#my condolences for disappearing have a shitty Drabble
loiteringandlurking · 8 months
'jack, you, uh.... you got something.' jack's eyebrows draw together as davey points to jack's face with his fork.
'something o' what?' jack wipes his hand across his cheek. 'soot? dirt?' davey only giggles behind his hand, which is criminal.
'nah, lemme get it.' davey smiles his horrid smile and reaches across their table. his hand cups jack's cheek as davey swipes his thumb across the corner of jack's mouth, and jack has half a mind to lean over the table and kiss davey then and there as he watches davey's eyebrows knit. he feels davey's thumb on his face, harder this time, dragging out the corner of his lip, and jack swats his hand away.
'davey, what on earth?' jack tries not to smile a cheek-hurtingly amount as davey checks his thumb, his eyes drawing back to that corner of jack's mouth.
davey doesn't say anything (god save the man) and instead leans over their table and their food (his tie almost dragging through their meals) until his face is inches from jacks. jack feels his entire face turn red as Davey thouroughly searches his face, one thumb leaning up to the corner of his mouth again. davey scratches the corner of jack's mouth with his fingernail, and jack yelps. 'ow! dave, what the hell?' he brings his hand up to where davey scratched, the stinging sensation already subsiding.
'you have food on your face!' davey finally says, plopping back down onto his chair. 'there's a little crumb st the corner of your mouth! i don't have my glasses, so I was so proud of myself for noticing it, but it didn't come off! it's stuck to your face, jack! the crumb is fusing with you!'
jack searches davey's incredulous expression for any notes of sarcasm or jokes as he grins.
'davey,' he says carefully, surpressing laughter. 'is it a freckle?'
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