#my classmate is driving me fucking nutssss
scottsumrners · 1 year
maybe it's because my brain doesn't work the way it's supposed to, but it drives me nutssss how low-commitment my classmates are about, like, college?
they don't do the readings when we are told to, don't watch the movies indicated by the professors, straight up don't do the writing activities that are grade worthy!!!, or when they do it's like... a day before the due date, or the days AFTER. some of them arrive 30, 40 minutes into a class, even if they were already on campus and were just fucking around outside, or they arrive, spend 10 minutes inside the classroom, leave to 'fill their water bottle' and then come back 30 minutes later.
like, what.... are you learning, exactly? i get that practice is the more important angle, but why forego theory altogether? why are you paying 2k a semester to attend a class and then not pay attention?
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languri · 2 years
You guys had no idea how much I want to be violent and scream at people right now holy fuck i fucking hate my classmate so fuckin much-
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