#my journy
unspecifiedfigure · 11 months
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he has something to prove
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verysmallcyborg · 2 months
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WE'VE DONE IT, MY FRIENDS. FORNAX HAS THEIR 300 ONSAL WIN TITLE!!!! who am i anymore. what do i do now (more pvp)
roughly 4 months for 200 wins.... to think i told myself "i'll never get that title :(" last year, yet here we are..... WORTH IT. I HAD FUN MOST OF THE TIME (and i'll def keep pvp'ing, but less intensely, unless it's seal rock day and friends want company for seal rock coat progress)
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diariodeunrincondemi · 7 months
So I can't get over AOT finale and after reading son many opinions, one thing that catches my attention is that it is said that Isayama is a genius for referencing Schindler's List. But the thing is: since the beginning he has been referencing different works of art.
When Eren in his titan form carries the rock on his back in Shiganshina, it is a reference (in design) to Atlas (a titan) carrying the world ball on his back.
When Historia and Eren are in the Reiss chapel, there is a reference to the representations of Jesus crucified and also to the representations of La Pieta (which at the time led me to think of Eren as the redeemer of the Eldians, but in a more twisted way. If the Eldians are the devil, he would sacrifice himself for them to free them from sin).
There are also references to Goya, like Dina devouring Eren's mom is a clear reference to Saturn devouring his son (Goya's most famous paint); but also, if you know Goya's work, you'll probably know his famous aquatint The sleep/dream of reason produces monsters (in spanish we use the word "sueño" for both "sleep" and "dream") which talks about how when humans abandon the reason and only have fantasies, monsters are created. And tbh, there was a moment, I don't know if during the 3rd or 4th season, when I wondered if AOT captured that idea: Eren has dreams, fantasies, but not reason.
And finally, don't forget Plato's Cave myth. What happens in Paradis (the Cave) is the shadow of what's happening in the continent (the outside world). As in this myth, people of Paradis lives in the cave and they only knows that reality, but Paradis reality (it is the shadows) is not the real reality (the outside world).
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geronimomo-spd · 2 months
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i finally finished my masc Dodo cosplay from Celestial Toymaker! (only diffrence was that i made it in pants form and not a dress hehe)
those circles took me so long lol, but i am super happy with this coplay of my fave girl! Dodo to me is very queer, embodying the rebelios teenager spirit with non binery energy that defines how scoiety sees her!! so i wanted to experiment with a more maculine look for this iconic dress.
Dodo already wore a knight's regelia in The Ark, which proves she can wear stuff that is gender defying already! so its nice to contiue the trend. i am filled with non binery dodo thoughts at all times
(featuring my new crutch who helped me take the poses!)
more details under the cut! (apologies for the bad quality of the first pic haha
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stagefoureddiediaz · 1 year
Actually, yeah I’m still stuck on the rug that Eddie is trapped under. Eddie trapped under a rug half on a couch and trapped by a fridge.
So we have a couch which we know is the metaphor for both family  and romance. We have fridge theory which is tied into family, dynamics how they change and how they grow. The fridge theory is also about love, love being found in the fridge and or on the fridge. Fridge theory connects into food is love and preparing meals for your family.
And then we have Eddie trapped under a rug by these two items - literally trapped by these two metaphors that are so clearly about family - about building a family. Eddie who hasn’t uttered a word about the will and what it means for him, for Buck, for Christopher and the three of them as an entity since he was shot. Sweeping it under the rug might have worked so far in the not having/ wanting to talk about ‘because that means facing up to and reckoning with his feelings about Buck’ game but Eddie is going to have to come out from that rug in order to save himself and save others. He’s at risk of being caught up in an explosion from the propane canister that is leaking - an unintentional bomb which is active and on a countdown and off Eddie runs out of time the explosion would take out more than just himself.
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sapphanimates · 5 months
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Team Chaotix are on the case!
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wonderful-bellies · 5 months
Since we're talking about protective pred, imagine a slime or water elemental protecting a merfolk by carrying them around in their belly for them to swim around in.
AWW CUTE!! You're so right tho a tum full of water would be such good merfolk transportation! probably feel all funny for the pred too, little flutters in their stomach as the mer swims around.
Semi related, I put forth a scenario that used to be my go to for daydreaming; prey in a mer's belly for transportation through long stretches of water.
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blowflyfag · 7 months
bro theres a guy selling faygo on ebay and etsy.
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arcatvist · 10 days
Well. Time to start saving for a wheelchair. I realized a cane would probably only help me a little bit bc its both legs hip to the joints in my toes that are messed up. If I sit with my feet like even slightly less than flat on the floor I think my joints get displaced a little and fix themselves veryyy painfully when I fix my position. Can't wait for the 28th when I'll be told I need to loose weight by my medical practitioner instead of receiving the help and advice I need. Sigh
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season 5: how can you relate to bojack? hes a shitty guy..
Me: who has anxiety, gets fidgety, depression, ocd thoughts of what if this makes me a bad person, regrets about breaking contact with friends , procrastinates, over indulges in sweets. wonders about what im leaving behind sometimes.. ...abusive mother...
yeah sure its totallyy because hes just shitty guy that people relate to him.. nothing else at all.
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fukinkitty · 1 year
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Seija horrible shirt part 2
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janitor-figure-a · 9 months
ibex orth dog collar match........
that's all, that's the message
oh my GOOOOODDDDDD i dont know if theres a world that orth doesnt fuckin die in there but spiritually????? ascendant. he's been forged in the fire, he's someone else now god damn
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datastate · 1 year
it’s still so dumb that “alright” is meant to be spelled as “all right” ... like why
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jinxrat · 11 months
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under my blanky watching jerma
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fighting for my life to locate a pdf of the prose lancelot bc i so desperately need to confirm this quote i found that, to paraphrase (dramatically), describes lancelot as having giant tits.
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transjoestar · 11 months
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Name: Journie Josephine Zeppeli AKA JoJo
Parents: Joseph Joestar (Father) and Caesar Anthonio Zeppeli (Father)
Siblings: Holly Joestar/Kujo, Josuke Higashikata, and Shizuka Joestar
Birthday: October 28th, 1939 at 5:13 A.M.
Birthplace: New York City, New York
Age: 19 years old (Part 2.5) 60 years old (Part 4)
Height: 6 ft 2 (187.96 cm)
Weight: 187 pounds (84.822 kg)
Gender: Cisgender female
Pronouns: She/Her
Sexuality: AroAce Lesbian
Nationality: American
Race: White-European (British and Italian) and Hispanic (Mexican)
Status: Deceased (October 31st, 1959)
Abilities: Hamon, Stand, Precognition, Mediumship, Extrasensory perception, Karate, Kung-Fu, Multilingual
Stand: Stairway To Heaven
Love interest: Lynette Brown
Medical: Fetal macrosomia (Diagnosed), Autism, Borderline Personality Disorder, Major Depressive Disorder, and Panic Disorder Without Agoraphobia (All are undiagnosed), Dysgraphia (Undiagnosed), Polycystic Ovary Sydrome (Undiagnosed) Intermittent Explosive Disorder (Undiagnosed)
Facts: She graduated high school at 16 years old. She is fluent in English, Spanish, and Japanese. She is conversant in Cantonese and Hindi. She is skilled with sewing and enjoys making clothings. Her special interest is Mickey Mouse and she has a whole side of her room dedicated to her collection of memorabilia. She had been collecting since she was 4. Her favorite food is fried chicken and her favorite drink is Coca-Cola. She is afraid of horses and her favorite animal is the rabbit. Her favorite sport is basketball and her favorite book is Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury. Her favorite singer is Doris Day and her favorite actress is Audrey Hepburn. Her favourite colour is peach. Her favourite movie is Roman Holiday (1954). When she was 18 she had a short lived job as an underwear model. She is also an age regresser. She also has a special interest on Batman.
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