#my hot take is that he's useless and shuld have stayed dead in SA2
neoyi · 2 years
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I mean, I'll likely see some of Sonic Prime just because I've watched all the major Sonic cartoons at least once, regardless if I finished them or not, so ya know, tradition. But being produced by Man of Action doesn't have me enthralled (I've never been a fan of the shows they've made, just not for me), but...
Pirate Knuckles.
Knuckles as a pirate.
Like at the least, I gotta see the pirate episode.
Also, props for having Big the Cat, which, if this part of the trailer is anything to indicate, he'll also be seen in the Sonic multiverse, so maybe he won't just be a one-shot or a mild cameo.
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Rouge being part of the main team still throws me off, because, well, she's usually not. Nothing bad about that, but she sticks out like a sore thumb. I guess I'm just used to the Sonic/Tails/Knuckles/Amy team-up dynamic more than anything (partial bias, too, I'm not nearly as attached to any characters post SA1.)
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