#my family is just extremely german but in a way thats so Americanized that we dont pronounce our last name correctly
opens-up-4-nobody · 2 years
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chaotic-yeet · 4 years
every single fucking one yobi
Hey Strawberry, you asked for this
Do you ever doubt anyone else's existence other than your own: Not really no
On a scale of 1-5 how afraid of the dark are you: 5+ I have nyctophobia so it's extremely bad for me
The person you would never want to meet: Does knowing them and no longer speaking count? An old friend of mine, I hope I never see her again
What is your favorite word: I'm actually not sure, I have a few ones I like to say because I pronounce them wrong, but I don't think I have a favorite
If you were a type of tree, what kind would you be: Maybe a birch tree? They're my favorite kind in minecraft sooo
When you looked in the mirror this morning, what did you first think: "Damn I need to wash my face more"
What shirt are you wearing:. A Mammoth one! It's dark gray, has a bear on the back and front chest area, and has blue, pink, and purple fade on it (the bi flag!)
What do you label yourself as: a fuckin bastard or dumbass thats what
Bright room or dark room: I have sensitive eyes so a dark room, but with either soft light or nightlight, I hate complete darkness
What were you doing at midnight last night: Talking to @the-strawzish-clownfish , while being on call with @psychotic-roach he had fallen asleep
Favorite age you've been so far: 13 probably, which sounds weird, but my mental health got better that year (it didn't stay that way but eh)
Who told you they loved you last: @psychotic-roach !! And I love you too (once you read this :D)
Your worst enemy: Myself and an old friend I mentioned in like, question 3
What's your current desktop picture: On my main laptop it's a Marble Hornets fanart (that I adore) and on my Chromebook it's some space doodles in the bi colors
Do you like someone: Fuck yes I do, @psychotic-roach you're fucking great and deserve the world
The last song you listened to: Deku Palace remix! I'm a huge EDM/ Trap fan, combine it with Zelda music and I'm hooked!
You can press a button to make one specific person explode, who would you pick: Old friend from before
Who would you really just love to punch in the face: Many, many people
If anyone could be your slave for the day, who would it be and what would they do: Well probably a close friend of mine, and I'd have him play smash with me and make pancakes with me (basically beg him to hang out even though it's quarantine so we can have fun again)
What's your best physical attribute: Probably my hair, it's dyed purple and used to be shaved
If you were the opposite sex for a day, what would you look like and what would you do: I'd probably look the same just taller and less curves, and I'd probably jerk off or go on some 3am walk because fuck it I can
Do you have a secret talent: I don't think so, I have a shitty memory, but not when it comes to naming ninjago episodes, @the-strawzish-clownfish can verify
What is one unique thing you're afraid of: Touching Rays, any kind, especially the ones at aquariums that come up to the tank wall that you can pet
You can only have one kind of sandwich, every ingredient is at your disposal: Well call me white, but my usual, white bread turkey and shredded cheese. That's it. I'm super lame.
You just found $100 how are you gonna spend it: Save it, I always save hundreds without hesitation
You just got a free plane ticket to go anywhere in the world, but you have to leave immediately: Uh, probably Georgia to see some family
Basically an Angel says I'll give you lost of booze forever be specific: Uh, fuck I dunno I don't drink, Fuckin' Crown Royal for shits and giggles why not
An island in which you can make your own rules, what's the first: Stay on your own turf unless someone allows you to come in, unless it's emergency (and I know this rule will cause problems, it's a guideline at best)
What is your favorite expletive: Tie between Bullshit and Fuck, I absolutely love those two
Your house is on fire (but everyone is okay) what one object do you grab: Well, in my current room right now? My phone, I'll still have contact with people I love and have my art (the only thing I care about in here) with me too
You can erase any horrible experience from your past: Main one, I won't actually say allowed but Roach you know what it is, but one I can put on here, Probably some embarrassing thing I did, most like everyone else
You got kicked out of your country, where would you live: GERMANY! I love the German language and I'd absolutely love to go to Germany and live with it!
Death is a good dude and says you can choose who to bring back: My cat who died a few years ago, he was an awesome cat that didn't deserved to die at 6 years old
What was your last dream about: I have super long dreams, like so much goes on in them it's like a story, too long to type out, @psychotic-roach knows it. Long story short, Pirates and apartments under water
Are you a good (insert whatever): Am I a good, fuck I dunno let's do artists because it's easy. I think I do decent enough
Have you ever been admitted to the hospital: No, only when I was a newborn in the nicu because I wasn't latching right
Have you ever built a snowman: Nope, but my friend did and I watched. His snowman was tiny and got stepped on, my friend shed a few tears
What is the color or your socks: Not wearing any right now, but usually gray
What type of music do you like: EDM AND TRAP BABYYY IF IT'S LOUD I LOVE IT
Do you prefer sunrise or sunset: Sunset definitely, I burn easy so having the nice night air slowly come over with the stars is nice for me
Favorite milkshake flavor: Chocolate!
What football team do you support: American football? None. German Bundesliga teams? Stuttgart. We were assigned teams in my German class and that was mine! Stuttgart all the way!!
Do you have any scars: Yes, many. They range from self harm, to actual cat scratches, to me falling, and many more
What do you want to be when you graduate: No idea!
If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be? Weight, I have bad self esteem so it's never enough
Are you reliable: Honestly, no. I have bad memory and I will forget if someone needs something
If you could ask your future self a question what would it be: How's Roach doing, and what's Oregon like?
Do you hold grudges: depends, mostly no, but sometimes yes
If you could breed two animals together and defy the laws of nature, what two would you breed: Uh good question, probably Cat and Opossum, really just to see what would happen
Most unusual conversation: Mental health stuff with my parents and therapist, more awkward than anything
Are you a good liar: Not really no depending on the person
How long could you go without talking: Well in quarantine all day, regular days though, maybe an hour at best, I absolutely love my friends, just only certain ones
What has been your worst haircut/ style: Back when it was longer than my shoulders and I wore it down. Except I never took care of it so it looked like shit.
Have you ever baked your own cake: Yes every birthday I make mine! I even had my friends help me with my most recent one!
Can you do any accent other than your own: maybe a southern one but no not really
What do you like on your toast: Nutella or cinnamon and sugar. I know, terrible for you
What is the last thing you drew a picture of: Uh me and @psychotic-roach and our pets but I'm self conscious about my art so I just didn't really show it to anyone (sorry Roach, I'm just super shy about my art!)
What would be your dream car: Me and my family had a running joke that I liked Tesla's, so probably a Tesla
Do you sing in the shower: No but I want to, I just don't like people hearing me sing
Do you believe in aliens: I believe we're not alone in the universe, weather it be new life billions of miles away or way advanced life a few galaxies away
Do you often read your horoscope: No, but astrology is fun to fuck with sometimes
What is your favorite letter of the alphabet: probably E or something, it's soothing in a weird way
What do you think about babies: They're sweet sometimes, I'm honestly afraid of holding one or having to take care of one though
Freebie! Ask anything you can think of: I can't really think of anything so I guess just @psychotic-roach I love you!! @the-strawzish-clownfish thank you for these painful asks, they were fun :)
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jessiewre · 5 years
Day 22
Sun 26th Jan 💜
It’s been a year to the day since we lost Nanny. That’s mad isn’t it. Miss that legend.
Woke up at about 5am because we’d gone to bed too early, but managed to power through and stay in bed till 7am. Phil got up and continued researching his new obsession - a half marathon near Kilimanjaro - and I joined him at 8:30am for Spanish omelette breakfast included in our 25$ a night room. Good deal that init. People say that in London you’re never further than like 5 meters away from a rat. Well thats like me and good deals, there’s always one close by for me to sniff out. Maybe I’m more like one of those pigs and the deals are truffles.
I digress...
The hostel manager was now wearing a chefs coat and I realised he was now the chef. What a multi-talented chap he was. I threw him into a frenzy by asking for salt, pepper, ketchup and chilli sauce, and eventually went into the kitchen myself to assist.
The ketchup was in a huge bucket bottle in the fridge and he gracefully glugged it out into a plastic squeezey bottle that he couldn’t find the lid for. Yum.
Shout out to Stella and Helen who will surely boke at that description of keptchup.
We got bodas to the Woman’s Centre for the recommended walking tour starting at 10am - but there was a big bike race on believe it or not, and so road blocks meant we had to walk the last kilometre. Phil was loving the bike race, I could see his legs twitching like he was imagining himself on a bike that moment, but I soon snapped him back to reality by power-walking ahead to avoid us being super late to the walk.
The sky was rapidly turning a dark shade of grey but Phil assured me that the weather report he’d checked stated that there would be no rain until midday or later.
You may be able to sense where this is going.
We arrived at the Centre and sat in the sofa area for the introduction, and the exact moment the woman began to talk and tell us about the community, the rain began to thunder on the metal roof and no one could hear a word she said. After 10 minutes, the intro finished and the rain actually calmed down a little, but then it went totally crazy again and me and Phil looked at each other like...hmm should we just not do this walking tour.
Another English girl there was thinking the same thing and the 3 of us decided to ditch the tour and head back the next day, while the 3 older people and a young American woman went off in the torrential rain with umbrellas. Umbrella’s are all good and well but I couldn’t see another soul on the streets so I seriously doubted how good a community walking tour would be in this weather. We chatted to the English girl, Esther, and she was ending a weeks work doing research for the Princes Trust who she works for. In a nutshell, she creates programmes for local groups in different countries to integrate technology into their lives to improve their prospects and quality of life. Really interesting! Phil mentioned that she should hang at our hostel later if she wanted as we were planning on trying out the bowling alley on site, and she was really up for that, especially considering she was in Kigali on her own and it was her last night.
The rain eventually calmed down enough for us to jump on a boda and we decided that considering the rain, it would be appropriate to visit the Genocide Museum at this point. We knew we were going to visit it at some point so made sense to be inside during the rain.
We were really hungry though and didn’t want to rush through the museum, so thankfully there was a cafe on site where we had a vege burger and vege panini, both with chips. We decided we’d try and lay off the chips for a while after that meal, it was the chip that broke the camels back.
The Rwandan Genocide museum was a harrowing and necessary visit.
The below information is upsetting, I’ll warn you now.
noun: genocide; plural noun: genocides
1. the deliberate killing of a large group of people, especially those of a particular nation or ethnic group.
To briefly summarise, the problems began when the country was ‘colonised’ - or should we say if we’re being honest, when the country was invaded against its will. The Germans were first in 1899 then the Belgians in 1916 and then the Belgian’s decided to split the country into three different groups. Ultimately this created a sort of competition between the groups of people that had never existed before and this was what they say sparked the issues in the country. Fast forward to 1994, and the genocide officially began, over a period of 100 days - neighbours were murdering neighbours, friends were murdering friends. Relatives even betrayed each other. By turning people against each other, the ringleaders were able to sit back and watch the killings happen for them.
Being in the country now, its very difficult to imagine it happening, as it feels vibrant, friendly and safe. But the images in the museum leave you under no illusions. People were mindlessly slaughtered, no one was spared - children, pregnant women and men. It was absolutely mind-blowingly horrendous.
The museum talks a lot about how the international community sat back and let it happen, like Rwanda was on another planet that no one cared about. There is obviously a lot of pain from that which was difficult to read about.
But there were also a number of people who put themselves on the line by hiding people in their houses and gardens, saving many lives. Unfortunately, there were not enough of those people and over a million people were killed. They are still uncovering mass graves today.
There were videos playing with interviews from survivors talking about the guilt they feel from being the only member of their family who survived. But incredibly, they spoke about forgiveness and said they would like to forgive the perpetrators if they were willing to ask for forgiveness. They spoke about moving forward with only peace in mind, as this was what would move Rwanda forward in a peaceful way. By seeking revenge, the violence and pain would continue, they said. It’s unbelievable to hear that from someone who watched their innocent young siblings and mother murdered by machete in front of their very eyes. You can’t even imagine what this person has gone through.
One of the most difficult parts of the museum was The Children’s Room. This section had beautiful photos of child victims printed in large portraits displayed around the room, with a small plaque underneath each one with bullet points of information about the child, like:
Favourite Snack
Best Friend

Then the final point for every child was
Cause of death
The descriptions here were detailed and distressing.
Obviously there is a huge amount of detail missing from this account of the genocide and I urge you to have a read about it if you have time and are interested.
We left there after a few hours taking it all in and went to find the Inema Art gallery, as we’d read about it being a really cool artists space that has had a lot of international interest.
It was different to what I expected, as there wasn’t actually a lot of pieces in there - more like a few extremely large pieces, each priced around $5000. So obviously, we bought two and headed off.
Well anyway, some of the artists were there stood near their art in smart clothes and were hoping for a super rich muzungu coming in and buying everything. That was not going to be us, so we thanked them and headed to the cafe for a little coffee.
Not before I asked them if there were any female artists there.
One guy said No, the women in Rwanda seem to stick to the craft-making and THEN he said that even though many are good at art, he thinks they are lacking in passion.
I said Hmm perhaps you means Confidence, not passion.
He was like Oh yeah, maybe that.
Yeah MAYBE THAT mate.
We boda’d back to the hostel and Phil donned up in his gear for a run. Just before heading off, he finally booked himself a spot onto the Kilimanjaro half marathon in Moshi, Tanzania on 1st March. FFS. Better get practicing on my excited supportive girlfriend look then.
Meanwhile I sat in the hostel garden watching videos on how to use Procreate on the iPad. Suddenly realised Phil had been gone AGES and then he rocked up having run like 10 MILES and then said Oh also, I may have tripped over and potentially broken my toe.
He’d taken out his phone to check the map and ended up kicking a bit of metal sticking out of the group, and then he’d fallen over and made a few new cracks on his phone screen (to join the 5 that were already there).
Phil had a quick shower and change while hobbling around on his bad foot (I hear broken toes are brilliant for half marathons), and Esther arrived at the hostel, so we went searching for a restaurant open on a Sunday. After a few fails, we eventually stumbled across a place called Afrika Bite and negotiated the 10k per person meaty Rwandan platter down to 5k each for a vegetarian version for all of us. It was so good! Garlic potatoes, peanut sauce, rice, vegetables, fried banana, salad, plus some ‘fish fingers’ ordered as an extra. Such a welcome relief to eat something local and delicious. Shout out to those who are reading this blog mainly for the food descriptions.
We went back to the hostel to play in East Africa’s 2nd bowling alley (the only other one is in Nairobi!) and Esther made sure she mentioned she had a ‘bad neck’. That would explain her unbelievably bad scoring thats for sure. Ok now to be fair, Phil the physio also advised that she use the heaviest ball available which turned out to be truly awful advise and after a stagnant run of about 2 points in 6 goes, she tried a really light ball - and actually hit some pins! Go Esther.
Can I also mention that this bowling alley had a system where a bloke hidden at the end would organise the pins and reset them for us manually using a kind of lever system. He always managed to move his hands out of the way before the ball struck the pins of course.
Esther headed back to her hotel and we ended up playing basketball on the two hoops game with Desire the manager. Our quick game of ‘How many can you score in 1 minute’ managed to take over our lives for over an hour. My record was 23, Phil’s 24 (he’s taller init) and Desire managed 33 (well, he works there so ya know). Was addictive and super fun and I got the impression Desire will spend the next year working on his pb.
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gavy19-blog · 8 years
The Face of My Soul / Reincarnation
I will begin to blog my new book: The Face of My Soul, one chapter at a time, every week, on Tumblr. Those who would like to make comments or ask questions, and contribute to the growth of our knowledge base on the ReIncarnation process of the Soul, or are just plain curious, you are welcomed to read and participate. My goal Is remember lessons learned from past lives, in order to apply them and make this life, one of the best ones! Discover if we Can possibly plan where to be born in the next life? Do we have a choice of where, when, and with whom we reincarnate next ? These are the types of questions I will be posing for group discussion at the end of each chapter. I am so lucky to remember via what I call “ memory clips” or snapshots of some of my past lives…. and will do my very best to share potential trigger tips I have discovered, so my readers can try to remember too 💕
I was advised to type a disclaimer stating: this blog is a work of fiction and any resemblance to real life historical persons is for the purpose of entertainment of the readers😀
Saturday February 25,2017 The Face of My Soul
Once you know who you were in a past life, everything begins to fall into place and make sense in this one. The things you enjoy. The root cause of your fears. Your longings and your hopes….. Death ceases to be a torturous thought. Because you KNOW the rebirth of your Soul will let you live once again…like the new leaves that regrow on the branches of a tree, every Spring. Reincarnation is a concept that brings clarity and understanding to such a horrible scenario as death. All Humanity is linked at the spiritual level. Therefore you need never fret nor feel lonely. Even if you don’t think so, you are never alone. You are always surrounded by energy. Our essence or energy source never dies, it just changes form. I hope my writings move you to Ask your Soul, to tell you its story. You will soon realize that Remembrance is a form of ReLiving. I guarantee you that the discoveries about yourself which you will make, will amaze you, like nothing else can! Appreciation:
I want to Thank my Mother Maku, and her Teacher Ingrid. They jointly created the mysterious mermaid’s face underwater, With her hair graciously floating all about. I asked them to paint it for me, so I could use it on the cover of this book, which I started manually writing so many years ago…and now, I have also used her image on one of my purses, which is part of my women’s fashion line. It brings me a great deal of pleasure that so many women have liked and bought it. I made it for us! I truly believe we all evolved from the Sea, so her original essence lives inside of all humanity. They sweetly surprised me, by painting her with My Face, and natural reddish brown long locks. As I wore it when I was in my late twenty's😀 I also want to Thank Maartin, for not only did he open the floodgates of my mind, He Remembered Me!
The chronicle of my journey thru many a lifetimes, is dedicated to those souls who shared precious pieces of their lives at my side. Especially those that loved me, time and time again. They helped make me who I am today, and I am grateful.
Passages of Time: Part I : The Past. C0: I Remember Thee. C1: Aquatic Tales. C2: High Up In The Caves. C3: Rough Seas and Harsh Terrain. C4: Luxury and Trade. C5: The Burdens Of A Queen. C:6 Pirate Treasures. C7: Father Knows Best. C8: Loneliness. C9: Wen Hwa, Never Say Sayonara To Me. C10: England Once Again C11: Once I was a Writer C12: Wild America. C13: Afrique. C14: WW2. Part II : The Present. C15: In This Day and Age. C16: Under The Caribbean Sun. C17: The Delicious Cuisine of Persia. C18: From the Sands of The Sahara. C19: A Young New Restless Soul. C20: So He Was Scottish. C21: My Roman Pours Me Yet Another Cup Of Wine. C22: Cowboy Days. C23: A Siren’s Call. C24: He Has Found Me Once Again, Worshiping RA. C25: A ChinaMan, long ways from home. C26 —- C? Part III : The Charted Unknown Questions: A Session to discuss possibilities: *Can we plan where to be born next? *Does Karma really happen? *Is there a Heaven or a Hell ? *Where does our Soul go when our physical body dies, and where ever that is, can we stay there for as long as we desire or permanently? *Is our future predestined or is it within our power to change or create it? *Should we seek previously loved ones, or start anew, to expand our horizons? *Are we reborn together again with previous family or friends in a different context? *How can we carry over lessons learned to start the next life with a running start? *Do we inhabit only human forms or can we also reincarnate into animals? *Is our Soul locked on the planet Earth or can it travel into Space or Other Planets? * I am sure there will be other Interesting Additional Questions and Possibilities My Readers Would Like To Discuss….. To Live in Love, That is all I Desire/CPB
Chapter 0 : I Remember Thee
Mine is an old Soul. Restless, determined and even ruthless at times.
Those who know me in this current time, see me as a successful woman, surrounded by a caring family. Involved in an encompassing career, which has shown me the world we live in today.
Throughout the years, it has been extremely easy for me to learn various languages. Spanish, English, French, Persian, Arabic, Portuguese, German, And Chinese. I may not be fluent in all of them, but I get by, for they are familiar indeed. Even some Native American sayings rise to the tip of my to tongue, when the occasion commands… and the old Elizabethan form of speaking English, is as clear as glass, to me.
I have always felt as an integrated part of this world. Of its past, present and unknown future.
I can honestly say that although I have had my share of sad and terrifying moments, my lives have been overall grand ones!
The past dramas I have lived, make me quite grateful to be who I am today. I believe people need to be more appreciative and less hateful. Each life we experience is short, at least the young productive years we are given, they do not seem long enough for me. I have noticed that for those who don’t realize this fact early on, their lives tend to slip by even faster; though they themselves feel the passage of time to be quite slow. Concluding in a torment of regrets, at an older age. Regrets, to unbearable to peacefully shoulder.
It appears, I have unconsciously managed a way to carry pieces of knowledge from the past into the present, to help me succeed. Better understand myself in the current life I am living in. That which we call instinct, are merely experiences from previous lives. Stored, intangible data, that can be of much value, if adhered to.
Of course, my version of success, may differ from its traditional definition. Success to me, is a variable, which depends much on my intent at the moment. As you will undoubtedly realize through out the course of my story.
The order in which things have happened, or their completeness, is a bit of blur. After all, who can say exactly what happened and when, in the process of recalling nebulous past lives?
Even in this modern day, if you were to ask five people watching a scene, what they saw, you would probably receive five slightly different versions. All depending on their vantage viewpoint, and their mental state of mind at the moment.
Therefore, I will not bother to dwell on the exact dates of my executions and adventures, because, I know them not, exactly!
TIPs for my readers, to help you remember your past lives:
I will now list some methods I have discovered( by accident) which have triggered many memory clips for me, perhaps they will work for you too.
A. Relaxing while listening to instrumental music. For me its Central European Gypsy, African drums or Bedouin music from the Arabian Desert tribes. Ethnic music. When You listen to these types of music you will either get a melancholy feeling or feel nothing at all. If it moves you, push on… the hardest window to open is the first one. After that, the windows of remembrance will become more easily recognizable and easily open up!
B. Really taking in the landscape, the sky, and the smells that surround you at places you visit. Both heavily populated cities and natural rural areas of nature. You will immediately recognize if that place is familiar to you or if it feels new and unknown. If it seems familiar, push on…. one clue leads to another!
C. The expression or glean in a person’s eyes. The body might be a different one from the one you knew, but if its a soul you knew from the past, you will recognize them by looking into their eyes. The same applies to their essence. If you have a strong attraction or dislike towards someone you just “supposedly” met, you can bet thats not your first encounter with that soul. I think thats what “ Love or Hate at first sight” is all about! Listen to your gut instinct, thats your Soul talking to you!
This concludes my chapter for this week. I hope it gets you thinking, testing, and analyzing. Feel free to write comments or ask questions here on Tumblr or on my FaceBook page…we are here to learn💕
Within The Seas I Cast My Spells Of Enchantment, Her Depth and Beauty, Protect and Serve Me Well/CPB Chapter 1 : Aquatic Tales Sometimes, when I gaze upon a lovely beach, And my mind be put in a tranquil state… deeply stored feelings emerge. I instinctively know what it must have felt like, to be a primitive life force, living in the Sea. Sensations of total body movement, weightless freedom, beneath the ocean waves. Not sure if I was completely human at the time, though if I can recall these memories, I must have had a Soul, even then. I imagine we were few. As I grew older, There were less and less of my kind. It was mostly a solitary life, except when I was in the beautiful warm shallows. There, I was surrounded by colorful marine life of all shapes and sizes. They shared my watery world with me. Fear must be one our most basic emotions, for I remember feeling it intensely, when seamen followed me. In those instances, I would dive deep, for as long as the captured air inside me would sustain my body below. Mayhap’s, they Meant me no harm. But sometimes when animals are curious, they inflict pain unknowingly on the object of their interest. I have only had a few Memory Clips of this primitive aquatic life. Yet they were euphorically wonderful. Swimming in clear shallow pools or water, with boulders sprouting from beneath the Sea. Sprinkled here and there, bordered by a golden sand beach. I was with a protector mate. One who was larger in size than me. We would look up at the warm sun from beneath the serene sea. Leaping up and out into the air above, smiling, and full of joy. This body of water is now called The Sea of Cortez. But back then, it was just known as Warm Time Home, in the basic language we communicated in. It was populated by many big sea mammals. Big creatures divine with a profound soulful look in their eyes. In some places, I recall being worshipped. During low tide, when the sun was setting, always a preferred time of day for me, food was laid upon the flat rocks near the shore. The offerings were carefully prepared with gratitude and adorned with flowers from the land mass inside. I would run my fingers threw my long tresses and tie the long stem flowers in them. They smelled sweet, like nothing in the Sea. They came from the green tropical verdant patches I could see far ahead. I believe this was where today we call the Caribbean Island. It was our preferred home. That was the place we swam to when the Pacific currents ran cold. The offerings were a service payment, for my vigilance of the little ones, when they played in the water. Keeping them safe from harmful sea creatures we both viewed with fear, who could harm or consume these innocents. I did my task with diligence, for the young I protected grew into adults who would provide me with shelter, when strangers encouraged by legends, searched for my kind. Thousands of years ago, the old ones, from the coastline of Africa, kept my lore alive. Through their verbal stories, passed down from generation to generation. Their decedents, the transplanted men, women and children, chained into slavery and brought to Jamaica, Cuba, Hispaniola, and other Caribbean Islands, prayed to me. I was ageless, and the Obeah knew this. I heard their prayers mixed in with the beating drums. Pleas, desires, thankfulness stated in advance for the help they requested. They conducted these ceremonies during the full moon nights when they knew I would come to rest near their shore. The primitive music touched the somewhat human part of me. Though the deep ocean was safer, the shallow sea surrounding these lands were of my better liking. I enjoyed spotting small brightly colored animals flying in the air. They reminded me of the colorful fish swimming in the reefs, yet these whisked through the air not water, and instead of scales, they had feathers. Some sang sweet songs that no fish I ever met could sing. I loved to look at the Islands with tall green mountains high above, except for the lush vegetation, they were similar to the mountains beneath some parts of what is called today the Pacific Ocean. A misnomer for sure, since those waters were nothing but tumultuous, hardly ever Pacific. I felt at ease there in the turquoise waters of my beloved Caribe, close to the humans on the land. I swam there for pleasure, and also to hunt for food, tools and decorations for my body. All was quite visible when the water was bathed in bright mid day sunlight. Off the Celtic Coast, far to the North West, I was feared. Not for acts I myself had committed, but because of superstitions created by long ago sailors. They claimed I was a sign of a “ coming doom”. A doom their own ignorance often brought upon themselves. In what today is called the Indian Ocean, I was not an evil omen. I was often called there and Gladly welcomed. I in turn, warned these people of tropical storms a brewing… providing them ample time to reinforce their homes and gather fresh water,food and supplies, before a windy devastation came upon them. My senses were keen. I could detect air pressure variances and knew when the warm ocean would suffer a sea change. I was a dual natured being, like many that lived long ago in the sea, before migrating permanently onto the land… Lessons Learned: The soul inhabits a body that is made of and part of the physical world. It is a temporary stage in order to learn via feelings and the interactions you have with other people. It is in a constant evolution. So enjoy each life by truly living it and only focusing on the people and circumstances that truly matter to you. Saturday March 11,2017 🐬
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samanthasroberts · 6 years
The Man Whose Penis Shrank Every Time He Told A Lie
Rex Clydesdale was feeling lucky. The dark and deathly cold South Dakota winter was creeping to an end. As he motored his wheezing pickup truck to his favorite bar while sunset crept over the flat horizon, he could see water dripping off the icicles hanging from the balconies above Main Street’sabandoned stores. The long thaw was coming.
Rex was not an attractive man by anyones standards. He stood only five-foot-five and was 120 pounds overweight, but his face was so plain and lumpy, hed still be considered undesirable even with an Olympic swimmers body. He wore a grimy baseball cap to mask his rapidly receding hairline and smelled vaguely of horse urine and sweet pickles. Due to his poor dietary choices, he was chronically constipated, which was beginning to give him back problems. While straining to defecate, hed fart loudly and unabashedly on the toiletso loud that the neighbors would often hear.
Rex had toiled for over 20 years as an inspector at one of the largest hay-production factories in the upper Midwest. Rex would scrutinizebales of hay to make sure they met minimum quality standards before allowing them to be shipped to farms all across the American heartland. Sometimes the hay was moldy or too dry, and hed have to reject it. If the hay was acceptable, Rex would fill out the bills of lading and instruct the workerssome of whom were undocumentedto load the trucks and send the hay on its way.
Like most males, Rex measured his penis throughout adolescence. It was actually a little longer than averagejust a touch over seven inchesbut as thin as a carrot. He could easily pierce a womans cervix with that length, but his lack of girth gave him plenty of breathing space on all sides. He could have intercourse with a woman without even touching her vaginal walls.
Rex was a chronic masturbatornot by choice, but by necessity. He had trouble recalling the last time a woman so much as smiled at him. He hadnt been laid in over fourteen years, but a small inner voice told him tonight would be the night.
The cigarette smoke in The Wishing Well was so thick you could cut it with a butter knife. Through wobblyspeakers, new country music blasted so loudly that you had to scream to hold a basic conversation. Yelling at the top of his lungs, Rex ordered a shot of whiskey and a mug of beer from Mitzi, a wizened female bartender whod worked there since Rex was a child. With his liquid courage in hand, he sat on a stool in front of his favorite video-game machine and began feeding it dollar bills.
After several games and several failures to reach the top levels, Rex noticed in the corner of his eye that a woman was seated on the stool next to his, lost in video games just like he was. He tried not to make it too obvious, but he shot her a glance every so often when he felt it was safe to do so. She was his female doppelgngergrossly overweight and with a face that was not only forgettable, one was to forget it. After assessing her to be a 3.4 on a scale of 10, Rex knew he had a chance with this woman.
Even though the woman clearly had no idea how to play the video game in question, Rex figured it would be counterproductive to break the ice with an insult.
Youre really good at that, he told her.
He suddenly felt a small jab in his crotch, almost as if hed been punched in the dick with a tiny fist.
Thanks, she said, turning to him and smiling. Her teeth were a dark yellowalmost brown.
My name is Rex, and I have to say, youre the prettiest woman Ive ever seen in this bar.
Again he felt a mild stabbing pain in his groin.
She smiled back at him. My name is Mary, but all my friends call me Kippy.
Mary? No kidding! Thats my favorite name!
Once more he felt as if someone had bitch-slapped him in his lap. Can I buy you a drink? he asked her.
That would be wonderful, she enthused. Ill have whatever youre having.
While flirting, Rex didnt realize that enemy alien spacecraft had pierced his force field, exploded all his attack planes, and destroyed his home base. GAME OVER. Well, let me go get us another round, he said winking, and when I get backmaybe we can take this to a private booth?
I would love that, Mary said.
Gimme two more whiskey shots and two beers, Rex told Mitzi. Heres ten dollars. Keep the change. Ill be right back. Gotta go to the bathroom. Like they say, you dont buy alcohol, you only rent it. Mitzi smiled politely and stuffed the ten-dollar bill into her ancient bra.
The bar bathroom reeked of pee and mothballs. Rex rushed into a stall, locked the door, unbuckled his belt, and opened his pants. To his extreme dismay, he noticed his penis looked substantially smaller than normal. He assured himself that it was merely a case of bad nerves. He couldnt remember the last time a woman allowed him to buy her a drink.
He zipped up, returned to the bar, grabbed the four drinks, and headed toward the dark booth in the far corner where Mary/Kippy awaited. She smiled as he approached.
To springtime! Rex said, clinking his shot glass against hers.
To springtime! she smiled, downing the shot in one gulp. So, Rex, what do you do for a living?
Me? I, uh, Im in the financial industry. Once more he felt a sharp punch straight to the cock.
Oh, thats nice. You must make a lot of money.
He mischievously smiled in the affirmative. More groin pain.
Im a greeter at the Walmart over in Mitchell near the Corn Palace, Mary said. Im divorced and live with my teenaged son. I just turned forty. How old are you?
How old am I? Im thirty-seven. He turned his head and winced. It felt as if a tiny demon was using his balls as punching bags.
Well, youre just a child compared to me, Mary said. Im part Scotch, part German, and part Sioux. My last name is Schmidtthats German. Whats your last name, Rex?
Clydesdale. Rex Clydesdale.
Clydesdale? Isnt that a horse?
Yep, Rex said, leaning in and feeling emboldened by the alcohols warm glow. And Im hung like one, too!
Then came the sharpest pain of all. This time he couldnt hide it. He yelped like a puppy that had been stepped on.
My goodness, are you OK? Mary asked.
Yeah, Rex said, lying yet again. He began to panic. Look, Maryor should I call you Kippy?
Youre my newest friend, so please call me Kippy.
Look, Kippy, my mother is ill, and I have to go home and check up on her.
You live with your mother?
Yes, but only until she dies. But Id like to hang out with you again. Maybe another Friday nightmaybe at your place?
That would be delightful, Kippy said. You can bring the alcohol, and maybe we can watch a movie. Do you like romantic comedies?
I LOVE romantic comedies, Rex said, grimacing from what felt like a boot kick to his family jewels. But Im very sorry that I have to leave. But you wouldnt want to hang out anyway with a man who neglected his mother, right?
Youre darn tootin I wouldnt, Kippy said, winking at him before guzzling the remainder of her beer.
You can look me up on FacebookRex Kevin Clydesdale. I look forward to hanging out with you again.
Me, too. And with that, Rex was gone.
When he arrived home, there was no mother who needed him. His mom had died years ago. That was yet another lie.
And when he stripped naked to shower off the shame and defeat, he noticed to his horror that he no longer had a penis, just a tiny nub where it once was.
It was then that he realized he had no more lies to tell.
Source: http://allofbeer.com/the-man-whose-penis-shrank-every-time-he-told-a-lie/
from All of Beer https://allofbeer.wordpress.com/2018/11/02/the-man-whose-penis-shrank-every-time-he-told-a-lie/
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adambstingus · 6 years
The Man Whose Penis Shrank Every Time He Told A Lie
Rex Clydesdale was feeling lucky. The dark and deathly cold South Dakota winter was creeping to an end. As he motored his wheezing pickup truck to his favorite bar while sunset crept over the flat horizon, he could see water dripping off the icicles hanging from the balconies above Main Street’sabandoned stores. The long thaw was coming.
Rex was not an attractive man by anyones standards. He stood only five-foot-five and was 120 pounds overweight, but his face was so plain and lumpy, hed still be considered undesirable even with an Olympic swimmers body. He wore a grimy baseball cap to mask his rapidly receding hairline and smelled vaguely of horse urine and sweet pickles. Due to his poor dietary choices, he was chronically constipated, which was beginning to give him back problems. While straining to defecate, hed fart loudly and unabashedly on the toiletso loud that the neighbors would often hear.
Rex had toiled for over 20 years as an inspector at one of the largest hay-production factories in the upper Midwest. Rex would scrutinizebales of hay to make sure they met minimum quality standards before allowing them to be shipped to farms all across the American heartland. Sometimes the hay was moldy or too dry, and hed have to reject it. If the hay was acceptable, Rex would fill out the bills of lading and instruct the workerssome of whom were undocumentedto load the trucks and send the hay on its way.
Like most males, Rex measured his penis throughout adolescence. It was actually a little longer than averagejust a touch over seven inchesbut as thin as a carrot. He could easily pierce a womans cervix with that length, but his lack of girth gave him plenty of breathing space on all sides. He could have intercourse with a woman without even touching her vaginal walls.
Rex was a chronic masturbatornot by choice, but by necessity. He had trouble recalling the last time a woman so much as smiled at him. He hadnt been laid in over fourteen years, but a small inner voice told him tonight would be the night.
The cigarette smoke in The Wishing Well was so thick you could cut it with a butter knife. Through wobblyspeakers, new country music blasted so loudly that you had to scream to hold a basic conversation. Yelling at the top of his lungs, Rex ordered a shot of whiskey and a mug of beer from Mitzi, a wizened female bartender whod worked there since Rex was a child. With his liquid courage in hand, he sat on a stool in front of his favorite video-game machine and began feeding it dollar bills.
After several games and several failures to reach the top levels, Rex noticed in the corner of his eye that a woman was seated on the stool next to his, lost in video games just like he was. He tried not to make it too obvious, but he shot her a glance every so often when he felt it was safe to do so. She was his female doppelgngergrossly overweight and with a face that was not only forgettable, one was to forget it. After assessing her to be a 3.4 on a scale of 10, Rex knew he had a chance with this woman.
Even though the woman clearly had no idea how to play the video game in question, Rex figured it would be counterproductive to break the ice with an insult.
Youre really good at that, he told her.
He suddenly felt a small jab in his crotch, almost as if hed been punched in the dick with a tiny fist.
Thanks, she said, turning to him and smiling. Her teeth were a dark yellowalmost brown.
My name is Rex, and I have to say, youre the prettiest woman Ive ever seen in this bar.
Again he felt a mild stabbing pain in his groin.
She smiled back at him. My name is Mary, but all my friends call me Kippy.
Mary? No kidding! Thats my favorite name!
Once more he felt as if someone had bitch-slapped him in his lap. Can I buy you a drink? he asked her.
That would be wonderful, she enthused. Ill have whatever youre having.
While flirting, Rex didnt realize that enemy alien spacecraft had pierced his force field, exploded all his attack planes, and destroyed his home base. GAME OVER. Well, let me go get us another round, he said winking, and when I get backmaybe we can take this to a private booth?
I would love that, Mary said.
Gimme two more whiskey shots and two beers, Rex told Mitzi. Heres ten dollars. Keep the change. Ill be right back. Gotta go to the bathroom. Like they say, you dont buy alcohol, you only rent it. Mitzi smiled politely and stuffed the ten-dollar bill into her ancient bra.
The bar bathroom reeked of pee and mothballs. Rex rushed into a stall, locked the door, unbuckled his belt, and opened his pants. To his extreme dismay, he noticed his penis looked substantially smaller than normal. He assured himself that it was merely a case of bad nerves. He couldnt remember the last time a woman allowed him to buy her a drink.
He zipped up, returned to the bar, grabbed the four drinks, and headed toward the dark booth in the far corner where Mary/Kippy awaited. She smiled as he approached.
To springtime! Rex said, clinking his shot glass against hers.
To springtime! she smiled, downing the shot in one gulp. So, Rex, what do you do for a living?
Me? I, uh, Im in the financial industry. Once more he felt a sharp punch straight to the cock.
Oh, thats nice. You must make a lot of money.
He mischievously smiled in the affirmative. More groin pain.
Im a greeter at the Walmart over in Mitchell near the Corn Palace, Mary said. Im divorced and live with my teenaged son. I just turned forty. How old are you?
How old am I? Im thirty-seven. He turned his head and winced. It felt as if a tiny demon was using his balls as punching bags.
Well, youre just a child compared to me, Mary said. Im part Scotch, part German, and part Sioux. My last name is Schmidtthats German. Whats your last name, Rex?
Clydesdale. Rex Clydesdale.
Clydesdale? Isnt that a horse?
Yep, Rex said, leaning in and feeling emboldened by the alcohols warm glow. And Im hung like one, too!
Then came the sharpest pain of all. This time he couldnt hide it. He yelped like a puppy that had been stepped on.
My goodness, are you OK? Mary asked.
Yeah, Rex said, lying yet again. He began to panic. Look, Maryor should I call you Kippy?
Youre my newest friend, so please call me Kippy.
Look, Kippy, my mother is ill, and I have to go home and check up on her.
You live with your mother?
Yes, but only until she dies. But Id like to hang out with you again. Maybe another Friday nightmaybe at your place?
That would be delightful, Kippy said. You can bring the alcohol, and maybe we can watch a movie. Do you like romantic comedies?
I LOVE romantic comedies, Rex said, grimacing from what felt like a boot kick to his family jewels. But Im very sorry that I have to leave. But you wouldnt want to hang out anyway with a man who neglected his mother, right?
Youre darn tootin I wouldnt, Kippy said, winking at him before guzzling the remainder of her beer.
You can look me up on FacebookRex Kevin Clydesdale. I look forward to hanging out with you again.
Me, too. And with that, Rex was gone.
When he arrived home, there was no mother who needed him. His mom had died years ago. That was yet another lie.
And when he stripped naked to shower off the shame and defeat, he noticed to his horror that he no longer had a penis, just a tiny nub where it once was.
It was then that he realized he had no more lies to tell.
from All Of Beer http://allofbeer.com/the-man-whose-penis-shrank-every-time-he-told-a-lie/ from All of Beer https://allofbeercom.tumblr.com/post/179699479777
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allofbeercom · 6 years
The Man Whose Penis Shrank Every Time He Told A Lie
Rex Clydesdale was feeling lucky. The dark and deathly cold South Dakota winter was creeping to an end. As he motored his wheezing pickup truck to his favorite bar while sunset crept over the flat horizon, he could see water dripping off the icicles hanging from the balconies above Main Street’sabandoned stores. The long thaw was coming.
Rex was not an attractive man by anyones standards. He stood only five-foot-five and was 120 pounds overweight, but his face was so plain and lumpy, hed still be considered undesirable even with an Olympic swimmers body. He wore a grimy baseball cap to mask his rapidly receding hairline and smelled vaguely of horse urine and sweet pickles. Due to his poor dietary choices, he was chronically constipated, which was beginning to give him back problems. While straining to defecate, hed fart loudly and unabashedly on the toiletso loud that the neighbors would often hear.
Rex had toiled for over 20 years as an inspector at one of the largest hay-production factories in the upper Midwest. Rex would scrutinizebales of hay to make sure they met minimum quality standards before allowing them to be shipped to farms all across the American heartland. Sometimes the hay was moldy or too dry, and hed have to reject it. If the hay was acceptable, Rex would fill out the bills of lading and instruct the workerssome of whom were undocumentedto load the trucks and send the hay on its way.
Like most males, Rex measured his penis throughout adolescence. It was actually a little longer than averagejust a touch over seven inchesbut as thin as a carrot. He could easily pierce a womans cervix with that length, but his lack of girth gave him plenty of breathing space on all sides. He could have intercourse with a woman without even touching her vaginal walls.
Rex was a chronic masturbatornot by choice, but by necessity. He had trouble recalling the last time a woman so much as smiled at him. He hadnt been laid in over fourteen years, but a small inner voice told him tonight would be the night.
The cigarette smoke in The Wishing Well was so thick you could cut it with a butter knife. Through wobblyspeakers, new country music blasted so loudly that you had to scream to hold a basic conversation. Yelling at the top of his lungs, Rex ordered a shot of whiskey and a mug of beer from Mitzi, a wizened female bartender whod worked there since Rex was a child. With his liquid courage in hand, he sat on a stool in front of his favorite video-game machine and began feeding it dollar bills.
After several games and several failures to reach the top levels, Rex noticed in the corner of his eye that a woman was seated on the stool next to his, lost in video games just like he was. He tried not to make it too obvious, but he shot her a glance every so often when he felt it was safe to do so. She was his female doppelgngergrossly overweight and with a face that was not only forgettable, one was to forget it. After assessing her to be a 3.4 on a scale of 10, Rex knew he had a chance with this woman.
Even though the woman clearly had no idea how to play the video game in question, Rex figured it would be counterproductive to break the ice with an insult.
Youre really good at that, he told her.
He suddenly felt a small jab in his crotch, almost as if hed been punched in the dick with a tiny fist.
Thanks, she said, turning to him and smiling. Her teeth were a dark yellowalmost brown.
My name is Rex, and I have to say, youre the prettiest woman Ive ever seen in this bar.
Again he felt a mild stabbing pain in his groin.
She smiled back at him. My name is Mary, but all my friends call me Kippy.
Mary? No kidding! Thats my favorite name!
Once more he felt as if someone had bitch-slapped him in his lap. Can I buy you a drink? he asked her.
That would be wonderful, she enthused. Ill have whatever youre having.
While flirting, Rex didnt realize that enemy alien spacecraft had pierced his force field, exploded all his attack planes, and destroyed his home base. GAME OVER. Well, let me go get us another round, he said winking, and when I get backmaybe we can take this to a private booth?
I would love that, Mary said.
Gimme two more whiskey shots and two beers, Rex told Mitzi. Heres ten dollars. Keep the change. Ill be right back. Gotta go to the bathroom. Like they say, you dont buy alcohol, you only rent it. Mitzi smiled politely and stuffed the ten-dollar bill into her ancient bra.
The bar bathroom reeked of pee and mothballs. Rex rushed into a stall, locked the door, unbuckled his belt, and opened his pants. To his extreme dismay, he noticed his penis looked substantially smaller than normal. He assured himself that it was merely a case of bad nerves. He couldnt remember the last time a woman allowed him to buy her a drink.
He zipped up, returned to the bar, grabbed the four drinks, and headed toward the dark booth in the far corner where Mary/Kippy awaited. She smiled as he approached.
To springtime! Rex said, clinking his shot glass against hers.
To springtime! she smiled, downing the shot in one gulp. So, Rex, what do you do for a living?
Me? I, uh, Im in the financial industry. Once more he felt a sharp punch straight to the cock.
Oh, thats nice. You must make a lot of money.
He mischievously smiled in the affirmative. More groin pain.
Im a greeter at the Walmart over in Mitchell near the Corn Palace, Mary said. Im divorced and live with my teenaged son. I just turned forty. How old are you?
How old am I? Im thirty-seven. He turned his head and winced. It felt as if a tiny demon was using his balls as punching bags.
Well, youre just a child compared to me, Mary said. Im part Scotch, part German, and part Sioux. My last name is Schmidtthats German. Whats your last name, Rex?
Clydesdale. Rex Clydesdale.
Clydesdale? Isnt that a horse?
Yep, Rex said, leaning in and feeling emboldened by the alcohols warm glow. And Im hung like one, too!
Then came the sharpest pain of all. This time he couldnt hide it. He yelped like a puppy that had been stepped on.
My goodness, are you OK? Mary asked.
Yeah, Rex said, lying yet again. He began to panic. Look, Maryor should I call you Kippy?
Youre my newest friend, so please call me Kippy.
Look, Kippy, my mother is ill, and I have to go home and check up on her.
You live with your mother?
Yes, but only until she dies. But Id like to hang out with you again. Maybe another Friday nightmaybe at your place?
That would be delightful, Kippy said. You can bring the alcohol, and maybe we can watch a movie. Do you like romantic comedies?
I LOVE romantic comedies, Rex said, grimacing from what felt like a boot kick to his family jewels. But Im very sorry that I have to leave. But you wouldnt want to hang out anyway with a man who neglected his mother, right?
Youre darn tootin I wouldnt, Kippy said, winking at him before guzzling the remainder of her beer.
You can look me up on FacebookRex Kevin Clydesdale. I look forward to hanging out with you again.
Me, too. And with that, Rex was gone.
When he arrived home, there was no mother who needed him. His mom had died years ago. That was yet another lie.
And when he stripped naked to shower off the shame and defeat, he noticed to his horror that he no longer had a penis, just a tiny nub where it once was.
It was then that he realized he had no more lies to tell.
from All Of Beer http://allofbeer.com/the-man-whose-penis-shrank-every-time-he-told-a-lie/
0 notes
skiasurveys · 8 years
SAD SECTION 01. Have you ever really cried your heart out? many times. 02. Have you ever cried yourself to sleep? yeah i have.  03. Have you ever cried on your friend’s shoulder? i have with one friend, and ive cried in my boyfriends arms. It’s a very weird feeling 04. Have you ever cried over the opposite sex? yes 05. Do you cry when you get an injury? no, unless its super painful hahaha but more like tears not crying 06. Do certain songs make you cry? some do , especially if they remind me of someone or a certain time 
HAPPY SECTION 01. Are you a happy person?  no. not really. I can be happy for a small amount, or if im doing somthing. im usually just low or neutral. 02. What can always make you happy? youtube videos, my friends/boyfriend, memes.  03. Do you wish you were happier? I do. I wish i didn’t get so fucking sad all the time. it happens, it makes me so mad because i want to be happy and it happens randomly so it’s fucking annoying 04. Is being happy overrated? no unless youre being happy all the time and at wrong times, then it’s weird? 05. Can music make you happy? yea
LOVE SECTION. 01. How many times have you had your heart broken?  many times. 02. Have you ever loved someone so much that you’d die for them? yeah, currently right now. 03. Anyone besides your friends/family ever said they loved you? yeah my boyfriend 04. Have you ever been head over heels? yeah, i am. 05. Who are three people you love right now? my boyfriend, my best friend and my cat
HATE SECTION. 01. Who do you actually hate? I hate the man who assualted me. And I hate my ex best friend. Fuck them. They can burn in fucking hell. 02. Have you ever made a hit list? no 03. Have you ever been on a hit list? I dont know lol 04. Are you a mean bully? no i don’t bully people, and if i have ever bullied someone then it was intended. 05. Do you hate George Bush? lol idk
SELF ESTEEM SECTION. 01. Are you good looking? Not overly. 02. Do you wish you could be someone else? no i just wish i looked different.
I HAVE … [x] done drugs [ ] been to a rave. [] ridden in a taxi. [ ] jumped a ramp with a bike. [x] been used. [ ] ran from the cops. [ x] been fired [ ] snuck into a movie. [ x] got hit by a car [x ] fired a real gun. [ ] snuck out of the house. [ ] been arrested. [] gone in a mosh pit. [] stolen something from your school. [ ] celebrated New Year’s in Times Square or Disney World [ ] gone on a blind date. [x ] had a crush on a teacher [ ] celebrated Mardi-Gras in New Orleans. [] been to Europe. [ ] been to Australia [ ] been to Hawaii [x] skipped school. [ x] thrown up from drinking. [ x] played ‘Clue’. [x] had a sleepover. [x] gone ice skating. [ ] been cheated on. [ ] had your tonsils out. [x ] have/had a TRUCK. [x ] driven a car. [ ] totaled a car. [ x] flashed someone [ x] been flashed
DO YOU … [x] feel loved. [ x] feel lonely. [] feel happy. [x ] hate yourself. [] have a dog. [x] sing along with your music. [ ] listen to Hawaiian Music. [x] listen to rock [x] listen to punk [ ] listen to hip hop [ ] listen to rap. [ ] listen to country. [x ] listen to reggae. [ x] listen to techno. [ ] listen to hardcore. [x] listen to pop. [ ] listen to r&b. [ ] listen to jazz. [x] listen to indie. [ x] listen to christian music [x] listen to bands that can’t be put into a category. [ ] listen to showtunes [x] have hobbies [ ] skateboard. [] get good grades [] play an instrument. [x ] have slippers. [ ] wear boxers [] wear eyeliner [x] wear mascara [x] like the color blue. [x] like the color pink. [ ] like the color red [x] like the color green [x] like the color black [x] like the color purple [ x] like neon colors [ ] think all those colors are okay except the ones you x-ed are better [] like to read [x] like to write. [ ] have long hair. [x] have medium length hair. [ ] have short hair. [x] have a laptop. [ ] have a pager. [x] have a cellphone
ARE YOU… [x] bored ] happy [ ] upset [x ] blonde [] brunette [ ] a redhead [ ] Samoan [ ] Philipino [ ] Korean [ ] French [ ] American [] Italian [ ] Black [ ] Mexican [ ] Asian [x ] A Christian [ ] A Muslim [ ] Polish [ ] Irish [ ] German [ ] Austrian [ ] Russian [ ] Norwegian [ ] Danish [ ] Hispanic [ x] Other [ ] No clue. [ ] a Hindu. [ ] a scientologist [ ] agnostic [] atheist [ ] satanist [ ] religiously confused [x] short [ ] average [ ] tall. [] realistic. [x ] an emotional person. [x] texting someone. [ x] scared to die. [ ] buzzed [ ] high [ ] caffeinated [ x] annoyed. [ ] hungry. [ ] thirsty. [ ] on the phone. [] in your room. [ ] drinking something. [ ] eating something. [x] very ticklish [] listening to music
LOOK AT ME. 01. What is your current hair color? blonde 02. Whats your natural color?  brown 03. What color are your eyes?  brown 04. Current Piercings? none  05. Straight Hair or Curls?  curls. straight hair looks ugly ( i mean extremely straight)
CURRENTLY WEARING. 01. What shirt are you wearing? its a grey band tshirt thingy 02. Shorts? no 03. Shoes? no
THIS OR THAT. 01. Rock or Rap 02. Coffee or Hot Cocoa 03. Wild Night Out or Romantic Night In 04. Chocolate or Vanilla 05. Hummer or Sports Car 06. Bracelet or Necklace 07. History or Science 08. Sleep In or Early To Rise 09. Beach or Boardwalk 10. Hoodie or T-Shirt 11. Night or Day 12. High School or College 13. California or Florida
HAVE YOU EVER. 01. Hugged someone? OF COURSE  02. Been on the phone until the sun came up? yeah, ive done it with skype a lot too, or when my boyfriend and I first started to date we would talk all night on the phone ( cus he worked night time so he was always up from 11 pm- 6 am) 03. Put a song on repeat for more than an hour?  i have and it ruins it  04. Laughed so hard you peed in your pants? YES. when i was like 16-17 my best friend and I walked to Mcdonalds and on the way back we kept laughing and i actually full on peeds myself, like empty bladder pee. lmao it was so awkward. and we had to walk home still
LASTS. 01. Person you talked to in person? my sister 02. Person you talked to online? sasha  03. Person you talked to on the phone? mom 05. Laugh? a few hours ago 06. Last time you had a shower? this morning 
OTHER. 01. Do you like surveys? im addicted to them 02. What kind of shampoo do you use? whatever is in the shower 03. Do you get along with your parents? for the most part. 04. Do you have mental breakdowns? Ive never had a mental break down, if were talking about an ACTUAL ONE. But i have had days where ive shut down and tried to kill myself.
05. Did you ever fake being sick? i did a lot in like middle school and sometimes in high school. I did once and got the swine flu when i was like 12. LOL karma
CURRENT. 01. Current Mood: lonely 02. Current Music: im listening to my video game music but thats it 03. Current Hair:  In  a pony tail  04. Current Longing: idk 05. Current Thing I Ought To Be Doing: right now, nothing
06. Current Windows Open: facebook and tumblr 
07. Current background picture on your phone: art 08. Current Favorite Music Artist: Pink floyd
0 notes