#my hair is significantly healthier now though since I cut of the couple inches of hair that were entirely dead when I did do my big chop
rosy-link · 1 year
I went years and years and years without cutting my hair, constantly wondering I even wanted to chop my hair. When the protests started and I saw people cutting their hair, I figured I might do it and came close to cutting my hair but never did so. That was because I had made a plan to cut my hair after Christmas. I could have my girlfriend’s help, avoid giving my abuelita an aneurysm, and honor my roots metaphorically and literally all at once. However, things got really bad again one night. I had recently gotten rid of my means to commit if I ever desired to, and not having the reassurance that I could commit at anytime was messing with me. I needed to do something drastic enough that I would feel peace restored but something that wouldn’t make my dad cry. In that moment I grabbed my scissors and I don’t regret cutting my hair then. I was in a crisis mode and I needed that. However, it was a hollow win over a single crisis. My new hair is starting to grow on me, and I even found out today that it’s grown quite a bit since I’ve cut it. In the grand scheme of things this isn’t really much, but my hair has always been really important to me. I’ve put more time and effort into my hair than I have into many other things in life, if that gives an idea.
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