#my body: im so stressed im going to start making myself sick so you'll calm the fuck down
makeitpoppy · 7 months
about the last thing i reblogged, the stress one
i've always been a sensitive human bean in terms of allergies and having sensitive skin, AND i already knew im basically a little walking bundle of stressed out angry nerves
but my body literally decided to rebel against me and let me tell you, one more problem and im going to wrap myself in bubble wrap or become the modern real life bubble boy
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undiagnoseddrama · 4 years
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15. I wet the bed...
2020 started off just the same, never mind new year, new me. I was still tired, out of routine, uncomfortable, swollen and in pain, literally nothing new. Positive vibes and all haha.
07.01.2020- I decided to go DAIRY FREE🐄. I have read a lot of information on how milk and other dairy products can affect your bladder health. I decided to go full hog and not have milk or chocolate in my diet for the foreseeable future. This was going to be hard! im the biggest chocoholic ever.
I did this though at completely the wrong time! It was exam season, so super stressed and this is the time when I need all the revision snacks I can get. 😩
I was also still on Hiprex and burning everyday.
Three days into my dairy free venture and I had my first exam of January. I had felt funny since I woke up that day, got to my exam and my friends were just saying "You're nervous Lex, you'll be fine." I don’t get nervous for exams like ever so it was not okay.
The nausea was like hell the whole time,🤢 right through my exam. I knew if I went to the toilet in the exam, I was bound to throw up and would not make it back. I had to hold it in for as long as I could. I drove home, got in and sat for no longer than 5 minutes when bam the first wave hit me. I ran to the toilet and 🤮
This then continued for the next 10 hours straight till I had nothing left to give. 😩 I was so bad, I just had to have a sick bowl next to my bed as I never had the energy to lift my head up off of the pillow, never mind get to the toilet.
Each time I threw up, my whole body spasmed, including my bladder. Each time I threw up, it was like someone through a firework up my urethra, burning, shooting shocks everytime. I was in agony, my whole body felt like it had been ran over and set on fire. The pain was too much.
Mainly because of the throw-up session I stopped taking Hiprex because the burning was too much! I had another exam in 4 days where 2 of them I was zoned out and couldn’t focus! You wonder why I failed it🤷🏻‍♀️😭
If this was the side effect of tablets I was fed up of taking them and it had only been 6/7 weeks😭 This meant it’s starting to tarnish my life, my goals, my future. The thought of having to take them for the rest of my life or whatever was a no go!🙅🏻‍♀️
In other news...the burning had eased because I hadn’t taken the Hiprex tablet! Over the next few days I hadn’t had any symptoms at all! Heaven🙌🏼
22.01.20- I decided to try again and take Hiprex. I knew I couldn’t back to the urologist and say I gave up! It probably wasn’t the best day as I was feeling a bit off down there, especially when going to the toilet but I had to give it a go!
The next day was D-Day😑
23.01.20- I woke up and wet the bed🥴
In my sleep I was having a dream that I really needed the toilet and couldn’t get to one - life story😒 - anyway once I made it and sat down (still in my dream) the toilet I was sitting on started lifting up from the floor with a green smoky light coming from underneath like in a club!
I’m half asleep at this point slowly waking and I thought oh what’s that?🤔 I woke up wetting the bed🥴
Dan was next to me in the bed and I was mortified! He’s seen a lot but wetting the bed was a new one😭 I screamed at him to move quick, get out of the bed and I ran to the toilet. I didn’t make it and had to wee through my knickers sitting on the toilet. I was so embarrassed and Dan was so calm about it, he’s like “it’s not your fault I know you’re not well.” If that’s not goals right there, ladies you’ve got the wrong guy🤷🏻‍♀️😂
But that was not the point. This meant I got to an all time low with my bladder😩 As I had burning for quite a few days before this I decided to take a sample in the doctors to double check no infection was present etc. I cleaned myself up threw on clothes and out the door.
I’ll be honest I’ve had other times like this, where I have been running to the toilet (you get no warning!) And it’s a little trickle before you get there. I thought that was embarrassing because I’d have to try and dry my knickers a bit before going on but this next level and a big down point for me! So glad I was at home🙏🏼
My bladder felt so heavy and I was stinging all over. They rang me back later that day and said I was all fine! So what the hell caused all this someone please tell me🤷🏻‍♀️
I was 21 and wet the bed...
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