#my man’s gonna throw a clipboard at this mf
peach-pops · 4 years
Hello! Do you remember "Dating a Hothead/easily angered girlfriend" blog from anonymous? Can I request for Akaashi, Kageyama, Ushijima, Sugawara, and Tsukishima of how will they react to their s/o? Thank you! I really really really love that blog! It really reminds me of me of being sassy 😂. Anyways, sorry for bothering you *bows*
Author’s note: UGH Im so sorry this took me so long to get out! I only did Kageyama and Akaashi cause I wanted a bit of a contrast hope that’s okay! Also, I wanna point out that there’s nothing wrong with defending yourself, even if things do get violent. I don’t condone violence I’m just saying to protect yourself in the best way possible! 
Here’s the first part!
Akaashi and Kageyama with a Hotheaded Girlfriend
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Akaashi knows how angry you get so he always does his best to try and make sure everything goes smoothly to avoid any casualties
BUT Akaashi can’t control every little thing and he realizes this fairly early in your relationship
I’m a full believer that Bokuto loves raves and clubbing and because of this, he usually drags you and Akaashi along
One night you three and a couple of other Fukurodani members are out clubbing and immediately, Akaashi surveys the room: where are the exits? Where’s the bathroom? Which group looks like trouble? Where did his girlfriend and best friend go???
He spots a group of girls near the bar that are a part of a bachelorette party who are a bit rowdy but he kinda brushes them off cause there’s nothing threatening about six girls wearing cheap wedding veils
You guys get your own private table in the corner ( bless Konoha and his connections) and after an hour or two of drinking and dancing, you take the initiative to go buy the next round of drinks cause that’s just club etiquette and you’re lowkey ballin
Let’s get it miss independent !!!! 😤 😤 😤
Akaashi offers to go with you but you tell him to watch Bokuto cause he might bust his head from dancing on the table
Once you make it to the bar, you decide just to order a pretty expensive bottle for the table because you’re not confident in your ability to carry six shots back without spilling it everywhere
You pay for the bottle and start making your way back to the table when you see the bridal party from earlier hanging out at your table. You see two girls laughing side by side with Bokuto (ok my dude get some) BUT THEN you search for Akaashi and sure enough, you see him visibly uncomfortable as the ‘soon to be bride’ tries sitting in your mans lap.
Akaashi looks up and he’s conflicted cause he wants your help to get this drunk girl off of him but he also knows you’re crazy and you might kill her in the process
“ Your hair looks so sexy pushed back! Has anyone ever told you that before?”
“ Please go away, my girlfriend is coming and she won’t be happy-”
“ Aw girlfriend? No fair why are the cute ones always taken?”
“ Aren’t you getting married?”
You’re gripping the bottle so tight in your hands and Akaashi can see it in your eyes that you are soooo close to hitting this bitch over the head with the bottle
He already knows exactly what you’re thinking and he’s pleading with you not to just with his eyes
Would you kill a girl over sitting in your mans lap? Yeah probably I mean you were fucking crazy
BUT since you could see how serious Akaashi was, you loosened your grip on the bottle and placed it on the table. Before the bride could even look over, you had already lightly nudged pushed her off of Akaashi’s lap and sat down on your boyfriend as if to claim him
“ What is your problem, you didn’t have to push me!” The bride whined as she got off the floor but you kept your glare on her
Akaashi squeezed your thigh to try and calm you down but maybe it was because of the alcohol so you just clenched your fists even tighter
“ You’re lucky all I did was push you. I can’t believe you’re about to get married and you’re trying to straddle my fucking boyfriend!”
Akaashi can feel how tense you are so he sits you on the inside of the booth so he can be in the middle between the girl and you. At this point, you’re sitting next to Bokuto and he’s laughing nervously cause he’s never seen you act like this before but he’s a ride or die so hes automatically team Y/N
“ Are you threatening me?”
“ Yeah, I am. What are you going to do about it?”
“ Y/N stop-”
“ Yeah, listen to your boyfriend bitch.”
Before you can lunge over the table, Akaashi keeps his arm out and blocks you from doing so. He turns to the girl and bows his head, trying not to let his own anger consume him,” I think you should leave.”
“ And what if I don’t want to?” The soon to be bride pokes bitterly as she attempts to wrap her arm around Akaashi’s shoulders,” what is your girlfriend gonna do, hit me?”
She’s right, you can’t launch yourself across the table and your arm doesn’t have the reach but you had alternatives. You grabbed a half-drunken glass of some brown rum and you flung the alcohol into the girls face
Everyone at the table was SHOCKED, lowkey including you cause you didn’t even mean to throw the drink in her face it just happened YOU SWEAR it was just an instinct
Who could blame you I mean you were so mad plus you had been watching so many compilations of “ Best Housewives Fights from Bravo” that it was the first thing you could think of
Akaashi, bless him and his brilliant mind, immediately blocked your body with his because the soon to be bride tries climbing into the booth to beat you up and Bokuto also has a protective grip on your wrist to stop you from killing her
LUCKILY before you could spill any blood, security comes and forces the girl to leave your table
At first, you thought Akaashi was mad at you so you kind of pout and tell him how sorry you were but Akaashi doesn’t even care he just makes sure you’re okay
In his head, he knows maybe you were in the wrong for pushing the girl but he would never admit it outloud cause he values his life
My heart swoons for this man
Bokuto on the other hand is slapping your back and shaking your shoulders going,” Holy crap Y/N that was AWESOME!!!”
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You and Kageyama had only recently started dating so he probably doesn’t have any idea how mad you could get. He’s seen a few times where you’ve gotten upset over school or your family problems but he still didn’t think too much about it
Who was he to be put off at having an easily angered s/o when he was balancing between his own emotions?
Anyway! You were one of Karasuno’s managers and you and Kiyoko got SO CLOSE! The job was super easy and it meant you could spend more time with your boyfriend so win-win!
The only part that was ever hard for you was other guys constantly hitting on you and Kiyoko like damn okay you both were hot as hell but at least treat girls with respect?
You didn’t mind guys telling you that you both were pretty caused duh you two already knew that but most of them were SOOO disgusting and you never let it slide
Before one of Karasuno’s games, you were on the sidelines with Kiyoko chatting about the next match when you could hear some of the guys from the other team trying to get your attention
“ Damn, Karasuno girls really are as fine as they say, they look soooo good.”
“ God, the things I would do if I was alone with them.”
“ I know you two can hear us, turn around so we can see what we’re working with.”
You just kept your eyes locked onto your clipboard because you didn’t want Kageyama to see how fucking crazy you could get but JESUS it was so hard when these two guys were harassing you
“ Kiyoko, I will fucking lose my mind if they come over here. I think I’m going to snap someone’s neck,” You said through gritted teeth as you watched your boyfriend warm up.
“Maybe you should go cool off in the bathroom before the game starts. I’ll let Kageyama-Kun know what’s going on and I’ll meet you in the hallway,” Kiyoko suggested as you gave her prayer hands cause she really do be a queen
You took your clipboard with you as if it was a weapon and stomped out to the bathroom cause you knew if you stayed in that gym any longer, you would cause a scene
You rinsed your face in the bathroom and you took a few deep breaths as you tried to calm yourself down
Your friends and family always told you that you needed to get your anger under control and now that you were dating, the last thing you needed was to scare Kageyama off
When you started to head out towards the gym, you felt in the air that something was off like spidey senses but instead, it’s like a creep radar was sounding off in your head
That’s when you saw Kiyoko and one of the guys from earlier cornering her against a wall
You can see that Kiyoko was visibly uncomfortable and you were just about to push your limit
“ I said to leave me alone. I’m waiting for a friend.”
“ Oh, you mean the other manager? I’m telling you, we would treat you like absolute queens at our school-”
“ Hey dude, back the hell off!” You shoved the guy to the side pretty hard to the point where he stumbled back a few good feet,” fucking creep.”
This dude, this mf has the audacity to POST UP TO YOU! You’re not even intimidated by him even though he’s easily half a foot taller than you
Like he’s in your face cause now he’s pissed that this girl actually managed to shove him pretty hard
“ Lay your hands on me again and see what happens.”
“ Are you threatening me? Cause if you are, go on and try to hit me I fucking dare you!”
Kiyoko is like nuh uh not on my watch and while im pretty sure kiyoko can throw fucking hands, she ran to go get Kageyama like “ go get ur girl”
This alerts pretty much the whole team even though they’re supposed to be warming up, they go with Kageyama cause if the boys hear your name and that you need help, they get hella protective
Kageyama slides over to the hallway and sees this dude yelling in your face and he sees red when the guy lays a hand on your shoulder
Before Kageyama can even make it over to you, you smash your clipboard over the guys head so hard, he hits the floor
BUT BRUH once he hits the floor you don’t! Stop! hitting ! him!
Like that clipboard is the perfect weapon oml
“ Don’t! Ever! Touch! Me!” You literally bash him after every word and this dude can’t even fight back like I personally dont feel bad but ummmmm you might commit murder
Kageyama rushes over to you and grabs you so you can stop and he’s trying to calm you down but once the word “bitch” slips out of the guys mouth, Kageyama grabs him by the jersey and is shaking him like a ragdoll
“ Watch your goddamn mouth before I put my fist through it!”
And you’re still heated so you want to basically jump this dude with your boyfriend cause romance ya know but Suga is holding you back ( he highkey struggling)
And now Noya and Tanaka are trying to hold Kageyama back because while they definitely would’ve reacted the same way, they don’t want Kageyama to go overboard
“ What did you just say? Go on and say it again-”
“ Kageyama please!”
“ You’re lucky I’m getting held back-”
“ Y/N! Enough!”
Just two lovebirds threatening a dudes life I love it
Things get resolved pretty quickly thanks to daddy daichi calming everyone down and now it’s time for the match to start
Suga lets go of you when Kageyama walks over and the first thing he does is hug you tightly. He practically squeezes the life out of you like this experience really showed how protective he was
He even admits that while he’s glad you can handle yourself, you shouldn't have to stand up to people alone and 100% doesn’t think you overreacted at all especially when Kiyoko thanks you for sticking up for her
He’s a bit intimidated by how you acted only because he had never saw you that mad before but he doesn’t blame you for how you handled it
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