#my favorite tiny faces are when they're just their helms with no actual facial features
zephyrrhiesfyrian · 1 year
I finally decided to move the tiny faces to their own folder so I don't have to scroll through the entire archive of like 700 images every time I want to find the newest ones.
As always, we must perform the ancient rite to give thanks to @tiny-tf-faces for introducing us to tiny faces.
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Rodimus has seen something indescribable.
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About 70% of Rodimus's face.
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Tarn's tiny faces always end up so scrunkly.
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Part of Inferno. Poor baby's been cut in half.
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This is Hound I swear.
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A smol Swerve.
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Nickel yelling at her stupid sons.
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Skids! (and part of either Nightbeat's or Nautica's speech bubble)
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Helex looking very sad.
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Rodimus managing expectations :D
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I think this is Siren?
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A miniscule Tailgate.
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Cyclonus observing.
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Ratchet in the jury at Brainstorm's trial.
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Rewind is so small.
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Nightbeat, ready to investigate something.
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Riptide! :D
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Careful, Nautica's armed.
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Rung is here, of course, as he is always watching. o-o
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Xaaron! This might be the first tiny face of him I've posted.
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Magnus, presiding over Brainstorm's trial.
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This image has done Rodimus so dirty. smh
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Brainstorm, defending himself in court.
And that's all we have room for in this post! :D
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