#my brain took like 60 seconds buffering what u had just sajd
the-rookinator-3000 · 11 months
so for a good while the game was mostly untouched because adult swim games (the producer that owned rain world at the time) said they couldn't update the game until it was out on all platforms, if i recall correctly. later, after ASG turned over the rights back to them, a producer called akapura games took over the game and allowed them to do updates again. now for a good while at this point the game on steam was pretty far behind the console versions - two of the characters didn't even have their unique endings. it had been years since they've updated it. so i'm assuming alongside wanting to get up to date properly, they wanted to come back with a bang...
at the same time as this more slugcats was in development by their development team, and was at this point only the slugcats provided. it didn't have any unique regions, creatures, or campaigns, only their abilities were available to play. even still, the dev team wanted to do more, and videocult (the group that made the game) must've seen a lot of promise in their efforts and wanted to officially take them on! they also got people who made the jolly co-op mod to join and make their mod official as well, and thus the downpour DLC was officially in development. the DLC update also came with a free update that made mods officially supported by steam workshop, which meant you didn't need to install 3 different mod loaders and a ton of .dll files to play with your friends! hooray!
i'm really glad spearmaster is your fav because this gif can be literally us jumping up and down together now
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ohhh man saint. saint. it's crazy. i have to tell you about pretty much all of the basegame lore to even make a bit of sense for saint's ... it's a lot LOL but man this silly frog guy is cool
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them!!! it's us!!! yay!!!
OHHH NVM I GET IT .. actually i thought it had been a completely different approach ... otherwise damn u really know lots about rain world dont u...enough to make a whole video essay i fear!!! also.. adult swim games.....??? ???? question mark
also EHHSEHHSHAAHHAH i didnt expect saint to be that fluffy... hugs them
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