#my grandparents became fans of the jean bon*net inn through my fb check in
freebooter4ever · 9 months
Say hi to gramma boots for us!
LOL omg no. my grandma will never learn of this blog, if she knew about it she would read the whole thing and check it every day, and i would start getting questions: "laura, what does thirsty on main mean?" "laura, why are you reblogging photos where you point out the outline of this hockey player's 'dick'?". friends who have been here a long while know, grandma (and grandpa) have stalked my facebo*ok for years - back in pittsburgh when i went out all the time i used to deliberately 'check-in' on facebo*ok at the wildest clubs just to give them a vicarious thrill (while also never worrying about me bc im the trustworthy always responsible grandkid who is too afraid of turning into my alcoholic mother or drug addict brother to touch any form of substance). "laura, what is this H*ot Mass you keep going to?" (dont worry grandma its not church)
sorry thats more information than you asked for :) but yeah, grandma knows the art exists, but she doesn't know where it goes.
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