#my god I'm excited for ncuti's master
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variousqueerthings · 10 months
I've just been spending the last few hours thinking about this ending that I haven't even thought about the whole rest of the episode, I've gotta. I've gotta just
oh boy I've gotta just fuckn
nothing about donna or fourteen or fifteen here just all the rest
1- at first I was thinking that the toymaker was defeated in kind of a simple way, but then on the other hand it's more a setup for some of the things we know is coming in ncuti gatwa's era, with classic!who gods. so the toymaker, yes, gives the opportunity to wrap up this past era and for DT to do those big sad wet eyes of his, but is far more for the next story's benefit in the long run from the sounds of things. also the behind-the-scenes for the game of catch is hilarious. NPH was so good, would be cool to see the toymaker make a reprise just with gatwa
2- ohhhhhhhhhh the Puppetry in this episode! PUPPETS! I am soooo into puppets, I could have spent a million episodes with these creepy fucking puppets, I hope we get more puppets
3- AND speaking of the toymaker, the master in the toymaker's tooth???? I haven't seen dhawan yet, so idk how that all ends, but I did not expect master setup, and I am very happy we did because the master is my favourite (derogatory, what a bitch)
4- RTD talking about the puppet that was broadcast on TV, I knew about that puppet (from getting a quiz answer wrong relatively recently lol), but giving that little historical Moment, now we all know a bit more, I just think it's neat
5- I am still not a fan of UNIT. every time we meet them they're a military force with weaponry that has the potential to do so much harm and... then they lose control of that weaponry. and also do weapons-related stuff that often makes the situation worse. I feel similarly of classic!UNIT who do manage to help out more on the whole, but still are fundamentally military and several times have people who do Bad Shit. dunno, still trying to figure out their place in this narrative other than convenient guns when we need guns. I want them to be more complicated if they come back for the next era, I'd be interested if shirley-ann bingham became a liz shaw type and really questions the limitations and biases that exist within UNIT
6- wait no, going back to point the first I'm soooo excited for the things they've hinted at, stories about gods are my whole damn jam, it's going to be amazing!
7- them playing the prime minister saying he doesn't care about anybody and donna goes "same as always" (or however she says it), listen, it's low-hanging fruit and I am eating it, anything dragging the british government and right wing sentiment is good and necessary for my soul personally
8- one really big Thing is no martha. will never get that closure RIP. argh though freema agyeman and ncuti gatwa could do great things together I think, cmon. one day
I'm sure more things will come up as I think about it, but off the top of my head
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masterskywalkers · 10 months
Y'know, I'm not actually sure how I feel about the twist / ending in Doctor Who? I'm going to have to sit on it for a while - because I'm certain RTD has plans for this - but right now I'm just a bit 🤨 Cut for spoiler talk;
So I was mostly excited about this episode because I wanted to see Tennant's Doctor go up against the Toymaker (NPH was just an added bonus in the role) and for the most part the Toymaker did not disappoint. NPH did an incredible job with the character and the chaotic fey-like quality that character brings. I think the last time I felt truly uncomfortable in a DW episode was Don't Blink back when it first aired, but the dolls in this episode really gave me that 'oh shit, I do not like this it's creepy' energy. I'd rank that part of the character up there on my favorite interpretations in New Who next to Capaldi's classic Cyberman episode.
... But the Toymaker is undefeatable. He is a celestial fiend, a being of cosmic power. You don't defeat or kill him - you trick him, and then he waits until the next meeting. And I don't feel that the 'trick' with the ball game worked. It felt like a cop-out. I think the episode was rushed towards the end, which kind of sucks because this could have been something really special. I would have rather that they won the game and the Toymaker grudgingly accepted it, until next time. (Although my God, this is a character you do not introduce often unlike others the show has worn out. Keep their mystery and only release them every so often).
The ending itself left me ... lukewarm as of right now? I don't know how I feel about the bigeneration, and I'm not sure I like it? Also what does this mean for however many timelord / variant timelords are now running around? We have two doctors (Tennant and Ncuti), the Doctordonna, Donna's Daughter, The Master, Jenny's still out there somewhere - there's so many and I'm just like 'we still haven't brought in characters like Romana or Rani! We still haven't used Gallifrey - and it's been ten years since we used a whole anniversary special to save it!'
I wish we had more old who characters pop up in these specials too :( I love that they explored further material and older episodes for them (the Star Beast was a treat, and I don't think anyone expected the Toymaker of all characters to return, especially given the erm ... racism/cultural appropriation conversation the old 60's version brings up these days). But I feel like Jodie's last few episodes are the best tribute to them, and those aren't even specials. While it's nice to see Mel again, I miss my darling Ace, and she would have fit right in at the Doctor Donna family table at the end. Although it was nice to have Fourteen and Fifteen acknowledge Adric, and our dear Sarah Jane.
The best part of the episode however was the Toymaker dancing to 'Spice Up Your Life' and causing havoc. That was a peak 'I Can't Decide' with the Master moment, and it will forever be a fav.
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valc0 · 2 years
My two cents on Ncuti Gatwa as the 14th Doctor.
So, I slept on it and watched a couple scenes and another couple interviews and now I feel like I can comment on it.
I'm super excited to see what kind of energy these two will being to the Doctor. I'm so curious to know how RTD will deal with a Doctor without the trauma of the Time War. Ncuti has this very vibrant energy to him wich is still very much feral (like 13s) but totally unique ro him and I can see him work wonderfully in the part. I can't wait to see his Doctor!!! Yes i have fan designs in mind, don't worry, I'm gonna get to them soon sjnsjahsk
Also, hi, that man is beautiful?!? His eyebrows knock me out and he has the fucking kindest eyes. Having a crush on him right now.
Also, he's scottish, which I discovered after he said it and not after listening to him talk, because apparently I got better at accents but that's a lie and I can't make them apart for shit sksksksk.
For the ones asking, yes, I ship 14 with the Master...I litterally ship them in any form, I do not care. God, I hope Dhawan!M gets to meet 14 I will combust and then die.
Finally, I said this already but I deleted it, feeling like explaining myself beter.
For the ones worried the NMDs are gonna take this as a win and claim that "now the Doctor is good again" because the character is being played by a man... I'm afraid you are misinterpreting what these kind of people mean when they say "played by a man". They mean three things, two of which Ncuti is not, and I'm sure they'll keep on attacking the show, saying RTD got woke too, sharing blaring misinformation and fake news, calling it rumors for reputable sources, claiming Ncuti is too young, then too old, then a bad role model for the main audience which, according to these peoples mental age, is toddlers. They are gonna clutch their pearls screaming "what of the children!" trying to convince people they are saying those things for the sake of this good old family show.
It's the main reason why I wish the fandom was unite in our support for the casting, in giving this actor the praise and spotlight he deserves.
Listen, I don't even want to force anyone into keep watching the show if the fact the Doctor insn't played by a woman anymore upsets you, I understand, but please, please, please, don't buy into this bullshit rethoric, don't buy into racism and homophobia and bigotry for what you feel is the sake of representation but is not in these people's mind at all. It's so easy to fall into these traps, but it litterally brings nothing good, not to you, not to the show.
Sorry to end this post on such a bitter note, but I already saw too many of these takes and I'm worried it's only gonna get worse.
That said, I can't wait to see what the future holds...and the future will hold pain the moment I'll have to say goodbye to 13...*cries im the club at the sound of nickleback*
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