#my current phone is like. I think 4 years? got it mid 2020 bc my old one broke
heyitssashag · 8 months
It’s been a busy week. Appointments, emails, phone calls, meetings, texts and trying to have a bit of fun and exercise thrown in there. Last weekend, the kid and I hung out together and went shopping. We rode the stuffy riders, too.
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I also got my hair cut - but I didn’t have the guts to chop it all off. My stylist cut over six inches off. It feels slightly healthier but the grey looks and feels on the dry side. (I haven’t coloured it in 3 years so this is all my natural colour.) I have some deep conditioning products that will hopefully help. Although, due to all the drugs I’m on, it’ll probably not make much of a difference.
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Anyway, there will come a point where I’ll just get ultra fed up with it and get a pixie cut or something. It’s been long my whole life (aside from when I had chemo 5 years ago and it all fell out).
I managed to do a 10km walk today with a couple of short breaks. I’m proud of myself. I walked the kid to school and then I just continued on. It was a beautiful day for it. Walked all along the water…
Below is a (now) inactive ferry terminal from Sidney, BC to Anacortes, Washington. The service was suspended in 2020 and it won’t be starting back up again until 2030 due to (apparently) not having any vessels. Seems weird but whatever. (It’s probably something else politically related.) It stinks, though. Was a lot quicker to get to Seattle from there. There’s still the Coho ferry that runs from Victoria to Port Angeles. (Whenever there’s a big event in Seattle the Coho is packed.) There’s also the Clipper that goes directly to Seattle but it’s foot passenger only. I’m not sure why I’m discussing all of this other than the fact that I hope to make it back to Seattle one of these days when I’m feeling better. It’s a nice city. Nice people, too. I just have this crazy fear of crossing that border then something random goes haywire with my health. I don’t want to be stuck in an American hospital getting raped by medical fees. Unfortunately, getting out-of-country health insurance when you have stage 4 cancer is tricky.
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Anyway, I did talk to my oncologist this week, too. My iliac region lit up more on the bone scan - both sides. Meaning, it shows further progression. However, the CT scan shows everything is stable. So, again, the scans don’t jive which is weird and really frustrating. I do have a new issue with my left hip locking up when walking but I’m not sure if it’s related. I have lower back pain but I always have lower back pain. Other than 3mm of progression in my neck, there’s no other solid evidence that these drugs aren’t working. So the big question is: do I go on chemo or do I wait? We decided to wait. My oncologist is sending me in for scans again in 2 months (instead of the usual 3-4 months). He’s also referring me to the radiation oncologist. I want to blast all the cancer in there. (Apparently, there’s a significant amount.) I’ve been holding off because I don’t exactly love the idea of being radiated, again but if it could potentially buy me more time on this current treatment, I’ll take it.
I did see the shrink again and he prescribed me 2 different medications that are supposed to help with pain, depression and anxiety. I haven’t taken them yet. I keep staring at them every day and I’m like… blahhhhh. Do I have to go on more drugs? (Even with the amount of pain I was in today, I only took 3 - 1mg hydromorphone pills. That’s hardly anything for someone in my boots.)
I did get some great news last week that the article I wrote for the magazine was accepted. Yes, it’s a real “print” magazine (not just online). Yes, I’m getting paid for it, too. (These are the first two questions my Mother asked me when I told her. lol). I don’t think I’m allowed to re-publish the story now that they’re using it but I can read it out loud. So I’ll post a video. I’m pretty excited about this! I get to see a draft in a few weeks. It will be available to purchase mid-October. Once I have all the info, I’ll post it.
Tomorrow, I have my comedy class and I’ll be running through my set. I have a Zoom show on Monday. Yes, I get paid for that, too. lol. (Not much but it’s something. 😆)
It’s not even 9pm and it feels like midnight. I think it’ll be an early night for me.
Rocky Raccoon says, “Hi”.
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