#my leg is infected and I can't see a GP until the 14th and I've been like this like 10 days or so now?
kaleidoru · 10 months
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revisited Moira again......... running theme of fallen angels turning insectoid so she's now a part of that
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kaleidoru · 10 months
I think I might be starting to be on the mend 🥹
I've been dealing with a leg infection for like... the past 2 weeks? And I can't see a GP until the 14th of december.
I haven't been able to put my leg down without excruciating nonstop pain and the only relief has been painkillers and keeping my leg up, so I was stuck in bed constantly. I got a laptop desk I can have over my lap in bed so I was FINALLY able to do art yesterday and the day before.
But yeah :< it pretty much began not long after my last post of Asmodeus and is still ongoing. I've had 2 similar leg infections in the right leg but it was my first time getting it in the left leg and was significantly worse this time. I honestly think I just need antibiotics again (like prev 2 times) and then I'll be good to go.
After christmas, I'd like to finally find the courage to open commissions since this year I finally really like how my art looks 🥹❤️ thanks to everyone who has been supporting me and my art all this time too, it's been very motivating going back and reading tags on reblogs, some of y'all have made me tear up before from how nice you all are
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