#ugh of course shadow the hedgehog is there
neoyi · 2 years
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I mean, I'll likely see some of Sonic Prime just because I've watched all the major Sonic cartoons at least once, regardless if I finished them or not, so ya know, tradition. But being produced by Man of Action doesn't have me enthralled (I've never been a fan of the shows they've made, just not for me), but...
Pirate Knuckles.
Knuckles as a pirate.
Like at the least, I gotta see the pirate episode.
Also, props for having Big the Cat, which, if this part of the trailer is anything to indicate, he'll also be seen in the Sonic multiverse, so maybe he won't just be a one-shot or a mild cameo.
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Rouge being part of the main team still throws me off, because, well, she's usually not. Nothing bad about that, but she sticks out like a sore thumb. I guess I'm just used to the Sonic/Tails/Knuckles/Amy team-up dynamic more than anything (partial bias, too, I'm not nearly as attached to any characters post SA1.)
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omega-e123 · 2 months
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Shadow’s prequel here. Aftermath here
You’ve been actively avoiding him for weeks on end. Not because he’s done anything wrong, no! Lately it felt as though his voice has gotten a lot softer. The physical distance between you has gotten closer and his eyes gaze at you differently. A sort new kind of fondness, you imagine. Chaos, his eyes… The image of Shadow flashes in your mind, causing your heart to beat faster than Sonic on his way to his favorite Chilidog stand.
The friendship that you and Shadow have built over the past few years is too precious for you to mess up over some silly “crush.” Is it still considered a crush if you’ve liked the guy for a long time? Ugh, it doesn’t matter. No way that hedgehog would develop those sort of feelings.
Groaning, your head falls atop the cafe table. The empty cup clattering against its saucer. Well whether or not you would admit to him, the distance you forced between each other has strained the relationship. Absentmindedly, the coffee spoon clanks against the cups insides.
A tap on your shoulder breaks you out of your thoughts, nearly flinging the spoon into the street. Spinning around, a certain hedgehog stands awkwardly holding a bouquet of flowers. In a panic, you hurry out of your seat to stand face to face.
“Shadow! Hey, fancy seeing you here!,” you nervously greet. “Is everything alright? What are the flowers for?”
Fuckshitfuck— No where to run, no where to hide. Actually, what are the chances he’d just let you book it to the next dimension?
His intense stare is more than enough to send anyone straight to the floor cowering. Shadow looks down at the bouquet and then back to you before shoving them into your arms. “They’re for you.”
With a blank face, you say nothing and hold his gaze. Heat growing on your cheeks. You cant help but tilt your head and quietly repeat back, “for me?”
“That is what I said,” Shadow sighs, “Listen. I don’t know what I did to make you upset, but if you could just talk to me… It’s unsettling”
Your ears droop, hearing the reason. Ah, of course they wouldn’t be a romantic gesture. What were you thinking, getting your hopes up like that? Apology flowers. Eye contact breaks as your attention finds its way to the ground.
“No, you didn’t do anything. It’s okay, but thank you,” you manage out.
The hedgehog refuses to let you go without an answer. Worry laced in his words, “Then what’s with that look? Why do you look… disappointed? What’s wrong? Why the hell have you been ignoring my messages and avoiding me?”
Lips pressed into a thin line, you debate on how to answer him. It’s a struggle to breathe. “I’m not,” you begin to lie.
Shadow cuts you off with, “Please.”
It felt as if your brain blue-screened. Did the ultimate life form beg you just now?
“Look at me,” he asks, one hand holding your arm, the other resting under your chin. Slowly he lifts it up in order to get a better look at you. The touch so gentle, it was as though Shadow was convinced you’d break into a million pieces.
Ruby red eyes scan your features, searching for an answer. You notice his ears are slightly drooped forward. The poor guy looks like a kicked puppy.. Were you two always standing this close together? You try to find the words to say to him; however, you keep drawing blanks. It’s hard to believe someone like Shadow would be so worried over you. That’s how anyone could tell his actions are genuine. Something pulls you to lean up on your tippy toes and carefully inch towards him. Shadow tenses wondering what on Gaia’s green planet are you doing. Supple lips meld into the other. Your eyes close after the initial contact. A simple chaste kiss planted upon Shadow’s. He makes no effort to pull away, instead he’s relishing the moment.
Until you part from him, you both realize what had happened. His quills prickle up. Letting go of you, his hand comes up to hide the blush immediately creeping on his face . Shadow teleports away, leaving you dumbfounded.
«___° ° °___»
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moofuuu · 4 months
The Triple S
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The Triple Threat~☆
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And some headcanons below about these guys!! And I mean all six of them!!
V So a big post if you press past this point!! V
Here's some headcanons and other info I have for my own characters and designs in general to the triple S!! I am very passionate how I represent these guys, and I would like to note that now, before you guys read any further, I AM MYSELF A TRANS MAN!!! I DON'T SPEAK ON MOST PEOPLES BEHALF, BUT I WOULD LIKE TO SAY THAT SOME THINGS MIGHT BE OFFENSIVE TO SOME OF YOU IDFK
Now without further adoo, let's get on with the headcanons and information about the hedgehog's!!!
Sonic Headcanons
He/Him! Bisexual!
24-25 yr old
People say his boobs are growing, and yes I fully agree with that, and yes I do prefer him as a Trans man... but I love the idea of a strong muscle man with Trans scars is so goddamn UGH ♡♡♡
Sonic is getting built, growing some more muscles, and getting stronger with each series and or game!! It's the reason he's getting so big!!
He's also had both surgeries!
Top and bottom scars and also he's way more like the cocky type if you think Archie comics a bit, but of course he cares for his friends!! A whole lot actually and plays around with them too.
Amy gave him those knee and elbow pads to prevent a whole lot more scraping
even though it doesn't help much It still looks nice and it fits him, and the amount of times he slides against the grass and grounds a lot, of course he's gonna rely more on the knee pads a lot.
He wears hiking boots/shoes because they last way more longer than regular running shoes! It's something he prefers and well, the kicks have a lot more "oomf" to them when he does kick with those boots of his.
It takes a lot to take him down!! He's not your average soft man or gentle guy, he's more of your tough brother and he does get emotional!! But it's not usually the way you'd typically think, for he just gets a bit more colder to the shoulder when it's a serious situation with a more cutting edge.
Sonic's a goofball, just like it shows in the Sonic boom series, he loves just fucking around and doing silly things on the side really.
He's still learning a lot and still has that young college boy mentality to be honest.
Also well versed in close combat because of his best friend and rival Knuckles! He learned some moves from him when they met and all!
He has hyperactive ADHD!!
Sonic is a close combat character!! He prefers to fight his enemies as close as he can as he can hit powerful kicks and can throw powerful punches.
His relationship with Shadow is mostly rivalry, and the two butting heads all the time!!! But never actually hanging out casually as Shadow refuses to hang out with him, and Sonic is fine with that; besides, he gets on his nerves intentionally... Never unintentionally, and the two of them know when to take matters seriously. He also thinks Shadow has a thing for someone, but he ain't no gossip-er... though Rouge brings that out of him, and he hates it.
His relationship with Silver is casual rivalry, but he can't even trash talk with him!!! He takes things to literally and doesn't even understand half the words he's saying!!! It's like he's an old man!! But Silver isn't even the oldest of the three!! In fact, the youngest and yet Sonic can never find himself having fun trash talking to the guy, but he is fun to hug though and a great listener...
Shadow Headcanons!
Any pronouns
• [Usually default to he/him though]
30-50 yrs old
He doesn't really know nor really cares to know. Also, the oldest out of the triple S but not the tallest despite his alien genes.
He's in the middle... though mostly fighting close as he uses guns when necessary. Shadow is a close combat and ranged combat mobian, his muscles mostly in his arms as you need to keep your guns steady and able to handle the recoil in guns in general.
He has a bunch of old accessories! Like old patches from old bands, stickers and magnets but he hides those in small containers because he doesn't want to stick the stickers on anything.
It also usually works in the night!! He can't really work during the day as his black fur sticks out like a sore thumb and he also can't really sleep anyways sometimes.. as his nightmares sometimes gets to him.
If he doesn't have anything to do, he'll be pacing around in his office, wanting something to do, someone to talk to or listen to... but he's not about to go bother someone as his colleagues might be busy. Definitely won't go talk to Sonic as he's annoying.
He wears shades!! Mostly because the sun hurts his alien like eyes sometimes on some days where he pulled all nighters and hasn't seen the light of day.
He definitely has some routine going on as he has too stick to it, he's always so strict on himself because if he isn't, they would only end up thinking to much about their past and they're not about to deal with that.
They look great for their age, it only makes sense though as part of his life was in a tube, grown and raised in space.
After crashing into earth after escaping the A.R.K and leaving Maria behind [against his own will], it traveled the world for a bit, for Maria, for it... for itself as it was curious about the world... but eventually, G.U.N. caught up to him and, with the lack of fighting skills, eventually caught.
His shoes are bulky!!! Being made in the 1950s, there's no way his shoes look that sleek, and I will continue drawing them bulky.. also, I'm keeping the rings to how they originally looked in the SA2. Instead of straight-up rings on the hands... some rims are on the rings as they show that the ring inhibitors can come off.
Shadow is known to keep to himself most of the time and is close to his friend Omega and Rouge
He has autism, PTSD, and a bit of auditory hallucinations..
The hivemind is a part of the reason it's still there, but he destroyed that long ago! Yea, he did, but he's still needs to get used to the sounds in his head about needing to renew his own species.
Relationship with Sonic •
Its relationship with Sonic is... rocky, he gets that he's the hero and everything, supposed to keep the world safe, but he won't leave it alone!!! Of course he's better at everything than him!! Fighting! Guns!! He can do it all! But racing!! Gah!! He won't shut up about it! And how he won't shut up about how much shorter he is... but seriously, it seems like each time they're in the same room, Sonic's goal is to annoy him or get on his nerves... which works each time not going to lie.
Relationship with Silver •
For Silver, his relationship with him and all that, despite being the one to almost kill Sonic when meeting and killing him, he learned a lot, and he's glad to have shown the bad things and bad intentions Mephiles was planning. The fact that he doesn't even try and do anything suspicious either is refreshing... The fact that he holds no judgment to anyone too is something new and refreshing too, meeting Silver was like... for once someone doesn't judge him and just listens... he also lost a best friend, which was Blaze. He gets it.. doesn't he..? Why does he feel this way..?
Silver Headcanons!!!
Pansexual | He/They
20-23 yrs old!
Wears a jacket for warmth, a binder for comfort, and pants for comfort plus warmth as well! He wears these rings to keep his own magic in check, and so it's much easier for him to not always focus on the target he's holding.
From the future, but a devastating one... no matter what he did, no matter what he said!! The future never changed, and it was always some wasteland. He needs to check up on it every once in a while, though, to make sure the future is still the future and that he should figure out how or what to defeat their enemies with!! They don't know specifically or much details but with their small Itty bitty skills of detective work from reading books, they will be able to help at some point... right???
Shortest of the three and lacking muscle, but there's a reason for that!
They are mostly ranged fighter as they rely on their telekinesis a lot and can not fight close for the life of them.. can't even use a gun without being scared of it!!
They are well versed in the books, and had read a lot of things, when they read instructions, they can get it not instantly but with a few trials and errors they can actually perfect the thing they're learning. Cooking? Yes! Baking? Yes! Sewing?? Few pokes by accident but yes!!!
Though his build is small, he's actually pretty brave, as he grew up in an apocalyptic world, learning to scavenge and fast with food and water... learning about plants and all!
He infact... hates the cold but wants to see winter snow... he got way too used to Crisis City and its extreme heats!!! His body is cold like a fridge, but... luckily, he has friends that can keep him warm!
He lost his best friend and sister, Blaze; her sacrifice to sealing away the evil that was in the future and now wears red earrings to represent her. Though... the Blaze he met that's from another realm... reminds him too much of his old sister... though she seems a lot more strict with herself than anything.
Learned most of his knowledge in books!! No matter how bad the writing may have been, he would read it... and tries his best to keep an open mind to a lot of things... Blaze (from his timeline and world) had even helped him read and learn some things from the books.
They're indeed the fluffiest
Has albinism!
Got their powers from when they're young, telekinesis is actually quiet rare!![I rarely see anyone use this and just IMO!!! Concludes to being it a rare super power..]
Telekinesis/Psycokenesis is actually quiet rare, how he got it was through an attack, an attempt was made at his life by flames and Blaze wasn't there to help, but luckily his powers activated in time, blowing away all the flames that threatened him.. though now he's scared still
Has Audhd!!
Introverted as you can't just shove someone into a group of people even though they haven't even been around anyone but ONE person all their life!!
Though he does have lots of interest and loves listening in on everyone's conversation.
He thinks out loud to himself
PTSD as well...
Trust issues after Mephiles.
Relationship with Sonic •
His relationship with Sonic was rocky at first, and he hates how he was so mean to Sonic! Trying to kill him and all for the right reasons!! He swears it was for the right reasons!! He almost did it, and he was so glad Amy was there to stop him... though it was hard to understand at first, but lucky for his open-mindedness, he was able to get over it. Finding out Sonic was actually the good guy and learning that he was actually the one he read in all the books about the legendary blue hero and not the so-called "iblis trigger." To meet your idol and the hero, and he's so calm and nice and oh— never mind he's fighting with his friends again... well, at least he's so forgiving and forgetting... but Silver sure as hell ain't, he hasn't even forgiven himself yet for being so mean to him at first. But he keeps trying to do this trash talk??? Sometimes Silver gets it...
Most times, not getting it one bit. Though his charm and skills are very admirable, and they want to learn it someday.
Relationship with Shadow •
He's the reason he even got out of killing the blue hero in the first place and sure was cold-hearted and rude at first.. even kicked him in the head, but that was well deserved, honestly. But seeing through the lies and actually the original form that Mephiles had taken!! And to learn he was actually manipulating Silver!? Agh! It's hard to read someone, but... Shadow just looks like he needs a friend and someone there to show him it's okay to open up at least a bit! That's what Sonic showed him, and that's what Blaze did too!
Silver can't help but look up to Shadow sometimes though, admiring him and his work and how well organized he is! Better than Silvers chaotic schedule that they try to keep too!! But learning that Shadow had a friend and lost them ... Silver can't help but feel closer to him in some way after learning such detail.
v The Triple Threat v
Scourge Headcanons!!
24-26! He/Him
He's the shortest of the three cause, well, he's a hedgehog! He's insecure bout that, but not as much as you think. He is also a big-time flirt and puts up a big tough guy front. Has commitment issues and also hates really keeping up with any friends, especially after how many times he been fucked over.
But that didn't really seem to stop him getting to more other buddies, Venice and Terios, who's actually not as bad as the rest and actually have been on the same level as him
Terios is intimidating and strong, sure, but he Scourge can never get that guy to get angry at him and it's fair, guy seems like he's been through a lot.
Venice just so happens to come from some future, but he said he was sent back to save the past... but surprisingly, the guy just didn't want to and joined Scourge's ruling.
So his new friends are really okay to say the least, they can care less about others as much as him but no matter what Scourge is still some type of Sonic, so of course he has some respect for his two buddies...
Pathetic really as he can't get over his ex Fiona, and everytime he complains about it Venice is there to slap that outta him, he's not about to go through another pathetic crying session.
Scourge wears all this outrageous stuff because of how he has very much a identity crisis every other week, trying to separate himself and his own looks from Sonic, trying to remove the title of "evil sonic" off of him, gets mad each time he's even referred to the name as he screams out "IT'S SCOURGE!!!" Hating how he's always compared to Sonic as well as he's not at all like him!!
His quills are much shorter but well kept, despite the punkish look to him, he's a lot more cleaner than Sonic himself, as he also likes to plan ahead of time too, but can't really read people well like Sonic though..
Has a dead dad
Ain't as built like Sonic
Just as chaotic, if not worse, and evil at that, who cares about who gets hurt??
Other than his two pals.. don't hurt his two pals.
Venice the mink
21-24 | He/him
Despite the looks of it, he's not at all well put together, screaming and yelling at everyone who gets him pissed off, and even dares to make fun of his interests, very closed off as he's always pushing away everyone from him.
Note; as surprising it is, Scourge and Venice are still buddies, though, as their goals in life are really just the same.
Unlike Silver, he doesn't have that pretty privilege that the white hedgehog has, as he always thinks his scar is awful, tanking his insecurities more and how much he hates his looks.. so to combat this, he built his own body to make up the scar he's so insecure about, wrapping what he could in bandages.
He hates seeing Silver and hates how he acts as he sees too much of his younger self in him. He also hates how open they are.
Very much has inner homophobia of himself and has VERY FRAGILE masculinity
Venice would rather get shot in the head before admitting to himself for liking anyone, as he has his feelings locked away deep inside himself so even the smallest fuzziness he feels he would immediately try and push the person away or just be meaner. Self-destruction if you will.
Despite this Terios and Scourge stick by, it's not like they both heard worse and by this point they're starting to learn that Venice's aggressive behavior is also becoming a bit more like aggressive love..
Says lots of death threats to both Scourge and Terios but he can't actually kill Terios, and Scourge, he's why he's okay with being friends with at least a few people.
He hates the other for teasing him so much but it's not like he makes fun of the hedgehog back..
Keeps Scourge alive because Scourge is his kill, no one else's, despite how gay that might sound they're only just friends with benefits and rarely go at it anyways.
His relationship with Terios, he's also somehow less hostile towards the porcupine, but that's because of the power the guy has, and what he's capable of doing.
Terios the porcupine
40 to 50 yrs old
He/him Unlabled.
He's the tallest of the three and is the strongest, waken up too many times and also been resurrected to many times for his own good.
Doesn't like getting into fights much and rather avoid everyone at all costs, but because of Venice and Scourge freeing the guy from his prison, he's tolerant of those two, and ONLY those two.
Full of anarchy baryl, but is weak to the chaos energy from mobius...
He very much has a dad bod and he also just stays out of trouble for the most part because he rather be left alone in nature where no one's there to bug him and actually hurt him... mostly passive and he's also originally a porcupine that was swept off the streets long ago.
A science expirement gone wrong, and left alive for as long as they can... Lucky them, Terios got out, and the island blew. .. well not lucky for them nevermind.
They all said it was for the greater good.. science...
Terios hates technology... not because of his age and non understanding of it...
It's because of how much it terrifies him and actually what the thing is capable of, he's not about to go back and listen to all the humming and buzzing of machines.
Terios sneezes like a dad would, loud and noisy
He rather avoid everyone and everything, not really liking technology or even the city in general.
Has multiple bullet wound scars, but the fur has overgrown them.. but if you touch the body sure can feel them.
He was originally a normal porcupine actually, from the earth instead of space
Not many things can hurt or kill him like his counterpart... he actually died multiple times before but brought back alive each time.
The Triple Threat has a lot more headcanons, but I realize how big this post is getting lol
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0rb0t · 8 months
"ugh why is Shadow so SOFT in Sonic Prime? I MISS WHEN HE WAS RUTHLESS, LIKE IN HIS GAME"
I have some News for you, but, Shadow being ruthless and a huge bully isn't actually his character. It's his character when he perceives everyone to be a threat, sure, OR when he's hellbent on revenge-- but when he's not, he's an introverted hero who does whatever he can to protect home. He cares about his friends, he just struggles at showing it. It being the first Sonic game you played doesn't make it the true characterization.
Also imagine thinking his depiction in Sonic Prime is soft... He's still quick to throw punches and start fights in it. He's just not a "FRIENDSHIP IS PATHETIC" guy anymore.
I've seen some people complain that his character is just Knuckles in Shadow clothing, and i'm just like. first off, incorrect. 2nd off, yeah, a lot of characters are actually similar to each other, and not entirely unique. Blaze the Cat and Shadow the Hedgehog were VERY similar in 06, and that was fine.
edit: Watching Shadow NEVER lose is really really boring really fast. I like seeing him get tired, I like seeing him not the center. I like to see him struggle! It's a kid's show, you can feel closer to your heroes when you see them struggle, too.
Sonic Prime was rated TV-Y7. Meanwhile, Shadow the Hedgehog 2005 was rated E10+
So yeah, of COURSE he's not going to be as intense as he was in his game that had profanity, guns and violence with death. 8/
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catiecat1320 · 8 months
New Random Oneshot! I only edited through this once, so the quality may be poorer than I usually do.
(At the time of writing, I haven’t watched S3 yet, but still: Sonic Prime Spoilers!!)
Synopsis: After saving Sonic from the throes of death, Shadow wakes up back home. Within the next few minutes, he finds that their victory together may have come with unintended consequences (aka feelings). Read Below ⬇️
As blinding white light dissipated, Shadow the Hedgehog promptly fell flat on his face. His mind raced too fast, contrasting his body which had come to a complete and painful halt.
The first thing he noticed was the taste of grass. 
Not rock or whatever the hell those shards in the void were— grass, green grass. The kind that belonged to home. He rolled over and barked out a laugh.
He’d never been more happy to eat dirt. 
Man, if Sonic had heard him say that…
Oh, shit, Sonic—
Popping to his feet so fast he nearly fell back on his face— which was most definitely counterproductive— Shadow staggered, shaking off the static black and nausea of vertigo before looking around frantically for the blue hedgehog. The events moments prior flashed back through his head like a sick movie.
No no no, that idiot couldn’t have died right? He’s too stubborn to just disappear like that, this wasn’t happening, where—
Up in the distance, he heard the faint sound of yelling, barely audible against his rapid heart beat. 
“Sonic, NO!”
Shadow immediately ran toward the sound, up the mountain. Instinctively, he reached into his quills, gloved fingers making purchase on a smooth gem— when had it come back?
No matter. It would get him where he needed to be, and that was all he cared about.
“Chaos control!”
Shadow reappeared at the cavern entrance, immediately faced with the inexplicably idiocratic scene of Sonic hugging Eggman.
Of course, the villain didn’t take very kindly to Sonic’s sudden affection, promptly opening the cockpit of his mech and driving a fist into the hedgehog’s gut, eliciting an inappropriately surprised grunt. Shadow repressed the urge to facepalm. Really?
Sighing, he leapt Sonic’s rescue for the millionth time since that dumbass shattered reality. 
Within seconds, Eggman’s mech sat mangled, kicked to the side of the cave and far away from the prism. The doctor let out a strangled squeak in fear. 
Shadow didn’t pay him any more attention. The sound of metal crunching was one he had wished not to hear again for a long, long time. Stupid faker.
Speaking of his counterpart— “Hey Shadow! Nice timing!” Sonic grinned, peeling himself off the ground and, oblivious to his friends’ shocked looks behind him, hopped over to Shadow with an outstretched hand. “Up top!”
Shadow just huffed at the gesture, grabbing Sonic’s wrist and pulling the hand close to his face. 
No transparency. 
A sort of delayed relief flooded through him at that, and part of Shadow realized just how scared he’d been. That was a first for the ultimate lifeform. 
“You’re okay.” He stated.
“Um. Yeah?”
“Well, that’s great,” Rouge remarked, flying over to where they stood. Her smile widened dramatically and she stared at the Paradox Prism with a bit of crazed fervor in her eyes. “I’ll be taking this beauty—”
She might as well have said she was going to kill someone, because both hedgehogs reacted with a violent jerk, lunging for the rock in unison.
“Wait no!” 
“Chaos control!”
A flash of light left four friends wondering what in hell they just witnessed (and one evil genius quietly making a getaway).
“Ugh.” Shadow spat, steadying the prism. “So what do we do with this thing?”
Sonic didn’t respond, which was surprising given that he never shut up (not even on the brink of death). The black hedgehog rolled his eyes and glared at him. “Well?”
Sonic stared at the ground, then up at Shadow, and cleared his throat quietly. “Uh. You can let go now?”
It was then that Shadow realized he still had a death grip on Sonic’s slender wrist. 
Oh, he wished he could’ve disappeared right then, and he meant it with every fiber of his being.
Shadow didn’t know what was worse, the fact that his face was most definitely burning a cherry red, unable to give a proper explanation for this act, or the fact that part of him didn’t want to let go. 
He settled on awkwardly retracting his hand and letting out a choked “Sorry.”
Sonic coughed and peeled his eyes away from Shadow’s face, for which he was grateful for. “I was thinking… maybe we could leave it in Tails’ Lab.”
“So you or your friends can break it again? Definitely not.” Shadow rebuked. “We should take it somewhere no one could chance upon by accident.”
“So why’d you even ask me?” Sonic pouted, tapping his foot impatiently. “If you got it figured out already then go ahead. I certainly don’t know any secretive places.”
Shadow paused at his statement. 
Why had he brought Sonic along? Since when did he get that instinct?
…to keep him close?
“Shadow? Hellooooo—” Sonic waved his hand in front of a dazed face, effectively breaking Shadow’s trance. Emerald eyes peered worriedly into his own crimson. “What’s up?”
“Nothing.” He grumbled, turning away. But of course that didn’t work, because Mr. Annoying just stepped back into his line of view.
“Aw come on, don’t give me that,” Sonic said, circling him to keep eye contact. “You never act like this. Hmm…” Shadow could practically hear gears turning inside that peanut brain of his, and unfortunately, this time they worked. “...is it… wait. Don’t tell me you’re worried? About lil ol’ me?”
“Shut. Up.” 
“Okay. Sorry, sorry.” Sonic gestured defensively at Shadow’s death glare. “But I’m fine, you don’t gotta worry.”
“It’s not that.” He snarled in response. Sonic just gave him the most unamused look. 
“Well, what is it then? What’s the saying… penny for your thoughts?”
“It’s nothing.”
“It’s not nothing.”
“Shut up.”
Shadow growled and imposed his fiercest glare on Sonic, hoping to scare him off, but his rival (Rival? Friend? Ally?) just stared back with equal intensity. “You don’t scare me, Shadow.”
“Well— you scared me!” Shadow admits, the words tumbling out of his mouth before he could catch them. He dipped his head to focus on the ground instead, hoping futilely that it would swallow him whole. “I… I thought that… you… I thought that you were going to… that you would—”
“Die?” Sonic put a hand to Shadow’s chin, tilting his head up to meet his eyes. Shadow scowled but didn’t deny it.
There was silence for a few seconds, neither hedgehog knowing what to say. 
What kind of words could fix seeing someone nearly slip from reality? …in your very arms?
Maybe there was some magic phrase that would sooth that pain, but none of them knew it. They weren’t exactly the best at communication, after all, seeing as they fought things out most of the time. 
Sonic eventually pulled away and broke the stillness with a sigh. “Shadow. I… I don’t know what you want to hear. It’s probably not that I don’t regret my… decision. But that’s the truth— Gosh, this is awkward. Amy was always better at this… I’m getting side tracked, aren’t I?” He rambled, glancing up at Shadow to see if he was still listening. Shadow gestured for him to continue. There was no harm, right?
“Look. I… it was risky, but it was better than the alternative, right? And it worked! I lived, even! You guys saved me. It’s okay.”
“You expected to die?”
Sonic winced. “Uhh— I… yeah. That’s not the point, though—”
“What do you mean, that’s not the point?!” Shadow exploded, causing Sonic to back up. “That’s not okay, idiot! Do you think I could’ve lived knowing you sacrificed your life to save mine?!”
“And the others,” Sonic piped, then cringed at the face Shadow made. “Wrong answer, wrong answer. I—”
He was interrupted by Shadow pulling him into a tight hug. “You selfless moron. The answer is no.”
For a few seconds, Sonic was too stunned to speak or reciprocate the gesture. Then he hugged Shadow back, squeezing him tighter than the other had gripped him moments away from entering the gateway. “I-It’s okay, Shads. I’m fine now.”
“Tell me you won’t try something like that again.”
“...no promises. But I hope it won’t come to that.”
“Sonic.” Shadow tangled himself and held the hero at arm's length. He just let out a laugh, and Shadow found that he couldn’t be angry at those sparkling emerald eyes. “Just… try. Please?” 
“Mhm. You should know by now, Shads,” Sonic grinned, “I kinda suck at dying.”
Shadow couldn’t help the smile that formed on his face, which he tried in vain to hide. 
“You smiled! I saw it!”
“Did not.”
“Did to!”
“Just admit it, Shadow, you’re not as grumpy as you seem.”
Shadow rolled his eyes but didn’t deny his statement. Sonic took his silence as agreement and cheered. “I knew you were soft on the inside! Just couldn’t resist my charm, could you?”
He looked so happy as he picked up the prism that Shadow swallowed the quip he was going to make. In the scattered rainbow light, Sonic was… was pretty.
Ugh, stupid skittles rock. Messing with his thoughts. 
He hoped Sonic couldn’t see the blush that tinted his cheeks as he hooked arms and teleported them away.
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nex-is-sleeping · 2 years
Sorry if this is a weird rq but can u pls do a platonic shadow x reader were shadow kidnaps her (he's in G.U.N) for questioning but shes super rude and only gives him attitude
And he's like "I'm the ultimate life form, I could kill u in seconds" and she's like "ok then, go ahead. But how would you get your info??"
Answer me !
A Shadow x reader fic (platonic)
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Shadow walked into your house. He made sure every step of his was unheard and made with precision. Stealth wasn't his specialty, that was Rouge's job. But, she was caught up on a chemical plant so he had to take this mission on his own. Not that he had trouble, just that Rouge was better suited. You were suspected to have two chaos Emeralds. And in the wrong hands, that's no good news. Shadow explored the dark house, tiptoeing towards your room. He opened your door, seeing you fast asleep. He took you in his arms, carefully not to wake you. He then took you to G.U.N. interrogation room.
You woke up, handcuffed to a chair. You looked around, and saw a black and red hedgehog on the opposite side of the table. He looked at you with narrowed eyes and arms crossed. "Do you know why you're here ?" He questioned, making searing eye contact with you. "Oooh yeah, I know. This is because I stole a chocolate yesterday, right ? Didn't know you cared so much about it, but have it your way." You said, obviously joking, and chuckling softly. "This is not a game. You are suspected of having 2 of the 7 Chaos Emeralds-" "And so what if I do ?" You cut off Shadow. God, was he fun to play with. "You are in a room with the ultimate lifeform. I could kill you in seconds." He said, growing impatient. "Then do it !" You laughed. You knew he wouldn't actually do it. He couldn't get information out of a dead body. "Shadow, was it ?" He nodded, surprised you knew his name. "We both know you wouldn't go as far as killing me. Now, can you just let me go ?" "Not until I get the information I need." He said, sternly. "Pleaase ?" You begged, feigning innocence with large puppy eyes. Shadow shook his head. "You may be able to fool others with that look, but you're not getting to me." He said, stiffening his posture, and placing his hands on the table. "We can do this all night." He said, with a slightly intimidating tone. "C'moonn ugh. Everyone was right when they said you were a party pooper." You said. Of course, you hadn't heard anyone say that, but god was it good seeing his demeanor break for a split second. This was going to be fun.
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artnrandomness · 1 year
Egghog and the Hungry Hero
Know that this is NOT canon to the OG Hungry Hero story and is just a fanmade thing I made with my Sonic.exe OC, Egghog. Hungry Hero belongs to @sonicexelle-junkary 
Sonic woke up, all groggy and dizzy. He didn't know where the hell he was. All he remembered was that he was going to eat Shadow after killing him. In his mind, he HAD to pay for just showing up and ruining his plans after all. But then he was hit very hard in the head. Getting his head together, the hedgehog slowly but steadily got up. As he observed his surroundings, he noticed that they look and feel familiar, and yet unfamiliar at the same time. So he decided to look around. As he did, he noticed just how awfully quiet it was, with the sounds of the steps from his shoes being the only things breaking the silence.
“Just where AM I?” asked the Hungry Hero to himself. He then looked at the empty rooms. “And where is everyone here?”
At every room he looked at through their respective locked down doors, Sonic noticed a strange theme with them: each room was mostly a bunch of laboratories, some for experiments, others for research, a few for many needs that the blue hedgehog himself was unfamiliar with.
“Geez! Whoever runs this place must´ve been PRETTY prepared to do all kinds of horrible science.” Sonic thought. Then his stomach growled.
“Shoot! I'm starving. …Oh well, might as well find something… or someone to eat while I'm here.” He then ran down the hallway.
Sonic underestimated just how BIG the hallway was, considering the amount of doors, windows and vaults he saw whilst running. He was starting to get tired and even more hungry, until he found the kitchen. “ABOUT TIME!” is what he said with jubilee upon entering. He was quite surprised to find multiple fridges. This led him to believe that either the owner of this strange building was a hungry sort like him or was just sorting food for their friends, IF they even had friends of course. 
When he tried to open the fridges, they were all locked with codes, all except the normal looking fridge, where there was normal food. While he was disappointed that there were no organs or flesh, at least he wasn't against eating normal food. After a few minutes, he was satisfied. But then, he felt sleepy until he gently fell to the ground and slept.
Then, someone entered the kitchen. As the individual looked down at the sleeping hedgehog, he smiled.
“Perfect. Time to bring you to your room.”
“Ugh…” Sonic began to wake up, all woozy like last time. But when he came to, he realized he was strapped in a chair, with no way to get out. “WHAT THE-?!” He tried to pull himself out, yet couldn´t and had already tired himself out.
He then turned his attention to the equipment that surrounded him. It consisted of tubes, containers, sharp objects, claws, and he even had a strange helmet on his head connected to a big menacing machine. Sighing in frustration, he tried to think about how to escape. But then, a voice through a box of speakers that moved towards him was heard.
“Greetings, hedgehog. You woke up just in time.” the voice greeted.
That voice. It sounded strange and creepy to him, yet oddly familiar in many ways. It sounded like Eggman, yet it also sounded… younger, almost as if it sounded like… like… who else does this guy sound familiar with?
“Uh… h-hello there, creepy, yet confusing voice?” Sonic greeted. “Uh… who are you? Are you Eggman in disguise or something?”
The voice chuckled. “That you´ll find out very soon. But what I can confirm is that I´m NOT Eggman. Well… not exactly… So first, I´d like to give a tour of the rest of my base of operations.”
“Wait… there was more than just a bunch of labs and mysterious doors?”
“Indeed. You´ll be surprised with what else my base has in store. Allow this speaker device here in front of you to push you to my office, so that we could discuss some more… interesting subjects.”
The moving speaker box then grew mechanical arms, jumped behind Sonic and began pulling the chair the hedgehog was strapped in along with the big menacing machine. “Oh! O-Okay…” was Sonic´s only response.
Exiting what apparently was one of the labs, all Sonic could do was turn left and right to see the stuff that was on both sides of the hallway.
“So… mysterious voice… what's with all the labs?” The blue blur asked.
“Simple!” the voice responded. “I´m an… inventor of sorts, along with being a scientist and researcher on MANY areas: nature, lifeforms, such as organic, mutated or biorganic, alien, space, time, magical properties, every single science you can possibly think of, even the most ridiculous sounding ones.”
The speaker then turns right to a slightly smaller hallway, where a big beefy and expensive door begins to open.
“But my expertise, hedgehog, is my work on the science… of the multiverse!” As the door finished opening, the hallway Sonic now entered was that of a multitude of prison cells. But the most shocking part about it was the amount of lookalikes of Sonic himself and his former and dead friends, big and small, strong or weak, good or evil, smart or dumb, brave or scared, sane or insane, every version of equal and opposite you could possibly imagine.
Now if Sonic was his pre-cannibalistic self, he would’ve been saddened by this sight, possibly angry and willing to save everyone in the cells he could and maybe offer the evil ones a chance of redemption and freedom. But instead, he was impressed with what prisoners were behind those cells, even ones that either looked tasty to him or scared him a little. He was starting to grow bored again, hungry for the second time even. But eventually, after going through another door, he saw it. The door to his “working office” as the sign called it.
When entering the building, Sonic got to quickly look around the room. He noticed it was full of screens, especially a big one connected to a massive computer. There were even shelves full of books and modern versions of what looked like to be disks and VHS tapes. But when he then turned his attention to the front, where he was greeted with the individual that tied him up in the chair he was sitting on, his back turned on him while sitting in his own, even bigger chair.
“Hello there.” the individual greeted, while putting away the phone he used to talk through the speaker bot. “Nice to have you here in my office.”
“Hey there…” Sonic said. “Um, shouldn't you turn towards me? It's rude to turn your back on someone, you know.”
“In due time. You WILL see who I am, but for the time being, it's best to keep it a mystery until the time is right. I don't want to spoil the surprise. And like I said, I brought you here to talk about more interesting subjects.”
“Really? …What kind of subjects?”
“Things like, I don´t know, favorite hobbies, your friends, your enemies, your abilities… your favorite food, perhaps?”
Sonic felt a bit uncomfortable with the last 2 words, strangely enough. But nevertheless, he answered. “Um… Well, I do like running as my favorite hobby. Not sure how many friends I have left, but I do know an Echidna named Knuckles, alongside a detective trio named the Chaotix. My enemy is one I mistook you for, that being Eggman, but I don't know what the hell's going on with him right now. My main ability is to be the fastest thing alive, but I can also dash and jump.”
“And what of your favorite food, hedgehog?”
“...Well. …Um… It's good old fashioned chilidogs… Man, those things are so good.”
“...hmmmm… anything else besides that?”
“...Well… I´m recently trying out a new diet on more… fresh food.”
“...I see… And by fresh, do you mean… fruits… vegetables… or is it something along the lines of… fresh meat? As in Mobian meat?”
Sonic's eyes were widened in shock. He couldn't believe that this mystery guy knew of him as a cannibal. Just HOW?!
The individual chuckled in sinister joy. “That's right, hedgehog. I know you´re a cannibal. No point hiding it now. I even saw you about to eat the arm of an almost exact copy of you before I knocked you out and brought you here. …I bet you even enjoy the people you have eaten, do you?”
Sonic, slowly but surely, was starting to feel angry that, whoever this guy was, saw him eating many people AND had interrupted his meal in the form of Shadow. With a crazed smile and look on his face, he began to laugh. “Buddy! I'll admit: I LOVE eating all those Mobians. The meat from their intestines, livers and other organs, all juicy from the blood fresh out of their skin. It's ‘MMMM’… walking food made by heaven itself… Now, I don´t who the FUCK you are or who you THINK you are, but let me tell you something, asshat: when I get out of this chair, you´re gonna regret ever interrupting me on my meal!”
A greatly huge silence yawned in the office after Sonic screamed out his threat. But the hedgehog began to feel his blood quickly run cold as the yawning silence came over him, even more so when he looked at the back of the individual who captured him, the aforementioned individual breaking the silence, yet keeping the same blood-chilling theme the silence he broke had.
“I heard all the threats such as that one before, hedgehog. You don't even scare me.” the individual said. “I even know every curse word the vocabulary has to offer.” “H-Heh! You think you do.” Sonic said. “You don't even know me other than my diet!”
“Actually, I DO.” said the individual. “I know all the friends you ate and killed: Shadow, in a fit of rage, his team, Rouge and Omega, for the fun of it, Silver, for knowing too much about your diet, a few random people here and there, Rookie, due to hunger starting to get used to all the Mobians you eat, and poor Cream, who, let's just say was in the way. Her mother, Vanilla, was worried sick about her daughter. There's also Tails. Poor kid. Looked up to you like a hero, yet died due to fear of who you´ve now become.”
Sonic, in response to the individual mentioning Tails, tried to lunge towards him, forgetting he was still strapped to the chair he was on. “DON'T. MENTION. MY LITTLE. BUDDY!” He shouted in a burst of anger. “Keep his DAMN name out of your FUCKING MOUTH!!”
Ignoring Sonic´s threat, the individual continued. “But I know more than just your friends, hedgehog. I know that you´ve tried to hide your victims, yet was caught doing so.” He stated. “I know that you salivate every time you just look at the individual you want to eat so badly. I even know that your diet began on Lost Hex.”
Sonic´s demeanor went from crazed and angry to surprised and shocked. He didn't even suspect that this guy was ACTUALLY there when he ate what he thought was a chilidog back at Lost Hex. He even felt a bit nervous when he realized that this guy actually knew about when and where his diet began and watched him on it, hidden in plain sight, until when he killed Shadow.
Starting to sweat, the blue blur asked. “...Who… W-Who ARE you?”
The individual, at first, was silent. But then, he began to laugh. As he continued laughing, his laughter went straight up into loud, insane, menacingly evil cackling. With each laugh, the atmosphere grew darker and scarier, even for Sonic. A minute later, he finished laughing, sighing in relief. “Well, well…” the individual said in a frightening tone. “Time to reveal my identity.” 
Finally turning his chair around to face Sonic, the individual grinned. As for the said hedgehog, he gasped in complete shock, not able to believe who the hell he was talking to all this time. The individual was a version of Sonic. But he was very different. The blue color on his quills was almost completely desaturated into a white-like color, his quills were like messy hair, he had big, messy, bushy eyebrows, wore fingerless gloves, a black, gold and red trench coat and big black and red boots, had markings on his body that resembled Eggman´s clothes and his eyes were black with red glowing pupils. And the worst part: he had Eggman´s signature smile, but bigger, scarier and more toothy. He was like a version of Sonic who had his and Eggman´s attributes combined into a singular being.
“Surprise!” The scary Sonic said before laughing.
“W-WHAT?! WHAT EVEN?!- WHO or WHAT even ARE you?!” Sonic exclaimed in both confusion and fear.
“You may call me Egghog.” ‘Egghog’ answered. “The combined minds of Sonic and Eggman into one singular body, made for leading an army of dangerous robotic minions and for carrying on the unstoppable work of multiversal genocide!”
Sonic could not believe what he just heard, and just realized he was face-to-face with a version of him capable of mass destruction, even worse than Eggman and his entire robot army. He didn't even know if he was even edible or worth fighting, but he didn't care considering the situation he was in.
“H-How did you even become… THIS?!” Sonic asked.
“Considering that you are impatient, being both a cannibal AND the fastest thing alive, allow me to give you the short version of my story.” Egghog said. “In MY world, me and Eggman were once family. He began his work of genocide, I went and killed him, had absorved his blood after killing him, thanks to the doctor reverse-engineering his own blood to enter my body should he be dead by MY hand, finally understood why Eggman was the way he was and continued his work of genocide throughout the multiverse, even as of today.”
“THAT was the short version?!”
“...Yes. …I would've given you the longer version, yet chose not to.”
“Good! Cause I do NOT wanna know that version!”
“Suit yourself. Now that you know my identity, it's time that you answer a question for me.”
“What?!” Sonic said rudely. “What else do you wanna know about me?! You already know a LOT!”
Ignoring Sonic´s rudeness, Egghog smiled and asked “Are you really who you say you are?”
Sonic was completely thrown off by this question. “Uh- W-What?” he asked.
“Are you REALLY Sonic the Hedgehog?” Egghog asked again with clarity.
Sonic felt offended by this question. “What kind of dumbass question is that?” he answered. “Of course I am who I say I am. I AM Sonic the Hedgehog!”
“Is that so?” Egghog asked. “Then tell me: Why do you claim to have never even had the title of “hero” in the beginning? Why do you act like everyone who knows the misdeeds they´ve done, yet doesn't care about suffering the consequences? How come you no longer wish for everyone to be free?”   
Sonic knew the answers to all of those questions, yet a part of him doubts it. A small part that felt big. He tried to form an answer out of his mouth, yet couldn´t. This didn't feel right. At least, to his more dominant cannibal side.
“Because here's the thing: Sonic will always claim to be a hero.” Egghog answered for who he doesn't see as Sonic. “Whenever he does something wrong, he´ll always do everything to make up for it. He cares for his friends and wishes to redeem his enemies by giving them a second chance, alongside having the desire for everyone to have the right to be free.”
“Sonic” didn't know what to say about all that Egghog had said, and stayed silent, because he didn't have an answer.
“YOU on the other hand…” Egghog continued. “...Besides all the things I mentioned about your actions and how Sonic does the exact opposite, you are sloppy in hiding the victims you´ve eaten. You care for nobody and nothing but yourself and food, to the point where, no matter how many times you get sick eating people RAW, you insist on eating it that way because of the taste. You even enjoy taking the lives of those you've consumed; not even killing and eating a child of all people has stopped you. You are so excited about eating people that just the mere sight of it makes you drool and salivate. You don't even restrain yourself, either by accident or on purpose. All of these things you did, Sonic would NEVER do, even if being turned into a cannibal like you. Hence why I don't believe you are who you claim yourself to be.”
The Hungry Hero would´ve been surprised with how much Eggman had pointed out about his actions if he wasn't prepared to correct the Sonic-turned-Eggman on a few aspects.
“You know, the part where you said that I care only for myself and food is NOT true!” Sonic said. “I cared about Tails and still did even when he died. I even restrained myself from eating him when he was still alive. I may not regret eating anybody else, but if there's one thing I would regret, it would be eating Tails. I´m glad I didn´t eat him, cause if I did, I would NEVER forgive myself!”    
Egghog chuckled at that “correction”. “That's what you think, hedgehog.” he began to explain. “But, despite it being true that you have not eaten the fox, and shown some surprising restraint around him, you would only keep his literal heart close… until it rots away. Deep down, you only cared about his insides, and the possibility of how delicious they would´ve been. And if there was ANY voice in your head that told you that you only think with your stomach, that voice would be more than correct.”
Once again, “Sonic'' tried to lunge at Egghog, but was once again reminded that he was strapped down. ''STOP! SAYING! LIES!” the hedgehog said. “I TOLD YOU NOT TO MENTION MY LITTLE BUDDY! I WILL GUT YOU UNTIL THERE'S NOTHING LEFT OF YOU, YOU LYING LITTLE SHIT!!”
It was then when Egghog frowned. This the strapped hedgehog noticed. He had forgotten how scary the trench coat wearing hedgehog can be. However, he's gonna get a taste of how people that make him frown were treated afterwards.
“I´ve been called MANY things and names before, hedgehog.” The frowning hedgehog said. “I´ve been called, and been known by many, as fast, strong, intelligent, merciless, heartless, destroyer, monster and so forth…” He then walks towards Sonic, grabs the blue blur by the head and gets close to his face in a fit of unseen rage. “...but a LIAR... is NOT. One of them! I may commit acts of genocide, but at least I don´t eat my victims… unlike YOU. What I TELL you is the truth.” 
He then tosses the hedgehog's head back and walks a few steps away, his back turned on the strapped hedgehog, who had now gotten a taste of Egghog´s anger.
“Anyway…” he then continued sinisterly. “With the evidence that proves you´re not Sonic all laid out, one question remains: who ARE you?” He then regained his creepy smile. “Fortunately, I know the answer.”
“You being sloppy in hiding your victims, being too impatient to eat, caring only for food and its taste, killing off people who know of your diet to prevent them from spreading the word. It all makes sense. You are not Sonic… but rather… his very appetite, twisted and tainted by cannibalism the very moment you´ve gained a mind of your own and grew powerful enough to use Sonic´s body as your own.”
His eyes were widened. His eyebrows were raised as high as they could go. He couldn't believe what he just heard. What kind of answer was THAT? “Wh-? …W-What kind of fucked up answer is that, EggNOG?” He then began to laugh hysterically. “You clearly lost your mind!”
Egghog frowned again in response to the insult he was just given and sighed. “...I´ll pretend you didn´t just insult me there, hedgehog…” he said. His smile then came back. “But I haven't “lost my mind”. Quite the opposite, in fact. And I'm gonna take us on a trip down old memory lane to prove my point.”
“Oh really? What memories do I even have that “prove your point”?” Sonic asked.
“Many!” Egghog answered. “Let´s first go back to when you… told Shadow you don't care about how bad your actions were, that you could do whatever you want and that no one could stop you, not even Tails.”
The strapped hedgehog's eyes widened as that memory came back to him. He did remember saying that to Shadow while he was incapacitated.
“You see, SONIC asked himself, after you mentioned Tails, as to why he did what YOU did, right there in that brief moment of broken control, before you regained it by answering “because YOU wanted to”.” The blue blur was silent towards what Egghog said, as all he could do was listen as to what else he had to say.
“Now let's go back to the moment where…hmm… OH! Where you were caught by Shadow and Tails, with blood on your hands and all. When the young fox approached you before zapping you, you stated that whatever speech you thought he had about how eating people was bad would not work on you. Well, it wouldn't work on YOU, but it would on Sonic, because like I said about him, Sonic would make up for any mistake he´d make.”
The blue blur´s eyebrows burrowed as that memory also came back to him.
“Now how about the time a voice in your head told you that you only cared what was inside your “little buddy” and not the fox himself, or when you repeatedly told people you were not their ´hero´, or how you don´t regret everything you´ve done? I'm sure you remember all that, now do you?” Egghog wasn't kidding when he said he wasn't a liar. He DID remember all that, and remembering it all made him sweat like mad.
“Thought so. You already know what I said about Sonic, so I won't repeat it. but everything he understood, YOU don't even understand. After all, how COULD you? You´re just his appetite. The only thing you understand is EATING.” A part of the Hungry Hero couldn't help but agree.
“Do you know what's the driving force, nor matter how big or small, of everyone's appetite?” Egghog asked. The strapped hedgehog turned in scared curiosity. The answer the Sonic-turned-Eggman gave was “Gluttony.”
He then chuckled. “And here's the funny thing about gluttony…” he began explaining. “...those under it´s complete control care about nobody but themselves and nothing but food. They don't care if the food they want is bad for them or makes them sick. They´ll do anything to eat it, all because of the taste. Even the mere sight of it is enough to drive them mad with excitable hunger. All those factors fit the hungriest of creatures to ever exist, no matter what universe they come from, including cannibals. And unfortunately, “Hungry Hero”, YOU are no exception.” 
“...I… I-I…” The blue blur stammered.
“This all fits especially when you began your diet. You know, the day Sonic opened that crate back at Lost Hex… the very moment you gained a mind of your own.” Whatever it was, something within the strapped hedgehog made him feel shocked when hearing about that memory again.
“The moment he ate that “chillidog” moment you slowly, but surely, gained control of Sonic, slowly tainting his mind while he panicked about the mistake he made, luring him back to the place where you started to gain power.” The blue blur started to shake like a coward, frozen in fear, but not in hearing, as Egghog continued.
“You know the rest, hedgehog, but I´ll tell you all of it in case you start forgetting. When Sonic realized that he came back to Lost Hex, he wisely thought of going back, until YOU, as a voice in his head, told to “make sure he was right” about what he saw.” The strapped hedgehog froze at hearing this.
“That's what drove him to pick up that arm out of that crate… and then you told him, nonstop, to “do it”. To eat the arm. Thus sealing Sonic´s fate, giving you full control of his body, turning him into the cannibal you are now.”
At first, there was no response from the blue blur. But a few seconds later, his body began to shake and tears started to flow out of his eyes as he started crying. Looking out in space, something within the Hungry Hero, or rather, someone, was the one who was crying, as if he regretted what he did. Egghog knew who that person was, and laughed in joy.
“Those tears…” he observed. “That's definitely Sonic.” He then used a teleporter to teleport himself and the hedgehog to a big laboratory. “I knew he was still in there.” He then pressed a button. “And JUST in time, too.”
The big menacing machine strapped to the helmet in Sonic's head from earlier began to activate. As electricity zapped around it and lights and tubes began to glow, Sonic turned around frightenedly at his surroundings.
“W-Wha?! WHAT IS?!-” Sonic said.
“Easy now, Sonic.” Egghog reassured Sonic. “This machine will make you regain full control of yourself, while reducing your tainted appetite back to the way it was before you ate what was in that crate in Lost Hex.”
Looking at the big machine behind him as clearly as he could, a broken Sonic began to panic, all while tears still dropped from his eyes. "What?! N-NO! NONONO! NO!!” he screamed.
Egghog ignored his screaming while he finished typing codes in the big laboratory´s computer, connected to the machine. When he finished, he turned back to Sonic and said “It WILL be painful, sure, but at the very least, you´ll no longer be a cannibal after this.” He said. He then charged the machine, activating the helmet on Sonic's head. “And as for YOU, Hungry Hero, and yes, I´m talking to you, your time of using Sonic´s body as your own… has COME. To an END!” He then flips a switch, activating the machine.
The machine begins to shock the blue blur, causing him to scream in pain and agony, shocking him to the point where his skeleton could be seen. Every quick shock the machine gave Sonic caused the laboratory to flicker between light and darkness, to the point where the flickering even shined across the hallways, even to the prison cells. Egghog watched as it happened with a smile. He then pulled a lever, luring down another machine; a vacuum of sorts, with electrifying tridents spread out on the front and glowing tubes filled with what was the energy of the multiverse, powering the strange vacuum. 
As it lowered close to Sonic's stomach, it began to shock it with red lightning bolts, using it´s tridents. The bolts caused his gut to expand and move, as if a creature was inside it, trying to free itself. Then, with one big and powerful red ZAP, his stomach burst open, gushing out the blood, organs and bones of everyone the Hungry Hero had eaten into the vacuum, like a laser that started to fire. The screens and lights of the laboratory began to flicker as this happened, while Egghog laughed like a madman in victory. As that happened, Sonic began to warp in appearance, as he shifted from many versions of himself, from a tall Sonic that wore a bandana and bandages, to a smaller, more realistic one, before returning to his original appearance.
As he did, all the people that Sonic had eaten finally came out of his stomach and into the vacuum, causing the big electricity machine to power down, thus causing Sonic to stop screaming and lay dead. However, after the machine powered down, the vacuum’s lightning bolts went from red to green, as it shocked his gut again, this time, healing it like if nothing happened, and gave the blue blur’s heart a jumpstart, as he sprung back to life, panting and still in tears and shaking. Egghog walked towards Sonic, arms on his back and with his usual grin. 
“Hello, Sonic.” he greeted. “Nice to see you. Do you… recall anything the last time you got a hold of yourself?”
Sonic, in response to that question, recalled everything he did as a cannibal: the people he killed and eaten, the words he said, the things he'd done and the pain he caused. He began to sob after remembering everything.
“No… No, No!” Sonic said out loud, broken and regretful. “M-My friends… T-Tails! O-Oh Tails… I-I ate all o-of you l-like food. Oh GOD… I’m SO s-sorry… P-Please forgive me…”
Egghog was pleased. “Now THAT'S the Sonic everybody once knew.” he said with pride. “Good to see you catched up with what the Hungry Hero made you do. And I’m sure you know who I am from my conversation with him, don’t you?” 
Sonic, still shaking and in tears, remembered him clearly, and turned towards him to nod.
“Excellent!” Egghog said as he took off the helmet on Sonic’s head. “Now come! I’m about to show you my use of the remains of your… insanely cannibalistic persona to create the dawn of something both marvelous and spectacular. You WILL want to see this in action, because it’s just about to start.”
As Egghog walked out of the laboratory, the speaker bot pushed the chair Sonic was still strapped to onto where his maker went off to. Passing down the same hallway filled with the same prisoners he saw, the two hedgehogs arrived at an elevator. The elevator doors opened and Egghog went inside, Sonic entering after. After reaching their desired room, the two hedgehogs reached the main room of what was Egghog’s massive mothership: the throne room. Walking towards the view, the Sonic-turned-Eggman and Sonic were in time to see the destruction of the latter’s world.
Egghog’s mothership used the digested bloody mass of people Sonic had eaten as fuel for a giant indestructible laser, where it consumed everything it shot. And while the environments were getting consumed, the robots attacked, fought and killed the people that lived, those being the Mobians Sonic hadn’t eaten yet, even those that were far away from Sonic’s town, like Blaze and Silver, only capturing them if they were of any value for their master’s collection of multiversal remains. While Egghog chuckled victoriously at the sight of another destroyed world, Sonic was devastated, and believed the destruction was his fault, and that it could’ve been all avoided had he not become a cannibal.
“...Why?” Sonic asked. “J-Just why?-Why do this?!”
Egghog, still smiling, was pleased with that question, and happily answered. 
“Two reasons, dear Sonic.” he said. “You already know the first reason, that being my work. But the second is simple: whenever I destroy a universe, I always want it to be that I am their biggest threat. But annoyingly, very few universes already have their hands full with their own threat. Now, if it were like, say a monster that can easily be subdued by the hero. I wouldn’t mind. But if it was a threat that not even the hero can defeat, THEN I would intervene. I want every world I destroy to be worried about myself and how much of a force I am to be dealt with. So I do these worlds a favor and rid them of their own threats before destroying them. You, back in your cannibalistic state, was a recent example. therefore, I would rid these threats so that I could be an even bigger one.”
Sonic looked down to the floor in shock. He didn’t know what to say, but was too devastated to even care. 
“But rest assured, hedgehog.” Egghog reassured Sonic, in his own way, of course. The blue blur looked up to his face. “They’re at least with you in spirit. Who knows? Maybe they have all already forgiven you now that I’ve saved you. Maybe even your little buddy, Tails.”
The mention of Tails made Sonic sob in tears. Blaming himself for not going to Tails to fix his screwed appetite, he believed that he didn’t trust the little boy genius enough to save him in time, which was the reason why he cried.
Egghog then brought out his communication watch and called his robot minions. “Robots!” He ordered. “This recent Sonic is no longer a “hungry hero”. Put him in his cell alongside the others and be sure he’s well fed. You know what to feed him. Oh, and keep an eye on his mental state. It’s not… 100% at the moment.”
At the genocidal hedgehog’s orders, the speakerbot brings Sonic to his cell, with the help of 2 more bigger robots. turning off his communication watch, Egghog walked to his throne. Sitting comfortably, he pulls up a monitor to check on Sonic, who was just thrown into his cell and scurried away to a corner, knees covering his shame-filled face. Feeling like it, the Sonic-turned-cannibal pressed the speaker button to talk to the broken hedgehog.
“As far as you’re aware, you’ve just been put into a cell.” he spoke through the speaker. “A part of you believes this is where you belong after all the “evil” you’ve done, while another believes otherwise. Either way, it doesn’t matter, for you’ll be stuck here forever. There’s no escaping my mothership after all. Don’t worry, though. You’ll be well, and I promise we won’t feed you any “living beings”.”
Turning off the speaker and monitor after ending his little talk, Egghog just noticed his ship warping to the void in between universes. He knew EXACTLY what this meant, as he saw the former “Hungry Hero’s” universe explode, just like all the others he destroyed. At this sight, he laughed maniacally, celebrating another victory. His laugh echoed all across the halls of his mothership, including the prison cells, where a broken Sonic the Hedgehog, while free from his cannibalism, wept in sorrow and guilt from all the horrible things he had done. 
And that was it. I hoped you enjoyed reading this.
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mellowquint · 1 year
The Murder of Sonic the Hedgehog
Part 3.5
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Oh? You score low hm Knucks?
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Oh so Vector beat him to it lmaoo
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....oh WAIT "He's supposed to be in the library car" YES COOKIE
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Haha gotcha Knucks
Ugh mann another one??
Okay got it, what's my proof ehh, OH THE CUPS
Okay alibi time
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"Rouge was in here to" SEEEEE
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"Not worth mentioning" PLEASE
What is it detective 👀
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"All the other have name foods but this one-" is SHADOWS. Of course he's the only dork who would put his edgy title instead of his name
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Yes, yes Trainee.
Okay how many people have visited the Saloon Car at this point????
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Huh Hot Topic wannabe teach you two to play? That's... Sweet of him
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Of course kskdlellddldl
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Boys will be boys Tails
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He's doing a poor job at being a locksmith if he keeps giving keys away y'know
Okay ngl the bg music SLAPS
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Kay time to go next car and start questioning our three suspects!!!
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Yes sir!!
Wait so how do we get ou- oh right left arrow, I keep forgetting that
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You bet!!
Aanddd that's it for Part 3.5 of the Saloon Car!!! Next up is the Library Car, see you around at part 4!!!
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benis-chillin · 2 years
Freaking out about Shadow Androids for a minute
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So for those of you who don't know, I'm actually somewhat of a Shadow Simp. Like, I unironically love the character. Even like the Shadow game so long as I use a pre-completed save file. Can't get enough of him.
So, naturally, I love Shadow Androids, introduced as a concept in Sonic Heroes, but seen more properly during Shadow the Hedgehog, where they looked like this:
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My boys are looking fantastic.
Anyway, they disappeared after Shadow, so I've had this running theory that they're built, at least partially, out of Shadow's DNA. The ones we saw in Heroes and Shadow were the purest, having the most Shadow DNA in them, only really having upgrades like the missiles since, as established by the Biolizard, working with that Ultimate Lifeform DNA is hard, and I don't doubt Eggman would be taking shortcuts in trying to grapple with it. The audio logs in Frontiers show that he has SOME familiarity with how DNA works, since he was able to figure out the connection with the Ancients and Chaos, so it works so far.
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But of course, after Heroes, Eggman no longer has access to Shadow for new DNA samples, and a good chunk of his supply was destroyed in Shadow, so he presumably has to start cutting down on how much DNA he uses. This is what creates the yellow variant we see in Shadow's multiplayer mode, being the first "downgrade." Their Chaos energy would presumably be somewhat less refined than the original units, thus the yellow coloring, but they're otherwise on par.
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However, in this headcanon, they're also the most rare, since Eggman soon had to redesign these guys to use as little of Shadow's DNA as possible, thus resulting in the metallic variants also seen in Shadow's multiplayer. I like to think their weapons give them slightly different abilities, but idk.
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Ultimately, however, they fall into disuse, only being brought out on rare occasions since they take increasing amounts of resources to produce and maintain, thus why the Diamond Cutters didn't know about them during that scene in IDW.
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This was the logic I used in my fanfic, "Reflections," and even said that they were entirely destroyed after the Eggman War by Shadow, since I doubted they'd ever come up again. I even have this whole storyline I wanted to do with them. Got the second part waiting in the wings and everything.
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So basically, now I'm wondering if I'll have to edit Reflections and entirely scrap the new story to line up with canon, since unlike some of you FREAKS out there, I actually LIKE my stuff to line up.
But I do have to question what's up with these greyish ones. Like, are those stripes meant to be green? And judging by Shadow's fur, why do they also have black fur when they're using the mouths and eyes of the metallic variants? Even their previous appearances had them being more grey and metallic.
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Ugh, whatever, I'm mainly making this post to whine about my headcanons being contradicted when, as I pointed out in my post about my Sonic fanfictions, I like that my stuff mostly lines up. I'm interested enough in what this arc is cooking up that I can give it a pass if it's good enough.
I'll bitch harder if it sucks, though.
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sadnesslaughs · 11 months
You have a coffee shop, and you always treat everyone kindly, whether they are heroes or villains. Everything was going well until a young hero decided to read your mind.
“Hi, welcome to Sanctuary, the coffee shop that caffeinates everyone. What can I get you today?” I smiled, fingers hovering over the register as I prepared to take the order. Ugh, I can’t believe how stupid some of these villains look. Look at this idiot, wearing a black and red suit. What is he, Shadow the hedgehog? What’s his special power, listening to an alternative band while whining about the system? Seriously, the rookies get worse with every batch. I thought, letting out a small chuckle at my Shadow joke, picturing it in my head. Heh, imagine him with those big spiky… Is he staring at me? Why’s he staring at me like that? It’s not like he’s said his order yet. Does he want me to do something? “Um-“
“I’m not a villain.” He hissed, body shaking as he pushed out those words.
“Never said you were, sir. Heroes get a ten percent discount. We have to support our heroes in everyway we can.” Yeah, support the idiots that stink up my store with their sweaty costumes. At least the villains have the decency to shower after getting their asses kicked. Nope, not the heroes. They strut in, dripping in blood like a newborn lion cub presenting a meal to its mother. It makes me sick.
“You support heroes? You don’t seem the type. Sure you aren’t a villain?” Now he was swaying? What had him so worked up? Did he have to use the toilet or something? Why’s he so focused on me? He knows he’s in a coffee shop, right?
“I do. I appreciate the work you do, Shado- um, I mean… hero? Sorry, I don’t know your name. Anyway, what can I get you?” I said, trying to speed things along.
“Ugh… If you support heroes, why do villains get a discount too?” He huffed, crossing his arms over his chest. The way he planted his feet against the floor told me he wasn’t planning on leaving without an explanation. Some heroes were utter time wasters. Why couldn’t they focus on boring the villains to death with conversation? Why target civilians like me?
“Because playing favorites would get me killed. I’m sorry if that offends you. I let the heroes’ guild know my reasoning, and they not only approved it, but encouraged it. They understand my work can have hostilities and by not playing favorites, I’m able to keep both my work and personal life safe. Now, what will you have?”
Why was he so upset? I didn’t do anything to the little idiot. It’s not like I enjoy serving villains either, they cause me more pain than the heroes. Sure, villains are the better customers, but they’re far worse people. It’s not like a hero has ever made me late to work. Just yesterday I missed a whole day’s work because Mr. Demolition blew up the Northside bridge. Real kicker was that he didn’t even mean to blow up that bridge, getting his norths and souths mixed up. So, I missed work because a villain didn’t remember Never Eat Soggy Weet-bix. Lovely.
“I’ll have a strawberry latte.” He said, eyeing me. What did he expect me to say, something smart? Sure, it’s funny that edgehog wants a strawberry latte, but I would never say that to his face.
“Excellent choice. Any cream?” Again, he glared at me. He must have been having a rough day. At least that makes two of us. He was having a bad day, and I was stuck serving him. What a twisted hell we were dancing in!
“No. Make it quick, I’m busy.” He held out his discount card, and I gave a polite smile.
“Of course. I won’t waste your time.” Not like you wasted mine… I scanned the card and took a peek at his hero name. Dark Spiral. How was that worse than I could have imagined? Oh, I’m the Dark Spiral, fear my spin of malice. “Pfft.”
“Something funny?” Oh, he was leaning over the counter now. He looked like he wanted to squeeze my head off. Seriously, what was his problem? I handed the card back, trying not to smirk.
“No, sir. Nothing’s funny. Good hero name. I’m sure you’re going to be an amazing hero someday. Well, even better than you already are.” I finished making the red drink and set it on the counter. “Thank you for supporting a small business. I hope you have an excellent day.” As I said that, my hand stretched out, hovering over the tip jar, having two separate ones. One for heroes and one for villains. The villains always won, mainly because they needed somewhere to dump their stolen money. Still, I wasn’t complaining. It’s not like I could tell if the money was stolen or not.
He didn’t answer me, snatching the drink and storming towards the door. Typical hero, such tight-asses when it comes to money. Oh, sure. They’re happy to promote a charity for some good PR, but they would never give a dime of their own money. Heroes and villains, what costumed losers. As that thought crossed my mind, Dark Spiral turned, his finger shaking as he raised it to the heavens. Was he about to say something? Did he actually want cream? Before he spoke, a hesitation seemed to fall over him, instead turning and leaving.
“Weird.” As he left, I went back to serving customers, still thinking about that encounter throughout the day. What a strange hero. I’ve never seen someone glare at me so intently before. Must have been having a really bad day. I wonder what his power is? I should have checked it when I took his hero card. Oh, well. Not like it mattered.
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setr0spect · 1 year
About Sonic Franchise... what would I do? 1#
Hello, have you ever imagined what would you do if you where in a position of a company because you wanted to change something that they originally did but it was so bad? Well, today (or everyday), I will talk about what would I do if I was the owner of the entire Sonic franchise and if SEGA gave me full freedom of what I could do as an average Sonic enjoyer. 1. Rewrite with more consistence
It's kind of simple thing actually, if we compare the IDW with Sonic Universe, we can see that the stories made in Archie Comics was more... developed? Like, we had a lot of cool characters and stuff and we had a good story (The ones directed by Ian Flynn, of course.). Mobius will be Terra (Earth) but in 299 years in the future, and the term humans will be changed to overlander, you know the old story created by Archie, right? I will just make an adaptation, I don't even know if I could use the term overlanders to mention the humans, if I cannot use it then the name would be tumans, the "t" is from Terra.
2. Characters
I would need to talk with Ian Flynn about bringing his old characters, like Eclipse the Darkling, yes, Shadow's brother, we had an good story with him but it didn't had a continuation. And I would also need to talk with... ugh... Ken Penders... because he is owner of a lot of important characters, like: Scourge, Lara-su, Julies-su, Sonic's parents, Mammoth Moul, Sally's family and many others. And of course, the IDW characters will continue to exist and everyone working on this work can create new characters. I'm thinking about giving Cream brothers... if not, give a reason for why she is the only daughter, yes, I like to create dark backstories.
3. Fan-Characters
Since I really liked the community (the good part of it, at least), I would talk with a lot of creators, about me, giving a payment for them, that could give me the permission to make a lot of specials ACTs about their characters, why would I do that? Because good references is not enough and it would be a form of thank you for being part of the community, of course, not everyone would had their special comic, but at least have a camera or apparition in a square of a comic. But the highest apparition of them would be in a remake of Sonic Forces, why? Because the game has the custom character creation, and many OCs appeared from there, also, I think the game was supposed to be a certain alliance between company and clients. And also characters that was a beta version of other characters, like Terios, Umbra, Venice and the beta version of Blaze, Sonic, Rouge and also, cancelled characters like Tiara, Null, Metal Shadow and Inigo. 4. Consistence
Let's use an example, Shadow the Hedgehog, in the old comics, he was very different than today (IDW), he worked for G.U.N, made a overlander (human) friend called Hope than reminds him of Maria, he wasn't so cold and impatient, he also had a respect for Sonic. Today, on the IDW... he's sucks... yeah. I mean, in Sonic Forces, he killed the Jackal Squad, yes, he killed, that was confirmed by Ian Flynn, the problem is that he wasn't supposed to kill when his motivations is being led by Maria's wish about giving them a chance and... I forgot what she told him... but anyways, you get the idea.
5. Character rules
In the IDW there is a lot of those stupid rules... Sonic cannot cry, I mean, it would be nice, c'mon. Mobius, mobian and G.U.N cannot be mentioned and OH MA GA, money doesn't exist. In this Ultimate Rewrite of mine, those rules will be burned. Shadow won't be a complete jerk, there will be money, Mobius is where everything happens and most importantly, everyone will get a parentship.
6. Family
Sonic had a lot of parents, yes... but when came the IDW, they got erased... so... this time, our blue blur will have parents, and this will be nice because, I already have a story involving his parents, Bernadette Hedgehog and Jules Hedgehog... and Aleena... yes, the very first (I think) mother of Sonic..., I will explain this thing in other post, for now, just be in alert. Tails also will have his parents (again), as for Amy and Knuc-... oh yes... I forgot about the "last of the echidna" thing... but you guys get the idea. 7. Relationships
People that know me would say "Oh let me guess, you will make Sonadow a cannon?" HAHAHA no... as much as I would like... no, because after some time, I see that Sonic loves everyone but not to the point of being in a romantic relationship, but, to make everyone happy, there will be an ACT where Sonic or someone else from his gang, would travel to other realities, and one of those realities, the Sonadow thing is real or Sonamy or many others, I want to make a lot of references that the fans made, like Sonic.exe, Sonic: The murder of me, and a lot of other kind of realities... oh, Amy and Shadow will propose to Sonic, but he will reject in the canon, but be glad that there will be those ACTs. As for other ships... Rouge and Knuckles will be a thing, but after... what? 40 Comics? Who knows? In the end, they will be a couple. And there is the ship between Silver and Espio... I think it's cute to happen, and it would be perfect! I mean... Silver, technically, shouldn't create any kind of relationship or else it would create a paradox... man... I have a great idea to the future so they could be a couple. About Blaze... she is more like a old sister to Silver, like Rouge is to Shadow, so no romance between them! Vector and Vanilla will have their developments to be a couple. Gadget and Zero... I mean, why not? I just need a perfect story to make more sense. And yes, Gadget will be canon, between all the custom characters, he will receive more focus. 8. Custom Characters
Do you guys remember of the promotional characters of Sonic Forces? Well, they will exist and I will create (or help to create) a story for each one of them or just a tip of what they were, who they are and why they fight... and like I said before, Gadget will have more focus.
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estellardreams · 9 months
Chapter 18: Grim Tidings
"... How can I trust someone who lied to me all along?... Turns out the only person I can ever trust is myself..." Venice headed through the portal, watching it close itself behind him.
He sighed, shaking his head and trying to avoid these doubts. He hated this feeling... 
He didn't wanna abandon Shadow but... They just weren't on good terms anymore. 
And he'd just have to deal with that
Venice quickly wiped some stray tears off his face before looking back at the shards. 
"A-at least... I can rebuild a new home... Even without Shadow..." He breathed.
"It could've been everything for us! Everything we could've had, and loved! A new home and peace for just the two of us! I... I guess that's not possible now..." He flew up to the generator, seeing the purple shard in place.
He quietly began to levitate them all into position, watching them combine themselves. 
"Woah... The Paradox Prism..." He stared in awe.
"With this... My new home will be fully realized and... A-and I can be... Happy, again." Venice lifted up his hand slowly, drawing on the Prism's power and sending it out to the Grim.
The massive purple crystals began to reform, reshaping his home into a fortress of protection. He charged up more power, blasting the sky and creating a powerful dome over the starry landscape.
"Oh... Its perfect. All of it..."
However, unaware to this fact, the rest of the Shatterverse began to vibrate as the shards came together, the energy pulsing together. 
And the entire portals began to crack and splinter... Marking the end of the universe's stability.
Shadow stared at the spot where the shards once were, a solemn reminder that he failed... Again.
He destroyed home and ruined all chances of getting it back... 
It was all his fault. 
And he hated that feeling... 
All he did was have trust in Venice... Just this once. To be left alone and... 
He was faced with the truth that they didn't want the same things. 
Ugh... Why was he so neglectful over this?! 
He was only trying to do what's right... 
"Shadow. We need to go." Infinite cut in.
"... But what about Venice?"
"Ghost Hill is destabilizing. Our first mission is getting out of this place before we're gone with it."
"Right... Let's go." Shadow followed to the outside. Infinite ran after him as the two leapt down from the mountain, seeing it already begin to crumble into purple rocks and dust.
"We need to leave this world." he looked around, seeing everything fall apart around them.
"Don't have to tell me twice." Infinite said, running off.
Meanwhile, the Yolkamotive returned back to the Mothership.
"I told you we couldn't trust that hedgehog! I knew he'd steal the shards the first chance he got!" Eggman said.
"Er, you said nothin' the sort." Done-It said.
"You just wanted to cover your tracks, like you try to cover your head with your silly toupee!"
"Trying, and failing..." Don't muttered, still playing his game.
"Gentleman." Deep placed Babble back in his seat before continuing. "Forget the Hedgehog. Look around. This world draws its last breath."
"And so will we if we don't get outta here!" Done-It said.
"Agreed. But without the shards our energy supply is low. We only have enough to portal back to New Yoke." Eggman said.
Babble babbled, slamming his fists on the table.
"Agreed. Set a course for new Yoke. Post haste!" Deep said.
The Mothership charged up the last of its reserves, generating a portal before flying through it and back into the void.
Shadow and Infinite continued to run as the world crumbled around them.
"If we gain enough speed, we should be able to teleport out of here." Shadow said.
"To higher ground!" Infinite directed, using his sword to jam it into a cliffside and launch himself off of it.
He landed, quickly grabbing Shadow and launching him the distance before leaping himself. The ground began to crumble underneath them, forcing them to run faster. But the ground gave out before they could get very far, sending them crashing to the ground below.
Shadow paused, seeing the ghost versions of his friends still repeating the exact same things. He stared at them, just... Wishing he could fix this himself. He sighed, seeing Infinite come up to him.
"We need to go." the jackal said. 
"Right... Of course."
The two dashed off, avoiding the decaying landscape as much as they could. 
Shadow launched Infinite into the air before flying up himself, the two continuing to run as fast as the could. 
"Argh! It's not working! We need another way!" Infinite yelled.
Shadow looked around, noticing the tears in reality. "There! We need to go up!"
"Oh, I like the sound of that!" Infinite propelled himself up using his sword as Shadow spindashed into the air, the two landing on some shards and leaping between them before finally flying out of Ghost Hill.
The entire portal collapsed, falling apart in seconds as they were sent careening into more shards.
They both clung onto a shard that was sent spiraling into the air. Infinite's grip almost slipped, but he clung on as Shadow made sure he was secure enough.
The shard collided into another, and they landed on that. Shadow breathed, refocusing as he looked back up at the empty space... Where Ghost Hill once stood.
"It's... Gone." he thought about it for a moment, unsure of what this meant.
"If... If this happened to Ghost Hill, then... It could happen to the other shatterspaces." he said.
Infinite hummed in agreement. "Yeah... And we were left to die there. I... I can't believe you even trusted that hedgehog at all! Look around us, we're in this mess because of you!"
Shadow sighed. "I know... Its my fault. You don't need to keep saying it-"
"But... If there's anything I've learned from you, it's that you're incredibly persistent... You don't give up. So neither will I."
Shadow's ears perked up, turning to him. "You... Really mean that?"
"... Yes."
Shadow fell silent for a moment, looking away. "That doesn't change the fact that I messed up... Badly... What am I supposed to do now...?"
"Find Venice and teach him a lesson." Infinite pulled out his sword.
Shadow quickly made him lower it. "I... I hurt him. How about we... Try reason first?"
"'Reason'? That's so unlike you."
Shadow shot him a look.
Venice hummed quietly, continuing to forcibly draw on energy and send it into some purple crystals. He concentrated, trying to brute force the crystals as much as he could to make what he wanted. 
The energy exploded away, sending him falling back. He gasped, coughing a little.
"That's... Not working... I need..." He staggered to his feet, leaning on the generator. He looked up to see the Paradox Prism gleaming in the light.
He frowned, taking on even more energy and shooting it at the dark crystals again, struggling to stabilize what he was creating. 
He felt his consciousness slip before the energy fizzled, letting him collapse to the ground. 
He groaned, struggling to get himself back up again before he noticed...
His creation... His machine. 
"Oh... It worked...? Haha! I worked! Yes!" he cheered to himself.
"Didn't you see that Shad-" he paused... Then remembered that Shadow was gone.
His ears fell, looking back at the machine he just formed. "Well... Welcome to the world, new friend."
The world rumbled, catching him off guard. His ears perked up, causing him to fly over to his computer. 
He noticed the main dome over the Grim was glitching, seemingly unstable and unable to keep itself upright... And tears in the sky began to form. 
"The Grim... Its starting to decay...?" he stared in shock and confusion. "But... The Prism is together. Am I missing something?"
He turned back to the Paradox Prism, seeing it shake and glitch a little. His eyes widened as he realized... 
There was some prismatic energy left. 
And he knew who had it.
He groaned, face palming. "Of course! Shadow has the energy! Why didn't I remember that?!"
Infinite tapped his foot impatiently. "Well? Aren't we gonna get a move on? You've been sitting there, head in hands, for gaia knows how long! We need to get out of here right now."
"I... I need a moment. Can't I just have that?" Shadow mumbled.
Infinite groaned, rolling his eyes. "The world is falling apart. Either we get to the Grim and stop Venice or we are lost here. Forever. With no way to get back! So get up and let's GO."
Shadow sighed, standing back up. Infinite paused, noticing him trying to conceal his face. 
"Hey... Are you...?"
"Fine. I'm fine. Now let's go." Shadow moved away from him, jumping off the crystals.
"To where? Where are we going?" Infinite asked, leaping after him.
"I have a feeling I know where Venice is..."
"Seriously?! We could've been there already, then!"
Shadow shot him a look. Infinite awkwardly laughed. 
"Lead the way, then."
Shadow heading between the crystals, making sure Infinite was following him. He noticed a shard about to hit him, quickly diving in and yanking him out of the way and to safety.
"There. That's two you owe me." he said, putting the jackal down.
Infinite growled at that, while Shadow continued on his own. They quickly reached the portal, stopping in front of it.
Infinite began to approach the portal, reaching his hand up to it. His hand was immediately deflected from the entrance. He growled, trying again. He kept punching it, but it wouldn't let up.
"Hey! You need another way in." Shadow yanked him back.
"But how? There's no way-" he stopped, seeing Shadow's flat look towards him.
"Oh... Oh. Right... Rifts."
Shadow rolled his eyes, pulling him towards the side of the gateway. He noticed the opening, the two flying in before landing back inside.
Infinite brushed himself off as Shadow stared in shock towards... Venice's new fortress.
"So... This is what he's doing with all this energy..." He began to approach it, with the jackal catching up.
"That's... Far enough." Venice said, a tad somberly.
"Venice! What are you doing?" Shadow asked.
"I was... Making my home into what I wanted. But as you can tell..." He frowned, gesturing to the rifts in the sky.
"It's all starting to decay."
"So is that what this is all about? Power?" Infinite questioned.
"You don't have any room to talk." Shadow said.
"... Shadow, I wish we were still friends... On good terms... But I'm sorry. I can't let you take away my future again."
Shadow felt his ears flatten for a moment.
"With the Paradox Prism, I'll be able to turn this world into a paradise." Venice continued. He quietly raised his hand to the air, motioning it down and drawing on more Prism energy before it shot up into the air, reforming the energy dome.
"Let's destroy this traitor." Infinite pulled out his sword.
"Wait! Can't we try?"
"'Try'? Try what?"
"Reasoning with him."
"That's a bad idea."
"Maybe... He'll listen."
Infinite sighed. "Fine. Try. But if he doesn't listen, I'm tearing him apart."
"... Don't do that either."
"Ugh, you don't let me have any fun."
"Not when it involves killing people!" Shadow refocused, turning his attention to Venice.
"Venice, please. We can still be friends. You can have your home while I can have mine, right?"
"But... I don't wanna disappear, okay?! If... If I can keep the Prism in this world, it'll never leave me!" Venice said. 
"But the rest of the Shatterverse-"
"What about it? They never cared about me... Only you did. And what did you do? Turn around and try to take away my future. I won't let that happen again." Venice turned away, letting his robot creation step up.
Shadow's eyes widened. "What... Is that?"
"It's you." Infinite stood beside him. 
He gave him a flat look. "Yeah. I can tell."
"Then why did you ask?"
Shadow groaned. "Nevermind. What's important right now is that it's in our way."
"Not for long, it is!" Infinite pulled out his sword.
The robot leapt down, landing and charging at them. It grabbed Infinite's sword as it was about to hit him before yanking it out of his hands and chucking him into Shadow. 
The two fell back with a thud, getting back up. The robot snapped the sword in half and threw it aside.
"Didn't we already fight one of these things?" Shadow questioned.
"Yes. But you lost until I helped you. This time... You're on your own."
Shadow's ears fell a little. 
"He's not on his own." Infinite stepped forward.
"Wait, but without a sword how could you-"
"I have back-ups." Infinite pulled out another sword.
Venice frowned, watching them. "... That's a lie. I... I know it."
The two ran into a fight, Shadow round-house kicking the bot in the head and sending it skidding back. Infinite almost jammed his sword into the droid, but was thrown back.
The two continued to chase after it, with one attack launching them both away before leaping back into the fight, continuing to go after it.
Venice watched on, studying their movements. 
Infinite threw his sword at the bot, causing it to grab the blade inches from it's head and throw it away, jamming it into the ground. The bot dodged another kick from Shadow as the jackal swerved and yanked his sword out, running after the bot again.
The bot kicked away Shadow before dodging Infinite's swings, getting thrown back again as Shadow charged up a chaos spear and threw it, sputtering the droid for a second before. Infinite jammed his sword into the bots chest, forcibly slamming the robot into the ground and letting it power off.
Shadow sighed, turning back to Venice. "It's over..."
"No... Its not." Venice watched as his other robots came into view.
The first leapt to the ground, curling up into a spin and bouncing out of it. The second used it's hammer to propel itself into the air, launching themselves in the process before landing. The third flew down using a burning prismatic flame, and the fourth glided down to the ground seamlessly with their wings.
A robot doubleganger of Sonic... Amy... Rouge... And Blaze. Wow. 
"That... You... How did you...?" Shadow stared between them and Venice, bewildered at the sight.
Venice sighed. "You wouldn't get it... You never did."
He turned his back on them. "... Take them."
The robots ran into the fight, with Infinite quickly swept away by Grim Blaze. Shadow leapt over Grim Rouge, dodging Grim Amy's hammer and narrowly avoiding getting kicked in the face by Grim Sonic. He was thrown back by the hammer, sent careening into Grim Rouge who flew him into the air.
He forced himself out of her grasp, suddenly hovering to the ground using his shoes. He readjusted, surprised his shoes could do that before immediately refocusing.
Infinite was slammed into the wall by Grim Blaze. He ducked from her prismatic fire blast, jamming his sword into her chest. She grabbed him and threw him away, snapping the sword out of her regardless of the damage. 
Infinite groaned, pulling out another sword and immediately blocking a swing of the hammer from Grim Amy.
Shadow was chucked into the air, with Grim Sonic spindashing up to him and trying to ram into him. Shadow quickly dodged mid-air, landing back on the ground. He avoided a strike from Grim Rouge, who swooped down to snatch him again before ramming into her, sending her crashing into Grim Sonic.
"Behind you!" both Shadow and Infinite yelled. Shadow quickly avoided Grim Amy again as Infinite leapt over Grim Blaze. He grabbed onto her, sent flying into the air. He jammed his sword in, forcibly flying the droid into Grim Amy and knocking them out.
Grim Shadow got back up again, dusting itself off and charging after them. Infinite used his blade and slashed it away before it could do anything.
"Go for the Prism." Infinite ordered.
"On it." Shadow ran towards the fortress.
He dodged fire blasts from Grim Blaze as he approached the base, beginning to climb up it by using his hover shoes. 
Venice's ears flattened, knowing he'd have to keep Shadow at bay. He couldn't be trusted after all. 
He tore off some chucks of purple crystal and slammed them into him, sending him falling back to the ground. 
"Shadow!" Infinite yelled, running up to him. He kept his sword drawn as the droids surrounded them.
Venice flew down, standing before them. "Are you... Okay? I'm sorry, I- No. Focus..."
Venice quickly straightened up, turning back to the two. "Impressive, huh? With the power of the Prism, there's nothing I can't do. And it can be home..."
"But... Is this what you want? To spend the rest of your days here, alone? With only these robots to keep you company?" Shadow asked.
Venice frowned. "You were my friend... I could've shared this place with you. But no, you just had to... To...! TAKE THAT HOPE AWAY FROM ME! I WON'T LET THAT HAPPEN EVER AGAIN!"
"But look around you! The Grim is starting to decay!"
"I know it is. But once I finish the Paradox Prism, everything will be stable again."
"I thought you already fixed it." Infinite growled.
"I did... But there's some energy missing."
Shadow froze, staring at his altered gloves and shoes. "... I have that energy."
"Yes, you do." Venice flew away, letting the bots focus all of their attention on Shadow.
"... You need to get out of here. Now." Infinite yelled, yanking Shadow aside before the hammer hit his face.
"But what about you?"
"I'll be fine. He's after your energy. So GO."
Shadow nodded, running off. He tried to pick up enough speed, but was thrown back by Grim Sonic and pinned to the ground by Grim Amy. 
Grim Rouge swooped down and threw Infinite into the air, with Grim Blaze charging up a prismatic fireball.
Infinite deflected the flames, only to lose his sword in the process. He fell back, punching Grim Amy away and kicking Grim Sonic off, yanking Shadow to his feet.
"That was my last sword."
"Just great..." Shadow groaned, sarcastic.
"What do you need?"
"Some space to fly out. Can you do that?"
"Yes. Now go!"
Shadow nodded, using his shoes to fly into the air. He dodged a strike from Grim Rouge and Blaze, trying to go as fast as he could to the rift. 
Infinite continued to fight back the machines as best as he could, but he was getting overwhelmed.
The moment Shadow got to the rift, the shield went back up, letting him make his escape.
"No no no!" Venice yelped. "Argh... But I need him here."
He turned his attention to the other droids.
"Grim Blaze. I have a mission for you." he said.
The robotic feline flew up to Venice, standing before him. Venice charged up more energy and duplicated the Droid. 
"Go after Shadow. And bring him back here." he ordered.
The three bots leapt into action, flying through the air and into the rift. Venice turned his attention to Infinite, who was pinned down by Grim Sonic, Rouge, and Amy. He flew down to him, kneeling down to stare at him more closely. 
"... If that doesn't work, I have a plan B in mind." he said, letting the robots drag Infinite to his feet.
Venice let himself smile a little. He wasn't going to fail at his dream this time...
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stardusted-hearts · 1 year
@mobiankaiju asked: " Yer friend s' quite handsome! An so are you of course! " Jek @ both. They love to give compliments c:
Both hedgehogs stood there blinking for a moment, before a bit of blush tinted their muzzles. Shadow would be heavily in denial of his of course. How did people keep catching him off guard like this? Ugh.
"Hmph. I know I am." Shadow folded his arms, looking away, but he really wasn't fooling anyone.
Sonic was blushing a little more brightly, a grin on his face. "Heh! You're not bad yourself, Jekia~"
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bakorrra2 · 2 years
I had such a weird dream, but I liked it a lot and I want to you it.
So, there was a Yu-gi-oh/Sonic spinoff anime called "Yugi X Hedgehog". It was made in 90's-early 00's and it was a comedy-parody thing. There was 27 episodes(at least so was translated) with half being about Yu-gi-oh and another part was about Sonic, probably the last episode were a crossover Idk. So, some things that I remembered about the episodes(Yu-gi-oh ones) :
1) All episodes began with a small recap of what happened a minute before. Like one episode started with Jonouchi yelling "What!? We played this girl's game and go transformed into toys! Help us! " (More about the episode below)
2) After this, there would be a title card which played 3-4 seconds of some funky Victorian music and after that it was more hip hop style thing(I definitely heard it some where else but can't remember where) and in hip hop part Yami and Yugi were saying the title of the episode in their Season 0 voices like "Seto Kaiba's weakness!Adorable Toy-lover girl!"
3) The art style was between Season 0 and Toei. The voice actors were mixed too, because Bakura had his DM voice and Yugi had his Shadow games one.
Now, more about the episodes(what I remember):
1) So the toy one(it was 8th I think). In this episode this little girl had 5 toys who had souls of other children. So, Jonouchi, Honda, Anzu, Yugi AND Yami(their souls were seperated) kinda took their places? In the middle of the episode Kaiba came and this girl was a huge fan of him and saying that he's "an idiot" and "Of course I don't like you" stuff.
2) In second episode(it was definitely titled as number 2) someone opened a new game shop and Sugoroku stole a worked from it. I only remember the ending where Ryou was tied to 7 balloons(he was flying), wearing big round glasses and wearing brown pinafore. He said "Hey guys!" and waved his hand. Honda screamed, whole shaking his fist "Get out of there! "
3) I don't remember the number of this episode but it was before 8th. So Pegasus said or did something to Jonouchi and he wanted REVENGE. The joke was the fact that Pegasus made like a little mistake but for Jonouchi it was very serious. In the last minute, Jonouchi got a cannon and shot Pegasus' castle. Meanwhile this man was inside, sitting on a sofa only in his towel, he was waving a fan, his skin was a little purple and he said "Ugh... I hate being sick... ". The castle was ruined in 10 seconds.
And that's all I remember. At least it's funny.
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solalunar-eclipse · 3 years
Sonic Boom - S3E4
Episode title: Coherent Plotline Sold Separately
Word count: about 4500 words
Author’s Note: FINALLY
(Side note: I’ve also edited part of Episode 3 in order to improve some characterization issues)
(Also, the credits have changed just for this episode! That’s why they’re included)
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[Episode opens inside Sonic’s shack, where it becomes evident that Sonic has just beat Knuckles at a video game. The hedgehog does a victory dance around his hammock before lying down on his stomach in it and kicking his legs up with a smug grin. Knuckles sits down on a stool, momentarily irritated at his loss.]
“I so could’ve beat you, you know.” he grumbled, folding his arms (despite the fact that he was nearly smiling again already).
“You so could not!” Sonic insisted, his quills flaring combatively. 
“Could not!”
“Ugh, whatever!” Sonic cried, rolling onto his back and flailing his arms briefly in agitation. “Anyway, dude, I wanted to ask- how d’ya like this shack? You think it’s good?”
“Yeah, I love it here!” Knuckles replied cheerfully. “But there aren’t enough fish under the floorboards, I think.”
The hedgehog sighed a little wistfully. “How’d you like to be able to do that kinda thing?”
“Huh?” Knuckles asked, his brow furrowing in confusion.
“To…stick fish under the floor. Finally have a place to keep your lamp.”
“That sounds nice!” the echidna said. “I still can’t afford a home, though.” he added, with absolutely no audible change in tone.
Sonic rolled over in his hammock so that Knuckles couldn’t see his face anymore. “I’m offering you this one, dude. That’s what I’m tryin’ to say.”
“But…then where would you live?”
“I’d prob’ly move back in with Tails for a bit. I used to do chores, I can handle ‘em some more if it means you don’t get stuck out in the rain like that ever again.”
Knuckles seemed worried, still. “I can’t do that to you, Sonic!”
“Don’t worry, m’kay? I know what I’m doing…it’d actually be kinda nice having more time with Tails anyway.” Sonic said, sounding infinitesimally more cheerful now.
“If you’re sure…” Knuckles replied. “You can always hang out or sleep over whenever, okay?”
Sonic finally turned back over, his smile shaky but genuine. “Thanks, Knux. You’re the best.”
Knuckles swept his friend up into a big bear hug, giving him a light noogie in the process. “No, you’re the best.”
[Camera cuts to the outside of the shack and begins to slowly zoom out.]
“No, you are!”
“No, you!”
“Alright, that’s it!”
[cue theme song]
[Team Sonic performs the intro sequence, complete with their awesome team poses. 
Eggman’s ‘ominous’ intro then appears- only to be interrupted by the lights coming on even earlier than last time. They reveal an enraged Shadow chasing a shrieking Sticks through the lair’s main room. Various crashes and yowling noises (and a Wilhelm scream) emerge from one side of the screen before the two reappear, but this time Shadow is barely a blur as he rushes by first, followed by a now angrily screaming Sticks. Eggman just looks directly into the camera and shrugs.
The same sequence of lines and camera movement then takes place, followed by the title ‘Sonic Boom: Ancient Secrets.]
[Then the music ends, at which point the episode title—“Coherent Plotline Sold Separately”—appears for a moment before the show returns.]
[Camera cuts to an image of suitcases dropping onto the floor, then to a half-body shot of Dr. Eggman.]
“Ah…it feels so good to be home!” Eggman exclaimed. “And by good, I mean evil, of course. I’m never good.”
[Camera zooms out to reveal that Orbot and Cubot are the ones who actually carried the suitcases in. Metal Sonic is standing in the doorway as well, since he went along for this particular vacation too.]
The doctor snapped his fingers impatiently. “Now, Orbot, Cubot! Put those bags away! Meanwhile, I’m going to have a nice breakfast. Eggs, preferably.”
Metal shot ahead of Eggman into the kitchen and pulled open the fridge, revealing….
…a bunch of bare shelves.
Metal gestured to the appliance while looking at the doctor, as if to say ‘what breakfast?’. Eggman sighed. “Well then, since you’re so insistent on sarcasm after the nice vacation we went on, you can help me shop today. I wouldn’t dare bring Orbot and Cubot after the apple cider incident anyway.” he added under his breath.
The blue robot shut the fridge door and (despite not having any actual way to produce full facial expressions) managed to exude a general aura of teenage irritation that the evil scientist could practically feel.
“Yes, yes, whatever, now let’s go already.” Eggman said, exasperated. “You know I don’t scheme well before breakfast! Or cope with disobedient robots well, either.” he muttered as an aside.
The two exited just as Orbot and Cubot returned from putting the suitcases away. “Sir, we have successfully—oh. He’s gone already.” Orbot said, his body sagging in disappointment. 
[Scene change to Tails’s house.]
“Okay, so…this is a dishcloth. And this is a brush that you can use to clean bottles.” 
“I get that, Tails. But why does there have to be so much water?!”
Tails closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and sighed. “You need the water because you have to put the dishes in it to get them clean, Sonic.”
“Ewww…” the hedgehog grumbled, visibly cringing at the washing-up bowl. “Look, Tails, I know I was the one who said I could try and-” he shuddered- “-do chores. And I know I even said that I’d be okay, ‘cause I could make them fun! But being wrist deep in dirty water isn’t even close to ‘halfway decent’. There is no way, ever, that this can be fun.”
“Come on, Sonic, if you just tried it—” the fox began.
“No.” He stuck his nose up in the air. “This is just all kinds of lame.”
Tails thought briefly (with one hand on his chin and everything), before scooping up some of the bubbles from the dishwater with a glint in his eye. “Oh, really?”
Chaos ensued. Sonic shrieked and threw himself over the back of the couch, before retaliating with a spray of water from a plant mister that had been left nearby. “Bad Tails! Bad!”
The engineer responded by also leaping over the couch and landing solidly on Sonic’s chest, prompting an ‘oof’ followed by a loud laugh from the hedgehog. “Hah! You’re trapped now!” he cried, bouncing to his feet and flinging Tails over his shoulder.
The fox shrieked. “Don’t you dare!” He began to whirl his tails around until Sonic was forced to let him go, flying up towards the ceiling.
“I see….” was all the hero said, looking thoughtfully up towards the roof. “Do you remember just how high I can jump, dear brother?” he asked lightly.
Tails screamed like he was in a horror movie as Sonic leapt up and tackled him mid-air. He dropped the fox down onto the hanging couch, beginning to tickle his brother until he shrieked for mercy. “Wait—no—agh, Sonic!”
“Yeeees?” the hedgehog replied, pausing briefly to smirk at Tails.
“Would you…consider mercy in exchange for playing good music while you do the dishes?”
[Scene change to what was formerly Sonic’s shack—now Knuckles’s home.]
“Alright!” Amy exclaimed, clasping her hands excitedly as she looked around the building. “Now then, what were you thinking of doing with the place? A modernist look? Rustic chic? Or-”
“Uh…” Knuckles scratched the back of his head sheepishly. “I hadn’t really thought beyond moving in the lamp. Sonic left everything here, so…can’t I just use his stuff?”
Amy frowned. “I mean, if you want to. It’s your call what to do with the house, I guess.” She kept herself from saying anything else (namely ‘this place looks like a barren wasteland crossed with a minimalist’s worst nightmare, so no you can’t’), reminding herself that this was her friend’s house and he could change however much or however little he liked.
The echidna shifted in place awkwardly. “Well, what else can I do?”
“Well, what I would do is…have a bed right in the middle where the hammock is, made out of wood with some green bedcovers, since I know you like the outdoors! We could add a couple of comfy chairs, too—also wood with white fabric and a couple of green throw pillows, and some plants! Do you like plants in the house?” Amy paused for breath, her eyes sparkling. This is more like it!
Knuckles wandered around the house, thinking. “I, uh, didn’t catch most of that, but maybe no white? I mean, the last time I was at your house…you remember, right?”
The pink hedgehog winced. “Yes, I do remember you getting mud all over my pristine white sheets…so none of that. Got it. But does green sound okay?”
“Yeah! And maybe some blue? To match Herman, you know?” he added, holding up the Fregosi Sapphire.
“You still have that?” Amy asked, surprised.
“Don’t you still have Bea?” Knuckles replied.
She smiled briefly. “…yeah, that’s fair.”
“Wait, really? How is she?” the echidna asked, excited.
“Actually, she’s great! But just the other day—guess what—she got all into the mud in my garden! You wouldn’t believe how long it took me to clean her off…”
[Scene change (yet again) to Shadow’s cave.]
Sticks crept through the woods sneakily, watching carefully to make sure she avoided any leaves or dry twigs that might possibly give her presence away. Spotting her target in the distance, she crept closer…and closer…
And then knocked on the wall of Shadow’s cave as loudly as she possibly could. “Hey!” Sticks yelled. “You in there, Shadow?”
The hedgehog in question glanced over his shoulder from his brooding position in the back of the cave. “No. Now go away.”
“Aww, come on!” she cried. “Don’t be like that! You haven’t even heard my offer yet!”
[Camera cuts to Shadow, showing him sighing in resignation with Sticks in the background.]
[Camera cuts back to the mouth of the cave.]
“Make it quick, or I’ll make you regret it.” he muttered, dragging his feet as he walked up to the entrance. 
“Soooo, I’ve been upgrading my house’s defenses lately. I have some inside info that there’ll be an alien invasion soon, so I wanna make sure it’s all ready first.” she explained, talking at about twice her usual speed.
“That’s where you come in. You can attack my house and show me where the weaknesses are so I can fix ‘em! In return…well, I’ll offer ya a favor—any favor—to be cashed in later when ya want it. That’s one of the best things I can offer, too!” Sticks added conspiratorially.
“I refuse.” Shadow huffed, folding his arms and turning to walk away.
“Really?!” Sticks shouted after him. “You didn’t even think about it!”
Shadow rolled his eyes. “Stop bothering me, badger, or else you’ll have a lot more to worry about than your ‘alien invasions’.”
The badger suddenly smirked at that, though Shadow couldn’t see it. “Okay then…guess I’ll just be going. Thanks for leavin’ this nice Ancient tech lying around for me, by the way! I can always appreciate a fellow hoarder’s stash.”
Then she sprinted off as quickly as she possibly could.
“Yeah, whatev— wait, what?! Get back here this instant!” Shadow roared, racing to the mouth of the cave.
“You’ve gotta catch me to get it!” Sticks called from far off.
He growled wordlessly, firing up his skates and charging into the forest.
[Scene change back to Eggman and Metal Sonic, now at the village.]
“What a beautiful day it is to see villagers cowering in terror before me. Isn’t it, Metal?” Eggman asked lightly, strolling down the street.
The blue robot didn’t make any noise, but was definitely also pleased by this development. 
Most of the villagers, having grown complacent after several days without an Eggman attack, were in fact doubly frightened to see him return—especially with Metal in tow—and therefore scurried out of his way the moment they noticed his presence. (All the other villains, who had rather enjoyed being out from under the evil doctor’s shadow, were actually disappointed to see him return and as such inconvenienced him even more than usual when they could.)
The two walked into the local convenience store, Eggman hurrying straight into the fridge section while Metal took his time picking out a shopping cart. He didn’t like the cranky or disobedient ones very much, and took special care to give them a withering glare as he passed them by. 
His creator occasionally appeared from who-knows-which-aisle with various dubiously healthy items in his arms. Metal quietly slid several pieces of fruit into the cart when Eggman wasn’t looking, as well as a bottle of multivitamins. The doctor might get on his nerves sometimes (or wiring, as the case might be), but he didn’t actually wish him any real harm. 
Unfortunately for Metal Sonic, though, he was stopped short at the mechanics section the one time he tried to pick something out for himself. Eggman stepped into his path right as he was reaching for a can of extra pricey oil. He’d only gotten it once before, but it had been so much nicer than the usual cheap stuff!
“Oh, no you don’t!” Eggman insisted, pushing his hand away from the shelf. “I am not going to be accused of favoritism by anyone, you hear me?”
Metal looked up at him sadly, his optics expanding by fifteen percent.
“No! No no no, you do not get to use that trick on me! I said…!” Eggman trailed off, staring down at his creation. The robot’s face practically screamed ‘but please, just this once?’’ and the doctor…
…well, he couldn’t fight it.
“Oh, alright, alright. But you’d better be quiet about it, you know!” he grumbled, placing the bottle in the cart as the robot’s expression morphed into one of joy.
“Well, I suppose it’s okay, then…” he muttered, scratching Metal behind the ears briefly in a moment of weakness.
(This of course meant absolutely nothing, since the doctor in no way, shape, or form had put any sort of extra-powerful sensory receptors in that particular area. He was, despite some people’s insistence to the contrary, not in the least bit sentimental.)
Sonic and Tails, by this point, had long since calmed down and finished the dishes. Now, they were in Tails’s workshop, working on improving the main fixture in the building- the fox’s yellow plane.
Well, Tails was working on some upgrades to his plane. Sonic was mainly seeing how long he could spin in a swivel chair without touching the ground.
“Taiiiils, I’m so borrrred.” Sonic groaned, dragging out the words for maximum effect. 
“How are you bored?” the engineer asked, his head poking out from the inside of the plane. “There’s so much stuff you can mess around with here!”
“Yeah.” Sonic said, his legs hooked over one of the arms of the chair and his elbow resting on the other. He rested his chin on the palm of his hand, the other one hovering in the air for posing purposes. “That’d be great if I knew what half this ‘stuff’ was.” he drawled, waving his hand in the general direction of the workshop.
Tails sighed tiredly…but then frowned. “Actually, wait.”
The hero flipped back into the proper posture for sitting in a chair, leaning forward. “Hold up, what’re you doing?”
“Aha!” The fox jumped out of a pile of semi-complete inventions, sending several clattering to the floor. “Here! This simulator can do a couple of cool things, including…this!”
He threw a small piece of metal onto the floor next to the chair, at which point it began to glow and project a three-dimensional image of his plane’s control center into the air. “I made this a while ago so that I could study the control panel without having to take it apart every time I needed to remember how something worked- and it even functions the same as the original machine. It’s actually a three-dimensional projection that responds to your touch via a camera in the main apparatus. Kind of over the top, now that I think about it, but it seemed like a good idea at the time.” Tails laughed.
“And…in regular speak?” Sonic asked, one brow raised in mild intrigue.
“It’s basically a way for you to practice flying the plane without flying the actual plane.” Tails said proudly.
“Oooh, cool…” the hedgehog muttered, already reaching for the controls.
They spent the next hour or so in peace after that—and Tails raised no complaints when Sonic decided to ‘improve’ the simulation with some impromptu airplane noises. The fox was just pleased to hear that his brother was having fun.
Eventually, however, the two needed to go into town to pick up a specific part for Tails’s plane repairs…and that was when the idyllic day began to spiral into something entirely different.
While the engineer was standing at the counter, handing over rings (too many, in his opinion) for a new set of gears, Sonic lingered by the doorway, clearly eager to run home and keep learning how to fly. Suddenly, though, he froze.
“Hey…” he said, tapping Tails on the shoulder, “isn’t that Eggman?”
Knuckles was currently drawing all over several pieces of paper, excitedly trying to show Amy what his many ideas for the shack were. The pink hedgehog hovered around him, trying her best not to talk—she wanted an unadulterated idea of what his vision of the home looked like!
Even if his vision was a bunch of semi-understandable doodles in marker, along with several drawings of things he wanted to do once the process was complete.
Amy was more than excited to help set up any furniture, decorations, and basically anything else that Knuckles could possibly imagine. He definitely had some good ideas, but the echidna did tend to follow up something perfect (matching chairs and table sets) with something downright frightening (purple and orange striped carpeting).
She mentally wrote down a list of everything they could possibly need, before guiding Knuckles into town so that they could actually purchase the items he needed. All the while, he continued to ramble excitedly about the possibilities ahead. “Oh—and I need another lamp, so the first one won’t be lonely! Can we get another lamp?”
“Of course we can!” she said warmly, flinging open the doors to the local furniture warehouse.
They spent plenty of time looking through the selections (which all had names equally as complex as Amy’s ill-fated bookcase), but thankfully Knuckles had a good idea of what he wanted and managed to pick out most of the things he’d mentioned earlier. Occasionally, Amy did have to steer him away from some particularly garish choices—with lengthy explanations as to why included—and towards items that he actually ended up liking more.
An hour later, they both came back out loaded up with all sorts of boxes and a long list of things that they’d have to come back and pick up later. Knuckles was grinning happily behind his stack of furniture, more than excited to get back to the shack and start decorating. Amy was equally ready—until she noticed Sonic standing in the town square, shouting at….
Sticks raced through the forest, leaping over giant tree roots and kicking up dirt as they hurried towards their home. The small piece of Ancient tech (it was nothing really, so far as the badger knew, just a tiny glowing crystal) was clasped tightly in their hand.
They grinned widely at the swishing sound of skates behind them. Sounds like Shadow took the bait.
Sticks slammed the door to their house shut (and bolted it, and locked it, and barricaded it too for good measure) only seconds before a punch to the circle of wood made the whole building shake. “Open the door!” Shadow roared.
“Never!” Sticks called back, stifling a bit of wicked laughter.
Shadow responded with a wordless cry of rage. He began to pound on the reinforced door, before discovering that he couldn’t break it and turning to other openings. Despite his best efforts, though, nothing caved in under his blows. After all, the windows were made of shatterproof glass, the ceiling had all sorts of support beams holding it up, and the walls had iron plating hidden within the dirt. 
(Sticks was very, very, very prepared for any sort of apocalyptic event that anyone could dream up—and a few that nobody else had. They’d be more than ready for an alien invasion at this rate.)
Eventually, though, Shadow turned back to the door and began to ram Chaos Spears into the edges, making the hinges buckle and the reinforcements melt. “Note to self,” Sticks muttered, “make house heat-resistant.”
Just as the hedgehog kicked the door down with a final shout (that sounded almost triumphant), Sticks darted into their Plan B—a hidden tunnel that led all the way back to town. They’d hoped they wouldn’t have to use it, really. It was mostly in case their friends got the idea to fight the aliens into their heads. The badger was prepared to do a great many things in the face of an invasion, but abandoning the people they cared about most was not one of them.
In this case, though, it provided the perfect escape.
Shadow was hot on their heels already, blazing down the dirt tunnel and scorching the sides with the jets of his skates. Sticks couldn’t help but laugh again, wild and gleeful—this was just too fun!
They burst out of the well right into the middle of the village…
…and found themselves at the center of a standoff between the aforementioned friends and Dr. Eggman and Metal Sonic.
“Wait! Stop him!” the owner of the convenience store cried, chasing after Eggman as he walked away. “He’s stealing my things!”
“Oh no! Not your things!” Knuckles cried, entirely serious.
Amy swung her hammer menacingly, stalking up to the villainous duo. “I was hoping to get some target practice in today.”
Metal Sonic’s optics narrowed in return while Eggman smirked.
“Oh, so you wanna go, huh?” Sonic asked, bouncing around excitedly. 
“Let’s get ‘em!” Tails shouted.
Sticks, fully prepared for any sort of impromptu battle, let out a scream and charged.
“What the—what is going on?!” Shadow wheezed, clearly unaware that this was how fights generally worked in Hedgehog Village.
Soon enough, he remembered that Sticks had stolen something of his and rushed after her into the fray. Lunging at her from behind, he roared, “Give me that crystal already!”
The badger dodged his initial strike and swung her staff at him. “Nope!” she called back.
Shadow growled wordlessly and hauled back a golden, glowing fist—but then the Eggmobile (which Eggman had called up to help him in the fight) swung around and clocked him in the back of the head, making his power dissipate as he stumbled. “What the—”
“Oh! S-Shadow! How…how nice to see you!” the doctor stammered nervously.
“You threw off my aim.” the hedgehog snarled, and charged.
By now, Sticks and Sonic had accidentally ended up fighting for a solid thirty seconds before remembering they were on the same team. The other three did their best to beat Metal Sonic in the meantime, but the robot was mainly preoccupied with making sure his new oil can stayed safe. 
Eggman, on the other hand, screamed as loudly as he could and shot over to the other side of the village in his Eggmobile, an enraged Shadow chasing him all the way. The doctor soon found himself backed up against a forty-foot-high stone wall with a furious hedgehog advancing on him…
…and did what only he could do best—called Metal back to his side and then flew away as fast as his jets could carry him.
Shadow huffed angrily and turned on his heel, glowering at anyone within sight. “How dare he leave like that?!” he hissed to himself. “I had him right where I wanted him!”
Sticks appeared in front of Shadow a few moments later, interrupting his brooding session and folding her arms as she looked directly into his eyes. “Here’s your crystal thingy.” she said, holding it out for him to take.
“Hmph. At least someone here knows when to quit.” the hedgehog grumbled.
“Oh, I didn’t quit!” Sticks replied. “You helped me figure out where to reinforce my burrow, so now I don’t need this anymore. And now you have a favor from me! Make sure to use it wisely...” she added, somewhat mysteriously.
Then, Sticks grinned at him, switching abruptly back to normal. “Well, thanks for helpin’ me out today, Shadow!” the badger said, before leaving to go back to her friends.
The hedgehog scowled. “I don’t need favors from anyone….” he muttered insistently to himself, before teleporting away.
On the other side of the town square, Knuckles was excitedly describing the plans he and Amy had made for the shack, while Sonic and Tails offered help with anything they might need—though the former insisted that ‘feng shui-shmeng shui, Amy, my stuff is fine right where it is!’. Sticks also suggested multiple security upgrades for the impending government takeover next Tuesday, because who in their right mind wouldn’t prepare for one of those? 
And together, they all hurried back to start setting up Knuckles’s new home. (Offscreen, obviously, since this was not a knockoff house design show, but instead a comedy show that didn’t even approach being a knockoff at all in any way ever. Absolutely.)
Back at Eggman’s evil lair, Metal happily oiled his various joints, flexing and shifting each of them to make sure that they were all still working properly. All the while, the doctor typed away in the background….
...or he was pretending to, at least.
In truth, he was looking at the reflection in his computer screen to see Metal without actually turning around (because no self-respecting evil genius would let on that he cared that much) and genuinely smiling for once to see his creation pleased with such a small gift.
Eggman then promptly screamed for the second time that day when he felt a cold metal hand on his shoulder.
“Oh Metal, it’s just you. Don’t scare me like that!!” he shouted.
Metal pointed at the obvious reflection on his otherwise utterly blank screen.
“Ah yes, that...I just wanted to make sure you weren’t using it up too quickly. Oil’s expensive these days, you know!”
Both of them knew that Eggman hadn’t actually paid for the oil can at all...which might explain why Metal then hugged his creator briefly before zipping off to his personal corner of the lair.
Alone in the main room, the doctor allowed himself one more semi-evil smile before sitting down at his computer. “Now then…” he muttered, pulling up a web browser showing some Fuzzy Puppy Buddy figurines for sale online, “it’s time to get back to being evil……”
(He then paid less than half the market price for said figurines by jamming everyone else’s Internet for the next fifteen minutes.)
[cue credits]
[Voice Actors: 
Roger Craig Smith
Colleen Villard
Travis Willingham
Cindy Robinson
Nika Futterman
Mike Pollock
Kirk Thornton
Wally Wingert
Bill Freiberger
Original creation by:
Evan Baily
Donna Friedman Meir 
Sandrine Nguyen
Bill Freiberger
Takashi Iizuka
Credit to The Munsters?? Apparently??? 
For the creation of the Fregosi Emerald and the protagonists’s name (Herman)
Solalunar “Sol” Eclipse
Thank you for watching reading!]
56 notes · View notes
tev-the-random · 2 years
A Casual Sonic Forces Rewrite
Part 6 - Silver the Badass
Just a warning: none of the images used here belong to me!
Just another warning: mild swearing here and there. Honestly, if you’ve gotten this far in this series, I don’t think you even need a warning anymore.
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5
Gaze upon me, dear readers, — if you exist — and contemplate for yourselves: I haven’t, in fact, died a horrible and silent death.
So I have decided to come back to this series after a long, long hiatus. And I must admit, after re-reading the previous parts to catch up with my own lore, I made some editions to them here and there, both to rephrase some things I think I worded poorly, change some very minor details and correct some grammatical errors. For those of you who are new here: you’re welcome. I have saved you from eye-bleeding.
Except for the episode Shadow part, I plan on completely rewriting that someday-
Anyhow, let’s pick this up from where we left off!
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Previously on A Casual Sonic Forces Rewrite: Sonic finally got to be reunited with the Resistance after long months of imprisonment in a nightmarish virtual reality.
While they catch up off-screen, let us back away a little and see what Tails and Classic Sonic are up to, shall we?
We open the scene with a dialogue:
‘Ugh, what is up with this signal?’ Tails says irritably. ‘We’ve been all over the place, and still no sign of Eggman or the masked one!’
Classic Sonic, of course, does not respond. He seems bored and rather impatient.
Tails sighs. ‘I’m so sorry, I-I don’t know what’s going on. The radar seems to be malfunctioning, we should’ve already found them by now!’
The fox sounds a little nervous. Classic gives him a reassuring pat on the back, which doesn’t seem to soothe him all that much.
‘I’m sorry about this... I failed my Sonic, and now I’m failing you too... let’s just go back. Maybe Omega’s malware infected the scanner or something, we need to-’
Tails is interrupted by a beeping noise coming from his device. He analyses it for a moment before making a hesitant remark, ‘there’s a big surge of power coming from the mountains ahead... Might be a promising signal. Do you want to check this last one out?’
The hedgehog nods, and Tails lets out a short smile.
‘Alright then. This way!’
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Now, this is originally where we would have a Green Hill level. But in a game where Green Hill is reutilised no less than nine times, I think perhaps we should reinvent a little! So instead of the good old grassy fields, Classic and Tails go through Mountainside, which is... a very self-explanatory name.
This level should consist of going up a mountain, maybe through some caves and mines inside of it, with various flying enemies on our way. The 2D aspect of Classic Sonic should make for an interesting variation of the scenarios. Perhaps there could be some points during the stage where we can choose to take Tails’ help to reach new areas, though in most cases, the player would be encouraged to run instead — this is a Sonic level, after all. We would reach the end at the top of a plateau, where a new cutscene begins.
Tails and Classic Sonic hide behind some rocks upon seeing Infinite and Shadow. The jackal is floating in the air, literally looking down on the hedgehog. The two of them say nothing, and the tension is palpable. From behind their hiding spot, Tails seems triumphant.
Eggman arrives at the scene on his Egg Mobile.
‘Glad to see the two of you getting along,’ he says with sarcasm. Shadow crosses his arms and looks away, while Infinite merely gets down on the ground and tilts his head at the doctor. ‘What is your report?’
The ex-mercenary proceeds to pull a Phantom Ruby prototype from... wherever it is that people pull things from in the Sonic universe...
‘This was the last prototype in the area,’ he responds, crushing the stone in his hand as if it was nothing. ‘The only ones left should be in the Mystic Jungle lab. With that, the defective remains of the Phantom Ruby Project will have been disposed of successfully.’
‘Hm... Leave those last ones be. We’ll lock down the lab and the Resistance will be none the wiser. That’ll be all.’
Infinite tenses up ever so slightly in surprise. He interrupts Eggman before the man can leave.
‘Why would we keep faulty models?’
‘In case we need a backup, of course!’ The mad scientist states with a chuckle. ‘If there is something I’ve learned over the years fighting that blue nuisance, it’s that you should always have a plan B.’
‘We won’t need a plan B.’ The jackal sounds annoyed. ‘My power is infinite. There is no need to keep inferior copies.’ He adjusts his mask and shakes his head as if stating the obvious.
‘There’s always room for improvement. Those prototypes can only record the DNA of the one who activates it, anyway. There’s nothing to worry about.’
For a short moment, Infinite says nothing.
Tails murmurs from his spot, ‘Mystic Jungle... I wonder where that is. I’ll have to do some research...’
This warrants a scan of Shadow’s watchful gaze. At first glance, he finds nothing, but his guard is now visibly up.
‘We move forward with the plan, then?’ Infinite returns.
‘Of course! Only three short days and the Resistance will be erased. The world will be nothing but ashes, from which a glorious Eggman Empire will rise!’ Doctor Robotnik lets out an evil laughter.
‘And the Resistance will yield to the Phantom Ruby’s power. The weak shall submit.’
Both mercenary and scientist nod at each other and leave the area flying. The Shadow copy stays behind, however, still looking around for the source of the earlier noise. Once he finds nothing and turns to leave, Classic Sonic comes out of hiding and spin dashes at him, unable to contain himself.
‘Sonic, wait!’ Tails calls out, but it’s too late.
Shadow blocks the attack and stands face to face with the tiny hedgehog. ‘You. The Doctor warned about your escape. We should’ve known you’d run to your fox the first chance you got.’ The faker Ultimate Life Form squares up.
‘Shadow, you don’t want to do this!’ Tails comes to stand next to his friend, also prepared to fight.
Shadow does not respond, and the three of them engage in battle.
Classic Sonic boss battle against Shadow, woo!
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I know this sounds a little unorthodox, but honestly, that’s the beauty of it. Although Shadow and Classic Sonic never interacted on-screen, — like, ever — Shadow knows about the little blue blur’s escape from Eggman’s laboratory, as should be expected. Fighting the rival that was such a staple of the early modern Sonic era as Classic Sonic sounds like a really interesting experience to me.
How exactly this battle would go, I only have some vague ideas. Of course, the fight would have to happen on a 2D environment, and that really limits the set of attack patterns we can create for Shadow. The first thing I think of are chaos spears and homing attacks, which the player would have to dodge, as well as instances where Shadow would teleport around the scenery to make himself a difficult target. Maybe Tails will once again play a role in assisting during this boss fight.
Upon being defeated, fake Shadow runs away without another word. Tails closes the scene with a line:
‘The Phantom Ruby Project... Come on, we need to get to the bottom of this!’
And cut! Look at that, you got a bunch of clothing despite your avatar being nowhere to be seen, nice!
I know it’s a bit early for it, but I want the next scenes to go by without any interruption. Intermission time!
Given how erratic Infinite’s powers are, I thought it would be fair for Tail’s scanner to keep track of him, albeit faultily. Luckily, as the masked jackal brought his illusions and the Phantom Ruby prototypes with him to the mountains, we were able to get a big enough surge of energy for our heroes to follow.
As you must have noticed, I’m hammering Tails’ newfound insecurity in. Although the presence of Classic Sonic encouraged him to pursue the enemy, it is still another Sonic he can fail, another Sonic he can lose. Of course, Classic’s boredom wasn’t directed at the fox himself, but Tails is in a fragile place right now. He’s determined to be as efficient as he can be as a way to pseudo-avenge his lost brother. He just needs a little bit of confidence back, guys, I swear he’ll be ok-
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(Is anybody else absolutely in love with the new Sonic movie, by the way? Tails, my beloved)
Much like Infinite had fake Shadow around during earlier scenes, we see he still keeps this illusion of his nemesis close by whenever he needs it; in this case, to guard his meeting with Eggman. Perhaps this is his way to remind himself why he’s here in the first place, — which would be indicative of his unhealthy obsession with Shadow’s opinion — or maybe this is to amuse himself with the thought of his worst enemy now being his lackey. Either way, there’s that awkward energy of being in the same room with a person you despise. Perhaps Infinite shouldn’t be left alone to his devices so often...
I think this little dialogue between Infinite and Eggman is one of the most interesting scenes so far. Not only is it the first insight we have of the jackal and his relationship with his only ally, it also says a lot about his personality: he needs to be the best and most powerful one, and he feels threatened by the prospect of keeping other Phantom Ruby prototypes around to eventually replace him — even if nobody ever said that would happen. For Eggman to imply he can fail or that there can be something better than him is an insult.
Infinite is more than just an intimidating force: he’s someone with a big, but very fragile ego. And by saying that “the weak shall submit”, he intends to prove once and for all that he’s not weak.
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Some of  you might have picked up that this isn’t the original order of things. Eggman is locking the Mystic Jungle lab down before the Resistance has any chance to infiltrate it. Trust me, I will soon explain why.
Now, about Shadow’s line: since we’re giving these secondary enemies more attention and trying keep their status as illusions a secret, I thought it’d be fair to give fake Shadow, the only one of them who could plausibly speak, at least a little line in the game. There’s not much to say about it: since Classic Sonic was captured by Eggman, surely the doctor would tell his allies about it. Knowing anything about Sonic, it would have been safe to assume his classic self would want to join Tails. Simple as that.
Anyway, Intermission’s over!
Now we cut back to the Resistance with another dialogue:
‘I’m glad you’re alright, Sonic. We had lost all hope that you would ever return,’ says Blaze with a calm, but genuine smile.
‘I’m glad to finally see you guys. I’ve been worried sick!’ Sonic responds, beaming. ‘I should have known you’d all be together this whole time. And this resistance thing... wow.’
‘Hey, don’t sound so surprised!’ Knuckles comments jokingly. ‘Of course we couldn’t just sit back and watch Eggman take over!’
‘Haha! Sure thing! Is there anything I can do to help?’
‘We’re currently waiting on Silver’s report. There was a sudden lockdown report from Eggman’s Mystic Jungle base, so we sent Silver to scout the area for information,’ Blaze points out.
An alarm interrupts the group. Amy comes in: ‘It’s Silver! We’re picking up something in Mystic Jungle!’
‘Guys! It’s him!’ Silver shouts from the communicator, his voiced almost drowned by the sound of the Phantom Ruby.
‘I’m on it! Been looking forward to another rematch with this guy!’ Sonic sounds eager upon saying this.
Amy, on the other hand, sounds concerned. ‘Are you sure, Sonic? You just came back from... whatever it is that Eggman was doing to you. I think you should-’
‘Eh, don’t worry about it, I’m fine! I’ll be more than happy to lend a hand on this one!’
There’s something strange about his tone. Nevertheless, the dialogue ends there, and we’re sent straight to a Mystic Jungle level with our boy Sonic.
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The stage starts with Amy guiding us:
‘Silver and the masked one are up ahead by Eggman’s lab. There seems to be some weird energy around the forest... be careful!’
‘What’s he even doing here anyway? Was this a trap all along?’ Knuckles questions.
And then we cut most of the dialogue for the rest of the level, because those desperate soldiers failed to sell the severity of the problem with their exposition anyway, so why bother-
Now, unlike the original, this version of Luminous Forest should be pretty much intact. After all, the place has been locked down, it’s not like Dr Eggman will be there the keep an eye on it... but there’s something weird about this place. Various parts of the level seem to be flooded, and jets of water come out during certain sections for us to time ourselves and evade. It’s almost like there’s water following us, trying to keep us from progressing.
By the mid-to-end of the level, Amy comes up again to warn us about an “unidentified life form on the radar. What is that?!”
Suddenly, a gigantic snake resembling an anaconda emerges from the flooding river and attempts to attack Sonic.
‘Woah there! I didn’t mean to bother your... very... watery home, buddy.’
Sonic jumps around with a quick time event to avoid the snake’s onslaught. However, the creature still manages to nom the hedgehog.
‘Oh come on, we don’t have time for this! Hedgehogs don’t make good snacks.’
Similarly to the original scene, more quick time events ensue and Sonic manages to kick his way out of the anaconda’s mouth. He’s then shot towards the end of the level.
Now onto my favourite part: the cutscene between Silver and Infinite!
I’m so glad they gave Silver a moment to shine in this game! He’s one of my favourite characters, yet one that rarely gets any important role at all. If he went through the trouble of going back in time to fix the outcome of this war, he should at least do something to make a difference for the future, so this was definitely the right call, in my opinion!
However, when I look at this scene, I can’t help but feel like there’s something missing. They’re pitting two of the most powerful characters in this franchise against each other, yet all they do is fly around and bump against each other a couple of times. I know the creators probably wanted to save some time and resources by making this battle so short, but time to waste and a budget are both things we don’t have here.
I want an anime battle between these two.
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(As a filmmaker, the way they “shot” this scene makes me very happy)
 The scene starts just like the original, except Infinite is actually holding a Phantom Ruby prototype in his hands.
‘This wasn’t part of my agenda, but I’m always happy to crush a hero. It keeps the rabble in line. Shows them that there is no hope.’
‘Does anyone but you believe your lies?’
The stone is put away once the fight begins.
We see Infinite shooting red lasers from his hands while Silver flies around to avoid them, causing the blasts to destroy the walls instead. The psychic hedgehog then lifts the resulting debris with his power and sends them hurling towards the enemy, who quickly gets out of the way.
Silver is taken by surprise when a dozen copies of Infinite fill the air around him. With his red cubes of doom, the Infinites charge at our hero, who uses the debris under his control to protect himself. As the jackal presses against his defences, Silver creates a wave of energy from within his cocoon of stones and wood, which strikes the fake Infinites, destroying them.
The rivals shoot their respective blasts of psychic energy at each other. The beams meet with an intense force, and both parties struggle to stand their ground for a few instants until an explosion results from the clash. This outburst causes the Phantom Ruby prototype to drop, and we focus on it as it hits the ground.
Silver and Infinite find themselves facing each other once again, breathless.
‘Is that all?’ The mercenary asks, unamused.
‘Definitely not,’ Silver retorts. ‘I’ve heard about you in the future. You’re not invincible, you’re just arrogant! It takes more than that to crush a hero!’
We get a close of Infinite’s eye through the mask as he squints in disgust. Before he can respond, a giant boulder covered in a cyan aura hits the jackal square in the back. The rock is smashed into pieces and the villain is sent sliding across the floor, only for Silver to catch him with his power.
‘Ha! It’s over now!’ Silver is triumphant.
Infinite grunts, and for a fraction of a second, you’d think he’s in pain. But then he bursts out laughing. We hear the Phantom Ruby sound, and Silver’s cyan hold over the mercenary dissipates into a red glitching effect, to his horror.
As a massive red attack is comes his way, Silver attempts to protect himself once more. It isn’t enough: his shield shatters, and Silver is sent flying across the scenery, hitting a wall and falling to the ground, defeated.
‘Seeing is believing.’ Infinite charges, ready to finish off the hero. But he’s interrupted by a blue spiky ball.
‘You okay, Silver?’ says Sonic, landing in front of his friend.
‘Ugh...’ Silver is currently trying very hard to get up.
‘Time to tag out, I got it from here!’
‘Well, look who’s back. The little blue saviour.’ Infinite’s tone is dripping with disdain. ‘But what’s that I smell?’
The villain finally gets down on the ground and starts approaching Sonic, who slightly flinches, but otherwise doesn’t move. The enemy chuckles.
‘You reek of fear. Glad to see I’ve left an impression.’
Sonic stands his ground, although his eyes show a bit of nervousness. He raises his eyebrows smugly, then sniffs himself for a second. ‘Yeah, no, that’s definitely not fear you’re smelling. I ran all the way over here.’ He boasts a smile. ‘And you haven’t left an impression. I don’t even know your name!’
‘You may call me... Infinite.’
‘Ah! See, Silver? His name is Infinite!’ He turns to Silver, who’s still trying to regain his footing, then back to the enemy. ‘Now we’re finally getting to know each other after all this time! I feel like the natural next step would be to tell us about Eggman’s plans, don’t you think?’
‘Only if you share the Resistance’s. It would only be fair.’ Infinite says so with a mocking tone, crossing his arms.
Sonic prepares to fight. ‘Nah, you lost me there, pal.’
With another wave of the Phantom Ruby’s power, however, Sonic and Silver get lifted from the ground. Slowly, all the water nearby also starts to rise, though it doesn’t seem to be the ruby’s doing.
‘Look at you,’ the jackal says, once again up close to Sonic’s face. Shortly, you can see fear in Sonic’s eyes, but that is soon replaced with defiance. ‘Still not worth the effort to finish off.’
Infinite lifts himself in the air, ready to leave. ‘We can fight again soon enough, if that’s what you truly want. A rematch should be amusing if you actually put up a fight. For now, though... they’re all yours, Chaos.’
The raising water finally forms the shape of a gigantic water monster, much to Sonic’s surprise. Perfect Chaos attacks, sending the blue blur far off, then goes after him.
‘Sonic!’ Regaining control of his abilities, though still battered, Silver follows the two of them.
End of scene!
That was a looong one. I know not even half of this could make the final cut for the game, but I like to dream. And it’s only in dreams that we can get this much Silver and Infinite content.
But we’re still not over! Because now, we have another boss battle against Chaos!
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A battle against Perfect Chaos outside of Station Square, what are the odds! You may be confused now, but just give me a moment to geek out, I’ll explain it in a second-
We’d initiate it with Sonic going ‘How is he like this?! I thought the Resistance had Chaos Emeralds!’ Because I like making people confused.
I’d like to borrow the snake from the original Infinite battle for this one. This long creature is bursting out of the water every now and again for you to run along it. But this isn’t you average auto-running Sonic Speed Battle Sonic Forces boss battle, you must keep up with your platform if you don’t want to be dragged down into the depths!
I’ll allow Sonic one joke when the snake comes out to help:
‘Huh, I guess it wasn’t a water snake after all. Thanks for the help, buddy, we’ll be clearing this place up in no time!’
We can add Chaos himself as platforms as well. As he tries to attack you, given that you manage to dodge it, you can run up his tentacles to attack him instead.
I also think we should use the fact that Silver is here, albeit hurt. He’d be creating occasional platforms for us to go onto since we no longer have Infinite making the forest funky. Plus, there could be some quick time event once you’re close to defeating Chaos, in which Silver must catch you in the air and shoot you straight into the deity’s weak point.
Once the enemy is finally down, a tired-sounding Sonic can say something along the lines of “That wasn’t so hard! Whatever Chaos Emeralds Eggman fed Chaos weren’t all that powerful after all. But Infinite still escaped...”
To which Silver would reply in a pained voice ‘Come on, Sonic. We gotta get back to HQ.’
And now we’re done! Ready for your daily dose of Intermission?
I would first like to mention the way Sonic offered himself for this mission. He’s overeager, anxious to help and prove himself again. All these six months unable to help his friends made him feel like he’s failed them, so not only is this an opportunity to compensate for that, it is also an opportunity to fight the guy who has caused all of this pain. Despite having barely stepped foot outside of prison for the first time in months, Sonic is ready to take this task without a hint of hesitation.
You can see I’ve hinted towards Chaos’ appearance during the level, with the strange behaviour of the water in the jungle. Even if the player doesn’t catch this while playing the stage, Sonic notes the fact when he meets the snake. This is a “very watery” place, please tell me that’s enough foreshadowing-
The reason why we’re only visiting Mystic Jungle after Eggman shut it down is solely because of Infinite. He’s not supposed to be here at all. Eggman told him to leave the prototypes of this lab alone, yet he couldn’t listen; he had to come and take them for the same reasons I mentioned previously. I use this both to make the situation more spicy — Knuckles even thinks this might be a trap, the Resistance can’t catch a break! — and to show somewhat early on that although Infinite is loyal to Eggman, he’s not his lackey; he has free will and he will exert it occasionally. Keep that in mind.
I. Cannot. Stress. Enough. Just how powerful Silver is. Why is no one talking about that? Where are the Silver anime battles? I need this boy’s true potential to shine at least once every ten years to sustain my mortal form.
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I have also decided to indulge myself with a bit of a banter between them. Leave me alone.
Another important point I have to make is that Sonic doesn’t feel all that powerful when he’s around Infinite. His previous defeat and his time in the virtual reality have affected how he sees this enemy, which I think is only fair. He’s still cocky and likes to poke fun at the situation, but not to the extent where he feels detached from it.
And on that same line, Infinite still believes Sonic is too weak for him. He’s not even gonna bother fighting. He’ll hold himself on that high ground until he gets knocked down from it, and the fall shall hurt. For now though, he’s pretty much enjoying himself by being a menace.
The reason why I replaced Infinite’s battle with Chaos’ is because I had a feeling there were too many Infinite battles. If this is supposed to be an “ultimate enemy” kind of guy, he should not get these many boss fights. The fact that we win all three of them makes him feel bland; how is this guy a threat if we keep getting the better of him?
Now, Perfect Chaos: he’s an illusion. It’s simple as that. Infinite can create whatever illusions he wants, why wouldn’t he conjure up something more useful like Perfect Chaos? You could argue that that takes more power, but come on: that’s just teasing at this point. But don’t worry: this won’t stay as vague forever, it’ll be brought up again in the future.
Sonic pointing out how easy the fight was compared to his previous battle with the deity is also supposed to be a hint.
Despite that, I wanted to show that both Silver and Sonic are tired from this encounter. This will be important, as I want them to be kept away from the next mission. You’ll see why on the next part!
Yes, the snake is sentient and it’s just tired of this mess in its home. Go on, hedgehog, get rid of this water monster and get the hell out of my house-
[I would insert here an image of Sonic and Silver friendship if Tumblr wasn't so stingy with it's image limite
So that’s that for now!
I’m so glad to come back to this, I’ve been considering returning for a while now. It’s been way too long since the last part. There was kind of a period there where I just lost the motivation to keep writing this, despite already having a complete timeline of how I wanted things to go. But now we’re back and I have two more years of proper English under my belt, let’s goooo-
Seeya on Part 7! Have a nice day!
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