#my little book recc for u all idk ^)^
primsycoldbottles · 4 months
i wish i could let u guys borrow my irl books... ahh ahhhhh
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prettyboykatsuki · 3 months
you are back! and hopefully refreshed to hear me gasp at the concept of baby daddy oliver. i am wailing like a town crier at the visions spiralling in my mind’s eye……he is SO babydaddy shaped it’s a bit concerning.
even if you are both diametrically opposed about the state of your relationship bc he’s terrible (overbearing), he would go to the ends of the earth for your kid never doubt that.
him holding a chunky baby wearing a mini jersey?? SEDATE ME PLEASE. i think the coparenting would be where you both hit your stride together pushing through teething and sleepless nights and endless research abt if (insert thing here) is typical for your kid. it’s not a traditional situation or even initially remotely normal but you both can depend on each other to see it through and your kid absolutely feels that care bc ur both good parents doing the best they can.
that being said though he absolutely needs to work on not cussing in front of the baby (set up a swear jar) and not eating the snacks?? i can see how the bastard could inhale the applesauce, gogurt tubes and dinosaur nuggets like a vaccuum lmao
so so happy ur back. (i saw that u want to read more this year so i recommend sampling “legends and lattes”. a comfort fantasy read w/ low-ish mystery stakes and the coziest vibe. idk if it’s what you’d usually go for but it wasnt what i go for either yet felt rlly charmed after giving it a try!)
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the problem is that i really from the bottom of my wretched heart thing that man is a GOOD father. not an okay or average one but a GOOODD DAD. and i think the whole coparenting thing goes so well with him in all the ways you describe like he is so Present and so There. and you have so much time together
he takes your kid on daytrips and goes with you to the park and he works even harder to train to give your kid a life. and you know you're right it is not traditional at all!!!! but it works so well and i do think thats the reason you end up falling for him
in my. in my Mind. the reason there's this like bump where you have some resentment about him and some gripes w him because he proves himself capable of being committed and devoted and that's like the main conflict of the romance element and it . it is cooking me half to death
ALSO HIM EATING THE SNACKS FJKHSKDJJKFD. hes so real for that... those little yogurt puffs for babies are DELICIOUS
(thank you for the book recc!!!! i am open to everything so i will give it a peep!!!)
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eggdrawsthings · 2 years
Hi! Same anon here. I was asking about how to draw such expressive figures like your drawings. I noticed even when you were drawing a character standing still, it still looks so alive and dynamic. My drawings always ended up looking so stiff and out of balance. It's weird. Sorry for the trouble and thank you for your time 🥺🙏
Hey! Sorry about all of that. Again, I don't consider myself as someone worthy to ask advice from lol, but I'll try to mention whatever i can think of from the top of my head, so sorry if it's too random. Also, I actually answer sth similar here regarding my process of drawing poses.
You see, when standing still, we tend to shift to one side and put our weight either on the left or right foot, leaning more forward or backward. You want to have the weight shift happening in your drawing too. It makes the figure looks interesting, just by shifting weight to one side, tilting the shoulder a bit, or even twisting the body a little. I learn this from studying Brian Matyas's drawings. He always shifts the character to one side when he's drawing a relaxed standing pose. Also, notice how the shoulder and the hip are always tilted to the opposite side. That creates rhythm. It makes your body less symmetrical, gives it a sense of flow. thus making it more alive. (a trick when observing real-life people is to look to which side the belt is tilting down)
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When your start drawing a pose, draw the action line first. Block out the pose by using boxes or the stick figure technique, whichever you prefer. By simplifying the figure down into line, shape, and form, you can easily see if the proportion of the figure is working or not, without being distracted by details like clothes and hair and stuff. The most common problem I saw is ppl focusing too much on the top half of the body or going into the details too quick, and when they start drawing the lower half, it looks off. Either the legs are too short, the action line is not strong enough, the character looks off balance, etc. So you always want to start by blocking out the pose and checking your proportion. The pose might look stiff at first, but you want to get comfortable with drawing the figure w the correct proportion before trying anything else. This applies to facial structures as well.
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Also utilize the curve against straight, complex against simple. This again gives a sense of flow and contrast to the figure.
Draw from life. Bring a sketchbook with you. Draw when you are in the library, on the train, in the park, etc. Use references too. Keep a reference board, either on your phone, computer, or places like Pinterest. If you can't go out, drawing from videos is good too. Here are some studies I did from some pencak silat videos. It's much harder than drawing from life cos you cant really see the form and such, so I'd still recc going outside and draw when u can.
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When u r drawing from life or videos, observe how people move, stand, sit, etc. Where is the weight distribution. What is the line of action here. How can you exaggerate it. Break it down into shapes. Draw what you see, not what you think you are seeing. Observation is key.
Flip your canvas, compare it to other masters' art, ask for critics, then fix it. Have fun, but also be critical of your art. If you want to, you can find books about figure drawing by masters like Andrew Loomis or George Bridgman. I love their books. Rmb you don't have to go to school to be good at art.
Again, my advice is very biased cos it's based on my own experience and observation. I don't see your art, so Idk what exactly you are having trouble with. But my ask box is always open so feel free to ask again or send me your stuff if you like. I'll try my best to help ^^
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strayfreckles · 4 years
UGH six makes me BAWL everytime! i actually meant book reccs but i will read your recommendations 😌 | starcrossed
oH okay alright i’m sorry sndnkdnsns just me being an idiot, nothing new :D
here are the book recs i’ve whipped out (fair warning, the amount of novels i read each year has decreased drastically so pls don’t be surprised at the meager count here lol)
sense & sensibility — jane austen (as a person who tends to keep their emotions all to themself elinor’s experience hits hard hhhhh [a lil tmi but i think every work of austen’s, excepting mansfield park, is a comfort book of mine idk why])
the crazy rich asians trilogy — kevin kwan (vv atmospheric & humorous !! ik this isn’t exacty everyone’s piece of cake but it actually deals with some isses regarding family & identity that’s worth thinking ab after u read it + i refer to these books a lot when writing sceneries bc i suck at it hh)
the luster of lost things — sophie chen keller (idk how to explain it w/o sounding bad but it basically explores the idea of finding urself & how ppl don’t realize how important one thing is until they actually lose it,, i’m sorry i can’t rlly articulate it that well but i enjoyed this book sm!)
aristotle & dante discover the secrets of the universe — benjamin alire sáenz (a coming-of-age/love story. holy fuck. this book tore my heart apart. if u’ve read it,, u know. if u haven’t,, u’re in for a long & emotional ride)
little fires everywhere — celeste ng (i’m actually not done reading this yet but so far so good !! the author has a way of building up tension so subtly that u actually don’t realize ur hanging by the edge of ur seat until u finish a chapter. it’s that good.)
i just realized that i don’t read ya novels that much djsnsjwnn i think to all the boys i’ve loved before is the only ya series i can stand bc i’m whipped for lara jean hhhh anyways !! sorry again !!
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dachi-chan25 · 5 years
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1.-Furyborn - Claire Legrand
I liked this book more than I expected. There were still some stuff I would like to see explored but well there is the next books for that I guess. I loved there actually was court drama in this and the magic system is intriguing
2.-The Lucky Ones - Tiffany Reisz
Tiffany Reisz is one of my favorite authors and I will literally read anything by her. This book was amazing and so fucked up in the best way, I was really curious as to how she was gonna do in a different genere and she did not disappointed this is a great domestic thriller and i completely recc it.
3.-On the Come Up - Angie Thomas
Last month I read "The Hate U Give" and I knew I had to pick this one next, it was a great desision cuz this book was wonderful, touching and full of valuable lessons for everyone. Angie does great character arcs, like the way she flashes out all her character and has them grow and change for the better 😢😢
4.-Unholy War (Moontide Quartet #3)-David Hair
This is one of my favorite fantasy series, and it amazes me this one is so unknown, reaaaally if u like ASOIAF but u would like it to be more diverse and have a better magic system u should definitely read the Moontide Quartet, it has great political schemes in different courts, amazing and diverse characters (one of our mc is a young hindu girl and another a lesbian muslim queen, we have also a romani girl, for real they have their own stories and their own struggles and are so relevant). This installment of the series left me shook as always, it was so great and I am dying to get to the next one to see the conclusion of this amazing story.
5.- Bag of Bones -Stephen King
I know it even amazed me. So I really didn't like this book. I had heard so much wonderful stuff about it, but gooooods, ok so let's be fair, the first half of the book I was into it, there was a lot of empathy toward Mike and all was great but as soon as Mattie got in the picture oh boy... The whole romance was awkward af, it is plain unrealistic and wishy washy for a girl with Mattie's problems to get it on with Mike, and with that build up??? Nah son, Mattie was so underdeveloped it was disappointing when King has written woman like Rosie Daniels. Also the paranormal aspect had TONS of racist undertones so yeahhh I hope the next one is better.
6.- Pride - Ibi Zoboi
I really like it, I think Ibi made a lot of real intresting changes, but kept the escense of the characters (Zuri really did come out as judgy and Darius seemed a pretentious rich boy at frist and gosh I loved that translated so well to our modern world) to build something entirely of her own, I really loved it and I recc it to everyone who loves P&P.
7.-Little & Lion- Brandy Colbert
So I really loved this book, it had lots of representation a lot of mental Health discussion but even tho I really liked the story and I guess the ending was ok, the way some mental health/sexuality stuff was represented idk it wasn't the best perharps?? Idk some stuff kinda made me go hmmm 😞 I just loved the family stuff and how much Suzette wanted to be there for her brother and yeah her dealing with defining her sexuality was relatable af to me.
8.- Fangirl - Rainbow Rowell
I loved it, I wasn't expecting to but here I am. It was so wonderful and heartwarming and relatable as hell when u are someone who loves fandoms and fanfiction. It was a wonderful la read, I love Cath and Wren to bits, Levi is my boy, Raegan is how I wanna be when I grow up, really it had me reading til 4 in the fucken morning when I had to work the next day.
9.- Broken Things - Lauren Oliver
I liked this one a lot, thrillers with teen detectives are my jam, this one started off very dark and as things got solved it got really worse. I think what really stopped me from loving it completely is the fact that they weren't 100% involved in solving the crime (I get why but u know I like to see the characters really dig and they ended up doing just that but yeah) and it really was a bit of a shock who the killer was (I feel like a dumb bitch cuz I read a book with a similar ending last year so duh ofc I am dumb) .
This was a pretty good month all in all, I am accostumed to read a lot more but I started on a new job so I guess this is fine. I can't get over the fact that Stephen King disappointed me 2 times this month (It chapter 2 and Bag of Bones) idk he is one of my faves so maybe I will not read him next month to give myself space and then I'll jump back to his work in November.
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woozi · 2 years
henlo yza <333
it's so great to see woobin back on screen 🥺, i forgot to tell you, before homecha it was when the weather is fine which was ( still is shjddj) my comfort drama. i think the most favorite parts from it are the book club the characters held at this bookstore every week and everyone would bring something books, poetry to read aloud. the quotes and poems were so <//3 whole drama overall is is like hot chocolate <3 but unlike homecha which was warm and light, it's cold, sad and melancholic jdjdkd a slow burn tbh but it's the kind of sad which gives comfort? i hope i make sense 😭. not many ppl liked it hdjdkdkd ig it's not for everyone.
in a way ( the first two episodes) our blues reminds me of when the weather is fine but on lighter tone. it's like writers mixed both dramas and created this one hddjdk :3
ALSO ( im so sorry for ranting about drama lmao 😭😭😭 ) i checked what ahn hyo seop is working on next and it's remake of a taiwanese drama called " someday or one day" i watched it last year it literally blew my mind 😭 the plot was so goood. it's a time travelling drama! im very excited to see ahn hyo seop in remake of this. business proposal really made me like him (had never seen any previous projects of his).
speaking of which, what have been your current obsessions? dhjfkfk
japan + us tour 😭😭😭😭😭 SCREAMING, that's how it always is 😔
im so excited for the darling btw <3 ( little confession, i have never liked darling for nickname dhsjdjdkdk i've only liked variations of names as nicknames instead of an actual one hdjddk)
tonight's teaser was so pretty omg. honestly wasn't looking forward to it that much dhjdjdkd but teasers and all have been pretty decent so im excited. im afraid im gonna be bias wrecked hard by w̶o̶n̶u̶ 🤕 this is so sick and twisted i don't wanna go back to being bias wrecked again 😭 by him 😭🤕💀 anyway.
what are your thoughts on teasers <3?
OH MY GOD YOU'RE SO- HSHDHDJDJDJKDDK YOU'RE SUCH A GENIUS YZA 😭 i will definitely keep this in mind and ask my tattoo artist to add one of my bday thank you sm for the idea!! problem is moon on my birthday was barely visible 😭 2% waxing crescent </3 it still might look good on last end i guess <3
hdjdkfkf it's 6th july, when is yours? is it in late july? hdhdjdkd
has your break started already? honestly week offs should never end </3 hope you're enjoying and resting along with catching up w your uni work <//3, sending goodest vibes your way hehe <3 love you
"whole drama overall is is like hot chocolate" THE WAY YOU HAVE WITH WORDS OH MY GOD???????????
also SOOO so valid <3 you're giving me SOO many good reccs omg thank u ma'am i'll def keep u posted <3 AND NOOOO OMG dont be sorry at all i love hearing from u!! NOW i havent seen a t-drama im VERY VERY excited to check this out
also nothing new tbh my obsession is procrastinating JFDJKFDJKFD ok but to answer that seriously it's still gifmaking lmao 😭😭 it really is my outlet
i get why so many artists are going for us tours though (the restrictions are... very light if any, to say the least, on there) but still fdjkjfkfjdk idk
AND OMGGGGGGGGG HOW DID U FIND DARLING 👀 do u like it? not like it? meh? 👀 ALSO WIG FJKFJKJFKD darling kinda sounds like sumn an old lady will call u i get that JDJKF
AND I KNOWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!! the teasers aren't bringing something entirely new to the table, but i still like them! i think the video teaser was what made me the most excited though!! AND NOT WONU DFJFDJK WHY AM I ALWAYS SURROUNDED BY WWRIDEULS!! (i get it though.. I REALLY DO... HAS ANYONE SEEN THE DUDE.. thats why he's always topping the carat polls) the glitch on his name made me laugh 😭😭
OFC ANYTHING FOR U <33333 also 2% that is literally a line lmAOO
ALSO OH MY GODDDDDD YOU'RE ALSO A JULY BABIEEEEEEE!!!!!!!! im so obsessed w u <3 it really is thats why i have that as my main's url JFDJKJKFD VERY late july (29)
my break's ending this weekend and i have NOT done much for the past 2 weeks i feel so ASHAMED BUT LIKE FDJJKDJKDFJKDFJ I NEED PROFESSIONAL HELP ATP I THINK LMAO holy shit 😭😭😭
thank u for always catching up and sharing ur life w me 🥺 how have you been? i hope you are well and fine <333333 ily THE MOSTTTTTTTTTTTTTT
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