#my friend volunteered
mashkaroom · 2 years
Really good news, everyone. An organization that my mother and several of her friends are involved with has managed to get several local private schools to provide full rides and student visas to unaccompanied Ukrainian high school students. There are already host families ready to take the kids, now we just need money to cover visa-related expenses, plane tickets, school equipment, clothes, and just basic things these kids will need to live a safe, healthy, normal, and successful life.
It would mean so much to me personally if those that have a little extra cash could throw it this way and those that don't could share it. Thank you all!!!!
These donations are tax deductible and might be subject to corporate matching -- check with your employer.
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5norlax · 3 years
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Ready to crush 🍉🍉🍉
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karda · 3 years
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this guy!!! !!!!!!!
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gamtozu · 2 years
I'm failing in every single aspect of my life, but I'm finally vegan now, and this is the best decision I've ever made
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focsle · 2 years
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[ID: Portion of an 1840s whaling journal page] 
Currently reading through the Journal of the whaleship St Peter which, halfway through has already experienced a number of awful events. This particular passage concerns some of the crew going to collect bird eggs on an island, and coming across the makeshift graves of other sailors. The language struck me. “…taken the fever of which some others had died. A single board marks their resting place on this desolate island simply stating their names, ages, and the day they died. They are buried close to the beach where the breakers dash up with a continuous sullen roar and the wild sea bird screams their funeral dirges over their lonely graves. The 2nd mate was with me where found them and the dusky night was drawing its sable veil over the Earth and sea as we turned sadly away from the lonely lot to return aboard sincerely hoping that such may not be our[s].”
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drumlincountry · 2 years
I know intellectually that (re: doing activism and politics) I am just one small human bean and it is better to just PICK A THING and GO than to agonise forever about the RIGHT group to join, cause to focus on, etc. But also I have been proverbially sitting in my room overthinking & doing nothing .................. since early 2020. and I feel awful delicate about getting back out there.
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oversizedbats · 3 years
I don’t really care about Azriel that much like it’s Cassian supremacy for me but when he voted to let Nesta know about the Made blades… so sexy of him 😌
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freedominthedarkmp3 · 2 years
One thing about me is that I love graphic t-shirts of overly specific places/events
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thebirdandhersong · 3 years
I’m a lot braver than I was a month ago and this is both surprising and gratifying in so many ways. (Being an introvert, and a shy person for most of my life, this change is astoundingly evident to everyone around me, too) Though the schedule is PACKED and the workload is staggering (already over the panic stage, though) all is well. And as always it is just so humbling and so bewildering and so beautiful to see and witness God’s goodness and grace in my life and in the lives of those around me!!
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girafferoyalty · 3 years
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Some more Kibahina bc I’m sad and deprived. Second picture is modeled after the volume 8 cover of Honey & Clover, if the pose looks familiar.
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summerof336bc · 2 years
applying for my first job :-)
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fruitgoat · 2 years
Sometimes I remember just how lucky I am to live in a place where most of the neighbors are happy enough to let the wild animals be wild. If nothing else they realize that larger predators (cougar, coyote, bobcat) may take the occasional pet, but only when they meet in a dark alley (as it were) and they haven't already gorged themselves on gopher, wood rat, squirrel, skunk, racoon, bunny, mouse, etc. I got to watch Coyote lope across my front yard half an hour ago. They didn't pause for pictures (and it was just getting dark) but they looked on the younger side and in good health. And were probably heading to a pack meeting. I decided not to take a twilight walk tonight as I know where this meeting was probably taking place and my parents are out.
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Hi this might be a weird ask and you can ignore it. I was just wondering where you get inspiration? You write these relationships so well, and I was wondering if maybe there was someone in real life who inspired them? This is weird I'm sorry you can ignore it 😣
That does feel like a bit of a weird ask, but ya know what Lovely?
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First of all, thank you so much! I actually stress a lot about how I portray relationships, striving to do my best to capture how different traits and emotions may come into play at conflicting moments, or how even in the presence of those conflicts, the characters are familiar enough with one another to work around them.
But uh, I have to admit that I don't actually have much "In Real Life" inspiration for them. ^_^;
I am perpetually single- by choice! I've dated guys, gals, nonbinary pals, but it's really not for me? Fully aroace here (possibly agender, too?), and content with my Independent Spirit~
Sometimes, I will admit, I've stolen inspiration from IRL interactions, but less with my romantic partners and more from casually observing the moments between my loved ones. Watching my sister and her best friend of 10 years finally fall into love with one another, the stories my cousin-to-be tells me about the loves lost before he found my cousin, the softness between my college roommate and her boyfriend of ages, the way my cousin and his husband have faced all kinds of barriers together, and yet still see each other as the center of each others' universes, and now their son serving as their gravity.
Love is beautiful and complex, and I think my views on relationships play a huge part in how I write/visualize it. We should be able to share intimacy with all of our loved ones, to varying degrees (I personally love hugging folks, often leave affectionate kisses atop people's heads (especially my nieces and nephews)). Love is helping my mom massage pain relief cream into her aching knees, crashing in the same bed as my childhood best friend because we were up till 3 am rambling about everything and nothing, waking up in a mess of limbs and laughing because we're such disasters.
Getting back to your question, luv- I don't really write most of my stuff with anyone in particular serving as inspiration. There are little bits and pieces of all the people I've loved in my words, some of the turns of phrase or the little tics theirs alone. I want to immortalize them in some small way, especially if our stories were meant to only share one or two chapters. It's my own way of showing love, a quiet way of preserving the little things that I've come to love about them so much.
So no- No secret lovers or forbidden trysts for this writer. Just a lot of people watching, an unfortunate amount of Main Character Moments, a little bit of yearning, and a subtle desire to preserve my loved ones in a quiet way.
Thanks for the ask, Lovely! I hope this answered your question? ^_^;
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postwarlevi · 2 years
14, 19 & 22 for the asks!💖
Hello Pau! I'm you are having a good day!
14 do you love the smell of earth after it rains?
I love the smell of rain! Freshly fallen rain smells relaxing, if that makes sense? It's just pleasant and makes me feel good.
19 imagine we’re at a sleepover, would you paint my nails?
I would try! I say that because I don't think I'm good at it, we might need a lot of remover to make it look nice LOL But yes. What color would you like?
22 what type of person are you?
In what way? Uh, Shy in new situations, outspoken if I know you well. Probably bossy but it's because I want things done correctly and know how to make that happen. Very sarcastic. It's terrible.
I love my family, I love animals. I'd cause a car accident stopping for a squirrel before I hit it.
I can be lazy and procrastinate. Somehow it's always worked out for me (so far).
Uhhh....that okay? :)
weird asks
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landofgay · 2 years
trying to remember that just cause I have historically had friends that undermined my confidence and made me feel like I have to walk on eggshells and that probably gave me this problem I have now where I'm friends with all these cool people who think I'm cool and I'm sitting here like "if I let this coolness slip and someone sees who I really am, a lame loser who can't sing or dance or do anything, I'll lose all my friends" as if if I danced badly at karaoke nobody would talk to me again or something. idk what my point is other than I need to remember I AM cool my friends are cool and think IM cool. everyone has said it and yet I still won't let myself believe it!!!
#my dad was also drunk yesterday and he said many many times how proud he is of me that i turned out so awesome#like even down to how i approach alcohol lol. hes like '#'idk a single young person who approaches drinking as maturely and smartly as you its amazing'#then he started giving me advice on how to make the most of my drinking during the festival weekend and then stopped and was like#'NO!!! I AM NOT HELPING U!!!!!' SHSKDHEKDHKDJ#doesnt matter i shouldnt get wasted that weekend ill be 'working' kinda#volunteering anyways#anyways again my dad pointed out how happy he is for me that im friends with the people im friends with#and how awesome it is that my boss can be this awesome female role model in my life#like listen. i LOVE my mom shes one of my favourite people in the world even despite all this awfyl shit that just happened...#but like. my boss isnt delusional. shes not over positive. shes not into ridiculous spirituality shit.#shes on this plane of reality and sees things realistically. and shes REALLY COOL.#and she knows so much and wants to teach me!!!!!#IM SO LUCKY RN GOD.#like yeah yeah the world is shit life is hell i can still have a breakdown every other day about that if i want#but i have a HOUSE i have a job that i LIKE working for a cool person. i have a group of friends i get to see regularly#who actually like me and like being around me !!!! and want to go do stuff!!!!!!!!!#i am SO. SO. LUCKY.#young me would be so proud but also appalled that im actively choosing this small town over the city#but honestly. i p much own this house we live in. why would i move.#much better to find work here that pays $25/hr save as much as i can and then take off travelling 6 months at a time#i like that idea a lot actually...#anyways#blah blah blah blah blah#if u read all this hi ily ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️youre very appreciated
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rantingcrocodile · 2 years
Not every feminist can be a woman’s land-attending, domestic violence shelter-volunteering, local meetup-creating, hands-on feminist. You’re not lesser if you can’t do those things. Disability can be a barrier, as can poverty, as can a variety of other, difficult living situations. Don’t be disheartened because you can’t manage those goals (right this moment?), or if you can only interact online (for the time being).
What every single feminist needs to do is fight and defeat internalised misogyny, though. 
Read. Learn how to stop apologising for your existence. Learn how to stop catering your being for men. Learn how to stop being misogynistic to other women. Learn how to be there for other women. Engage with other women in real life. Prioritise and centre other women in your real life. Learn new skills to make yourself as independent as possible. Learn how to say no. Learn that you deserve better. Learn about what other groups of women go through and support them as best as you can. Encourage other women.
Send donations to legitimate, helpful charities/etc to support women if you can (but don’t feel bad if you’re not in a position to do so). Write in and support women politicians. Buy from women-run shops and stores. Leave glowing reviews. Send supportive emails. Sign petitions. Call and make your voice heard when it comes to your local representatives, businesses and the like. 
Make a connection with a female neighbour. Sit and spend time with an elderly or disabled woman who’s lonely. Offer kindness to nearby women in your life. Speak about feminist issues (and learn not to couch them in online language to make it accessible for all women in your life to raise their consciousness that way).
You might not be able to attend a protest or create a feminist meet-up or volunteer with a charitable organisation or any other of the stock presumptions of “what a radical feminist actually does,” but the possibilities are endless when it comes to learning and practicing feminism online and then translating that into your real life.
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