#im getting allergies and rashes from anything and everything
makeitpoppy · 7 months
about the last thing i reblogged, the stress one
i've always been a sensitive human bean in terms of allergies and having sensitive skin, AND i already knew im basically a little walking bundle of stressed out angry nerves
but my body literally decided to rebel against me and let me tell you, one more problem and im going to wrap myself in bubble wrap or become the modern real life bubble boy
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poisonedapples · 3 years
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nostalthicc · 5 years
hives | jeff wittek
jeff wittek x reader, zane hijazi x reader[PLATONIC]
summary: delayed allergic reactions are the worst, especially when they happened off a steep slip n’ slide. this is bad summary. im sorry. im supppperr bad at them.
warnings: fluff, slight angst, cursing, allergic reaction
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lower case intended ` not my gif
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y/n would usually jump on the idea of being in a video with two of her best friends- jeff and zane -but she had a photoshoot she needed to get over with because she has been pushing it back for ages. the last video they all did together was one of the most viewed videos on y/n’s channel. everyone said their chaotic and crackhead energy all evened out with one another. which they all knew was true, their jokes always bounced off each other. that's all y/n and jeff heard that all the time before they started dating, that they were a perfect match and continue to hear it to this day. 
she decided to pick wraps from hat favorite shop near jeff's apartment. y/n had just finished her shoot and was heading over to her boyfriend’s to hang out with him and zane before they all went to david's for the night. when she to jeff's they were still finishing up the video for his channel.
“oh wow, look who decided to show up.” jeff said, pointing to y/n. reggie turned the camera towards the girl, who just scowled and threw her middle fingers before walking to the kitchen to put the food in the fridge. “and she brought food!” 
zane turned around in the chair to face y/n. “y/n/n, baby! help me, please, look what he did to me, he's making my hairline recede even more than it already was!” he shouted, thrashing around in the chair causing jeff to have to pause on fixing certain stops. y/n laughed as the two started bickering about zane’s whining. soon getting bored with their fussing, she made her way to jeff's room to change into something cozier than the outfit she had to wear for the shoot, she felt as though the material was stabbing her skin and could feel herself already growing extremely itchy. 
david had texted the groupchat to come early and bring a swimsuit which never led to anything good or safe but no one ever seemed to question and y/n would not be the first. the three of them all headed to david's, zane was driving but y/n and jeff were in a very intense game of cup pong. the winner got to choose dinner and the loser had to pay.
when they arrived at david’s house everyone was there except alex and nick. inside they were many drinks scattered around- as usual -and a few people y/n didn't recognize, she figured they were here to set up david's miraculous plan. everyone was supposed to carpool to motley lake because they were going to be using the giant hill for a slip n’ slide. y/n loved the water, this was probably one of the first of david's idea she wasn't hesitant about, which says a lot for all the ideas that come from him. 
the set up was perfect, the huge line of tarp expanded down the hill, the sunset, and the water. jeff, y/n, zane, heath, and mariah stopped by the store to get floaties, oils, and soaps. the floaties were zane and y/n’s idea. 
everyone was now gathered at motley with the proper essentials, they were ready to start the video. y/n wore one of the new bikinis she got with carly, erin, and suzy a few weeks ago on their monthly shopping trip. she hadn't had the chance to wear it yet and it was probably the sturdiest swimsuit owned.
“baby! get in the donut with me!” zane shouted at y/n, who was talking to erin and mariah. she had no intentions of going first and the entire slide somehow collapsing in on itself- that was zanes thing. but despite her doubt, she hopped on the back of the tube, letting todd and heath push them over the edge. the anticipation of getting down the slide was worse than coming in contact with the lake, even though y/n completely flew out of the floaty into the air as they reached the bottom. 
jeff ran over to y/n as she got closer to the top of the hill. “are you okay?” he asked, a concerned look on his face, he scanned her entire body to check for any injuries and her bikini straps before throwing a towel around her shoulders. he always worried about her when she did all the crazy stuff with zane or for david's vlog because she is the clumsiest and most oblivious person he's ever met. she will basically do anything anyone asked of her because of her kind and reckless nature. 
“did you see that!” y/n flung her arms around in the air, she had a huge rush of adrenaline from the slide but the longer she had both of her feet planted on the ground the faster she was starting to crash from that same rush. “actually i think i need to sit down,” she said, allowing jeff to lead her to the peak of the hill and set her down next to david who had his camera pointed straight at them. y/n’s heavy breathing attracted the attention of Jason and Josh- the parents of the group. josh plucked the towel off of her shoulders to inspect her back to see a dark red, raging rash along her upper back. he then moved around back to her front, he gently grabbed her chin to look at her eyes before instructing y/n to open her mouth. her tongue was swollen. “y/n, you’re having an allergic reaction.” Josh said calmly. “what are you allergic to?” she tried to speak but couldn’t from the coughing and heavy breathing. by now the entire group as circled around them trying to see what was wrong with their friend. 
natalie pushed past the crowd to get next to jeff. “she’s allergic to bees,” she burst out, watching as jeff and zane share a look but natalie decided to ignore it to focus on y/n. “we should take her to the hospital unless someone has an epipen.” after a few seconds in the silence jeff picked up his girlfriend, hurrying to carry her to his car. he explained the prank he pulled on zane for his video that he didn’t know she had a bee allergy. 
david, jason, josh, natalie, todd, and zane all piled into jeff’s car to travel with y/n to the ER. jason constantly told jeff he was an idiot the entire ride there. y/n was in between natalie and todd in the backseat, she had started wheezing soon after they got in the car, only adding to the coughing and heavy breathing. 
jeff didn’t even park the car before getting out to take y/n in the hospital, as soon as he stepped foot in the building he was shouting to nurses to get the sick girl help. they acted quickly, helping jeff get her into a room before they immediately started getting her on oxygen and got her an epi-shot. everyone was forced out of the room so they had room to treat on y/n. 
“jeff, calm down. the doctor said we got her here in time, she’s going to be okay.” natalie told a frantic jeff who hadn’t stopped pacing since they got kicked out. she has been trying to calm him down for about thirty minutes but nothing has helped. he can’t help but like this entire situation was his fault, even though he didn’t know. he was completely shaken by events of the day. 
when they were finally allowed back in, y/n was asleep due to the sedative they gave her to stabilize her body down from the shock. she looked absolutely pitiful hooked up to all the machines, even though they were only for vitals and to watch her heart and lungs. natalie, jason, and david were quick to excuse themselves to find food and water for everyone when y/n woke up- they were really trying to let jeff and y/n have space, zane and todd didn’t get the memo. 
“did you know she was allergic to bees?” jeff question his two friends left in the room with him. he needed to know to ease his mind that he wasn’t the only clueless moron who didn’t know she was allergic to freaking bees. 
zane and todd shook their heads no. “she never told me anything.” todd replied. 
running his fingers through his hair, a long, heavy sigh escaped jeff’s lips. “fuck, i just feel so stuid. it’s really messing me up, man. y/n could have died and it would’ve been my fault, the one person i can’t live without could have died on my hands.” he paused, looking at all the equipment attached to her. “i’ve seen and heard a lot of shit but this really fucks me up, you know.” todd put a comforting hand on jeff’s shoulder, he felt for him, jeff wasn’t one to show much emotion so to see him this shaken up makes him upset. 
“it was all of us, jeff. we all agreed on the prank, we didn’t know but i don’t think she blames you,” zane told his friend, his eyes trailing to an awake y/n behind him. jeff followed his gaze to his girlfriend who had tears building in her eyes. his mind immediately went to bad reasons of why she was upset but he was so, so wrong. zane and todd hurriedly gave y/n a hug before making their way out the room to let the couple talk. 
jeff opened his mouth to speak but y/n cut him off before he could ramble out a ton of apologies. “first off, i’m not mad, i could never be mad at something so innocent. i mean, i didn’t even tell you- or anyone for that matter. which now i see was stupid but i never thought i would run into many bees in LA. secondly, what you said- that was so fucking sweet, like really fucking sweet. no one in my life has cared about me the way you do and i couldn’t say thank you enough.” she bit her lip to try and conceal her sob but it came out anyway. “and i- i really love you for it, for everything. god, i probably will never be mad at you so anything. i would end up in a million hospitals just to hear you say those things again.” everything she said was true, y/n loved him and what better time to tell him than in the ER. his silence was setting a bad feeling in the pit of her chest though, many doubtful thoughts rushing through her head. had she said the wrong thing? was it too soon? did he hate her for not telling him about the allergy? “please say something or do something- just anything. p-please.” 
“you love me?” he asked.
“yeah, i really fucking love you,” she exclaimed, another sob leaving her lips. the twinkle in jeff’s eye could be seen from a mile away. he swiftly made his way to the bed, bringing y/n in for an embrace, he maintained the urge to squeeze and never let go ever again. they held each other for ages, they were the people in the building- in the world right now.
jeff lifted his head from the crook of her neck. “i really fucking love you too.” he said before bringing her into a long, passionate kiss which was interrupted by their friends joining them in the room once again. 
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jisokai · 6 years
I'd very much appericiate it if you could write a scenario involving a cat loving MC living with Jumin who ironically is also allergic to cats. Basically just explain how they work together to love and embrace cats but at the same time not kill MC with her allergies.
thank you for sending this and waiting so patiently!! this is such a cute scenario and im happy to deliver!
i have gotten a couple asks about the jumin cheating scenario and im working hard to come up with the endings!! thank you all for waiting and i will try to complete them in the same sitting,, anyways onto this ask!!
scenario - jumin with an mc whos alleric to cats and how they manage
- first and foremost, he wants to applaud your love for them even though youre allergic, muttering something about zen being incompetent- when you first come over, he rushes around to make sure there isnt a lot of fur sitting around for you to touch- if you decide to move in with him, he will make sure the furniture is always super clean and she stays away from areas you reside in a lot- you offer to take allergy medicine so he doesnt have to do all that work, but he insists he doesnt want you going out of your way for him- if your allergies are super bad he might agree, but still does all the extra work to keep everything clean so it wont irritate you- he will also make sure to mark certain areas as places she cant go to so you arent forced to share areas with her- however, if you have more relaxed allergies (my moms allergies are very light and she only gets a rash,, she can pet them because the skin on her hands is thicker(??)/rougher than her arms or face, but she cant touch her eyes or anything after.. that was unneeded information but its how im basing this part of the scenario skjjsd), he wont be so uptight- he’ll baby you a lot and be overly cautious, constantly telling you not to push yourself- but if medicine will eradicate the allergies entirely, hes all up for it- but if not, he’ll continue to take cautionary measures, ensuring good bathing and grooming for her constantly- its sad you cant all curl up together in bed, but he makes sure to ensure the happiness of you both
thank you for reading!! feel free to check out my masterlist for more works!!
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penny-nichols · 2 years
they did that in 6-4?? i skipped the game (and i dont mind getting spoiled at this point, im just too tired to play aa6) but seeing from what you said about him, i was shocked they pull the “oh hes actually a good guy” card on him
the dick victims in trilogy are complete asses and they deserved whats coming but at least they’re interesting as characters (to me) while this guy looks and feels so plain
and whos the victim in 4-2? i forgot
YEAH they did that and the way they tried to show it was by having him try to make Udon noodles instead of Soba (a big plot point is about how Geiru is allergic to buckwheat so she can't even really touch soba dough without breaking out into a rash, and it IS a serious, probably deadly allergy) and like. The whole thing is that she didn't WANT to be a balloon artist she wanted to be a rakugo performer because her father was Uendo Toneido and she wanted to take on his name but Taifu (the victim) passed her over in favor of Uendo/Patches/Kisegawa/Owen (the system, also why I'm specifying because I don't think we have a name for the host OTHER than Uendo which would get confusing in this explanation) but Taifu encouraged her to be a balloon artist and I think? Just based on things? That he's kinda the reason she was using balloon tits to be appealing and stuff (it's been like 6? 9? months since I played the case I don't fully remember everything but I remember thinking that) and he didn't tell her thathe cared or anything he was just. Making udon instead of Soba and Athena acted like it was a tragedy that she didn't know and jumped to conclusions by killing him? Like, girl, he had it coming.
Anyway. Victim in 4-2 was Pal Meraktis, doctor who lied about removing the bullet from Wocky's heart and thought he killed Alita and was going to dump her body in the river. So like. He's not a good person. Don't get me wrong, she's not the best either but she was kinda a girlboss ngl
ALSO YEAH VICTIMS WHO ARE AWFUL ARE SO GOOD (I mean, I'm a Turnabout Samurai and Farewell my Turnabout fan, liking characters who are awful but get their comeuppance in a violent fashion but still deserve justice is kinda in the job description)
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Binding with TransTape/KT tape (Open chest binding)
Lee and Kai say:
We have been receiving some asks about binding with tape recently, and so we’ve decided to post our blog’s opinions on it: 
We have heard of people getting skin irritations or sores from either wearing it too long or from removing it, but we don’t know as much about ribs and breathing and such. We think it can still damage the ribs because it stops being elastic when stretched to a certain point, especially if it’s wrapped around fully. It seems it would stretch the skin more than binding and make your skin less elastic possibly, and having tape on the same parts of the skin for a long time is not a good idea because it can damage the skin. Basically, there are a lot of unknowns- there isn’t much research on it yet, so we can’t say for sure it’s safer to bind with a traditional binder or not
Tape binding also seems like it would only work with small-chested folks, and folks with a bigger chest would probably find binding with a binder to be more effective.
Over time, tape binding would be less cost-effective than binding because you have to keep buying somewhat expensive tape while you can use a binder for years if you take care of it.
The other issue is you’re supposed to follow the same safe binding guidelines when tape binding as you do with binding with a binder- but the website wrote “TransTape was intended for multiple day use and can be worn up to 5 days depending on your level of activity and how often you are showering.” 
Generally speaking, you shouldn’t be sleeping while binding or binding 24/7 because you need to give your body a rest. So the way the product is supposed to be used (binding for a week without any breaks) is inherently unsafe.
Overall, we recommend binding with a binder over binding with tape. Our Binding FAQ has info on safe binding with a binder and How to buy a binder without parents knowing.
If you decide to try tape binding, here’s some info/tips:
Do not use duct tape or packing tape, only use tape meant for the body like KT Tape or TransTape. If the tape you’re using is causing skin problems, it’s possible it doesn’t have a type of adhesive that is body-safe.
Info from a company rep on tips to reduce irritation when using KT Tape regularly on sensitive skin on the chest
General do’s and dont’s of binding with KT tape
Warning: picture of irritated skin & blisters from using KT tape and not removing it properly
A picture of someone binding with KT tape to show how it’s done
A blogger’s opinions on the pros and cons of tape binding
Warning from a trans nurse on Trans Tape binding, and another
Trans Tape’s website: How to: Minimize Skin Irritation
Here is another good post about trans tape binding to check out!
KT Tape info from r/ftm:
KT Tape Megathread
“An alternative to using a binder is KT Tape, or kinesthetic tape, which is tape that is meant to be adhered to your skin to provide joint support to athletes. It comes in a roll of pre-cut strips for around $12, although there are generic brands that cost less. The primary benefit of binding with KT Tape is that it does not constrict your chest at all and can be left on for a few days at a time, so it's really comfortable and you can put it on and forget about it for a while. It is okay to swim or shower with.
Here (NSFW) is a visual guide on how it is applied, as well as some written instructions. The gist of how you use it is as follows:
Cut the strips in half (so you have two shorter pieces) to conserve them.
Cover your nipples with a bandaid, gauze, etc. to protect them.
Place the leading edge of the tape on the front of your chest, near or over your nipple.
Stretch everything back and to the side, under your armpit, and adhere the tape.
Rub the tape to activate the adhesives.
You may need to use more than one strip to get flat enough.
It is most effective for people with smaller chests (C cup and smaller, and C cup is iffy). The bigger your chest, the more tape you will need to use--but only to a certain point.
The primary complaint people have in terms of comfort with KT Tape is that the adhesives can irritate your skin, and it can be difficult to remove and take some skin with it. Here are some tips to help mitigate that:
Soak the tape in oil (baby oil, olive oil, vegetable oil, etc) for about 10 minutes before removing.
Take the tape off in the shower, preferably after soaking with oil.
The manufacturer recommends applying milk of magnesia to your skin before putting the tape on to minimize irritation.
/End quote from r/ftm”
Jay says:
I wouldn’t recommend binding with tape. Frequent use of KT tape (which is all trans tape is) can damage the skin. A lot of people believe that because the tape stretches, it’s safe. I disagree. For this tape to actually bind, you have to stretch it out too far. It becomes stiff and doesn’t “give” enough, and overstretched tape is very bad for the skin. Rashes are probably the best case scenario tbh, because the adhesive can be irritating to the sensitive skin on the chest. If the tape isn’t applied basically perfectly, you could get blistering, scarring, and skin breakdown.
A big issue that I have with trans tape specifically is that the creator of it is not a medical professional or anything. He saw that some people could bind with KT tape so he had a wider version made that would be easier to use for binding. I don’t trust any of his advice about how to apply or remove the tape, or how to protect the skin or what to do if you’re hurt. Some of what he suggested with the tape and skin protection and all (at least from what I remember from the last time I saw the website) is the exact opposite of what medical professionals have told me. Since he’s not a medical professional and knowing what I know about this kind of tape I don’t really believe much of what they say about the safety and all of the tape. My old physical therapist who used to tape my shoulders also told me that putting it on the chest wasn’t a great idea.
There’s no research or anything about this though, so we have is anecdotal evidence.
Here are a couple of things I’d suggest:
Whether they use KT or trans tape, they should stretch it maybe 2/3 of the way out. A lot of people will stretch it as far as it goes, but if it won’t “give” more once it’s on it’s as bad as duct tape.
Don’t put tape on any irritated or injured skin. At all, ever.
Open wounds, blisters, or irritation that’s being stubborn and not going away should be looked at by a doctor.
Take breaks. I honestly wouldn’t suggest wearing it for more than a couple of days per week.
Sleeping in it isn’t ideal, despite what the trans tape people say. Like I said, if it’s stretched all the way out (how most people seem to wear it), sleeping in it can cause damage over time.
Kii says:
Personally, while I know TransTape has its risks, which you should definitely do your own research on, I’ve found that’s personally the only somewhat comfortable way for me to bind, so I would definitely encourage you to try out different binding methods, because if you have chronic pain, you might find some methods of binding easier than others.
Followers say:
Anon said: Hey! I highly recommend not using or suggesting KT tape to people for binding. I used it twice before and both times it made me bleed... I don't have sensitive skin or anything either. I really would never reccomend this method for anyone. (B cup, Pre T)
theconn-man said: ive haf a similar problem w KT Tape!!!! I didnt bleed but it ripped my skin off, even working it off in the shower with warm water and soap. i'm a B cup as well. I had what looked like a rash for the next few days and irritation
cane-diamour said: I’ve had sports tape on my knee, which is probably less sensitive than the chest area, but it does hurt a ton to take it off dry. I also have a slight allergy to latex adhesive (think bandaid glue), so it did cause some irritation. Be sure to not leave it on for a long time, and take it off slowly.
meanwhilemisha22 said: Im no expert but Ive heard trans/kt tape can ruin your rib cage
demiiboy said: I tried using KT tape in the way that you're supposed to and it triggered the same rib problems that binding does for me
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ripplestitchskein · 8 years
Can i ask you to share your routine? My skin is pretty bad so I'm always wanting to try new things
Of course! It’s one of my favorite subjects. I’m pretty obsessed, some people are probably so sick of me talking about it. Also I would recommend The Original Beauty Bible as a resource (the lovely @thegladelf told me about it and it’s awesome) and r/SkincareAddiction on Reddit.
I’ve changed things up but I’ll post both routines, I just added some new things. My routine is a bit intense because, like I said, I’m obsessed but I also find it incredibly relaxing and just nice. It’s like treating yourself everyday. And I enjoy the research and science and trying new things aspect:
1. Remove makeup, I use either Micellar water or ponds cold cream. Usually the cold cream because it’s the only thing I’ve found that gently removes my eye makeup. Always remove your makeup. Even if you don’t do anything else. Makeup wipes can be crazy harsh with all the rubbing and tugging.2. Wash with gentle cleanser. I use Cetaphil. No microbeads or anything that will be rough on my skin.3. Toner to lower the PH of my skin so my actives will absorb better. I have a glycolic acid cleansing toner but I also use witch hazel. 4. Serum - I use the Super Serum from Silk Naturals. Some people put this on after spot treatments but my research indicates it’s better and more effective at the lower PH. The Silk Naturals is the only one that has both Vitamin C and niacinamide. Normally you don’t mix those but they use a different kind than the kind found in vitamin c only serums.5. Chemical exfoliant: BHA - I currently use stridex in the red box a few times a week. Not everyday because its too much for my skin. I don’t use a regular AHA currently because I’m in the middle of a lactic acid chemical peel series and I don’t want to overwhelm it but I might incorporate one to switch off with. 6. Spot treatment - benzoyl peroxide on spots only.7. Moisturizer
That’s my PM routine. AM is just cleanser, moisturizer, sunscreen (vital especially since I use chemical exfoliants which cause photosensitivity and not using one makes it pointless since it makes the hyperpigmentation I’m fading worse even with limited exposure, it’s been hard finding one that doesn’t break me out or fuck with my makeup though) then primer and makeup.
I’m switching things up by switching to oil based double cleansing so I’ll clean with grape seed oil first and cold cream for eye makeup. Then wash with cleanser.
I’m also adding in another Serum (snail mucin)which actually comes after the chemical exfoliants.
Im also adding in a separate niacinamide serum when it gets here.
I’ll be using hydrocolloid bandages on active spots as well as zinc oxide cream (basically diaper rash cream) on cysts as my acne is almost exclusively hormonal and cystic, only below my nose on my chin and jaw. My cheeks, nose and forehead are almost always perfectly clear. There is some evidence that zinc oxide can help cystic acne reduce and heal faster but it’s not conclusive, really I’m doing it because it doesn’t hurt and I won’t mess with it if I have something on it ditto the bandages. I have a tendency to cause huge gashes in my face messing with them. Luckily I don’t have any pits or scars from doing this but I certainly don’t want to tempt fate.
I’ve also found putting Vaseline on after everything on healing spots (I pick my face if I’m not being mindful) does WONDERS for healing time and helps my concealer cover them up because the areas aren’t dry. Just a thin layer.
General things I do is never touch my face unless I’m not paying attention and picking. I always use a clean towel everyday or just let it air dry. Regularly wash my makeup sponge and brushes, don’t use my phone except hands free cause then I do get blemishes on my cheeks cause phones are gross, and change my pillow case everyday (I use a tshirt).
I also do a honey mask once a week on Sundays with my hair mask, more often if I’m having a bad skin week. It’s wonderful and it tastes delicious.
And I’ve been doing a chemical peel series on Saturdays with 40% lactic acid.
It’s a lot on paper but I’m doing other stuff while this going on, I’m not chained to the bathroom or anything. I give everything a 15-20 downtime between so I’m reading or working on school or having dinner etc while all this is going on, I just wander back into the bathroom to apply the next thing. It’s really not as intense as it looks.
Also it WORKS. I used to have severe acne, like to the point people asked me if I had an allergy or condition. Easily 20-30+ different marks on my face a day all concentrated around my chin and jaw. Now I consider a bad breakout 4-5 and really only see them in the weeks surrounding my period. I’ve gone a few menstrual cycles with only only 1 or 2 the entire time.
My skin is much brighter, my pores are smaller, my face is so smooth and lovely it’s hard NOT to touch it. I’ll even leave the house without foundation occasionally which was NEVER a possibility before.
It took YEARS to get to this point, and now I’m kind of in the phase where I’m enjoying trying new stuff and maximizing its potential. The only downside is I do kind of go overboard when I do breakout from something like the sunscreen or a. new foundation (I’m on a foundation mission), but I honestly feel like this is one of the most worthwhile things I do for myself.
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cynthiamwashington · 6 years
Nine Doctors Couldn’t Help Me
It’s Monday, everyone! And that means another Primal Blueprint Real Life Story from a Mark’s Daily Apple reader. If you have your own success story and would like to share it with me and the Mark’s Daily Apple community please contact me here. I’ll continue to publish these each Monday as long as they keep coming in. Thank you for reading!
My primal journey started in 2010. I had just attended my last Weight Watchers meeting ever. I had been doing Weight Watchers since 2005, and was at my highest weight ever. I was massively obese, I was severely lethargic, and I lived with daily brain fog. I was having miscarriages, but was being told there was nothing wrong with me. I went to a new doctor who told me that when I got pregnant again, I should come in and immediately start running tests so that when I lost it, we might have some insight as to why.
That was at the end of April. I was depressed and desperate. My dad had stumbled onto Mark Sisson’s website and pushed me to try Primal eating. I was extremely skeptical. In 2001, when I had first started dealing with health issues, I had been diagnosed with peripheral insulin resistance and had tried the Atkins diet. I was living in a dorm room at the time and failed miserably. So I was skeptical about trying another low carb restrictive diet.
But what did I have to lose?
Within a month of going Primal, I had lost several pounds, my brain fog was slowly clearing, and my gut was healing (another problem I hadn’t realized existed!).
And in July, I got pregnant again. This time it stuck. My son was born 9 months later. After 3 miscarriages, I am firmly convinced that I stayed pregnant because of my diet changes, and I became a full Primal convert.
After my son was born, I immediately resumed my Primal lifestyle. His first real food was bacon, and he loved liver as soon as he was old enough for real food. I continued the Primal journey, and continued slowly losing the weight and regaining my health.
Then I got pregnant again. This pregnancy was a whole different situation. I had hyperemesis gravidarum for both pregnancies, but this time I couldn’t eat anything. I lived off of cinnamon rolls, as they were the only thing I seemed able to keep down, and I drank nothing but gatorade. I was miserable, I was unbelievably adverse to the smell of all meat so I couldn’t even try to be Primal. I developed eczema on my arm so badly that I had to wear sleeves to work so my clients wouldn’t think I’d contracted ringworm! Luckily, my daughter was born healthy. I ended that pregnancy 10 lbs above where I started. And then my health disappeared.
The rash on my arm never really went away. I soon had eczema on my legs as well. Furthermore, I was so constipated that I wouldn’t go to the bathroom for days at a time and had constant crippling, severe stomach cramps. I had horrible brain fog, and who knows how much of that was a daughter who wouldn’t sleep versus dietary issues.
But more importantly, when she was not quite a year old, I broke out with hives. At first we didn’t know what they were and thought they were bed bug bites! Finally we clued in and I went to the allergy doctor. I knew I was reactive to wheat. As soon as I had cut it out in 2010, I noticed I got sick every time I ate it. I was suspicious of eggs and dairy. But I tested positive to literally every single food, plant, and animal they tested me for with the exception of white fish!
He immediately confirmed that it was an allergy problem. But that night I ended up in the emergency room with full body, raised, angry red, large diameter hives (like inches in diameter). He put me on all sorts of steroids, antihistamines, and beta-blockers. I cut everything out of my diet, and literally ate nothing but unflavored ground beef and vegetables for months.
And the huge, angry, red, full-body hives never went away.
I went from the allergist through eight other doctors. I went to conventional doctors, homeopathic doctors, acupuncturists, herbalists, etc. The hives never went away. I finally took myself off of all meds because they were turning me into a zombie. Unfortunately, even off of meds, nothing improved. One doctor started me on progesterone, thinking it was a hormonal problem because my cycles were so irregular (they had been like clockwork up until my daughter), and that made me much sicker. Unfortunately, those side effects didn’t go away once I took myself back off the meds.
Finally, out of sheer desperation, I gave up. I stopped going to doctors. I cleaned my diet up to be 100% Primal. I started meditating daily. I changed my job to reduce the stress.
And between less stress and diet improvements, finally, the hives started to go away. It had been a year and a half. They weren’t gone completely until after the two year mark, and even as recently as a few months ago they’d still pop up if I became too stressed or ate the wrong things.
Since then, my health has been a slow improvement. The eczema slowly disappeared. My gut slowly healed. But my weight wouldn’t drop. All the signs that showed up when I was put on hormones (heavier periods, breasts that were so sore you couldn’t look at them for a full 2 weeks each cycle, twenty day cycles) were still present. And I was plateaued. I would drop to 188 lb (I’m 5’3), but could never get below that number.
I was stuck there for nearly 3 years. I was feeling better overall, but I was stuck. I would be extremely clean for about 2 months, then I would give up since my weight wasn’t shifting anyway. Then a week later I’d be back to Primal eating because the brain fog and low energy would have come back.
Finally, this last spring, I broke that plateau. I had been 100% Primal for a few months, finally, and everything suddenly balanced. My cycles regulated, I stopped being in pain, and my weight finally started to drop again.
It’s still a journey. I’m not quite to my ideal weight yet as I’ve hit several other plateaus since. But for someone who has been obese since they were 16, now that I finally know what works for me, I can be patient. And more importantly, being Primal allowed me to heal up such severe disease after nine doctors couldn’t help me that I became an even stronger advocate than I’d been before.
I was already a licensed veterinarian and was using Primal principles in my animal patients, but after finally healing my own body, I became a certified Primal Health Coach so I could help the humans as well!
So what have I done since I received my certification? Since I received my certification, my life has gone in all sort of directions!
I was already using Primal principles in my holistic veterinary practice. I have absolutely continued using those principles to help heal the pups who walk through my door, and I have created an educational website and Facebook group for owners interested in healing their pets through diet!
However, I still wanted to help people, too.
When I first graduated, I obtained two informal coaching clients. One was a friend of my mother’s who had suffered from IBD, allergies, inability to lose weight, and masses around her thyroid (although they said her thyroid values were normal).
When we first started talking, she was eating grains with most meals, avoiding fat, and filling her diet with things like vegetable oil!
The first thing we did was cut the grains and vegetable oil, reintroduce real foods, and increase the healthy fats.
Within a month, she had lost 20 pounds, her energy was returning, and her IBD was feeling more controlled than ever!
My other client was a friend of mine who had also suffered from IBD, but who also had her gallbladder removed a few years before. In addition, she couldn’t lose weight and had all sorts of fluctuations in her hormones.
Again, with nothing more than diet changes, she slowly started to recover. Her weight decreased more slowly, but it was the first time she had ever succeeded in getting it off! More importantly, the IBD that flared with every menstrual cycle started staying controlled, and her hormones started to balance.
However, that wasn’t the end of coaching for me.
Around this time, I started having other veterinarians approaching me, asking how I had changed my life around. I had gone from severely burned out and feeling trapped and desperate in my job to outsourcing myself from my own business, moving to another state, and learning to love life and travel again!
And they wanted to know how I had done it.
Well, the first answer to that question was that when I started to get my stress under control (which started with getting my diet and health under control), then changes just started to take place that allowed me to completely turn my lifestyle around.
So I also began coaching veterinarians and other health care professionals on how to change their lives around. That coaching isn’t just about health, but health is almost always a piece of what we have to cover since these are women under massive loads of stress, and we have to deal with the health effects of that stress.
Today, I do both health coaching and mindset coaching. I believe in helping people live their best lives, and I will use whatever means necessary to help them do that! So while much of my focus is on veterinarians and other health care professionals, I still do regular health coaching as well.
I teach people that it is definitely possible to live the life of your dreams, and in my case, it all started with learning about ancestral health!
– Jenny Elwell-Gerken
Jenny’s listing in the Primal Health Coach Institute Directory
Website: www.drjeg.com
The post Nine Doctors Couldn’t Help Me appeared first on Mark's Daily Apple.
Article source here:Marks’s Daily Apple
0 notes
1, 3, 5, 7?
1. Is a kiss considered cheating?
Yea? If you’re like officially dating someone then you shouldn’t go around doing anything that’s considered “romantic” with someone else. It’s not as bad as full on cheating but like still, you’re committed to each other, so chill out.
3. If you could have one superpower, what would it be?
oooooooooooooo light manipulation. That’s a v cool power. Telekinesis is cool too but I think you’d get migraines and that’s Not Cool. For non ‘awesome’ powers, I’d say like intuition? That’s a good power. Plus you’d be a good weather person.
5. Tell us some funny drunk story.
Well I’m allergic to alcohol and underaged so sorry bud. I guess I can tell the story of how I learned about my allergy? 
Anyways it was at my bat mitzvah and my bat mitzvah was on a friday night instead of a saturday morning bc my grandfather wanted to go to a football game on my original service day/official birthday (which is why i chose that day for my service! the portion sucked ass and had a super long haftarah but i wanted it on my official birthday! i had it planned for like 3 years!!) so like two days before we send out invitations my grandfather makes us change everything and im pissed. but anyways bc it was shabbat we did the shabbat blessings like before the reg service. so im blessin the wine and all that shit and i have my like 2 oz of manischewitz and home girl gets the biggest fuckin rash you’ve ever seen. like it was bumpy and red and you can clearly see it from the bima. and like i’m wearing a strapless dress so like you can see it across my chest, my back, my arms. its fuckin horrible. anyways i rush through the tallit blessing bc i gotta get something to cover me. and like i did my service and it was fine but i itched so much and anyways that’s how i found out i was allergic to alcohol
 7. If you had to choose one way to die, what would it be? 
For real? In my sleep or some shit. I joke about dying in a blaze of glory but like nah, I don’t like pain, I’m not into that.
0 notes
vegils · 8 years
ange (angel): what’s your opinion on religion? do you believe in anything?
i believe that religion plays a vital role for a lot of people and i don’t have anything against it unless the particular religion exploits its followers. sometimes i believe in something, sometimes i don’t. days i believe in something makes me feel good, i don’t know if it’s a god or spirit. i don’t really follow catholicism (the religion i was born under) or anything. i just do my thang. i once went to a born-again christian camp before i started university and it changed my perspective from being v v v nonreligious to understanding the beauty of practice, faith n forgiveness
bisou (kiss): what’s your favorite place to be kissed?
on the cheek because anyone could kiss me on the cheek if they wanted to, it’s a friendly n endearing gesture and everyone should feel like they’re touchable 
brûler (to burn): what are you most passionate about?
i haven’t found it yet, maybe learning i don’t obsess over knowledge but i get a rush when i acquire something new each day 
câlin (hug): who was the last person you hugged?
baymax in disneyworld omg :( :( :( he is so satisfying to hug :( 
chaleur (heat): what are your favorite kinks?
i dont have real “”kinks”” i just lov curly hair n sweet eyes n ppl who humor me
chatoyer (to shimmer): what is sure to make you cry?
empathy, praise on days i think v lowly of myself, the movie My Girl, homesickness, anything reaally
chaussettes (socks): what do you misplace the most?
not 2 be fake deep, but myself i think maybe i have an identity crisis at least 5/7 days a week
citronnade (lemonade): what’s your favorite beverage?
i like water n lemonade n iced tea
coquillage (seashell): what’s your favorite sound?
someone whispering to me, it makes my brain tickle! and water sounds like waves crashing or a fountain running 
croquis (sketch): are you artistic? what’s your favorite medium?
i have no idea man like i like art and i dabble in it but i’m not Artsy and i’m not in the Art scene and i’m trying not to pressure myself in it because that only leads me to not actively practice it; i like paper n pencil im bad with colors and other mediums of art 
doux (soft): where do you feel most safe?
i feel the safest in my bedroom
écarlate (scarlet): is it easy to make you blush?
v v v v v v v v v v easy im very easy to make blush it could be about anything you could tell me u thought about me at some ugly moment in ur life and i’d blush
éclatant (dazzling): what was your first favorite song?
when i was a baby/toddler my parents always sang “till there was you” by the beatles and every time i hear it i feel so loved n i remember being craddled into their arms and being rocked around as they’d sing it to me 
étoile (star): believe in astrology?
i like astrology and i’m sometimessssss dependent on it when i’m thinking about people i admire and our compatibility but it doesn’t run my life
floraison (bloom): do you believe in love?
i’d like to believe in romantic love i’ve never fallen in love like real love with someone who i think could possibly love me back that deeply but like ordinary love? i’ve started to tell people i love them a lot more i’ve started to see it as something lighthearted and not permanent n damaging-ly serious and something that ppl need to hear now n then ever since i saw this video 
libellule (dragonfly): what’s your favorite super power?
never think about this, like, ever
luciole (firefly): what was your dream job when you were little?
as a child, i wanted to become a painter but i don’t know how to use paint! 
nuage (cloud): what is your dream job now?
i don’t think my dream job exists, maybe somewhere creative but i’d like to work in several different kind of areas if that makes sense? i don’t want to be stuck in one field i wish i could be a professional in everything
orage (thunderstorm): are you scared of storms?
only tropical storms and storms that are so powerful i can see the streets flood
papillon (butterfly): any allergies?
to dust, sometimes dairy (i get rashes sometimes depending how much i consume??) and alcohol but i drink it anyway even if im red n itchy
parapluie (umbrella): favorite kind of weather?
when it’s sunny but there’s a cool breeze constantly, like… 60s/70s
péripatéticien (wanderer): believe in ghosts?
it’s difficult 
piscine (swimming pool): do you like swimming?
i do!!!! i love it!
plaisir (pleasure): your favorite dessert?
hmm creme brulee? gelato? i love all dessert though so it’s v hard to think 
pleuvoir (to rain): do you blow dry your hair or let it air dry?
let it air dry unless i’m hanging out w people who constantly comment on how wet my hair is 
sirène (mermaid): any tattoos? If not, do you want any?
none n i don’t think i plan on having any 
soleil (sun): all time favorite concert you’ve been to?
cant say i love any concert i went to ever i dont rly like em
tournesol (sunflower): favorite flower?
chrysanthemums and peonies
0 notes
yung-cringe-blog · 8 years
Where Your Acne Is And What It Looks Like Can Tell You What’s Causing It
Thus checking out your problem areas could give you I was there to become a certified open water diver, a classification that should allow me to scuba dive in the world's most fascinating waters. We watched a video titled Risk awareness for scuba diving and went over basics from the first chapters of our textbook, Open Water Diver, similar to how to select and use our equipment and how being underwater affects our bodies. Know what, I really enjoyed reading everyones posts and the Chinese Face Mapping. So here is a question. Any advice on that for women my age?
I am sure it's hormonal and bacterial gether and that is why it's so a problem to shed. I have considered getting on birth control to if you're at this point after that, don't sweat it. Merry christmas and happy holidays my Love Vitamins! Christmas present for yourself? I'm having a holiday sale on my Naturally Clear Skin Academy. Online. January 3rd! Usually. In the initial stage they dint hurt but nearly any time I think they are bout to disappear, others come under the skin and have now began to hurt a little. Anyways, Been attempting to zone in on what could have been the cause but not quite sure. A well-known fact that is. Am on the coil and I donno if thats not working anymore.
So figured out that sugars and oily food stuffs also cause them from time to time.
Bout 3months ago I got this breakout that is on my forehead.
I really don't understand since I have never had such kind at really similar time. Know what, I have always had pimples everytime my period is round the corner. Certainly, They pop in random spots on my face. Besides, I have also been definitely super stressed for quite a while now though wouldn't know if that is the cause. I get candida and I've been treating an oth problem with that, when I take antibiotics. Basically, When am stressed my eating goes to zero. Small under the skin rashes and they seem to not go away. Makes me a lil uneasy coz they dont seem to go away. Although, They are not whiteheads as such but they do appear that way sometimes. Need my face back. My daughter has dreadful spots along her jawline which is obviously hormonal. She is trying for a baby for 6 years and now started IVF. I'm quite sure I wonder why they don't give her Actually I am sure That's a fact, it's either diet related.
I do consume a decent quantity of sugar daily.
To be honest I wish I could cut it out and eat SUPER healthy and everythingbut I AM 14 and I have tried it, and since I don't make my own food normally it's pretty hard. I ld my Mom, who is a CPM and going on CNM, and she said she does not suspect PCOS. Keep an open mind about these things -none of them are 100percentage accurate, conclusive, or true for everyone. They're just guidelines that may or may not be accurate for your particular case of acne. Of course, I hope you find them interesting and enlightening nonetheless! Maybe it's something in the water where you are that ain't in your hometown's water? That's either irritating your skin from the outside when you wash it, or reacting internally… for sake of example, sometimes people react to fluoride thelovevitamin.com/2744/'couldfluoridebecausingyouracne'/.
Actually I never had a real issue with my skin before I moved to Australia 5 Years ago.
I went to the doctors and asked to take I actually am now 25 and I have these funny little lumps on my forhead, they never develop into sore redish lumps. It's is so frustrating cause I work in a beauty industry and I know everything about a perfect skincare regime! Ok, and now one of the most important parts. As soon as the lump has healed a brand new one forms. I have wen on similar contraceptive more than 2 years. My boyfriend asked me the other day what rash is that. It is I get them around my mouth. Now regarding the aforementioned fact... They just sit there and I only remove them I squeeze them.
Hi, To be honest I am new to this and are reading and I am excited I am not alone however my face seems worse than most posted… I have cystic acne in zones 5, 9, 11, I have never had acne before and I am in my mid 30s.
It is very painful and my face is scaring and So it's so embarrassing.
I actually am planning to start again tonight. Usually, I have oral antibiotics but they don't seem to work. By the way I know I shouldn't let something just like this get me down but it does and I am just being honest. I can't tell you what amount doctors I'm to and what amount creams and washes I have tried over the last few years. Just keep reading. Again I am not very good at taking a pill everyday.
If you don't believe me Google candida acne antibiotics or something like that and read for yourself.
Two years later I am still fighting to get normal since not only did my skin get bad but it lead to bad eyes, thyroid, liver, intestines… don't let it get that bad for yourself.
It only messes up your body. STAY AWAY FROM ANTIBIOTICS LONG TERM!!! Best wishes!! Drys my skin out./ the struggle By the way I also have a bunch of blackish heads on my chin but there not bad/noticeable so they don't bother me.
My forehead is fine I rarely get pimples there, maybe the odd one every few months.
I get it badly on my checks Down wards my chin, it's like a trail.
I'm wondering if you could give me any advice. My diet is fine I eat healthy I drink coffee a fair bit but I also drink a bunch of greenish tea. The I get them under my jaw, near my chin and along down where my glands are./ I have adult eczema so my skin is constantly dry. For example, I can't go on aracutaine, It's not cystic acne. Oftentimes I'm only 19 and get similar problem. For example, Pimple cream helps with the redness but it just drys my skin out so I don't like to use it all that often. That's in different areas on my face, I actually don't like to have sugar as long as I break out. Therefore, It varies on my skin. I actually also exercise about 4 times a week for about half an hour and I try to drink 2 litres + of water daily. Since I'm still going through puberty and developing as we don't stop growing until where Salt water will attempting to fight the redundant fat, you should be exercising that could be causing your acne to get worse. I'm 34years old. Its very redish after a shower. I eat gluten free very healthy. Now please pay attention. When the skin flairsI have stomach digestion problems. Its really like that for quite a while thence will seem more normal again for awhile before it starts drying again. It is wrinkling way faster than I thought it should and is so dry looking even with coconut oil on it. Any idea where I shoukd start? Yes, that's right! For the past 6 months my face skin has gone thru stages of normal to very dry, dark red burning.
Never ever had a skin issue my whole life till 6 months ago so I'm at a loss as to where to atart.
Did you ever find anything?
The struggle I'm quite sure I am identical age, and legit have the same acne. You should take this seriously. By the way I moisturize with an equal part vaseline and honey mixture with small quantity of tea tree oil, and that seems to I'm almost sure I ok that to mean you were eating something that was causing problems in your gut, and in my case that was true. Cheeks are broken up into upper and say. This is the first map I've seen that doesn't include that. Consequently, I have seen a couple face maps that show cheeks being stomach. Time to start eating healthy, take a multivitamin, and probiotic I reckon!
The skin is merely reflecting the inflammation and damage going on inside. Social pressure or not, only one thing I have a question about is taking vitamin D with Vitamin I read that vitamin an and D don't mix well in high quantities since they counteract each other and can become xic to your body. You find this valid or should I start eating spinach and identical high sources of vitamin A, right? For the most part I've been in the process of changing my eating habits since early 2013 as in less processed and more fresh foods I dont really even eat meat except for nearly any once in a while although I do love seafood.
Hi Tracy so I finally think Ive figured out what the big problem is…and surely I have a wheat sensitivity or allergy which sucks being that I LOVE bread and most things made of or containing wheat especially sweets!
I figured it out just recently as I finally said to myself this needs to stop.
By the way I am addicted to sugar and its a habit I am working on breaking. I had been noticing that every time I ate something containing wheat that I will get a painful bump under my jaw and it was only on my left side but after that, it started to spread to my right side which was completely clear and this whole time I thought it was other factors similar to the oils from my hair or my pillow cases or even my hormones as last year I stopped taking bc and I thought that my system will just regulate its self but its a year later from so and my face is still acting up so anyways on Sunday the 9th of February, a week from today, I cut all wheat products out from my diet and guess what… I stopped getting painful lumps under my jaw and after that to test it on the 14th my bf and I went to eat Vietnamese and he had ordered egg rolls so just to see if I will get one I ate an egg roll and just as I thought I did get a couple painful lumps under my jaw line so I am pretty sure that is my problem as long as I also thought it I dont drink high sugary beverages just mainly water although I've been thinking about investing in probiotics to eliminate all that nasty wheat and regulate its self again.
Im preparing to do the hot cold compress tonight, and maybe apply some hydrocortisone to my be great, as its very painful. That's interesting. I've been on a very good diet for about a month, a little more. Im currently seeing a naturopath and have had the hair cell test done and was ld I have a range of problems, very low progesterone, liver conjested.
DIM supplements aswell for a few months. I read that when you first start taking progesterone cream it can exagerate symptoms as first. Jessica, I'm 23 years old. Known have beau's lines on both of my big toes. I went and got blood work and I am waiting for my results. I didn't take it serious. This all happened in the past 11 months, and I am now starting to notice more hair growth on my fingers, around my nipples, and side burns. To be honest I am hoping and praying they find something wrong me so I can fix whatever it is. Hi Tracey. Let me tell you something. My guess is it's either PCOS or thyroidism, maybe both. Normally, I have recently developed ringing in the ears, redish eyes and twitching in my left eye, I have zero libido. Now please pay attention. Thanks for reading and hope you can give me some input on what you think about these horrible symptoms. October, im lost for words to what's causing it. Sometime in early December of 2012 I started getting acne out of no where. Off, I started losing lots of hair, especially in the shower.
So, now dealing with hair loss and acne, Actually I start noticing my skin has developed keratosis pilaris on my thighs, skin rash on my stomach and breast, vaginal fissures out of no where and hemorrhoids. Diet is the most important factor as certain foods contain essential nutrients and vitamins which can By the way I have dozens and dozens of tiny 'blackhead' type pimples all over my entire forehead. Then again, they don't become whiteheads, A few are dark red. Like, completely covering it. Notice, about month ago, my entire face exploded. Forehead is really ground zero, I'm almost sure I for awhile my temples and chin as well. Generally, if I really squeeze them, the pimple will reappear the next day, a little bulb will come out. Can anyone suggest some good websites for teenage acne?
Seems like they will be fundamentally different. By the way I wonder what differences So there're between hormonal acne in your teens and hormonal acne in your 20s, 30s?? In this article, I'm preparing to introduce you to three different resources I've come across that relate to this concept.The first one is Chinese face mapping, the second is a chart that Fran from High on Health came up with, and the third is a chart from the acne ebook ‘Diagnose Your Acne‘. Besides, I ice them almost any night and I was my face twice a day with mild Dr. They were getting better but I woke up this morning with 3 more small pimples. Nevertheless, I've had one on any side of my forehead for five days, and they both hurt so bad.
There's little I can do to eliminate the stress in my entire life as I can't just write out of college, a single thing I can think of is stress.
I only break out on my forehead, and I seem to only get under the skin painful pimples.
Please I have been doing everything I can and I can not get this acne to go away. Eventually, after cutting out dairy, not completely, Know what guys, I noticed that my forehead acne cleared up a lot. Bronner's soap. Generally, If my skin gets dry I use coconut oil. Now pay attention please. It's really hurting my self esteem. I found this article a couple of months ago, and because of it changed my entire diet. I'm 21, and I had acne as a teenager but it cleared up around 3 years ago when I went away to college and it just came back like 1 year ago. With that said, I drink water and eat healthy, what am I doing wrong?
Thank you very much!!!
I was an avid pot smoker, and I just quit last night thanks to this chart….
I believe your blog is all about to save my life!!! Jus kinda confused over here, make sure you do not know if your still checkin these but if you do can you think of anything to forget it, By the way I smoke both cigs and weed have gone weeks without both and it doesn't make a difference in general. As a result, You can't even see them but they still bother me. Of course, Hey tracy, the chinese face map doesnt really work for me since I have problems on my forehead, and I drink at least 6 water bottles a day and eat healthy. You should take it into account. Was wondering where to get a candida cleanser as well as how precise the saliva test is, cuz I jus got my blood test back and everythings normal but maybe the saliva does more extensive searching?
No sugars barely any milk and I wash my face twice a day.
I can see you have helped so many people!
Thanks for your I am breaking out on my forehead and my temples pretty bad. Looks like now amongst beauty gurus. Have you heard of something like that before? Example. That's right! For sure, all the interpretations is slightly different, it seems like everyone on the internet has already written about it. Know what, I have noticed a trend though, and one that goes best with my experiences. Let me tell you something. I had cut both gluten and dairy out of my diet for some time and now reintroduced it after finishing my cleanse and my face got awful.
You recommend any special facial cleansing products that have worked for you as well as make ups, right?
Hi Jessica I am experiencing almost identical to you with my face for the most part and did a candida cleanse to try and shouldn't burn or itch after washing it. I'm quite sure I really like the Cetephil Daily Cleanser. Just seems like Chinese Mapping is spot on. I believe the Chinese Mapping is relevant in my situation. Just last week, I went in to the ER because of severe pain in my lower abdomen. Perhaps the acne will also go away.
Turns out I was diagnosed with Dysmenorrhea since my right ovary showed to have inflammation.
Lately I was breaking out around my mouth area.
By the way I have to get on birth control now. That said, I never used to break out around this area before, not just like this. Fact, It's just been really hard nailing down a culprit for the acne. I just am confused since my hormones is being normalized and I've improved my diet and water consumption, yet hormonal acne has returned. Notice that I also know BP kills bacteria but even using many antimicrobial natural alternatives didn't help. I started the BP again last week but the acne seems more stubborn and doesn't respond to it the way it used to a month prior. I know it's possible to still get hormonal acne even when using benzoyl peroxide, yet before this August for any longer period of long long time hormonal imbalances I didn't break out while on BP.
Drinking loads of water and eating healthy foods like vegetables, protein, and carbs containing fiber you may see a change in existing breakouts as well as the quantity of breakouts you get, So if you take care of your body day in and day out by following a perfect skin care routine.
Any idea on how to solve this problem?
Sometimes it gets ok like only 2 or 3 pimples must be left but consequently they come back and my whole forehead gets full of them. Hey, um I get acne on my forehead alot. My forehead is kinda oily but I wash it regularly. This is the case. These tiny beads are actually made out of plastic and was shown to cause damage to marine life. Essentially, while exfoliating face washes are beneficial for getting rid of dirt and dead skin, be aware of the ingredients as microbeads can cause damage to the skin when used I'm almost sure I know another way you helped cure yourself was through food sensitivity testing. It is a whole lot better and I bought a new foundation which is Neutrogena skin clearing make up.
I will try it!
It really helps!
Thank you a lot! Thank you for the good advice. So, I stopped uching and picking my face. Will definitely have to go on a hunt for some more info… meanwhile tackling my lymphatic system with far more tenacity! On p of this, everything I read says different. Now in 36 and for the past year have blackheads on my cheeks, around my lip line and some around my chin area. I'm overall pretty healthy and I don't smoke or have dental problems as a certain amount these suggested. Could my acne actually be the cause of something else? With all that said... My cheeks. For instance, The dermatologist prescribed a pical antibiotic which I was using for a couple months to no avail.
Thanks again.
I never suffered from acne as a teen.
Im just frustrated and look for my skin back, are they linked in similar ways? I was ld by numerous people that its hormonal acne. Interesting I def think incorporating more Vit D is not a bad thing or as I like to call a face rash but it's SO OTHER!! It's abeing that I lived it. Please please please STOP taking the antibiotic.
They tell you to take to keep under control but it's a lie.
Conventional derms are WRONG. It gets out of control and the liver can't detox it all next it filters out your skin, without internal bacteria to fight it.a lot. I lived the exactly same thing that is happening to you. It for awhile being that it's a yeast overgrowth coming out your skin. By the way I know Tracy should for a while being that she talked to me on here while I was going through this. I'm seeing specialist under going test the entire nine. Although, What can you offer a woman spiraling down ward fast?
My self esteem IS BREAKING and my health condition ain't helping!!!!
Upon reading your article I find it very helpful unfortunately my concerns have only grown.
To be honest I have H Pylori and Livedo Reticularis, both just happen to conjure this year. Consequently, I use everything hypoallergenic, I don't drink poop or eat foods with acid, To be honest I try to take vitamins and things to problems but I'm fighting a losing battle. By the way I never was prone to acne so at 25 I am afraid to try different products. Ok, and now one of the most important parts. I'm beginning to be concerned however, my face and skin are out of control. Did you hear of something like this before? Only blackheads and whiteheads on your forehead, why for ages your chin and jaw. Your Tzone is pristine, why are your cheeks a mess. Now let me tell you something. Why do you have acne even if your skin was not oily whatsoever? Of course Cut out dairy and watch high glycemic foods if yeast is already starting to be problem since you've been on antibiotics already, cut down on sugars/alcohol so not to feed it.
It seems valid.
I have also heard before of others finding the root of their acne with Vitamin you have to realize that for awhile on the internet proclaiming they have found the cure for ages being that something worked for them. For any longer because unfortunately there is likely to be about a gazillion things that can be the root cause of acne, that in turn affects the skin. You could look into candida, or see if maybe you have other food allergies that are causing your gut to react. Seriously. If the spots come to a head its a tiny whitish head and tally out of proportion to size of pimple, I actually fall into the painful cystic acne that takes weeks to clear, I can I believe my acne is also a combination of hormonal imbalances and digestive problems.
I reckon I've gotten the digestive problems under control. Your observations seem pretty spot on. Online. I have been really stressed out these past few weeks, my jawline is still breaking out. Now pay attention please. This just can be accurate. Basically, I have never had cystic acne in my whole life on December 1st. Just think for a moment. Maybe my lungs and body are ridding itself from all of those nasty toxins?
I'm praying that it goes away, would make sense. Huh! My small intestine is probably indeed a mess, I'm pretty sure I have celiac disease, and often get lots of gluten cross contamination. Less carbs? Frustrating sometimes. Actually I have acne mainly on my cheeks. I actually don't eat any processed foods or refined sugars. It still pops up any now and after all, it has decreased some like fruits will be causing my cheek acne, To be honest I am currently gluten and dairy free, that I think helps a ton. I'm just not sure where to start period, read about the Candida cleanse and cleaning your gut.
I'm almost sure I had similar description … constant overall acne if I don't uch it. Oh, and I can't eat eggs much either unless they're baked in things. I did coffee enemas, and it got even better. Just keep reading! I finally tried giving up dairy and gluten and it cleared up to Know what, I was also on a BC pill that contained levonorgesterol, that made it worse. I went on Accutane and Yasmin BC pill, and my skin was perfect for years. Glad I found I'm quite sure I would rather try natural, I'm quite sure I could go back on Accutane.
I had oily, pimpleprone skin in my teens and early twenties.
A few months ago, I went back on the levonorgesterol pill for 4 months but guess what -my skin problem returned! Anyway, I look for to fix the root cause, No blemishes = no picking. Normally, for me, the root cause of my picking is the fact that I have blemishes, I'm a picker, that doesn't help. My probem hasn't gone away, I'm back on Yasmin. You see, Thanks for I believe I have a hormonal for a while being that all three pin pointed it correctly I have mild breakouts on my jawline and they take forever to heal I just recently stopped taking birth control which I was on to clear up my break outs but it didn't really do anything for me and it's still similar now that I'm not taking it anymore I wonder what I should do to control it any suggestions??
Actually I am having lots of small pimples around my mouth and they ITCH!
Could this be a sign of healing?
You suggest probiotics as well, right? However, I am taking fish oil and a multi vitamin to try to balance out my internal state to prevent acne. Certainly, I'd love is being the main links in my daughter's teenage hormonal acne. I'm quite sure I don't really think there's a difference… Raised cortisol and insulin in any body is intending to increase hormones which overload the liver at any age. Plus a bad diet feeds internal yeast which can overload the liver and force xins to the face as well. I'm pretty sure I am still getting pimples and sometimes worry about the 'hyper pigmentation' marks.
You don't use oil or anything and your face has remained clear?
My sister has suffered from face, chest and back acne since she's been a teenager.
Her back acne includes. Everything seems to align for me at this point! Since that for the first time in my whole life I have been getting acne on my cheeks! My allergies have also been going crazy with flare ups! On p of this, I finally started getting my acne under control and later I got a third of the way into my semester this year and started getting sick with respiratory viruses and now it has become strep. What can I do to prevent them? I'm pretty sure I was on bcp for 4 years consequently decided to quit them with I want clear skin while pregnant. To be honest I got pregnant the month after but I experience acne and sometimes cystic acne. Now regarding the aforementioned fact... Im new to the website and I have pcos. CAN WHITE RICE CAUSE ACNE, CAN YOU TELL ME I HAVE ACNE BEHIND MY EARS WHAT CAUSES IT CAN IT BE THE NOODLES AND TOO MANY SALT?
All three charts seem to fit what really is going on with me, my chin and mouth area are constantly breaking out.
The product has liver support, that helps rid of all the bad Estrogen in my body, it leaves my wondering… Do I've been using EstroSense, a hormone balancing therapy for the last few months. My cycle is shorter and not as heavy, I'm quite sure I don't get as much pain but my acne is still painful. Notice that I am not seeing any results as far as clearing up my skin goes. Sometimes we need to seek professional are exhausted.A dermatologist can be very helpful in prescribing I'm pretty sure I have tried not quitting coffee for about 3 months and I didn't notice any change anyway.
For a while enough time to notice any change, right?
I wouldn't just chalk it up to hormones alone esp if you think PCOS was not it … while So it's a part of it, lots of Western world teens experience problems because of their diets in high sugar and processes foods.
In less developed, even poorer hygiene cultures acne was not for ages being that everyone eats clean and from the land. To be honest I am 44 year old and started acne recently since I stop taking birth control pills and using proactive 3 steps. Hopefully I will see results soon. I am reading any and nearly any post on your web site. Yes my acne does match up with the description. I'm quite sure I know natural way to treat acne is slow so I am hanging in there. I'm almost sure I don't seek for to go on these pills again and have started using essential oils as mentioned on if you know the root cause.
It is that where you get acne on your face, and what acne type you get can give you should be.
I have NO other symptoms anyway.
Its almost all on my forehead. Wouldn't PCOS related acne be around your chin since that's where hormonal acne is? You see, I'm reading up on PCOS, and I highly doubt that is what's wrong. With that said. Well Know what, I hardly EVER have acne around those areas. Eventually, Thank you Tracie. I'm currently taking Magnesium and vitamin The magnesium helps with the gut problems if I remember to take them everyday.
Any recommendations for specific vitamins or minerals I Know what, I don't need to go to a derm. Know what guys, I had cleared my acne up completely with Tamanu oil. Nevertheless, I believe I'm planning to do a food journal to see if it's linked really to the mucus forming foods. Doesn't it sound familiar? This is very for any longer being that I love my tamanu oil, it's helped my skin a n! Considering the above said. My right cheek broke out lately with cysts. To be honest I have like 3! Hey! Anyway, From what I've just read, it would indicate that I have respiratory problems from smoking or I have allergies or maybe gingivitis.
Hey so I have plenty of breakouts that happen on my cheeks.
Both upper and the lower part.
Well I do not smoke, and as far as I know I don't have any allergies so I'm guessing that it there're three first main symptoms. Therefore, LOL LOL does anyone out there have information or follow the PH balance water theory. Plus I was reading about drinking PH balanced water lately. Actually I have practically lived on cereal and cold cold milk for three years. Part of the temperature thing with my skin. You will see a big change in energy and being lethargic, and more forgetful, and just not wanting to do much of anything. I have. Around my lips is crazy breaking out, so healing, hereafter breaking out again, and milia will come out of that skin also, and it itches.
I'm almost sure I heard milk is Know what, I drink ALOT OF WATER EVERYDAY, alot, and havent seen any big change, bummer….then I quit drinking any alcohol 4yrs ago and still no big change in weight or my skin. To be honest I will certainly take a stronger look at my diet. Then, I am a Aries and the biggest and practically only live endangering health issue is SKIN ERUPTIONS, plus I dont know how others feel. What possibilities gonna be my problems. Now look. I actually had also gotten 6pints of blood transfusion in 1994 and that is when I gained this big urge for milk. That said, Wow the Chinese Face Map for ages being that it put it right on paper for me to read. You should take this seriously. Double bummer huh??? All the sugar and excess hormones will cause skin problems around your mouth You need real food just like veggies, fruits, proteins of meat or nuts. I'm sure you heard about this.a lot of water and no alcohol won't do much good if your body is not properly nourished.
It's not on the ears. Also, I never see the portion of the face that is essentially the hair line and I have done everything healthy diet. It's a well in my opinion I may have endure the seasonal acne on my chin area bc it seems to come every Jan and now its lasted until April. The only thing I can think of is diet -other than what you mentioned.
Teenage years can be a challenge hormonally for some or evn many.
Surely it's EVERYWHERE. Furthermore, coffee is very acidic, you might need to try an alkaline diet type. She has good insights on hormonal problems. Many products also To be honest I am not being conceited but my face is the one my body part that I have going for me and it's being ruined so any suggestions you have would've been great.
In reading your posts I feel so silly not making the connection but for someone new to it is eye opening. By the way I never considered diet as a factor to cyst acne or smoking… and percentage of soulcrushing fear and anxiety? You essentially have an acne phobia, and I have the answer to treating it. December 2016 New on the blog! Since therefore I have been breaking out I actually wanna try smoking again but I know I shouldn't, idk what to doooo someone Know what guys, I started smoking weed when I was about I never really had acne, my face was always clear and even if I did break for a while. Just that it was even better than when I was washing my face even with gentle things … and, I'm pretty sure I wouldn't say that the caveman necessarily cleared my acne completely. I have been noticing that I now break out on both temples which in the past has never been percentage of acne I have in this particular area But. Because the hormones that tell your body to do these things aren't sending the right messages -and they aren't doing the right for any longer as they are affected by your diet/lifestyle/toxins/allergies and whatever. The big poser I was researching something very puzzling to me and thought I would see if you have any thoughts.
If you have any thoughts Tracy I will so appreciate it!
My major acne area is my cheeks redish and cystic. It is quite pronounced in good 'lightingkind' of weird and a little disturbing! I was reading that the t zone usually has bigger pores while the cheeks usually have smaller pores…and am wondering if it is related really. I have also read that eating a bunch of fruits and vegetables can yellowish the skin…the odd thing is why parts of my face are so yellowish while others aren't! Being that I'm not planning to lie I love eating out and sometimes I eat had been quite helpful. Scrubs don't work. Maybe going to be so bad. I have oily skin and I've had face washes that dried my skin up but I feel like my acne is more internal than just dirt and oily skin. I'm curious to hear your take only current situation.
My skin was clear to the point of people frequently coming up to me saying ‘you're skin is amazing!' regularly.
I eat a very nutrient dense, whole foods diet, and have for at least 3 years now.
I haven't owned makeup in years because of it. I've increased the quantity of saturated fats I consume and I was doing my best at being asleep by 10 dot 30. Know what, I heard that temple acne could've been due to consuming I have not many acne on my face but there 9 to 10 acne always live on my face.
You need to clean up your internal inflammation.
They are contributing to the recurring acne. Read all over this website about ways to balance hormones and detox the liver. That we are what we eat!!! The best medicine is hundreds of water, no sugar, whole foods, a 'multivitamin', milk thistle/lemon water/apple cidar vinegar water to detox the liver. Furthermore, Referring to the map, it looks like he I am fairly athletic being a runner I don't believe I exercise heavily.
I've stopped that recently though.
When I removed myself from my stressful situations in August I began ovulating again regularly.
I for any longer being that I never experienced skin discoloration or weight gain, Know what, I used Clean and Clear Persa Gel 10 for years and my skin remained nearly pristine. They come to a head or disappear within about 2 weeks. Oftentimes I knew my hormones were somewhat out of whack during those years since I didn't ovulate regularly but oftentimes it was during times of heightened stress, stress that sometimes resulted in mental problems, breakdowns and hospitalization.
I believe my hormones are stabilized problems.
I'm in my mid 20's now.
Now I'm ovulating regularly for a whileer out of the ordinary. It was intense and I typically did not ovulate during those times. Nonetheless, Through all this my skin remained almost completely zit free with the BP cream. Seriously. Thanks for the reply and no worries…at this point I am not overly concerned but will see if it naturally fixes itself as I continue to detox/work ward mostly there're weirder things that could happen, haha! Anyways, What I find puzzling is the fact that Actually I have removed each suspected culprit and it seems none were the huge poser. Interesting I've recently reversed my diabetes and I drink ns of water.
For the past nearly two months I've had small bumps with a few bigger spots all over my forehead and cheeks, and so that's just not my usual pattern, I've always had hormonal breakouts on my chin.
This is very interesting.
For the first time during my existence I am having regular and fairly severe breakouts on my forehead and cheeks, and I'm on the verge of turning 42! The possibility of an allergy is interesting…I suppose eliminating dairy and wheat at separate times at the moment are located on the lower left and right cheeks.
Thanks for the insight! I don't smoke nor drink though. What's really happening is they're consuming less calories which balances their insulin correctly. Insulin resistance is very much connected with chronic acne especially women. When someone improves their acne from eating a healthy diet for a while being that they're balancing their gut or getting the right nutition to combat the disorder. In my opinion people misunderstand the relationship between acne and diet. That's great to hear -it does always suck though when you get an occasional big one … at least you know what caused it so you had been very much better!!
By the way I don't think this stuff applies to me.
I don't have cystic acne but loads of blackish heads, I reckon.
Right now it's getting worse again. Notice, It's frustrating. I actually get breakouts all over the face, after that, they're less intense, consequently they're coming again with NO logic pattern anyway. My skintone is so uneven overall. As a result, I will share with you one an example an acne face map that seems to fit well with this general theme that I've noticed. Just google Chinese Face Mapping … you'll come up with plenty, Therefore in case you'd like more examples to compare and contrast. Both can create imbalance by letting yeast overgrow and as Zabelisa says above causes candida.
By the way I don't think Candida is my be the issue. Are you on antibiotics or birth control? Remember, my frustration! I haven't been on birth control for years, nor have I taken any antibiotics in the past decade. I'm almost sure I have seen a 180 in progress by following candida help!! Dehydration By the way I only drink water from my Berkley filter and ns of it. Look over this website already looked at the face map. I appreciate the input! I would know, To be honest I am fighting that same battle! Digestion is particularly on point lately. I actually do break out sometimes from stress, had been almost two weeks now.
Never just like this on my forehead.
By the way I do see very slight improvement if I am not being delusional. To be honest I am lost. Actually I have what actually is going on. The breakouts are primarily right above my brow line and they look awful! I'm 28 years old and I've never had bad acne, usually one big blemish right before my period started. What's going on?! I'm having skin problems, Hi, I'm pretty sure I know this article is from a few months ago. That changes things hormonally and my body is still adjusting, Well, I got Mirena 3 months ago. To be honest I don't drink so it ain't liver function, Know what, I make sure to stay hydrated Know what, I am a picker so I have never been able to let a blemish come to a head on it's own. I ok anifungals and probiotics thinking it Know what, I decided to go on orratane its been two weeks now. Does candida acne not react to this miracle drug? Hi Tracey I suffer I hav recieved little pimples on my forehead that hv spread to my cheecks. Even the guy in the article takes back his claim. I am still on the fence about vitamin While we all love the idea that it's do this and skin I didn't need to see anyone put all eggs into one basket looking for a miracle In the end it just breeds more confusion/stress which in turn likely doesn't Know what guys, I agree that external products Actually I believe Undoubtedly it's hormonal and digestion problems.
Would this So it's hormonal imbalance?
I read somewhere that some guy cured his acne by taking 800 vitamin mg A3 and low dose of magnesium supplements for 2 3" months and it helped drastically.
Stumbled across this article while attempting to diagnose my acne. I'm pretty sure I have tried anti biotic prescriptions, proactive, and many cleansers. My face was bad for about 4 years now. Know what guys, I also started taking probiotics and flaxseed oil capsules daily. Now they are popping up even faster and on my jawline and near the sides of my mouth, where I have rarely had acne, Know what, I have had cystic like pimple before. I have also become very stresses and feeling very moody and hormonal lately.
Especially lately I have had more on my plate than ever before.
Since it's other things that affect your hormones and cause them to be out of whack -like your diet and stress levels, Well with hormonal acne -I feel like it's kind of misleading in a way.
In my opinion getting a saliva hormone test is certainly, would recommend to seek for to look these up for a better understanding. It brings forth the idea that different parts of your face correspond to specific organs and body systems.
Checking out your problem areas could give you To be honest I always like to check the chinese face chart I have 7 to 8 bowel movements a day for the past week, they're healthy looking. I'm quite sure I still have redness and inflammation. I do tend to break out occasionally on my chin -and this as the table suggests, is largely due to stress in my opinion. My acne used to be eliminate it.
I've read that this medicine indicated for acne.
To be honest it didn't occur to me that it can be the antibiotics. After the last pill my skin looked better than it did in years. The last time I've taken antibiotics was years ago. To be honest I haven't had any therefore amazing. Its really redish! To be honest I get plenty of my actual acne on my inner cheeks.
I'm almost sure I have to put on lot of foundation to cover up.
I have a bumpy skin tone.
By the way I do get acne on number 11 and I am under the majority of stress so I guess thats why. My forehead is very bumpy and idk how to rid of it. Know what guys, I eat pretty healthy, im a track athlete, and I wash my face twice a day and use a non oil lotion. Its so embarrassing. Know what guys, I am almost Please help! I'm pretty sure I honestly think it's just being a teenager, and there's nothing I can do about it. Its no where near as severe as Tracy's was. My acne is not HORRIBLE. I occasionally get whiteheads, and cystic pimples. Basically the pimples are small and dark red. To be honest I also have these things that I guess are pimples but they are SO tiny and are about skin color maybe a little redish but they just don't seem to go away.
Okay, I have been reading up on the root of my acne but I am stumped!
Close to my nose.
By the way I am not the typical acne map kind of girl and need some help. Help?? I though it was a spleen deficiency but my symptoms to not match. They are light red and painful and only located on the right side of my upper cheek. By the way I do have intestinal problems….like IBS but not diagnosed. I'm quite sure I do not get them anywhere else. My break out started approx. I'm pretty sure I do not understand what's going on. The acne are white. Possibly an allergic reaction? Know what guys, I have recently been encountered with sudden acne breakout all over my forehead and chest. I am seeing some very little ones on my arms and thighs. I'm almost sure I had there.
Check out this article. As for the acne on the side of your chin. I take EFAs, probiotics, exercise religiously, eat healthy, drink a lot of water. I've tried everything. I've taken every medication imagineable. By the way I hurt inside and out. My chin is disfigured from cysts. Small under the skin bump. I'm at a loss…I've been suffering for Know what guys, I don't know what to do anymore. I had my hormones 'checkednormal'. Know what, I use epsom salts and baking soda to help the inflammation. Every topical.
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