#my inspo/motivation has been a little... muddled lately lol
endwersed · 6 months
WIP Wednesday
Tagged by the brilliant @dear-massacre 🥰
I haven't been able to work on my current WIP much this week, so here's a li'l something from the nanny AU I started a while ago instead!
“The novelty starts to wear off around the time they learn the word why,” his dad adds drily, a teasing eyebrow quirked. “You should have at least a year to enjoy before that, though.”
Stiles refuses to let his brain drift to thoughts of whether he’ll even be around in a year to see it. Not now, not when Derek’s smile is huge and warm and so full of unbridled love as he looks between his son and Stiles, not when Jake is babbling an impressively steady stream of dadadada, much to all of their delight.
In that moment, he simply decides – fuck it.
It’s absolutely true that none of this is real. But he’s going to enjoy every second of it that he can before it all blows up in his face.
The rest of his dad’s brief visit passes easily enough; Jake regaling them all with his new word while the rest of the conversation flows freely around it. Derek is polite, saying all the right things to make the Sheriff like him, regard him with a quiet sense of approval.
When it’s time for him to head off, his dad and Derek shake hands before he rubs an affectionate hand over the growing hair on Jake’s head. Stiles offers to walk with him to his car, and they chat amiably up until they reach his cruiser, at which point his dad cuts off with a frown, leaning against the closed door of the car and levelling Stiles with a look he hasn’t seen since he was a teenager.
“What?” Stiles asks, eyes wide and something like dread welling up inside him.
His dad doesn’t answer immediately. His gaze slides along the path they just travelled before pulling back to meet Stiles’ eyes. Stiles feels his heartbeat quicken as his dad narrows his eyes.
“You need to be careful here, Stiles,” he says.
Stiles does everything he can to not show a single visible sign of how those words affect him.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” he replies, forcing nonchalance.
“He’s married,” his dad presses on, as always too goddamn switched on. “He won’t feel the same way you do. And that’s not even getting into the fact that he’s your boss.”
“I don’t,” Stiles starts to deny.
“You need to get over your feelings,” his dad cuts over him, “and if you can’t do that – you need to quit.”
Stiles swallows thickly. Unconsciously, his eyes dart over to the blanket where Derek and Jake sit, Derek still with an utterly astonished look on his face as Jake repeats those two incredible syllables again and again and again. His dad’s face is kind, sympathetic, when he looks back to him, and Stiles nods once, stiff and quick.
“It’s just a crush,” he lies. “I’ll get over it.”
After a long moment, his dad nods in return. He pushes away from the car and tugs Stiles into a hug, one hand at the back of his head as he presses his lips lightly against Stiles’ temple.
“I’m just a phone call away if you ever need me,” his dad says, pulling away to look him right in the eye. “And I mean ever. You got that?”
Stiles smiles wanly. “It’s just a crush, dad. It’ll be fine.”
It's just as much of a lie for his own, stupid heart.
No pressure tags! @crownofstardustandbone @raisesomehale @thotpuppy @renmackree
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