#my foot fell asleep while i redid this
daeguzen · 4 years
rules: when you get this, it means someone wants to know more about you, so list 5 things about yourself you want your followers to know! they can be as simple as your age or as complex as your deepest fear, as long as it’s something you’re comfortable with sharing. when you’re done and if you want to, send this to 10 people you want to get to know better!
tagged by @pastelsicheng
I love you 💖💚 hehe
1. We're gonna start off with a banger. I drank about 30 shots of espresso in one sitting. I was in hs I didn't know coffee that well although I liked it. So at a coffeehouse event I accidentally drank 3 cups without knowing. It was like being Jaemin hyper but x100000. I didnt sleep for a few days straight. 🤣🤡 don't ever do that though if you're weak to caffeine. More espresso does not equal less depresso. 😔🤡
2. I like to dress very masculine so I go to the men's section often for clothes. I do own some feminine clothes but overall I'm more of a pants and tshirt person. That's why I like looking at male idol fashion. It suits my taste. Like Jeno has good outfits. I appreciate such style. 😁
3. I can drive. Tiny me drives tiny toy car. Lol my car really looks like a toy car tho. Toyota Yaris 🤣 vroom vroom. When I drive I'm like a hybrid. Partially teen partially grandma. So I'll respect the law and don't drive recklessly like those at my college 👀 but sometimes a zoom zoom a bit too much on the highway. But it's oki I havent been stopped by police for a whole year of having my permit. 😁
4. I'm studying to be a graphic designer. People say be a lawyer or doctor and although that's snazzy and all I wouldn't like my life. At least that's what I think. I thought of working and testing the waters after 2 years but I'm thinking of going straight to the four years after graduation next year. The higher the degree the higher the salary the higher the debt. HAHAHA 😔🤡🤡
5. Uuh . . . I like to dance. I'm not great or have studied. Honestly I have baby tummy that I wanna drop so I can do more with my body. Wanna be cool like Jeno and do flips. I'd probably accidentally take a swan dive out of my window tho . . . 🤔🤡 but I'm also lazy so :/ I need to work on that lol.
It's been 5 questions with Dae and I rewrote all of this as much as I could remember. TimblR decided to be a big fat meanie and mess up my flow. Fight my Limblr i dare you.
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