#my immense fondness for warlocks really jumps out with vivian and vivi but vivi in particular
writ-in-violant · 1 year
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They call her the Tempestuous Urchin, on account of her temper, and on account of the way you find her outside when the wind picks up and the clouds roll in over the Zee to herald a storm of the Neath. Nobody knows where she came from, people say, but as ol'Slivvy grows more tired someone has to speak to Storm. A child of simmering anger and stormy eyes, she stalks the rooftops of London; if you loose Aeolian Screams or Storm-Threnodies, they say, she'll come to listen. If you're lucky, she'll sing along. If you're not lucky, and the old zee-god Storm's taken umbrage to you or you've acted against the Urchins of London...well, watch for falling objects. Like boulders, or chimneys, or stalactites. The Tempestuous Urchin prides herself on her accuracy and her tenaciousness.
Vivi Storm, Vivian Levy's sundered-away childhood made real. During Vivian's experience in the ES The Tempest (which differed from the story as written), a lightning-strike from Storm split Vivian in two, their adult half -- with all the regrets, morals, and knowledge of an adult -- remaining Vivian Levy, while their childhood -- the parts that Storm could and wanted to interact with and use -- forming another person. She goes by Vivi, or Vivi Storm, on account of the fact that your last name's usually that of one of the people that made you.
Vivian offered to let Vivi live with them, but Vivi chose instead a deeper connection to Storm, easing the burden on Ol'Slivvy but also giving her an outlet for her anger and vindictiveness. I like the idea that if you have high stormy-eyed or can pay in wild words, she's another assassin you can hire in London to take out your enemies -- but she also goes after those who hurt her people, the Urchins of the Neath. Like Slivvy, she doesn't age due to her connection to Storm; in theory, even when Vivian is long-dead, their severed childhood will haunt the rooftops of the Neath, agent of a dead god.
Vivian has grown kinder, or less prone to vicious retaliation, since Vivi left them. Separations like this are...uncertain. Vivian lost all memories of their life before ten years of age; all of the memories they had of their mother, all of the things they enjoyed, all of the things they despised. Who's to say Vivi didn't also take their anger, their desire for violent, desperate change, their petty grievances with her? Vivian's not sure. Vivi is certainly angrier than Vivian ever remembers being...but there's the problem, isn't it?
Anyway despite all that they get along great Vivi breaks into Vivian's apartment via windows and calls Vivian a nerd and Vivian makes sure she's actually like eating food and taking care of herself.
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