#my brain cant keep track anymore ahahaha
harry-leroy · 5 years
20 in 20 Book Tag
I was tagged by the lovely @princess-of-france. Thank you!! ❤️
Rules: List either 20 books you want to read in 2020 or 20 goals, or some mix of both, up to you! Then tag some friends to play along :)
(Those are essentially paraphrased rules, but you get the general idea...)
I broke the rules a bit and did 20 books and 10 goals - as a lit major I always have a list a mile long of books I want/need to read. Some of these are plays as well, because I’ve got like half a leg stuck in theatre but I love it. And goals are always important!
20 Books for 2020
1. The Libertine - Stephen Jeffreys
2. Things Fall Apart - Chinua Achebe
3. Shakespeare in Love - Tom Stoppard
4. Blandings Castle - P.G. Wodehouse
5. Dunbar: William Shakespeare’s King Lear Retold - Edward St. Aubyn
6. L.E.L.: The Lost Life and Scandalous Death of Letitia Elizabeth Landon, the Celebrated “Female Byron” - Lucasta Miller
7. The Island Princess - John Fletcher
8. Collaborative Playwriting - Paul C Castagno
9. The Moonstone - Wilkie Collins
10. Farinelli and the King - Claire Van Kampen
11. The Vexations - Caitlin Horrocks
12. The Revolutionists: A Comedy, A Quartet, A Revolutionary Dream Fugue - Lauren Gunderson
13. Poldark - Winston Graham
14. This is Shakespeare - Emma Smith
15. The Gilded Stage: A Social History of Opera - Daniel Snowman
16. Schubert’s Winter Journey: Anatomy of an Obsession - Ian Bostridge
17. Emma - Jane Austen
18. The Big Sleep - Raymond Chandler
19. Last Bus to Woodstock - Colin Dexter
20. Shakespearean Character: Language in Performance - Jelena Marelj, Jonathan Hope (that’s my cool Shakespeare professor ahh), Lynne Magnusson
10 Goals for 2020
1. Get through 99 operas! - 49 were on a list of most famous operas, 50 were chosen by me. We’re 5 down - 94 to go!
2. Actually use my planner :’) - I bought fun stickers to put in and on it so maybe it’ll persuade me to use it.
3. Make new friends and keep in touch with old ones! (I’m so excited to meet a bunch of theatre people in two weeks guys).
4. Figure out a thesis topic (ahhhh)
5. Do well academically this semester and turn in some good honors projects.
6. Finish a draft of The Selby Roses
7. Perhaps start a new play WIP (we’ll see)
8. Travel!
9. Learn how to sing or play a new instrument
10. Perhaps start a studyblr... or blog/vlog thing? (I’m not sure how interested people would be or how plausible this sounds with my crazy busy schedule, but I feel like a studyblr would be manageable).
Tagging: @nuingiliath, @dustyp-rose, @bonebreakfast, @sneez, @forcebros, @shredsandpatches, @necromancy-savant, @devilsss-dyke, @twostarsinonesphere, @meharmonycarmen, @ghost-minuet, @chaotic-archaeologist, @lovesjustachemical, @henriadical, @witty-fool, @fantasmaglory, @maryiofengland, @exercise-of-trust, and @themalhambird, @maplelantern
(I think all of y’all are mutuals! I don’t know all of you extraordinarily well, but consider this to be a wave hello! Of course, anyone who sees this and wants to do it is tagged - I love seeing people’s TBR lists. And if life is moving at 9000 mph, don’t feel obligated to do this! ❤️)
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tis clyde! *dramatic stage pose*
idk tbh i’m like so cold right now i just went out for a walk (not willingly) now i’m typing really slow as i’m regaining feeling in my fingers.
right! i remember caliban nowwwwww. oof ur beef with prospero. i guess that actor is rather similar to their character (unlike u... i’m pretty sure ur not a monster ;)
gAsP yay that would be so exciting. tbh it would have come in handy last year when we were reading the book bc shakespeare is so confusing my gosh. idk maybe it’s not for me, u seem to like it tho :)
haha well that seems like why u stick around to listen to me ramble every five seconds. maybe! you guys would probably get along as she is like pretty much exactly me, but more dramatic and (a lot) more confidence.
asdf ikr those movies are awesome!! i want to adopt a niffler, in fact i was hyperfixtated on nifflers a year ago, and still want a niffler stuffy. and i love queenie with all my heart.
they really are tbh. me and my friends don’t talk about that much ✨feelings✨ stuff, we don’t really have nicknames so it’s a new experience for me tbh
oh wow really? oof that’s unfortunate. i like swimming but i hate anything endurance (including track, my worst enemy *shudders* <- from fear or from cold i don’t know) it will literally make
me want to die so yeah hehe.
asdf my dad makes fun of me bc i can never finish anything it’s unfortunate really maybe someday i will acquire motivation but who knows really
asdf u used he/him pronouns :)))))) that makes me happy tbh
yeah it’s really funny. have you read the books? it’s so much more book accurate than the movies were. the movies were the freaking worst. so... inaccurate... it’s terrible.
asdf ikr sherlock is truly a work of art and the aCtInG omg it’s excellent truly.
ohhhhh you are one of those people that like dialogue in movies. i guess i do sometimes? but action i just find more interesting? then again i spend most of my life tuning out peoples voices *coughchoughschool* so action is easier for me to focus on.
hehe it’s interesting bc u have such different opinions than i do, but it’s interesting to hear about nevertheless
ah oki i’ll keep that in mind. my brain is like a storage space for useless information. i cant remember when world war one or two was but i can identify your apple phone just by seeing the back of it. sigh.
gAsP you don’t know the grishaverse... it’s the shadow and bone series, six of crows, idk if this is ringing any bells but i would dEfInItElY recommend them they are so good. shadow and bone is coming out as a netflix show on the 23rd and i’m so excited! the casting is like 👌 and everyone is soooooo amazing asdf i really like it if u can’t tell.
idk about neighbour maybe it’s one of those canadian american spellings where american takes out the u in the word like colour and color idk.
ahahah yeah i can recite the whole of hamilton from memory and i love dear evan hansen even tho most people don’t (the book makes me sad)
ahahaha yay glad u appreciate my bad puns
question for u? do u want me to continue doing this on anon or do u care if i go off anon? idk why it doesn’t make a difference to me either way unless u decide my blog is extremely cringy and don’t want to be my friend anymore (which would be understandable). just asking.
now for the question even though this is once again incredibly long and i don’t know why i keep commenting on the length but it’s fine: do you have e l fudges in the states? like sophie’s favourite cookies? have you tried them? are they good? i need this stupid pandemic to be over so i can eat the cookies.
*cookie monster voice* c is for cookie, that’s good enough for me ;)
i’m glad i make you laugh amigo :)
until next time ;)
Clyde!! ✨✨✨
Oof I’m sorry ur cold it’s not freezing here but I was just outside for chem tutoring for a while and oof.
There’s a really good song from the frozen musical called monster you should listen to it. I certainly try not to be a monster although I’ve done my shit like everyone else I suppose.
Shakespeare is definitely one of those things where you’re either obsessed to the point of insanity or you’re losing your marbles lol. I will say, it’s dumb to make students read the plays because if you don’t already like Shakespeare, you’ll be losing it. They should teach it through analyzing a play adaptation, so that people who don’t get it can at least see it in its finished form.
I love dramatic people as much as I love nerds so I think she sounds very cool!
Nifflers are ADORABLE!!! I think my favoritest Harry Potter creature is the serpent thing with wings (I’ve forgotten what it’s called) but it’s just so beautiful!! Queenie is indeed iconic.
Oh bro I like. Cannot stop talking about my feelings. I’m the epitome of that meme it goes like:
My bff: wanna talk about ur feelings (other bff)?
Other bff: no
Me: I do
Bff: we know cecil
Me: I’m sad
Bff we know cecil
Yeah that’s me
God I hated track when i did it. I was ok at it for a while, I could run a 6:49 mile, but it gave me like. Horrible nervous breakdowns. I was like a thoroughbred horse and I needed a comfort goat. Also just the physical sensations were ACK.
Depression mood but pls don’t die friend.
Yes!! I’m glad u liked the pronouns I will continue to use (along with others if you’d like.)
I’ve definitely read basically all the Percy Jackson books. I read that series and Heroes of Olympus and then the first couple magnus chase and the Egypt ones... I don’t remember them super well but they were really fun.
I do like dialogue in movies I’m a romcom guy lmao. It just comes down to taste and I adore movies that are mostly action too, I’ve just gotta be in the right brain space. Movies with both? Flawless.
It is always interesting to talk to someone who likes different things, and also to have someone not immediately call me a pretentious asshole tbh. Like I really don’t try to be stuck up or anything, I’m not hating, I just like different stuff.
That’s so relatable I remember the dialogue to entire hour long episodes of a tv show but I can’t remember what day my fathers birthday is. It’s annoying.
Oh that’s shadow and bone!! Ok, I know them, yeah everyone’s told me to read them they’re on my tbr for sure I just never have time to read lmao but yeah and also the Netflix show looks So Cool.
I think neighbour is one of those words, yeah. I always spell things the non-American way, but I couldn’t tell you why. Maybe it’s cause I hate America so much.
Dear Evan Hansen gives me chills and most people are losers. Musicals are just fun, man. My favorite musical ever is called The Band’s Visit, and my second favorite musical is Hadestown.
You can be on anon or off anon, I promise I won’t want to stop talking to you lol unless I see like. This person is a nazi which I know you aren’t because why tf would you talk to my radical ass but hey. Also don’t worry about my aggressive politics I don’t bring them up much and we can still be friends even if we don’t agree on everything and I really like talking to you so anyways that’s a long way of saying you do whichever you’re more comfy with, friend :)
We do in fact have E L Fudges but I have. Never eaten one. I have also never eaten anything from a McDonald’s, a chick fil a, or a Taco Bell, and I have only had Oreos once. People always go crazy over that information lmao. I would love to try some. Maybe we can buy them together some time (like on the same day or smthn) and I’ll tell u what I think
Cookies!!! The Cookie Monster quote sent me straight to happy child place lolllll.
Also I have a question for you! What time zone do you live in? Only if ur comfy ofc.
Until next time :)))))))
P.S. @ everyone who has to scroll through these sorry but I’m living rn so like. 😘
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