#my cousin got tkts
andrewlloydwebber · 2 years
i posted here about my extra phantom lottery ticket that i couldn't find anyone to go with me. i had two different tumblr mutuals offer to take me up on it, but one tested positive for covid and the other's flight got cancelled and couldn't come in. on sunday, i was minutes away from trying to find someone random waiting in line at the times square TKTS booth, when my cousin suggested i ask the box office at the majestic for refund. so i went and the lady there was super helpful. they couldn't refund me but they said i could use the ticket for another performance. coincidentally, francine, one of my college friends was visiting NYC the next day and won the lottery for monday, so she offered to buy my ticket because she only had 2 lottery tickets for her and her mom and her dad wanted to go too. but francine's family couldn't find a rental car so they had to get the bus from massachusetts, so she ended up needing to use her tickets at another date too. we've called telecharge each day since monday trying to see if they would accept past dated tickets, but the majestic box office said no each time. FINALLY today, telecharge agreed to accept the past dated ticket. but since i'm not in nyc right now, i couldn't pick them up myself and the telecharge lady on the phone said i needed to pick them up myself with my ID. i started getting worried that this wouldn't work out, but francine just texted me that the majestic box office didn't care and she was able to pick up my ticket! so francine is FINALLY going to the matinee of phantom and I FINALLY will get some use out of my other lottery ticket.
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girl-nomad-blog · 8 years
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<p>Day 2 // NYC // 2.23.2017</p>
<p>I woke up later than I wanted to today, which meant I missed getting a bagel. But the most important mission for the day was to head over to the seaport district to Tkts to score some discounted Broadway tickets for that evening. </p>
<p>Let me preface by saying that tkts is the best thing in NYC. Broadway and off-Broadway day-of tickets for 40-70% off. I scored some off-broadway Avenue Q tickets for 40% off, but more on that in a minute. </p>
<p>So I dicked around at the seaport, saw the Brooklyn bridge and the boats and whatnot. Squawked at how expensive the ferry rides to the Statue of Liberty were ($30??? Why???). Then I decided I wanted some Ramen and went off to find Momofuku, a noodle bar that my father raves about. I managed to find a bus that would take me there and didn’t cry on the bus once, so I’m pretty proud of myself.
On my way to Momofuku, I found a little tiny hole-in-the-wall place that had a ramen special with pork buns for a decent price and decided to take a chance on it. SO GLAD I DID. It was awesome! And I told my cousin about it and she told me it was one of the local’s favourite places, so it was a good find!
Then I just wandered around Chinatown for a bit before heading back to the apartment and relaxing before heading into the city for Avenue Q.
I almost missed it because I got lost, but I will say that I think I’m going to just see off-Broadway shows from now on. The shows and sets are still AMAZING, the theaters are smaller and more intimidate, and YOU CAN BRING DRINKS INTO THE THEATER. They’re expensive, but I got excited and had two vodka cranberries from my 5th row (!!!) seat.
Avenue Q is hilarious. It’s poignant and political and as a young adult, you get it. It’s a show about you and life after college. They tackle racism and homophobia and very modern considering how old the show is. I’d recommend it to everyone.
For Now, one of the songs, talked about how everything in life is only temporary (other than death and taxes). Best line? Donald Trump – it’s only for now. I liked how they changed the lyric to reflect what’s going on right now.
And yeah, not a bad first FULL day. I made it home, had a beer, watched tv, and passed the FUCK out.
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