#my favs are arisa's and hiyori's
nightrae13 · 2 years
Appreciation Post to Kotaro and Arisa’s friendship bc why not?
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Maybe here’s a thought.. I love how in the translated novel I’ve read by ramirei (spoilers ahead and beyond for this now for Heart no Shucho lol), what Kotaro said was what Arisa exactly hoped someone would feel. She wanted her message to reach Karen, but even if it seemed it didn’t to Arisa’s mind, Kotaro never hesitated to tell her it reached him, and that was such a gentle and heartfelt scene to me!! 
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Tbh, I believe Kotaro would still do this for Arisa even without Ken telling him. I mean, it’s such a great AriKen story which I LOVE, but Kotaro always showed no hesitation to help her like how he never hesitated to tell her what she’s hoping for, reaching out to her the moment he saw her crying on the rooftop, and handing her a handkerchief when one of their classmates or herself (I don’t know if it was Karen or those in the earlier chapters) spilled something on her materials and Arisa was panicking.
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Those who didn’t read the novel don’t know how Arisa went far to even consider to matchmake Koyuki and Natsuki for Kotaro lol (since she realized Koyuki’s a kind soul and thought Yuu’d be fine with his fangirls XD). I know someone thinks that she’s just indebted to him for doing something only her future bf requested (even if I think many would agree Kotaro is not willing to be bossed by anyone, and he dd it bc he knew it was the right thing to do), but I believe Arisa did everything not just out of debt; she genuinely wanted Kotaro, the only friend she had aside from Karen, and the only one who stood by her on those sad times of her life, be happy. 
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Paying debt might be a factor at the beginning, but it was genuine friendship nonetheless. Isn’t being determined and genuine in making a person happy and wishing them them the best all throughout your lives considered friendship? Plus, if it was just out of debt, Arisa won’t be the captain of the KotaHina ship like how I believe Haruki co-captains NatsuYuu with Hina (I mean oh boy, Haruki helped Natsuki organized her initial confession lol. His sibling dynamic with Natsuki in the novels are so underrated too). 
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Tbh, Arisa rocks being KotaHina’s captain lol. 
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(haven’t read Daikirai yet since I’m still on MochiAka novel 2, but I just knew there’d be a scene like this, and I love it lol)
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To conclude this post, I just want to appreciate Kotaro and Arisa’s friendship. I may have never gotten a Kotaro to my Hina, but I deeply appreciate the Kotaros I have in my life to the Arisa in me. Tbh, before Hiyori, Aizo and Yujiro, Arisa and Kotaro showed that male-female friendships could really work without being romantic.  Y’all read Heart no Shucho already if you still haven’t. It’s actually my 3rd fav novel next to Sekoi and Yakimochi no Kotae bc I never expected this friendship would be so wholesome and beautiful to read. I know Hina showed kindness to Arisa and so does Ken in his indirect ways, obviously, (I love AriKen!!) but I feel like many had slipped into their minds that if Kotaro was not present and ready to give her a hand on those times, she probably would have given up before Sena’s words could reach her. Kotaro’s mere presence in her life made her not give up, and that made her so dedicated to give a hand in his times of needs as well.  Her friendship with Karen led to misunderstandings that wouldn’t be cleared until years later in High School, but she found a friend in Kotaro and that’s worth appreciating. Also, I love how Kotaro showed his chaotic side to Arisa on the latter parts of the novel lol. 
It’s also worth noting how right after Hina cried on Koyuki’s departure in middle school, Arisa and Kotaro spent their time together while hoping for a better future.  (like, I always love the chapters before the epilogues lol. It’s the same for Sekoi and Yakimochi no Kotae HAHHA)
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y’all, thank you for reading if you survived till the end. I just love them and wanted to share my ramblings to why lol. 
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posebean · 2 years
koishiteru flying songs kanji
ive scanned + transcribed (not tled) most of the koishiteru album songs so i can roughly machine translate them :^) (except for ft4 lmao)!should all be separated properly, huge thanks to lisi for feeding me the lyrics <333
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