#my headspace when im sleeping is empty. thats the only way i know how to describe it. it wasnt filled with anything its just blackness
brothersonahotelbed · 2 years
scrolling through my good omens board on pinterest before bed hoping to have dreams about them when i go to sleep
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egotisticalee · 5 years
angelii-ii replied to your post
“angelii-ii: ok but them talking about pain reminded me of some of my...”
oh I'm down if you want to talk about them dude fdjhgfdjh
you know what? its pain story time gsdfdsfsdfsd ill put em all under a read more. tws for a couple vague mentions of blood, some unsanitary kinda stuff, menstruation, brief mention of surgery (not in any detail) and some detailed descriptions of a whole lotta pain.
okay so in remembering all my pain stories, ive remembered quite a few injuries i got when i was little, that i dont really remember the pain of, i just remember that it was painful, including
falling (with extra momentum) and splitting my gum open on cobblestones
getting smashed in the face with a dodgeball
that time i got a throat infection so bad that breathing hurt and i sat in the school office for several hours before my mum picked me up
falling off monkey bars, landing on my butt and being so winded that i couldn’t speak for ten minutes
being pulled over by my nana’s dog, landing on my shoulder and yet again being winded, this time so bad that i couldn’t breathe in for about ten seconds and for those ten seconds i genuinely thought i might die
that time i got a bladder infection - i remember writhing in pain in the backseat of my mum’s car as she drove me to A&E but i don’t really actually remember the pain
the chronic stomachaches i would have that i recently realised might be connected to my possible lactose intolerance/sensitivity and the fact that i pretty much only drank milk as a child (can you guess how the bladder infection happened)
with doing pole, i constantly get covered in bruises and such and a lot of moves cause some low-level pain but that’s because of the grip - the pain is mostly due to like, the pulling on the skin and its never really more than a few bruises and some tender skin on the thighs (except for that time where i somehow tore the skin of my thigh... underneath the top layer of skin fsdsadsa). the closest i’ve gotten to a proper pole injury is falling out of a duchess onto my arse and being a little more bruised that usual, and the several times in the past couple months that i’ve smashed my head into the pole whilst doing a flying cat at full power. 
and honestly pole has done a lot for my pain threshold. it’s like, i notice the pain is there, but it doesn’t bother me because i’ve felt it so often. and its also because i know that the pain of keeping this grip is way way less than the pain that i will feel if i let go sdfsdfsdfsd i find myself with so many small bruises now that i know aren’t from pole because of the position of them but i cant think where i got them - because they’re probably from bumping into things and that pain is so small and common to me that i immediately forget about it
on the other hand i also have. really bad hips. and sometimes when im just moving, ill catch a nerve and a shot of pain will go through my entire leg and that shit hurts. ive noticed it most commonly happens if i twist when im stepping somewhere but i dont turn the leg thats planted. i was also once balancing on one leg whilst putting a sock on and my hip just. popped out. and i think it immediately went back but i couldnt properly move that leg for ten minutes and i was in a fair bit of pain
my worst pain experiences though... hoo boy. i kinda narrowed them down to three.
im afab and i have periods so of course i gotta deal with cramps every so often, and they can get pretty bad - just like, doubled over, seeking out anything warm to put on my stomach. i’d say about a 5 on the pain scale. but after my gsce exams (exams that uk kids take in year 11 which is the equivalent of sophomore year of high school. they’re the first exams you take that you get an actual qualification from) i didnt have my period for 3 months. and if im late on my period, my cramps get bad. so on the 17th august, a week before my 16th birthday, ya boy was in fucking agony and for some reason in my brain i was also vehemently against taking any painkillers. eventually my nana convinced me to take one of her morphine tablets though and i felt way better hdfgdsff
theres also the time last november when i got an ear infection. earlier that day i had had a massive nosebleed that lasted for about 20 minutes and made me feel super woozy, so along with all the shit that came with dealing with that (i had to go to A&E to get checked out) it was already a pretty rough day. and then that evening my ear started hurting real bad and it just progressively got worse, and i hardly slept that night at all. i was in pure agony by like. 1am and it lasted the entirety of the night, no matter that i took painkillers. the only reprieve i got was at one point, i was watching yt videos and an ad for headspace came on, and i listened along to the meditation thingy it was doing, but of course once the ad was over, the pain was back full force and i could do nothing but cry (so of course i started to get a headache on top of all of it). thankfully once i got to the doctors the next day and got some antibiotics, it cleared up super fast. i was also talking to darkwarf (i wont tag him so he doesnt have to read this fdsffds) and funnily enough our talks that night were what birthed his character teddy.
and then what i think is officially the worst pain ive ever been in, was the first time i got my tailbone infection. me and my mum went on a coach to a roller derby game and at the end of the day my tailbone was aching quite a bit, as if i’d bruised it. i brushed it off as just being the fact that i had sat in shitty coach seats for several hours, then uncomfortable plastic chairs for more hours, then shitty coach seats again. the next day though. ya boi was in agony again. i could not find any way to be comfortable - the closest i could get to comfort was standing. every movement of my hips was pure pain and i couldnt walk properly. the pain was so bad i just could not put one foot in front of the other and i ended up walking by essentially swiveling on each foot and keeping my hips as still as possible.  the worst part was when my mum drove me to the walk in centre - although i knew that i was going to where i would be helped, the car. oh, the car. somethign about that seat - and since this infection has recurred several times, i know it is a feature of all car seats - maybe it was the angle, or whatever, but it was pure agony to sit in. i spent the whole car ride with my arm on the car door and my other hand on the car seat, holding myself up to make it not so bad, but with every bump of the car, pain was fucken. shooting through me. it would take me like 10 full seconds to lower myself into a chair or push myself out of one.  sleeping was awful cause i sleep on my side and i turn quite a few times before i can get to sleep - and of course turning with my hips how they were was incredibly painful. im not very vocal when it comes to pain but this thing had me yelping and everything. plus the antibiotics i had to take were fucking miserable. they tasted absolutely disgusting and i had to have them 4 times a day on an empty stomach (no food 2 hours before or 1 hour after) for 2 week and it was awful. this bastard is also recurring. the last time it got super bad was funnily enough about a week after my ear infection. honestly yall. late nov-dec 2018 was the worst fucken time for my physical health. but actually! in 2020 i am hopefully getting a surgery to stop the infections once and for all! but with the way the NHS is going, honestly who fucking knows. i do know that i will hunt down and kill boris johnson if he stops me getting this surgery.
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little-owly · 7 years
oh gosh but like can you imagine what would happen if ja//ck loaded up on coffee before falling into littlespace?? He wouldn't be able to sit still at all and he would practically be vibrating with energy, running around the house at top speed and nearly killing himself in the process by tripping over things or falling down the stairs. He's just so energetic that dada eth//an and daddy ma//rk have to either put him down for a nap or bring him to the park so he can run himself out!! -🍂
jack fueling up with coffee, hoping to cram and get some work done before a convention. not counting on pouting and setting himself into headspace, becoming distracted as he tries to set up for recording a vr game, playing with the little toys and figures in his office. giggling away, forgetting all about the games he was planning to record. the coffee slowly, but surely, kicking in.
ethan and mark goofing around in the living room. already done planning and editing their videos. they sit cuddling on the couch before they hear it. the loud laughs and a heavy thud. 
ethan looks at mark quizzically, both waiting to hear a curse. only hearing more laughing and someone getting up.
and cue jack rushing into the room with a blankie tied around his neck, “wooosh!! imma hero!! i got my blankie and we gon’ save the world!!” he jumps into the air. just barely missing the pair and landing on the seat next to them.
he ignores mark’s plea and jumps off the couch, running towards the kitchen, arms splayed.
“is he little--” ethan tries to ask, interrupted by the crashing of chairs.
“jack!!” mark yells, worried he hurt himself as ethan gets up, chasing after him alongside mark.
jack’s on top of the chairs, laughing away as he makes sound effects, “woosh!! wooooosh!! i can fly!!”
“jack, stop!!” ethan yells, jack looking down at ethan from his spot. giggling and jumping, “catch dada!! catch!!”
ethan groans as he hurriedly catches jack. nearly falling, the wind being knocked out of him. jack clapping, “again! again! daddy catch me this time--”
“jack! you know better than to run and climb furniture in the house!” mark raises his voice, taking jack from ethan as the smaller male catches his breath, “what if you got hurt?! what if you hurt dada?! what you did was incredibly dangerous, now calm down!”
jack’s bottom lip quivers, on the verge of tears. mark sighing as he hugs him, “we have rules for a reason, jackie. we don’t want you to get hurt and we dont want to get hurt. you need to understand that, okay?”
he sniffles and nods, “i...i...otay, daddy...”
“now what’s got you so hyper? more than usual at least.”
“mark,” ethan coughs, pointing to the coffee pot, still a bit left over, “i think thats it,” he walks over to the green hair male, “poor boy’s just hyper with coffee, arent you?”
jack nods, “i sowwy i hurted you, dada...”
ethan smiles softly, “dont worry about it bud. i think i know a way to help you get all that energy outta ya and keep us from getting hurt.”
mark raises an eyebrow, ethan leaning over and whispering into his ear. mark smiles and nodding, “lets get you in the car, jackie. we’re gonna take a little trip.”
jack grows restless in the back seat, tapping on the window, kicking his feet, humming little songs to himself. wanting nothing more than to get to wherever dada and daddy promised to take him to.
he doesnt notice when they stop the car. ethan helping him get out as he and mark hold his hand, walking out to the empty park. the playground a bright blue and white. the red swings swaying in the wind. not a soul in sight but them.
“told you nobody comes here.” ethan tells mark, nudging jack, “go ahead and play, green bean. daddy and dada will be sitting down nearby,” he smiles.
jack barely being able to contain his excitement as he rushes towards the playground. climbing up the monkey bars, wasting no time in playing. swinging from one bar to the next, laughing.
“how’d you know about this park?” mark asks, sitting in next to ethan on the blue bench
“use to come here to think and all that stuff.”
“ah,” mark sighs, “so nobody ever comes here?”
“nope. i’ve known this place for nearly a year and half and have never seen anyone here when im here.” he pulls out his phone, “i give him a good 35 minutes before he crashes the fuck out.”
“i say 20 minutes.” mark laughs, leaning over to kiss ethan’s cheek, “thanks for  helping us find a place for him to play. look at how excited he is!”
“aw, stop it, ya big goof.”
jack sleepily walked over to the two after 45 minutes. yawning and plopping down into mark and ethan’s lap.
“wan’ go hooooome,” he whined, “tooooo tiwed ro pwaaaaaay.”
mark picks up jack as ethan starts up the car. their cute little baby boy nodding off the sleep only after 5 minutes of driving. sucking his thumb quietly, all tuckered out, but in a fun way -- thanks to his dada and daddy
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