain what is going on?” The two wolves sit growling at his feet.
“A deal gone wry,” Yoongi says, chewing on his lip. “It seems like y/n is more popular than I thought.”
The black wolf barks, growling at your name on Yoongi’s tongue. Namjoon places a hand in front of the wolf, unafraid of Jungkook’s bared teeth, silencing his brother.
Namjoon frowns, “I thought you wanted nothing to do with us, and I thought you knew better than to make deals with the likes of Jin.”
“You would know all about that, wouldn’t you?”
“Give her to us.”
“And why would I just give her to you?”
“We can protect her. Surely you don’t think you’re a match for Jimin, what if he brings Jin along next time?”
“I can handle those leeches.”
“Yoongi, be reasonable.” Namjoon pleads.
Why does everyone want you? As Yoongi sees it, you’re the most valuable commodity on this island at the moment, and he so happened to have acquired you.
“What are you willing to pay for her?”
You want to do something at Yoongi’s words, but you can’t think of it exactly, the idea escapes you before it can form completely in your mind. Instead your head lolls into the merman’s chest. Your arms sit on top of his, and you want to...you can’t remember, your fingers moving to hold him closer to you. Your heart rate accelerates, everything feels wrong!
Namjoon’s jaw tenses. He ponders how to answer, trying to find a solution before Jimin really does come back with Jin or worse. But before he can devise a plan, the youngest of the pack has already sprung into action, done listening to Yoongi use you against them.
“Jungkook, stay back!” Namjoon yells. But the young black wolf is already wading into the water, barking at Yoongi.
“Oh pup, attack your brothers instead.”
“No!” You watch horrified as the black dog yelps like he’s been struck by an imaginable blow. Body twisting around in pain, fighting his urges. And then he lunges at the leader. The other wolf, a reddish brown furred canine, bites down on Jungkook’s nape and tears well up in your eyes as you listen to the black wolf whimper and yelp in the other wolf’s clutches, twisting his neck to defend himself and kicking his hind legs. The two continue to fight and Namjoon, transforming back, enters the scuffle.
The spectacle makes you want to run to help them, but an invisible force holds you to Yoongi. “Take me back with you, I’ll go with you! Just stop it. Please! Please.” You’re begging Yoongi as you watch the three wolves tear themselves apart, their blood splattering on the white sand.
“Heel pup.”
The black dog falls into the sand, panting, fur covered in blood. He lays there, chest rising and falling, whimpering out to you.
You silently cry for them, as you watch the reddish brown wolf lick the young wolf’s cuts, nudging his body with his snout. You follow obediently when Yoongi pulls you into deeper water, like you promised.
“Monster!” You gasp for breath, splashing in the familiar pool of water.
There's that hatred. Something Yoongi can understand.
“Now you know your place,” the merman utters. Yoongi needs to think, figure out how things will proceed from here, now that he is not in the vampires’ good graces. He was still taken aback at how much the younger vampire changed, it was...unsettling. And the wolves were now involved in this. This had become too much for the solitary merman to take in. “Y/n, go to sleep.”
You wake up under freshly cleaned sheets in Yoongi’s hut. Yoongi is sitting at the cluttered table dressed in a shirt and slacks, hair dry, looking very human, looking very innocent. That’s what you would have thought if you hadn't known better, seen with your very eyes what he truly was.
Yoongi notices you stir and walks over to the bed cautiously. “Finally awake? Do you remember what happened? Are you going to behave?”
You remember being inconsolable. As soon as you awoke on the sand, you cried for hours remembering Jungkook fighting against his will. You didn’t stop crying, and Yoongi again had to use his sire song to make you sleep.
And when you woke again you were no longer sad, but angry. You ran into his hut and picked up anything that wasn’t nailed down to the ground and broke it, until Yoongi had to use his persuasion on you again.
He kept you in a calm state for days, lost on what to do. He felt alone now more than ever, but his pride wouldn’t allow him to give you up to the dogs, and he couldn’t leave you, not yet, so for the first time in years he stayed for days above water.
“I remember,” you glare at him.
You sit up, ready to jump out of bed but Yoongi's hand is pushing you down, “Don’t,” he sighs. “Can we talk?”
“You couldn’t talk with Namjoon and the others.”
“I want to talk to them too.”
His words have your perking up. You let the bed sheets fall away from you and for the first time you notice your state of dress. Your fingers are covered in gold rings, you have bracelets and necklaces that match the quiet merman’s silver jewelry. You’re in new clothes, a sea blue dress adorned with a silver chain around the waist.
You pull a silver hair comb adorned with blue jewels from your hair and study the sparkling gems. “What’s this?”
“Nothing,” Yoongi scoffs, grabbing the hair piece out of your hands before you can protest. “Just some things I found for you. You were out for days, and I was bored!” Yoongi whines. You hold your breath as he places the hair piece back in your hair. “How can you stand being human? It’s so boring.”
He says it like you have a choice, you chew on your bottom lip, suppressing a laugh. “...I’m hungry.”
Yoongi stands like he’s been preparing for this moment. “Here.” Yoongi places the food at the foot of the bed. A basket of oysters, a bowl of island fruit, an open coconut. You drink the juice. You realise how dry and sore your throat feels. How long were you asleep for? How long did you cry for? Was Yoongi watching this whole time?
“Take me back to Namjoon and-”
“No, I said I would talk to them-”
“What? Why can’t I come?”
“I’m trying to negotiate-”
“So you really are going to trade me away to Namjoon like some bag of melons or something?!”
Yoongi glares at your outburst, rubbing his temples. “Those dogs don’t have anything worth of value, not enough for you.”
You roll your eyes, are you supposed to take that as a compliment? Oh! You come up with your own negotiation. “What about..What if I pay you? What if you make a trade with me in exchange for my freedom?” Yoongi rubs the back of his neck, listening silently as you go on. “I am worth money, you know, back home. A lot a lot of money.” No, you’re not, but he doesn’t know that. “If you take me back home, I’ll get you whatever you want. I’ll get you ten guitars. Whatever you want!” You’re not loaded, but fuck it, you’ll take out a loan. You’ll do anything to get off this island.
Yoongi thinks about it. He could find a boat, bring it to the island, but he’s not sure if once he brings it ashore he’ll be able to leave with you. It would be going against the agreement he and the others forged. They wrote their vows in their own blood, back during a time when they thought they only needed each other. Magic that Yoongi didn’t know how to break, or know where to “bend” the mystical rules without the magic snapping back and causing irreparable damage, and he didn’t want to find out the price. He couldn’t leave with you even if he wanted to. He didn’t want to, for the record. He’s only entertaining the idea for you.
“We can’t leave this island.”
“What are you talking about?! You’re a mermaid, just splish splash out of here!”
Yoongi scoffs, “It’s more complicated than that.”
“Well can you care to explain? Since I’m apparently stuck here until I croak.”
Yoongi’s lips curve into a smile despite himself. “Okay human, you know how you lock a door? The island is locked down and I don’t know where the key is.”
“Well, have you ever tried looking for the key?”
Yoongi huffs, “It’s too dangerous.”
You take a deep breath, he sounds like Hoseok and it’s annoying you. You reach for the merman, grabbing at Yoongi’s shirt and pulling him closer, your eyes meeting his. “Explain.”
You break the surface of the water. You and Yoongi made it back under the waterfall. You have your arms around the merman’s neck, perched on his back. The crashing water of the fall was a sound you were ecstatic to hear again. You hold onto Yoongi tightly as he swims under it.
“This is a horrible idea. You’re going to get yourself hurt or worse,” Yoongi mutters, holding onto your legs as he swims across the lake towards the wolves’ den.
You wipe the water off your face. “Oh so now you’re concerned for my safety.”
“Yes, when that safety is tied into what is owed to me.”
You scoff, placing your chin on the merman’s shoulder. “Whatever, you like me,” you grin.
Yoongi’s grip on your legs tightens. “Do all humans act this delusional?”
“So how do mermaids have sex? Wait!” Yoongi pulls you under the water, bobbing abruptly back up. You cough up water against his back.
“Keep asking dumb questions and I’ll drown you.”
You rest your head on his shoulder, your arms locked around his neck securely. “Then will I become a mermaid too?” you ask softly, your joking tone gone. Yoongi holds his tongue at your question. “Maybe if I was, all of this...would be more bearable,” you whisper, and you stay quiet against him. Yoongi chooses to stay silent as well. He thought of doing a lot of things to you, especially when you purposely tried to annoy him, or shamelessly watched his merman form when you thought he wasn’t noticing, he fantasized of doing a lot of things, some things he would never admit out loud, but punishing you with his own fate was something he would never wish upon anyone. You startle when he lifts you out of the water, walking on legs onto land. You stiffen against him, you shut your eyes tightly, but images of a naked Yoongi carrying you piggyback are already forming in your mind. “L-let me go, I can walk.”
You turn around when Yoongi releases you. He pulls clothes from the pack around his waist, coughing to alert your attention back on him once he’s fully dressed.
“Here take this,” Yoongi hands you a dagger from his pack. “It’s blessed silver. You can use it against werewolf and vampire.”
“What about annoying mermen?”
“No, annoying mermen are indestructible,” he smirks.
“How are your clothes so dry?”
“Magic,” Yoongi says, raising his eyebrows and showing you the pack. You inspect the worn leather and gold markings etched in the fabric with awe.
“You could have given me a heads up,” you ring out your dress draped around you, the fabric is heavy, sticking to your body uncomfortably.
“I would have,” Yoongi watches you pull the damp fabric away from your curves, “but you humans are always so touchy with nakedness.” Your face heats up when you catch him staring at you. “Let’s go, I’m sure the dogs have been missing you.”
“Wait!” Yoongi turns back around, raising an eyebrow at you. You hesitate, after hearing Yoongi’s story you feel like you understand his actions towards you a little bit better. “You’re not a monster. I’m sorry for calling you that.”
Yoongi looks away, you think he might pretend to not have heard you, but after a pause he says, “I am sorry for calling you a human.”
“Eh? But I am a human?”
He grabs your hand, pulling you through the forest, mumbling, “You act better than them.”
You walk back to the camp in silence. You glance down between you and the merman and the way your hands are interlocked, a precaution so you don’t run away from him, Yoongi said. ‘Yeah right,’ you think. You can’t help but giggle to yourself earning a glare from the silent merman.
You can’t see the camp yet, but you notice a wolf running towards you and Yoongi. He has reddish fur and he’s quick, in front of you in mere seconds. Yoongi whispers a “Sorry y/n, nothing personal,” before he grabs you by the back of the head and pulls you to his front, removing the dagger in your dress pocket and placing it by your neck.
The wolf stops in his tracks and bares his fangs, growling slowly.
“Hobi, we came here to talk.”
Hobi? “Hoseok!” The wolf stops growling and surveys you. You squirm against the merman. “Yoongi, let me go, I won’t let him hurt you, alright?” It’s hard to talk with the sharp cold silver pressed against your neck. The wolf barks at you, and you think if you could understand wolf speak, you would be very annoyed at Hoseok right now.
Yoongi’s grip on you relents. As he slowly lowers the dagger, he grabs your hand again, pulling you to him. The wolf watches on, lips curled up over his fangs, but he doesn’t growl any longer. He slowly pads his way to your other side, staring up at you. You’re not sure what he is trying to convey as the wolf looks up with you.
You can’t believe it’s really Hoseok, his fur looks so fluffy and soft, you want to touch it. Your hand touches the top of his head and he stills, then shakes his head when you massage his ear, placing his large mouth over your hand. But he doesn’t bite down, just holds your hand still as if giving you a warning, and then his teeth finds the fabric of your dress and pull you and Yoongi back to camp.
Jungkook is running towards you, followed closely behind by Namjoon. They both look astonished at the sight of you, hand in hand with a visibly perturbed Yoongi, the wolf dragging you along by the hem of your dress.
“Um, hi,” you say.
Jungkook looks at you excitedly, his body tensing like he’s about to run to you, but he sees Yoongi grip your hand a little tighter and he stays where he is. His expression turns pained. “What’s going on, y/n?”
“We came up with a plan to get off the island!”
“No.” Namjoon says flaty.
You groan. “It will be fine. I’m not going to get really captured, I’m going to get fake captured.”
“Isn’t that..still..being captured?” Jungkook cocks his head to the side, and you have an urge to pat his fluffy hair.
“You’re going to get yourself killed,” Namjoon says.
You yank on Yoongi’s hand for support, glaring at him. He sighs, “Jin won’t kill her, not after everything that has happened. They will use her against you if anything.”
“Like you are right now?” Namjoon says.
“The point is we will be prepared when they do,” Yoongi urges.
“Once I get fake captured, I just have to find a portal-”
Jungkook scoffs. “A portal? Is that what we are calling him?”
Yoongi interjects, “they have a door portal they use to bring items to the island, at first I thought Jin was lying, telling one of his jokes, but the items they’ve given me as payment...he has to be telling the truth.”
“We swore-”
“Technically, they aren’t leaving themselves, just having items brought to them”
“Okay, so I just have to find that portal and go through it myself!" You interrupt. "I have this,” you pull a tiny enchanted seashell from your pocket, “to find Yoongi again. I’ll bring a boat with whatever you guys want! Want more books?” you turn to Jungkook, “Or more paints and canvases?”
“And um, if I find a way to break the spell on the island...I’ll find some way to get you all off this island too.” Jungkook looks back and forth between his leader and you, unsure of how to feel.
“This might be our only chance, Namjoon.” Yoongi says.
“I’m not sacrificing her.”
“I don’t plan on being sacrificed!” The idea of getting anywhere near Jimin still terrifies you. “But...I can’t stay here forever.” Jungkook pouts at your words.
You convinced the merman to stay the night, where you could get a warm meal. Yoongi and Namjoon are in a deep discussion, and Jungkook has his head in your lap while you play with his hair and try your best to eavesdrop.
“I missed you, y/n.” Jungkook looks up at you with wide eyes, his expression pulls at your heart.
“I missed you too. I’m sorry you hurt yourself because of me.” You run your fingers through his hair, you can’t express just how sorry you are to him, your chest tightens remembering his wolf form lying in the sand.
“I’m fine. I heal fast!” He says smiling, bouncing up and down. “You know now...”
You nod smiling down at him. “Now I know.” It didn’t make you feel any differently for them. It surprised you, when you saw it with your own eyes and it didn’t bother you. Jungkook, Namjoon, and Hoseok were not human, but watching them fight you had only felt worry for them.
“Actually, I’m still in pain,” Jungkook holds out his hand, placing it in front of your face, “...here. Kiss is better?” You roll your eyes but acquiesce, bringing his hands to your lips dramatically kissing his pain away.
“And here,” he moves himself closer to you, sitting on his knees between your legs and pointing to his forehead. You giggle and kiss him. “And here,” placing his cheek in front of your mouth. You grab his cheeks between your hands and litter his face with kisses. Jungkook giggles, laughing between your kisses, but he doesn’t stop and then he roars with laughter, falling back to the ground.
“Errr Jungkook, are you okay?” You’re confused why Jungkook is hysterically laughing and rolling around on the ground.
“Y/n,” he laughs, “tell him,” he laughs, “stop!”
Oh my god. “Yoongi!”
Yoongi rolls his eyes, muttering something only the wolf’s sharp hearing can pick up, and Jungkook abruptly stops, sitting up and glaring at the merman. Jungkook’s eyes darken and a low growl emanates from his chest.
“Jungkook, let it go,” Namjoon warns. “And you,” he turns back around towards the merman, “I didn’t think you were the jealous type, Yoongi.”
The merman huffs, “I’ve had enough of the land for now.” He walks over to you. You take his hand in yours instinctively, ready to go back with him. “You can stay the night here, hu-y/n.”
“Are you sure?”
“Going to miss me?” his hand traces your jaw. “Use the shell if you need anything.” You nod. You want to tell him to stay, not to isolate himself, but you knew he had been at your side for days, he never transformed back until this morning, you suspected he probably wanted some space alone.
You enjoy the crackling of the fire and Jungkook’s warm body pressed up against you. You hear a scoff behind you and for the first time tonight, you see a human Hoseok pass by.
“I’ll be right back,” you tell Jungkook.
“Hey big bad wolf.”
Hoseok glares at you. “It was a joke,” you laugh, holding your hands up in surrender. “Don’t bite my head off.”
“Is this all a joke to you? Do you have a death wish?”
You’re trying to remember why you missed Hoseok, but five minute alone with him and you’re already regretting seeking out his company.
“Why do you think I am doing all of this?”
“Because you’re stupid.”
Your brow ticks in annoyance. “I’m doing this because I refuse to give up...something you seem to have already done,” you side eye Hoseok.
“How have I given up?!”
“I don’t know, but you’re upset.” ‘And you’re taking it out on me,’ you think. You sigh, “Look, I didn’t come over here to start a fight.” You just wanted to make sure he was doing okay, you wanted to apologize...but judging by his apparent bad attitude, you guess everything is back to normal. You swallowed up your pride, “I-I’m sorry.”
Hoseok crosses his arms. “Stop letting yourself be captured! I don’t know how you enticed Yoongi to let you go,” his harsh eyes scan your body, “but if you think it will work on Jimin and Jin, you’re wrong. Quit while you’re ahead-”
“I did not ‘entice’ him to do anything, what the hell?”
“Whatever you say, temptress. You did it with my brothers and now Yoongi, but it won’t work on Jimin. Seduction is his specialty. You won’t be able to fool him and you’re too weak-”
You’ve heard enough. “Am I weak?” One of the sparkling gifts Yoongi gave you was a silver bracelet, currently around your wrist. You place it directly on Hoseok's chest, and he stumbles back like you just burned him. His eyes turn dark as he grabs your arm and shoves you into the outside wall of the house.
“What will you do? If Jimin or Jin holds you down like this? I’m being kind, girl. They will break you.” You wince. His grip on your arm makes the tips of your fingers tingle as he pulls your forearm above your head. You’re sure there will be bruising as he drags it higher until you’re balancing on your toes.
His weight crushes you against the wall, you have to take shallow breaths at how close he is. You can hear his heartbeat against your chest, his heart is thumping at the pace of a hummingbird's wings. Your own heartbeat races inside your chest as his grip tightens on you. He is trying to protect you again, in the most maddening way possible.
Your free hand finds your wrist, and you pull off the bracelet and shove it in the werewolf’s face. He stumbles back, hissing in pain. “Maybe I’ll do that!” you glare and then realize how angry he looks, and spin around on your heels, but your human speed is no match for Hoseok, and he quickly slams you against the wall, knocking the wind out of you.
“You. Are. Infuriating.” He growls, his intense eyes staring you down. Why can’t you see that you’re going to end up dead or worse, Hoseok thinks. Why do you keep constantly putting yourself in danger? Why do you keep making Hoseok worry for your safety? He’s had restless nights worrying ever since you’ve shown up on this island, and now that you’re back and safe you’re going throw yourself into the worst kind of danger imaginable? How is he supposed to watch you go?
He is so close to you. His hot breath hits your lips. This idiot who keeps trying to keep you away from danger. Who was attacked by his own brother trying to save you. Hoseok. If you move your head an inch forward your lips would touch. ‘A temptress,’ is what he called you, with eyes filled with disdain. But he is the one luring you in, entrapping you with his burning stare and hotblooded body pressed tightly against yours. You lean forward and you feel the softness of his lips slide across yours, and to your surprise Hoseok doesn’t move away.
“Hobi, let her go.” Namjoon’s calm voice is heard in the distance as he walks over to you, Hoseok moves away from you quickly.
“You can stop this.” Hoseok stares at his pack leader, who doesn’t shy away. They exchange silent words and Hoseok stomps away.
The leader decides you should sleep in his bed tonight. You jump on the warm bed full of pillows, the same bed you woke up in the first time you came to the island. “Namjoon?”
A fleeting memory passes through you. “Did you sleep with me here when Jungkook and Hoseok brought me, in err...wolf form?” You had thought it was a dream, but now you knew better.
“I prefer to sleep in wolf form,” he says sheepishly, “it’s safer if we were to be attacked.”
You nod, giving him a small smile. You remembered the warmth and softness of Namjoon’s fur against your fingers. You want to feel it again.
He sits next to you on the bed, “Yoongi likes you.”
“What?!” you laugh, you were only teasing the merman before, you feel hot at the idea that he might actually like you. “He just likes that I’m worth something,” you mumble.
Namjoon licks his lips, eyeing you up and down. “Well, he made sure you were covered in werewolf repellent.” You absentmindedly touch at the silver jewelry that adorns your wrists, neck, and hair.
“I want to convince you not to go through with this plan of yours, but…”
“It would be selfish to want to keep you here, I would be no better than Jimin.”
Your chest pounds. “You are nothing like him.”
“He wasn’t always like that.” Namjoon smiles at you sadly.
“Y/n, once you go in there we can’t protect you,” he says, looking at you with eyes full of concern. “Yoongi might be wrong, they might drain you as soon as they have you. It’s clear Jimin has become much more...unpredictable.”
You shudder at the thought, but this is your only chance to leave, and you’re going to take it, even if it means walking into the Devil’s Den. “Can you explain what happened between you and Jimin?”
The pack leader sighs. “Jimin is...” he struggles to find the right word to describe the young vampire. “He is not coping well with his new circumstances. He was a human when we met him, like you.”
“He showed up on the island?”
“No, it was when we still visited the outside world. We were all friends.” Namjoon winces at the memory, “If you’re going through this, Jimin is the least of your worries. Seokjin...” Namjoon wants to prepare you, but he hates digging up the past. “When Seokjin and I met, we were both still beasts to our desires. We helped each other find our humanity again, and we found others and helped them too, others like Hoseok and Jungkook...”
You listen quietly while he continues, “Before technology, we were on top of the world. It was simple back then. It was easy to live amongst humans. Well, it was easier to live if you disregarded your moral compass; kill anyone who suspects anything, make it look like an animal attack. But that wasn’t how we wanted to live anymore...I thought...” The idea that Namjoon could attack someone makes your stomach tighten, sitting next to you speaking in his soothing voice he doesn't look like he could hurt a fly, but you remembered his menacing wolf form, imagining him attacking and killing people like that made you shiver.
“Now there’s forensics, border patrol, cameras, government agencies itching to turn you into lab rats. We found a home here. Enchanted the island so no one could leave besides special portals like the one you’re looking for. Most of the portals were destroyed after Jimin, or the magic was used up.”
“Magic,” you repeat. You can’t wrap your head around the notion that magic is real, but if mermaids and werewolves can exist, then you guess it means magic exists as well.
Namjoon's lips curve into a smile, “Yes, magic, little girl.”
“I’m not little,” You scoff.
“You’re right, but I am much bigger and much older than you.” You want to scoff again but the way he looks at you catches you off guard. “Is there any way you’ll reconsider? Any way I can convince you?” You hold your breath as his fingers trail up your thigh, but he flinches back as silver grazes his skin.
“I’m sorry,” you squeak. “I’ll take them off.”
“Keep them on,” Namjoon’s voice is deep and commanding, “I might not be able to control myself...” His dark eyes roam over your body.
You might die tomorrow, so tonight, you might as well make what could be your last night count.
You start removing each piece of jewelry, setting it on Namjoon’s bedside table. “He really did try his best to keep you untouched,” Namjoon says, voice deep and gruff. You pull off the last piece of silver, the belt around your waist, and stand up, turning your back to Namjoon.
“Can you unlace it?” You ask. Namjoon's hands find purchase on your hips, massaging the flesh there, pulling you closer to him. His palms spread against your stomach as you feel his head rest against your back. You shudder as he drags his hands higher, feeling your breasts as he takes a deep breath. And then his hands are off you, and you try your best to keep your composure as he makes work of removing the dress off your body. You feel the fabric loosen around you, and he turns you around to face him.
You weren’t prepared for the sight before you, Namjoon’s eyes full of lust, his breathing heavy, legs spread to accommodate your body, it makes your walls clench and you can feel wetness drip out of you. “You smell so much sweeter when you’re enjoying yourself,” he groans.
He lifts you up as if you weighed nothing and places you on his lap, pulling the dress off your shoulders to reveal your bare chest to him. You try your best to silence your moans as he drags his mouth over your breasts, licking and biting the sensitive skin. You can’t help but press yourself lower onto his body, feeling his hard erection in between your legs, rolling your hips onto the rough fabric of his pants. He moves his mouth over your nipple and sucks hard, his dark eyes never leaving your face, you begin to feel dizzy from his affection, rutting harder into him, wanting more.
He continues to lick the expanse of your chest, fingers massaging your skin roughly. There is a soft whimpering outside the door, you don’t hear it, but Namjoon does. He laughs softly. He settles his head in between your breasts, hands pulling at your nipples making you gasp. “Jungkook wants to join. Is that okay, baby girl?”
“Yes,” you whisper.
The door flings open. Jungkook walks in breathless. He closes the door with a soft click, waiting. Namjoon’s arms leave your breasts to rest on your thighs, pushing the dress higher and higher until he pulls it over your head. You shudder, you’re naked for both the men to see. Namjoon motions for Jungkook to come closer, and in an instant Jungkook is pressed against your back.
Namjoon goes back to leaving soft kisses all over the front of your body. Jungkook is rougher in his affection, pulling your head back and stealing a passionate kiss. He pushes his tongue in your mouth, rolling the muscle over your own tongue, already so needy for you.
Namjoon pulls you away from Jungkook and closer to him, rolling you over on your back. He looks down at you with such fondness it takes your breath away. “Convinced yet?” He whispers. You don’t want to answer him and ruin the moment, instead you pull him down by the neck, crashing your lips into his. He kisses you slow and purposeful, focusing on every gasp and moan that escapes your throat, until your arms are pulling him closer and your thighs are crushing his sides wanting to feel more. He pulls away from you once more to watch how desperate he’s made you. Your breathing is heavy, breathless from his touch, compared to Namjoon, who studies you with soft features, like he’s learning and cataloguing every blemish on your skin, every twitch of your body. You want to pull him closer to you again and like he knows your thoughts, his hand interlaces in yours holding you hand above your head and he nuzzles into the side of your neck, teeth softly grazing your skin. You feel him reach to the side, where Jungkook lies, bursting inside to touch you, and Namjoon pulls him closer, Jungkook taking the opportunity to lick the other side of your neck, burying his face into the crook of your shoulder, hand finding your free one to hold. Namjoon fingers traces your jaw and lips, his thumb pushing inside your parted lips, holding you like that, between the two strong men as he licks down your neck. Jungkook is rougher, enjoying the sounds of you whimpering against him when he bites down on your skin, sucking on the sensitive spot underneath your ear. Between Namjoon’s slow caresses and Jungkook’s harsh love bites, your body buzzes in their hands. Their actions makes your core tighten over and over ready to feel more.
Namjoon moves away from you and lets the younger man enjoy you all to himself. Jungkook rolls clothed hips into yours, the rough fabric of his pants and hard bulge rubs against your core is too much and not enough all at once and you whine. His touch is everywhere, holding you down, pulling you closer, his mouth and fingers feeling every curve of your body, and you almost forget Namjoon is there. Almost, until his large hand slides down your neck to pull your chin up while Jungkook works his hungry lips lower down your body.
“You teased Hoseok today, that was very naughty of you.”
Huh, Hoseok? Your body heats up remembering the way his lips ghosted over yours. You groan as Jungkook presses two fingers inside you hastily. “He had it coming.” Namjoon chuckles above you, as Jungkook works his fingers in and out of you at an inhuman speed, tongue licking up the wetness that escapes from you. You tense up, dangerously close to coming already.
“Jungkook,” you hear the leader’s voice soft command, and Jungkook stills, you move your hip against his fingers but it isn’t enough. “It’s only fair we tease you too, y/n.”
“I’m sorry,” Jungkook’s hot breath whispers against the sensitive skin of your neck. Trailing wet kisses across your collarbone.
You feel tears sting your face at your frustration as you squirm against Jungkook's hard body.
Namjoon pulls into his lap again, resting your back on his muscled chest. You can feel his erection, hard against you. His fingers play with yours, and then his arms wrap around your torso.
Jungkook happily dives between your legs, pushing your legs over his shoulder as he buries his face into your core. You suppress a yelp as he starts at a quick pace again. Maybe if you stay quiet you’ll come without alerting the devious pair. You hold your tongue, but you can’t stop the shaking of your legs.
“She’s close,” Jungkook moans into your core. You whimper, you see where the young man’s allegiance lies.
Jungkook sits on his knees, his half lidded eyes looking down at your quivering body. You try to press your legs together but Jungkook yanks them open again. You think your heartbeat might explode in your chest. “You look so beautiful like this.”
“Maybe we should call Hoseok to finish you off, would you like that, y/n?” Namjoon asks. The thought is like a slap of cold water to your system. Jungkook sees you pout and his fingers trace slow circles in against your sensitive clit.
“He’s too stubborn, like her,” he says teasingly.
“Maybe I should just go find Yoongi again,” you challenge. Namjoon pulls your head back harshly, resting it on his shoulder as Jungkook fills you with three fingers, sliding deep into your wetness. You let out a strangled moan. Jungkook's mouth latches onto your sensitive breasts, growling 'mine' against your skin, and Namjoon’s hand finds your clit, his experienced fingers making quick work of you, his eyes never leave yours as you shake against him, and when you finally come undone on Jungkook’s fingers Namjoon covers your mouth with his, silencing your cries. You should have known better than to test the possessive werewolves.
You’re in such a blissed out state, you let Jungkook pull you to the edge of the bed and push your legs above your head. Gone are his pants, all you see is muscle, and you let out a silent scream when he enters you. It feels too good, almost too much, you look to grab onto anything for stability, and your arm just so happen to find Namjoon’s leg. Namjoon guides your hand higher to wrap your fingers around his hard erection, and the room fills with all three of your moans.
Jungkook jackhammers himself into you, filling you up completely and pulling out, over and over again, holding your body down with his. He's animalistic, and you let yourself go too, moaning wildly as he starts to roll his hips into your with each thrust. Your legs lock around him when he swells, every pulse of his cock spilling into you makes you shiver. You shake, whimpering from the drag of his still stiff cock, when he reluctantly pulls away from you.
Namjoon is over your spent body, leaving soft kisses against your clammy skin, licking the sweat off. “Can you handle one more time, sweet girl?” Can you? Probably not, but how can you say no when he’s dragging his full lips across your body like that, replacing the ache with want again. You nod weakly.
He moves your body so you’re on your knees, and you groan when he inches himself inside you. Is it because you’re so sore or because he’s so big, you can’t tell, the stretch has your legs shaking. He holds your waist up with a firm grip. “Promise me you’ll tell me if it’s too much,” he whispers into your back. You don’t know if you could even tell him your own name if he asked, and when he pulls out slowly and slams back into you, your mind goes blank. With each sharp and precise thrust you feel the pressure inside you building.
You moan when his hand finds your sensitive hood again, you're lost, blinded by pleasure. Namjoon should have asked you to stay then, you would have surely given him anything he wanted in that moment, instead he moans with you as you tighten more and more around him. He slowly rolls into you, fingers continuing to drag out your orgasm until you're a shaking mess. He pushes back into you and your sore walls pulse steadily around him. Namjoon thrusts into you hard one, two, three more times before he's spilling inside you.
The younger man pulls you close, holding you to him, never wanting to let you go, wishing he could live in this moment forever so tomorrow doesn't come. You’re already falling asleep as a large body rattles the bed. The pack leader is curling against your side, the swishing of his large tail against your legs tickles and his pleased hum lulls you to sleep.
“Don’t do this.” Hoseok’s deep voice startles you as you turn around to face him. Why does he always find you like this? Meeting too early in the morning.
Hoseok’s eyes roam over the marks on your body left by his brothers. He heard everything. He has half a mind to yell at you, but he takes a deep breath, repeating his words. “Don’t do this, y/n.”
“I-I have to.” It’s not like you wanted to walk right into Jimin’s clutches, the thought makes your stomach turn, but you thought of your family and friends, and you had to try everything to get back to them. “Do you have any other ideas, Hoseok?”
His jaw clenches. “Please.”
Your eyes go wide, you let out the breath you didn’t realize you were holding, “I...will find a way to save you too.”
Hoseok doesn’t need saving, and he doesn’t need to watch you head towards your death. He shoves his way past you, he can’t look at you any longer, not when he knows what you’ll become.
He leaves to go into the woods, as far away as he can, angry at his brothers, angry at that greedy merman, angry at you. Don’t chase after him, stupid girl. Don’t give him any more hope. When you pull on his shoulder he snaps back, and you flinch thinking he was going to hit you. Your scared eyes hurts him, why do you keep hurting him?
He transforms in front of you, surprising you. In his wolf form, he doesn’t mind crying, whimpering and pleading for you to stay, letting out a desperate howl as you watch in worried confusion, and then he runs off, knowing you’ll never catch him this way.
Namjoon and Jungkook run out of the house and you have to explain to them what happened. They look between themselves worried, but what can they do, you still haven’t changed your mind.
“Take this. It’s the only magical item we have left.” Namjoon hands you a gold pocket watch. You place the long chain around your neck and tuck the watch inside your clothes. “It has enough magic for only 30 minutes. Only use it if you think there’s no other option left.” You nod at the information, screaming inside to yourself. A magical time traveling watch? No way!
“Listen, I said to be careful with Seokjin, but there’s someone else you cannot trust no matter what, no matter what he says or how sorry you feel for him.” he says hurriedly.
The merman peeks his head above water. “Are you ready?”
“No,” you pout.
Yoongi looks like he wants to tell you something, but decides against it.
“Off you go, and don’t go looking up my dress, merman.” You try to ease the tension between you and him.
“Don’t die..." He looks into your eyes, his expression softening. "I want my payment.”
You roll your eyes. “I’ll be sure to give you exactly what you deserve.”
Yoongi swims closer to you, and you wade a little deeper into the water until the spring water reaches your stomach.
“You don’t have to do this, we can leave…” he mumbles.
“Oh, what about your payment?”
“I’ll find something else,” he says.
“Is there another way to leave?” You hope there is, but Yoongi stays silent. “Do you...think I will be able to find the portal?”
“I think they will underestimate you, like I did. Use that to your advantage, you might only get one chance.” His hand find yours under the water and he interlocks your fingers and he squeezes your hand tightly. He almost uses his persuasion on you, to change your mind. Almost.
“Yoongi? When I get back, will you tell me how mermaids have sex?”
Yoongi smirks, swimming away from you to deeper water. “Yeah, I’ll give you a lesson.”
This is fine. This will work. You’ll be okay. You’re not going to die on this island. You repeat the mantra in your head as the last bit of sun is swallowed down into the ocean. Maybe it’s not too late to go find Hoseok or Yoongi, you could make it work living here, you’re getting used to the sand, it’s not that bad of a life, Namjoon and Jungkook made a pretty convincing case...even if you miss your friends and family dearly...but they probably think you’re dead already, and people pay good money for destination vacations, don’t they? You’ll just-
A snap of a twig alerts you that you’re no longer alone. Your body tenses, but you continue to clean the rags in the springs.
“Well well, what do we have here? Some bait presented to us?”
“Jimin.” you slowly dip the clothes into the water to wash off the excess soap, you look over your shoulder to meet his cold eyes, and you see another pair next to him.
“Seokjin?” Your heartbeat quickens, and the vampires smile, their ears picking up the accelerating pulse beneath your skin.
“They told you about me? I hope only good things.” Seokjin smiles at you, it would seem kind, his smile is soft and sincere, if he were not stalking closer and closer to you.
“Scared, y/n?” Jimin’s face sends you a wicked smile.
You look back and forth between the men, uttering an unconvincing “No.”
Seokjin speaks again, “You should be.”
You drag your legs to the ocean wanting to wash the blood off of you, the salt against your cuts makes you scream as you fall into the waves. You see a figure bobbing in the distance of the ocean, illuminated by the rising sun. Hoseok is running towards you in human form.
Hoseok is pulling your broken body into his arms, your dress hangs off of you in rags. “What happened?!”
You try to tell him, but the safety of his arms is already pulling your exhausted body under sleep. The last thing you see is Yoongi’s dark piercing eyes full of concern. Your clenched fist goes limp and the amulet you held all this way falls into the sea.
Oh, I thought I would take a couple more weeks to finish this chapter, but the story flowed pretty quickly and I finished much quicker than I anticipated. If this is well received, I think I might start writing the next chapter then! Next chapter will be everything that happened with the vampys and more backstory as Yoongi and y/n’s conversation is revealed, are you excited? Let me know what you think! <3
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bibbykins · 3 years
All You Had
A/N: This one is just to kind of plant some seeds, yknow? A little insight into Jungyoon's and MC's relationship, or lack thereof as well as the changing perspective of our MC. Sorry, this one was kinda heavy and sorry in advance for how heavy the next one is definitely going to be. This story is a lot of things, including one of healing (and I hope it comes off that way) so please heed the warnings and take care of yourself. Either way, I hope you enjoy and please give your thoughts in my ask box! Asks bring me tons of joy and motivation. Have a wonderful day/night?
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Note: This is part of The Household's Bunny Series
Words: 5.0k
Pairing: Ot7 x Chubby camgirl! Reader, Yoongi focused in this one
Warnings: mention of an attack, drunkenness, alcoholic parental figure, verbal abuse, victim-blaming/ gaslighting (?)(none of which done by the members), shaking, anxiety, crying, obsessiveness, protectiveness, reference made to parental abuse, toxic familial dynamics resentment, spite, yandere thoughts/tendencies, obsessiveness, possessiveness
Summary: Your uncle calls and the disconnect of what he was to you and what he is begins to settle in.
"Uncle." It was more of a fact than a greeting the way it came out of your mouth, but you doubted he read into it that much.
The silence on the other end of the line was suffocating, even if it only lasted mere moments it was enough to make you feel like you were turning blue. Prior to moving into the building, you called home, it was easy to pretend Jungyoon was your adoptive dad, to call him dad when he wasn’t listening, and pretend you were being honest with yourself. Now, though, something felt… vile about pretending he was anything but an uncle in name alone.
It was as if all the adoration and praise you held for him was held in a small pocket of your heart that had been slowly draining, filtering through the systems of reality and turning into numb indifference with a simmering ember of anger, resentment, and melancholy burning just below the surface.
“Happy 17th!” He emptily cheered, waving the beer bottle in front of you so carelessly you had to duck to avoid it colliding with the top of your head, “I’m sure your mother would’ve loved to be here-” He hiccupped and that was enough force to plop him down into the chair.
Your jaw clenched at the mention of the woman he hadn’t breathed a word about since she left a year ago. Not to mention the clear lie he told. If she would’ve loved to be here, she simply would’ve done so. Nevertheless, Jungyoon was obviously doing his best, so you plastered a smile on your face, “Thank you for the party.” You said and fought the urge to adjust the crooked party hat he placed on your head. You didn’t want to upset him by making the slightest move. He was doing his best. You reminded yourself of this daily.
His best isn’t good enough.
You snapped the angry voice in your head away with the thin elastic under your chin. There was no use in finding reasons to be unhappy, even if it was a scavenger hunt to find things to be happy about. Jungyoon had a rough year too, his beloved younger sister leaving him with a mountain of problems, debt, and you. Although, with the way he could hardly stand a sober night home, you figured you would be filed under the mountain of problems.
Jungyoon had come home plastered, the smell of whiskey fading in favor of the six-pack he’d been running through in record time. A year into him being your sole guardian meant this wasn’t the first time you had seen him drunk, but you had never seen him drunk before he even reached home. His office job was a taxing one and you knew he had been looking for a different one, but since he came home in a nonsensical haze of inebriation, you figured he had succeeded in being able to quit. At least, you hoped that was the case.
However, he was surely doing his best to be the father that you-
The mere thought of your dad made your face drop, and when you noticed Jungyoon raise a brow, you shook your head. Smile again, Jungyoon is your dad now.
You swallowed how uncomfortable the thought felt, but you determined it would get easier with time as you watched him hiccup through the birthday song. He was doing his best.
You blew the small voice of reason within you along with the flames in front of you. There was no use in being picky, “Thank-”
“That’s what I like about you.” He slurred before you could finish thanking him again, “You’re grateful for the scraps life gave you.” He smiled, a more sinister smile than the dull light in his eyes he had when he was with you in public, “That’s a good quality to have you end up like me.” You omitted the bitterness in his voice.
You smiled at this, “Good to know.” You didn’t want to end up like him, working as a salesman who kissed the ground his boss walked on more than he sold anything, but that was not something you cared to voice. You should be grateful, even if Jungyoon was your life’s scraps, he was something.
Although, he slumped down and held a childish pout, “You don’t want to end up like me.” You remained still, not used to him talking to you this openly, “I never wanted kids, neither did your mother or father and yet I’m the one stuck with you.” He blew out a breath and you mentally prepared to lock this day in a metaphorical box you had no intentions to touch again, along with your mom and dad, "I mean, I guess I'm doing an okay job. You're well fed, obviously." He gestured to your form, an obvious dig on your weight but it was nothing compared to your mother's abject horror and despair with your figure. He was trying to be mean, using your mother's tactic of putting you down to lift himself up, but you didn't know if anything could fill the cracks of his fractured self-worth. Sometimes you wondered if he was your mother's first victim or if she was his when it came to their little tactics and jabs, but it hardly mattered anymore.
"Yeah." Was all you had for him, but he didn't seem to even notice you spoke.
Finally, he glanced at you and you made good on your commitment to wipe all emotion from your face, “I miss my sister.” He spoke simply yet full of melancholy. You had a vague idea of the tumultuous relationship Jungyoon had with your mother, constantly at each other's throats in the most passive-aggressive way possible, but hearing him refer to her as his sister had been a new development. Contrarily, you heard him several times tell her she wasn't his sister and just an adopted pest, but here he had been since the day she left wallowing about his runaway sibling, “I thought taking you in would make it easier, but looking at you,” You remained frozen, not wanting to feel anything surrounding the sting of his words like a knife to the heart, “Every time I come home and you look at me like I’m all you have, it’s horrible.” Surely it was the guilt that ate him up so dearly, but he was damn good at making it feel like all of it was your fault.
You didn’t move, but you wanted to nod. You missed your mom too. You had been missing her years before she left, so you envied your uncle’s ability to only miss her for a year so far as well as have her last name. Your mother had left you emotionally long before she did physically. And yet, you loved your mom. Hell, you even loved Jungyoon, but they were privy to not needing to love you back. You understood having to take care of a child you never asked for and had never been particularly close with was hard, but it was also hard being a child with the ability to drive everyone away before you had a chance to learn to talk.
“I’ll try to make it as easy as I can.” You murmured, but a snore let you know what you would do hardly mattered to him.
He was all you had, and you were unsure how to make your face lie to him to the same success you lie to yourself.
“You’re graduation is soon.” He state, voice even and detached as it always was when he was sober.
“It is.” You confirmed, voice just as even but your hands trembled as you held the phone. The silence had been only a few seconds but it ate at your psyche. Silence with Jungyoon seldom meant good things, so you filled it with a haphazard offer, “Did you... want to come?” It was always much easier to feel stupid for offering than to get chewed out weeks after the event for not saying anything.
“We’ll see.” He didn’t miss a beat this time, as if his ego had been salivating at the chance to maintain a cold front to your eager offer. You weren't sure you sounded eager enough for him, but acting to please others had been your job long before it was in the sexual context so maybe you weren't giving yourself enough credit. Nevertheless, his lack of commitment didn’t sting anymore. If anything, the indifference within you was sweet relief when compared to the crushing weight of disappointment you felt before. You still couldn’t tell if you grew enough to no longer need his presence or if you just adapted to not searching in the crowd for a familiar face, “Not causing trouble?” His voice ripped you from your internal musings. Jungyoon had been extremely vocal about his stance against you living with Mona’s precious sons but he couldn’t say no to his boss and your uncle had such wobbly backbone most of the time you feigned ignorance to his passive-aggressive comments until it was too late for him to convince you to reject her kindness. His fear of her far outweighed his dislike of contacting you so when he called, it was usually to make sure things were going well. Although his inquiries had never sounded so pointed or accusatory as that one did.
You scrunched your nose at his tone and had to catch yourself. You had trained yourself to not react years ago and yet the liveliness of a full household had afforded you the boldness to react to Jungyoon’s words, even if for a mere moment, “No.” You kept your answers short, no longer feeling the need to draw out a conversation with the uncle who never wanted to have them.
You sat on your bed and looked around, soaking in the thoughtful decoration by Mona and couldn’t help but wonder what you did to deserve this. Mona made it a point to text you weekly to ask how you were doing, although her lack of motherly attention to her so-called sons made you take pause. Maybe you were just a new commodity, a shiny toy that she would grow tired of when she caught wind of your accident. You could harp on and on about how inadequate Jungyoon was but he didn’t abandon you… not physically at least.
Maybe you were being too hard on Jungyoon, he was the reason you were here after all, regardless of whether or not he wanted to be. He was still your guardian-
“Good.” His voice monopolized your consciousness and you could almost see him nodding, eyes cast off, uninterested in conversing with you even when he was the one who initiated it. “Can’t afford any more accidents.” You flinched at his spiteful tone. It had been a year since it happened, and he was still angry with you.
The consistent beep of the machine was the only thing tethering you to reality, and you hated it. Nothing would feel better than floating away and finding a new plane of existence that was even a fraction more forgiving than this one.
“Consider yourself lucky your lawyer is so intent on giving you what you believe is justice.” Jungyoon’s voice was not nearly as even as usual. He was angry, absolutely irritated with you, and the vague slur told you his inhibitions were low, “And thank my boss for allowing me to start at a later time.” There it was, the real reason he was so angry. He could no longer pretend you didn’t exist, and there were few things he hated more than being around you.
“You can go.” You stated, devoid of emotion, devoid of most thoughts including your ability to act like he intimidated you in order to satiate his crumbling hubris. You had determined the suffocating beeping was more comfort than him but flinched when met with a patronizing scoff, not because he scared you but because he was a man. You had your fill of patronizing man after your attack and Jungyoon was no aid to that.
“And how would that make me look?” You didn’t respond to the question, not that he truly wanted one since he continued, “Not that you’ve cared about that before. Inviting men to-”
“Please.” You breathed, not begging for him to stop even though it sounded like it. Your intention was to be condescending your voice was not nearly confident enough in the truth when faced with anger, “I was stalked, it was an attac-”
“Okay, you accidentally brought this on yourself.” He spat and you felt rage burn a hole in your stomach. Every day he had visited you just to berate you for being a victim in the apartment he chose for you. He never even gave you the choice of where to live in spite of not helping you pay for anything but the occasional meal. He hated taking care of you, but he would be sooner damned to not have you under his thumb even a little. Is this how he treated your mom or is this how she treated him? What part in this sick reenactment of his were you playing? How much longer could you do it? What would happen when you no longer could? He had been talking throughout your internal musings but you only snapped back to reality during the tail end of his rant laced with misogyny, “That guy has a lawyer in touch with reality, he sees you for what you really are-”
Your body was sore, wrists wounded, and yet his hateful words were too much to bear the nth time around. It had been just a little over 4 days since you were attacked and yet Jungyoon was having a worse time than you it seemed. Every day he was at your bedside berating you for being stupid enough to be a victim, for being careless enough to be stalked, for being so dumb as to become not a victim, but an apparent orchestrator of an accident. A big old accident that landed you in the hospital and the university's prized grad student awaiting trial. Right, your fucking mistake.
Any other day Jungyoon would have free reign over making you feel like shit or blaming you for outrageous things, but your psyche was grating along with your patience at a rapid pace. You were running on a mere three hours of sleep a night, thanks only to the sleeping pills the nurses gave you each time you woke up from a nightmare, so your willingness to be a doormat was significantly lower than usual.
“And what is that, huh?” You snapped your eyes to him, unable to contain your anger any longer, "You seem to know me so well, so what am I really? Enlighten me." You spoke through clenched teeth and felt a wave of dignification at Jungyoon balking for the briefest of moments.
“Just like your mother.” He seethed and you fought the urge to roll your eyes.
The irony of the man who couldn’t stop crying about how much he missed her trying to make her likeness an insult was not lost on you. He always did this whenever he got drunk, showed his true face. Usually, he was either a bumbling passive-aggressive bastard or gave you simple indifference, but when he had enough alcohol in his system, he was the self-pitying man you knew he was on full view. He was pathetic-
But, he was all you had.
“Wouldn’t I be gone by now if that were the case?” You retorted and it clearly wounded the man you never stood up to.
He fumed at this. Part of you felt bad for a moment, throwing the fact that your mother abandoned him too didn’t feel particularly fair, even if it technically was, but you just wanted to be left alone. Loneliness tasted better than the bitter resentment he carried with him right now. Is this how she felt before she left? Like there was nothing left for her? “You’re just little girl making a big deal out of an accident-” He was cut off by the scowl of your lawyer, Lee Euntae, a kind middle-aged man that assured you everything was being paid for by an organization outside of your uncle’s lack of wealth. Although, that much was clear judging by the way he spoke to your uncle.
“That’s quite enough, Mr. Hwa.” Your lawyer spoke when he came in before turning to you with a warm, well-rehearsed smile, “Good morning, y/n. I’m here to just go over the case-”
“Accident,” Jungyoon muttered and the word made your skin prick, but a part of you also thought he could be right as the boldness within you fizzled back down into your stomach. Maybe you were simply too desperate looking so-
You swallowed the thought with the lump in your throat and spoke, “Right.” You looked down, the fight you had effectively gone. It always went like that. You would attempt to stand up for yourself and then convince yourself the fight was only fair if you lost.
“I wouldn’t call assault and attempted kidnapping an accident.” Your lawyer sent a pointed glare to your uncle, “If you are just going to upset my client, you do not need to visit my client.” He said it so simply you almost envied him for being so level-headed in front of the trainwreck that was your uncle.
Jungyoon slumped, always the obedient man under the gaze of those with more confidence than him, and part of it felt good to watch him shrink into himself. You wondered if Mr. Lee ordered him to bark in a strong enough tone, he would. The thought gave you a moment of peace. For Jungyoon to feel as nervous and embarrassed as he made you feel, as most of the men in your life made you feel. Hell, even like your mom made you feel.
You wondered if she saw the news. Maybe she doesn’t have a TV or maybe she’s found a rich man to settle into the shadow of and watched it all with a straight face. She would probably scrunch her nose at the weight you haven’t lost. Maybe the frustration would be enough for her to see you. It was ironic being in this hospital bed and yearning for a mother while your uncle made himself smaller to your only saving grace, a lawyer you had barely met.
Soon enough, though, the haze of the hospital will wear off and his word will be the only truth for you to go off of. Mr. Lee will take care of your case and there will be nothing standing between you and Jungyoon’s ramblings of a man scorned by his own lack of self-esteem and will to object to your mother’s last letter to him.
You looked down at the fading marks on your skin from that dreadful night and the days that went on after. Rage simmered in the pit of your stomach at his condescending tone that seemed to still completely stand by his words that day, his words each day. A spiteful part of you wanted to add Mona to the call just to hear the nervous intake of breath he had when someone more sure of themselves than he was speaking to him. You wanted him to feel as small as he made you feel, even smaller than he made you feel in the hospital. You wanted to laugh and scream at him for being not only a horrible caretaker but also so much of a coward that he can’t be mean to the person who used to depend on him most without liquid courage-
And yet, the feeling faded, leaving you with a sick feeling. Sure, Jungyoon was a coward but at the end of the day, you still called your attack an accident. It was just easier that way, to submit to his brutish, indirect, mistranslation of fact and move out.
But if it was so much easier, why did it feel like you were ripping from inside the more you did it? There had to be a better light on the other end of the tunnel than the dim one you had been chasing with this method.
“That’s…” You frowned, the shaking only getting worse, “Not fair.” You breathed and the coil of doubt wrapped around your neck.
Why the fuck did you say that? What was the point? How did that help yours and Jungyoon’s already damaged relationship? Jungyoon could hardly stand to look at you, let alone be in the same room as you since the attack and you weren’t doing anything to fix that.
Who cares?
You paused. For the first time in your life, you stuck with the little voice in the back of your mind, hearing the validity in its words. Regardless of the hurtful things you’ve thought of your uncle, you never questioned your need for him. He was all you had-
The ding of the elevator made you jump.
“Don’t start fights.” He muttered and since he was so quiet, you figured he might still be at work, or if he was at a bar and trying not to get kicked out.
This didn’t stop you from getting irritated, “I’m not.” Your voice was detached but your hands threatened to drop the phone with your quivering.
“Y/n-” You braced yourself for the slew of hate or admonishing to come your way depending on his level of intoxication. It clicked into place why he called now, he needed a dog to kick. He needed to feel in charge of someone and since you no longer lived or did anything to be affiliated with him, he had been running out of reasons to contact you, to keep your gratefulness and adoration for him flowing.
“Bunny?” Yoongi’s voice was like cold water over your instinct to cower as your eyes met his.
“Who is that?” Jungyoon asked, all anger from his voice gone and replaced with cautious curiosity. It was all about appearances with him, and your mom too. It was all about how you made them look or how they looked next to you, everything else was second to superficiality.
“Yoongi.” You both answered and acknowledged the man as he sat next to you, “He just came home.” You smiled as a sharp intake came from Jungyoon while you held your boyfriend’s hand and you relished in how emboldened you felt, “I’m talking to my uncle.” You explained and watched his face fall.
“Oh, hello Mr. Min!” Jungyoon’s customer service voice was on display. It pricked your senses to hear his honeyed tone. Your mother and uncle shared such a sour faux-sweetness, it nearly gave you a stomach ache.
Yoongi’s brow creased at your uncle’s voice. He offered his hand, clearly asking for the phone. You hesitated, though you weren’t sure why. It wasn’t for Jungyoon’s benefit, but for his. You didn’t want Yoongi to experience the displeasure that was talking with Jungyoon. You knew Yoongi could handle himself, especially since the last thing your uncle wanted to do was upset one of Mona’s precious sons. Although judging by your boyfriend’s expression, the damage had already been done as his gaze landed on your trembling hands.
“It’s okay.” He mouthed, grabbing your other hand, “Let me.” He offered sweetly.
Yoongi was sweet to you, but it didn’t take a genius for you to deduce he didn’t care for your uncle. From your early morning talks, Yoongi knew about your less than savory relationship with your mother’s only brother. While he didn’t know the specifics or even about your attack, he could tell you were neglected. You never did get to shake that kicked puppy look around Jungyoon. Nevertheless, you felt guilty involving Yoongi in your poor familial relationships, but you were near puking at the thought of facing your uncle alone.
You nodded, squeezing his hand as you put the phone in his other one, you were fully intent on warning him to be nice, but something stopped you. Why should you tell him to be nice? Jungyoon wasn’t nice, and you were arguably too nice to him at times. Yoongi didn’t have one reason to be nice to your uncle and thinking about it, you no longer did either. Maybe you weren’t ready to be mean to Jungyoon but you were ready to allow someone to intimidate him on your behalf, “Okay.”
His eyes darkened for a brief moment as he pressed the phone up to his ear, “Is there something you need from my girlfriend, Mr. Hwa?” He asked and your eyes widened. You had never told Jungyoon about your relationship with the men in this building, not because you were scared to but simply because you weren’t sure when to tell him. Yoongi sensed your shock but his arm wrapped around you, pulling your head to rest on his shoulder as he patted your head, “She’s very busy.” His voice was polite and yet his tone was firm. You fought a spiteful smile when you heard Jungyoon cough and subsequently stutter not only at the news but at the sheer forcefulness of the younger man’s voice. Yoongi had an innate talent to sound intimidating without seeming malicious. However, he never spoke to you like that, so hearing it directed at your uncle gave you a certain sense of sick satisfaction.
It was comparable to when Mr. Lee had acted as your shield except for this time, Yoongi wasn’t being a nice lawyer, he was acting as your boyfriend. One of your six powerful boyfriends.
You could hear Jungyoon clear his throat nervously, and the embers of the rage you held for him began to mix with a certain pride at hearing him grow smaller. Though you couldn’t make out the words you let your eyes close as Yoongi pulled you into his lap. His hands stroking your thigh lovingly made the world melt away. It made Jungyoon and whatever he thought of you evaporate into nothing more than a memory, even if just for a moment.
“I see.” He placed a silent kiss on your head and it felt like a safety net as you relaxed in his arms, “Well, if that’s all.” He sounded so bored but his thumb continued its rhythmic stroking, “You too.” The phone call ended and he placed your phone on your bed at his side.
It was silent as he held you. However, the silence wasn’t suffocating, nor was it a prelude to some horrible outburst. He was simply holding you, letting you be. You knew that he must’ve had some questions about why a call from the man you had referred to as your dad the first day you became his housemate would cause such a visceral reaction from you. It was like he could smell your fear at the perfect timing he showed up. Although, maybe fear wasn’t the correct word. You had never been afraid of Jungyoon, you had been afraid of him abandoning you. However, all you wanted right now was for him to never call you again. You didn’t waste the mental strength in asking yourself why that was.
Regardless of there being a million reasons, one of which was holding you now.
The reality that Jungyoon had never really been all you had was one that slowly bled its way into your veins as you realized you never really had him to begin with. Love wasn’t as one-sided as you had initially thought as you inhaled Yoongi’s cologne. He flooded your senses and it wasn’t intrusive or forced. His presence in your heart bloomed as a part of you, it wasn’t a pocket of carefully crafted lies, and that was wonderful. However, at the same time, it was also frightening as you could feel the poorly sealed box of every moment you wanted to forget but nevertheless shaped you being pushed from your form. They would soon have to know about it. You didn’t want any part of you unknown to them. You were getting greedy as you tasted requited love and wanted it to be as unconditional as it could get. You wanted to come home, celebrate birthdays, and go to graduations knowing there would be someone happy to be there. You had that now, and that was all you needed.
“I love you.” You breathed and it finally felt like oxygen was filling your lungs for the first time since Jungyoon called.
He hummed, pressing a kiss to your cheek, “And I love you.” He murmured, “No matter what, okay?”
Your fingers traced the seam on his buttoned-up shirt as you nodded, “You too.”
Any of the other men in the house would most likely prod for more answers, but Yoongi let it go, for now. He knew he could get answers from you if he tried hard enough, but what a bitter victory that would be. You already looked so tired and the last thing you needed was an interrogation. Though, he hoped you would be willing to open up before some of the more hot-tempered siblings caught Jungyoon in the act of whatever unpleasantries he spoke to you, even now Yoongi was having trouble keeping it together had it not been for your calming presence.
Yoongi wanted nothing more to claw Jungyoon’s tongue from his mouth if a mere call made you tremble, but his priorities were with your care. He thanked fate for allowing him to come home before the bastard made you cry, because who knows what Yoongi would’ve done. His throat itched to know why Jungyoon would make you that upset, but that would have to come to him when you were ready. Along with the face behind the nightmares he’d heard you have before. For now, he needed to focus on holding you tight enough to stoke the flames of spite that laid within you, waiting patiently for the day that Jungyoon was nothing but a name to you.
If you have the want and the means, please consider buying me a kofi
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h4chi · 2 years
fics rec : ENHYPEN !
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marked ☆ are my personal favorites. feel free to suggest
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enhypen’s reaction to you being kidnapped then being transformed into a rock by @lunaflvms
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let’s make it home together by @soobnny one shot, strangers to lovers, fluff, angst, zombie apocalypse!au
hot things park jongseong would do by @jakeyuni
here always by @soobnny best friends to lovers, zombie apocalypse!au, one shot, fluff, angst
lights, camera, action! by @dreamingofkyu
☆ twitch rivals by @soobnny smau, exes-enemies to lovers
unlikely likelihood of falling in love by @soobnny enemies to lovers, fake dating
library hymns by @soobnny strangers to lovers
guess who? by @soobnny smau, idol!au, fluff
the language of flowers by @soobnny smau, strangers to lovers, fluff
☆ blue birthday by @amakumos angst, fluff, mention of character d34th
fiesta by @lunaflvms smau, friends to lovers, fluff
☆ our beloved readers by @tzyuki smau, enemies to lovers, comedy n fluff
wishlist by @lunaflvms smau, enemies to lovers, idol! au, brother best friend! au
shoot! by @amakumos smau, fluff, crack, online friends to lovers
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neosarchives · 2 years
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social media aus
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all ideas and plots are from my own thoughts, occasionally from my friends and sometimes inspired. it is not my intention to copy any plots from other aus, if it were the case, they are solely coincidences.
this is a work of fiction, names, characters, events, business, place, institutions, incidents, etc. are all ideas from the author and/or inspired from somewhere!
all pictures are not mine! i simply get them off pinterest so ctto of the photos! however, i will try to get the real owner to credit them properly :)
please do not copy, repost anywhere, or rewrite :)
enjoy reading<3
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—nct dream ot7
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i’ll be your home
—a connected au series
⋆ summary: a dad!nct dream au series that connects with each other! can probably read by itself but more fun if you read everything and in order! (it is in the order you should read them!)
⋆ pairing: nct dream x reader (oc)
⋆ genre: smau! fluff, angst, nct dream as/becoming dads! non-idol! aged up!nct dream
⋆ status: work in progress!
click here to read
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—their own stories
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mark lee
szn # 1: because i met you,
⋆ summary: after the mother of his child left him for another guy, mark had developed trust issues which brought him to never want to fall for any girl again. everything was going well in mark’s life, just him, his beloved daughter, his best friends, and his success as an author. what happens if a girl unexpectedly comes, and already falls before even realizing it?
⋆ status: on going!
click here to read
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drabble¿ smau
— short smaus
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late night texts
⋆ pairings: nct dream x reader + yangyang, shotaro & sungchan
⋆ category: smau, suggestive, fluff, boyfie!nct
⋆ summary: just some short late night text with boyfies<3
click here to read #1 & #2
"can you come over?"
⋆ pairings: nct dream x reader + yangyang, shotaro & sungchan
⋆ category: smau, suggestive, fluff, boyfie!nct / bestie!nct
⋆ summary: texting the neos "can you come over?" late at night and their responses.
click here to read #1 & #2
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