#my cpn signals were going off when he said he’ll cook the pancakes hahahahaha
accio-victuuri · 3 years
Cooking Skills, Scallion Pancake and Stay-at-Home. 🍳🥞
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i’m just putting my thoughts/ some things in one place. this is not a new CPN. but I’ve never done a post about the connection between these topics.
His cooking skills
Cooking is a skill and I believe that people can learn over time. Even just simple dishes and if they practice and do it enough times or have someone to teach them then the end result will be much better. We know Bobo has some ‘signature dishes’ of his own ( shown below )
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and he did mention before that tho he is not a cook, he is good at washing dishes. So technically, he can help whoever it is that’s cooking *coughs*GG*coughs*
After those cloud episodes we had the one where he took care of a kid. Where he said :
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and another more recent one where he was just as clueless.
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The video below is a good one to watch for these two episodes I’m talking about. The second one a fun comparison between him and xiao ming.
Maybe he looks at what he’s doing as not really ‘cooking’. It could be that his definition of it is making elaborate dishes and not the simple ones that he knows. However, I just don’t buy the story that he survived in quarantine alone and fed himself.
Now let’s move to his famous dish that he learned during quarantine...
The Scallion Pancake:
@jcisthebestfightme explained some important points on the first part of this post. The conclusion there is that he learned it from GG ( take note of the use of butter mentioned etc) . Plus he brought it up a few times following that.
• He mentioned it on an interview with SUPER ELLE which was released March 2020. Ofcourse this was shot and the interview was done before and it could easily be at the start of the Month.
Generally, I play games and Lego at home, and then practice Magic. I recently learned how to make pancakes at home! Very interesting. First put the cake into the pan and fry, then beat an egg, turn it over— Flip, add a little butter, and put some lettuce, cheese. and the salad dressing is ready, very simple but delicious.
• Bobo brought it up to Wanghan @ DDU.
and on TTXS blog post.
Long time no see, the Tiantian brothers who recorded the "Cloud" show miss each other (..)
Wang Han asked the brothers how to eat at home during the epidemic (..) Wang Yibo is a fast food lover, usually making noodles, army hot pot, and new hand-cooked pancakes
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• then again during summer surf shop. When asked what to cook he said he can make pancakes.
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• Host says ‘aren’t you great at making pancakes?’ and he says it’s just that one.
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I know this boy is proud of his skills but why is he sticking to it this much if it’s not taught to him by someone important? Upto this year. Even cooking it in the recent Let’s Chat episode. It’s like he’s showing off and that smile he had when Henry was asking him.
Also take note of what he said ‘learned it at home’ during quarantine. At home. He didn’t say ‘i learned this from watching a video’ or ‘i called my mom and she taught me how to make this’. Just there. At home. With who? How?
Well. that brings us to the last part of this post...
Stay At Home
If we’re talking about dates then the pandemic reached Beijing around Jan 20, 2020. Then starting from 26 January, all inter-provincial passenger transport and inter-provincial tour chartered vehicles entering and leaving Beijing were suspended. LOF also suspended filming during this time.
Let’s move to some shady things that happened in DDU cloud episodes. Which is basically what led to alot of BXGs thinking that Web was not alone / references to GG and his familiarity with him.
• Powerbank is important?
• My Ma
• some more points
• There are more evidence out there like the card trick and the amount of time he looked and smiled at something off camera. or the mysterious drink that just appeared beside him.
But I wanna highlight this part when they were just checking up on him and how he’s been doing.
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“I- I… got a little fatter, but I’m controlling myself not to eat too much.”
“I get sleepy when I have nothing to do. Eating after sleeping. and sleeping after eating.”
“Yes I feel tired and bored.”
“Just too lazy to do any work.”
So Yibo is apparently all alone in Quarantine and is not competent in cooking but he gained some weight? just sleeping and eating? Are you sure bro? how much butter did you add on those pancakes? He is glowing in these episodes if you haven’t watched them. It’s so sus x 100000.
The latest episode of Let’s Chat just brought this CPN all back to me. Quarantine/ Learning how to cook something and our speculations about that time. It’s nice to see that Web still shows off that dish up to this day. He didn’t even think and just went for it. The way he smiled when he was talking about that time in particular— like it was a good memory. There are pieces of GG in him that we see and he will never tell outright but we can tell.
You can have your own take on this whole topic but my money is on >> he was not alone and was probably with this bunny right here. ✌🏼
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