#my current on loop song is analóg balaton's féreg
answermywearyquery · 11 months
Holy shit I ALSO love Hungarian music! I've never met another person that does! Any suggestions? Mine would be HONEYBEAST.
Asdfgh, what are the chances! 👀 Okay, so I'm Hungarian so, even though I should be able to recommend more, I only have a few. From the current scene, I recommend Ivan and the Parazol, especially their latest album and maybe Carson Coma's popular numbers. I really like an older band, Hobo Blues Band, they have a gigantic discography and the quality ranges as such, but one of their best album is Vadászat (+ not on the album but my fav song from them is 45-ös blues). The lyrics go hard but the music goes just as bonkers. Also, I never heard of HONEYBEAST tho, so I'll be checking that out!! Thanks for the recommendation! 💖😊
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