ocdandme13 · 8 years
Music is the voice that overpowers the voices in my head
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ocdandme13 · 8 years
My soul is empty OCD fills it up
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ocdandme13 · 8 years
Hopefully 2017 is the year when people actually start to see OCD as a real disability
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ocdandme13 · 8 years
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Warrior of OCD
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ocdandme13 · 8 years
A YouTube Channel ?????
So I am really hesitant to do this but I have been looking on YouTube and there aren’t many Youtubers that are 100% open about mental health and as a person who is really lucky and suffers from :
-OCD -Depression -Anxiety and Stress -Insomnia -Aspergers
I thought maybe I could start a channel just to show people that they really aren’t alone and just because you have these disabilities doesn’t make you insane/crazy or exactly like the stigmas that surround them so …………..
If this gets 1000 notes/likes I will start one but that is up to you guys I am thinking the first video would be a Q and A so ask questions below for me to answer if the channel gets created
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ocdandme13 · 8 years
OCD and Me
Why was I put on this earth to be controlled for the rest of my life by something I cannot see or rip out Just why ?
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ocdandme13 · 8 years
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No kidding
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ocdandme13 · 8 years
OCD Anxiety
When camhs asks you to rate your anxiety out of 10 on an EPR task And look at them like we are gonna need to add a few more zeros to the end of that ten
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ocdandme13 · 8 years
Having to battle everyday is exhausting
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ocdandme13 · 8 years
The Battle For My Mind
The intrusive thoughts never stop so I try to drown them out with music, the lyrics speaking to me instead making each second a little bit more bearable
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ocdandme13 · 8 years
It’s like there is nothing but inside of you but you feel chained to the earth. Like you want to be happy but you don’t know what that feels like. Like considering the fact that going crazy and going to hospital might be easier than living. Or maybe it should just end. But then the next day comes and you continue but empty and alone.
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ocdandme13 · 8 years
I Really Am Friendly
Yes I might not let you come into my room however its because as soon as you pass that threshold then my OCD will go through the roof.
You will step on a piece of carpet that I have a problem with or even worse cough and no opening a window won't help, the damage is already done.
I promise I am not actually a clean freak like everyone thinks chronic OCD is, it's just everything has its place and is in my control even though it might look messy to you.
But its not your room .........................
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ocdandme13 · 8 years
I Feel Like A Spy
I have just started university and moved into a flat with 9 other people and my OCD and thousands of habits are still so secretive as I don't want them to see my rituals and therefore things such as midnight dashes to the kitchen to check if the oven is switched off,  have become the norm as well as tapping more silently so they don't hear me.
I am going crazy I mean walking past the bin over 10 times to check that my clothes haven't touched it is not normal ........
I wonder how much longer until I am discovered..............................
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ocdandme13 · 8 years
I swear my OCD has made me so creative in:
-coming up with excuses for not socialising or doing things
-getting round habits or issues
-creating new habits or issues
-my intrusive thoughts which get crazier by the day
-the time I go to sleep (since I am now basically nocturnal)
So thank you OCD for creatively ruining my life.
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ocdandme13 · 8 years
When some of your compulsions/habits/rituals and thoughts are so bad you can't tell the therapist because although they say they have heard everything they haven't.
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ocdandme13 · 8 years
Weekends are honesty the only time I can properly sleep as I am able to sleep until 1-3pm if needed which gives me around 9 hours sleep compared to school nights were I struggle to get 4 hours as I have to complete my rituals and I get intrusive thoughts which mean I can't get to sleep until the early hours of the morning
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ocdandme13 · 8 years
I'm Back
Sorry for being gone for so long I have just been so busy with life and school etc that I haven’t had time to go on here. However I hope to post more about OCD in the future and if my experience helps one person then it's worth it 😊
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