#my dad used to say ���i like your thinkin lincoln” when i was a kid all the time
topher and abe watch bad movies together and rate them 5 stars on letterboxd and write joke reviews
This is canon
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All My Friends are Heathens; Part 3
Previous Chapters:
Part 1
Part 2
Octavia’s plan to get Bellamy & Clarke together backfires horribly, Clarke’s party is in danger of falling apart, and Murphy is trying to keep his “favorite child” status by being a snitch.
*Operation Bellarke group chat*
TheSuperiorBlake: Phase 1 is a go!!
I repeat, Phase 1 is a go!!
i-make-it-go-boom: I can’t believe it’s actually working!!
TrashPrince: still think Phase 2 should involve a kidnapping
Do we REALLY need Finn alive for this?
Just sayin, I know a guy who can make him disappear
Greenbean: 0_0
MillertheKiller: what the hell Murphy?!?!?!?
Guns&Roses: is it the same guy who tried to hang you outside Dropship bar freshman year?
Jaaaaassssssppper: DUDE!!! THAT GUY WAS CREEPY AS HELL!! 
HeadbandWonder: ARE U INSANE MURPHY?!
TrashPrince: hell no u psychos!!! That dude was murdered by a couple meth heads like 2 years ago. 
TrashPrince: & tbh u all can go float yourselves
I have better friends
But u r not gonna get to meet them now
Pretentious snobs
TheSuperiorBlake: How did I lose control here?
Trikru: it’s not ur fault babe! it’s like trying 2 wrangle cats
Bellarke is about to set sail!
We need to make sure things are running smoothly
*TheSuperiorBlake direct messaged Iliad*
TheSuperiorBlake: how goes the cup search freckled wonder?
TheSuperiorBlake: why u gotta leave me hanging bro? I know u have ur phone!
TheSuperiorBlake: Bell?
*Operation Bellarke group chat*
TheSuperiorBlake: MONTY I THINk UR CD DID THE TRICK!!! Bellamy isn’t answering any of my texts!
Jaaaaaaaasssssssppper: YEEEEAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH BOI!!!!
Trikru: They’re probably making out as we speak
Greenbean: the cd works every time ;)
*NurseGriffin created a new group chat*
NurseGriffin: We need to cancel the party
Jaaaaaaassssppper: BUUUUUUTTTTTTT MOM!!!!
TheSuperiorBlake: how is Walgreens out of plastic cups?? they’re a block away from a college campus, they can’t possibly be that stupid!
NurseGriffin: No u guys don’t understand!!
Bellamy is in jail!!!!!!! x_x
Trikru: WHAT?!?!
Greenbean: NOT DAD!!!!!!!!!!!!
TrashPrince: lol lol lol lol
i-make-it-go-boom: he’s too pretty for prison!! he’ll never survive!
TheSuperiorBlake: u have got to be kidding me?
Is this a joke, Griffin?
NurseGriffin: Do u think I’d be joking at a time like this Octavia?
We were coming out of Walgreens and we ran into Finn and a bunch of his stupid friends!
He was really buzzed and he kept trying to start stuff so Bellamy tried to get him to back off
Trikru: i’m no lawyer, but pretty sure u can’t go to jail for that
NurseGriffin: Finn got mad and punched him so Bellamy punched him back and then finn’s friends jumped in
i-make-it-go-boom: r u trying to tell me Bellamy “I-go-to-bed-at-9-every-night” Blake got into a fist fight in a Walgreens parking lot?
Completely sober?
NurseGriffin: yes :(
NurseGriffin: One of the employees called the cops and everybody but Bellamy and Finn took off 
Neither of them was stopping so they had to cuff em
Now they’re gone
Trikru: where r u?
Should we come get u?
NurseGriffin: No
Just text everybody & cancel the party
I gotta go down to the police station
TrashPrince: u know, I’d offer to come but...
i-make-it-go-boom: there’s probs something new they can detain him for ;)
TrashPrince: I was gonna say that i already had two beers & shouldn’t be driving
but thanks for the vote of confidence babe
love it
it really builds my self-esteem
i-make-it-go-boom: he’s fragile with a couple beers in him
ignore him
TrashPrince: I SEE HOW IT IS!!
Greenbean: is he supposed to be raiding ur fridge clarke?
TrashPrince: I’m stress eating u animals!!! The only father figure I have is about to spend the rest of his life in jail!!! LEAVE ME ALONE!!
*Operation Bellarke group texts*
Trikru: we really screwed up this one guys
Jaaaaassssppper: :( :( This parent trap failed miserably
Greenbean: should have known better than to use Finn
i-make-it-go-boom: Finn was Octavia’s idea!
Technically, this is all her fault!
TrashPrince: agreed
TheSuperiorBlake: y u gotta come at me like this fam?
I thought we were in this together
MillertheKiller: this ain’t high school musical
TheSuperiorBlake: we can still fix this!
HeadbandWonder: how? clarke said to cancel the party & bellamy is still in a jail cell.
TheSuperiorBlake: I got an idea!!!!!
*Partaaaayyyy group chat*
TheSuperiorBlake: WHO’S READY TO PARTY???
Bring ur own cups to Griffin’s place & be prepared to have the time of ur lives!
ICE-ICE-BABY: Hope u don’t mind
I brought some friends
TheSuperiorBlake: by friends do u mean the entire football team that just came parading into Clarke’s house shouting SHOTS SHOTS SHOTS?
ICE-ICE-BABY: ....... =)
TheSuperiorBlake: i blame myself for this
ILLian: i brought cups!
TheSuperiorBlake: Illian u are my hero!
ILLian: i won’t tell lincoln u said that ;)
*Trikru direct messaged TheSuperiorBlake*
Trikru: why did Illian just hand me a bunch of cups and tell me he was sorry about me and my girl?
r we fighting?
TheSuperiorBlake: -_- u remember that time at Dropship when Illian threw up all over u?
Trikru: yeah
TheSuperiorBlake: & right before he threw up he told u he was gonna steal ur girl?
Kinda thinkin this is his attempt
Trikru: if he’s gonna try and steal u he could put a little more effort into it
TheSuperiorBlake: that wasn’t the response i was expecting
NurseGriffin: guys no one is pressing charges so they’re letting bellamy & finn go
NurseGriffin: i’m really sorry about the party
i’ll make it up to u
Jaaaaaassssppper: Octavia didn’t tell u did she?
TheSuperiorBlake: shut up jasper!
NurseGriffin: tell me what?
TrashPrince: this was in no way my idea
I just want to clear that up
i-make-it-go-boom: murphy stop being such a kiss-ass
TrashPrince: I’m still the favorite child
I have to maintain my status
& with Octavia’s current list of screw-ups, i’m starting to look better and better
MillertheKiller: better in the same way garbage looks when you put it in a shiny trash can
NurseGriffin: seriously guys! what did u do????
Jaaaaassssppper: we may have not canceled the party
& Roan’s friends MAY have tossed ur tv into the pool
Greenbean: & I MAY have served Jasper’s brownies to some cheerleaders so they’d think we were cool
& now they’re doing yoga in ur bedroom while two of them splash beer on them
the brownies were a little strong
NurseGriffin: OMG NO
Iliad: I’m gone for 15 minutes and you guys have already broken Clarke
Great job -_-
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If It's Monday This Must Be Florida
"WHOT on a hot Miami morning, November 24, 2025, playin' the hottest hits with the hottest news and that was "Empatica" by Cumbia de Colombia, number 5 on our top 20 chart of hotties here at WHOT. This is Michelle Marlin gettin' you up on Monday morning.
"Yeah, well, Monday morning . . . That's as bad as it can be anyway . . .  
"But come on, you can do it!
"Anyway, here is a little light entertainment for you this morning: a surprising little girl, named The New Little Princess, is with us. She went viral last June with her 9th birthday party video, featuring four original songs and allegedly 'supersonic' piano playing . . . well, we'll see if she takes off this morning.
[Giggling in the background]
"She then pulled off another hit with her videopack  "Caribbean Princess", filmed on the beach at Livingston, Guatemala: the song you heard last August from it must have been 'Moon Kid'".
"Finally, after she was a hit with her original 'Frijos Frijoles', at Pina Colada's Lincoln Park Fiesta in Los Angeles last September, Pina Colada signed The New Little Princess as their newest Latin star.
"And you're still only nine years old, isn't that right, Princess?"
"Aye, and will be another nine months or so, I think,"  says the Princess.
"But what's it like for you, being a superstar at your age? I mean, do you ever get to play?" Michelle asks.
"Play? What's that?" the Princess says.
Michelle laughs.
"I remember I used to do it in Guatemala but I don't think I've played once since we moved to America last September, unless it were a piano or a synthesiser," says the Princess.
"But isn't that rough on you, at your age? Don't you miss it?" asks Michelle.
"If ya dunno' think about somethin', ya canno' miss it," says the Princess. "I just always have to be somewhere, doin' somethin' and that's what I am thinkin' about. I'm no' sittin' there sayin' 'Oh, I wish I could be playin' or somethin'!’. Haven't got the time."
"And you've been touring early morning radio this month," Michelle says.
"Aye," says the Princess. "Every morning I'm somewhere else. We dunno' even go back to our house in Crummer Canyon anymore. Just stay in hotels ridin' the bullet from one town to the next. If it's Monday, this must be Florida."
"Got it, Princess!" says Michelle. "Good guess. Well, I guess, as the Chinese say, Little Princess, you live 'in interesting times'. Now, you have a new song for us?"
"Aye," says the Princess.
"Well, what's it called?" Michelle says.
"Freedom To Dream," says the Princess.
"And what's it about?" Michelle asks.
"Well, at first it was just I wanted Mummy to let me sleep longer," the Princess says, giggling. "But now I think it means somethin' different. Freedom for everyone to dream their future. Even the people of Guatemala."
"Yes, I know you've been fighting for your country through songs the past few months. But it's not even really your country, is it?" says Michelle.
"Well, I weren't born there, if that's what ya mean. But 'tis my country now, 'cos I've been fightin' for it. And the last thing the Presidenta did before she died, on Independence Day, was to make me a citizen!" says the Princess.
"OK, citizen Princess! Take it away!" Michelle says.
A slide guitar leads, with bass and percussion. The Princess' electric piano cannot be heard.  The style of the music is like the first half of the video at the bottom of this page.
Then the percussion machine kicks in.
And then the Princess starts singing.
Somewhere, where the stars are brighter
Where the moon's light
Is a little more . . .  magical!
Somewhere, where the air is clearer
And the people are more sincere
In their pursuit of  justice.
Take us away from this
We wanna wake up in Wonderland
We wanna be free from the burdens of sanity
Just give us freedom to dream
We only want freedom to dream.
Please give us freedom to dream
We only want freedom to dream
. . . Sweet, sweet dreams
THREE ANGELS: Dream away, dream away now
Sweet, sweet dreams
THREE ANGELS: Dream away, dream away now
Sweet . . . yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah!
Where the skies are bluer
Where the people are truer
In what they say and do
I'll be there
And when I get there
I'll be waitin'
Waitin'  for you!
Take us away from this
We wanna wake up in Wonderland
We wanna be free from the burdens of sanity
Just give us freedom to dream
We only want freedom to dream.
Please give us freedom to dream
We only want freedom to dream
. . . Sweet, sweet dreams
THREE ANGELS: Dream away, dream away now
Sweet, sweet dreams
THREE ANGELS: Dream away, dream away now
Sweet . . . yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah!
Don't wake me up
THREE ANGELS: Wake me up, wake me up
Never wanna wake up
THREE ANGELS: Wake up, Wake up
There's so much to do I don't wanna do
Places to be where I hate to be
And you're the only thing that I wanna see!
Yeah, somewhere, at the end of the rainbow
At the end of all the trouble
At the end of the day
Yeah, yeah, yeah
Somewhere, at the end of the song
That's gone on too long
This is what I
This is all I want to say
Take us away from this
We wanna wake up in Wonderland
We wanna be free from the burdens of sanity
Just give us freedom to dream
We only want freedom to dream.
Please give us freedom to dream
We only want freedom to dream
. . . Sweet, sweet dreams
THREE ANGELS: Dream away, dream away now
Sweet, sweet dreams
THREE ANGELS: Dream away, dream away now
Sweet . . . yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah!
Ends with, one octave apart: "Sweet . . . dreams."
"Wow, Princess, what a song!" Michelle says.
"Cheers, Michelle," the Princess says.
"And you thought that up all by yourself?" asks Michelle.
"It's not like that anymore. We all work on it together. We canno' say anymore, 'Oh, that's mine. That's his.'," says the Princess.
"And they get better that way, don't they?" Michelle says.
"Aye, truth be told," the Princess says.
"Here, have some Florida orange juice, Princess, to celebrate being here," says Michelle.
"Cheers,"  the Princess says.
"What d'you think of it . . . do people really call you 'Princess' all the time? I mean, you must have a name, don't you?" Michelle says.
"Yeah, the juice is OK. We have it in Guatemala, almost the same, not always so sweet. Well, me name is Mary Elizabeth MacAlistair-Castleton. In public, everyone calls me 'Princess' and I'm halfway kinda sorta gettin' used to it," the Princess says.
The Princess and Michelle both laugh.
"But me family and friends have always called me 'Mimi'," says the Princess.
"Wow, that's interesting . . . Mimi. You have more names than many people have credit cards," Michelle says.
"'Ve got nicks too," says the Princess. "Like, on the ICT, they call me 'the Altrincham Cat', because I grew up in Altrincham in England. In Guatemala, me friends called me 'Mimicita'. Dad calls me 'Little Bird' (mimicking his Cantabridgian accent) and Mum calls me 'Lassie' 'cos she's Scottish. And sometimes, what they call me on the ICT . . . I cannot say them now or I'll get a smack from me Mum, just there."
The Princess giggles again.
"Now, Mimi," Michelle says. "Is it OK if I call you 'Mimi'?"
"Sure," says the Princess.
"Do you wanna talk to your fans here in Miami-Dade County?" Michelle says.
"Sure. 'd love it!" says the Princess.
"OK, who have we got up first?" Michelle says. "Alexandria? From where? From Ft Lauderdale. OK, you're on Alexandria."
"Do you like to hang out at the beach?" Alexandria says.
"Aye," the Princess says. "And we've got the best beach in the world in Guatemala, called Playa Blanca, a pure deed knock-off of Heaven! We love to run our papalotes there along the sea and set them free to fly away."
"What are papalotes?" asks Alexandria.
"We fly them in the sky," says the Princess. "Uh . . . yeah, I remember! You call them . . . 'kites'."
"Oh, kites!" says Alexandria.
"Yeah," says the Princess."
"Did you ever go to Miami Beach? Or The Hub?" says Alexandria.
"No," says the Princess. "Dad and I used to go to Venice Beach when we first came to Los Angeles. We used to go there to laugh at the bampots. But now we're too far away and there's no time."
"OK, next question for the Princess," says Michelle. "Here is Tommy from the U of M."
"Hi, Princess," says Tommy.
"Hi, Tommy," says Princess.
"Look, you are doing these radio shows and singing these songs," Tommy says. "And a lot o' people like 'em. Hey, I like 'em too."
"Cheers, Tommy," says the Princess.
"Well, OK," says Tommy. "But do you feel you're getting anywhere? That junta is still in power in Guatemala and they even took over their neighbour, Belize, this month. I mean, don't you get frustrated? Are you going to accomplish anything?"
"Oh, Tommy, you dunno' know," the Princess says. "I sound happy, singin' these songs. And singin' makes me happy like it does everybody. But I cry me-self to sleep every night, in the hotels, sayin' 'how many people died in Guatemala today 'cos I wasn't good enough?' I'll tell you this. You say you like the songs. That makes me happy. Love to be loved. But if I were just doin' this for Pina Colada, for money, I wouldn't be so good. I'm singin' for me people. That's what  I want people to understand. I have to be the best. I get singin' lessons every day."
The Princess sings  "La, la,la, la, la, la, la," a C scale.
"Uh . . . a tad off there," she says.
" 'Cos me li'l voice isn't strong enough yet," says the Princess. "That's where I learn to do those one-octave stretches you've heard in me songs lately. And I work on breathin' . . ."
The Princess breathes  through her mouth, audibly.
"'Cos people's lives depend on it," the Princess says. "This is not just singin' 'round the school piano for a lark like we used to do in Guatemala City. If I'm off, people won't send e-mails to their leaders. They won't put  money in the Freedom Fund. And then me singin' is just backscatter, music to watch people die by. And I'd rather stand against that wall for fusilamiento in their place than do that!"
"But you can't overthrow a government can you?" Tommy asks.
"I know that," the Princess says. "But if I were single-handed, nobody would know about this, would they? Li'l girl, skrikin' on the playground. It's millions of you guys, la fuerza de los patojos movilizados, that made President Hemingway tell Congress what's happenin' in Guatemala. And I know, eventually, she and the other countries will do somethin'. You lot blocked up their inboxes last September with Guatemala messages, after "Elizabeth Rose" came out, they couldn't get any other e-mail: that's what we need, again and again. In my heart, I know President Hemingway, Prime Minister Benjamin, in Britain, all of them are good. They're just slow. We'll get them there. Keep the pressure on! And not only them because you lot dunno' have a junta: it's not just one bloke hidin' behind five. Me Dad explained this to me last night. You've got Representatives and Senators and all manner of things. Just like we used to in Guatemala. So now write to the lot: every one You've got to get all of them walkin' around your capital sayin' 'Guatemala, Guatemala, Gua-te-ma-la. Go and find out where that li'l country is and do somethin' about them.' Then we're in the road goin' ta freedom!"
"If anybody can get them there, little Princess, it's you," Tommy says.
"Och, chattin' macca: it's you - and millions like you. Never forget it!" the Princess says. "If ya ever start thinkin' the li'l 9-year-old patoja from Guatemala's gonna do everything - or anything - my people are a cooked tampado.  If anybody can get them there, it's you, Tommy - and your friends and neighbours and relatives. So, Princesisto, get in the road!"
"I'm gonna go send some e-mail to the President right now," says Tommy. "And also the two Senators from Florida and the Congressman from the University district and the Governor of Florida, too!" says Tommy.
"That's the spirit, me bessie!" says the Princess.
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